The Laws of Kingdom Wealth by Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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[Music] let's discuss the laws of kingdom wealth the laws of kingdom wealth remember we're dealing with the economic system of the kingdom i'm being very methodical because i really want us to get something of substance i'm trusting as desired by your pastor that god will shift all of us into a new dimension even in this area in the name of jesus please look up um is it all right if i have two gentlemen i like to use people please come you stand here you stand here god bless you let's celebrate them thank you guys stand by my left one stand by my right watch this for many years pastor there has been a very serious vendetta between men of god and business people as to whose perspective about the real formula for wealth is valid and should be followed here is the businessman teaching principles that you know make for wealth and abundance from a business perspective he went to business school harvard business school and all of that and he and this these things have been proven but here is a great man of god apostle joshua sermon saying forget that nonsense i prophesied over a billionaire and in one night he gave me a car a house and said every month he will be paying me salary now i'll say forget this this i look at him with all his teaching are you seeing anything you see so it's been a it's been a contention for years the business people said forget about this pastor he's the only one prospering if you listen to him you will be broke and the pastor is saying look don't downplay the power of prophecy don't downplay the power of the realm of the spirit and then both of them find out that there is a problem with their equation the reason is because both of them are correct but both of them are incomplete the perspectives that they communicate were not designed to replace one another it was supposed to complement one another that both listen both the natural laws of wealth and the spiritual laws of wealth are together called the kingdom laws of wealth sit down please do you understand what i'm sharing with you yes now watch this here is the difference the spiritual laws of wealth and abundance are responsible for the manifestation of resources including finance but it stops there the natural and the business laws are responsible for the management systems and the multiplication this is what makes wealth transgenerational when you dwell here you will always have sudden breakthroughs but you will never have a systemic dimension of increase you are up to date down tomorrow one testimony in january the next one december that's not god's desire the path of the justice says is as a shining light the sun does not shine and disappear and comes back to two hours later it continues to brighten are we together so i will pick on the spiritual laws and that will end for tonight and then please do not miss tomorrow because somewhere in this meeting something will leave heaven and come on your life that will shift you in the name of jesus christ i know this you you will you will not know how changed you are until you step out of this place and then you will see doors open when things happen you will know what spiritual law was responsible for what you will not just give god glory randomly and leave the part you should play you know that this result was governed by my engaging the spiritual law are we blessed thank you guys thank you so they are both called the kingdom lord so the kingdom laws of wealth and abundance are separated into two number one we have the spiritual laws and then number two we have the natural laws please write it down so that we discuss the spiritual laws briefly let me a few minutes and we're done for tonight can you pray in the spirit while you're writing this hallelujah go ahead and pray charlie prakatos yata lord you spoke well about 2020 i'm already seeing the shift by the spirit light of the world you step down into darkness here's the prayer open my eyes let me see you're the light of the world you step down to my darkness open my eyes let me see one more time you're the light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes let me hallelujah please write it down the first spiritual law now i'm going to say a few things that may disturb you just listen just follow me the first spiritual law of wealth and abundance in my opinion it's not tithing listen very carefully i believe in tithing tithing is a foundational spiritual law but look up please the first spiritual law of world and abundance is called the law of absolute surrender write it down please your tithing means nothing to god and nothing to destiny until god finds his space in your heart and in your life proverbs chapter 23 and verse 26 please proverbs 23 and verse 26 when you want to do the business of wealth with god he needs more than your money he needs more than your business he needs your heart proverbs 23 and verse 26 proverbs 23 26 let me quote it okay everyone please read one to go my son uh-huh give me thine heart and then let your eyes observe my ways when i have your heart first then you can understand my methodologies i want your heart not just your tight not just your offering not just your sacrifice it's amazing how we engage these things as though we are bribing god god here is my tithe make sure i see the devourer far from me make sure you bring me this quickly i drop it no no your heart is the trade that all your offerings are received from listen very carefully your heart so you can come out of an suv that is hundreds of millions of nara world and yet it does not move you because it's captured your heart please hear me this is the one mistake with the prosperity gospel pastor it does not seek to surrender the heart of that one who seeks to prosper if god does not find your heart i don't care what you are doing about wealth it's a total waste of time and will not bless the kingdom please understand this my son give me your heart not your offering your heart first fest it all belongs to you oh it all belongs to you [Music] it all belongs to you any money any business that will take my heart from you let it not come we are still doing finance your heart so it does not become a do or die affair pastor people kill for money christians kill for money you took my money i will never forgive you what is mine is mine i must eat my share of this