Sect Appeal | Oxventure D&D | Season 2, Episode 15

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[Music] hello hello hi everyone hi what's up i am corazon de bainer uh world's sexiest pirate there was an award ceremony you didn't yeah yeah i know i know i was i was pleased sorry you couldn't come to the ceremony but it did happen and it was real uh i am no sorry egg but you go no no cool i think i i tread on your toes there egbert in a very um could hurt yourself doing that to a dragonborn uh i am um prudence the team fleeing warlock the socially awkward teething warlock this afternoon apparently i'm getting all out of order with my introduction so cheers here's to you i am meryl wen the wood elf druid and also cheers [Laughter] uh i'm dobb the harford bard and boy wow i've got all sorts going on i've got loads of dynamism i've got loads of great ideas big ideas um i'm going to be leaving nothing on the table today all on the field it's all going to be left on the field left all on the field my organs my bones gonna turn out your pockets i understand that your mic is muted mike yes no one can hear egg bits it's fine it it [Music] has had a spell of silence cast upon him no wait a power of silence that's my cross he's taking a vow of silence he still makes mouth sounds but uh he doesn't like to talk anymore allow me to cast the spell of speech do it you have so much to say you gotta speak man you gotta speak a buddy [Music] it's because you spelled his voice to you can't sell your legs little mermaid we need you i'm back egg but the sweet mermaid just back to the seeds and then the people will know it is about dragonborns they came out of the sea like little tadpoles i think pegbert can't talk we can make up some cannon about dragonborns [Laughter] okay let us know in the chat if you can hear egg burt and we can get going yes sorry i don't know it is we haven't introduced um oh my god oh yeah the most truly everyone else in the world yeah yeah yeah i'm literally everyone else in the world yay um let's let's just wait for the go from chat about it okay yeah you have got yourselves a booth which is why uh there's planking behind you um so i like it there's also planking going on in the main bar someone's getting an etching what is this 2004 yes in that's uh oh did i not mention guest is built on a time paradox it's always 2004 and yes nice when it isn't because it's sometimes it's 2008. okay did you folks get a load of that anchorman movie well somebody told me guys i love lamp oh hey that's the opposite of inspiration andy um mr strike him egvett has been on a basically like three-day celebration bender slash pamphlet right after successfully yes he's been converting lots of new people um uh so the um yeah he's basically just been celebrating having re-passed his paladin trials in fact why don't you roll me a d12 mike me okay uh i assume it's this one this one yeah that's got a twitter number higher than 12 yeah three it's not that one three and you found a very lucky d12 you've not made great gains probably because you've also been plastered but between the three people you have talked to over the last three days um and you're you're gonna count the the old lady from the gauntlet in the uh the trials as a maybe the devotees to uh lavash move now stand at almost five wow almost two well i'm one oh okay have you joined the team i remember i saw lavash mode oh yeah you believe me don't you you laughter i mean i believed you before because if you lie you're so nice that's true that is true fair are we becoming is this becoming a cult yeah but we've converted one-fifth of this party and he's what i'm gonna do is write a load of science fiction novels this is part of my plan bad science fiction novels okay can i have a look at your new paladin license i want to see the portrait on it see if it's any good i don't have it with me i've already lost it that's how good i am probably have to do this again next year somewhere in the world max looks up from her supper and it's like they just shiver and they don't know why but um your your enthusiastic uh celebration slash um conversion tour has brought you to the um the sleepy town of humberdale which is um it's it's idyllic it's really nice it's a it's a popular holiday destination destination for those in geth as it's near a beautiful sort of mountain range that overlooks the town it's all it's yeah it's all very picturesque um uh but you've been drinking the tavern for a little while now um and it seems a bit quiet this evening i mean like people are still enjoying planking but that's because everyone's doing it yeah so um anyway yeah oh i should say uh seal gaiman is asleep at your feet having consumed a lot of bar snacks and um uh frisky and the darkness yeah frisky in the darkness are kind of playing with each other sort of gallivanting around this the sleeping uh seal guys i don't know if i can plank anymore i've been doing it for hours like come on do you want a six-pack on i've got real doms right now i didn't finish the portrait yet all right bit more planking this etching is going to go viral when i finally finish it hurry up it's going to make people sick all right who wants to know who wants another round me please please you buy it yeah that's not like you correspond well it's not my money [Laughter] okay um so you approach um the bar and the um the the landlord is to sort of they're polishing the the tanker that landlords polish when they're idling um he's sort of he's uh he's kind of a very brawny dude um you can tell like in his in his prime he would have been able to like cut down trees with a single swing of his axe so now he's sort of settled down to run a lovely tavern um and he goes uh that'll be the same again then yep so that was um two ales one um flaming prudence that's the name of the the cocktail uh one leafy jelly drink you set he gets down a bottle of nettle liqueur and uh i think dog just wanted uh if you could just throw his drink in in the lake out back oh sure yeah shots across the bar shots uh yeah you can have a round of shots but then that'll be it for the evening so we're closing early tonight how come you're closing early i thought this was a party town i mean normally it is yeah but um surely you you must be new in town you've not heard oh is it all crims night again uh christmas what's that oh no it doesn't matter that was a different town what's what's happening what's going on uh well i don't want to alarm you or put you off your stay in humberdale but uh people are being snatched in the street at night oh yeah yeah we've had a terrible debate about isn't it uh about two dozen people have gone missing over the last uh just the last week actually so um not taking any chances we're just uh closing up early prunes have you been kidnapping people in the night again it's not me this on this one in the night in broad day broad daylight kidnappings i don't know if you've uh arranged for lodgings yet but um can we stay here uh i suppose yeah nice is it expensive [Laughter] no it's quite reasonable actually well let's change that [Laughter] guys we don't want to get kidnapped so maybe we should do the presidential suite yeah but how many presidential suites do you have six seven none secretary of the treasury yeah i bagsy top bunk dobb it's my turn right we need to brainstorm some good brainwashing slash persuasion techniques for your um religion the name of which escapes oh yeah all right well again it's bashful i thought you knew this yes right sorry you haven't recruited the smartest member of the party again all the smart ones didn't believe you yeah somewhere isn't it the landlord puts down the tray of drinks it's like uh if you're seeing here then you can have a couple more rounds i'll keep the bar open yeah yeah lock in three all right great three yeah keep this party going play some karaoke songs okay i play some karaoke songs [Music] [Laughter] all right so we're um we're doing some karaoke can i roll to see how good i am at karaoke yeah absolutely can i roll to see how many hours we've been drinking and doing karaoke for roller d20 please do that's a three johnny oh no corazon um it's it's definitely you know when people like people who are quite good are like i was so great at that i'm gonna go up again and they undo all their previous good work it's one of those well there's plenty of time to undo the good work because we've been in here for 12 hours [Laughter] yeah it was kind of it what started as like a swifty turned into some pretty serious day drinking nice and now you're pretty leathered um we've got bad blood now [Laughter] merrell when marijuana is taylor swift doesn't exist yet [Laughter] merrell when wait hang on marijuana you're hilarious you're great [Laughter] do me a dub yeah [Laughter] yeah but to avoid us getting kidnapped yeah we kidnap each other oh my god ready kidnapped and we can't be kidnapped genius you can't double kidnap it's double jeopardy exactly that's what i heard exactly all right climb into this bag i'll do it i'm kidnapped friends i'm kidnapped i shall okay leave the corazon let's roll him down a hill to cure his arthritis i roll corazon down a hill in um okay i tell you what so uh as dob um sort of opens the door and it's like you're gonna run down a hill you hear a tremendous crash uh in the pub behind you um you sort of look around instinctively to see who has fallen over but all of you are still standing albeit a bit unsteadily uh but prudence you noticed um the ore that you acquired recently has tumbled from the bag that you had and had left sort of in the booth um and as you kind of watch dumbfounded it rolls at like faster than sprinting pace across the pub and out of the door oh no i look at my tank and i'm like i must be really really dragged my mystical orb my demonic poke ball it's run away from me the only thing i love it's worse than that i'm afraid frisky in the darkness are chasing excitedly no nothing in in abyssal um i don't know if you've ever heard the word yap translated into a bissell but it's horrible everyone after that orb i say climbing out of the back baby and my book babies they've abandoned me i'm doing like a sack race after it yeah i i sprint after the orb i make a i make a i make the best sprinting jumping dive for the orb that i can okay uh make me a dex athletics check athletics oh sorry dex acrobatics oh well i should probably roll again then so that would be 17 i'm afraid it is not enough uh as you see this thing going to get and you jump and your hands are kind of closing around it and it just swerves under your wrist and keeps going um and frisky in the darkness trample you slightly um and basically it's running off toward the mountains um well i'll tell you what everyone just make me a strength athletics check okay to keep up and not lose the trail [Music] okay 17 great um prudence uh it like it was probably the gin jin will make anyone a bit weepy but um sort of everyone's running off and proving they're just like trying or die because i kill them but mostly run away the others the others have run on ahead um unless anyone sort of wants to double back and like yeah i'd like to check on prudence make sure she's okay oh cory's on what is it prudence you'll never leave me let's come on come on we're going to get off you first we're getting okay okay yeah you've you've offered you've often said come on we can we can get after the orb we don't have to lose it okay don't i just i prop up please carry me okay fine i piggyback prudence up the mountain okay wait we're going up a mountain no into the mountains toward the mountains do not worry um you um basically uh the rest of you um egbert marijuan and dob you see uh the orb disappear into a cave uh closely followed by frisky and the darkness and their sort of abyssal yaps kind of um like echo and then diminish as they as they disappear into this cave um and uh indeed as you as the the yaps kind of get quieter and quieter you start to hear sort of footsteps and and panting and the occasional sniff uh as uh corazon carrying prudence sort of like comes up um of course i know i know it's like yoshi and baby drink some of this water from the wine skin oh no water i mean it's gin in the wine skin drink it oh that's the medicine yes so we're at the entrance to the cave at the moment you are yikesy um and actually you sort of if you look over to the um the mouth of the cave again now that sort of prudence has rejoined the party uh you see a person standing in a pristine white tunic with gold trim kind of like the trim on this but imagine the colors being swapped um she has very long uh fine gold hat not gold hair like um like blonde hair um and she's just smiling quite sweetly at you this is to me let listen did you see your crystals there's a ball and a box and a books and books under two books don't forget the books they're mine yeah hey are you in charge of trouble are you in charge of this