Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 22 - Night Journey & Ascension to Heavens 2 - Yasir Qadhi | February 2012

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smell aroma r-rahim al-hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam wah - Rafi Lambie I will mousseline nabi'ina muhammad in water oddly he was IB he admiring am i bad we're going to continue from where we left off we were talking about the miraculous journey of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom the essaouira and the mirage and we had just finished the prophecies on rising up through the seven heavens and I think we'd also explained that the heavens are not the same as the gen not the Samaritan the jannat are two separate entities and most likely the jannat occupy the seventh heaven most likely the jannat occupy the sama asaba or the seventh heaven and we mentioned the wisdom of why the profitsystem met certain prophets at each one of these levels now as we said one of the biggest problems of any saw in Mirage is to piece together the narrative there are specific a hadith we don't know when they occurred so to put a chronology to put a a twosie a picture is very difficult to do so we have for example one narration which seems very clear that the profitsystem is engaging in conversations with the other prophets where did this happen did it happen in beta mark this one possibility did it happen when he's moving up to the heavens another possibility and it's a very interesting narration that abdullah bin Masood says that the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa seldom said that on the night he went to israel mirage he met Ibrahim and moosa' and essa' so we know he met them so they began talking about the day of judgment so we've learned from this that there are some conversations taking place between the prophets of Allah and Ibrahim was the first to be ass tell us about the day of judgment so Ibrahim said that I don't have any knowledge about the day of judgment I don't have any knowledge they asked Moosa and Moosa as well said I don't have any knowledge they asked Teresa and Lisa said that I have been promised or informed that between it and the that one of the signs of it is that I will be coming back and allah azza wajal knows when that is and the jar will come so asa knows that he has a job of killing the jug and he told the other prophets this so he says says that I know that Allah will send me back to this earth and I will kill the Jan and the people will then go to their various countries and lands and yeah huge and ma'juj will come forth as Allah says no Quran I mean could Lee had opinion saloon from every single Valley from every single area they're going to come and every water they pass via juju juju will be drinking this water and finishing it up until I will make dua to Allah that they be killed and so Allah Azza WA JAL will kill the adage and ma'juj and the entire world will be stench twith their decomposed bodies as far as the the one can smell one can smell their scent their portrayed smell and I will then make another dua to Allah so all of this ISA is saying that this is what Allah has told me I know I'm going to do this so he's telling the Prophet system and the processing is telling us I will then make dua to Allah to get rid of these bodies so Allah will send rain from the sky and these bodies will be washed away and when this happens I have been told the Day of Judgment will be like a pregnant woman who is about to give birth as soon as she screams the basically she's in labor any minute is labor there's an expression in Arabic that like the pregnant woman who is about to give birth meaning you don't know when it's just about to happen you know we all know the timeframe is going to come but when it comes exactly we don't know soon as she says the water breaks kalos so asa is using this metaphor that as soon as you Jin McGeorge disappear from this earth that is when he said the day of judgement is like the pregnant woman about to give birth as it's going to happen at any time and the Prophet SAS Adam says what he says says we find it in the Quran so subhanAllah he's basically confirming this is what found in the Quran had a foodie idea do jewy mcjew-jew a woman coulda had a bin eunsu doon he quotes one of the reference - yeah juju and ma'juj so clearly it's very interesting to note that this conversation has been preserved how about the other conversations Allahu Alem what else did the prophecies on talk about Allahu Alem all of this is in my life what would he have asked them of the things he's asking them is the day of judgment so they're talking amongst themselves and both Ibrahim and Andrian and Musa say we have no knowledge at all but risa has knowledge and ISA tells the professor Salam and therefore we have a lot of hadith based upon this because he said told the prophets and the details of what he was supposed to do what he is supposed to do and therefore when you look at hadith literature we find the prophecies and I'm telling us so many things about jujin ma'juj about ISA coming Demma about this and where does he getting this from well we have one source right here and that is he says the one telling him directly when he went up to Ezra well Mirage there's another conversation that is recorded the prophesies and I'm said lucky - ibrahim al a letter Austria B I met Ibrahim the night that I went on the Israel and he told me ya muhammad o muhammad sallallaahu salem achromatic emini salaam give my salams to your own man so Ibrahim is telling his salams to us and he's telling it through his own son the Prophet Mohammed Salim so he's telling his own son the process of him go tell your own Matt that I am giving them my Salam and this is a beautiful blessing that the Prophet Ibrahim is giving in each and every one of us his Salam and inform them were home and Ginetta Sahib Iturbide that Jenna its soil is beautiful and luscious 1/2 tea an but it is barren jenna is the Anna's flat land without any trees in it right and then he explained where will the trees come from one la raza has to be on allahi wa l-hamdu lillahi wa la ilaha in the llahu allahu akbar and the seedlings that we put in this soil will come from everybody saying subhanAllah alhamdulillah Allah in Allah Allah Akbar so Ibrahim Ali he said I'm saying tell your own I have seen Jenna and Jenna is fertile soil beautiful land but it is barren you need to plant your own trees in Jannah how are you going to plant your trees and Jenna every subhanAllah becomes a tree every Leila hallouwe becomes a tree every Allahu Akbar becomes a tree every vicar that you do becomes a tree so Ibrahim is saying you're guaranteed to get a fruit because the land is luscious and fertile that in Anahata Eva Tituba that the soil of Jenna is beautiful and luscious another conversation and a message that our Father and profitable my mattes and I wanted us to know through our Prophet Muhammad SAW I seldom that go tell your OMA this is how Jenna is it is also narrated and again we don't know when perhaps this happened in Beit old Marcus perhaps it happened after the seventh heaven these are the two places that it happened that he met Malik and who is Malik not the angel of death the angel of death is called Malakal moat that's his name the angel of death is called medical moat who is Malik the the gatekeeper of Jahannam Juana de llamada qu leoch the Ilene Arabic his name is in the Quran when I dove the people of Genovia Malik Leo cleared in Arabic o matic go tell your Lord to exterminate us we don't want to live anymore go tell your Lord to just get rid of us that's what we want now we don't want to sustain ourselves anymore in Jannah so Malik is mentioned once in the Quran and Malik is there for the cause in or the the the kate keeper of the fire of hell so our prophets as Adam said that gibreel said to me o muhammad saw Sodom this is Malik the Hassan of Jahannam the gatekeeper of Gehenna give him salam so the process him said I turned around to greet him before I could say anything he was the one who greeted me so I returned the Selam and he did not smile at all he seemed completely sober and completely sad and so the profitsystem asked Judean why is he like this because all the other angels clearly had therefore from this we derive the other angels clearly had a very positive vibe coming from them happiness and joy whereas Malik did not even smile upon seeing the prophets at him so jbeil asked him how come he's different basically and this shows us that the angels were happy when they saw the prophets or some come because he had to ask about Malik and so gibreel responded that he has never smiled or laughed since he has been created because his job is janam and once he's seen Jahannam he has never smiled or laughed since he has been created but gibreel added were he to have smile for anybody it would have been you but his association of guarding Jahannam basically has made him so somber that he has never smiled or laughed since he has been created now