Shaykh Yasir Qadhi | The Signs of the End of Times, pt 2 - Minor signs

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law Oh bismillah al hamdulillah have been a dimino salat wa salam o allah say the Muhammad Ali he was like my oh my oh my god last Wednesday I had begun discussing the signs of Judgment Day we had divided them into a number of categories we talked about the minor signs in the major signs and then I said the minor signs as well can be divided into two types of categories number one specific incidents one-off and number two general trends so we were doing still the specific incidents and today shala will continue Shakalaka would the specific incidents I had mentioned the Battle of the GEMA the Battle of Siffin I had mentioned the spread of safety in the time of the Sahaba and now we move on to the next of the minor signs that have been predicted in the authentic hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them of the minor signs and this clearly shows the truth of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them because no one could ever have predicted this is the rise of a race that was considered to be a backward race and this is the race of the attract the Turks they attract our prophet sallallaahu I am prophesized that this race would become dominant and that they would conquer the Arabs now who are the attract the attract are a group of races is not just one race within the tork there are many races it's like saying out of there are many out of sub-races it's one of the categories of human races the attract are a group of races who originate in what is essentially Mongolia and the caucus mountains that region you can say they are the cousins of the Mongolians so the Mongolians are raced in the attract or a cousin race they have a common ancestor between them and that is why the Turkish language in the Mongolian language they share many similarities now contrary to popular misunderstanding the modern attract the people of Turkey are not from that land of Turkey they are from far more East than that they are from a land that is what is now we call it Turkmenistan Turkmenistan where the Xinjiang provinces okay that is the land of the attack and the attract came from there and they eventually conquered what is now modern Turkey and it was called Turkey because the attract aim there before they came there it wasn't called Turkey that's not the name of that land it was called Anatolia or other lands of that nature the name turkey the country Turkey is after the race the attract that eventually conquered that region originally the atok were a far away from the Arabs and the Arabs never interactive with them by and large the Arabs hardly interacted with any race other than the sassanids and the Byzantine Empire for our prophet sallal our cinema in Medina to predict that that far away race is going to rise up and eventually dominate what is the Ottoman Empire other than Turkish right this is one of those miraculous predictions and by the way these a hadith were compiled centuries before the rise of the Ottoman Empire you will find manuscripts those who deny the authenticity of Haddy you will find manuscripts written in the second third fourth century predicting the rise of the attract and the Turks rose up five hundred years ago that's it and there are many many a hadith the most famous amongst them and these are also a Muslim some of them and there's a genre I did the most famous amongst them the prophets as amused alliteration alliteration means he said things that sound the same and they have a level of eloquence Oracle at Arak Amata or cocoon at Oracle Ataka ma Terra pokum leave the Turks as long as they leave you don't fight the Turks leave the Turk as long as they are a coup come they leave you alone because when you will fight them you will lose and they will win over you and that is exactly what happened now some have said this could also be a prediction of the Mongol Empire because the the Mongolian race and the Turk are really kind of one race as we said they go back to the same heritage and even their language and so a thousand years ago it would not be incorrect to call the Mongols the Genghis Khan it would not be incorrect to call him a Turk even though in modern times they're two separate ethnicities the mongolian and the and the Turkic races however others have said the prediction of Turkic here is the Muslim Turks eventually right so eventually this group of people they came amongst them were the soldiers so within the Turkish race there were many famous dynasties the most famous of the earliest dynasties with the seljuq dynasty al porcelain al person on was the one who came to power and he was the first of the Turkish people to basically get a base in the lands of Islam and they converted to Islam and of course his main Vizier was Nizam Luke the famous nizam al-mulk so that was all parcel on the Seljuk Empire is not the same as the Ottoman Empire they are both Turkic but the two of them biologically are different so the first Turkish Empire was the Seljuk Empire they were magnificent they came they conquered and then they fizzled out and then another group came it was smileys we call them the ottomans right those of you that are watching the our two little series which is a mythic you know romanticization of that but it is you know the kernel of history is there so the rise of the mon tribe was manly ottoman is the children of this month this is the second prediction and our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam predicted that this empire and this group would become the dominant one and that is exactly what happened that when the Turks came they eventually took over the Muslim land and in the early part of the 16th century 1515 or so they requested from the final remnants of the Abbasid Empire to hand over the Salathe to them and so they then acquired the Khilafah and from around 1,500 seee up until 1927 as you know the Ottoman Empire was the Caliphate of Muslim lands and it was the only Empire that claimed to be the Khalifa that were non Arab before this point the Seljuks never claimed to be Felisa the soldiers were rural dynasty they never said they were the Khalifa the seljuqs were in power when their ambassadors were the Khalifa and they were a powerful dynasty but they never said they were the halifa and Ottomans were the first non Arab to say that they were the Khalifa of Islam another prediction also related to the Ottoman Empire is just as bizarre and that is the conquest of the single greatest city in the history of the medieval world a city that we would think of it like the New York or something of our times and that is Constantinople once again what is Constantinople Constantinople for a thousand years was the bastion of Western civilization and what will make us understand what Constantinople was we hardly study history or have no idea what Constantinople was Constantinople for over a thousand years it was the capital of the Roman Empire Constantine himself Constantinople is named after him Constantine the great established the capital the city existed even before then and for a thousand three hundred years it remained the capital of the greatest empire known to man up until that point in time and that was the great Roman Empire and Europe was nothing at the time Europe was a backward land Europe was barbarians at the time even Christianity has not spread in Europe when Constantinople was the center of Christendom and of the Holy Roman Empire and the prophecies and predicted that the Muslims would one day conquer Constantinople again an amazing prediction how can a small group of persecuted people in Makkah daydreaming of conquering Constantinople but a prophecies and predicted that now because of this the Sahaba had it in their minds that they wanted to conquer Constantinople and in fact the first Sahabi to launch a campaign to try to conquer Constantinople was none other than morale Weah even a beat Sufjan when he was barely in his early 20s he managed to come very close to Constantinople via the Navy fleet as you know they landed in Cyprus and then they landed on the banks of the Bosphorus and then they attempted to conquer the city but it was way too powerful they C they laid siege but they could not it was simply too powerful for them and that is why the famous companion abou Ayub a ton saudi he died outside of the walls of Constantinople the famous companion the one whom the prophecies and he he lived at in his house when he entered Medina can you imagine the same companion whom the prophecies and lived in his house for six months how Allah has ordered blessed the Ummah how quickly did the persecuted rise up and become almost the conquerors of the world that same companion Alderaan in life he was of that batch who attacked Constantinople and he passed away a Shaheed he died outside the city and he was buried in an anonymous graveyard until it was miraculously discovered when