captain lady yes yeah i'm gonna fight her someone hold me back i'm getting it let me handle experience are you the new initiates we were expecting yes does that mean we get to go into the cave absolutely yes this is your home now then yes we are the new initiates ah tremendous come on in we have um we have food we have libations we have beds we can uh we can liberation maybe give you something to line your stomachs it must have been a long journey line your stomach [Laughter] dog it's fine we're doing a trick um yeah no she really is excuse excuse my companions um the uh the mountain air is a little thin uh and it is affecting our memory can you just um remind us exactly uh what the initiation is for just so we can have a refresher just so we know i already did an initiation this week i don't want to do another initiation well of course you're here to start your new lives in service to our blessed lady blessed lady yes yes and the blessed lady in question is of course let's say it together the blessed lady lady is her name yes the blessed lady yeah oh that was fun should we do that again come on everybody or with me the blessed lady yes lady the hour grows late and i feel um perhaps you could do with some rest i shall uh we shall feed you and then i will show you to your dormitory and uh your duties will begin on the morrow i'll tell you when i've had enough for duties in the morrow i don't know i could murder some food right now guys watch they be going and get something to eat yeah that sounds good yeah it's all right crazy initiate us up lady the blessed lady rules but let's go single file so that we can't be attacked okay now he's getting only kidnapped they can't kidnap anyone in the middle okay yeah okay okay who's gonna go into the cave first then let's stand in a circle all facing outwards and walk like that and move like that yeah okay we do that i'm going to we're snapping ourselves at this point i mean yes everyone in the world having a zigzag because their vision is based on movement no one can kidnap you if you kidnap yourself yes i climb in a bag and tie it up and it's hot in the back so i'm sick all go into the cave oh i'm in the cave oh right yes he's gone first into the camera and now we're done i don't have a bag background so so you are shown in um it uh it is i mean this is a cavern as you can plainly see uh so it is a little bit sort of dank in there and there's sort of you hear the occasional like drip of of water um but there's also kind of a serenity to it there's um there's sort of like candles in little niches that uh suffuses the place with sort of a soft glowing light um and you can hear sort of singing far off and the quiet murmur of voices um and you also hear sort of the um the occasional murder of of people uh who are sort of sat around a campfire over which a large pot of stew is bubbling um the uh the the lady you met at the mouth of the cave beckham says please this way we'll feed you first yeah yeah we will i stagger towards the stew yes please yes please it looks pretty good who is having stew me please um a man in in sort of similar robes with an apron to sort of protect himself or protect his robes rather from getting any food on them sort of ladles out wooden bowls of stew and passes them around you're each given sort of a heel of bread and invited to just sort of sit and and have a meal and then uh the lady's like i i will be over there when you are ready to see your dormitory hmm okay i asked you and immediately become quite sleepy i uh i have an old druid recipe it's called hair of the dog so if anyone wants any i got some it's is it booze it's an actual dog it's actual hair from us it's gin with dog hair in it that's disgusting i drink five pints [Laughter] with my half orcish constitution it takes a lot to to move the needle i i gingerly take a bite of the stew how is it it's good oh what's in the stew do you mind with my asking uh it is uh vegetables there is some sort of beef in there not some sort of beef that's sorry there is there is beef in there okay sexual there is a smaller cauldron of vegetable stew oh lovely i eat all of it okay i slowly use detect magic to see if i can figure out which way my um my book children and my orb child went to ah yes um far that is all you know you you get the feeling you sort of there's a residual trail and you're like this place is huge this is not just a cave this is some form of cave network which is strange and also far ah so far i've eaten the bowl of stew and i'm starting to sober up and i'm starting to feel a bit anxious about what exactly is going on here in this cave but um everyone else seems they seem nice yeah yeah well i mean we need to find those books prudence should be devastated if we lose those books yeah so so we should try and blend in and go to sleep and in the morning search industriously that's initiation fair cool uh yeah indeed the bread you got with your stew was quite dense to be honest so um same and but people have generally they've sort of left you alone they've sort of given you sort of nods and been like good evening um you dub got a few looks for a being a half hawk who's a vegetarian and higher pot of stew and five pints of chin i climb back into the bag and go to sleep okay isn't it full of sick i turned um i'd like to see the dormitory yeah the dormitory access yeah okay um so that sort of you you approach the lady she goes ah um right well let's let's uh let's show you all to where you'll be sleeping um she leads you off and there aren't really doors here because it's a it's a cavern sort of complex but she leads you off around like a little natural naturally formed sort of passage you you suspect from the smooth walls that maybe water ran through here once um and she leads you into quite a nice sort of secluded spot where there are uh five beds laid out um uh all sort of like clean linens they're sort of like they're almost like camp beds really they're sort of like roll out firm mattresses um but they look quite pleasant um you discovered that seal gaiman has already occupied one and it's just like i immediately go on top of steel gaiman girl out he's sort of left [Laughter] and she says please make yourselves at home um uh someone will come in uh in the morning um once you are awake in order to uh to to show you to to the first of your of your um the first day of your new life really cool sounds good i fall asleep immediately yeah i climb up to the top bunk over 100 cute faceplants so so someone should keep watching guys someone should stay awake i'll do it all right let us know how it goes i'll do it i'll remain vigilant thank you dub i want to keep this party going vigilance is the best way to party i fall asleep yeah um uh dub constitution saving throw please do it dog you gotta stay awake dumb i gotta do it you gotta do it i'm just in my sleep i'm like don't fall asleep that is a nineteen plus um do i plus anything um only if you've got a proficiency in constitution savings right oh but you do add your constitution bonus sorry oh well then 24. great wow yeah okay um yeah it was just alcohol you were consuming this wasn't it yeah it's just it's my half-orcish constitution as i say i'm glad because i just moved the needle so there are a couple of there are a couple of moments in the night where you have to sort of get up and sort of uh run up and down a bit to sort of like get the blood pumping and and keep yourself awake and yeah yeah i guess you'd sit there slapping yourself why not um uh and to be honest you start feeling a bit peaky uh because that you're starting to sober up and the hangovers start to kick in but you do stay um awake all through the night uh and did you see anything no nothing happened oh my god dog's hanging over what a great night's sleep i feel rested is completely quiet actually you're not all uh awake yet dog is the only one who is awake um and so i start banging on a pot wake up everyone um as you do this some uh men in in robes uh come in uh so in again in in the sort of the the ubiquitous white robe they have a bundle of them uh tucked well one of them has a bundle of them tucked under his arm and uh as one of them sort of serenely goes goes about putting one at the foot of each bed um another man goes and fills five glasses with water from a pitcher that is sort of was to the side of the cave throughout the night um and then uh basically the men they one take sort of two glasses and they go between the beds and then they throw glasses of water in your face and one of them starts kicking the bed corazon is on it's like wake up now [Music] yeah welcome to the service of the blessed lady oh the blonde lady she wasn't she she was nice what the hell yeah why are these people kicking my bed you were on watch why are you kicking coruscan's bed i was on watch because it's time for him to get up and he looks like a dog you're a dog you want to watch what you say buddy because i'm here to be the boss of you while you learn the ropes and if you make life difficult for me i'll make making a living hell for you look around and gauge the social dynamics of the situation is it time for me to cut losses and be friends with these guys if i can make me a wisdom perception four plus one now man these guys aren't cool they yeah they suck they have no sway over anyone your friends are much better yeah hey you are the you nasty mean bullies i just checked and my friends are cool and there's all sorts of people who think that we're cool all sorts of cool like um like we met we met we met like a man who's in charge of a paladin order and he's very elderly and wise and sage and and he thought we were cool yeah no he didn't did he no you know a wizard we know a wizard bin bag have you heard of the wizard bin bag you'll vouch for you'll notice none of these people are us that we're saying are cool um one of the one of them puts you in a headlock uh dub and starts giving you a nuggie ah my one weakness um all right chumps time to get up and it's time to actually it's time for breakfast but then it's time for your first chore chores oh my god yes service to the blessed lady is there's no sorry sweetness and light sometimes it's doing the laundry no but i'm so hungover ah well the laundry will help the other one goes good one davey oh my god these jocks are the worst all right um so your name is davey let's go to breakfast and devise a plan to defeat these nerds it's gonna be slobs v snobs is there somewhere we could change oh my god just throw anyone over your clothes i don't care oh can i keep my rings there's so many of them no they they're mine now what you're not having my rings no take them take it from fight fight fight oh like he sort of squares up to you and say you'll regret that one buddy um they laugh they laugh at you kind of like putting up your dukes and they're like okay whatever you can keep from the trash we're going to prank these guys so you're self-esteem [Music] so they sort of they they uh wait around while you um sort of put on your your robes um and they're like follow us um you are so i look around at the others and i just like guys we are cool right yeah misunderstanding yeah sure they'll figure it out they'll realize we're cool when we coolly eat breakfast with them and then we'll coolly recover my um my cursed artifact babies okay well i think what we should do is try real hard to seem cool and they'll and they'll see the effort we're putting in and respect it or we roll them up in a carpet and throw them off a bridge prank them good and of course classic pranks all right well that's yeah there's nothing cool again effort right there's nothing cool working hard and knowing things an honest reward yeah and studying is its own rewards wait yeah anyway um that sounds cool you are led back out to sort of where you ate stew the previous night um breakfast is um some fried tomatoes and it's a bit more bread why not um have an egg if you want to eat this full fry up please do you have my hold do you have hash browns [Music] i pick up two of the fried tomatoes and put them over my eyes and go hey davey it looks like my eyes exploded pretty cool oh my god i sit somewhere else [Laughter] i high five dog um i forget to take the tomato out of my hand and when we high five it bursts all over all of both of us oh my god this is the losers um right after that's done uh they're like oh my god look at baby he can't even feed himself right uh oh well it's time for you to do the laundry now so you're gonna like clean that road right up don't even worry about it okay well i would like it to be wait oh you want to well why would i do the laundry when i can do magical laundry and i cast pressed a digitation on not only my robe but also on every all of them so that they're all clean okay and i flavor davey what flavor is davey sea salt flavy davey it tastes like salty salty indeed i don't think we should give up on flavy davey i think we can i think he