How IRON MAN Mikey and JJ Security House vs 10 000 ZOMBIE Mikey and JJ ? - (Maizen)

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[Music] wow I slept really well it's morning already time for my exercises or maybe not huh are those zombies why are there zombies everywhere oh man I'm surrounded this is bad what now what am I going to do huh huh h a wait a sec Mikey the village is full of zombies I'm so scared what do we do Mikey huh look over here oh hey J it's you don't go outside it's way too dangerous out there what are we going to do hang in there I'll take care of the zombies huh I have a bow in here okay oh but I only have six six arrows whatever let's see if I can deal with these zombies I'm going to go up to the roof now good luck up there wao they spotted me already oh man there's way too many of them can you beat them I'll try take this got one again yes it's working can you beat all the zombies yeah oh uh-oh I ran out of arrows that's no good Mikey I can't shoot the zombies without ammo oh man what let's try to join up where are you in my house wait a sec it would be really bad if I fell down there that's Mikey's house I'm going to try and jump onto his roof I'll need a running start if I want to make it okay go wa that was close yikes those zombies would have beat me in a second let's go down the chimney looks a little hot but I'll just push through here we go ouch wo oh JJ Mikey this is terrible the village is full of zombies you're right well breaking past all of the zombies to escape the village might be impossible does that mean we have to try and make a life here surrounded by them really I mean that might be our only option wait H I just remembered I have some emergency supplies really that's great it's good to be prepared where are your emergency supplies Mikey they're buried here here's a shovel thanks I'm sure it's around here watch out ouch doesn't hurt try to stay out of their reach all right let's see so you buried your emergency supplies in your yard found it o oops you okay yes here it is it's all here what is it [Music] well Tada is that it uh-huh it's cookies let's eat them together we'll split them yeah thank you Mikey let's eat yummy oh wow these really hit the spot definitely H this is my entire emergency supply you saved us with your cookies M these could last for days you think so let's stay in your house until all the zombies go away all [Music] right why are the zombies still here we ran out of emergency cookies and I'm getting so hungry we're running out of options Mikey huh we need to go gather supplies but the zombies how can we go out there I have an idea yeah look huh see across the street from your house uhhuh there mhm it's a neighboring house there has to be some supplies inside right but yeah there will be lots of zombies in our way that's okay there's a way we can reach that house without going outside really how I was thinking we could dig a tunnel from your house to that one over there oh I'm sorry about this Mikey we're going to have to destroy your floor it's okay so this is how we'll tunnel through the ground let's get digging just like this yeah okay let's go this way mhm now we'll tunnel through we'll connect the houses yeah cool you'll go underground to connect them right above us are zombies so be careful okay watch where you dig okay how's my position I'm going to check how far is it if I dig from the wrong spot we're going to be attacked by zombies that would be really bad it looks about that bar okay I'll tunnel two spaces to the left you're sure yep okay here we'll dig our way up and if I'm right we should be inside of that house really probably huh oh see there's Cobblestone if we break a hole in the Cobblestone then it should lead to the other house I'm going to try go oh Bingo wow yes we did it awesome wow all right we made it to the other house we did it wow I can't believe that plan worked that's incredible good job H it's perfect yes o let's see what we can find wo h a skeleton oh look I know there's a chest behind you really there might be supplies inside let's take a look all right 3 2 1 open oh wow that's great I see carrots and potatoes wo nice and what's this there's a drill here what I definitely wasn't expecting something like this inside the chest a drill some carrots and potatoes it's food let's eat no wait a second we can't eat these yet Mikey why we don't know how long we're going to be trapped in this Village right yeah so let's plant these instead all right on top of that we also found this drill oh check it out cool if we use this yeah we can build an underground Kingdom you think so yeah oh right let's live underground in the underground Kingdom we'll be safe from zombies nice let's see you can use the drill like this wo watch this wo check it out awesome digging wow that's the underside of your house there are zombies up there right maybe we should dig down yeah if we dig in the wrong spot we'll have to fight zombies be careful Mikey I almost forgot it's dangerous so wear a helmet thanks now let's build our underground Kingdom yeah sorry I hit you that hurt all right we're founding a new kingdom looking good now we can use the underground to go back and forth between our houses wow that's awesome JJ okay so a little more digging over here I think if I keep digging in this direction I should reach my house right about here huh yeah I'll dig up [Music] here oh no no no no no no that was close