EPIC TORNADO vs. Doomsday Bunker - Minecraft

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the most powerful tornado in history is on its way it's estimated to last for an entire month please take shelter everyone that's what it said what really the windy is getting pretty strong out there let's get to shelter I'd like for us to hide in a tornado shelter but this Village doesn't have one so what do we do we don't have a choice Mikey the most powerful tornado in history is gonna hit us for an entire month we need to build a shelter before it hits let's go where should we build it let's do it here whoa it's bad out here it's really bad Mikey let's build our shelter beneath this house sounds good okay we don't want the tornado to blow the house away so let's build our shelter out of stone and put it down here watch what I do let's build it fast yeah I'm hurrying we'll build it down here we definitely want to want a base hurry we don't have much time the tornado can't blow it away if we build it underground it's going to be tough to dig it all out do we have time you're right we don't have much time it's too hard to dig stop let's use this instead CNT good idea if we set off TNT it should be easy to clear a space underground that worked another one blow it out all the kids getting wider not too shabby a little more over on this side I want to open up a big space make a big space down here and more okay this is pretty good I think we'll do okay with this much space at least for a tornado shelter sweet it looks good nice blow that up listen to the thunder outside that's crazy all right we can work with this let's clear this up and turn it into a nice shelter we should finish it yep before the tornado gets here we'll be in trouble if we can't finish it on time big trouble the most powerful tornado in history and it'll last for a whole month this needs to be more than an ordinary shelter we need to stay for an entire month it won't be easy we've gotta hurry let's go let's clear this place up we need to replace all this dirt with proper stoned locks I doubt the tornado can blow away Stone all right this is looking good it's turned into a pretty nice space yeah I should make a proper entrance to the shelter something like this oh that's about right now let's cap off the entrance with this dirty entrance I tried to make it as sturdy as possible so now wow check out how good this place looks it looks really nice history's most powerful tornado is supposed to last for an entire month and since we won't be able to go outside we need to design our shelter with everything we'll possibly need to survive for example what do we need I'm going to start with one of the essentials let's build a bathroom we'd get pretty gross if we couldn't clean up and that wouldn't be pleasant so that should go over here then over here how about a toilet yeah could you imagine if we didn't have a toilet ah the shower could go over there that's the shower stall oh let's have our bathtub next to it all right gotta fill up the tub this has running water wow now we can take showers doing well so far let's see another sink now we need to separate the bathroom from the rest of the shelter right all right then okay yeah that's the bathroom that's all there is to it yep it has a toilet and a bathing area and it's really not bad now the next thing yeah if there is anything we absolutely have to do over the next month it's eat so we better make a kitchen of course where should we build it let's build a kitchen over here yeah for our kitchen we'll need a few different things let's start with cabinets how's that good [Music] and a dishwasher and then an oven oh a fridge as well after that we'll need some of this whoa almost oh how's that maybe this not quite oh whoa that looks good oh elegant we'll put the fan right here fantastic great is that it for the kitchen I think so we still need one of these let's make a kitchen table right here good idea we can sit together at the kitchen table to eat our meals [Music] what a night at Night Kitchen still need furnaces all right furnaces are important what else what else do we need how about a chest in the corner right there okay are we done no not yet the wind is gonna be pretty cold outside so cold so let's make a fireplace do you want one no I want one now where should we put it where hmm let's put it here sounds good we'll start with this first it needs to be lit wow I'm warmer already and then we'll get some bricks ready oh you've got it oh whoops like that more like this yeah that's good keep doing that maybe more like this nice it looks pretty good our fireplace is complete now when the tornado strikes we won't freeze to death if we get cold we can warm up by the fireplace it's so warm is that everything we're still forgetting one very important thing we are what could we have missed a place to sleep silly of course otherwise we'd have to sleep on the floor we're starting to run out of space so let's extend it this way sure we gotta hurry the tornado is coming all right good the tornado will be honest before we know it let's go hi we use TNT to blast open some more space [Music] that's good gotta hurry we need this bedroom we'll be in trouble if we don't do this fast it'll be over for us if the tornado hits right now Mikey hurry up all right the room is done let's make this our bedroom okay what we need to do is start placing beds a bunch of beds see this more like this yep we'll make a couple of bunk beds like this one [Music] oh like this oh nice job that's how you make bunk beds let's put another one on this