there is a wisdom here as well that even though we're going to learn later on that the prophets asanam saw Jenna and Jahannam but he didn't visit Malik while he was on duty if you like right Malik came to him to say salaam to him you understand the point that even though we're going to come to this in a few minutes after all of this is over the process and I'm sergeant and Jahannam which means that you know if he wanted to he could have basically stopped by Malik at the gate and said Salaam to him but he didn't Malik was brought up to say Salaam to him why from this week you know what are the wisdoms we derived to emphasize that the prophecies Adam is as far away from the fire of hell as the seventh heaven is from the lowest of the creation that Malik is brought to him and not the other way around and that is why Malik says Salam to him to show him superiority to show him respect that Malik is the one because he said I turned around to say Salaam but Allah didn't will that he says Salam first Malik was the one who said to him and he was then responding to the Salam just to show that there is no relationship at all even though Matic himself as a noble angel right but what is he associated with Jahannam and guarding Jahannam and so the guard of Jahannam is giving his respects to the profitsystem as a superior which clearly shows that he has nothing obviously nothing to do with it so this is just a UH dub or respect otherwise of course even if the processor met said Salaam we're not going to derive anything from that but to clearly show the distance and to show the security of the processor from ever coming close to anything to do with the now to Jahannam this is why malik is brought to him and malik is the one who says Salam he then proceeded onward so we are now basically above the seventh heaven he has met all of the prophets including ibraheem alehissalaam and now he proceeds onwards above this what is beyond this he said filmography at Alea sid return muntaha and then i saw in front of me the CID or atonement aha what is the Sidra talent aha the Sidra is a type of tree it's a type of tree that is known for its large branches that it covers a wide area it goes very vast and it's known for its delicious fruit and sweet scent so it is a tree that grows primarily in the desert the type of Sidra that the arabs knew there's many types of citrus in our times the type that the arabs knew when the process of saying Sidora what comes to mind is a type of tree that it grows in the desert and its branches are very vast so there's a lot of shade coming out from it and it's fruit is luscious and its smell is sweet and muntaha means the very end so the seed that are at the end this is how it translates into said rotted muntaha the Sidra at the very end in english this is called the lote-tree is called the low tree in english this is the translation and the prophecies and i'm said fajita nabek o ha myth rooted Ali Hodja the fruits of this tree were as large as the water jars of Hodja the water jars of unfortunately we don't know how large they were but we can imagine you can even remember if you go back to you know cartoons and whatnot you have these large jars of oil large jars of water so this is like the largest jar they had was a storage jar you know you can imagine small you know closet size if you like so the processor is saying the fruits of this tree were as large as the jugs of the people of haja and now I realize this is what you call eloquence by the way that you're explaining something in the in a way that they'll understand right this is metaphor this is explaining things in in us in a symbolic language that they fully understand all the people of the time know how large the jars of haja are unfortunately we have lost track of that but the people he's speaking to know it and then he said and it's leaves are like a vanilla fiela its leaves are like a donald fiela which is the which is the ears of leaves ears of the elephants right its leaves are like the ears of the elephants now it's really interesting here in that it is not authentically reported that the processor ever saw an elephant in his life right but he is describing it like the ears of an elephant now we we all know at least we all know the ears of an elephant right it big flappy things right so the processor was saying the leaves of this tree are likely a Daniel fiela and then I was told Heidi he said Roger al muntaha in other words he's seeing this tree and then he is informed by Djibouti this is the Sidra tool muntaha in a hadith in Bukhari he said some Moncada hobby then gibreel continued going up with me so this is he's met all of the prophets he's met Ibrahim now Gabriel goes up with him even higher had at Isidro tell muntaha until we got to the sea turtle muntaha Falaschi aha Alwyn a dream aji it's a beautiful phrase you're very interesting Rajah ham means it was enveloped so we can imagine it was enveloped meaning it's changing and allah azza wajal himself says in the quran EDL oh sure cedar retama yellow sha that when the tree was covered up by what it was covered up with Allah doesn't tell us what it's a circular thing lyosha siddhartha myalgia when the tree was covered up by whatever was covering it up and so the profitsystem is saying fallacy aha and when there were colours basically going up and down the tree a dilemma he I don't know what those colors are so beautiful phrase here that there are colours beyond the spectrum that we know of right red orange yellow green blue indigo violet this is a very small spectrum beyond this is of course many other types of energy and light and the profitsystem is seeing something that in this world cannot be seen because in this world this is the spectrum of the colours so he is definitely in another zone another dimension whatever you want to call it he is witnessing colors coming from this tree he said I don't know how to explain these colors to you and I find this phrase very fascinating because it's it's it actually fits in very well with whatever we know of science not that we want to scientifically interpret it but you get my point that he is saying something so simple for the observer the casual observer but there's a deep and profound truth to this and that is that he is seeing something completely different dimension different world that he is seeing energy and light coming to him from a completely he doesn't know how to describe this color now what is this iterative muntaha we have very little information about the Sudeten muntaha all that we know this is the last thing that the process of them saw before he went above to meet allah subhana wa ta'ala this is the final and we know that everything that rises up from earth stops at Sidra to monta Allah says in many verses that Allah raises those things up give me an example what does Allah say he raises things up the souls okay what else no no no this is enough add to this no raises it up prayers do as well amylose Allah who your father who write good deeds right can he mocked I give all of these things Allah raises it up so we learn from one hadith that in Sahih Muslim Brotherhood said that the Prophet SAW said I'm said then I when I went on the Asura I stopped at the Sidra tal moon Taha and he said what he of his summer is saddest it is in the sixth heavens alaihi Yenta him 'you are Juby him in an alt add the cigarette al muntaha everything that ascends up from the earth stops there for you caballo min ha and it is basically absorbed by the Sidra Tremonti well la gente him 'you bottle min felt leha and from it descends down everything that is coming to this earth and it emerges from it so Allah Rama and the rain and anything that Allah wants to send down the originates the origination where does it begin from said return Monta right so everything that is raised up goes to the sitter's muntaha everything that comes down starts from the settlement AHA and the prophets as Adam said it yellow Chassidim al Lucia that when the tree was enveloped by what it was enveloped by the process that I'm said Faraj own mins ahaab butterflies from made out of gold so one of the things that is surrounding the tree are beautiful butterflies with exotic colors made out of gold so this is of the things that is surrounding the tree and there are other things as well that we don't know because Allah has said hey Siddartha may Allah that when the tree was enveloped by what it was enveloped by Mazal alba selamat aha the eyes of the profitsystem did not move beyond that nor did they go astray meaning he absorbed this beautiful sight right then allah says la cara I mean ayat Allah be he'll kübra looking at this tree Allah says he has seen of the ayat and kübra and if Allah is saying this is a major ayah then what is bigger than this right so by viewing the citrucel moon taaha allah is saying he has seen of his most magnificent creations of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala this is the citrus al muntaha and in one version of auto body the professor Salim said hey Siddartha