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Oh welcome that's annoying yeah I know I tried to do that hi so I have done this video before on my own and today I'm joined with Talia - there were some shoes all right so I have a list of assumptions that you guys have sent in and uh you probably should be the first one is Talia loves people licking her feet actually says liking her feet but can't say I've ever attempted to have someone I don't think you could like someone looking your feet because I assume that Talia actually despises JJ how did you next one I assume that you and Talia are very passive aggressive and never actually finish a fight and find a solution everything is just under the carpet now she's very just aggressive not passive-aggressive scared so she's gonna hit me again you want to do a song with Talia but she thinks you're not good enough yes I've never asked her to sir I didn't think she could comprehend my levels to be fair there is nothing I can say so you're gonna do a real answer yeah I've been one is just somewhat army of if she keeps saying no she says I'm not good enough where no comments why don't we do a song I'm kidding I'm not doing a song with Talia you know what you can read this one you're only with Talia for my money as a syphon don't give you any because it will watch her place you forgot freezing nail on the head right there now on the head it's fine when you look this good you know she'll give me money whatever you and Talia in that weird stage of the relationship where people are expecting serious like marriage serious you guys are just living your best life yes shut up Talia used to take karate karate no way I understood why you take okay you take karate no no she did gymnastics you and Talia are cousins somewhere down the line absolutely no siblings you and Tata you're gonna hate this no I can already tell your reaction right now can look over there she's gonna go you and Talia call each other babes off-camera yep called it we both hate that word babe baby babe BAE and I once called you babe and I remember the moment that it happened you would by the oven in the old house and I was like oh baby you went it's grown and then I immediately realized what I had pulled you aside by cool we'll have nicknames for each other yeah stay away from baby names yeah just Talia and Simon no I call you that sometimes Talia mostly picks out Simon's outfits for him I'm not thinking any responsibility for it she couldn't make someone look this good I assume you and Talia are a stay at home and cuddle kind of couple rather than go out and have a fancy dinner finder we are lost there I mean you know just cause the argument is stronger than Simon yeah Thalia is more intelligent than Simon although you don't really show it you're actually really proud of Thalia and go and get upset when she gets a she actually like deserves the whole world I mean no one deserves the whole world people make you're joking when you said you were both virgins but it's secretly true yeah it's not secretly true it is true we held hands once yes they both reach I assume you and Thalia will have an episode in super seducer three I'm off to be in one of the episodes but it was in some like hostile country where they kidnapped people so I was like I don't know what country it was you know literally the brief was you may be kidnapped who knows so yeah I said no but I ended up being killed that is a YouTube convention my friend and now it's your job who's there exactly but Minnie Minnie you didn't answer my emails oh whatever let's [ __ ] do this oh my god are you [ __ ] our dead in the super seducing realm you know what this is karma Talia has three nipples but you secretly love it you hates it JJ when you first met it I didn't know who Jay was I hadn't met him I didn't go like by the way I didn't you were telling me about like what you do and like the sidemen videos not me and you and Sally are gonna do a YouTube channel together I don't think so I think you just makes it I'll be so much work for one and two well I was enjoying this video true I think if you make a channel together you're more likely to break up because it becomes your now yeah like a prank be prank Simon is Loki jealous that Talia has a G fuel sponsorship and I don't it's not Loki give me money I don't know I now you've got some peas to spare G field hit me up you know I am in most video every stream as well we have a whole shelf over there we have a whole shelf of G for you up there but yeah um you know she feel feel free to hit me up you actually became vegan cuz Italia never been vegan never will I became vegetarian actually because of jorts she's not even vegetarian she's fish you're hella glad that Talia likes you because she is the settlers yeah what you're in an open relationship don't you try and be like you you and Sully had get into bed with your socks on and then kick them off once you're underneath the covers if you don't you're both psychos I don't I take my socks off yeah you're a psycho what do you do with it where did it go Talia hates the name Stimpy have an opinion on it I've never thought about it so my dad used to call me yeah and now it's my like gaming name Talia is secretly a god at shellshock you're aiming at the floor bananas are IP or aiming kind of at me okay you've run out of time don't worry Talia spoons you in bed sometimes there's everyone likes to be the little spoon sometimes you know it never goes any further disgusted whenever you entirely you go out together for dinner you spend more time on the phone and then talk to each other I don't think so no that was really peak why no people to do a lot of people do Zubair comes open silence isn't it so Herman and Talia sleep in separate beds when she is with Simon because JJ doesn't want funny stuff in the flat that's not true it's not JJ that doesn't want funny stuff it's got God does not want that virgins till marriage you do have matching tattoos I have no tattoos I'll be really weird if I had your sister yeah while you secretly watched Talia's tic TOCs I don't I don't three of them I know I probably have seen them half of them on my Instagram yeah then I watch them yeah it's not really secretly because it's I don't ever go on tick-tock - yeah no I tik toks kind of jokes that your incoming advertisement the final one but today this isn't an assumption this is the fact and I want you to read it without like pre reading it Talia is ready come on it's not true you really thought read it only its most of an assignment she made everyone there we go you I do take the cake I am super stubborn I'll admit that but you know that you he's not doing it's not gonna work oh you know what I might take it no I'm just saying you wouldn't accept that I was like pretty stubborn whereas I'll accept that being the stubborn person I am and that is all the assumptions today keep an eye on my Twitter because I will be tweeting out the curious cat again so you guys can leave assumptions that I'll let you know who to leave them about and check out Sylar in the description as always we're gonna go for my video on her channel which I don't know if he'll be out by now but if it's not vanilla be out Wow boy why not be out have some faith in my editing this is gonna be out tomorrow same anyways hey guys watch in a bees
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 2,991,947
Rating: 4.9646688 out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen, talia, assumptions
Id: jItCp40cWLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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