and you hear all those kinds of diabolic things and after we said we were tied down with tongues it does not justify it listen for someone here who wants to be trusted with the wealth of the kingdom leave the issue of money it is your heart listen when you give your life to christ you really don't give him your heart you receive his life it is when you want to be used by god that you give him your heart i know we say generally and god understands what you are saying but what happens in salvation is not giving your heart you receive the life of god that was a testament of john this is the record that god has given us away and that life is in his son whoever has the son have eternal life but then he says i beseech you brethren by the message of god that ye offer when it has to do with laying down is to position you to be used by god sir i submit to you that many believers are not ready for the prayers they are praying lord bless me lord i promise i will not leave you money is powerful there is a dangerous spirit behind money that if your heart is still with you it will tear you like a lion you cannot handle money when your heart is with is with you the pride of life that comes with money it has nothing to do with being good or bad there is an effect of resources on a human being and it is only the surrendered nature of your heart the problem is because many people who are teaching about wealth are not blessed and and because they are not blessed they don't even know what they are saying oh god forbid that our own 10 estates and that man has never given god 1 million people give god offering of hundred hundred naira and right after the service they eat bonds of two thousand are we together where your treasure is that's where your heart is why will a man be multi no i'm not talking about money it's just a litmus test to reveal your heart he said i will not give god anything that will not cost me nothing it's not about the money it's the position of value is how much i see him lifted and honored see let me tell you sincerely and i stand before the god of heaven i have told god anything i cannot give him may it never come to me never i'm not saying this just because i'm on stage preaching believe me there is nothing i cannot give god nothing absolutely nothing when you get to this state you are ready to prosper are you saying that it's not about money because many people who want money wanted to land on the tree of their lusts and they want to run to the village to prove a point to prove this and god says no not my way if it is my way you first die before you come alive is god speaking to someone in one minute while you are seated i like you to pray and say lord you know the lust in my heart before i disappoint my own destiny i pray that you take my heart you take my heart it all belongs to you please pray oh it all belongs to you it all belongs to you [Music] it all belongs to you oh it all belongs to you my son give me your heart not just your business my daughter give me your heart when you give your heart you give your pride too when you give your heart you give your your tendency for being attached give me your heart it's not a do or die affair lord i love you more than money i love you more than business you have my heart we're dealing wealth here if most people touched on this before they began to teach on wealth we will not have the imagines of lost driven people who just want money and they stop coming to church when they are blessed they disregard any grace when they are blessed not when he captures your heart i have been captured by a love i can't explain now you have me and i'm forever changed i've abandoned everything i've ever known and i surrender this life is not my own i belong to you i belong to you so prayer i belong to you my life is not my own to you i belong i give myself i give myself to you please listen to me i want you to take the issue of the surrender of your heart seriously to god it is not only the key to wealth it is the key to everything god first god above god above i can short any business a thousand times to preserve his presence no i will short ministry a thousand times to seek for him i'm chasing after you no matter what i have to do i need you more and more it's not a song it's my life lord i'm chasing to you no matter what i have to do i need you more and more please sit down this is where the incomplete prosperity gospel has destroyed man you have it and we take it and our lust tears us into pieces the more we have money the more our pride grows the more you have money the more you want another wife the more you have money the more god becomes an option to join the queue in your life you say god just wait i'm busy now i have checks to sign join the queue and i will give you an appointment just like i'm giving a minister you'll just be patient and i'll attend to you so he says my son i know the tendencies that come with this cosmos give me your heart i'm a better keeper of your heart than you so when lust comes to enter your heart you say it's too late go to heaven there that's where he's kept my heart can you look at a billion naira and walk away don't be quick to answer don't be quick to answer remember we're sincere this night don't be quick to answer a billionaire no matter how much money you have in this world a billionaire is something can you look at it and walk away and still say i choose you not as a result of lack of exposure you understand the gravity of what that billion can do to you and you still walk away and say lord i love you that much can you back out of a contract because you saw the thumbs and you did not find the interest of god in it and he said lord i love you that much when i was in one room and i told you i would never leave you i meant it now that i'm in this palace i will crush it down a thousand times to show the world that i am still with you i tell you sincerely the spirit of god tells me this all the time it is not because believers are not hard working it is not because believers are not innovative fundamentally our hearts are not with him so his jealousy cannot come to defend and protect you but after tonight someone's life is changing because for some you you will go back this night and whilst preparing for tomorrow tonight you will carry your atm put it on the ground your checkbook put it on the ground are we watching now you will carry your contract put it on the ground be magnified oh lord