my yoga when it was enveloped by what it was unveiled by the process and I'm said it kept on changing until nobody can describe it for you so the tree is not a static tree we can whatever image we get it's a ever-changing tree colors are going up and down there's butterflies of gold it's it's its leaves are massive it's fruits are as large as the jars of Hajj Allah so we get some impression that it is a dynamic tree it's a beautiful majestic tree it is an otherworldly tree and this is the syndra tool muntaha now question in one hadith it says that so I passed basically Ibraheem in the seventh heaven and then I saw said the return muntaha in the other hatty that's in baja d in the other hadith in sahih muslim the professor said i'm said and then i want to see the little muntaha and it is in the sixth heavens so there is a clear contradiction because in one hadith it's in Behati 7th and the other hadith is in Muslim it is sixth the mama no we tries to explain this and it seems like a good explanation and he says the trunk of the tree begins in the sixth heaven but its branches finish at the end of the seventh heaven because that is the end of the creation as we know it right nothing of the creation of this world at least is beyond the sea turtle muntaha right the only thing that is beyond it is the throne and the one who is above the throne so the silver litter muntaha is the end of this creation and therefore this is a good point that nobody brings there's no contradiction the process some is saying that this cigarette Amata have begins in the sixth heaven and then it continues the trunk of it all the way through until the leaves finish with the top of the seventh heaven and this seems to be a good narration and in fact later scholars have found that one of the tab your own Qatada the student away been Abbas he himself said that the Sidra finishes in the seventh heaven which means it begins somewhere else so the Sidora finishes in the seventh heaven and therefore from this we derived that the Sidra is a massive tree a tree that there is like no other tree and by the way the motif of a tree is very common in the quran and the tree is a symbol of iman and a symbol of life and subhanAllah it is in the fifth aura of the children of Adam that when we see a tree we are optimistic that to this day look at any NGO that's a peace NGO or think green and Jew or whatever it is right what is their symbol a leave for a twig or a tree it's ingrained in our feet Allah write that Allah created us that the tree is peace the tree is life right and the motif of the tree is throughout the Quran and Sunnah so much so that the very end of creation what is it the sea turtle moon tau and that is the most magnificent of all trees then the process of them said and at the base of the sea turtle muntaha Farida are about to an hour there are four rivers coming down the har on about a nanny when a Hara neva here on two of these are hidden and two of these are open so I said to gibreel what are these rivers so Gabriel said I'm about a nun if an irani fijian as for the hidden ones they are once in Jena you're not going to see them in this world well I'm Allah here on and as for the ones that everybody can see Fannie Lou el Feroz the River Nile and the Euphrates River so Allah subhana WA Ta'ala is saying the process of them is saying Jalil is telling him that the Nile and the Euphrates are blessed rivers the Nile and the Euphrates are blessed rivers and subhanAllah well I mean this is just as such a small fact here that now we know that the cradle of civilization has always been associated with these two rivers that the earliest people on earth is basically Mesopotamia which is the Euphrates right the earliest where is the land of Iraq or air I mean Babylon all of these is basically around the Euphrates and the second civilization is basically on the Nile there have been continuous human habitations as far back as we know upon the Euphrates and the Nile and these two rivers have always been rivers of life and rivers of civilization and from the beginning of time and some peril of the process who just makes a passing statement that clearly these two rivers you cannot compare this to the Mississippi for example right if it's no comparison nothing against I mean you know what I'm saying this is you cannot compare this right you cannot compare these rivers to any other rivers on earth these rivers are the rivers where the origins of life as we know it on earth right this is as we said the earliest civilizations go back to these and look at every great civilization 5,000 4,000 years ago they're associated with these two rivers in our process and I'm saying that Jubilee showed me this and he said these two rivers are blessing from a lot that everybody can see they emanate Allah knows how they're starting from up there but they're a parent for everybody to see a nele well fought the Nile and the Euphrates as for the two rivers of Jena they are Alcoa and sell Sabine as for the two rivers of Jena they are a Lakota in a pinnacle culture and I have given tough seed of social culture here and it's online as well and sell Sabine as well as mentioned in the Quran infe Hazama sell Sevilla so the sell Sabeel is the second river in Jena so these are the two rivers of Jena then over here in one version the prophets as Adam said from monophyly al Bayt almal then I saw al batin Mahmood in another version he says I saw Ibrahim when I saw him in the seventh heaven sitting with his back on beta Mahmoud Allahu Alem was this one incident and somehow it got into these two or was it two separate times that he saw baited Mahmoud Allah who Adam there is really I've thought about this a lot I don't know what to do whether we say that he saw it twice once with Ibrahim and then once when he was when he saw said Ramona he's he was shown it a second time or was it really just one and because again remember all of these different narrations of the Asura and Mirage are being reported by different Sahaba and as we said even here in this gathering if all of you were to go home after you listen to a lecture about astronomy Raj every one of you is gonna kind of sort of muddle things up and put things here and there you remember interesting anecdotes right but somehow you know along the way things are going to happen and this is the human element of documenting the hadith that we need to be aware of there's a human element that the Sahaba they're not you know it's not to lie but I mean you know things move around a little bit and there is a problem sometimes in some of these narrations and we find it especially in incidents even by the way the battles as well to battle any battle it's impossible to reconstruct a twosie because when you narrate a battle I'm jumping the gun here when you narrate a battle what do you narrate one incident right how do you know when that incident happened and to link it to the other incidents draws require imagination same thing here with the Islam we're not sure maybe he saw it again and this is when he said that the baton Mohammed is a house a kapa similar to the Kaaba and in one hadith he said it is above the cabin on this earth such that if it were to fall down it would not on the cab it would land on this GABA so there is a bait that is in the heavens like there is a bait that is on this earth and this is when he said every day 70,000 angels enter it never to return this has been happening since Allah created it until the day of judgement 70,000 angels on a daily basis and they never repeat ever again between any two angels and if you do the math after a while your mind starts boggling away how many angels are there and it's of course as Allah says why Adam o Junod Arabic ax Allah who only Allah knows the quantity of angels and then he saw jibbery alayhis-salam in his original form he saw djibouti I Salam in his original form and he described him in many a hadith one of them so he Bihari said la who sit to me at Aegina gibreel had 600 wings odd said Dan oh ho he blocked the entire horizons and he said in another hadith an Autobody he says that from the feathers of Jubilees wings pearls and corals were dripping so again these are not static creatures neither said return mundane or do believe that there is this there is this mystical reality to them that from his from his feathers so gibreel has feathers and gibreel has 600 and that is the maximum number Allah says no Quran that John Adel maniacally rooster on oleaginous at in math nawafil osawa rubra most of the angels Allah says two or three or four wings right but Jibreel alayhis-salam in this hadith we learn he has 600 wings because he is the most chosen of the angels of Allah and he has been preferred over all of the other angels even Masood said when he saw Jibril this is the reference in the Quran LOC adora ameen ayat arabic kübra he saw of his major signs right so what does it mean he saw of his major signs well three things he saw one after the other at the highest level number one said return muntaha number