are you okay I wasn't to my house yet glad the zombies didn't notice most call let's try that again a little further okay nice we made it to my house here's some ladders I'll set them up [Music] okay now we can climb inside we finally made it awesome yeah oh let's build our kingdom yeah next let's connect the path to your house is it this one here I think so yep right [Music] there all right now we can come up here too our houses are connected yep via the tunnel okay let's go back down we need to start farming something I'm pretty hungry now so let's plant those carrots and potatoes before we end up eating them ready to farm let's do it where do we start we'll need to place some dirt down oh wait Mikey stop there's something else um oh yeah we need water exactly we need water to make a farm mhm let's see if my memory serves me the well should be somewhere in that [Music] direction h Huh wao seriously whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey no that guy is taking our crops huh he destroyed the entire field we've lost everything Mikey everything it doesn't matter how many crops our village grows that bully takes everything from us what are we going to do JJ Mikey let's take him down and get it back it's impossible he's too strong there's no way I have an idea Mikey huh I know how we can defeat him huh you do yep how follow me to my house okay okay we're here so how can we defeat him he's really powerful can we really do it actually Mikey I have a secret don't tell anyone sure well the truth is I come from a ninja family what a ninja family yep I keep the secret to becoming a ninja underneath my house we can use them to take down the bad guy wow we can become ninjas then we could beat him but still you don't have a basement right JJ actually it's a secret basement first put out the fire M and then pull this lever yoink check it out wow that's the big basement wow you really do have a secret basement let's go yep in we go all right yeah okay let's move did itend nope to get through we just pull this lever and continue forward ready sure okay yep wow what's this be careful Mikey if you fall in you'll die woohoo check it out this is my family's secret ninja treasure passed down through the generations what's inside let's open it up sweet wo so you ready Mikey mhm let's change first sure wow wo awesome we're so cool now that we have our outfits we also need shuriken rope and other pieces of our ninja Arsenal mhm starting today we train yeah we're going to become ninjas understood I'll do my best then we'll take down our enemy yeah all right then yeah first swords yay 1 2 3 4 four five sure easy as pie let's swing them 100 times a day huh 100 swings every day yep yesh okay Mikey next we'll practice with shuriken cool hit the targets with them W if we throw 100 a day we'll be able to hit them not a Min are hitting yeah okay next yeah let's practice rope climbing you can't be a ninja if you can't climb ropes huh not too shabby this is harder than it [Music] looks this is tough let's keep training I'll do my best ninja training is [Music] hard all right we've got the basics down we've finally become ninjas yep yeah let's sneak into our enemy's Lair and take him down Mikey yes all right okay we should arrive pretty soon mhm we're making progress let's get to land to the surface avoid being noticed yeah we can't be seen wao That's The Hideout what wow hang on there's guards watching the front gate we can't get in if there's guards what do we do follow me Mikey okay let's sneak in from over here so the guards don't see us sh how about here we should be able to hang a rope from up there huh go wo yes all right amazing let's climb Mikey let's be sneaky climb the Rope to sneak in just like we trained yes right through this window nice stealthy all right no one saw us that's right let's move okay let's hurry up and take out the boss then we can get everything back yeah I think we can go down here okay yes the guards haven't seen us yet all right we made it inside unseen that's great woohoo let's move let's go here we go where's the boss hiding out the boss is probably over there up there yeah see that the tallest building here oh I think he's on the top floor up there got it yep let's go after him without being seen yeah let's go H is this the way I don't see anyone uh-huh this is the kitchen let's hurry uh there may be traps so be careful okay I won't let my guard down yep yep yep okay see anyone proceed with caution yeah we have to be ready yep all clear it looks fine looks clear to me oh stairs I think we can head up from here let's go go yeah what huh what was that huh hang on a trap activated what do we do we can't get through we have to go through here to reach the boss's Castle but we can't I guess we have to look for another way let's look hang on anything Mikey follow me H here huh I'll use a rope we might be able to go up this way wo yes let's go through this spot under the roof and then we're here wo wo Okay jump past it woohoo made it great We snuck past it let's go let's go let's go try not to be seen hang on Mikey huh enemies huh this is the only way so we have to go through here but how get him with shuriken sneak up close and throw on my mark okay on your mark all right ready and go get up the training paid off all right woohoo our shuriken took care of them nice job good our training was worth it now let's hurry yeah hurry up go go go this way here yo W hang on