COUPLE Q&A w Lannan :)

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what is the craziest thing you guys did as a couple when are you guys going to get married look landon and i are very excited to announce oh my god that's pretty funny though we've had some adventures we have welcome back to the channel everyone today i'm here with my beautiful boyfriend lennon hello we are doing a couple's q a today and this is actually our second one our first one is on lennon's channel from two years two years ago i barely knew her and it was my first time on camera so it was a bit awkward and you're still like i love you but you're still awkward i know i'm better let's go i want to know your burning questions like when are you going to have babies that's literally every second question you would have submitted that one i didn't have to first question have you ever thought about breaking up she tries to touch my butt a lot and i don't really like it so in those moments yes but it's very fleeting moments how about you have i ever thought about breaking up with you it's okay you can just say no i'm thinking of thinking about it you can just say no um because my answer was kind of a joke so if you answer seriously i'll be a little upset no i haven't how long have you been together two and a half years big question who is better at minecraft i know i mean i killed the ender dragon two years ago i killed it the other day so depends how you look at it i will say i'm a better builder and i think my world is prettier 100 so well you had a nice pretty world i had a big dong so i did have some cool [ __ ] yeah but you did have nice girl and stuff which was destroyed who destroyed it it wasn't me i now remember it wasn't it was the question have you ever thought of breaking up with lennon that's what i was trying to think of who is more cuddly uh depends on the day i'd say normally ilsa i have my moments yeah um you need little rubs of encouragement they're doing good i'm doing good for lennon would you rather never be able to kiss ilsa again or have your icon skin removed from fortnite i'm looking at my skin over there uh [Music] i like my skin i'm keeping my skin girls have germs and cooties anyway i've we've never kissed so that's all good no everything you can get in the cat no next question i want to get a hairless cat what is one thing the other does in front of you but no one else walk around naked that would be a crime anywhere else i tend to like being naked you meant to say something i do oh well yeah i hope i'm the only person you walk around naked in front of yeah of course i don't know because you kind of fart and do whatever around everyone else anyway you don't really boundaries don't exist no i don't cry in front of anyone else i think i've only ever seen you cry three times and they're not very good cries it's because my eyes don't produce moisture properly so yes i do have a problem with that i want to cry all the time my eyes just won't let me who is most likely to want to have kids first well lennon and i are very excited to announce that we are going to be adding a third to our family this coming summer chungus oh i was like not how i want to find out not how i wanna we're gonna get no it's a dog it's a dog not a fat baby it's a dog it's a dog but it's going to be a baby it's our baby his name will be chungus yes chunky boy little thick boy gonna get him a little pram i'm gonna take him on walks that yeah gonna get him a little high chair so he can sit at the table with us we're very excited isn't that right when is the breakup video would we do a breakup video oh mate the views i don't think we'd do a dedicated video maybe like a little intro guys welcome back to this tic toc reaction by the way dumped her she's gone um all right so now to the tick tocks how has life been since moving in with each other i'd say it's good when you need a hug there's someone to give you a hug you know you have a private place to talk [ __ ] about other people just get to see each other all the time which for me is great but she probably hates it how would you feel i like it that's good um oh i like our morning coffee walks it's pretty cute god we're such boring white people what is the craziest thing you guys did as a couple um she ruined my passport in a las vegas bathroom because i put it in the shower well okay so we were wasted she threw up on the ground near my pants without knowing my passport was in the pocket she put it in the shower to clean the pants and then left the shower on and forgot about it for six hours and i woke up and was like the shower's on why is the shower on and i walk in there and my pants are just on the ground i'm like oh that's fine took him out next day i realized my passport was ruined we had an international flight home the next day and i ruined his passport but we got through it vegas baby vegas how many children i think we both want four in an ideal world but that's obviously a lot to ask it's a lot and i'm sure we don't know until you've actually got them yes but we both come from families of four kids so i think we like the idea of that does lennon ever paint or draw with you no i think actually the i remember the one time he did draw with me we were like sitting in the park and landon takes my drawing book and he's sitting there like drawing me and there are these couples like oh that's sweet there's this man like drawing his girlfriend and then they'll like walk past and look back at this book and it's like a stick figure just [Music] does lannon snore and if so does it keep you awake no you do a little bit no i don't you actually you were last night it's not bad snoring it's kind of cute oh and you do these little like we just like i feel like what people like doing cartoons like well i wasn't gonna say that you snore but you actually do sometimes so i was not gonna tell the world that but yeah no yeah cool what is your favorite kind of potato and how do you like it prepared it's like thank you but also is that a compliment or not what other potatoes are well there's sweet potato there's white potato there's baked potato there's chips there's gnocchi there's you are a sweet potato cause you're sweet what kind of potato am i you would definitely be normal like white potato crinkle cut fry okay so you just call me an average white thing you're a crinkle cup fry that's very that's spicy i'm not even a special potato i'm just a normal potato crinkle cut when are you guys going to get married look she's good but you know that's a big commitment if you're going to do it you've got to do it special but you've also got to be sure you know and uh i was sure before this recording who's always the first one to wake up i think there might be less than five times in our entire two and a half year relationship that you have woken up before me yesterday was one i woke up before you you got