two by two more number three Jubilee and every one of them is min ayat Arabic Opera every one of them is min ayah terrible Cobra the baton memo represents the spiritual Kabat represents the Kaaba of the heavens it represents the worship of Allah by the angels the Siddha return muntaha represents the highest portion of this universe there's nothing higher than that and of course gibreel is the most chosen of allah servants amongst the angels and the profit system is the most chosen of his servants amongst the children of Adam so the angel and the the child of Adam the two best of them they see each other in their original forms and it is said that the Prophet SAW centum only saw Julian in his original form twice only saw his original form twice and this is one of those two one of those two occasions somewhere in this period he was also given Surat al-baqarah we don't know when all that we know hadith and saw a Muslim that Abdullah when mr. hood said when the Prophet assalam went on his journey of historic Maharaj he stopped at the cid throttle muntaha and it is in the sixth heaven this is the same narration I quoted you before he stopped at the City Tournament AHA and it is in the sixth heaven and then he explained what is it that the moon to her upon the Sidra everything that goes up stops from the Sidra everything the originates comes down then even miss root said the profitsystem was given three things number one the five solo were going to come to that number two Hawaa Timo Surat al-baqarah the ending of Surat al-baqarah and number three Allah promised him that whoever worshipped him from his own mo without doing that he will be forgiven and cost to enter Jannah this was a promise a gift that Allah gave so three things were given to him at settlement AHA or above the muntaha number one to five salat we're going to come to that number to Hawaa Teemu surat al-baqara from this narration some scholars have said that the last two verses of surat al-baqara occupy a special status that no other verse of the quran has what is it this is an opinion and this is not something that we can say for sure but it is an opinion based upon this that is the rest of the Quran gibreel came down with it and recited it to the prophecy sallam there's only one passage of the Quran where a theory Allah recited it directly to the professor sinem in his presence without it coming down to this earth and so the messenger was brought up to receive the revelation rather than the revelation being sent down to him via gibreel what is that revelation the last two verses of surat al-baqara and the process as i'm said that in another hadith he said I have been given this from underneath the treasures of the throne of Allah so that adds to what even Masood said that the last two verses surah Baqarah I have been given them from underneath the throne of the treasure of Allah and we know that whoever recites these two verses Allah will protect him in another hadith he said whoever recites these two verses on a nightly basis Jannik a Fatah who they're going to be enough for him he doesn't need anything else if you make a daily habit of reciting these two verses before you go to sleep it will be sufficient for you scholars have interpreted what does it mean sufficient it means it is sufficient to be protected against Shaitaan some said it means it is sufficient that even if you don't pray to HUD the Allah will write you amongst those who are not often any various interpretations but the process of left it open whoever recites the last two verses of surah al-baqarah every night before he goes to sleep it will be enough for him so we should make it a habit especially after learning where the the suitable I mean the last two verses came from should make it a habit memorize it and recite it every single night it was then that the profitsystem went to the gist of the salah and that is the divine appointment that is the divine presence of allah subhanahu wata'ala and i have tried my best to read as many of the classical books and narrations and many of the dissertations written about this tall maharaj sadly there is nothing that is authentic about the details of this meeting and there are many legends that are not true there are fabrications that are not true of the most common fabrications is that the taught that we say in salah is a summary of this conversation this is fabricated there is no basis to this the for those of you who don't know the fabrication and please know this is fabrication so don't if you're sleeping wake up now listen to me carefully don't quote me that I said this say that I said it's a fabrication what is the fabrication the fabrication is that the profitsystem allegedly began the conversation by saying attitude Allah he was so low a totally but and Allah responded by saying assalamu alayka ayyuhan nabi and the Prophet says I wanted to expand the Salam by saying as-salamu alaina why I did I had saw the hint and then the angels chimed in and they testified a shadow a la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna muhammad rasul allah yeah it sounds weird it is weird and it is not reported in any authentic book of hadees so we can discard this narration one thing that I was looking for in particular did the Prophet SAW sonim go beyond the Sidra term una caja alone or was he accompanied by jeanine and i've looked and as many sources as i could and i have access to i could not find anything ex for an indirect reference and that is in sahih bukhari the profitsystem says through djb had vowed to llamaste 1s murphy he sorry file a clam then I was caused to ascend forth in the singular not jubilee brought me for because before that it was always Julius put in bringing with me and Julia tells me this is a detriment to her once he gets to see the return muntaha the profitsystem speaks in the third person that someone caused me to ascend not jubilant anymore and i rose to a level where I could hear the pen writing now what is the pen and who is the writer we know that allah subhana wa ta'ala as the processor i'm said the first thing that allah created was the pen oh one who chocolat i'll column and then allah told the pen october so the pen asked allah what should I write and Allah said write everything that will happen until the end until your ma can write everything so the pen is being written directly by the command of Allah there is no scribe doing the writing the pen is a creation of Allah that is doing the writing and the prophets ISM is saying I rose to a level where I could hear the pen being inscribed Allahu Alem we can assume from this that the prophets of allah wahda he will sell them rose beyond the Sidra tell muntaha alone for two reasons number one Jew breed is not mentioned at all Gabriel is mentioned as having shown himself in his original form we're at the Sidra at the siddur right that's what the processor him said that once the Sidra has basically been shown then I saw jibley so it is as if now Gabriel has left off his shackles he is now free to be who he is but that's all he can be at the Sidra then the process of says in the singular then I be singular I was caused to ascend up there is no mention of gibreel at all until I could hear the pen who is doing the writing there is no angel above the above the said return winter there is no living creature above the settlement as far as we know that's where everything stops now we hear that the prophesies has gone beyond this and therefore it is inshallah legitimate to say that the prophecies 'm went to a level that no living creature has ever been to as far as we know no living creature he went beyond gibreel he went beyond even the settlement aha and he heard the divine pen as it was writing in the book that allah azza wajal has with him because the process of them says that allah wrote in a book that he has with him kitab and india who fell she he there is a book that allah has above the throne and the processor is saying i rose to a level I could hear the pen inscribing in the book who else is there in this audience other than the owner of the throne and the one who tells the pen to write so this was an elite audience the likes of which we don't know ever occurred with any other being any other creature but we don't have any details about what was said except for the fifty sort of Acts even though we can assume that other things were also said but we the only thing that has been reported to us is that the prophecies of them said that fifty salawatu were prescribed for me and then from there we go on to what everybody knows right so this particular and this is the pinnacle and perhaps there is a wisdom that what happened is something that is private what happened is something that is so precious that is so noble that is such a blessed gift that the process innum doesn't need or want to tell us and that is something that only Allah and the prophecies I know the full conversation what took place and that is perhaps a wisdom as well what do we know of this conversation just one thing and