sodium and Al Fateh opened it the fact of the matter you want my academic opinion this is not the actual grave of a boy you belong sorry the one that they claim to be it is simply a anyway that's besides the point I don't sugarcoat the reality this is just something that the Ottomans did to shore up PR to make people like me feel a need that they have something but in reality nobody knows where were you with Asbury who's gonna have mark the grave how would they have known for a thousand years anyway that's besides the point a boy you burn on saudis grave is somewhere all I'm saying is the grave that they say that it is it is actually look at historically it is simply constructed later on in history the point being that the Sahaba attempted to conquer Constantinople and their eyes were under many Adama and historians have said that positive INSEAD actually his main intention for going to underdose was to make his way by land because he knew that by sea would not be possible because reinforcements etc he wanted to conquer land by land until he goes from North Africa to unloose all the way to Constantinople somehow presume this and Allah knows best the point is the eyes were on the prize many people wanted to conquer Constantinople but of course it only happened in the year who knows what ear consonant ovals conquered what year 14 1453 by mass-murder muhammad al-fatih by slogan muhammad al-fatih the turks saif al fatiha Muhammad and the conquest of Constantinople changed the course of human history it marked the end of one ERA and the beginning of another literally one of you know if you wanted to list the ten most famous incidents in all of human history the conquest of Constantinople is in the top five it's that big of a deal that the Muslims finally conquered Constantinople and this was predicted by our prophets of a set of hadith is assigned Muslim that a Sahabi asked our beloved Muhammad at our house one of the tabular and asked him that which one will will conquer first Constantinople or Rome they had heard of Rome Rome was there but Rome was not to the power and the level of Constantinople it was far number two and so he said Ving me my book so they opened up his book because a Berlin I'm live in a house he would write a hadith of the Prophet system and his eyes were failing he looked it up and he wanted to refresh his memory and he said no the prophecies are predicted that we would conquer Constantinople before Rome subhanAllah Constantinople 1453 and in all likelihood the other lands that are meant to be done during the time of the Maddy and Allah soldier knows best now there is a cryptic prediction about Constantinople that kinda sorta throws a spanner in the works it kind of is difficult to understand and I'll mention it to you and let's see if we can get understanding and the leave the rest to allah subhanho wa taala when we talked about the mande on last saturday i had mentioned that some a hadith seemed to mention that the Mahdi will conquer Jerusalem and also Constantinople okay and that is somewhat problematic because Constantinople has already been conquered and the man he was in there and the explicit authentic hadith in Sahih Muslim tells us the mechanism via which Constantinople will be conquered and that is that the Muslims will lay siege for a long time and they will fall short of supplies and the the him will be going down until finally they will say let us do a thicker of Allah loudly and we will conquer Constantinople via Vicar and so they began chanting that the sphere and takbir and amede and eventually the walls of the city will begin to shake and the walls will collapse because of the Vicar of the Muslims now that did not happen in 1453 in 1453 it was an all-out siege muhammad al-fatih he threw in the troops the Navy the army you know he threw in everything he laid siege for a number of times even the ottomans tried multiple times and by the way one of the reasons the ottomans could then demand from the Abbasid hand over the Halawa the Abbas's had gone down weak because of the Mongol invasion they had to flee to the Mameluke Egypt and the Ottomans after they conquered Constantinople they then felt confident enough to say okay you guys you no longer qualified to be the Khalifa we can be the Khalifa so there was a ceremony in which the last of their buses symbolically handed his cloak and his turban to the first of the Ottoman Silla Khalifa's that actually took place an actual ceremony when did it take place after the conquest of Constantinople even though the Turks go back to 1300 the ottomans go back to 1300 but they didn't feel confident enough to say to the Khalifa make us the Khalifa until they had the prize until they had the silver platter with the city on it and that is Constantinople of course as you all know they changed the name to Istanbul and that is why if you go to Istanbul mashaallah I'll be doing that next year as well if you want to come with the academic tour there's so much history to see so much history to see you can see Christian history you can see Roman history you can see Muslim history you can see so much in that city it goes back so many years and the ears of you know human civilization overlap so how do we understand that hadith in another hadith we'll learn that Constantinople be conquered by seventy thousand children of his hat is hat the children of Isaac will help conquer Constantinople how do we understand this Allah knows best but it appears this is talking about another conquest towards the end of times it appears that a time will come where that land will no longer be considered a part of the lands of Islam that's not the case right now but something might happen that those lands are no longer considered the lands of Islam and so once again there will have to be a reconquest and so this hadith that talks about 70,000 of the children of his half who are the children of his half the Arabs would call the Romans children of his half and this hadith predicts that there will be many Western people because Rome is the Western land who will convert to Islam and who will be on the side of the malady and who will be fighting on the side of the truth and they will then be reconquering constantinople from whoever else it is and at that point in time they will use the dhikr of Allah as a weapon and the dhikr of Allah there will not be violence there will not be bloodshed they will simply say Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar and the deccan will go louder and louder until as a miracle from Allah the walls of the city will collapse and they will simply walk in and conquer the city without any bloodshed this is something that didn't happen in 1453 so clearly therefore there will be another conquering of Constantinople towards the end of times and alot some kind of what Allah knows best another prediction and this could be a trend and it could be a specific incident Allah knows best but we are all aware of one of the most amazing predictions that we now see in front of us in our own lifetime and that is the prediction that in the Arabian Peninsula there shall be higher and higher buildings in the Arabian Peninsula there shall be skyscrapers and this is something that again who could have ever imagined we need to understand when Islam came to Arabia the Arabian people were of the most backward in the world they did not even have government they were tribal you know the basic sign of civilization is government they didn't have a government they didn't have a codified language they did not have a script the script was developed after Islam they there was not a single library in all of Arabia there was no three-story structure didn't exist the max you could do two stories very small they couldn't build tall buildings that's why even when they had any type of technology they're bringing it from outside because they're not any technological advance they will import their swords from India that's why the hadith mentions Indian swords that would import their armor from Byzantine they would import to their cloth from Yemen the Arabs did not have that level of civilization that Arabs had that other lands had so for the prophecies are predicted to predict that Arabia and the Arab lands would have the tallest buildings is once again surreal how could that happen and not just that but people who were only yesterday dirt-poor would be competing with one another - who is gonna build a taller building and I don't need to go into explicit detail why this is self-evident as we speak these all rich family that control that part of the world their own rulers were born in poverty listen to the interviews of the senior Prince's those that are still alive they tell us look at their YouTube videos when their own fathers came to power and back in the 20s and 30s they weren't rich there was an oil back event these same princes mentioned they didn't have running water they didn't have shoes and slippers they would run