above my checkbook above my bank account you are highly exalted and there is nothing you can't do oh lord my eyes are on you be magnified oh lord be man you look at your business proposal and then you bring it before him and you say lord you are above it atm never be confused as to who is lord my checkbook i signed millions with you but don't ever get used to my touching you my heart has already touched one before you came and it will remain so this is someone service already this night as we are talking now god is showing you why generationally nobody has been able to break the back of poverty in spite of the businesses you have the points you have been accumulating to prove will never let god bless you you have already planned to show your brother show your pastor i'm just patient now i see if i cannot talk let let this contract come they will know my true color god bless me and you will see and god says see what i'm already seeing it i am alpha omega [Applause] please do not think i'm just exciting you i'm showing you why god will come and hold a person and vow that you must be blessed this year there are things that people can do business with god you are sitting in your house and you step into a realm of prepared blessings listen there are times that god will bless your farm to produce grain you will have vests process before you eat but there are times bread can come directly they are called prepared blessings you don't do anything about bread you eat it straight there are times an idea will come but there are times money will come god will bring somebody who likes you and will vow as though charmed connecting his blessings to you listen this man talking to you is not a stupid person i know what i'm saying i'm not just a preacher i tell you respectfully i have seen believe what i tell you and you will watch your life rise you will not climb a ladder you will go on a lift when you climb a ladder you feel the pain but when you're on a lift is the lift that takes the responsibility of taking you up life is not that hard our attachment is what has programmed it to be that hard in the presence of interest everybody looks like an angel but god is the dishonor of the hearts of man in the presence of interest everybody looks like he cannot kill who would have known that david would kill uriah you would have seen that young shepherd boy that's the kind of gentleman every lady would want to marry but there was death in his heart let me tell you god loves everybody but he doesn't trust everybody trust is not just there is a proving there is a track record please hear me you're a businessman forget contract now we're coming to that one these are the kinds of people that no divination and no enchantment can walk upon them they are allegiance and their heart for god is blood dripping you talk about them in the secret you are judged in the open they don't pray they are not aware god has branded and found his jealousy upon their lives the price is not giving him money the price even if you give satan money he will give you back because both of them are not looking for money they are looking for your heart but now o lord i see my wrong that's what it means to be shifted heal my heart and show yourself strong and need my heart and weave my song oh lord be magnified oh we'll be man you know it is not god's yoke when it is killing you he said my yoke is easy the school fees of your children is about to sink you in the ground is a sign that someone has added another yoke will you let him tonight be abba they are my children so you maintain them but tonight you are not ashamed to say lord the earth is yours including these children including my house rent where will i get 500 000 between now and next week i'm in church but my landlord is waiting i know he's waiting what does it take god to touch the heart of a man do you not know he's called the father of spirits that every spirit is under his influence we've just talked about one law listen i learned this in ministry you've heard me say the lord told me if you will let men see me there is nothing i will not give you god can take another man's prayer point and beg you to receive it because you are there giving your all to him he suffered no man to do them wrong yea he reproved kings for their sake saying he didn't say touch not my man the secret to be anointed is i have found my servant i found david since but it took many years to find my servant anything god gives me is his own truly speaking it is own you know when people celebrate the hand of god and what he's doing i'm grateful i truly am grateful but god sees my heart pastor i'm saying it here in the presence of everybody i have no business building anything for myself i am honored enough to represent his majesty and i am secured enough in that if he's killing you find out whose load you are carrying because my yoke is easy could it be the load that your ego may have dropped on you the ashamedness to look like you are limited in yourself we always like to look like we are sufficient in ourselves and the bible tells us clearly that our sufficiency is of god the first this is just one lover one the law of absolute surrender we'll soon round up for tonight i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours forever i'm yours i'm yours i'm yours my heart is yours it's yours it's yours forever it's yours it's yours it's yours whatever you ask of me whatever you ask me i surrender whatever you ask of me i surrender whatever you ask of me whatever you ask of me i surrender listen can you give me five minutes is it all right if i use five minutes faster let's hurry up so the law the first law that i've shown you from scripture is the law of absolute surrender this is what gives value to tithing now the second law the second spiritual law do not forget about the sequence our arrangement the second law is called the law of tithing please look up i know that there are so many debates in the body of christ about tithing and so on and so forth and i know that many people have answered that that's not the idea tithing is true it's in scripture it is still required the only thing that changed was the understanding not the giving hallelujah are we together tithing has nothing to do with money tithing is the law of open heavens the assignment of tithing is not to give you money the assignment of tithing is an ordinance that secures your heavens so that everything done under that open