that is Allah told him to pray 50 times that that allah azza wajal Footy totally the process and said for the valley as Vanuatu from sino Salatin cool day on 50 sala wat every single day now you know the story from here and he goes back down and he meets musa now he must have passed by Ibrahim because ibraheem is in the seventh right it moves us in the sixth he must have passed by Ibrahim says nothing why not two reasons number one ibrahim alayhis salam is at a higher level and it is not in the nature of ibrahim to yani attitude or to to try to second-guess whatever allah says will go whereas musa is not at that level of ibraheem and he wants to try to negotiate another point ibrahim has no experience with large umas whereas musa is the most experienced prophet up until this time up until this time when he meets the process at him he is the most experienced prophet now the process is going to have experiences in the Medina phase especially but in the muck conveys he's only been active for 1112 years right and Musa has had how much 80 years or something of interaction with the Benny is right if not more than this we don't probably more than 80 to be honest we don't know exactly when he became a prophet but at least 80 to 90 years so he has more experience and therefore Musa is the one who asks him or there's a third reason as well by the way there's a third reason so first we mentioned the third one Musa knows that something is going to happen in this meeting how does he know this because he's been there done that at a smaller scale way smaller because Moosa is the only prophet who milazzo just spoke to directly before the Prophet Muhammad SAW said him there is of course a reference to add them be spoken to as well by the way but that was in Jena that was in Jena but Musa only went up to a mountain and Allah spoke to him on this earth our prophet muhammad's asylum he was granted a divine audience in the presence of the king of kings and he was called up as the messenger so Moosa has been there done that at a way smaller scale and that is on earth and moosa knows now by the way this also shows moosa was there for how long how long was he in taurus ina forty days the appointment was 4:30 and then allah increased it 10 this clearly shows that a lot happened what do we know of what happened nothing other than the 10 commandments correct right nothing other than the 10 commandments that's what moosa tells his people and what we know similarly the profitsystem must have been there for a timeframe time doesn't have meaning up there right there's no watch over there this is in the world of allah azza wa jal when he comes back to this earth only a few minutes have gone by but what happened and how long this is another dimension for us if you like right so how long was he in the presence of Allah what happened zero details so moose has been there done that he knows there's going to be a message a commandment like he was given the Ten Commandments the process was going to be given something so he asked the process of them what did your Lord tell you for your own cause he knows he knows that such a meeting would not be except for multiple purposes one of them being what did your Lord tell you for your oh ma so here the process of them says that my Lord told me that I should tell my Ummah to pray 50 times a day to pray 50 times a day here moosa says it will generate in arabic go back to your Lord were celibate afife and tell him to lower this because I have more experience than you with the Bani Israel and your Ummah will not be able to do 50 times a day so this is a detail that many people don't know it's in Muslim a Muhammad the Prophet system looked at gibreel wanting to get his opinion kinda whoo yes Toshiro would revises as if he's getting his opinion and you real nodded to him yes do that and this shows us that despite Musa being who he is the profitsystem did not feel content until he got a second opinion a second opinion and you know in the world that we live in anything that's major we should always get a second opinion here even in the next world the process M is getting a second opinion right mooses opinion is good but it's not good enough so he looks to gibreel I know yes this you do getting his sister shadow what do you think and so you be nods to him a Nam yes you should do it so basically backed with the second best prophet and the first best angel right the process and feels empowered so and this is by the way another evidence that you breathe did not go up with him that you breathe is still down that he's going up by himself right so he goes back up because if Jubal had gone up then he wouldn't who needs to do the asking there do believe is in the seventh heaven in the six seven so the process and went back up now here is where the rewire differ some of them say it went down five five five others head went down ten ten ten this is there is no way to resolve this they're all authentic but really the point is the same and that is multiple times back and forth back and forth if if five times or was it nine times but it went back and forth we don't know exactly how many because then he wire differ but it was clearly at least five times at least five times he's going back and forth and every time Musa is telling him the same thing that go back to your Lord and ask him to lower it because I have tested the children of Israel and they will not be able to do this your own map will not be able to do this until finally when he came back down with five this was when Musa said it one more time and the prophets Asylum said I have gone back and forth had to stay a - until I am embarrassed now how much ever going to do how much am I going to go back when I can outlaw who sell him but I am content and happy so when he said this nada moon odd in a voice called out and this is the voice of Allah subhana WA Ta'ala employee to Fatih Abbate wah ha theft to anybody my fat ego has been established and I have made things easier for my servants it is five but it shall be rewarded with fifty it is five but it shall be rewarded 40 what this means is that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala somebody will stuff for although with week Iman will say why didn't the process and go back get it down more right the response is firstly be careful of your head up with the processor if anybody's thinking this secondly Allah had already decreed it would be five and the Prophet SAW Sodom Jana Allah basically gave him that LLL ham to know when to stop that Allah had already decreed it would be five and that's why when he when the process said I'm embarrassed to go anymore the voice came out and the two people hearing it are the two people who've already had an audience with allah moosa and the processor right the two people hearing this I've already had experience with Allah so Allah is speaking to them because he's already spoken to them and what does Allah say this is my fidella and it will pass and I have already basically made it easy for my servants and it is five but it shall be rewarded with fifty it is five but it should rewarded with fifty now over here I mean again so much can be derived over here so much can be derived but of the things that we benefit from this of the things that we benefit from this first and foremost the status of the Salah the status of the Salah that just like we talked about Surat al-baqarah the last two verses being given at this time in fact the Salah is in fact an even higher level if you like than this because the purpose of the divine audience was to establish the salah that every single commandment from the zakah to the hedge to the head Jew to Quran to the jihad everything Allah Azza WA JAL sent gibreel down to the awesome to command us to do things but for one commandment it was so important that the messenger was called to the King of Kings to receive the message directly from the divine there was only one thing that was so important that our us also set up is told you need to come up because there's a message that needs to be delivered directly to you so the messenger is summoned to the presence of the divine and what is then decreed the one commandment only one commandment that we know of and all the rest come down indirectly through Jubilee and that is the Salah and if that if this was the only blessing that we have of sana it is enough of a blessing but you can act this that the Quran is full of the importance of Salah well pay my solitary decree after Misrata dolphin I was at a feminine night every single prophet is is mentioned in the Quran as praying the profitsystem says I passed by the grave of Musa he was praying the process him says I entered battle Noctis ibrahim is praying musa is praying ISA is praying salah is a standard every single prophet and so many verses in the Quran and there are plenty of hope as you can listen to about the the blessings of Salah the very first verse in the Quran that this is who didn't chicane alladhina you clean munis wada from the very beginning right risa in the