around in the sand and what did are prophecies that I'm saying you will find barefoot Shepherds their ancestors were shepherds they were barefoot and now that they are the multi-billionaires what do they do what is their pastime what is their hobby in the year 2000 Faisal iya center opens up in 2010 Butch Khalifa opens up in 2015 this happens each one of these princes wants to show that I have the bigger building and Burj Khalifa by the way is two and a half times taller than the Empire State Building go imagine that and when the other prince of Arabia heard that he was follows I'm gonna build and layout something that is even taller than your Burj Khalifa it's as if Marshall that Iman is so strong they won't approve the process incorrect and they're gonna say look I'm gonna do exactly what the process I'm say but of course they anyway so the point being that it is self-evident in our times we are seeing this phrase enacted in front of our eyes who could have ever imagined who could have ever imagined three or four or I forgot now five of the they keep on changing of the tallest ten buildings in the world or in that region go figure and who did then Shepherds that were born their foots poor and each one is competing with the other to see who is going to build the taller building so these are all specific incidents that have been predicted by our prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them let us now move on to the next section of our predictions and that is general trends it's not one-off it's a general trend that the prophecies and predicted things would change towards the end of times and he's mentioning how societal changes will occur what is gonna change in culture what is gonna change in how people live and how people interact so we'll mention around 10 or 15 of the general trends predicted by our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them of them he explicitly predicted that our problem of this Ummah would be an excess of wealth a surplus of wealth not a lack of wealth generally speaking the Ummah would have plenty of wealth hadith is a certain activity every Ummah is tested with one fitna and the fitna that Allah will test my Ummah with is money the fitna that Allah will test my Ummah with is money I did this ayah Parvati that one day money came from Bahrain and the processor was going to distribute it a treasure time so he prayed fetcher and he saw the Masjid packed like it was Juma and he said it looks like you have heard that the money has arrived they said yes he said I give you glad tidings don't worry you will get your money but wallah he I am not worried that you will be poor after I die I am worried that this world will open its treasures to you and you will compete with one another to see who has the most treasure and in that competing you will destroy yourselves like the nation's before you destroyed themselves so the profit system when there was extreme poverty when many Sahaba did not even have two pieces of cloth when in the Medina phase he himself sallallahu alayhi wa seldom as aisha says never ate to his fall twice when six weeks would go by and they didn't light a fire because they didn't have meat to cook six weeks would go by without a fire in that phase the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them predicted my ummah will be rich Ouma and we have wealth even the lands that are deemed to be poor their natural resources are of the most wealthy even for example of honest on that has a low GDP the natural resources in terms of minerals in terms of what it has the world is salivating over it because of what it has so the Muslim Ummah is blessed with wealth mismanagement and greed is what has destroyed it but we are a wealthy nation overall and in hamdulillah by and large and many countries the Muslims are living good lives including the ones here in the western lands as well so our process and predictiveness you're also predicted that evils were spread and this is many many things for example he predicted that people will stop trusting one another the loss of amana trust he said when people stop trusting one another wait for Judgment Day it's around the corner when a mana is lost when people stop trusting one another he also predicted the rise of corrupt and evil rulers when people who are not worthy become leaders he said wait for Judgment Day the worst become the leaders wait for Judgment Day he also predicted that there would be plenty of bloodshed and fighting he predicted that the unmoor would fight at a time when no two muslims had ever drawn swords against one another imagine that never in the co-op did two muslims draw blood as a civil war in the time of the prophecies of them never did the two Muslim camps in one occasion they they came close to a fistfight but it never would be on that never one beyond them and even that fistfight if you read the serie then when I feel cold were the ones that were instigating it and not even there and the prophecies are predicted that the Ummah would continually fight amongst itself until Judgment Day once the sword is unsheathed he said it will never be put back in and the oume will constantly fight until Judgment Day he also predicted that not only the Ummah but overall killing and bloodshed and wars would be increased and he predicted that people would kill one another for no whatsoever and this was unknown you know mass shootings that are common in this land we grow up and we are accustomed to them every few days we wake up and some crazed lunatic has killed people for absolutely no reason we are accustomed to it we need to understand this phenomenon does not take place anywhere in the world other than this land you all know this anywhere in the world this really does not take place number one number two even this is a recent phenomenon it is unknown in human history that people just go on a mass killing for no reason and kill people and our professor Sam said the judgment day will not come until the killer and the one killed will not know why each one did it to the other neither will the killer have the motive nor the one killed when the law was I killed what was the purpose of my killing senseless killing and this was predicted by our prophecies Amanda dejes and Behati of the predictions as well and this is something that again we are born at a time in place we never think twice about it our prophecies unpredicted that intercourse outside of marriage would become the normal Xena would become the norm now again we are born in a time in a place where it is the norm so we kind of think that has been the case always known even in jahiliya even in pre Islam families with the dignity with respect did not engage in premarital much less extramarital and that is why in the famous hadith sahih bukhari was also in Serie Venetian when the conquest of Makkah took place and grudgingly Abu Sufian and his wife accepted Islam and what is the name of the wife of Abu Sufyan who can tell me hint hint all of us hindi should know what it is right by the way why was hint called hind' another tangent here and this is gonna help us hindi people why was Hindi called hint other Sophia's wife was from India Masha Allah Masha Allah no no no all the say heads are from India just remember that okay all they say is we are from India Masha Allah to article look I predict I say all of the descendants of the process and they marketed Indian Pakistan that's why every second one of us Masha Allah we are say yes anyway that's just a joke why was him called hint much others good for us people from that part of the world the Arabs exhaust his sized India and so something that was very beautiful was indeed so Hindu was called hint meaning it's a name that is meant to imply her father would have a name der this Loretta would have named her this to imply he will be a beautiful lady from India an Indian type of lady so they are called the hint anyway where was I so when the hint embraced Islam she wasn't too happy but she did it then Allah opened Hartford for Islam so she came to give the oath of allegiance to the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it's a famous story it's actually a very funny story if you listen to heard the many things happen there so much sword will hop Bob fell down laughing so loud he couldn't contain his laughter it was a funny thing I'm not gonna have time to that one of the phrases hind' objected to every condition somehow yet she still took the oath of allegiance right so the conditions are going for it and Hindi has something sarcastic to prod back and one of the conditions was that once you embrace Islam you will not do zina you know outside of marriage you will not in to have intercourse outside of marriage this phrase Hindu was not sarcastic she was shocked she was not coming with the swift comeback on the contrary she was shocked what type of condition is this and she said our test in eritrea rasool allah does any free lady of dignity commit