SECRET BEHIND MONEY AND TIME | Apostle Joshua Selman Sermon 2020

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[Music] i will tell you why the subject of wealth and abundance please listen carefully has received so much attack i will tell you why because satan understands that when he finds a people who can have resources and at the same time whose hearts are stayed on god and the purposes of the kingdom that is a weapon of mass destruction to the gate of hell now the technology of wealth in the world system is that you choose wealth or the health of your soul are we together now satan will never allow you to have both you are going to have to choose to be wealthy the world's way and while your wealth index is rising your spiritual life the health of your sanity the health of your sameness continues to plunge down are we together now so it is always to use your soul as the commodity of exchange please listen so the bible says it this way what shall he profit a man so he's talking prophets now what discussing business what shall it profit a man if that man gains the whole world and loses his soul so we're talking of gaining and we're talking of losing things that the world can be gained the soul can be lost are we together now like you lose your money and gain back whatever you bought with it so the economy of satan is that the real thing he's looking for is your soul satan does not need money the realm of the spirit does not need money satan is not after wealth at all the whole idea of poverty is not um to stop papers from entering your pocket or to stop notes from reflecting in your bank account is warfare this is what i want to open your eyes to see please listen very carefully we are allocated time the unit of destiny is time everybody say time please shout if you may say time that means your destiny is measured as a function of your time and that you are only useful on earth when you have time are we together now no matter what you have if time is extracted from your life then you do not have a basis for living again now satan is aware of this that the moment a man has time he has not lost anything you can lose a job but if i give you time the job can come follow me this is a summit god is working on our intelligence you can lose your spiritual life but if i give you time you can gain it back you can lose your prayer life a man can scam you of millions and billions of only the unit of destiny is what the most important commodity on earth from the 8th dimension is time everything only finds value when time allows it to are we together now meet a dying man right now your pastor is a medical doctor i'm sure he's seen so many parents at the verge of death meet a dying man right now ask that dying man what do you want me to give you he will not say real estate look up please he will not say oil and gas he will not say education he will ask for time so the man knows that every other thing in my life will only work if i have that means if i really want to hurt you i must do something to your time follow me carefully no matter what i have done to you if i don't touch your time i didn't hurt you so satan being aware of this came up with a plot and arrange a methodology across his fair to ensure that men lose time the battle of wealth is a battle of time redemption is not a battle of riches no it's not a battle of business no it's a battle of time redemption because everything we do in destiny is a function of time it takes time to know god it takes time to learn the ways of the kingdom are we together it takes time to grow in prayer it takes time to access the anointing it takes time to build relationships it takes time to raise your children it takes time to impact a generation and satan knowing that fight time you think he's fighting your money he has no business with your money what satan is looking for in your life today is time is god speaking to us now yes time every time satan sees a man having time he becomes uncomfortable so what can i do to extract time because the moment he knows what can happen when there is time the moment god sees time anything can be put in that time an encounter an anointing everything so when satan's this time time is like a tree anything can be put on it the battle is a battle for time not a battle for money not cars and houses no time satan knows that the moment you have time your relationship with your wife will grow he knows that when you have time you will raise your children after your lord he knows you will teach them he knows when you have time you will wake up in the morning and have bible study with your family he knows when you have time you will visit your parents he knows when you have time you will be a walker in church he knows please listen we're just setting a foundation he knows when you have time you will sit with your children and teach them the ways of the lord he knows that when you have time you will be able to impart a generation and build something that is worthwhile and so in the economy of satan the battle is a battle of time the idea is that the best option is to kill you so that that way automatically time is finished but because the law of time and chance still happens to all so whether you know anything about long life or not there is already a spiritual principle that can preserve you so he comes up with a way of doing something to your time that makes it as though you do not have time please listen very carefully hearing lies the mystery behind the busyness of men they were programmed to be that busy because you never have time for god when you are busy it takes time are we together now so please call my brother call my dear come stand here please both of you satan knows that provided this man can have time he can get resources in that time and spend the time building his wife building the ministry he knows that if this man is a pastor and his dear wife if this man has time and stays with god the one that this man will become he will transform a generation so what satan will do is he will check in the archives of men what is the one thing that men can give their time for and he found out in his research that money is the one thing that men can have goodness [Music] he found out that men can be careless over their health and ignore it men can even be careless over their children but he found out that every time money shows up men are willing to give time to get it and he said that's it i will make sure they continue to get to look for this money and never find it because if i keep it away from them then they can use their time to look for it and every time they want to be discouraged i will make them to touch it a little so that they continue it's like a base kingdom welcome time so the moment you get a job your salary is a hundred thousand you are about to say thank you jesus satan does something to the economy everything increases except your salary and now you have to give more time to get more money and you say my wife sorry you are only going to see me by nine or ten in the night and then you will not and when i come just have my food and go to bed you do that for five years your relationship is being destroyed your children do not know you again they sleep when you arrive and they are off to school when you are awake do that in 10 years their only mentor becomes their teachers while he's doing that he will program a man who does not know god to be the primary voice in the life of your child while all of this is happening in 10 years your world is destroyed as a man of god satan knows that you need resources to do a lot of things so he will make sure the time you should spend building you are using that time to scheme out ways of raising money how do i bring out do i raise this offering how do i do this how do i do that then on top of that he will make sure something happens in your immediate family that will take away your prayer time it's not a battle of money it is a battle of time what satan is looking for is not your bank account give him your atm you will throw it back at your face it doesn't need it what satan needs it's time everybody please say time time when he met the disciples jesus now he said follow me and i will make you is that correct they left what they were doing with