could be turned around possibly over a whole season arc join us davey the minute you do presentation station and clean yourself up he tosses a mug of coffee onto your chest [Music] i sweep his leg make me a uh make me a strength attack please oh god five five plus one five plus one he's six he puts you in a headlock and gives you another nugget oh walks you all the way to the laundry which is like a bunch of like old style wash tubs with washboards there are five of them and he's like all right everyone you see these robes well they've got to be scrubbed get to it i'll regret this hazing when i do the best job um they yeah so they they command you to start doing um doing the laundry there's an old timey really hard bar of soap and one of those graters and you like it yeah you suspect your hands are going to come out very chapped from this they're standing guard while we we are supposed to do the laundry yeah oh man i'm not doing all this laundry it's gonna be hard and boring how long i'll do all the laundry how many hours worth of laundry does this look like how many how many how many things of laundry are there there's like two hours worth of laundry [Laughter] i need just people to hold the boards for me and then i hold i hold boards with i do the splits and i hold two boards in each hand two in each foot and like lean my neck against the other one so that one's braced as well so that's five all right while they're doing that i cast minor illusion to create the illusion of a pile of done laundry okay and i say yeah ah done um i'm gonna i'm gonna go and uh chill out while these guys finish i use a spare tentacle to grab corazon and stop it from leaving what no what no i you i resist merowen's tentacle both of you roll for initiation well i'm not gonna i'm not gonna make you roll for initiative but uh that would be a strength athletics check from both of you because this is a grapple attempt so actually it would be strength athletics for a marijuana and either strength athletics or dexterity acrobatics from you please correct austerity please yes i thought that might be the case that is plus that's 16 16. it looks like uh merrell when as a giant octopus is giving him sort of a little caress as he goes being like be good like you know how a loving parent will give a tiny shove to a child to be like go on have a play um and the the guys are like all right but if these are these are like not good enough you're gonna be in trouble don't even worry about it guys it's the best laundry you've ever seen anyway bye um where are you going uh i don't know back to the canteen okay i'd like to um if i can i'd like to do some scouting around and see if this entire thing is just frat bros doing laundry or if there's something else going on here okay cool uh make me a deck stealth check um and we will come back to you for the result uh the rest of you the laundry in venice is getting done pretty darn quick because there's a giant octopus doing it um indeed like the the jocks were like performatively ignoring you before but now one of them looks and it's like that's kind of cool and you hear davey be like shut up chet check yeah um so yeah uh you know what we'll say cool it is kind of cool chad yeah there's lots of things about us that are cool you just give us a chance oh yeah cool yeah you and i are really gonna be friends and it's chat actually so of course it is i know i was i was nagging you what are you doing later damn it oh god oh he kicks over one of the the tubs the tubs oh i guess you better get a guess guess better shut up fix the tub i guess mending on the tub thank you thanks dub um those guys are getting like those guys are getting quite bored now and they see the laundry's almost done they're like all right dorks uh just like when the laundry's done stick it over there with the rest of their clean stuff we'll be seeing you later why'd you be so mean yeah um because it can wait but it's not nice though is it you should probably tell them you should probably stop being mean and be nice and then people who are nice i can be nice up yours that's not nice that's the opposite of nice that's the anti-nice tell the church cow tell them about the purple cow of niceness let me tell you about that and how it she changed my life basically um and then i had pamphlets to both of them i'm like um both of them go slightly pale i feel um i feel like this has a lot to offer you look you've gone you've got a weird color why have you got a weird color davey steps up real close to you and it's like take this back right now just listen man like i don't like you but like i don't like hate you like you got to be careful with this stuff man if they catch you with that you're toast dude you're here to serve the blessed lady whatever this whatever this purple cow stuff is you gotta leave that at the door i knew davey wasn't all bad okay all right julie noted i take the pamphlets back and i'll be like i'll keep hold of these for you for later nice one bam he punches you in the stomach because i'm like i'm still in a delicate situation i throw up they walk away being like i didn't even know lizards could do that i do a lot more than lizards i can't use that word um okay so uh we'll leave you there for a second um how did you do on your stealth check corazon oh great news johnny was 23. wow okay yeah yeah yeah um you start exploring further off into the cave complex and um i don't know if prudence mentioned that this place is huge but you're certainly finding that out for yourself it turns out there are an awful lot of people here a couple of times you have to hide because you see the lady who greeted you yesterday kind of going around and checking on people in very honey times being like and how is our work proceeding today um you see various different things some of the tasks seem menial like the laundry users did you know some people are cutting and preparing vegetables but some are more involved there's like a very complicated alchemical setup where people are kind of grinding um grinding herbs together and and doing stuff with tinctures and all this this sort of um business and um [Music] and then uh towards the very back of the cave sort of it's the the passageway is so small that you could have missed it but there is um a passageway that is being guarded by two men in full plate all right i'm gonna return to the others to relay this info okey dokey just make me another stealth check please uh that's an 11 but 18 with various bonuses all right you make it back to the others cool guys i've been checking out the cave while you've been doing octopus laundry and i just stare at him you still you're still an oxford yeah nice try marilyn um they're doing all sorts of like herb tinctures and stuff in here they're mixing up uh you know chemicals and that but there's also at the back there's a passageway that's been guarded by people in like full plate armor i think whatever whatever's going on here that's the sort of the epicenter that's the uh that's the control center if we want to find out what's going on here that's where we want to go plus i didn't see frisky in the darkness anywhere so the only place that they could be is through through that guarded really you think they rolled through the guarded bit i mean i didn't see them anywhere else i can't i can only assume that's well that's the best lead we've got corazon because my detect magic is only good up to like 30 feet which is trash in here in this giant cavern network any magical laundry no no magical laundry it has to take magic on the laundry maybe there's some magical laundry i mean it is magic because you did you you did a oh yeah you created an illusion yeah that doesn't last for very long it's probably gone by now okay i casted detect magic on the laundry room um ping like the it is on some of the dirty robes that wants to be washed and kind of there's a like it's almost like there's a film of it in the water as well that's sort of in the tubs um it's like there's some magical residue there like it's to be honest with you it doesn't tell you much because as as well you know magic has many applications many of them mundane but there are definitely magic users here and they are definitely doing something magical at points uh whether that is creating fake laundry or or whatever you don't quite know but you suffice it to say are not the only magic users in right folks there's there's magical residue there's magical leftovers on these dirty robes interesting interesting so what do we want to try and get in that back room and see what's going on or i mean i think i think we want to get into the background find out what's going on but obviously they're not going to let us through in full plate so we need a cover story oh okay how about this why don't we win round or magically charm one of the jocks who was hazing us yes sure yeah and then and then and then like davey can like walk us like all through and be like hey just taking these nerds to get their heads flushed through flushed oats ritually assuming they've mastered the technology of the flushing toilet i mean hey maybe if they're hazing if we pass the hazing will be initiated properly into the order that's true yeah why don't we just play it cool for now and just go along with whatever davey says because i i really believe he can be steve harrington guys now i see now i know where luke is coming from i managed yeah update your mental picture of davey davey and steve harry really updated great hair now is as good a time as as ever to say uh like you have all already earned inspiration at least twice over oh cool this episode um so yes consider yourselves inspired um you so you sort of wander off um back in sort of the like there's sort of a common room area like a common gathering area near near enough the the sort of the cook site and all the tables where you sort of ate out this morning um and you see uh the jocks basically you see chair and davey and the boys uh just sort of hanging out um and as you approach um you see the the lady who um [Music] who guided you in yesterday go over and say uh uh good afternoon davey chet the boys i trust that laundry is all done um and they're like a job miss outreach yes yeah the laundry's all done we uh we got that done in record time boy are my hands chapped she's like wonderful that's that's tremendous believable um and sort of uh she uh she notices you sort of approaching it's like ah good morning and how how are you doing how was your how was your peaceful morning wandering around the caverns very peaceful thank you we had a wonderful time yeah do you see you like over her shoulder you see chat and davey and the boys are all watching you intently they're like we had a very peaceful time right they're like beautiful at them i am glaring at them play it cool i'm glaring at them sending them i can turn into a giant octopus vibes uh i say to the um person who asked us the question we've had a wonderful time this place is so beautiful and i think was it davey um was was so helpful and so kind as you know to show us around really make us feel at home you you see sort of um you see chat being like like cool it bro but you know like they did show us round and like you know like showed us where everything was and stuff but there wasn't there was an edge to their voice uh and and you know like the whole time they had their collars popped it was a pretty cool stuff you could tell that they had chores they had to go and do yeah so we appreciated them taking the time to make it yeah they took as much time as they could and then chet was like gotta gotta gotta blow losers got a lot of laundry to call us losers that would be rude well you know what but he's not he's we've got we've gotta we're treading a line here corazon room it's got to be believable i'm in love with chet everyone make everyone this is new information what everyone making a charisma perspective oh my eggman's feelings are not to be denied [Laughter] uh uh charisma persuasion 15. 