zina that you have to put this condition on us in other words even though she is not a Muslim at the time lived her life in pre Islam the concept of intercourse outside of marriage she was like what why would you put this condition on us what is it even possible that a dignified lady will do this right this was the perception they had pre Islam and again I'd like to remind us in this land you will be shocked to find out that all of these trends go back one generation back in the 30s and 40s the people are still alive of this land in their age if somebody wanted to marry another you know person they would have to ask permission from the father of the lady to go out on a date and the date would be chaperoned and the goal would be not just floating around no this is now a manageable age the man has a job he's 25 26 years old the lady is 22 23 the goal is are we compatible this is back in the 40s and 50s it was impossible in that era and that's why if a lady became pregnant one generation ago it was a matter of shame for that for that family they would send the girl to some type of private boarding school this is literally one generation ago things have changed completely from the 60s and second wave feminism and you know the radical movements you know from you know the the the the free you know sexual liberation movements and whatnot all of this changed in the late 60s early 70s all of this before this point in time even this land and all of the Western world they had remnants of hyah they had remnants of dignity and decency one generation and everything has changed so much so that these days if a young kid in high school is not dating the council will have a conversation what's wrong with you everything okay everything okay everything why aren't you doing something right and statistics will lie are depressing over 70 and I'm sorry to be blunt but you know you're gonna hear this from a listen hiding these statistics is not gonna change reality perhaps some of you might be shocked oh my God he's speaking like this in the messages yeah if I don't speak about in the messaging world so you're gonna if you are not going to understand a nun I'm not gonna understand that our children are living in this land and they're facing these problems and we don't solve them here where else do you expect them to be solved so I apologize for now I'm still you know you don't know my habits that well but I don't shy away from speaking that which is gonna protect our community over 75% of teenagers in this land are engaging in intercourse teenagers seventy five percent both genders stop deluding yourself that your children and your child is an angel stop deluding yourself my child and your children are living in the same land may Allah protect all of us we need to be aware of this I'm sorry to be so blunt a colleague of mine did her PhD in a Canadian University in sociology I know her I read her summary of the PhD I have it on my file and the PhD was the drug and sexual habits of Muslims on college campuses the most thorough survey done of our Muslim community and I'm not going to give you the numbers because honestly I thought I knew but reading that it was like a dagger to my heart we have an endemic crisis I'm not going to give you the numbers suffice to say it is terrifying terrifying she did an anonymous survey the most thorough survey of college-going Muslim boys and Muslim girls drug use tobacco use alcohol and zina and the surveys are there it's a public PhD you can even find it if you want to look at it is there the findings are there this is the world we live in now my point is this could never have been predicted even a hundred years ago even a hundred years ago no one could have predicted this type of revolution because these families the same people that were living amongst they had aya as well I mean if you watched Little House on the Prairie there wearing a job better than some of us were a job as the reality they had laws men and women aren't going to be together you know in public they're not going to go out on a date unless it is meant for marriage purposes there's no such thing as casual dating all of this has changed and our prophecies and predicted what he predicted in the shower of Xena Xena would be everywhere and he also predicted that nudity would be everywhere fahisha would be everywhere that people would show their bodies in public and again I don't need to comment to you I just want to mention once again these are things we don't understand and know but in this country in our own generation the issues of pornography have changed radically in the 60s even it was technically illegal to get pornography in the 60s and the famous in a hustler magazine guy went to the Supreme Court and overturned the ruling and in one generation from it being illegal to get a magazine now pornography is ruining every household in this land and we still are reeling from the damages because of the internet and wonder what not who could have predicted this who could have predicted this one generation ago the government our government had a special body to monitor Hollywood and any scene that was deemed to be immoral was cut off this is Hollywood and that is why you will not find nudity in black and white movies why because our own government had some hire and there were monitor Hollywood movies subhanAllah in the 30s and 40s if it showed drug use or extramarital affairs the movie would have to show that the people who did it suffered because they wanted to teach morality they wanted to demonstrate that drug users don't end up happy they wanted to demonstrate extramarital affairs they have problem this is in and that's why if you look at the 40s if you did Clark Gable all of these famous people you look at their movies overall there's a positive image not that negative nowadays are we the Billa even Disney Channel you have to say stuff for a lot of October and you watch Disney Channel right when I grew up Disney Channel was relatively innocent back in the 80s and whatnot relatively innocent okay we will grow up in a different era now Disney Channel itself every second joke is a sexual innuendo every second thing is about boyfriend/girlfriend and then these day boyfriend boyfriend as well who could have predicted this in one generation our nebby solar Center predicted it he predicted it in an era and a time place where no one could have imagined that nudity would be prevalent and he said that this is gonna be the norm so much so and the the the hadith is explicit ease and the study is authentic that a time will come when copulation will occur in public like donkeys do in public and well I think we are even less than one generation it will understand the way things are headed now a lot protect us and there will be a man who will see this happening and he will say to them couldn't you get a room couldn't you go behind the door or a wall and that man the profitsystem said will be deemed by them to be so righteous the way you look at abu bakr as-siddiq look at this and if you look at where this society is heading I swear to it is terrifying anyone above the age of 35 you see how quickly you teenagers you youngsters for you this seems to be the norm we who have grown up in the 70s and 80s we will tell you how quickly things have changed in our own lifetimes from where to where and what's gonna happen in one generation it's exponentially changing it's not changing you know steadily no it's exponentially change and frankly that also explains the rise of weird manifestations of sexual habits as well which we're seeing as well because this is what happens when you open the door who predicted this our prophet salallahu alayhi wa send them he mentioned that towards the end of times there will be a lot of women who they are clothed and yet they are naked cassia to Nadia from hadith is in Behati in other words they're not dressed properly and my allatra movie not they will love to entice others and others will love to be enticed by them in other words what this means flirtation is open and sexuality is open our elders you don't know what tinder is this is what tinder is exactly what it is they want to do one way and the other wants to do back to them this is now open without even aya haya itself has gone and this is explicitly predicted by the prophesy sir that of the last things to be gone from mankind will be higher when higher is gone wait for Judgment Day and we see this as well of the things predicted as well is the proliferation of intoxications towards the end of times and the perler proliferation of music as well now music existed in the time of the prophecies I mean existed but it wasn't common it wasn't the norm intoxicants existed of course but again it wasn't the norm and our prophecies and came and forbade intoxication and definitely discouraged the issue of musical instruments and he predicted that a time will come when this will be the norm it will be everywhere and again we see this