their time and they started following jesus not when they felt frustrated because jesus said i'm now going and they said what is the justification for our time we gave you our time now you have trouble the roman government and there is nothing for us to go back to our families with and he said verily verily i say unto you there is no man paraphrasing who gives me time but in this life he will read this and that and that and that is a battle of time when a man sees his family only two times a year because he gave his time to something that is not the will of god but then because that is the way the economy was manipulated so satan uses money is it okay if i bring out some money look up some of you already awake right now money now it doesn't mean you are bad tonight service is a real deliverance service look up please this thing you see has carried people from one location to the other [Music] what a numb robber could not do to you [Music] money you literally follow it to another state people have followed this into holes to mine gold people have followed this into the air people have followed this everywhere people have lied for this change their date of birth for this rejected their parents for this denied jesus for this turn to become preachers of lies for this married many women for this and let the ones they have for this this has made many people to marry people who are not the will of god look up hope [Music] this has made people to hang themselves on a tree and die i'm robert right now someone is planning to rob by 12. this is it the same energy it takes to be hard working the same energy it takes to steal this is what the guy is looking for he will jump someone's fence because of this nobody invites you to come to that building just because this is kept there you leave your house and walk and the distance is not a problem the queue is a little issue an atm that does not have posters for invitation will force you to visit it every day because this is inside and you must honor that atm with the honor you cannot even give god you stand with absolute respect when you slot your card you you honor it because it's bringing this out there are some of you who would have been educated or disturbed you not satan this there are some of you today who would never be in certain pretty comments but did stop you there are some of you who are doing three four jobs don't feel bad this is a conference this is what you are looking for there are some of you who are in your 20s and 30s but you look like 50. this made you so harmless has no voice doesn't speak doesn't have a chain but it's worse than an umbrella it doesn't have a chain yet it can tie you down a woman you love your life it can come between two of you and as light as it is it has the power to separate you [Music] if all you think we're talking about is money you are joking if all you think we're talking about is real estate and all of this now those things are wonderful we have a business session tomorrow but let me tell you this is the understanding that must be corrected it's not called wealth summit it's called kingdom world summit the first word there is kingdom you must understand the government and the system you are under and the motivation behind how satan behaves [Music] i preached the gospel many years ago signs and wonders but this was going to take me to the cell this because i could not afford to pay the sound people where was the power that healed the sick couldn't it bring this how can i finish a crusade and minister to people and i'm calling upon the name of the lord and i'm about to be loved because of this listen if you don't pay attention to what you are learning in this summit i guarantee you you will pay the price [Music] it is true the days that we live in are not days where you just ignore this now there are certain truths when you don't know you will pay for it many people have sold their soul to the devil because of this listen to me you ask many many people do not love god if they are open they will tell you that they continue to rise based on their fraternity with a system that is antichrist and their covenants and ordinances with dark powers anybody who has worked with multi-millionaires will tell you don't allow the intelligence and the business prowess to fool you behind all of that paraphernalia is is a deep-rooted covenant with that powers to ensure sustainability babylon is a goddess that sits upon a horse and is also a harlot that is searching for men and that you can carry on harlotry with her and part of the many benefits she will give you is money so when you now decide that you want to rise and not fraternize with babylon then you are in trouble are we together let me show you something that will bless you revelations chapter 19. blessed be the name of the lord who brings light to us 18. [Music] is it projected are we going to have it projected okay beautiful 18 no revelation chapter 18. i'll just give you the verses and then you move they will read a few verses this is the fall of babylon in prophecy babylon as a system [Music] are we ready we'll read verse 2 and verse 3 and verse 4 and then we will go to verse 9 then eventually we will end in verse 13. the media i'm sure you have that okay one to read everyone is projected let's read together one to read and he cried mightily with a strong voice saying babylon the great is falling is falling and it's become the habitation of devils and the hold of every foul spirit and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird reavers through with understanding and the heat of the earth have done what committed fornication with her read the next verse and the merchants of the earth how did they become rich are words reached through the abundance of our delicacies stop there this is the secret between behind the wealth of the hidden that behind all those business ventures you see there is a fraternity their fornication with this goddess all happy alone and that in exchange for their halloween with her they received many things [Music] go to verse 9 please verse 9 we're reading from verse 9 to 13 let's read together one to read and the kings of the earth who have committed what fornication and live deliciously with her shall beware her and lament her for they shall see the smoke of her burning read up we're ready to thirteen standing afar off for the fear of her torment saying alas alas that great city babylon that mighty city for in one hour is thy judgment come 11. [Music] stop who are those who cry not the inhabitants of the earth the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her why for no man by yet her merchandise she said her lot she's a businesswoman let's see what she sells but [Music] the merchandise of gold and silver and pressure stones redone and pearls and fine lining and purple and silk and scarlet and cayenne wood and all manner of vessels of ivory redone and all manner vessels of most precious wood and of brass and of iron and of marble that in redone and cinnamon and orders and ointment she's self-anointed and wine and oil and flower and wheat ridden and beasts and sheep and horses and chariots and slaves what does she sell else [Music] what a business woman that will sell anything including the souls of men where did she get the souls the ones who came to exchange their souls for money what shall he profit a man if he gains they lost their souls to her and killed the world that's how she got those souls are we together now so the economy of darkness is lose your soul while you prosper if you are willing to subscribe to that technology then here you go you can rise without god and be blessed you can be millionaire and a billionaire and you can continue [Music] so here's what the apostle says beloved i wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health but even as your soul prospers now this is the trouble the trouble is not wealth the trouble is that as money grows your soul is growing and satan says no way this bad game cannot work psalm 112 says blessed is the man that feared the lord that delighted greatly in his commands is that his seed shall be mighty upon earth the generation of the upright shall be blessed he says wealth and riches shall be in his house and his righteousness endures