11. i got 12 plus 3 is 15. so i'm really gonna believe that i am in love with chet um she she uh she kind of laughs young love yes chess and jess and davey and the boys are they're they're characters all right um it's complicated though because i'm in love with eggbert and chet's in love with me well you do settle in quick um well uh it's funny you should mention uh the boys had some um had some uh chores to do um obviously part of your life here in service to the lady is um is is for you to be spiritually nourished and cared for and fostered in a community of like-minded individuals who really want to look out for your well-being but of course part of that is is giving back to that community for example chet and davey and the boys why they they do the laundry sometimes and i believe sometimes yes sometimes and uh so you you too have uh have uh there are things that we would ask you to complete in order to um to earn your place here among us okay what do you want us to sweep the back room where through the past playtime guys we can do that i've got a broom somewhere all right let's go i see you you have toward the the place in your spare time oh no davey mentioned it davey's looking at you like i am gonna flush your head um she goes well interesting anyway there is a task you could help us out with um i understand that one of you yesterday seemed to be able to turn into a cat yeah that's dope last night was a blur pretty sure it was job i don't remember much about last night well there's there's often much to celebrate on on coming to uh coming to join us here i mean we started celebrating before we arrived but okay yes evidently uh that's fine we like spirited people here but um well you seem like a capable bunch to me in fact um some have gone so far as to say that you might have been adventurous in a past life um which is caused some great excitement among among our our community let me tell you there is one particularly thorny issue that um buffy there is one particularly thorny issue that perhaps you could help with of course coming here you you like the rest of us want to see the great work completed um but we're missing something something for for the brew for the serum um we need black sorrel and now um she looks to you marijuana's like if i'm right in guessing that you're a druid of course you'll know it is very rare and it only grows in certain places happily there is some um in a in a separate cave not too far from here however it is slightly guarded by something slightly how shall i put this feral [Music] nevertheless if you feel up to this challenge all of you and if you were to secure um some black sorrel our community would be greatly indebted to you and indeed i believe the blessed lady would as well um chet and davey and the boys are looking at you and they are all sick with envy hey they're like i cannot believe that like they are puffing up being like i can't believe she's never asked us and now she's asking these new chumps how do you like us now yeah that's right let's hear it and you you basically you get the sense that this is indeed actually quite an opportunity for you hmm we'll take the case this uh this great work obviously i i i know what it is but i think um we could all do with just a little a little reminder of the serum and what it is and what it does and why why we should do this yeah just remind us of the brief so that we can make sure we bring everything we need for this adventure well indeed we're all excited to see what the great work produces yeah of course you don't know of course of course we don't we don't know at this point well not yet i mean we haven't made the serum of course the blessed lady of course she nourishes us she blesses us but she blesses us with knowledge as and when it is appropriate appropriate yes but i i double check the blessed lady isn't a giant insect is she and he's joking he's joking one of them even like gives you a little like hey that was ballsy i i give chet the little heart symbol everyone just get off chat for a second he uh he sort of turns and like fights his look and it's like oh my god oh my god means he's into you egbert um but she goes um if you would be willing to help us um and find this black sorrel as i said i truly believe that this this might be the last true obstacle to us completing the great work okay all right all right all right huddle adventurous huddle guys yep all right huddle up all right one of the boys i knew they were adventurous i mean shut up regular guys one of the boys regular person huddle all right um what is it regular person what do you say we we go and get the sorrel yeah come back here and then we can figure out exactly what their plan is and if it's bad if it's good we can let them do it and my orb baby may have gone in the direction of the backs or possibly that is very true all right then we're as we break huddle i turn to the um t is it like a teacher uh sort of head acolyte person yeah what would you okay and i say uh my colleagues and i we we've consulted and um yeah we'll take the gig but there's a couple things we need a few lengths of strong hemp and rope and uh we'll need one more pair of hands i guess um you you davey davey davey and chet yeah um we'll need them did you say one you meant two two more pencils and one point one more pair yeah i said you just need their hands yeah i said two pairs of hands oh okay oh damn yeah we need four hands david chase is it david chase i count davey and chet's hands how many do they have they've got two of these they've great news dog they've got two hands a piece all right perfect we're going to need we're going to need these two we'll try and return them in one piece we're good i think we're good all right just send them along later sure um she she kind of she laughs at the the rope thing she's like well my dude this is geth and you're adventurous surely each and every one of you has 50 foot of hemp and rope yeah we need 70. i i quite understand i will i tell you what you you get comfy here um chet davey you're going on a trip um so i will go get the rope myself um very dangerous trip there's a there's a good chance chet might not come back what there's a good chance that davey might come back forever changed he's got a load of dagger holes in him and davey were like you know they've gone from puffing up their chest being like how come we weren't us we were up for this to be like yeah we get to go to being like oh we're actually going yeah so now they're all kind of like oh yeah you're right you need us for anyway like we don't want to tag along with you losers like you're bad for a rap man man i'm going to enjoy this this is going to be great guys you can have a great time adventuring oh so great so dangerous like i know like i've done it actually yeah well i just say get your affairs in order i'm sort of idly toying with a dagger as i'm saying this i'm idly writing out a will i update it for every adventure dave davies ghostly but but my beneficiaries already chat like ugh my will is just two words in relationship [Laughter] [Music] i'm just saying what if chet pre-deceases you it could happen oh yeah it could happen all right fine uh um they hastily make out wills they hatefully make out they hastily make out with will season another member of the group is one of the boys um they're like well we'd better get our affairs in order and then there's lots of smooching um and then i look on jealously that's just canon now sorry um this high school is weird the uh the lady you you had a big uh you heard her referred to by chat by the way as miss ashridge um she comes back with uh seven coils of seven of seven seventy foot long coils of hemp and rope around she she emerges from around a racquet rock and she passes hemp and rope out to each and every one of them goes and then later on she's off to sell seashells on the seashore she is yes yeah um all right let's load davey and chat up with this rope and get underway all right um you're making them gary at all yeah they're the rope mules they're gonna carry the ropes i mean they're sturdy boys aren't they you know they i presume they're on the football team oh yeah uh miss astrid ash ritz bridge you really made a run for your own back here that's right uh miss ashridge um it's like now boys you do whatever these people say they are seasoned adventurers and you are not just a charming asset to this community and she kind of leaves and like yeah the guys are like they they begrudgingly load themselves up with too much rope and they're like oh caves this way let's get this over with get this stupid sorrel but it's not even guarded i attempt to break the ice with chet and davey by saying hey guys here's a fun fact do you know how you can tell which one's a stalactite and which one's a stalagmite oh god it's because you look at the ones on the ceiling and it's like wow on the ceiling that's tight oh my god yeah and like a salad might stands mightily god and davey goes uh or it might touch the ceiling yep as i say it's tight the ones on the floor are pretty tight too though this changes everything oh man you're right well what do you know about black sorrel what is it what's it for what does it do is it a fungus is it a powder what is it a cheese heroine it's been a while since i've done any herbie consult your codexes i'm gonna like take out your herb spotting i'm going get getting my herb things ready can merrell win roll four how much she remembers about black sorrel yeah yeah yeah okay marijuana just roll for it rather than using ye old google i love i love the short cute oh yeah like it's like it's not an animal you'll know it when you see it turn stuff purple come on yeah okay all right let's get this over with i don't spend any more time than i have to with chet and davey i put an arm around chet and dave each and i say chet davey my boys i think this is the start of a beautiful friendship oh my god all right for you um the boys immediately without leaders fall into civil war having to establish who gets to be the new chet and davey um but anyway this is gonna be the new davey clearly yeah yeah of course yeah i mean um they just made out with him for like five solid minutes uh yeah wills is already like wills is already like he's assumed the easy nonchalance of the leader but uh people are fighting to be his on his chief underling um so um yes uh you are led out of the cave and very swiftly so we don't even need a background change into a different cave good stuff do we do we travel through a wooden corridor maybe go through the corridor [Applause] [Laughter] wow it's an entirely different cave um is it part of the same cave network you don't know okay for certain it seems a lot smaller and it seems a lot not nicer um this cave is a lot danker than the previous one and not in like the way i mean like it is it is clammy and like it's whole growth and yeah it's it's musty in there um you can smell stagnant water standing in pools uh you can also smell something sweet uh and is that the sorrel something it's more like the sweet smell of something decomposing oh grayson no okay and davey uh bravely take uh like they go to the back of the party cool chet davey i think you should go and investigate i think you're ready dude are you serious yeah what did i thought you wanted to this is a great honor right we'll tie a rope to you and if you get into trouble just tug on the rope and we'll pull you back yeah the bless his mother will love it if you get the sorrel yeah what's left of you back chet davey have you have you guys been in in this cave system before no man no one goes in here jeez it's scary i agree and uh chair elbows dave was like shut up davey i ain't scared davey's like no i ain't scared either like oh if you're not scared you won't have a problem going in front and looking for the sorrow yeah chat and davey why is it scary in here in this cave what's so scary about it i don't know like we send people in here to get like so i mean just look uh i mean it smells scary yeah he points um and not too far away from you there begins uh you see sort of the edge of a carpet um of bones oh all right check check davey let us know how you get on no no no i i insist that we don't bully chet and davey all right all right um let's i um i pick up one of the bones and i hurl it down the corridor to gauge the length and noise and also to arizona cast your party lights cast your disco yeah that's way better that'll make them think we're cool when you do a little light show what's the light like in here can we see um it's not really like it is dark beyond sort of the edge of who whoever has dark vision raise your hands maybe everyone it's everyone everyone i don't have like do you have it like pointed to horizon all right i cast dancing lights yeah i like the way for chad and davey and then well that's a little that's a little bright corazon um chat and davey have actually tied a rope around uh like one of their waists and then the other one so chad is like i'll go first don't put yourself at risk uh and they hand the coil to um to dub and they're like we tug twice you you start hauling okay yeah sure i want to go with them ah see okay so um i fixed davey with astaire and i say davey i've never been popular but i have been lonely it seems that popularity is the greatest loneliness of all anyway into the cave yeah dude let's find this sorrel and get out um yep it is slow going please make me a dex um [Music] i guess this would be acrobatics because you're kind of you're trying not to step on bones just in case you make a big snapping noise critical one johnny you jump into a pile of bones making it a snapping noise wow so the other two rolled pretty well so they're like dainty like yeah it's all that footwork they do it i bet they're so glad you came along maybe i was too busy fixing davey with the significant look that i just staggered