now that the rise of you know marijuana and other things is now the norm common it is something that unfortunately even our own youngsters many of them don't think this to be a big deal as well of the trends that are predicted by our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them is the building of magnificent messages that will be empty we seek allah's refuge from ever having magnificent messages that are empty it's good to have good messages we want them to be backed but he meant he mentioned he predicted that a time will come when the Masjid will be magnificent and nobody will come to pray in them we seek Allah's refuge but there are plenty of massages millions multi-millions and I don't want to mention too explicit but especially in those oil-rich countries you see in the middle of nowhere just for the sake of showing that I built it and so much hundreds of millions is spent and when you come to salah it is empty completely empty that's not the goal of the Sharia now again you're coming to the message if you want the message TV beautiful hamdulillah the problem is not in beautifying the message the problem is in building the message if for the sake of the building and not for the sake of the people when the Masjid is empty that is a problem and a process and predicted that there will come a time when the Prophet and Messiah the message it will be beautiful but the people will not be there to pray and that is the exact opposite of the message of the prophet sallallaahu he seldom the message it was very very simple so much so perhaps if one of us went there will wrinkle our nose and we'd have to put our hands and clothes like this like there was no carpet there was no carpet the Masjid had pebbles and that's why the Sahaba would not take their shoes off when they entered they would pray with their shoes in that Masjid by the way because you were praying on the sand on the rubble you're praying on the pebbles there is no carpet so the Sahaba would pray with their shoes on and there was no roof and one time it rained everybody became soaking wet and so some leaves were put for a temporary period of time in the whole lifetime of the Prophet SAS and there was not a solid roof do you know that in the whole lifetime this happened in the reign of unwearable hotdog he decided to make some solid thatched roof otherwise in the whole lifetime of the prophets ISM there was no solid roof eventually they put a interlocking leaves to protect them from the Sun but not from the rain and that is why even one of the final rama bonds of our Prophet SAW son's life it rained heavily and the Masjid became muddy and honestly the man except for Allah he I swear I saw the Prophet SAW sort of lower his head into the mud in the 27 to 23rd night it was predicted to relate to the other and he raised his head up and the mud was on his forehead he was not embarrassed to shy to put his head down for the worship of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala no one is honored more than the one who lowers his head to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala the point being the process and predicted this issue of beautifying the massages while neglecting the people in the masjid and an assembly Malick commented on this hadith the hadith of the messages and he said a time will come when people will boast about the Masjid but they won't visit it they were boast about how beautiful the messages but they will not be inside crane we seek Allah's refuge and inshallah our message is not like that but let us be honest there are messages around the globe that people do boast about their messages but the boast that how big it is how beautiful is and not the quality of the people in it of the generic trends that are mentioned and this is one of those trends that again very cryptic the famous hadith in the hadith of jibbety the hadith of our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that of the signs of Judgment Day is that the slave girl shall give birth to her own master this is one of the most famous cryptic predictions of Judgment Day what does it mean that a slave girl will give birth to her own master this is one of those things again like I said there are a lot of different opinions about what this implies one opinion is that Islam will spread so quickly that people will lose track of who is a slave and who belongs to whom such that the children will then assume that their own mother is their slave and this is therefore what is the prediction the prediction is the quick conquest of Islam the prediction is how quickly Islam will spur that is one interpretation another interpretation which is the one of half a lemon Hodja that children will become dominant over their parents I'll be quiet here and let that sink in amongst the parents especially those parents who have teenagers and take some consolation that this is predicted and have been Haggard has predicted it children will become bossy and domineering over the parents who is in charge if you go to some households you don't quite know who is actually in charge of what is going on and in fact this was commented on by eben Hodja 800 years ago that the meaning of this elite is that the children will dominate and give the orders and be disrespectful to their parents so they will be the ones calling the shots and the parents will be then you know not you know being in charge so this is another interpretation as well that the children will be disrespectful and the children will be bossy over the parent these are the two main interpretations of this heady number one we said that Islam will spread very quickly so we won't know who is who and number two that children will dominate over their parents and Allah knows best what is the actual meaning of this of the predictions that are the general trends that are predicted of the prophet salaallah alayhi wa send them is the increase in the number of markets bazaars the increase of shopping centers now were there not shopping centers in classical times of course there were but typically typically every city had one area Medina had one area Makkah had one area it was the bazaar and it was very rare for a mid-sized city to have two bazaars she didn't make sense there's the place record shop until you come back so to have multiple shopping centers and shopping centers and bazaars and Suk's generally speaking our Sharia has mentioned that they are not the most beloved of places why because number one materialism in dunya number two cheating and lying number three interest number four Brees will take place over there number five from the beginning of times shopping malls have been associated with the riffraff and the thugs and the ruffians and the flirtations that happens over there to this day back then this is the way it is right you want to do something or you want to then you go there and you go it's not a place of piety and taqwa and that's why our prophet sallallaahu I said I'm said the most beloved of all places of any city are its massagin and the most despised of any city are its shopping places shopping place you need to go you go and you cut out you do what you need to do you leave but to make that your socialization this leads to a hardening of the heart this leads to love of the dunya this leads to whatever you have I want the next level up it's not healthy what's the point of this and our profit system predicted shopping centers would flip for the fair rate and again we see this in our times as well of the most amazing things that he predicted and again this is truly amazing very amazing thing of the amazing things he predicted hadith isn't it sahih bukhari that of the signs of Judgment Day obesity will spread amongst the people this is exactly from sahih bukhari y el prado v him was salmon and salmon is what is seminar ops what is salmon butter fact that is salmon wild huddle vie him was salmon this hadith is and Behati of the signs of Judgment Day now it is off court because I'm also trying to lose weight don't worry well then the same vote here okay but will lie jokes aside what an amazing prediction we need to go back even 200 years a thousand years a thousand five hundred years nobody even was fat anybody who was obese is the not the rule the Romans the Persians the Indians the Chinese the Arabs everybody's busy walking doing things obesity was never a problem of Al and it didn't happen who always had the one you know very spoiled rich whatever you always have that one person but as a trend it did not exist in any land think about that and for our profits of a lot of money who will sell them to say that obesity will be a global trend this is mind-boggling no one could have imagined that there's going to be a World Health Council about the problem of obesity in the modern world no one could imagine that the United Nations would have a department monitoring the obesity of countries no one could have imagined this even fifty years ago much less a thousand