forever [Music] the real battle is the battle of time is the battle of your soul my brothers and my sisters please listen it's not the battle for your business when satan came to jesus remember at the temptation when he came to jesus the first temptation was torn this stone to bread satisfy your inner desires and jesus said no man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth from the mouth of god next temptation was the temptation of his spiritual life he takes him to a holy side and says fall down backslide go down after all the angels will hold you and then the next temptation is the temptation of wealth he takes him to an exceeding high mountain and drops him there and shows him the glories of the world in a moment of time and says all this has been given to me all i want you to do is bow to me satan does not want your account satan does not want your business satan does not even want your child what's he going to do with that this is what he wants your allegiance because man is the senate of god's creation the fullness of the express image of the christ so when you bow to him remember this is what was happening in hell too if you read the poland epistle he said that principalities and powers were upon him forcing him to bow but then when the legal claims of justice were satisfied the bible says he he shook them he made a public show of them try young thing over them satan has been obsessed with transgenerational allegiance please listen very carefully it is your soul that satan wants [Music] it is not your money i tell you why there's no money in your account because he knows that you have been programmed by a system that when there is no money your account is impossible for you to keep quiet and sleep because the civilization that you live in is driven by economy and sooner or later you will have needs that only money can pay for and it will compel you to get up and do something with your time to get it back one more scripture and i'll begin to teach genesis 42 thank you genesis chapter 42 we're reading the first two verses is god blessing us tonight genesis chapter 42. i want to show you the technology that causes believers to backslide that technology that will always drive people away from god do we have it protected let's read together only two verses one to read please now when jacob saw that there was corn in egypt stop stop stop there was corn in egypt everybody say corn in egypt [Music] egypt is a place that represents a government that is antichrist and yet he said because there was corn in egypt jacob said unto his sons why do you look upon one another read verse two one to read please and he said behold i have heard that there is gone in egypt get you down to her and buy for us from thence that we may leave and not die keep that scripture there please a prophet is about to die because although he's a prophet he has no corn and satan put corn in egypt so that israel will go to egypt hunger always takes israel to egypt please listen satan does not tell you to go to egypt by throwing and forcing you all he needs to do is to ensure only egypt has gone eventually you will find your way to egypt this is a prophet about to mode his future he said if we do not eat corn we will die so it was never your desire to get into prostitution you were a child of god loved god with all your heart but when you found out that it was only egypt that had gone the first year you said god forbid i will never give my body for anything my body is the temple of the holy spirit the economy kept growing when you heard that 500 thousand nara was needed otherwise your mother would die in seven days suddenly corn in egypt you didn't know when you went to egypt and said no matter what i have to do my mother must leave is god speaking to us tonight so please understand that a true prosperity gospel is not about money it's not about acquiring things although things will come but the spiritual understanding is to provide a system of time redemption that can allow a generation time to host god and to reveal god within their time and i can't tell you our generation will not miss it listen today it is a strange thing to find a man at home on a weekday which is why even if you are praying people say what you mean you don't do anything and the worst part of it is that while you are staying in that house you are still blessed you say i i already know that you are either a drug baron or you're an armed robber we believe the secret to wealth is in going to look for something you are not wrong but you are wrong please understand what i'm teaching you [Music] a lot of people continue to thank god for what god is doing in my life today and i'm truly honored to be appreciated by a generation for what it's made me to represent to a generation but did you know you don't want to know the amount of time i give god to know him the real proof of love is the investment of time [Music] it takes time to pray it takes time to pray down the power and the glory of god upon your life you will never have that time when certain things are not in place so this summit listen please was designed to number one correct your philosophy of kingdom wealth number two show you god's authorized pathway to become wealthy transgenerationally and yet your soul prospering while you do so you see these are the people that satan is afraid of those who prosper even as their souls prosper that the more you become wealthy the more your knees can go on the ground to worship god now that's the frustration to satan and let me tell you this some of us here may be comfortable here and there you have some money in your account you have a good job you know you are truly prosperous when you can give any amount to the course of the gospel without it affecting you if you are not there yet then listen true wealth is not having some money the the level of poverty has made us so selfish once you have some money you can buy some clothes take some trips abroad have some money have a nice house build a few estates we just have a multi-millionaire no sir the degree to which you're giving does not affect your life and yet affects destinies is a proof of true wealth there is a standard we are giving in the bible if your world only blesses your children you are poor according to god's design your grandchildren is the minimum standard the longevity of your wealth should at least reach your grandchildren a good man leaving an inheritance for his children's children now our generation average young man does not start from ground zero you start from minus you have to correct something that you inherited and listen i'm not trying to be sarcastic you get what i'm teaching i'm provoking you by the time you are done correcting that and you get to ground zero you are 40 years old then you now start managing your own life by the time your children are ready to grow you are 60 years old you are 70 years [Music] this is why we continue to be distracted and the economy now has been manipulated again and again as as i was driving through from the airport coming to this beautiful city i left lagos this morning to be here and i just continued to nod my head and i said oh god again and again let your people receive this let me tell you the generation that will say thank you is not us is our children let me repeat myself the generation that will say thank you to joss for receiving the truth is not us it's our children we are the bridge between the errors of the past and the blessings of the future we are that generation that are willing to pay that price that what i did not have let my children have and if you share that philosophy then you will be able to listen tonight very sincerely otherwise you are going to translate the same thing and watch it wreck your life and what wreck your church wreck your children and your children's children praise the lord are we together so the next time you see someone talking and says all these people just talking about money tell him well everybody is not the same there is a correct balanced communication of truth that relates to the empowerment of the saints from a kingdom perspective and the object the real commodity of exchange is not business is the souls of men and the time of men it is my desire that we get to points