nice shuriken it attacked us wo close call we managed to pull through okay let's move let's go we're close to the boss's building yes keep going all right yeah Mikey stop pull back hurry hurry hang on a sec look closely yeah there are security cameras up there this is bad we'll be in trouble if he spots us Mikey if we're seen on the cameras the boss will know that we're coming and he'll come after us that's not good let's go another way H okay over there yeah there's Security in place so we can't go that way oh if possible we want to avoid fighting so let's take a different route yeah all right okay H that's the place that building we're close I know let's use the ROP again we'll toss them up climb here wo and we're in okay wo we did it nice job we haven't been seen not yet at least let's go this is the place we're here let's try to reach the top of this building yeah careful there might be patrols we'll have to fight through them got it uh this way okay we should get there without being spotted yo see someone one a guard oh I've been seen all right nice all right we got them let's get started today I'm here because Mikey has something he wants to show me you're going to love it JJ I made a really cool zombie research lab zombie what now check it out wo that's a zombie villager right that's right but he wasn't always a zombie so I built a lab to try to cure him I've done a lot of research but I still haven't found a way to cure him and turn him back to normal I've tried everything I can think of here have some more are those cookies yeah it's like I told you none of my ideas work he's not eating anyway I still haven't given up on my testing oh let me give you a tour of my zombie research lab sure what's this place this is the zombie combat training area it's a place where you can practice battling zombies pretty cool right JJ uh yeah it's totally cool Mikey give it a try do some training fight the zombie uh can I use one of these swords of course that sounds fun it's just the one zombie right yeah only one for now at least just don't let your guard down ready JJ sure okay here I go wo start okay take this get him wait what Mikey I thought there would just be one zombie lesson one you never know how many zombies there are fine I can handle it huh yes what got it look but there were three of them well done JJ you've gained some valuable experience fighting zombies oh how about I show you the research lab's basement follow me JJ it's down here below the trap door nice secret entrance thanks oh more zombies ready 3 2 1 go snow golems fight the zombies I'm testing Snow Golems as a zombie defense system uh-oh come on hang in there sh no a they couldn't beat the zombies I love snow golems they're so cute but every single time they lose to the zombies I just don't know why they haven't won a single time I guess I just have to do more research well Mikey a snow golem snowball only do damage to things like blaz es or the Ender Dragon they just can't hurt zombies not even a little bit really I didn't know that then does that mean all of this research was for nothing well you can always use snow golems as decoys and beat the zombies in other ways so my research wasn't just a waste of time I forgot to tell you this earlier Mikey but H I've actually been researching zombies on my own in secret really you mean you have a zombie research lab too that's right I built it myself wellow also I think my lab has exactly the thing you need Mikey come with me huh exactly what I need what could that be let's check it out wait here guys let's go here we are wow it's huge I know right how long did this take you to build is that a zombie villager oh I feel bad for him he can never go back to being a villager poor guy actually huh this zombie villager will be going back to normal what that's impossible how here I'll show you we'll need a golden apple from this chest but before we do anything with that I'll flip this lever uh flip wo what did you just do first we have to give the zombie villager a dose of medicine okay and now comes the golden apple oh I'm just going to feed it to him you mean you're not supposed to feed him any cookies that's right now we just wait a few [Music] minutes he's cured see just like I said he's back to normal wow this is the medication oh and here's a golden apple wow use these to cure your friend now I can save him thank you yep I'm so excited okay come on out villager I'm glad he's better you can go back home [Music] bye-bye hey Mikey H want to take a look in here yeah what do you have in this area you'll see what is this place you shouldn't get too close why that's the combat training area wo see that zombie yeah that's the area to practice fighting zombies cool it's like the one I made believe it or not I have experience fighting zombies I bet I could win no problem can I give it a try please well the zombie in there might look normal now now but you can't be too careful so take a look at this you should probably take some weapons and armor before going in there to fight that thing nah I don't need any of that stuff this will only take a second so don't worry about me JJ Mikey hang on I think you should reconsider don't worry about me it'll be just fine that's not good let's start the battle Mikey you're trapped in there it's fine huh look behind you it's just one Z what what is that thing how'd it get so big this isn't so bad maybe I can still oh no help me [Music] ouch well