up out of bed yeah very different best date together they're all just so good well i was actually going to go with us getting glass i don't want to tell the details of that story but i did have a glass thrown in my head and also it hit ilsa i only got a little bit oh that looks pathetic yeah it's barely a scar it is it is barely a scar anymore but it was my birthday and um we were bowling it was 10 minutes into your birthday and my face was just covered in blood in hindsight very funny in the moment um i could have lost an eye and we got a great couple photo out of it should have got it when i had more blood on my face i know i know like a lot better the the photos that you can see are like so basic it looks like a scratch on my head yeah but i literally looked like i'd been mauled by a bear yeah it wasn't our fault no details no details it wasn't our fault oh my god that's pretty funny though we've had some adventures we have can you guys do any good impressions what's gone guys do you want to do impressions of each other hi guys welcome back to minecraft today we are going to build a sheep farm we're going to get some sheepy babies and i'm gonna go look for a pink sheep because i just love that cute sheep love sheep all right now lazy i'm bored i'm bored yeah i mean that pretty much is all what my channel is at this point who has the bigger boobs tell you what i was getting pretty fat for a while covered hit me hard i was getting some major man boobs noobs you good yeah is there anything you would like to change from each other is there each other it's just gonna sound so domestic and boring but if he could put his cups in the dishwasher and remember to take the bins how boring are we gone we are boring white people we have absolutely no problems and it's disgusting hmm i don't think there's anything i'd change oh i think she's perfect i could not imagine what else i could possibly ask for [ __ ] annoy me sometimes but that's healthy that's not your yeah that's my problem yeah i take it back if you remember to take the bins out that could be a bit too perfect we need a little bit of conflict in our life yes i am pretty perfect who's older uh bro she looks great and i look like i've had um a multi-year-long addiction problem that's not true i'm almost 27 i'm 26 and a half years old i'm 23 and a bit do you guys stand or sit when you wipe your ass after pooping i'm a sitter i've never quite understood that how people stand it feels like you would squish your cheeks together a little bit too much for my liking i agree i don't i don't think you could clean yourself as well if you're standing because i've never met a stander however i will say alternate uh i'm a big fan of if it's a little too messy just hop in the shower [Music] easy mate it's easy next question i said he's still simping i've said it before but real men sim simpon gets a bad rap but anyone who doesn't simp is alone and being alone sucks so wake up to yourself young men respect women and love them they are better than us and women can simp back i've never experienced it i feel like yeah not the same it's hard to sleep as hard as lennon lennon's a big sin but i love him love him for it i love you i love you too this point do you want me to get you flowers we've talked a bit i just don't have anyone to put i can put them in a bars for you how much time do you spend with lennon a lot how did you pull lennon he's clearly out of your league how old did i look well so on the night we met i went off [Laughter] he was wearing this goddamn beautiful yellow dress and she also stalked me all night now i'm a socially awkward person so if you want to impress me it helps to be way too like into it really just creep the person out with how much energy you're putting into stalking them and giving them attention you make it the stalking the stalking makes it sound so weird the yellow jumpsuit was nice i was feeling feeling myself that night and he wasn't giving me any attention i thought i looked pretty that day so let this be a lesson you know just don't ignore women he wasn't trying to be cool he was just i'm just going to say hi how was the free guy movie doing i think it's finally coming out august i think they announced one day you'll see me in a big hollywood movie um don't tell anyone but ilsa definitely stole little bits and pieces oh on set yeah they don't care wrapped up like i regret not stealing more because it was yeah this like set with these legit people around and how many times is this gonna happen i wanted to like steal all the souvenirs like the trailer sticker the sticky notes maybe don't go to specifics maybe just say you start i'll tell you what i didn't steal i didn't steal his outfit yes no more details no more details you're leaking you're leaking i'm not lit we got to be careful with details okay i regret it next time i go i will steal everything if covert was officially over where is the first place you two would like to travel switzerland or the french out same same i want to sit in a hot tub on the top of a snowy mountain overlooking a valley with snow tipped mountains with hot chocolate in one hand and a nice pastry in the other as i sit there in my hot tub that is my dream sorry i have a very specific answer for that no i like it specific is better who's the sore loser and the sore winner between you two i don't care at all if i lose to ilsa and she it's the worst thing in the world to her yes we lost it i beat her at chess once and she didn't speak to me for the rest of the night no it's because i am a sore loser but he's also such an unsatisfying person to lose too he'll just lose and be like oh good game and i'm like you just lost show me some emotion or if i win i'll just like good job he'll say here's what you did well yeah if you showed that you cared that you lost then i wouldn't care but how do your parents feel about lennon ilsa my parents like her more than me the way my parents talk about you is like oh london's it's good you found your soul mate already now you don't you don't have to worry about that i'm like all right head what all right cool my parents also love lennon my mum especially i would say dad does too but mum loves him to bits rod thinks i'm weird he did say that which is fair that's no hate to rod that's completely fair like in a nice way like in an endearing way it's like a bit of a weird one isn't it i'm like yeah but like so am i he's like oh true you're both weird so it works all right that's been our couple's q a uh both wearing pink clearly we love each other very much and we are perfect and you should subscribe and like the video yet
Channel: ilsa
Views: 2,881,178
Rating: 4.9713378 out of 5
Keywords: q and a, boyfriend tag, girlfriend tag, lazarbeam, lazar, laser, elsa, ilsa
Id: rYd5L5ksBHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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