five hundred years ago but that is exactly what our officers are predicted that obesity will be rampant in my Ummah and in all Ouma's and that is the reality now again it's an awkward thing and I do again apologize but what does this mean as obesity how long is it is it sinful to be overweight why is the process I'm saying this well let us be very clear obesity is definitely not something that our Sharia encourages let's be honest about this and again I speak as somebody who myself I am an intro to I need to lose and I'm also in the same boat as all of you that's where the boat is so heavy mashaallah tabata : we have to be clear do you think that it is something that our Lord and our prophets as I'm encouraged because what what does obesity indicate tell me laziness what else gluttony what else hmm spoil so when you're spoiled you're giving up something else which is health being physically fit being physically active if you need to defend yourself your family your Dean how should you be obese or fit a society that is obese how can it defend itself when people are knocking its doors down so let's be brutally honest it is not how long you're not gonna go to Jahannam if you're three pounds overweight hum did not don't worry about that but let's be honest here it's not something that a line is messenger encouraged and that is why our prophet saw some said that of the signs of Judgment Day is that obesity will be rampant everyone will be struggling with this and I would live in LA but out of the top 10 countries I think seven are Muslim nations the number one country in the world is a Muslim country number two is a Muslim country the number four is a Muslim country we are all struggling with this in some countries the majority of people and citizens Muslim lands are classified as obese and again go back one generation no one could have thought of this one generation the same oil-rich lands that are now martial law is Bukhari and the judge and cups and all this right that one generation ago they were struggling to get food they were struggling for bread again just because we're born in the time place we don't ever think back this same society their fathers and grandfathers were struggling for food and the tables have turned and now so much food they have that they're struggling what to do with it and this is predicted by our prophet sallallaahu or any he was send them of the predictions that our prophet sallallaahu ours and unpredicted as well is the increase of natural calamities and especially of earthquake castrato szelezon earthquakes would be on the rise and I read a survey somewhere that somebody statistically compiled all the earthquakes of the last 500 years and they did mention this was a non-muslim there's an academic paper they did mention that over the last hundred years or so the frequency of earthquakes has actually increased so this is now basically a fact that in the last century or so the frequency of earthquakes so look at California may Allah protect the Muslims and everybody over there so the frequency of earthquakes is definitely on the rise of the signs of Judgment Day as well of the signs of Judgment Day which is something that we are seeing now is the prophesy la la la you Selim mentioned that hadith is a sign Muslim the prophecies that I mentioned that the day of judgment will only arise or happen when our room are the dominant civilization of the world this hadith as I Muslim who are the room I mentioned the sister asked this question last week and I said the process amused the word our womb and our own literally means the Romans and the Romans were a civilization who by and large no longer exists as that race but Western civilization by and large considers itself to be if not the biological definitely the intellectual heirs of the Roman tradition they pride themselves on ancient Roman ancient Greece and that is why every one of us that has gone through their high schools and universities when we start studying history we start with their history not with human history when we studied the classics who do we study the Iliad and Homer's Odyssey and we go back to Aristotle and Socrates and Plato and we go and start from there then we work our way through the Renaissance and then Newton and then then we go through the Geo Christian side of things and so this society is essentially standing on two pillars and those pillars are judeo-christian heritage and greco-roman Hellenistic heritage the melding of those two is what has produced Western civilization and therefore it is not at all a stretch to say when the prophecies have said a room he's talking about the modern West this is to me no brainer and what did he predict that a room will be the dominant civilization of the world and once again when he said this Europe was nothing Europe was backward they were called barbarians the Arabs considered the Germans and others to be but about barbarians the word bought about it means they couldn't understand Barada like but abhava the light that said that's why they called them the butter butter tribes and the barbarian term are from the same root right you just don't understand that like either just you know speaking like that so the Europeans of that time seven eight hundred why didn't fight at the bin zayed go up north one of the theories is he shrugged his shoulders said what am I gonna do up there there's nobody there of a worth to conquer why should I go to family and to go on to there is nothing there you know London in the time of the processer barely had 3,000 people what is that to conquer to look at Constantinople right yeah Europe was rising as for North America there was nothing there a sling you know so what happened our room began to be more and more and more popular and with the collapse of the Byzantine Empire in 1453 this allowed the Latin Empire which is a room to start coming on the rise right because before 1453 Europe was always in the shadow of the actual Byzantine Empire which is a Constantinople right and it was only after that that finally they can say okay we are the dominant civilization and then of course slowly Europe continued its ascent until Ottoman lands and your were fighting one another almost like equals 15 centuries 16th century they're almost like equals then 17th century and then the decline begins late 1700s early 1800s until Ottoman lands become the sick man of Europe and then the Muslims take a nose fall die fall technologically never theologically and never morally never ever ever short sell yourselves Muslims we are the dominant when it comes to a flop we are the dominant on hamdulillah when it comes to Al Qaeda we are the dominant when it comes to belief in Allah and His Messenger but GDP and technologically alonzo tests people and up and down and that's besides the point for the a Farah once upon a time Muslims were the dominant technologically but things changed and 1700 onwards in particular the Ottomans began to go down and down Europe came on the rise and now we see the tables have turned what did the prophecies let him say and is the first time that the global civilization is Western 250 years ago nobody could have predicted would it be the Ottomans or the Europeans we were both head-on-head literally I'm not exaggerating go back 250 years ago no one could have predicted which civilization would be the dominant we were both on par with one another but then that changed and one civilization rose and this leads us to the terrifying notion that this might be one of the precursors because for the first time since the original Roman Empire the heirs of the Roman empires have now risen up from the ashes and they are the dominant civilization of the world as predicted by our prophet sallallaahu idea he was send them are the predictions of the prophecy awesome as well of the trends that are given and again this is very interesting see here's what I want you to think about just a hypothetical scenario I would have been as hypothetical imagine a false prophet a charlatan in the middle you know of nowhere a thousand five hundred years ago and imagine if he had to make predictions what I'm trying to say it's impossible that what we are reading would have been predicted by a false prophet the very that are coming indicate that the one who said this a lot is communicating with him that's what I'm trying to say no one could have imagined what the profitsystem predicted is going to happen and we are seeing it over here and of the things he predicted is Kotova writing would become prevalent writing would become prevalent literacy rates once again who could have predicted when the Quran was revealed in Makkah the city of Makkah probably had around 2,000 1,500 people 2,000 people in it of those 1,500 2,000 probably less than a dozen could read and write that's like what 1% 1% and our prophecies are predicted in the Manorama to say of the signs of Judgment Day is catawba will be prevalent remember most of the Sahaba