cradle as a baby he says that my lord has commanded me with salat ii was ducati my doom to hire as a baby he is saying my lord has commanded me to gives to do salah and to basica as long as I live all of the shows Salah was important and it was so important for our Ummah that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala himself invited the profitsystem to receive this direct commandment another benefit that we gain from this is that and I mentioned this in a previous in a previous halaqah here that's Hannah lot when the prophecy awesome was told that he needs to pray fifty times a day even though it was lowered to five he himself it was his regular habit to pray fifty times a day because the commandment had come down even though the toffee for the the lightness came right but when Allah subhana WA Ta'ala said 50 the profitsystem in his personal life on a daily basis would pray 50 rakaat you want to do the math with me all together we did this once before he went to do the math with me all together what are the following how many 17 okay we agreed 17 kalos how many are the sunnah naughty be' 12 17 bus 12 gives us 29 okay how much is the regular uh witted and ii had jus that he would pray 11 18 3 here is where well 11 or 13 because generally he would also pray 2 rakaat before he began the 11 I assure says these were the shortest to Licata I've ever seen right so 13 is also a number that is given in many D Wyatt that the 2 rakaat were an introduction to the tahajud okay so one day why says 11 and others say 13 and others bring into account and other places so let us say for this one it is 13 so how much do we get now 42 and then he would pray us Allah after frigid and before the her call so that's a Doha and how much was Doha hey track I 42 plus 850 right so 50 I got on the dot was the regular routine of the prophets of the law Hadi he was seldom even though he didn't this is not what is watcher for the Ummah right but in his own and this is by the way the regular every time he enters the message it every time he does will do every time is Tahara this is additional to those 50 right the regular soda watch 50 rocket and this is from from the commandment of allah azza wajal initially that is going to be 50 another benefit that we can think of or derive what is the wisdom of bringing down a number when Allah knows that it's going to be brought down to be very blunt here why go through this whole routine of 50 45 40 35 30 20 when Allah knows is gonna go down to 5 wanna just say 5 and get it over with many wisdoms first and foremost to show the mercy of allah subhana wa ta'ala that allah azza wajal does not want to make life difficult for us that if allah had wanted to he could have but he doesn't that's not that's not what Allah wants Allah says in the Quran you need a law and you have FIFA and come along us to make things easy Allah says in the Quran you didn't lava c'mon you Sarah what I did to become universal allowance to make things easy for you he does not want to make things difficult for you Allah says in the Quran huama alaikum feeding him in garage there that Allah has not put a heritage in this religion for you Allah has not put this religion to be complicated and convoluted and difficult for you so there is a wisdom here to demonstrate that when the process goes back and says that o my Lord my ummah is weak they cannot do 50 Allah listens and he keeps on going down and down and down and this shows us the majesty and the mercy of Allah subhana wa ta'ala another wisdom of decreeing at 50 and then bringing it down to 5 is that there is a clear indication given that o son of Adam you were only created for one purpose and one purpose only and that is the worship of Allah subhanAllah because do the math what does 50 prayers translates into every 15 20 minutes you're going to be praying right do the math right what is 50 per strand it your entire day and night is going to be soda what's right and so there is an indication here that o son of Adam you have only been created for a bada and the acid or the general rule is that you should be praying to Allah like the angels pray because the Angels use up their own a later one najara ly afternoon they pray day and night and they never get tired that's what the creation is supposed to do goes back to the hood by gave last week remember about the purpose of creation is the worship of allah azza wajal and we're supposed to worship allah so allah is indicating here that had I told you to pray 50 times a day this is what you should be doing but I know you can't do it so I'm going to say do as you please but pray these five salat and Subhan Allah isn't it so sad then that after all of this the bulk of the Ummah cannot even spend literally it caught it cost twenty minutes of our day if not less than this for those who don't price on it right it costs 20 minutes of our day and many of us find these five-day deals that are difficult and that is a real sadness and a reality of the of the Ummah so all of this basically this is now the Z it's not the grand finale there's more to follow but this is the main if you like incident and that is the meeting of allah subhana wa tada then the profitsystem goes back down and he tells us many things that he saw on the way down and he says that then i saw heaven and hell and that that we're going to talk about next week but the question here why did he see heaven and hell and see all of these things after meeting Allah helmet on why not before because what is the what is the whole if you like cycle he's basically going up and up and up and up and as he is going up he meets all of these prophets going through all of the sama wat and he gets to the very end of creation and he sees it al muntaha and he sees jus buried in the original form and he still continues to go up and there is where he meets allah subhana wa ta'ala then on the way down a lot of other things happen the wisdom here is obvious and that is it is not befitting that's the meeting with the king of kings be delayed for anything he has been called for a divine purpose a divine audience so he is going up straight up and up and up and he is simply going through to get to that divine meeting to get to that interaction with allah subhana wa ta'ala then once he meets Allah subhana WA Ta'ala once he speaks with Allah subhana WA Ta'ala then he may go and do other things it is not befitting that even in our times when the dignitary comes the first thing that the dig narrator he goes and meets with the the king or the president the Emperor then if he wants to go sightseeing that is fine right but the initial audience must be with the king of kings and so it makes notes it makes complete sense Cuse me that the process immediately goes to see a lot of heroin and everything else is just on the way up then after that divine meeting the rest of it begins and there is of course a lot more that's going to happen and inshallah we'll talk about that next week the time for today is up but I used the word meeting Allah subhana WA Ta'ala and that is an appropriate word however as we'll come to next week there is a controversy did he see Allah or not there's a controversy some scholar said he did some scholar said he didn't the strongest opinions we'll talk about he did not see Allah but he had a private meeting in which he saw the veil of Allah he didn't see Allah he saw the veil of Allah there is a veil and this is yet another indication that he went to a level that gibreel did not go to that it was beyond what any being has been to and to conclude here surah 10 a.m. the beginning portions of surah Najam describes certain of these incidents in as usual in direct language its you need to understand the context when Nesby either hawa madalasa he become wah wah wah wah wah wah Yan tawanda how odd that when the star when it goes down your companion has neither gone astray nor has he heard one my aunt my lil hawa and he's not speaking from his imagination ie what he saw is not just a dream now you understand through the nijem in light of Islam right Reacher at the nijem the first page in light of Islam so Allah is saying what I am to Hawaiian in our what he is saying is not just coming from his whims and desires know what he is saying in Halawa herein you have this is why from Allah subhana not just the Quran everything that he's seeing is from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala in what Allah WA hen you have ulema who shed you are he has been taught by the one who is mighty in power the references gibreel ulema who Shadid Allah he has been taught by the one who is mighty in power Zoomer lateen festa wa lumira means he is free of any defect the Murrah means he is perfect fast awawa who have been a focal Allah and he I'm translating colloquia not not not not specific or not to pedantically accurately because the point is fast awawa fo kannada means gibreel revealed himself at the highest of heavens Wahhabi offical Allah when he was at the very highest part ii' where is the highest part said there's