let's go get let's go do this and you trip over your jacket into a pile of bones yeah there is a clatter i become trapped in a rib cage bone fragments fly off and hit other rib cages and play a sort of weird xylophone tune and from the far end of the cave you just hear uh something stir can we go all right you really screwed this one up uh they have they have completely frozen there is a long pause and nothing else is heard and they're like get up they whisper get up and don't do that again i i just really get it okay um they start to pick their way forward um make me another dex acrobatics check please don't do that again okay well that's a 16. much better you start to pick your way through um and then it looks like they're going to keep going because their vision is not as good as yours but you see something ahead in the darkness that is kind of hunched over um and it hasn't seen you yet it's not seen anyone but it's kind of it's got its head up and it's listening um it is a humanoid it's basically it's like the the body of a man with some key differences number one it has a very long tail that ends in sort of uh barbs that intermittently drip a thick viscous liquid uh onto the floor um from about its its skin is a sort of pale blue color and from about the chest up you start to get a lot of shaggy hair and its head is like a goat's head but with very long ears and it looks horribly diseased um [Music] it's this it's this is a hang on oh there's a pronunciation guide abuela's owl um and it is on guard around it um there is uh there are a lot of bones obviously but there is also a sort of an area that's been swept clear in this area there are some um mushrooms that give off a faint glow and underneath you see little plants have like basically it seems like this thing has brought soil in from the outside and is tending a little garden with these glowing mushrooms to replace the sunlight um and it's growing these weird little sort of almost tenderly bud like hibiscus-y type little tiny plants guys okay um so it what's that what i mean we can't see we can't see that far marijuana i think i think at this point unfortunately so it sounds it sounds like it looks absolutely gross but johnny i think you used the word humanoid yes calm emotions no is there a is there an intelligence or wisdom threshold for this for calm emotions uh you each humanoid in a 20-foot radius sphere centered on a point must make a charisma saving throw a creature can choose to fail the saving throw if it wishes if a creature fails it's saving throw she's one of the following two effects and then it's calmed this is a demon yeah okay so not famously calmable it's got arms and legs than that but it's like it is a demon like it's okay this is shaped diplomatic it feels like diplomatic solutions have been exhausted how's it going how's it going down there i cast a magical message in the direction of dobb i beam the message back prudence yes there's something here it's called a bathsheba you listen abu lazell okay i think i don't think dub would know that i think dog can describe it right sorry okay let me just let me describe it okay okay first picture a man got it easy good looking a good looking man oh hey hello but hey what are you doing down there but there's some twists like it's got a tail it's got a goat's head it's kind of blue there's a lot of shaggy fur and it's tending a little garden does it sound like anything you've ever read about a lot going on yeah it's busy i i um obviously with my um my aptitude for arcana i would like to try and try and match that description just to do something i know about please do and that is uh an 11 plus a three so 14 yeah great perfect okay here are the things you know about abuela's owl um you don't want to get near it um if you are within 30 foot of this thing you'll start taking necrotic damage and you could start taking necrotic damage okay dub dub yeah i cast message down the rope again um yes how many feet would you say you are away from this creature which is a beulazar you'll be interested to know about 30.2 exactly well that's just splendid because you'll start rotting if you get any closer okay it's a demon dub it's a bloody demon it's bad news so like this demon is bad and an enemy right yeah it's not a thing to be reasoned with traditionally ask sorry uh you don't want to get hit by that tail at all prudence i'll stop if you can see the sorrel oh um job can you can you see anything that's like a black sorrel looking thing that's a bingo x-ray it seems to be growing all over the floor over here it's kind of like glowing softly this must be what we're after right i mean that doesn't sound i mean okay i described the glowing softly um flora to maryland does this sound like blacks are all to you it's like a kind of glowy softly mushroomy looking thingy yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's this is like very commonly known to to people in the druidic folk um this is yeah he's got a grow operation um some druids look look down on this sort of thing and they'll even invade homes to stop it happening but um i've heard the ballad of breaking bad but uh as long as you can as basically because these mushrooms also give off a lot of heat as long as you can mask the heat signature well enough yeah yeah yeah and that's fine and a cave is perfect because it's not going to generate enough heat to melt the snow off the top of the mountain is it fine that's an affirmative good buddy it's definitely yeah roger wilko uh black cloth sorrel yeah okay so i've got an idea okay if anyone wants to hear it yes ask chet if he wants to hear it chet do you want to hear it all right hang on hang on no cars or is it not cool enough for you chad horizon you need to tell prudence to ask me to ask chet and i don't know if my idea is cool enough to hear top yes yes can you ask chet yeah can you say chat can you say check hi um chet hi i've got prudence on the line no one wants to know hang on chet likes him that's not what i said prudence corazon wants to know if you like him chet what does chet say johnny this is now really the time he says now really the time he was all right he says now is really the time to declare my feelings all right here's the plan so you said you can't get the plan we can't get 30 feet within near the guy or we're going to start necrotizing which is obviously bad yeah but by cool coincidence the range on my mage hand is 30 so i could come up to where you guys are use my invisible hand we could grab the sorrel we need pick some sorrel and then we can we can get out of there i feel like if the thing's whole deal is tending the garden then it's gonna notice so how about some kind of distraction yeah i destroy the other direction we have a lot of rope could we fashion some sort of net yes right we brought a lot of rope and we're going to need to use that rope otherwise we're going to look like chumps so no we don't want to spend our rope budget or we won't get more ropes actually we don't want the goat-headed demon to know we're here if we try and rope him up he'll know for sure he's going to notice if his plants go i think rope and mage hand and you can silently throw a rope net over something he will know though on him yeah how are you going to secure the net okay all right all right all right i like the horizon plan but what if we add an element of cheese it so that like corazon is ready with the mage hand okay i sprint in what pass no no but quickly so i take minimal damage past the demon the demons like what hair's off chasing me meanwhile corazon grabs the thing i lead the demon on a merry dance uh lose him easily in the network of caves okay double back and meet you all for further also i suspect demons are probably quite quick at running i see no problems with this plan i could try casting sleep sleep applies to creatures not just humanoids what weird thing for dog to say but doesn't it doesn't last for like 20 seconds or something minutes no a minute yeah he's gonna have like a million hit points and it's all based on his hit points bad better it's not based on his hit boy what a hit point uh it's absolutely based on hit points well yeah but we don't know how many he has also i might roll incredibly high i probably will we just get 30 feet close to him throw a rock over him when he turns around i'll mage hand some sorrel out of there he'll investigate the rock realize that nothing's wrong and then we cheese it with the sorrel all right i like the plan yeah i like that plan more i'm gonna make my net anyway out of the rope because i'm not i'm gonna just do it yeah i want to creep forward with corazon what's she doing here i'm going to creep forward with corazon because my detect magic works i think at 30 foot so if i get up there then i can use the tech magic and see if there are any traces of my um my old baby and my book children prudence maybe you could climb up onto the ceiling oh i could spider climb yes that's a obviously by message yes dob that's a fabulous idea i think i might spider climb sorry i was talking to chet repeat prove this uh i'm gonna i'm gonna spider climb yeah i'm gonna use spider climb to kind of invert and then we'll we'll be a bit more spread out if the demon decides to spray us all with dissolving poison davey bringing to the party well chet is whispering back to dub like yeah sure but does he like like like me because like i mean like wills and i were pretty casual about it but like oh my god i gotta be you know i go i can't hear this conversation i say look chet man life's too short you've gotta you've gotta put it all on the line and yeah you might get hurt but that's part of growing up you know no i'm willing to risk it i just don't wanna hurt wills you know oh look wills will understand wills knows that the heart is an organ a powerful organ and it goes to the tune of love [Laughter] well while i'm saying this while i'm saying this i look around on the ground for a really aerodynamic looking skull to to hurl down the passageway uh yeah sure you you find one um there's a very there is what is it the skull of it's the skull of clearly in life it was some kind of like ball like an orange just i was gonna say it was like a big bird like a mega condor so it's like like yeah i think how did a mega condor die in here demon yeah have you seen this thing it's giant terrifying okay all right um prudence do you do you read me i read you i read your dub okay uh are you are you in did you say how's it hanging because you're hanging above us in position yes i'm directly above you right now that was a pretty cool quip bearing that in mind okay i am also in position 30 feet i'm actually upside down on the stalagmite i'm gripping onto the stalag tights with spider climb maybe index uh dex uh stealth check please corazon just today that's what i should have done before deck stealth to get through 19 four plus three oh you're like a cat like you don't even get near the bones you're just like ding ding ding ding ding ding all the way through yeah you are in position okay so if this all goes south chet davey do you guys run back and get help i guess because is that something that they could hopefully do if it goes south we won't need them if it doesn't work tied around them right no or is all the rope in eggbert's net now i think we've got enough yeah you've still got your rope connected to you guys but i've got a net as well but the last few minutes but basically has dug out his old mace in his cursed mace uh and he's cast on [Music] it's yeah it's like it doesn't look twee it looks like he i mean like it's it's as like like muscly and as as like mask as if he was hitting a molten piece of metal with a hammer like he's just he's knitted this net out like just with sheer force of will and mace yes nice so i've got i've got my net i'm ready all right dob ready to throw the skull far and away from us yep and does everyone know what's happening if if this does everyone know what plan b is cheese it always cheese it you know what pla why would we plan for failure i throw the rock i throw the skull okay uh power positive thinking and also make me a deck check and don't biff it seventeen plus five i would say that's unbiffed yeah like a mega condor like it's like the mega condor has come back to life uh it it gets one last flight before it explodes okay stalagmites weigh in a romantic description johnny but what can i say turns and like raws it's kind of like a cross between a raw and a goat bleating and it leaps off into the darkness quick as a flash i activate mage hand and scoop up a handful of black sorrel great okay also quick as a flash i used a tech magic to see if there's any trace of my my my various cursed children nothing ah dang it okay um all right do i have the sorrel yes and you can also hear the sound of abuela's owl just smashing around the place all right um these things can actually see excellently in the darkness um however