that was sure embarrassing I tried to warn you Mikey you just tried to fight a a super dangerous mutant zombie a mutant zombie This research lab is awesome that reminds me there's something else I wanted to show you I can even mutate those Snow Golems you like so much really yeah just follow me wow you have so many snow colums in here and on the other side mutant zombies are you going to make them fight y but I thought you already knew this snow golems can't damage zombies if you make them fight the snow golems will all lose it's pretty common knowledge JJ don't worry Mikey they may be normal Snow Golems now but they won't stay that way oh once they mutate things will get interesting ready sure 3 2 1 oh huh that was a dose of the mutation drug wo ready Mikey y let's go the gate is open good luck Snow Golems they're much stronger now wo Snow Golems are impressive what is that attack you can do it they're winning it's close both sides are so strong this is total chaos come on you can do it yeah you got this you can beat them wao that was crazy was that the last zombie they won woo good morning I finally got some sleep what's up with the weather wow the weather is great today we should wake up Mikey I hope he wasn't playing on the computer all night Mikey where are you uh he's not here we should check the kitchen see if he's making breakfast breakfast he didn't even wake me up and went to make breakfast without me he's going to burn it all down again and we're going to eat coal oh there you are Mikey why didn't you wake me up good morning JJ sorry I didn't wake you up I'm just so hungry I ran straight to the fridge to eat something okay I forgive you what are we having for breakfast today hopefully something nutritious because I'm starving cookies Mikey why don't we make some eggs JJ we only have cookies left in the fridge we don't even have milk we'll have to go to the store today and buy lots of groceries you're right Mikey great weather today just in time to go to the store and get some food by the way we can go to the river after the store I haven't swam in a long time and summer is over while it's warm outside we should go swimming great plan Mikey JJ turn around hey guys how's it going I see you guys are here tomorrow now hands up or I'll kill you wa all right just don't shoot us please Mikey do what he says well done now go to the fridge and don't you dare make any unnecessary movements who are you and what do you want you didn't let us finish our cookies shut up you stupid Turtle we're terrorists we've come to take over your Village from now on we're in charge so do as I say boss boss we've completely taken over the village we took the surviving inhabitants prisoner cool great job now make Patrol units so no one escapes from this Village anymore Mikey it looks like it's over I'm not going to kill you you will be our slaves now you must go out to the mound and walk slowly to the hill don't move too much or I'll shoot you in the legs oh my God JJ look at our village Mikey that's terrible I don't know what we're going to do it looks like we're screwed hurry up hurry up from now on your lives are mine you will do as I say you know no longer have a home from now on you are our slaves can I at least call my parents are you an idiot you ask me that again I'll shoot you in the mouth JJ we can say goodbye to our peaceful lives from now on we'll have no more cookies so my boss told me to keep an eye on you a car will be here in the morning to pick you up then we'll take you to our homeland where you'll dig in the mine all day long and we'll turn your Village into a colony in the future Mikey we got to get out of here now let's quickly hide behind the villagers and run through the hills oh my God JJ that is so scary we have to try let's go looks like he didn't see us turns out he's a little blind let's get out of here it was so scary now we have to get out of here as fast as we can over these Hills and they said we couldn't get out of here naive now we have to swim across this River and find help you're right because there are still a lot of villagers there once we find help we'll be sure to free them they don't deserve to live like this and today was a good start to the day at least we had time to eat some cookies I'm so tired JJ we've been going non-stop for 3 hours we need to rest Mikey we can't rest I'm tired too though we need to get help now look it's a military Outpost they can help us I hope they don't mistake us for terrorists all right let's go JJ hey we need help hold it right there who are you this is a secure military zone we need help our village has been attacked by terrorists and we need to save all the villagers wait a village is your village under attack we heard about it on the radio and we were just about to save it go to our captain he'll help you thank you so much you're the best let's go JJ turns out they've heard of our village which makes it easier for us hello are you the captain oh of course of course I'm the captain what brings you guys here our village is under attack and we'd like to rescue our friends from there yes we've heard about your village only the problem is we don't have enough men to defeat the terrorists you don't want to fight with us by the way no problem we'll do anything to save our friends and destroy evil yes JJ is right we were police officers at times so we have gun skills you can trust us good then get your military uniforms get