TESTING OUR RELATIONSHIP... | Talia Mar w/ Miniminter

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hey I'm Natali welcome back to my channel today did you smell that what do you smell today I'm doing a you are baby with Simon as you can see we're doing I don't even know what it's called who is the most it's most likely to yeah but it's not I tweeted you guys if you don't follow on Twitter uh who's my hand or head yeah I actually supposed to send me in a few questions summons that see them yet have little signs my signs are much nicer I've just written Tyler and Simon I have this guy and that who's the most intelligent I stopped going straight in I'm just trying to think because like it depends in war good are you serious no how are you boss mob in general book-smart can you read your eyes you get you sissies yeah - yeah a levels that was a personal choice that's why I said I'm not street smart like when it comes to things like YouTube or technology kind of thing take the cake on that okay so what is it things like science science keep going well Matt you're very good at massage babe oh hell yeah I'm a diet level will you Jesus ease oh great when I start five-eighths one of these you be your sponsor no I think we just know it's different in different things who's the best dressed everyday life not everyday life average everyday okay ready okay oh I know yeah you lit okay we did a video on my channel check out if you don't I was joking she said I had the the dress sense of a 12 year old from JD Sports see if I was a joke I'm wearing shorts right I mean I am wearing pretty fireman they didn't have this on but everyday love we are hearing others are just like alright I pride myself on being comfortable I mean I'll take it I'll take it no I'll take it it's nothing it's too late now I mean I don't even get dressed every day now this isn't who's better it is no I even know what it is but it is nice careful when driving what what does the screams shall say who is most careful when it comes to driving any good yeah it's you because you have to be more careful as you suck good driver like it just so happens to me that the two times I merely it does something a little bit stupid you've been the car only two times in my whole full yes how many thousand you ever crashed your car - never bhakta never hold on i'm yusuke never the fact you like that we told you come to a car I happen so she's more careful she has to be I don't have to be everyone has to be okay okay I'm gonna throw this out there who's a better driver I think we're fine I don't think I'm a bad driver but I think you were right driver next question oh okay who's the most vain Oh who's the most stubborn we're both very stubborn we are very stylized already we both argued over the first suit good I feel like I have to argue it to the cinema then I'm quite happy to just be like fine well I would row I'd rather argue with a stubborn person like me and then argue with a stubborn person who says everything and then she goes mm-hmm okay exactly from the star then they'd be like okay well they're just kind of letting you win but you said all your points to get my point across because I know that I'm right and then I go okay you know what yeah you're right it's fun but then you just then you just throw everything out of windows the point in the whole so I have to say my piece of card I just cause you've got stick with your looks we would still be arguing about the colour of beige I've nobody has a problem it's the pick that's wrong what color is up beige that's not you that's not that you are you brother a beige that's like that stage like baby's not white it's not that's brown that's a light brown but that this is a light brown no it's beige see all these different berries of beige fabric right now the video would never have ended that's cuz you're wrong who's the most humbled ready yeah you have anything that in itself bothers jokes do you yeah you know I do yeah if I was like that all the time why would you still beat money nobody do you see who's the most spontaneous I think it's really difficult this is a difficult one neither of us are particularly spontaneous ready let's say me but okay what's your reasoning because I feel like I could be saying because I'm not really sure I don't really know I'm just kind of like I don't know anything spontaneous you've done but you don't know anything spontaneous idea that's great spontaneous let's go how long ago was that we'll have you know that spontaneous just video six yeah everybody knows the video is in there already videos maybe it's people spontaneous my family's your husband is I read it I read it as he wrote these as you read it every time we eat ever never know ever she spills I don't it she does I don't know every time and today weird food and you're like oh it's bill yeah guys the sauce film itself and yesterday she's knocked over some water and I like my menu and I attacked my god yeah oh yeah hoop sleeps the most this is an easy one Jesus yesterday one time I slept for ten hours pretty simple pretty simple give this thing about about six hours sleep at night most email is she gonna be like that's pretty normal ten hours okay one time don't you're asleep a lot when when when I'm asleep honestly yeah like oh well when I'm going to bed I'm asleep have you ever caught me napping like have you ever seen me fool asleep not gonna bet no me fall asleep not a bit ya gonna call in the car on the way home from nice out pretty much every time and we ever get cab back you always do and then you wake up I'll just go make mommy who's the picky eater this is gonna cause a night it's me but there's two different ways yeah yeah I like I'm very particular in what foods I like you're fussier either in terms of like brands and stuff not brand it's like if it's a brand you don't like it it's not home-cooked or something like that I believe isn't Italian food and she's just like this is not good god bless you I was just saying random I really fussy with quality really fussy though yeah well like things Muskaan amazing complimentary to me but yeah who went to a restaurant that was classes like good quality food I can pretty much get everything on menus of stuff I need anything I'd happily anything and I probably like it whereas I'm see you don't like certain foods like mushrooms you know ki no onions I'm the fuss Ethan you're the picky eater okay interesting yeah interesting yeah okay sure Perry's most lucky to have a diva moment I feel like this is easy okay ready yeah yeah I work with a lot of bad companies yeah do you have yours well I ever have a deal when do I leave were really close look at me I mean I have to cut out well off camera we've talked yeah no yeah I'd say me because the companies but I'm a very direct person it's silent okay okay okay who is most social this really hard I think it completely depends on the situation in general okay right yeah yeah I think your general you why is that so hard but because I think in certain situations but you know what you're feeling really confident like well I'm in that sort of like mood then I'm like friendly with everyone like I'm gonna be friends let's talk to everyone but normally I'm like closed off so yeah very good here's a better cook I can't cook I can follow a recipe yes that means you can cut no it doesn't it means I can read she said to be right now make this I have no idea what I'm doing who was the most interesting when drunk thank you really do you have any stories of me being drunk these stories of me Vegas yeah most different oh sure he smiles like this when she's drunk it's just that she's wasted well if you ever see how to do that really wasted wasted like no more yeah yeah this is my one chance I'm just I will just take this your most athletic now you me now when I was a gymnast do you kidding well you did gym gymnastics I was a proper gymnast I played football cheerleading skills oh but back in the day no now a hundred percent leave motor competition there's the most creative that's how it depends really sorry who's the new idea what's this okay how many songs have you written for about three hundred where are they so who's saying I think what I think equal in different ways no schooling looking for the next one who is more easily annoyed it's gonna look like me now well I think that was the last question no why you have the great please there's a crimp utilized to break up with the other one no that's a horrible Bechet man pick it me [Applause] that's it for me guys it will be doing stop advertising bloody sign things I think I hope you doing this video if you did make sure to subscribe down below if you aren't already like 70% of my views are from northern subscribe people what are you guys doing you just come into my trying to watching my videos I'm just leaving again oh yeah that's pretty much it ok just go around I never did you wrong but you did me wrong so go ahead get gone
Channel: Talia Mar
Views: 3,789,145
Rating: 4.9498591 out of 5
Keywords: taliamarmusic, talia, talia mar, mar, who's most likely, game, challenge, boyfriend, miniminter, simon
Id: YlaEOsVNj0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 11 2018
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