in our lives where the revival that has been long prophesied over this city and over this nation that men will be able to give god enough time to host that dimension of grace you will not be able to give him that time hungry you will not be able to give him that time when you are looking for school fees for one or two of your children and fighting with a landlord here and they're overrent and you know dreaming of cars and all all the only pictures you based on your wall are cars and houses those things are not necessarily wrong but there is a higher cost there is a greater reason one more point it is a course i've said it before but i will repeat it it is a cost to spend your lifetime looking for money it's an uncomfortable truth don't get uncomfortable about it just listen to me i'll explain it the average young man in this country graduates say between maybe 25 and 30 years and the work service time in this nation is about 30 to 35 years depending on what corporation or what institute and most people from the time they are done with school the high institution of learning sometimes they even begin to walk before them and from that time until they retire they continue to chase this object called money and by the time they are done retiring they only live with regrets health concerns challenges of children and all kinds of things that would have happened they lived to their graves sad this summit is correcting this about your life so that you do not follow that pathway and then so that you can be a blessing also to your parents and say mama i've learned the question you asked in your youth i have come to anxiety [Music] that is this how our life should be that my entire life be spent from morning to night it is fair to wake up early in the morning and to sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of sorrow there is a bread that does not satisfy it gives sorrow you keep eating it and all that comes to you is sorrow please in the name of the lord jesus christ listen to what i'm about to tell you please listen these things that i share with you now in addition to the things that we're going to be sharing with you are not opinions they are not suggestions you see before you listen to a man probe his results don't listen randomly i grew up in this very city i was born and bred in this very city you've heard me say it again and again so i'm not some person that just arrived from somewhere no god has granted understanding when god was going to call me into ministry i took out time to cry before god i said lord please don't just show me the things that relate to impact and the anointing alone i have seen this finance thing crush people into pieces change people's messages i don't want this wine and oil to be corrupted because of my own show me the pathway and the lord opened my eyes through revelation through the power of strategic mentorship to some of the truths that i will be sharing now we'll take one of them tonight whatever sacrifice you can make for the business session tomorrow please make please please six o'clock is not too early for any serious person are we together yes make it so that you can learn something and have the opportunity to ask questions then at the end tomorrow will have time to pray [Music] write this down please the economic system of the kingdom is based on the following truths then put a column [Music] the economic system of the kingdom is based on the following truths that means that you have to be aware of the following in dealing with god's economic system the economic system of the kingdom is based on the following truths can i dictate number one the understanding that all wealth comes from god and belongs to god please write it down this is these are the things these are foundational truths that we must put in place the economic system of the kingdom is predicated on this understanding number one that all wealth without reservation comes from god not the earth not your farm all wealth comes from god and belongs to god do you have that down number two the second thing you must understand about kingdom wealth is that nobody in the kingdom owns wealth there are no owners in the kingdom they are only key words owners are rebels please understand this there is no such thing as my thing in the kingdom no it is his thing given to me and the bible says moreover it is required in keywords that a man be found faithful ownership is the reason for lack ownership is the reason for greed ownership is the reason for jealousy ownership is the reason for hatred ownership is the reason for pride in this kingdom we do not own things owners are rebels when you own anything you have to maintain it this is where high blood pressure comes from the prodigal son had access but he wanted ownership give me in my name together so number one that all wealth comes from god and belongs to him number two that help me you wrote it down yes we are still words and not on us please let this be a foundational understanding the third one that i will give you is all blessings come from god through men to men please write it down you have to understand how kingdom wealth operates all blessings without reservation comes from god through man to men men are never the source men are channels nobody makes money off business nobody makes money off investments nobody makes money off oil and gas nobody makes money of real estate listen to me nobody makes money of agriculture all blessings come from god they only pass through men so businesses are only funnels not sources all blessings come from god through men to men when you know this you will now know that a woman can be roasting corn and build a duplex and you say is it really corn that did that no the corn is only a all bless this is the mysterious explanation behind the strange lifting of people who do what should not give them that kind of blessing they are aware that every physical platform that you are part of being a business and investment whatever is simply a physical system that allows the realities that are being released from the realm of the spirit to materialize into your experience are we together amen [Music] now what i have to explain tonight this is really tonight's teaching you won't believe that everything i've been saying is just to to bring our understanding to what i really want to share few minutes and we're done my dear please stand there my friend come can you stand there youtube i'm going to use it before you are the choir but you are stand there you too stand here [Music] you have to find somewhere you stand here now but it lifts whatever you are holding lift it up whatever bible book lift it all of you look at this these are all the things we continue to seek call these cars call these houses call this fame call this whatever now please listen you never get wealthy by pursuing money no hold on hold on just listen in this kingdom wealth is not pursued wealth is attracted please understand this once and for all that journey of looking for money you will never find it money runs faster than usain bolt you will never catch up with it the idea that i am looking for money is a dangerous idea you never look for money let me tell you this success is what you attract by reason of who you are becoming not what you do who you are please get this this is what i want to deal with tonight [Music] are we together i want to teach you a very powerful spiritual law that governs wealth and abundance this illusion that we will continue to look for things anything you get that is not a product of your transformation is like pulling a rubber ring it will return back that's why people continue to vacillate so you try to get a car that is not a reflection of who you are and then you lose it now listen please listen god designed possibilities and allocated dimensions to those possibilities please listen that means that life is in levels everybody say levels and that at every level there are possibilities are located that reflect to your level of transformation are we together so let's say i am at level one there are things that will naturally gravitate to the mindset of whoever is at level one but my desire is the result at level five the system of getting it is to grow there not to pull it down here are you seeing