a moon taaha right this is where jooheon revealed himself and that's why allah describes him as the embodiment of perfection zu militant festa wah wah hoo a bit offical Allah some Madonna fat Adela and then Jill came closer and closer picanha abacus a neo Adina gibreel was closer to the profitsystem than two bows like in a bow and arrow two bows length Jew Brina was closer so Allah is describing the miraculous encounter between gibreel and the prophecies of them and there is an even more miraculous encounter about to take place right but this is an encounter right now between the original form of gibreel and the profitsystem picanha abacus a neo Adina and then Aloha Allah Abadie Hema oh ha after the encounter with Jibril he moved on to an even higher encounter where Allah inspired his servant with whatever he inspired their secrecy here you guys don't need to know oh hi lab the himö all you need to know 50 silhouettes right so Allah doesn't mention the details as we already said we don't know anything for oh hi Daddy Hema Oh ha maka DeBell Fouad Amara ah the chest is not lying in what it saw Allah ascribed the vision to the chest because the eyesight absorbed it in and when he's speaking he's speaking the truth now Makeda bell foo Adam ah ah ah ah Fatima Luna who Allah my era are you gonna argue with him with what he saw you're gonna argue what knowledge do you have he knows what he saw and it he saw the truth laka Dora I'm in a terrible Cobra he saw of the most amazing miracles and science of his Lord what did he see syndra Delmont aha Jibril al batin mom or the heavens the sama wat the earth he saw the Jenna and now all of this he saw the cholera a min.i a terrible kübra so this surah can nijem summarizes for us Allah subhana WA Ta'ala defending the prophets and praising him as having seen everything and then praising his bravery and courage maza elbasan wa mata ha that the eyes did not go beyond nor did they transgress in other words as we said the eyes absorbed all that they saw and they were supposed to and Allah says Dada I mean IIT Rabi hill kübra inshallah Dada we will open the floor for Q&A next week we'll come back and we'll continue the journey down and then the journey back from Jerusalem to Mecca and then the next morning what happened when the process and woke up and he had to and he did wake up by the way and that's another controversy because the phrase says I woke up so does this mean that it was a dream or what does this mean it was a physical transportation again that's the controversy we'll talk about as well inshallah Dada next Wednesday we open up the floor for a few minutes of questions in sha allah and then break for salat al Aisha yes okay it seems if you have to do 50 great we will not have to worry about food and all of that could be anything the question is you talked about the pen writing and that that action is going on would it be right to assume that the other of online being written all the time it is that dynamic in this and not something that stopped doing stall because it seems to be any which is going one and the prayers can change that or the various cancers and so the question is since the Pens are still writing does this mean that the other is still being written as we speak the response is it's a very perceptive question by the way the response is there are multiple levels of other and in fact to be academic there are five levels of other there are five levels of other there is the al-qaeda and SLE which is what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala wrote before he created the heavens and earth by fifty thousand years there's a cuddly this was before Allah created anything Allah Azza WA JAL wrote down everything that would happen there's also the Qatar that is the yearly Qatar right there's also the cutter that is the lifetime cutter that when the child is in the womb of the mother allah subhanho wa taala writes down hadith is in sahih bukhari writes down Ramudu he and Emily he and Shakti you know Sayid all of this is written down right there's also a by the ladies a little cutter is the year the cutter but later - the cutter is the year the other there's also a cutter that is a daily other cool a young woman who efficient right and that's a daily cut that every day there is decisions and things going on so certain types of cutter never change the Cadell as le never changes other types of cutter the daily and the yearly other they can change and Allah has already decreed that they're going to change but nobody knows this other than Allah even the Angels don't know this right and so the daily other for example it might come down in the day the cutter that to the medical mode that take the soul of so-and-so take the soul of so-and-so and the molecular mouth by the way every one of us has a medical mode every one of us there is an angel whose only job is to take our soul when our time is done pollito a vacuum molecule motility lukela become there is medical mode that has been assigned to you the purpose that this angel exists is to take my soul in your soul and you have an angel and I have an angel and that's his job he's just waiting for it whenever the command comes that's what he's gonna do that's why Allah created him right so the commandment comes down on the daily cutter that you're gonna take the soul of so-and-so right I didn't mean to point that you take it back but one day it's going to happen is it he was the one class the question okay but one day it's going to happen me and you right so one day the medical mode will be told you're going to take the life of so and so that is the daily other it is possible that at the very last instance the prophecies and I'm said if you're good to your relatives you will increase your life so that the rahim increases more right for example there are other things that increase remote as well so on that day you happen to be generous to your relatives and somebody was being rude to you but you swallowed your pride and you said whatever I'm going to be good for the sake of Allah at the last instance Allah has already decreed Okada as Eddy right the angel doesn't know everybody thinks the Angels think Allah this is his last day on earth right but you've done something and a lot so it just sends the decree that give him an arrest spite give him another here in other five years because of this act right and that's what Allah Samantha says yum hill la familia sha will youth between the wu-oh multi-tap young allahu Maya shutteth but Allah will erase whatever he wants and Allah will allow to stand whatever he wants but he has all Maliki tab and that's because Eddy right which doesn't change and Allah knew that it would change because I watch read done okay other questions yes local mode you served there's a mobile Momo forever yes and there is a head medical note as well yes he's right so that's different from yes sisters any questions yes I'm not going to read the question there's a bit of a very controversial question so I'm not gonna repeat she said that some groups pray three times a day firstly the group that you mentioned does not pray at all so they don't pray at all the group that you mentioned does not pray they do not pray at all their other versions of that particular understanding of Islam pray three times a day they pray three times but they pray five prayers so they believe that basically imagine you are always a traveler on this earth so you can always combine so hard and acid and liberation let's say so they combined the hood and acid and they combined Mozgov and Elisha okay and so they do pray five prayers but they pray them at three times so it is incorrect to say that the only pray three prayers they don't pray three they pray five prayers no Muslim group in classical Islam that did offer prayers prayed except five times this is unanimous consensus of all Muslims who pray but the group that you mentioned do not have a Sharia their shitty eyelid is abrogated they don't have a Sharia so there is no halal and haram for them there is no Salah and zakah for that group so they don't pray at all okay yes what's the real story we don't have any real story the real story is lack of a story we do it because the process them told us to do it this is mold or fabricated there is last letter in the ketubah Sunna good almost always carried by six and over oh yeah me too I'll shut up big of El Cajon me Alma even nemanja a word what love always peoma isn't on that day the day of judgment once a hobby bar and a las throne shop yes that was cited in life sadly Maya has allowed the throne shock what about it so the throne shook so Allah is thrown shook I don't understand the question I'm sorry it didn't say it doesn't say the angel shook Allah says has an outside the throne shook it doesn't say the angel shook it it says Allah is thrown so now Allah that there are descriptions of the carriers of the throne but the ayah tells us that it will be brought on the day of judgment we are out shut up big of El Cajon Yama even samanya right so and