dressed and let's discuss our plan f a little scary but we'll get through it you're right JJ great you're in uniform it looks good on you by the way so we need to talk about the plan let's go to the fire and I'll tell you all about it no problem Captain yes sir so here's my plan the first thing we need to do is Evacuate the villagers before we start a war with the terrorists the problem is terrorists have started patrolling the entrance to the Village there's no way we're getting in so we need a sniper JJ you be it all right I can handle it oh that's great JJ will go on a recon mission climb to a high spot and take out the patrolman after that Mikey and my team will drive a truck through the entrance and we'll rescue the residents do you understand yeah we got it you guys are awesome we must save these residents and defeat the terrorists don't let us down boys so the mission began JJ you're going to drive this car that way you'll get to the Village quickly and take your position after you get there give me an update on the situ ation by phone do you understand me yes Captain I hear you Mikey and I will be waiting for your message JJ be careful and good luck to you we must save the villagers no problem Mikey see you in the village I'm off bye so our mission to rescue our friends from the village has begun we need to be very careful because terrorists are very dangerous people but we have to do it because our friends lives are at [Music] stake so I'm in position I see several hostiles apparently I need to take them out we need to update Mikey on the situation hey Mikey I'm in position you close to the Village hey JJ we'll be approaching the village soon it's my first time driving a truck I got it since they're close I need to accomplish my task soon we need to figure out which unit to take out first I'm thinking the one by the bank JJ you'll be fine let's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] go I'm out of ammo I need to reload the rifle okay let's keep shooting great there don't seem to be any more Patrol men Mikey the road's clear you can enter the village I hear you JJ let's move in go let's go boys Road's clear Mikey you can pass great job Mikey you're a good driver now we have to open the truck so the villagers can get in great now we can call the villagers hey villagers hurry up and get over here we've come to evacuate you from the war zone I'm so tired for today I think the rest of the military is too we need to evacuate as many of our friends out of here as possible and then we can start a full-fledged war against the terrorists what a lot of residents that's good because I thought the rest had been sent to the terrorist Camp anyway we must evacuate as soon as possible great all the residents are in the truck now soon we will send them to our camp where we will give them shelter thank you for watching put likes and subscribe to the channel wow I slept really well it's morning already time for my exercises or maybe not huh are those zombies why are there zombies everywhere oh man I'm surrounded this is bad what now what am I going to do huh huh wait a sec Mikey the village is full of zombies I'm so scared what do we do Mikey huh look over here oh hey Jinger it's you don't go outside it's way too dangerous out there what are we going to do hang in there I'll take care of the zombies huh I have a bow in here okay oh but I only have six arrows whatever let's see if I can deal with these zombies I'm going to go up to the roof now good luck up there wo they spotted me already oh man there's way too many of them can you beat them I'll try take this got one again yes it's working can you beat all the zombies yeah oh uh-oh I ran out of arrows that's no good Mikey I can't shoot shoot the zombies without ammo oh man what let's try to join up where are you in my house wait a sec it would be really bad if I fell down there that's Mikey's house I'm going to try and jump onto his roof I'll need a running start if I want to make it okay go wao that was close yikes those zombies would have beat me in a second let's go down the chimney looks a little hot but but I'll just push through here we go down wao oh JJ Mikey this is terrible the village is full of zombies you're right well breaking past all of the zombies to escape the village might be impossible does that mean we have to try and make a life here surrounded by them really I mean that might be our only option wait H I just remembered I have some emergency supplies really that's great it's good to be prepared where are your emergency supplies Mikey they're buried here here's a shovel thanks I'm sure it's around here watch out ouch that hurt try to stay out of their reach all right let's see so you buried your emergency supplies in your yard found it you okay yeah yes here it is it's all here what is it well Tada is that it uh-huh it's cookies let's eat them together we'll split them yeah thank you Mikey let's eat yummy oh wow these really hit the spot [Music] definitely this is my entire emergency supply you saved us with your cookies m these could last for days you think so let's stay in your house until all the zombies go away all right huh huh did he say the world is going to be covered in toxic sludge in a few hours [Music] what Mikey huh this is bad what is it listen in a few hours the world is going to be covered in toxic sludge we got to go come on what no I'm not ready yet I don't want to go JJ I'm scared hey yeah