side oh nice and another one double nice that should be enough bunk beds is that everything I think so is the bedroom finished yeah oh oh DJ we forgot something really important we forgot to make that thing the thing we go maybe right here hold on what are you doing Mikey uh these going here yep what is that and then what are you making we have everything we need to live down here already what else is there we forgot something very important one a year and one dare good computers and we still need these okay that does it have you figured it out yet oh are these gaming PCs if we're gonna hide in the shelter for a month we'll need games we'd be bored out of our minds I made us a gaming Corner you're right it would get pretty boring down here so being able the game is nice right makes sense now are we done yep I think it's time we get the villagers down here let's hurry foreign ERS into the shelter they're safe now everyone seems to be okay yep it's all good oh shoot huh hurry up to the surface why we forgot something really important what food we gotta hurry and grab some food let's go hurry the tornado is coming Mikey keep moving the tornado is almost here but we need to harvest all the crops in the fields okay just grab everything you can potatoes and carrots whoops hurry okay there should be another field around here somewhere it's over here JJ the food is vital no time to waste I'll grab the potatoes okay potatoes grabbing the potatoes hurry up done all right oh there was another carrot there's still potatoes and carrots on the ground food is too important we're doomed if we don't have enough food to last a month all right let's get back inside the house huh the wind is picking up it's getting a lot stronger yeah the windows hang on the house is falling apart the tornado's here hurry into the shelter oh we gotta get inside before it's too late really close really really close how about we managed to grab a lot of food so we're good we grabbed quite a lot it's a decent stockpile of food with this much food but we should have no problems at all I hope we can make it through the entire month it'll be over before you know it we're gonna be tough food we'll meet up what we brought enough down with us let's put it all safely away for now wonderful we finished getting ready in time I'm so glad we're finished [Music] oh no the food it's all gone huh we are all ready out of food but we still have two more weeks Mikey we can't go outside for more are we gonna do we should have rationed it better I guess we ate it all we'll have to go outside for more food what didn't we Harvest everything in the village already not to mention the fact that the worst tornado in history is up there we can't go now that's true but I think there should be some food left in The Villages food pantry The Village has a food pantry yep you're right the tornado is dangerous but if we stay in the shelter we're all gonna starve to death true our only choice is to get to the food pantry I guess so before we leave I have something for you here what's this a rain poncho oh yeah a rain poncho let's go I'm a little scared I don't want to see how bad the village has gotten but we gotta go me too our village let's just go be careful it's the worst tornado in history so be careful here we go I'm scared What's it gonna be like I'm opening it I hope it's okay I hope the village is still there huh no way what what happened everything is ruined Mikey way up in the sky what about you hang on you okay I'm really high up oh I see the food pantry okay okay tornado though oh it's Mikey we have to move all right let's cut around the edge of the forest to reach the food pantry let's go whoa her Village it's really messed up it's crazy where's the food it's hard to keep moving the food pantry it's this way okay there it is the food pantry if we can reach it I hope we can I'm barely making any progress against this wind the wind is so strong all right this is the food pantry there should be food inside but there's no entrance JJ we can't get in what now we've come so far Mikey it's an anti-theft measure the entrance is separated over here this is the secret entrance oh here here oh this is the way in let's go inside inside sounds good don't forget to shut the door behind you Mikey hang on I've got it all right yes save for now let's grab the food and hurry back to the shelter JJ sounds good is it this way to the right it's actually this way through here this way let's go Mikey hmm now then oh we found something I hope there's food in here only one way to find out oh potatoes and rotten potatoes they've gone back some rotten meat in here too but still plenty that's good to eat there's bread carrots oh there's so much here grab all you can Mikey what a stockpile grab it yeah take everything grab it yeah let's grab it oh we should be able to make it through the next two weeks with this much food gotta hurry okay grab it and go everyone's waiting let's hurry back Mikey okay here we go all right excellent we made it back safely with the food now we can wait out the tornado in the shelter with all this food Mikey yeah let's do it hey have some food everyone if you enjoyed today's adventure make sure to like And subscribe plus you can check us out on Twitter Instagram and Tick Tock whenever you want with the links in the corner thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Maizen
Views: 12,405,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Maizen
Id: xH4N6tAGhqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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