now again this is Sparrow we don't have a map you know of the semi wat right these are all any guesses that people have so one understanding and this is the understanding that I think can explain all of these a hadith and ayat is that above the Sidra till moon Taha there is nothing other than the throne and the one who is above it there is an interpretation that says as you very correctly pointed out that there are a category of angels separate from the angels of this world and Jahlil is but see the problem therefore would come with this interpretation that jbeil would therefore not to be the best angel and we know jublia is indeed the chosen we know this from numerous hadith and also necessarily hood rule I mean right and Allah Subhan Allah says in Nevada tane zero Mella iike to were roofie huh so Allah mentions one out of all of the angels Allah mentions one but route via so clearly Jubilee is the best of angels if we were to say that there are Hamid it allows right now above the cigarette al muntaha this kinda sorta might clash others can say well it doesn't they have a job in Jubilee has a job so the bottom line nobody can be sure but Allah who item the interpretations that suggest that that is going to occur and that there is a category of angels who have been assigned to do that job on the day of judgment this does seem to make sense wallah Adam final questions yes I'm pretty common think I think never I'm counting on the homework what were you um so for the more academically inclined I have a very long article on Muslim matters about the history of the celebration of the prophets birthday so I said them I encourage all of you to read that it is around 25 30 pages long and inshallah without any exaggeration or a modesty it is the most comprehensive study in the English language about the history of the celebration of the prophets birthday and you can just google it with my name it's on Muslim matters a three part article and in it I clearly point out that for the first six hundred years of Islam the celebration of the Prophet SAW son's birthday was unknown in sunnylands I say certainly because it was done by the fall timid yeah it's my 80 dynasty and they had a they had it actually on the 13th and I won on the twelfth and eventually in a very faraway province it became popular in that province around 610 or so aah 610 so six hundred years after the death of the process and it started and then it just spread after that time and initially many of the scholars opposed it and there are a number of Fatah WA in the 7th century of scholars saying that this has no basis to it but it turned out to be a very popular celebration because this is a very slippery slope love of the prophesy Sodom is a very slippery slope because it's very easy to exaggerate that love because everybody loves the process of right and that's why the Prophet SAW time said be careful about exaggerating praising me and he said hadith is in Bukhari and Muslim latter Peroni do not exaggerate and praising me you know even in order to law it Allah means exaggeration and praising right Latta Tunis Kama Sutra taught in Essaouira he said imodium like the Christians did with Jesus Christ a perfect hadith that shows what happens when you let your love go blind and uncontrolled perfect example right our prophet saw some is say you the one of the Adam Kaela Imam Wilmore sedin say you don't we keep on going on and on but he is not the object of worship she was sent so that Allah be worshiped and not him and therefore these types of celebrations lo can occur on the side of Kuna LA if there was good in it the Sahaba would have done it the tabular on would have done it the fact that they didn't do it shows that there that they didn't consider it in fact as I said even the day he was born if you remember we said it's unknown and this shows that the Sahaba did not make a big deal of it right the true birthday of the prophet system if you really want to celebrate it it should be done every Monday by fasting right and you're never going to find these people who defend the twelve the Roberto one wanting to fast every Monday and will lie in this there's an indication something is wrong right there's a hadith in Bukhari sorry in Muslim where the process was asked why do you fast on Monday and he said because on Monday the Y came down to me and on Monday I was born and he has two to three other things so if you really want to celebrate the process of birthday it's a weekly event and how do you celebrate it not by hello and putti sorry but by fasting from halwa and pootie alhamdulillah nonetheless nonetheless I say that brothers and sisters please be careful here as well big as our of levels and some big as our trivial compared to others and if people gather together to sing the praises of the prophets as I'm in a legitimate manner and to mention his serie in a legitimate manner and they do it on the 12th order beard l1 thinking that this is encouraged this is a very trivial matter in the grand scale of things had they done it on any other day it would have been completely permissible suppose we did it today what we're doing right so if we did it on the 12th at will be lol and we thought that of course if it was an accidental 12 it was fine but if we thought that there's something extra on this day I mean it's such a trivial thing so we should not cause controversy we have far bigger things to worry about than to divide the ummah i know some groups will celebrate the motive even here in Memphis right let them go and do it I'm not going to give a whole tuba against the molded because most of the people who celebrate the motive let's be brutally honest don't even pray 5 times a day so why should then I prioritize something like this at the expense of something far more important right tell these people if you really love the process of them why don't you pray more often just go change it like this right ok what you're doing it's coming from good intentions we don't doubt that right it's coming from good intentions but the true celebration of them of the you know the the coming of the process M is by following his message or in kuntum to heaven ilaha Fatima Rooney Kamala Eibon Abbas said this verse is called the verse of the test this has been Abbas speaking this verse is called the verse of the test say if you truly say that your loving Allah the proof is in following me fati biruni then Allah will love you right so for those who are celebrating the molded in a legitimate manner what is it in manner Sierra in boxin knots that are permissible because there's knots that go to impermissible levels right not sir or hymns that are permissible in that you know they say hydraulic ilaha mohammed saleh al habib this general stuff which is permissible what is impermissible to make dua to the prophecy what is impermissible to say that he is newly ilahe what is impermissible to go beyond what our religion says about him to stick to the Quran and Sunna and then to do something on the 12th attribute oh well is a matter that I find so insignificant that I don't give public talks against it and it had you not asked I would not have said anything right I don't like it and I don't participate in it but as an Ummah we have far bigger things to worry about and therefore if you have friends or relatives doing these things don't come barging in and saying vitako for Haram Yanni understand that understand I'm being serious here understand that they're doing something based on their good intention and there's a time and a place to correct them and there's a methodology to correct them right and whenever you say something is bida always provide them the opposite the Sunnah because the problem comes you become the one with the stick and you never come with the carrot or the honey right holily ecology is good bring the halwa and say don't do your halwa come bring hardware to m.i.c on Sunday let's do this who agrees the doctrine Eve should bring halwa next Wednesday right yes ok so next Wednesday we've all each ma unanimous right that instead of the halwa over there have halwa over here ok we all agree now we've solved your problem for you you can have your halwa and eat it - it's a inshallah with this inshallah with this happy note inshallah they're all looking forward to Halloween next week
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 305,922
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Keywords: yasir, qadhi, seerah, authentic, biography, miraculous, night, journey, ascension, to, the, heavens, al-'Isra', wal-Mi'raj, isra, wal, meraj, miracle, prophet, muhammed, orientalist, critics, critique, defend, prophethood, mercy, mankind, detailed, analysis, original, sources, greatest, human, being, medina, makkah, mecca, quran, hadith, true, islam, modern, solutions, unity, lessons, morals, 1st, February, 2012
Id: 128GJfzeMwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 42sec (4782 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 09 2012
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