don't give up hope just yet we can still find a way to survive what can we do let's figure this out together take a look see the Overworld yeah everything up here will be covered in toxic sludge okay so the plan is we will build a safety shelter underground oh that makes sense we have to get started on our shelter right away we only have a few hours all right our house already has a basement so wait a sec huh I almost forgot what is it see this house we should warn our neighbor that lives here right he may not have heard the news so let's tell him hello oh hey hello just so you know the world is going to be ending soon you might want to build a shelter soon and hide in there huh uh what he doesn't believe what we're saying oh but it's true you could come stay in our shelter with us okay wao coach hey we were just trying to be nice so don't hurt [Music] us well we can't do anything about that he's free to make his choice let's just focus on our shelter okay yeah okay maybe the neighbor thinks we're pulling a mean prank on him anyway let's start building so our basement is right here you just pull on this lever to open the bookshelf like this see wo there's a hidden passage and then here it is this leads into the basement now before we check it out you should know we haven't been down here for a long time it might be messy if you're ready let's go here we go woo all right wow well well here it is it's gotten pretty bad down here huh Mikey we'll clean it up before we make our shelter okay I really hope this shelter protects us it's our best bet we only have a few hours so let's get started let's get to work let's see what we have in storage oh okay H everything we need to start working is in this chest let's take it definitely okay so our first task H let's clean up this mess there are spider webs everywhere good idea almost done there nice if the surface is covered in toxic sludge we might have to spend a long long time down here let's give ourselves more space right we'd go crazy after the first week in a small space yeah h this digging it's taking a while okay Mikey I brought some TNT why it'll cut down on our digging time let's try it oh wo wo awesome great next up let's load some TNT into these walls too another one right here okay now back up wow nice it's much room here yep now we can fix up the ceiling okay we only have a few hours left we got a hurry let's pick up the pace we don't have much time it's going to be bad on the surface terrible this shelter might be our home for a few years do you think so probably there just a little more almost that should do it yay it's a lot bigger we can definitely live in here it's perfect even if the surface does get covered we'll be safe in here right okay hello oh W here he comes hello we finished building our bunker and we were wondering if you'd like to stay with us huh H are you sure we don't have much time the world will be covered in toxic sludge you really won't [Music] come oh he turned us down again a I guess he doesn't believe us he can be so stubborn yeah I can't let this go Mikey what's he doing in there why is he eating so many apples what he's sitting down and playing games what at a time like this he really doesn't believe that the world is about to end a we have 30 minutes before the toxic sludge we can't force him to believe us let's hurry and save ourselves he made his choice it's too bad well Mikey get used to this it may be the rest of our [Music] lives huh that sound what is that I'm scared [Music] Gigi it's happening the surface is being covered by toxic sludge or our shelter Keep Us Safe oh man mhm huh oh it sounds like it's letting up it's all over sheesh but it looks like our shelter yeah he's holding up there's no sludge leaking in looks like we're in the clear thank goodness but I'm still worried about our neighbor same should we go out there and check up on him that doesn't sound safe JJ won't the toxic Sledge infect us it will be safe if we wear hazmat suits oh here they are if we put these suits on then we should be able to go outside okay ready Mikey yep they should protect us but we can't stay out there for too long let's go save our neighbor what let's [Music] go okay I'm climbing up me too we're going outside I'm scared I'm terrified I mean is it even safe I don't know let's find out wo it's very very purple is it okay I'm just glad we have these hazmat suits [Music] ready out wo it's really covered don't worry we should be okay for now but I'm not sure how long these suits will last it's everywhere a look at our house a it's awful all right do you see our neighbor anywhere I don't think so huh hang on what it looks like he's being attacked by some weird creatures what are they are you okay hello run away try to follow my voice hurry hello come over here is he okay huh oh no hey he's down what no he's gone wait they're coming for us now hurry get in the shelter now run away go hurry Mikey shut the hatch Mikey you're moving yeah I've been wanting to for a while actually this house is so loud it's driving me crazy I moved in because the rent was so cheap but I haven't been able to sleep a week since I've been here a wa just a second that's a lot of villagers I know how could there possibly be so many of [Music] [Applause] them huh oh hey h on I could be wrong but it looks like your place is completely surrounded by one family's giant house uhhuh I hear the villagers talking from every [Music] direction