the mistake that we make now you have to get what i'm teaching you so a young man believes that the key to become wealthy if you just want to study business or to wear some clothes and have a regalia that suggests wealth and what you are wearing the moment you put it on there is a wrestle in the realm of the spirit because everything in this life is built twice first in your mind then in your life whatever appears in your life that was not in your mind your mind will fight it and treat it as a mistake and your life will be altered to correct it till it looks like your mind these are laws backed up by god's integrity [Music] that's why people can win lotteries millions of naira and dollars but their minds interpret that breakthrough as a mistake it interprets the breakthrough as an attack so it begins to fight that money till they reduce back have you not noticed that the amount in your account and your pocket cannot cross a level occasionally you can get a breakthrough but it must reduce back to a circle it's a reflection of your level of mental transformation this is called the law of the mind the law of mental transformation is one of the primary laws that go wealth superior to the law of value value is only useful when your mind is transformed please just listen to me listen to me i speak the word of the lord to you you will never enter certain dimensions until your mind enters there listen let me tell you this the bible says let's just walk this thing once and for all and then we're done ephesians chapter 3 please and verse 20 now on to him that is able to do exceeding abundance above all that we ask or think then it says according to the power that works within us i've been teaching this and i would like to teach you now it says above all that we ask or think everybody say ask or think one more time say ask or think if i say sit down here or sit down there it means all of them carry equal value that means that your mouth is a prayer warrior your mind is a prayer warrior and the bible says god answers both prayers so while your mouth is saying lord lift me your mindset is saying lord forget about what i prayed in the morning and the bible says god is able to do what you ask or think it is not only your mouth that praise your mind sends requests to heaven so could it be that your current financial condition is an answered prayer that your mind has been praying and god is faithful to answer it please listen mindsets are powerful they are the only authorized channels that interface the realm of the spirit and the physical realm show me a man who has not had his understanding all part no matter what is around him physically is a waste of time it will eventually reflect his mind every state is a reflection of the understanding and the paradigm of the people within that territory [Music] are we together so you carry a nice suit like that of evangelist now and give one boy outside i tell you what will happen to that suit in three weeks the suit would have turned he didn't change the suit is looking like his mind [Applause] that guy never carried a razor blade to cheer the suit is a law that your physical reality will eventually be a reflection of your understanding the real world is not business the real wealth is your understanding please listen to what i'm teaching you anything that is built in your mind you have it already it doesn't matter whether it has appeared or not she a man who has finished the construction here because no power in existence will stop that man now listen the way the holy ghost leaves men is that he empowers your mind on a journey your mind is powerful because it is spiritual your mind gets to where your body needs to go to and confirms and registers your presence and then comes to take your body follow me listen this is the technology of wealth and growth the holy ghost takes your mind first before your body gets there is a waste to take your body where your mind has not gone [Music] ask a young man what can i do for you you say give me small capital there's one business this business is have you not noticed that is when you join it that it doesn't work [Music] the law catches up with you it's not an attack is the prayer point from your mind when your mind is adjusted anything will bless you even what should not work the power of these laws will ensure that you come out victorious listen years ago when i began to study about finances and i had the privilege of learning from very uncommon mentors when i got their books i was angry i felt they were wicked people i wanted to know the exact businesses they were doing that was what i was interested in what do they do but the everything they were doing was correcting my understanding and i hated it i said these guys are lying tell me what business you are doing let me do it too i found out that it was a lie [Music] anything you do physically let me tell you something buy a cloth that is not yet in your mind scenarios will be created around your life including stealing to take it away your life will never rest till your physical realm becomes like your mind so the bible says let this mind be in you that jesus first died in his understanding he continued to say it and then he died physically now watch this so i'm at level one and the only thing that was authorized by god's laws to come to me at a mental development level of level one is this are we together now and so this naturally comes sometimes even without me praying and i look and i feel bad because i see the results of someone and i want it but i do not know that these results were only supposed to come to another version of you this version of you cannot get that level of results man are like softwares listen every time this blessing comes it does not see you because the version of you it was allocated to bless it doesn't find it so you are still there but it says no this blessing was supposed to come to an updated personality and since you are not that it returns back waiting for you so everything you are looking for is looking for you but not this version of you [Applause] the ministry you are looking for is looking for you but not this version it is not with this level of anointing you will have it no the estate you are looking for is looking for you but not this version of you the key is not to get it the key is to go to a realm where it becomes natural to come let me tell you this this is where the danger of living a fake life lies because you are forced to acquire things now i force this to come into my life because i need to prove a point and then i have it and now people begin to say wow you now have this and the law says is not correct because the level of your mental transformation only authorizes these results how did you get this eventually something will happen and this will leave you this will never leave you if you like push this away it will find a way of coming back because your mindset already calls for it it's amazing how many things you will not need to pray for if you concentrate on growth that true success is not looking for things it is attracting possibilities that come to the updated versions of you like a snake molting you move into an enlightened fashion [Music] now let me tell you this is the problem with the prosperity gospel as we know it does not help people know and see that every possibility in the kingdom generally speaking is for everyone but not at the same level and so someone sits down who has not been trained by the spirit to have character and sits down and he's just wishing for hundred million and no regard for money he just says give me hundred million let's assume that person now has the hundred million that person is a fool so his prosperity will destroy him [Music] because the things he should have learned in the growth process that will now make 100 million nara become a blessing he did not learn it [Music] and jesus christ and jesus christ not jesus sought and jesus christ and jesus christ a triumphant entry would not be organized for baby jesus a triumphant entry will not be organized one unbaptized jesus a trump and entry would not be organized for even a jesus who had not gone to the wilderness as jesus transited the possibilities in his life continue to show as any man was enjoyed any