could not read and write because that was the society that's nobody taught them that's the way they were to predict that reading and writing will become the norm not just in Muslim lands but in the goal is once again beyond even understanding and this is exactly what he predicted now another prediction seems to contradict this one and that's the hadith sahih bukhari the hadith of catawba is in Muslim environment so he Behati mentions another prediction that that one of the signs of the end of times is that ignorance will prevail jihad will be everywhere ignorance will prevail now how can ignorant prevail and at the same time the process was saying reading and writing will prevail is this not a contradiction and the responses each hadith is valid but it applies to different things when the Prophet system is saying ignorance will prevail he's not talking about reading and writing he's talking about knowledge of right and wrong he's talking about common sense and what he's talking about Futaba he's talking about literacy before the rise of the internet those of you who witnessed that era in the 80s and 90s mankind foolishly believed that if only we could give people access to education they will all become intellectuals the internet came and all of Encyclopedia Britannica times 100 became free of charge Wikipedia and this and that any database you want is there any journal you there and mankind has not gone more intelligent it has even taken a nosedive beyond that this is what our prophecies are saying catawba will increase jihad will also increase it's not a contradiction because not necessarily just because you're reading your intelligence will increase so there is no contradiction in that there are many other trends that are predicted as well I want to come to a conclusion is only five minutes left that will give you time for Q&A Allah come to a conclusion and by the way this isn't an exhaustive list realize of course that you know for our classes obviously there have to be some condensation over the material many other things are predicted as well and there are many there's another entire section of a hadith that are not authentic what I mentioned to you in today's lecture every hadith is authentic insha'Allah Allah I didn't even get to the body of hadith in this regard but just want to mention off with the final of the minor science and we mentioned him on Saturday but just to reiterate that our professors are predicted the coming of one man and his name will be Mohammad eben Abdullah and he will be called by the people the rightly guided which is the Madi and he predicted in over thirty a hadith I mentioned around fifteen of them on Sunday sorry on Saturday we did yeah and I mentioned 15 of them and the concept is definitely authentic he predicted the coming of this man and our scholars mentioned this man is the final of the minor signs of Judgment Day and that is the Matty and the Matty will be a link or a bridge between the minor signs and the beginning of the major signs between the minor signs at the beginning of the major signs and the beginning of the major science will be the coming of that job that is the first of the 10 major signs and that's gonna be our lectures of shala and our next lesson wanna continue after so after coming back from Hajj the first of the major signs is the job the malady will be alive when the job comes so the last of the minor signs the first of the major science will coincide with one another and the manatee will see the coming of the jug he will fight the job but will not be successful then the second of the major signs will come and that is Lisa Bonet Miriam and the man he will be alive at that time and the man they will fight in the army of Risa and then eventually and he so it will be the one who kills at the jug and then there is no mention of the Maddie by the way there's another interesting sign mentioned and Allah knows best what it implies but the hadith is Asahi Buhari and it is that judgment will not come until 12 forever from the Quraysh will lead the Ummah twelve Khalifa's Kulemin Quraysh they will leap they will lead this Ummah and scholars have differed who these 12 are even Tamiya has initiative had and that's the first four and then I'm the medic another one and then his four so he wants to put them in the Omega timeframe it was to make all of them in the Omega timeframe and then it is from this hadith that the non Sunni denomination you understand what I'm saying here the non Sunni I don't like to mention terms explicitly but the largest denomination of the non sunday denomination okay because you have the five version of the seven years you have the twelve verse so the twelve verse were did one of the evidences they get it from they got it from this hadith which is actually the Sahadi okay and of course the hadith has nothing to do with their theology but they took it and they then made the number twelve from it our tradition doesn't say that these 12 are going to be super humans flying in the air walking on water no it's just going to be twelve righteous leaders good lumen polish all of them will be from the Quraysh and so there's going to be twelve powerful for the overall they were good Khalifa and as I said in the Tamiya wants to mention you know six of the Omo is and four of the four of the the whole of Arras you do not others any ask them on so Allah knows best we don't know but a hadith mentions there will be twelve poorer shoes that will be there and with this inshallah Jana we will pause for two weeks I'm going for Hydra Sheldon two days I pray that allah azza wajal accepts the hajj of all of us going for hydrogen allows us to current safely to our families and friends and then in sha allah will resume this class Wednesday class after two weeks of absence we'll come back and then continue from the first of the major signs which is at that job and then we will discuss the controversies over the child is he alive right now is he locked up in some cave somewhere in the Bahamas or whatever not the Bahamas it doesn't make sense some Caribbean island no what's that not the bomb wasn't thinking of Bermuda Triangle that's what I'm thinking yeah the Bermuda Triangle is he locked up over there somewhere all of these controversies inshallah we will discuss when the classrooms after that so we open the floor now for Q&A insha'Allah Allah sisters get your questions ready because as of yet I haven't heard much question from the sisters keep them relevant to the class bismillah go ahead people if they are just guesses prophecies will bring up amazingness officer so let me rephrase the question when we are preaching and teaching Islam these ambiguous hadith come up cryptic predictions of Judgment Day what is the best way to teach or approach these subjects look where the wording is cryptic we should always narrate the wording and then say Allah knows best this seems to be uninterpreted we should never categorically say this is what the process I'm intended how do we know I'll give you an example this had this lecture was not exhaustive one of the predictions of our prophets Allah seldom is that you will fight a group of people their eyes will be squinty and it says that and their faces will be flat like a shield okay and scholars have interpreted that to mean changies fun ginga's fun maybe that's true maybe that is true but I'll give you another example the Quran mentions the coming of your hydrogen hydrogen had that effect on you Gemma George woman coolly had opinions alone when changies Khan came and he massacred blood everywhere outside the city of woodhenge which I visited a few weeks ago I was an organic a few weeks ago he made a pyramid of a million Muslim sculls 1 million he massacred the whole city and he made a pyramid of the heads of the women and children and men over there the Muslims witnessing the conquest of changies Khan of Genghis Khan they swore by Allah this has to be a dude in my church and qiyamah is gonna come right now we're just waiting for Issa to come and the judge to come because changies Khan is a Jew to my teacher and all of the Haditha Biogen ma'juj they applied it to Chinggis Khaan and perhaps if we were alive back then we too would have been certain we are seeing here Juliet Matthews what else are you gonna think well human quickly had opinion see though you're gonna be coming from everywhere and doing all of this they look like yeah I do to my Jews the descriptions are there but it turns out they weren't I do it in my tuition so from this we learn never ever ever take a cryptic hadith and then be certain go ahead and say perhaps so I just said today that the processing predicted barefoot Shepherds competing with one another now in our times we see this happening what if a generation later an even more explicit example happens because right now the people competing their fathers were barefoot shepherds the actual three four princes were born in the lap of luxury so something wrong