not only that I just realize right in front of your home there's a farm full of animals that must be so noisy it is it's so loud who keeps me up at night I totally get that oh you can't keep living here buddy all this racket is clearly taking a toll on you you said it I can't stay here anymore yep anywhere else would be better could you help me find a new place I just want some peace and quiet sure thing Mikey let's find you a new home today yay to get things started I say we look around for a super quiet house okay how's this one buddy it sounds peaceful and look around it's all alone in the middle of a forest how calm and relaxing is that mm however there is one downside it's a bit old H it's so quiet I'm feeling rested already who cares if it's not brand new all it needs is a bit of sprucing up I've made up my mind I want to live here hold on why don't we check out the interior good idea I wonder what it's like inside me too oh how do you like it so far it's okay old but not bad I just hope it's not too messy inside well let's find out 3 2 1 h [Music] huh did you see the house is crawling with creatures and freaky mushrooms let's take another look no way this is not happening what is that thing come on Mikey run let's get out of here nope no no no no no no well that escalated quickly indeed this house needs a a lot more than just a little fixing up it looks so promising okay we'll look for something cleaner this time I think that's a great idea let's get searching the cleaner the better that one was no good how's this H what do you think uh it's tidy and quiet too I could live here h it's really clean the couch the bed everything this could work however there is one major drawback to this house how could a place this nice have a downside I'm already sold I'm moving in hear me out Mikey the truth is well look taada as you can see the house was built on a cliff notice the Steep drop off ah wao but that's not all there's lava underneath it so it's not exactly the safest location wow that's seriously dangerous check this out here's the front door right but you have to parkour to get to it huh you'll be fine if you can make it across but you have to be really careful not to slip or you'll fall straight into the lava below isn't this a bit treacherous oh I'll give it a try okay a ow no way I can't live in this dangerous place impossible I would never have enough respawns oh I understand it is extremely hazardous up here JJ let's find a safer place for me to live somewhere secure you got it we'll search for a house that won't put You In Harm's [Music] way Mikey this home is completely danger free check it out woo this is it it's so tall yep wow now buddy the top floor Penthouse is famous for being extremely secure so it's safe mhm that's exciting show me all right let's go wo is this the entrance yeah it's the front [Music] door the suite's on the top floor so we'll take the elevator yay pop in WoW I'll press the button click it's going to take a little while to get all the way up exciting huh yeah we're inside such a tall building oh huh we're here all right can I open it sure wow this place is so luxurious almost too luxurious this is something else by the way Mikey this Penthouse comes with 24-hour security that means personal aroundthe clock protection no way I get bodyguards that's amazing definitely to test things out I'm going to let some zombies loose you'll probably get attacked but I'm sure you'll be fine what there they're coming wow we wo look at them go oh Mikey ha nice that was something I'm safe that's right and with these bodyguards protecting you you always will be not only is this Penthouse super secure but it also has a great feel true that plus it has a pool and a fireplace too yeah there's not one thing wrong with this place that's it my decision is made I'm moving in it's perfect there's something you should know though what it's a bit pricey the rent is MHM $30,000 a month $30,000 I can't afford that I need something that costs a lot less of course buddy let's look for a cheaper place yeah Mikey this is the last house I could find okay the rent per month is only a dollar that's one Buck a month what that's it awesome that is so cheap so uh that's the Highlight go on you see it's the least popular home available wo it's at the bottom of everyone's list that makes me a little nervous but I've got to check it out we've come all this way well the place we're talking about uh-huh it's that one yeah as you can see it's not the best house huh it's made of dirt huh all right I like it I think the dirt makes it feel really cozy I'm moving [Applause] [Music] in hey what's that there's a lever up there huh wa oh I forgot to tell you what
Channel: JJ RABBIT & Mikey
Views: 428,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, funny minecraft, minecraft but, jj maizen, mikey maizen, maizen raft, maizen security base, maizen nether base, jj and mikey, maizen, maizen jj, maizen escape, maizen vs zombies, jj became zombie, maizen zombie, mikey vs jj, how to escape from mikey zombie, jj vs mikey zombie challenge, mikey became zombie, mikey iron man, jj iron man, iron man maizen, mikey zombie, jj zombie, mikey jj zombie vs mikey jj iron man, iron man vs zombie minecraft, iron man minecraf
Id: RAxQJcFll2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 11sec (3611 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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