kind of honor they will tell you they did not even budget for that they kept transiting you sit down now and say oh i'm going to fly business class it's a foolish ambition it's not faith business class was prepared for a certain mindset there is there is a ram that necessitates it so if you sit down in business classes number one you see when you grow into realms other supporting things that should happen to maintain that success would happen if you sit in a business class with a shoe of 500 naira or one time you are not there if you sit in a business class and you are telling somebody call me back you are not there because if everything grew at that realm those things would not be a concern so i can know whether you are grown into success or you just got it by seeing the other supporting things in your life [Music] you claim to be a millennial i should not see you at a place scratching a card to load no sir there is a way that behavior happens at that realm if you don't know it is a sign that you are not there even if there is a millionaire in your account and you see the thing about god is when you are now ready to walk with him you have to go back and start again you are not going to say because i've been this for a long time no [Music] there are many things in my life i did not seek i didn't even know that there were things like that i only kept growing lord lift me lord change my mind change my understanding and as i agree do you know let me tell you sincerely now this i'm just being open i remember those days when i started ministry you know i would go and minister somewhere and um when i'm about to climb the bike to go or get into a car the person who invited me will now bring out what is like your narrative like a bribe and just fold the thing and say a man of god thank you they were right because i was anointed but this is what my mind could attract it was not an insult are we together now now imagine that i got up and said see if you don't give me this amount next time you don't have to tell anybody you are changing the law was designed to send a signal to your environment every time you change [Music] please understand this a day will come where what you eat now will run away from you the mindset you now have will reject that food not by you fighting it it will leave you will not even know when it left a day will come the house you now live in will fight you and run away from you it will push you to another house without you looking for it the new dimension of you attracts the realities listen this is this is a big i told you tonight is a deliverance service because our generation of young people are making a big mistake that will give us high blood pressure beyond imagination when we see the results of many people we use the bodies to judge and you say you are my age mate you are my what they call it now university classmates and we do not know that our realities are driven by that which is built in our minds listen i can't stand here right now me and you were talking somebody will come to me come darling and sow a seat and leave you do you think it's just because the lady hates you no the understanding makes it wrong for this to come to you please listen to what i'm saying that means the more i rise please go back there is a level you will rise all of you come together without looking for them they begin to come [Music] are you saying now [Applause] it is vanity to pursue them because you will see them and never touch please go back again i'm teaching you graphically so you will never forget when i started my journey or when you start your journey nobody becomes on you nobody demands your grace nobody requires your value not because they hate you all these things they are holding are yours but the version of you has not come to this age so instead of looking for them they will reject you you'll fight for it you have high blood pressure this is how the saints grow in the kingdom change my life light me lord lights me lord light me long like a candle lights me no light below lights me lord like menorah lights beyond lights below lights below like a candle lights we go nice we go listen listen jesus things will be the secret to your frustration hear what i tell you please sit down please sit down we're going to pray this is what our parents that they're doing from age 20 i'm looking for money i'm looking for fame and now in their old age they didn't get one let me show you this as i take a step all of you draw closer to me are we together i'm changing you watch it i'm changing [Music] i'm learning something gentiles coming to my life i'm not looking for them listen please go back again go back again you have to understand what i'm teaching you watch this you come and then you come later on watch this the bible says arise shine for thy light is come listen and the glory of the lord is written upon you [Music] [Laughter] you don't rise by wearing new clothes you don't rise by faking a new house you don't rise by buying a new hair to prove a point no sir faith gentiles kings will not come they have results things don't come to light they come to the brightness so your results are here now only gentiles are coming listen if you stop at this realm only gentiles will come but there is a level you continue to come the kings will start coming captains of industries are coming kings to the brightness of your rising listen listen this is why many people get angry when they see transformed people bless because they say what are you doing they don't ask who are you becoming [Music] the real question is who have you become it is never what you do it is who you are please go back again please don't get tired of me watch this for as long as you are here in your mind you will never get this but the system was it is many prayers that we pray are unnecessary a law was already designed for every step i'm taking watch this as i take a step what i'm praying for comes to as i take a step you see that if i go back it goes back to so the secret and the place of my world is not left to god if i hurry up and i take two steps it comes faster so now that you are in this kingdom well summit as you are growing what do you think is happening to you hallelujah please step back let me give you a few testimonies this is a kingdom wealth summit i'll just give you two and we'll pray are you getting what i'm teaching you please sit down i remember when i started out in my life doing my thing and i continued to grow in my mind change wrong philosophies wrong ideologies ownership the pressure to prove a point the pressure to let your contemporaries see you are successful and all the pressure that comes from home are you a child are you you are an embarrassment if you conquer those things then you are now ready to rise rich people are not the ones who are greedy they are wealthy as proof that they have conquered money now watch this i got to a point in my life where all kinds of blessings began to come then i started meeting people one day i met a real estate man who i had ministered to and was blessed and he entered a covenant with god that every estate on earth they built they must build my house there too [Music] i have landed properties today i have not gone to look at i don't even know where they are listen so that you don't think that i'm just teaching you nonsense now imagine that i left god listen imagine that i let god to chase house now don't get me wrong we're going to teach you business here but we are putting a sequential arrangement of things as they should be the key is not to chase things imagine that i went around saying i must find a man who will give me a house in all his estates no everybody on earth is a giver but there are versions of men they would do [Music] please listen everyone on earth including the one who does not want to pick your call while he's rejecting your call there is a version of man that he will give to some of you here have come with all kinds of seeds some of you here have come with all kinds of things help that lady please some of you have come with all kinds of blessings your relatives are asking you to keep them you are saying i don't have money yet you can carry money and give a man of god who is not your relative why because a version of him you