to apply this hadith here and that's why I said it looks like it's happening but how do we know maybe next generation literally something will happen and you will have barefoot Shepherds doing this then that generation will say AHA look this Eddy thisnow applicable so go ahead and given HT hat if the scholars have done it you can quote urban hatchet even vote go ahead but always say Allah knows best and leave cryptic hadith as they are and Allah knows what the future will hold inshallah okay sister is a question yes course is ready yeah George and ma'juj in the timeline we will do each other in a few weeks they are after the John and they are before the trumpet is blown when ISA and his followers are still around so yeah jujin modules will come at a time frame when the John has been killed there shall be peace in the world remember I said last Tuesday or last Wednesday that the sine wave is going to higher and lower and higher and lower is going to be the best of times I'm quoting Charles Dickens here is the best of times the worst of times are going to up and down so at that time frame yeah jujin ma'juj will come after one of the highs where Issa is in charge the world is at peace then will be one of the lowest of lows and that is you Jimbo judge then there will be yet another high and then the believers will be taken away so will mentioned this story inshallah in four to five weeks because we're gonna do the John and others yeah Judy module come towards even after that back to the brothers miss Perez but this is yeah Georgia Madrid we will mention dhul-qarnayn but dole car main is not one of the signs of Judgment Day our brother wants to put dhul-qarnayn with the Eskimos and Allah knows best Wordle canaan went we do not know Allah knows best and they are headed to damage and I'll talk about those hardening though Canaan is a past figure who plays a role for you in my church something happened in the past that will play a role for our module we'll talk about that each other in a few weeks back to the sisters yes good so our sister asks what is the narrative of Christians in their belief of Jesus coming firstly realize one segment of Christians typically Baptists and certain strands of evangelicals these are the ones that are embracing the second coming of Jesus and that is why you will find a group called Christian Zionists there are Christians who are the most ardent supporters of Zionism because they believe that when the children of Israel are all gathered in the Holy Land that is a necessary precursor for the coming of Jesus Christ and that is why some of the most ardent Zionist of this country are not Jewish people they are people of a Christian background our current guy in the office he is flirting with Christian Zionists because he wants their support he wants to get them to support him because of his policy so their version of events is that and again there are multiple interpretations their version of events is that when Jesus will come those who truly believed in him will magically disappear and be transported to heaven with him okay and direction will be left on earth so they have this notion of Jesus coming back gathering his followers and with his followers magically being transported to heaven so they're just gonna disappear and go into heaven so there's a series a very prominent series left behind okay it's one of the most popular readings amongst the Evangelic community the youth the the housewives are they love it it is national bestsellers why what's it about those that are left behind those that didn't make it to Jesus's cut because there weren't Christian enough so the goal is you better be Christian enough so you're not left behind and of course they do believe in the Armageddon they do believe in a massive war between good and evil and in the end Jesus is going to win now by the way this leads me to an interesting point a lot of times these people they say oh look here a hadith mentioned war and bloodshed and Armageddon look at this the violence and what not and the response is very clear we say to them this is going to be a war Jesus and the Antichrist if you wanna choose to be on the side of the Antichrist that's your business but we're gonna choose the site of Jesus and this is the irony we believe that a seven imodium will be our leader when ISA comes back he will be our leader not theirs and that's why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the Quran were in Manila kitabi Ilana you mean n-nabi haben mot he not a single person of attica table will be there except that he shall believe in Jesus before Jesus dies meaning when ISA comes back every Anika table that had even an atom's weight of Iman will become a Muslim at that time and only those who had no Iman will choose the gel over Issa and then do you blame us if the hadith happened and the bloodshed happens don't look at us after that inshallah back to the brothers is going with it very good question question is about are there a hadith about less what the hint-hint conquering India yes there are a number of traditions about three to be more precise about the notion of Muslims will conquer India and those that conquer India will be of the greatest armies etc etc however all of them are slightly weak one of them is slightly weak one of them is life did them and so that is why I did not put it into my lecture here they do exist and if you attended the lecture yesterday I talked about behave hadith and we said that life and it can be used for what guys were members for encouraging but they cannot be used for legal matters or theological matters and belief and judgment day is theology so we cannot be certain but I don't have any problem quoting them if we had a longer lecture and simply pointing out that in some a hadith was what the hint is predicted and the processor praise the army that will attack hint but these are hadeeth have a slight weakness in them so we cannot be certain that the profitsystem said them but we hope he said that and especially for our Muslim brothers in India they need some help so we hope that in shadow those are true final question of the sisters yes to back ok quickly one after the other quickly so both of these wordings indicate a prophecy the fact that something's happening in the future the fact that David Asman will not happen until this happens so regardless they're both signs of judgment day because he's prophesizing they're gonna happen in the future they're neutral signs are neutral they're going to happen sister behind you good so this is a very good question inshallah we'll discuss it may be in an open Q&A because this is not related directly to signs of judgement day and by the way I have a clip on YouTube the quiz sister asked how do we explain Muslim conquests around the world what if somebody says to us our religion went and conquered all of these lands and there was no threat from these lands why did you guys conquer the world I actually have I think a 15 20 minute YouTube clip from my serum somebody took it out in there you know my problem is I don't know what the titles are but Google it is due to be explaining Muslim conquests I think Muslim conquests yeah Muslim conquests just try Muslim conquests on YouTube final question for the others is two minutes left Diaz go ahead [Music] the brother asks the coming of Issa is it before the Toba door closed or after the door of Toba no it is it is before it is before why because believe it or not lots of people will see Risa and the jug and choose the gel over Islam why because they don't believe in the hadith in the first place they're not going to believe in the hadith even when they see the jaw they're not going to build in the anything so those who believe in the Quran and believe in the Sunnah they will choose risa over the judge those righteous Christians who truly believe in Issa they will choose risa over the judge but there will be groups of Christians whose arrogance will be like a beliefs they see the truth and reject it so the door of tawba will remain open because there will still be a test do you believe in Allah and His Messenger and ASA or not and if you do the Torah will be accepted only the last sign of the ten the very last sign which is the rising of the Sun from the West that is the last of the ten signs that sign there is no interpretation for it and when that happens the door of tawba will be shut and shallow with that we will stop for today and continued inshallah two weeks Hajj break and and continue after that you get the email to continued inshallah Bazaar from all markers and I'm gonna have to lie but I catch you
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Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center, EPIC Masjid, East Plano Masjid, EPIC, Yasir Qadhi
Id: CwvxGrSDr9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 58sec (4918 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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