Security Poison Tsunami VS JJ and Mikey in Secret Bunker in Minecraft - Maizen bunker house base

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huh huh did he say the world is going to be covered in toxic sludge in a few hours what [Music] Mikey huh this is bad what is it listen in a few hours the world is going to be covered in toxic sludge we gotta go come on what no I'm not ready yet I wanna go JJ I'm scared hey yeah don't give up hope just yet we can still find a way to survive what can we do let's figure this out together take a look see the Overworld yeah everything up here will be covered in toxic sludge okay so the plan is we will build a safety shelter Underground oh that makes sense we have to get just a few hours all right our house already has a basement so wait a sec I almost forgot what is it see this house we should warn our neighbor that lives here right he may not have heard the news so let's tell him [Music] world is going to be ending soon you might want to build a shelter soon and hide in there if what we're saying oh but it's true you can come stay in our shelter with us okay whoa hey we were just trying to be nice so don't hurt us [Music] well we can't do anything about that he's free to make his choice let's just focus on our shelter okay yeah okay maybe the neighbor thinks we're pulling a mean prank on him anyway let's start building so our basement is right here you just pull on this lever to open the bookshelf like this see whoa there's a hidden passage and then here it is this leads into the basement now before we check it out you should know we haven't been down here for a long time it might be messy if you're ready let's go here we go all right whoa well here it is it's gotten pretty bad down here huh Mikey we'll clean it up before we make our shelter okay I really hope this shelter protects us it's our best bet we only have a few hours so let's get started let's get to work let's see what we have in storage oh okay everything we need to start working is in this chest let's take it definitely okay so our first task oh let's clean up this mess there are spider webs everywhere good idea almost done there nice if the surface is covered in toxic sludge we might have to spend a long long time down here let's give ourselves more space right we'd go crazy after the first week in a small space [Music] taking a while okay Mikey I brought some TNT why it'll cut down on our digging time let's try it oh whoa whoa awesome great next up let's load some TNT into these walls too another one right here okay now back up huh wow nice it's much roomier yep now we can fix up the ceiling okay [Music] we only have a few hours left we gotta hurry let's pick up the pace we don't have much time it's gonna be bad on the surface terrible this shelter might be our home for a few years you think so probably there just a little more almost [Music] that should do it yay it's a lot bigger we can definitely live in here it's perfect even if the surface does get covered we'll be safe in here right well I appreciate your optimism but we might not be able to leave this bunker we'll be here the rest of our lives a big empty room won't cut it will it Mikey right that means we'll need food and water if we don't want to starve to death I was just trying to look on the bright side that sounds awful let's get to work we'll make an infinite water source down here the spring will go here and we have some water already I'll pour it in here like this you can take as much water as you want now good now we have a water supply all that's left is food which is a little tricky let's make a small sustainable Farm we'll have to plan it out well so we can stay self-sufficient down here in our new home clear this section out like this then we can fill it in with soil that's good pack the dirt then the water can go in the back here [Music] plow the soil all right next we need to plant some seeds okay our farm will have to grow by Torchlight down here [Music] seeds let's plant carrots potatoes and watermelon sounds great I'll plant them oh how's that yeah okay you're done yep which means that should do it for the farm now we have all our Necessities covered for forever yeah so we did it it's perfect we can survive it's all done now all that's left is to grab the furniture in the house and bring it to the bunker it's a little dreary down here [Music] we only have about an hour left there's no time to waste just grab everything you can carry I got the beds okay got those wood the chairs and stuff the table definitely I'll get the TV and the kitchen grab it all [Music] let's take the fridge with us and we can't forget this what is it room of course good idea definitely is that all yep back to the basement let's set up the kitchen first yeah the fridge can go here what else is there the TV maybe over there yeah over here looks great this feels better already foreign [Music] next let's find a place for the bathroom that's very important let's build it [Music] how about over here okay [Applause] is that enough yep there not too shabby so Mikey where should we put our beds they could go anywhere how about this that's break these it's good [Music] nice let's brighten up this space with the Torches oh [Music] well the inside of our shelter is gonna heat up like a sauna what that's no good are you saying it's gonna get boiling hot in here because we can't survive that are you positive about all this don't worry Mikey huh I have an idea we'll build an AC system let's head to the Village we've got some shopping to do okay foreign let's carve out another space on this side sure this is where we'll set up our system let's do it gotta make some room first of course so now Mikey we're gonna Place some ice on the ground okay now on the wall [Music] even just this will have an impact on the temperature down already isn't enough though play some iron in the back okay oh the lever's gonna go here and the fan will go here amazing watch if I flip the switch like so whoosh whoa great huh fantastic it's so much cooler now the fan blows the air off the ice and into the rest of the shelter That's How we'll counter the heat from the lava yay we won't have to boil down here that's right [Music] I think we're all done now even if the surface is covered in toxic sludge we will survive but Mikey it's just yeah I'm worried about our neighbor we tried to warn him but he wouldn't believe us let's try inviting him to stay in our shelter again you're right JJ we should go talk to him okay hello oh whoa here he comes hello we finished building our bunker and we were wondering if you'd like to stay with us huh are you sure we don't have much time the world will be covered in toxic sludge you really won't come oh he turned us down again ah I guess he doesn't believe us he can be so stubborn yeah he really doesn't believe that the world is about to end cool we have 30 minutes before the toxic sludge we can't force him to believe us let's hurry and save ourselves he made his choice it's too bad well Mikey get used to this it may be the rest of our lives [Music] huh that sound what is that I'm scared JJ yeah it's happening the surface is being covered by toxic sludge will our shelter Keep Us Safe oh man huh oh it sounds like it's letting up it's all over sheesh but it looks like our shelter yeah he's holding up there's no sludge leaking in looks like we're in the clear thank goodness should we go out there and check up on him that doesn't sound safe JJ want the toxic sludge infect us it will be safe if we wear hazmat suits oh here they are if we put these suits on then we should be able to go outside okay ready Mikey yep these should protect us but we can't stay out there for too long let's go save our neighbor let's go [Music] okay I'm climbing up me too we're going outside I'm scared I'm terrified I mean is it even safe yeah I don't know let's find out oh it's very very purple is it okay I'm just glad we have these hazmat suits ready ow it's really covered ah get in the shelter now right away go hurry Mikey shut the hatch phew
Channel: Maizen JJ & Mikey
Views: 237,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spongebob, maizen, jj and mikey, micky, ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, noob vs pro, 100 days minecraft, JJ Rabbit, Nico, Omz, Cloudy, Carty, Smirky, 1000 Fnaf Vs JJ and Mikey, mazien, jj mikey
Id: MDzcxMDi7g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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