can go to visit a mentor and a politician and buy wine and carry hundred thousand and said let me have the privilege of showing whereas your neighbor is begging you for ten times and you cannot give him everybody forgiver but there are fashions that certain killings can come to [Music] see you will never be the same in this conference hallelujah so this man comes to meet me [Music] and then files a vow with god that every estate and they have a number of them in the country now and every one of it they've brought the papers of my own place and i said god what is this and then the lord reminds me that you can stop when you stop here there are no biases my brothers and my sisters god did this so that you would stop insulting your father and said daddy look at the family we came from everyone today right it says from where thou art lift up your eyes you can lift your eyes from where you are i got to a point where i met a group of business people that i prayed for them and the moment i prayed for them quite successful people the lord honored them in a very strange way and one day they call combs and they say apostle you may not be interested in this but we have decided collectively to make you a non-executive board member of our corporation i said what does that mean what is my work i'm i don't even have that time they say you are not doing anything all we need is for your anointing to be part of this business please listen to what i'm saying i'm not bragging i am helping you to see i was born in this city what you are chasing for you will never find it the key listen in this kingdom we run by staying [Music] we don't run by running we run by spain [Music] everything you are looking for is looking for you you only chase after what does not want you but everything you are chasing is just that the version of you chasing it the fact that it is running is proof that you will never get it are we together please sit down everything in my life that i desire and does not gravitate towards me i don't pursue it i find out the level of grace and mental transformation and understanding it will take and i grew into it because whatever you pull to your life that your mind has not gotten there like a rubber ring it will go back and it will go back and leave you in shame please hear me there are young people in your city who brought cars but their minds were tragic and the cast damaged to become their minds again is that true [Music] there are young people who enter two three bedroom flats bought chairs because of some big breakthrough that came from a business but in their minds they were still squatting and trouble began to happen in that house until they were evicted in shame listen never fake what can be real the same energy it takes to be fake is the same energy it takes to be real growth is a real secret to wealth i vowed in my life i will never chase money i vowed in my life i will never worship money i will never manipulate the people of god because of finance i fear god three years ago three kings came together to give me 18.7 hectares of a gold mine [Music] 18.7 hectares and early this year they came again and said the remaining part of it we have not found anybody who is faithful and worthy you are too selfless you are more concerned about our community than your growth please we are giving you access to every one of it everything [Music] listen listen if you let the things of this world trap your heart for god you will fail and still go to hell listen to what i tell you money can be a lord to you governing your life or it can be a tool at your back and call that you rise through knowledge and understanding so while you serve his majesty it serves you [Music] never will anything take my relationship away from god what shall separate us from the love of god that these mundane things they are useful i bring you a balanced message of kingdom wealth that will make you lay up gold as dust and yet your heart is still with god even as your soul prospers this obsession and thinking about money money money money day and night money the whole discussion money man muslim what was that saying again man most work daddy statement a luther continuer victoria scattered [Music] no sir no sir there is a way see let me tell you this when you rise to knowledge you will not share your wealth because it's sustainable understanding remember the bible says wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability they are stabilizers when things happen haphazardly you are afraid of your own resolve because you know it will not last [Music] this is where your wealth is so the bible says guard your hearts you guard your car by putting a garage you guide your rice by putting it inside a container correct you guard your jewelries ladies by putting it inside some some kind of safe you got your money by creating an account for it but you leave your mind open and the bible says that is not wisdom it is better to ignore those things and guard your mind with all diligence is therefore from out of becomes the issues are you saying what i'm teaching you now that these things you seek for don't come from the physical realm help those under the anointed place that these things come from the spirits just hear me it is not because there is no oil on the land that you are not risen like other places no dubai was a desert place man used to buy here and what the abuse started coming from the ends of the earth to where it is today listen you may be wearing a shoe of 500 naira travel to the boutique here don't travel physically you will bring shame on yourself you may be staying in one room but go and buy the land here there are real estate agents here discuss with them here when you buy the land here your mind will take your body and say this what you bought here it is listen don't try to manipulate people and frustrate yourself increase the members here change your finances from here by understanding these things that i teach you there is an exactitude to wealth world is a science world listen to me it's not a thing that just happens you don't have to be a politician to be wealthy no you don't have to be a businessman to be wealthy no you don't have to be a career person to be wealthy wealth is a response to an enlightened understanding kingdom wealth is a response [Music] the poverty and the lack a letter from it is not listen everyone seated here your property is scattered around yours and everywhere but the version of you now that looks at me that is not the fashion that will go there so allow kingdom well swami to do something to you and while you are sitting down here you are becoming richer city because your understanding is drawing possibilities and driving away others [Music] can you just pray for two minutes in the spirit i think we should really we should bless the thoughts in two minutes just just settle this in our mind [Music] in your life you will see life [Music] never again to chase things [Music] [Applause] [Music] the hallelujah hallelujah please remain standing we're rounding up for the night please remain standing let me do a quick recap of everything i've taught you tonight that number one kingdom wealth is not about things it's a battle for time redemption is a warfare for your soul and for time redemption it is not about estates and oil and cars no if that is the scope of your pursuit you have already lost it it is a battle for your soul and a battle for time number two that kingdom wealth is built on certain ideologies number one that all wealth comes from god and belongs to god number two under that point is that in this kingdom owners are rebels we never own things my car my house my child my shop my clothes when you own things you maintain them it belongs to him then number three that all blessings come from god through men to men so any shop that blesses you any business that blesses you will talk about all those ones it is never the business when you leave god and begin to worship the business the business becomes your source and the owner leaves you and the business that's why business is failed when god becomes your source anything a fish can give you coin if god is your sauce a fish does not carry coin but if the lord is my shepherd he can move anything to ensure that i do not