it i think it assumes that whatever it is is hiding so it is turning its layer upside down time to get out of here guys i think what do you say we make a chat maybe you could go and hold off the bullets out while we escape dude what cover i'll retreat everyone sees it no i'm i'm kidding man i'm kidding i'm just go i'm just giving you a hard time let's go as we back up i use presta digitation to just cast the the image of a like a little little rabbit on the floor so that if the beulazal comes comes back and is still looking it'll be like maybe it was a rabbit that made the noise everyone to make me one stealth check to get out of here deck stealth please all right to escape the beulahzou uh-oh 19 plus 17. nice what is stealth all right rolled at 17. what is i rolled a three so i feel like i probably just fell off the ceiling or something something lame obviously roll what sorry i rolled a three i think it's i think it's bad i think that's bad that is bad you do i know things about numbers good job i did this rabbit thing yeah have you i mean everyone remembers the ballad of the king of the lions and yeah how his father went to flaylin [Music] that is basically that is basically what happens to you uh oh prudence prudence no use inspiration it's a bit late now oh yeah yeah ah tis cannon he's going now i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go back for prudence because i've got uh i've got a trick up my sleeve if anything happens okay i'm gonna go back also it'll be a net gain [Music] [Laughter] now [Laughter] is charging toward uh prudences toward prudence what i'm going to do uh is i'm going to use uh turn the faithless which is uh some ancient words that are painful to fiends and fae they run away apparently nice bam oh wow this is improper like paladin this is some actual this is some actual paladin stuff yeah rather than just throwing bombs at stuff what are the words um please go away but in like ancient speak okay um great do you okay let me turn the faithless do i need to roll for this do i need to roll this all or uh i've probably got it somewhere on here hang on let me just turn the faithless here we go uh use your channel divinity to us our ancient words at peoples blah blah blah as an action you present your holy symbol uh must make a wisdom saving throw what's your spell save dc please uh my spell save dc is uh um i always forget where it is on the actual sheet it's on this on the second page second page that's the one top middle oh yes spell save dc is 14. well uh abuela's owl can see brilliantly in the dark but why is this is not so let's see how this does hey i'm thick too i can relate i'm very sorry i don't know if you can oh that's a crimp oh no oh dang so what what are the words you say again sorry please go away it turns it turns to you and it says it actually doesn't speak it looks at you and inside your head you you don't speak abyssal do you no okay it says something you do not comprehend however you still get the strong impression that uh if you had been able to understand it you would be extremely upset and maybe even throwing up again okay it has just said something really coarse to you oh no do i have time to just sort of hold the net up we're rolling initiative we have to oh no sorry everybody don't apologize prudence it's my fault nine ten oh wait no no six plus one fourteen sorry johnny yeah mine's eleven eleven is eggbert 14 is dub uh was that a six six yeah horizon this is why i don't use spells you guys it was it was lovely to see you releasing a paladin thing i've got an eight johnny an eight okay all right um for what it's worth um egg but you do feel uh like a a warmth and a sense of righteousness suffuse your body um whether it works or not your valiant attempt has pleased the the purple cow oh that's nice i'm gonna go and get my good dice for this okay what it's fine he's off he's acting last oh i didn't i didn't even roll for the for the bela's out a four yeah yeah doug okay in keeping with the high school theme okay so um how far am i from the beulazar currently it's a 30-foot range right where the necrotic jazz starts to kick off yeah um it you could tell me necrotic jazz was a genre of music and i would believe you oh my god it's such easy listening but the lyrics are so disquieting um it is it is within so it's actually basically like it's bearing currently bearing down on prudence i'd say it's about 10 foot away from prudence oh so prudence is already in the danger zone oh no my flesh did correspond leave his good dice on the ship and i okay well i would just like to i would just like to sort of cast my eyes around are we in like a narrow cavern is there any other features it's not there it's not that big this is um [Music] uh how far across is it it's probably about 25 foot across okay um right i just for the record i think going to get my good dice is now my favorite uh euphemism for having a slash yeah that's definitely what's happening isn't it uh should we wait no okay all right he's almost last in the initial order don't worry okay here's what's happening then and i hope everyone's gonna be on board i'm gonna it doesn't matter it's up to me i i am going to leap upwards above the butt foul one more time i will also accept bulbasaur i'm going to i'm going to leap directly above the beulah's owl and i'm going to grip on to uh the ceiling which is you know if i look behind me i can see it's sort of covered in convenient hand holds and then i'm going to bunch myself into a little ball and i'm going to cast thunder wave so hard that all of the spiky stalactites are going to rain down and like pin cushion yeah uh that is one of the coolest things i've ever heard thank you um and corazon wasn't even here oh two corazons oh wait twara tuarazan what's happened here uh uh oh we've got an additional player and it's corazon the second a corazon clone has entered the chat oh there you go that works it's confused at all uh oh oh dear no no we're good now we're good now we're not hold on i can fix this i can fix this how are you doing oh my gosh i hope those dice were good my dudes done yeah hold on hold on oh look we're back no no but wait wait oh no no names swallowed all of our names i'm fixing it i'm fixing it we should have to be those characters of the world that's fair what did you do [Music] [Laughter] i'm gonna steal things i think i may have fixed it maybe to catch you up corazon uh has decided to leap onto the ceiling okay onto uh the ceiling and cast thunder waves dislodge a lot of stalactites and make it rain right that's what i would have suggested yeah dead deadly deadly barbs of calcified calcium i don't know what static types are made of i'm sure there's at least one geometry no they're tight they are tight unless they are my anyway um yeah okay uh tell you what why don't you make me a dex acrobatics check okay i'm gonna use inspiration and roll out again what was it just so we know three okay good use of inspiration oh that fell on the floor sometimes a charm oh man okay well oh no say so that is a 10. i'll do it cast me thunder away please okay i think that i think the gm just wants to see this happen i was pausing for dramatic effect yeah sure well i thought about how much i wanted it to happen exactly no there's no fudge here so i'm pretty sure i just cast thunder wave i don't know if like obviously i'm hoping it's the stalactites that'll do the damage but i guess if the thing is also in the 15 foot cube i would would i roll out as well uh but it's for me to roll it's a it's a saving throw yeah um my spell save dc is 17. okay uh i'm gonna say yes but uh hey prudence hey johnny you're rolling with me oh dear yeah but if it's bearing down on prudence oh hang on a minute it was ten it was ten twelve feet away from me and how i don't know how tall the ceiling is yeah no you're fine actually sorry i oh in my head it was right at your feet i need to make a constitutional savings throw 17. you do 17 yeah fuel is out yes plus three uh yeah the beulazal uh past the saving throw so it is going to take half as much damage okay uh so that's one d8 thunder damage okay isn't pushed away which given the circumstances is ideal is not terrible yeah okay so the 1d8 is one but that's just for the thunder wave damage yeah it takes a point of damage yeah i'm gonna roll with d100 now yay you dislodged 21 um celectites that's that's a good question um i'm gonna roll hang on i'm gonna i might group these so i don't have to roll 21 times [Music] that is not bad um three groups 15 okay 15 stalactites connect with the booleas out nice um the one failed um [Music] that as in the 16th rather uh how much damage does a stalactite do incalculable let's let's call it a d6 please roll me 15 d6 whoa roll it because it's me yeah okay all right i mean i do have a pack of 20 d6 on me ah oh no it's cool it's cool i can do it but um i will shout them out and i'll just i'll just count the dice rolls okay yeah that's fine we'll help with maths all right four two six four six two six six six yeah six six six so metal two three i think i've rolled ten now one two one three i think that was 14. i've got 48. yeah same you needed to roll 15. oh cool wow good news um okay uh the b lasalle now looks like a hedgehog yeah and incredibly is not dead but might as well be it is basically just pinions just like awesome nasty i love it um do you speak do you speak a bissell jane speak infernal but that's infernal dialect it's a different demonic thing well i mean all of you all of you here um all of you hear this this telepathic like scream of outrage um you are being cursed to the rafters needless to say we are very much out of combat this thing has two hit points left um i throw the net on it whose turn is it that's the question oh uh well okay it could be anyone we like eggplants oh sorry uh you can totally kill it if you want i kill it it's dead that seems like a kindness because there was a constant stream of abyssal invective penetrating into your minds and from the way davey's now throwing up you reckon he might have taken the odds damage no no the odd class in a bissell oh i see you right oh no poor davey baby's like oh dab you should comfort davey and davey starts crying take him into your job i'm going to choose to fail that check okay and what happens well he's calm presumably davey the dangers passed what you faced today was more dangerous than any bulbasaur what you faced was letting your friends see your raw emotions and buddy you passed that saving throw i know that term won't mean much to you little orcish term we have a little orcish term back it back back in oaktown i just want to go see wills thank you for sharing that davey thank you he gives you a big hug and sobs into your your fluffy fluffy shoulder i whisper steve harrington into his ear meanwhile i've got my i've i've got my foot on the bullets out and i say dog [Laughter] [Music] look all that's going in the stats kill stealing corazon is the chorus let's not forget that we don't actually chet and davey sorry you're about to wake up to some harsh truths but i feel like we're all on the same team now we don't actually want to help the cultists right so maybe we don't bring them all the sorrell to awaken the same team presumably it's valuable though we should have it we should definitely take the black zoro you don't wanna you don't wanna complete the great work chet david why do you guys wanna complete the great work do you know what the great work the great work is what is the great work tell me right now chet what the great work is i don't know yeah you don't know so what if it's like destroying the world or something you guys have been kidnapping people have you are you responsible for kidnapping the good people of let me check the name of this town again humperdale um no good uh chat's like we've not been sent on a kidnap mission yet oh check now chet now chets do you not think that maybe an order that one of their core tenants is kidnapping do not maybe think that's that's bad hey look like initiate initiates like you don't come along every day like it's you know like it's a mysterious order it's not like we can be like like a big man pamphlet over here and be like here's the reasons why the blessed lady is so great it's my wrestling alter ego like it's hard to get people to sign up big man on pamphlets sometimes you've got your inspiration back good anyway yeah i i can't i think you're the only person who's used it i think yeah okay but if anyone had they'd definitely have it back but like you know sometimes we just like oh we just let them try it for a week or two and like sure maybe we don't ask permission and we get them to try it but like it's a it's a good way of life like i mean why did you was good i don't even want to finish the shoe was delicious right and the tomatoes what do you do to the kidnap victims who don't want to join your cult i don't know um get bundled into the little corridor behind the back room the little corridor the back okay we've got to rescue those guys all right we're heading back there with this sorrel wait okay okay but like are you get you're gonna give it to them or like what what are we doing maybe we'll tell them we'll hand deliver it to the back room yeah hand deliver it to the back room get in there yeah i like that armfuls of black sorrel yeah or i mean is that could we make some fake black sorrel and then see what they do with it because if it's evil then we don't want them to have the real stuff do we um just one one quick question uh which was it davey that you were messaging with about corazon dub uh about chorus it was check was it it was it was chat okay it was chet yeah in that case chat uh it's like i'm gonna hate myself for doing this but i'm also gonna hate myself if i don't listen two things all right number one i don't know what the great work is but i know the black sorrel is important if you do give it to them then and you want to get back there and i guess stop it then just giving it up it's your ticket in there like i don't see how you're going to get in any other way okay all right that makes sense the plan stands the second thing uh he grabs corazon by the front of his shirt and gives him a big smooch whoa he throws him back and it's like yeah so yeah okay i put my arm around eggplant and i say what am i chopping i'm sorry don't feel bad this happens all the time [Laughter] i'm sorry dude like his yeah it's kind of hot i know i mean i mean you are like look at you look at you you're so powerful you're literally smoking it just you know i hate my mouth and i i love it chet my man now is not the time all right we're on a quest no you're right try and control yourself okay all right just see if he provides for you like i can provide for you chet hey no i don't no i don't want anyone fighting on for me come on what i like most about corazon saying now is not the time is that it absolutely implies there's a time it's not now but there's a time okay so if we take this freaking love hexagon going on here oh um write chet de baena like he's been writing it idly just trying it out yeah just trying it out seeing what it looks like in his handwriting putting on his exercise book i love it i love it guys okay i think i can do a little bit of the chat just davey that's correct okay so if we if we have the black sorrel in our hands it's like it's like a sort of mushroomy fungusy thing right that was growing underneath it the mushroomy fungus okay so max oral is a real plan right okay so so here's what i'm thinking we take it in there but before we like hand it over i don't know egbert just sort of like fires it snuffs it out of existence so that they can't do any damage but we do get in i mean that's fine but yeah we need to get into the room first so yeah we're offering to hand deliver it in i can i can destroy it immediately yeah we're entitled to hand deliver it in because we did the hard work i might just eat it i might just eat it i'm still hungover it might settle my stomach oh it's one of those hangovers where you just got to eat everything yeah we just just got it okay like all the salt in the in the day so the the contingency as always i'll take care of i mean that's fine because at the point where you saw the demon spreading his dung over them that you decided you just had to eat it everything needs to be fertilized my dude um you needless to say uh proceed back through the wooden corridor back into the original cave oh yes wait wait wait oh oh no okay let's get into that corridor i'm proceeding through the corridor the corridor oh i'm just watching straight i took the other room that was just a case back in the cave just a quick aside to uh to everyone um we started playing at ten past seven uh could i possibly beg an extra 10 minutes could we go till 20 past is that right yeah yeah yeah okay cool um okay wait a minute why am i in san francisco no no you went sorry went the wrong way it was left it was left at the corridor the wooden corridor is treacherous um one way is one way is the the cavern next to uh to humberdale uh the other way is san francisco that may be the humberdale bridge that you saw yeah that was the hotel bridge there we go i took the wrong turn if you're going to san francisco be sure to avoid the cultists who are kidnapping people anyway sorry i didn't bag an extra 10 minutes to sing um you uh returned to the cave um and um miss ashridge uh sees you and goes and runs forward it's like my god you you're back so soon yeah you ever see this much black sorrel cha-ching you did yeah guess who killed the uh guard thing the bulbasaur i guess you killed it corazon killed it i say truthfully stealing corazon himself but i have bad news chet's name she's into me chet's not into me um she puts her hand on your shoulder and sort of like her thumb like reassuringly rubs your collarbone she's like that's okay i mean have you thought about wills to say anyway he's up for anything from what i can tell i need a i need a rebound that's his prerogative yeah exactly so um uh she actually turns around and goes ah polo and you hear a man go yes she goes it was abuela's owl he goes ha you owe me a drink it's like we didn't know what it was but we knew it was bad uh and you know what uh it turns out we could count on you thank you that is really great um i don't think you realize how much this means to me and to indeed all of us uh and to the blessed lady because with this i truly believe we can complete the great work well incredible news there is a way you can pay us back we would love the honor of hand delivering this black sorrel hmm yes what a tree i've got harmfuls of the stuff look at these examples i'd like to ceremonially place it all right the location to which it should be placed i should pretty much do that as a urid i would like to see the process are you kidding me i would like nothing more than for you to come and see hey what am i am i so unkind as to deny the people who have slain the bureau and goddess the black sorrow to complete the great work am i going to turn you out of the chamber well technically technically only one of us laid the bullets out but i'd like to bring these guys along with me indeed you must you must bring all of your retinue with you i'm sure of course they did they did possibly useful things while you were slaying the buellers out i made a net out of all that rope you know that rope you gave us yeah make sure you don't skimp on the rope in q4 oh oh you did use it yeah oh yeah that's great because i wouldn't have been able to wish you any more if you hadn't well it's good well glad we've made sure chet davey you're coming too um the the boys have sort of come over and they're like they they move excited to be like oh oh like no not not you the boys hmm not you wills wills can wills can come and she uh turns uh and it's like we must haste and taste and we must move the paste and she starts to lead you um back uh into the cave um into the back of the cave rather there is an excited murmuring people like it can't be they did it the black sorrow the great work the great work will be completed um as uh you approach the the as he approached the corridor 2004 dabbing does not exist oh that's too good it's just a thing dobb does yeah genuinely i wish i think about inspiration more than once um okay so um she leads you towards the uh the two guards in full plate uh who are guarding the the corridor to the secret uh the back room of um this this whole cave complex uh pleasingly the two plate guards just stand aside as if it's the most normal thing in the world seeing miss ashridge they're like yep in you go everyone you walk in um and you see the following things it opens out onto a large chamber um there is sort of a naturally formed slope coming down from the the end of this corridor uh and in the room uh you see a very large alchemist station much much bigger than the one you saw um in the rest of the cave where people were doing sort of all sorts of you know grinding and and brewing and all that kind of stuff uh you see a large uh metal cage in which sit a lot of townsfolk people uh who look despondent uh and they're trying to comfort each other the best as best they can but all in all they uh seem to be doing quite badly they are very you know naturally concerned about their fates um and against the far wall you see uh rows of tanks and these tanks are empty but these tanks are also very familiar to you whoa uh-oh [Applause] so as you walk into the room she is she is leading you kind of imperiously on toward the alchemist station says yes of course you know the great work it's it's difficult uh because of course before we tried growing we tried growing them from scratch but that simply took too long and of course you're aware of what happened in the last facility i mean we don't know what i mean the whole batch was ruined and everyone in the building was much the worst for wear um but lots of sandwiches as i recall yeah i heard about the sandwiches yes the sandwiches it was it was some kind of powerful sandwich romantic it was strange and terrible but then the lady had a flash of inspiration she thought well if we just derive a serum then we can just inject people and speed up the process if all of the musculature is already there then the changes will come over them of course so um anyway um um um um uh adelius hedelius adelius you'll never guess they did it and she sort of gestures um in like to towards all of you um and uh he says my goodness the great work we can complete it we must inform the lady the screen pull now hold up hold up what if you inform the lady after the job is done wouldn't you rather present whoever the lady is with a feyer complete a job a job well done won't you be more impressed with that uh make me a charisma persuasion check please thank you that is 19. yeah yes i rolled a 17. um uh so uh miss ashridge whose first name is serafina by the way maybe i'll just call her seraphina because or um she kind of knots and goes hmm there is wisdom in that um stop that stop that there is a large silver uh bowl um in the middle of the room just in front of the tanks which uh seems to constitute some form of scrying pool it's full of water and above it is a very large piece of metal which has been burnished to a fine finish so basically if somebody were to activate the scrying pool that would be reflected everyone could see whoever it is they might be calling any any road they're like well this is your moment hand it over you know what this is one of this is one of this is one of just so many moments for all of you i'm so glad you decided to join you shall be the first to inject oh what a treat subject whoa oh the honor is too great okay all right you've earned it you've earned it all of you you've earned it uh where's where's the sorrel right now who's got it uh i think egbert said he had i've got arms arms falls am i dumping it into something to would that create the serum is that what we're talking about no we're talking about so there is a cauldron sort of bubbling away but uh the the the sort of alchemist is beckoning and being like uh because he's he's got a pestle and mortar i think he wants to grind it up fine first okay cool i want to see this serum exist why why so that we can always make more eggplants if this one dies i'm gonna give him the sorrel i'm gonna i'm gonna play this one down the line yeah play this little down line for the moment we've got time what difference i agree i concur we've got time to see this stuff pestle and mortared up i'm gonna give him the sorrel for the moment yeah while this is happening i would like to just discreetly palm a dagger and press it into the hand of davey and give him a significant look as if to say when the time comes kill yourself he looks and goes oh so i would like to save a bullet for yourself i would like to give chat a significant learn a significant look as if to say no dagger for you he um the the air between you is is like pulsating like it is it's like it's electric a bit of thunder wave came out oh goodness okay um so yeah all right then you hand over the sorrel uh they carefully convey uh all of it into sort of a pre-prepared sort of uh jar big sort of big old jar and then they take out three little sprigs of it um and a guy gets a pestle and mortar and starts grinding it into a sort of a fine paste um the whole room is watching um [Music] like using a pestle and mortar is suddenly a competitive sport uh again you could cut the tension in here with a knife and it's not it's not just uh corazon's romantic energy going on everyone is really excited um uh the alchemist takes the the the mortar no which one's the pass along which one that's the mortar isn't it yeah that's the pestle he takes a deep sniff and goes it's better than i hoped this will work uh a cheer goes up as he um as he goes in and smears like you