be in ones [Music] listen and that wealth is not pursued please listen listen wealth is not pursued success is not something you seek success is what you attract by who you become not what you do who you become first then what you do what you do is only valuable when who you become has been settled please hold hands together we're going to use five minutes and pray error out of our minds are we together hold your hands in the next five minutes not looking around if the kingdom will summon with a difference if the kingdom of wealth summit with your spiritual paradigm lift your voice and pray the spirit that every high thing that is not of god must give way casting down every imagination and every i think every wrong philosophy i have blamed the comments from the situation i've hated my father for my situation but now i have seen that my financial destiny is at the mercy of my enlightenment secretary avalanche of glory pray just pray there is a financial renaissance coming men and women guided by understanding [Music] you are praying for the sake of your children you are praying for the sake of your ancient mother asian father lord i have always known that i am savior that will arise from diode and judge the mount of ethos i cannot remain in poverty and penalty pray just help us under the anointing god every thought pattern that has come from culture every thought pattern that has come from my background it must [Music] change [Music] something is happening to your mind [Music] every hiding must come down [Music] must come down [Music] every highly you overcome [Music] [Music] every [Music] shall be broken [Music] shall be broken [Music] just every stronghold shall be broken you wear the big just every mindset must come down every stronghold shall be broken hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen let's listen tonight god has handed to you a key that you will say thank you for for the rest of your life believe me listen go and return all those clothes you have borrowed one return all those money you are borrowed one return the car stay honorably from your one room grow let your mindset enter your future and take your body along just rejoice not over me my enemies forget about the money you lost in business i don't care how much don't worry about it listen listen to me i know that many of us here have lost money in business you probably have been scammed by people well-meaning and fraudulent all alike everything you lose while learning is a school feast you are paying in the school of wisdom now watch this the vice chancellor of that school is god himself everyone who graduates a receipt is given to you everything you lost while learning you never graduate without being giving everyone narrow you lost while learning so listen i don't care whether it's a landed property you lost some money you lost in an investment throw away all those things and just listen to me when you truly graduate from this school as the vice chancellor shakes your hand he will give you everything everything this is why it is a waste to be angry to be offended to be bitter if that 10 million were here would have built my house no something else would have taken it away it is not the person who scammed you that took the money it is your mindset that drove it away i know you will not agree with me [Music] it is not the business that took your money away please believe me these are laws think like a spiritual man if your money left for no reason it means it can come for no reason [Music] i want to pray for you tonight please listen i don't know how the session in the morning is but whatever price you can pay to please think about your children not yourself not your job think about your injured parents whatever price you will pay if it means to come and sleep at the gate make sure you are here in the morning and listen to the session in the morning and then by evening the things that we're going to be sharing with you let me tell you my brothers and my sisters some of you before this conference is over tomorrow you will see these things this demonstration i want to pray for you that you can leave this on your way home you will see a call that you have been trying to call the man but remember your mindset was praying too ask or think ass or think your mindset was telling the lord i don't need to talk to this man but now while you are in this meeting suddenly the angels can now begin to orchestrate these meetings [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m i want to pray for you listen listen all through this conference after every session i'm going to prophesy financial miracles after every session i'll be teaching you certain dimensions of wealth tomorrow and i will show you that there is a dimension of wealth called suffering wealth wealth that comes by processes that if i told you found your way to this conference there must be a token that you must return listen let me tell you this the bible says that every man who ministers to minister according to the measure of grace it is costly to say what your grace cannot bring about you will be shocked many of you at what will happen to your finances this night not tomorrow hallelujah so every time we teach i'm going to teach you other things there are principles that you will learn but there are people whose situations don't need a lecture first you need a breakthrough and i want to prophesy on your life now please believe please believe please believe in the name of jesus i speak over your finances i command supernatural alerts placed strange financial miracles between this night and tomorrow morning i declare by the spirit connections that will surprise you tonight i open the book of remembrance and i declare in the name of jesus let men and women bless you tonight in touch and in kind i call you bruhler and helps the birth be the desire of many [Music] hallelujah if i have the time i will teach you about the esther anointing is a grace that works with sight that means the only person who cannot bless you when you carry this anointing is a blind man for as long as a man sees you it's in the book of esther i will show you there is a grace maybe i should just show you as we round off as touch of the jew media can we have it is it all right or are you closed esther chapter 2 give us from verse 15. we read 15 and 17 let me show you a mystery the bible is a compendium of mysteries are you ready to read one to read the daughter of abihai the uncle of mordecai who had taken her for his daughter read on everybody was come to go into the king she required nothing but what hagai the king chamberlain the keeper of the woman appointed everybody read the last sentence on all them that on all them that on all them that that means the moment you make an eye contact with esther something must lead you to her you say grace verse 17 verse 17 everyone please read in his in his in his in his the moment the king saw there is a grace that comes to a man except a man does not have a pair of eyes but one says [Music] hey [Music] i'm showing you mysteries from scripture listen we're going to pray this prayer during the invitation tomorrow but for now i declare in the name of jesus that anyone who sees you for as long as they set their eyes on you i compel them to bless you [Applause] i compel them to bless you in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] i pray for you in any way you have exalted money more than god in any way your cares have made it to be so obsessed by mundane and material things even above your spiritual convictions we reorder your priorities in this country in the name of jesus christ the kind of favor you have never seen from the start of this year i declare by the spirit of grace we activate it now in the name of jesus christ you
Channel: Salvation TV
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Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2020, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2020, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, impactation, of, god, how to generate income, money, time
Id: IBeHtPq3aH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 5sec (6365 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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