know sort of use his fingers like a spatula and throws uh the black sorrel into the brew and starts to stir it um i run towards the brew i grab the cauldron drink all of it and hopefully become ultra eggbert [Laughter] sorry one second hold on down the line down the is one way to get it back in the system yeah let's go let's get a kidney back inside drink the whole thing i am parched let me tell you about the dehydration from all that drinking i did yesterday make me a constitutional savings throw please okay is that just a d20 uh yes and then add your constitution modifier if you have proficiency in con saving throws then you can add your proficiency budget please add whatever you can okay um i am going to i'm gonna use inspiration because i rolled a4 um so let me uh so my uh constitution is not one of my skills oh um but i got constantly laughing right i'm rolling again okay i have such a weak constitution 15 plus two um that's me using my inspiration so yeah yeah that is okay good uh yes you pass um and you become huge mega eggbert um there is like little egg birds burst out of his arms and legs extremely sure a second head yeah you know what here's what happens um nothing that changes the character art nothing uh eggbert kind of pledges but looks at his palms and he suddenly throws them out uh and from the center of his palms starts sprouting little tiny egg bits oh god oh no this is not what i expected to happen like if you if you have ever um seen the mamas play adventure time that time when princess bubblegum realizes she can shoot candy beans yeah that but eggberts i'm going to roll the d100 now i have so many questions about the biology of a dragonborn but that's where the babies come out this is not normal oh okay eggbert uh you have spawned 37 mini egg butts right wow um for the purposes of uh so um you start spewing out mini eggplants and at first people like stop him stop him and you hear someone go the scrying pool the scrying pool and then suddenly all the shouts of stop him cease uh and you hear people say the chosen one he is the chosen one um uh and people are start chanting the chosen one the chosen one the chosen one just as a scrying pull um boots boots up by our screen drops a six c chord and afterwards what on the scrolling pool why so yeah she doesn't see what's going on that's a good plan that's a solid plan i like okay solid you see so uh very briefly uh destroy water does do you need to roll for that does that just happen uh i think it just happens right just just happens okay uh all right so um the scrolling pool and its attendant mirror briefly uh come to life and uh true enough you see the face of liliana okay before it disappears i'm just like in your face she indeed she basically says ah uh you're calling has the great weapon [Laughter] she manages to get out the words kill that before sort that out is that better yeah there we go it's a bit better somehow i'm casting a shadow on a green screen it's quite impressive um she manages to shout kill that before the um before there's no way of knowing what she was going to uh watch water is destroyed and the connection is severed um you heard you heard her everyone kill the tanks yeah smash them up that must be it yeah it's fine i can take you it's very clear is that what she said is that what she said chosen one will know chosen one tell them interpret the blessed ladies words destroy the tanks free the townspeople yes all is well chosen chosen one chosen one make these fools give up my book babies and also my old baby yes my childhood books and the orbs find the book babies and the orb restore them unto me the one dedicated follower requires have you seen it have you seen some ambulatory books yeah and a really fast roley device they are sort of they're paying attention but they're like um um uh well reaching um into various crates and and you know sort of uh into into bags and getting out sort of crowbars and hammers and things like uh no oh well dang it somewhere else with a resigned side i strap on the papoose open it up and gesture at all of the baby eggberts with a resigned psy 37 baby eggberts go former little egg but pyramid and one by one they get in there it's quite cute they're sort of holding on to one another they try and amalgamate themselves into a vague approximation of egbert's form so there's a little arm coming out of each armhole and they've got little leg butt legs wow we can't keep these dog we're gonna have to put them in a sack and throw them in the river my sons um they'll die before that happens could i just get a charisma persuasion check please from i guess who whomever it is who is doing the the most that's better uh please please destroy the tanks persuasion well it's me i i i assume i have some kind of uh benefit around chosen one benefit here yes you're rolling it on an advantage i'm rolling at disadvantage okay all right i'm gonna roll that is an uh wait is it charisma uh yeah charisma persuasion okay that is an eight plus a three for an 11. i rolled a 10. good glad to hear it free those towns folk what are you waiting for the chosen one has spoken the uh so um seraphina ashridge uh like having a a really big old warhammer like like it ain't no thing yeah you didn't like you're like damn she's got core strength uh she turns to goes i get chet look at this who could forget chad he's already forgotten he chose someone else i cast an appreciative glance at seraphina he could he could have had the church easily uh carry on seraphine was like i i knew you'd be good for this community and she swings a hammer and smashes a tank uh checks um whether motivated by jealousy or just just love smashing stuff drop kicks through and a tank in and out um wills is is uh just looking for someone to kiss like the love of god already i'll be always because one of the kisses one of the small eggmans you know what actually yeah wills is what at the top of the egg book pyramid picking up each one of them giving it a tender kiss putting it in the papoose and then but he is making sure that dobb sees this oh my god this is a convoluted old web anyway um there is uh like just a frenzy of smashing tanks and then sweeping up glass and making everything ship shape and and refilling the the scrying tank and be like well then we'll uh we'll give her the night off and then we'll see what the great what what the blessed lady wants tomorrow i guess uh order is very slowly and gently restored to this this cave complex all of the townspeople are indeed uh let go um and johnny yes um amidst all the destruction as the sort of stuff's being like knocked over and while no one's paying attention to old dobb uh i guess except apart from the 36 children i may have lost one um the middle child you've overlooked them oh yeah yeah sorry can i can i sidle up to what remains of the scrying uh thing yeah and just just sort of have a look at it figure out how it works like no phone number i kinda wanna know if there's anything that i can take away drop of drop of moisture fragment of mirror i that's that's incredible yes uh you look in the bottom of the basin uh there is a single hair right i pocketed it a single blonde hair yeah right great nice um and basically the the community is like thank you so much i don't what we would have done without without the chosen one um it is it is i'm we are all sure that he is he's going to do great things his destiny is is far greater than than this enormous cave complex of kidnapping of course the chosen one can't continue his great work without your tithes of course so if i'm just going to pass the collection plate around if you would just like to uh whatever you can give i do remember with a will do remember that the more you give the more salvation you will get from the greater the works yes of course we shall give you a third of what is in the the enormous guarded treasure cave we um give we shall give you half they give you half of what is in the enormous heavily guarded treasure cave and they sort of then bundle you out the door wow you do financially ruin them as we leave i i'm like uh seraphina that was that was pretty great you you doing anything later i mean i i suppose i shall see what the great lady wishes of me okay all right we're back on chat's like i don't know man you're fickle that's true all right look at what you could have won [Music] chet walks off sort of kicking at weeds not weeds at rocks he's in a cave um but uh yeah so um yeah serafina is just like hey that you know the great work it must continue with if uh if the blessed lady is to achieve total domination over death then then the army must rise of course cool yeah we'll look after them we'll look after the army we'll take them of course you will you are the chosen one after all um they waive you a very fond farewell as you leave with a massive pile of gold and um they're like seven egg babies some hurts but also it's 37 egg work babies uh and as you're gonna feed these 37 egg mouths i don't know i'm back on the gin because i'm sad i'm sad again now about my lost children as you emerge blinking into the sunlight uh you find uh there is an orb sat on the grass and next to it uh are two uh sentient terrifying books oh my god i'm so mad at you that are wriggling on their backs they're just rolling in the game bad book babies um they they they see you and they're so overjoyed to see you there their bookmarks are waggling and like they're horrible like leather eldritch tongues like rasping layers of skin off your shirt immediately forgive them yeah for being bad books and so um after uh like a very strange night and a day and some thunderous hangovers and um a somewhat serendipitous uh sabotage attempt the sun starts to set on um a group of adventurers uh standing around a tiefling warlock who is rolling around on the ground with a couple of evil books and a strange sentient thank you johnny for another awesome accenture yes i loved that one you were all on fire that was so much fun thank you everyone for watching yes imagine go before we go yeah before we go yes do please subscribe to dicebreaker the awesome tabletop uh gaming youtube channel run by johnny and a bunch of other lovely people uh for more of this kind of thing with excellent funny uh players you can watch a bunch of different rpgs tabletop stuff it's really good fun in addition also that yes uh johnny is auctioning a very special uh session of uh dming to one of you fun viewers yeah johnny would you like to explain um if you go to my twitter page which is twitter dot com forward slash john air j o h n e h my pins tweets outlines that i'm doing a giveaway so basically if you donate to a just giving page called feed nhs which is um providing hot meals to nhs workers who are obviously working tirelessly during this unprecedented um crisis uh it's it's it's just feeding them while they are on the job sometimes doing shifts longer than 12 hours um there is no limit on the number of entries but if you uh reply to that tweet with a screenshot of your donation to that site your name will go in the hat for every screenshot of of that basically you send me um and on monday the 20th i guess yes yes at 12 noon british summer time i will be uh drawing a winner and that winner basically i will coordinate with them to run a pen and paper session over the internet for them and up to five friends amazing if you want to live this for real with your own mates and look at how much nonsense he puts up with you could say anything right get involved it doesn't have to be d d there's a choice of games on offer but yeah uh let's um [Music] yeah it would be great if people could dig deep and um from the nhs which is not a charity but here we are nonetheless you can find that same um that same tweets pinned on outside xbox's account and i think outside extras so lots of places oh that's incredible thank you i didn't realize yes and you're going to have to outbid me because i'm going to enter a bunch of times deal with it all right thank you so much for joining us for some more live dnd uh we're going to yeah we're going to keep doing this as long as the present circumstances continue yeah so um we will see you again soon for another exciting ox venture but until then hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and we'll see you again soon thanks for watching hope you enjoyed this chaotic adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Oxventure
Views: 64,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: oxventure, d&d, dnd, dnd 5e, dnd5e, actual play, ttrpg, rpg, dungeons and dragons, dungeons & dragons, johnny chiodini, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, ellen rose, luke westaway, dob, egbert, prudence, corazon, merilwen, funny, funny moments, funny d&d
Id: Neanov8VbXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 18sec (8778 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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