heavens will bless you are we together i know that there have been many interpretations of malachi chapter three you know people have tried to approach it from a theological standpoint to trace it historically that's not you see the thing about the word of god listen the thing about the word of god is that when the spirit of truth comes the bible says he will guide us into all truth that means that following truth historically geographically archaeologically alone will limit us somewhere along the line we will need the wisdom of god to make sense of what will not make sense to a natural man so malachi chapter 3 from verse 10 the bible says will a man rob god whatever the case is talking about stealing are we together will a man rob god he says wherein have we robbed you and then he says in tithes and offerings and then he says please give it to us malachi chapter 3 from verse 10 he says bring ye all the tides into my storehouse that there may be meet in my house and then from that point seven prophetic blessings follow and these are the blessings of a titan number one if i will not open the windows of heaven do you know what happened the last time the windows of heaven was opened when the windows of heaven were opened rain fell bread fell hail stones fell from heaven to destroy one eighty-five thousand people in a night many things happen when the heavens are open even jesus walked for 30 years under a close heaven he began his ministry when his heavens opened the ward under an open heavens the ward under a close heaven the the logos of god was under a closed heaven until his heavens were opened so tight thing number one if i would not open the windows of heaven number two pour you out a blessing many of you who follow dr kenneth copeland very much and the word of faith movement you would have had a very intelligent exercise on what this means ideas concepts insights is that true the blessing if god grants us grace hopefully we will talk a bit about it maybe tomorrow i will tell you what i believe the blessing is um the first thing i would tell you is the blessing has nothing to do with money in fact god does not give people physical things as blessings anything that is of the blessing is spiritual and you will know why tomorrow praise the lord so the bible says christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law please keep the scripture there um being made a course for us he said for it is written cost is everyone that hangs upon the tree that the blessing of abraham notice the blessing of abraham is not money the blessing of abraham is justification by faith that the blessing of abraham might come upon us the ability to be reckoned righteous by reason of believing his report that's the blessing of abraham there are sins of abraham the blessing of abraham is his ability to be imputed to be righteous on account of his believing god abraham believed god it was credited to him as righteousness we now like faithful abraham we believe god and we receive righteousness that is the blessing of abraham it now qualifies us to receive the promise of the spirit by faith that is what the bible calls the blessing the blessing is a dimension of the operation of the holy spirit that is responsible it has been we have received all kinds of interpretations about it i don't want to go ahead of myself the business people call it the law of attraction it is the blessing business people have called it because they have studied the operation of the blessing and they have seen that it contains magnetic properties and so they have coined names they have found out that those who carried behave like magnets and so all kinds of business names came out money magnets the law of attraction all of those are an attempt to explain a dimension a force-like possibility that can rest upon a man that can attract circumstances program scenarios attract men maneuver situations until your life looks like the garden of eden man that just just to clear the air on that so tithing is very important if i will not open the windows of heaven number two pour you out a blessing that you will not have room enough to receive number three i will rebuke the devorah for your sake number four he shall not destroy the fruit of your ground number five neither shall your vine cast our fruit before her time in the field and then 12 says all nations shall call you blessed number six and then seven you shall be a delightsome land is the word beulah you shall be beulah and have zebra god's delight that's favor there are we together desirable when you are a faithful tither it opens your heavens and grants you access to these blessings to these truths now let's hurry up quickly the third um the third spiritual law i'm just trying to tie this up i pleaded for five minutes forgive me the first spiritual law is the law of giving there are many dimensions of it the law of giving and the law of giving is tied to the law of sit time and harvest are we together genesis when you read chapter 8 now and verse 22 whilst the earth remains seedtime and harvest summer and winter cold and heat day and night shall not cease so we know that programmed in the earth and remember the prophet said as for the earth out of it comes bread he said the increase of the earth is for all and even the king is fed by what is of the earth while the earth remains see time and harvest are we together now so we know that there is the law of giving now look up please there are many dimensions to givings with their different blessings allocated i may not have the time to go into all those details but i want to tell you three kinds of giving that open you up to wealth and abundance now there are many kinds of seeds first fruits worship offering prophets offering all of them have their allocated blessings but for the purpose of rising to the wealthy place there are three of them that i will show you very quickly i'm not going to explain them much i would just say them ready number one kingdom investments kingdom investments psalm 122 and verse 9 niv psalm 122 and verse 9 niv it says for the sake of thy house i desire thy good or i desire thy prosperity for the sake of thy house i desire thy prosperity kingdom investments is a powerful sorry for the sake of the house of the lord i will seek your prosperity look up please i tie my pursuit for resources as a reflection of my passion to see kingdom come kingdom investments you are so passionate about the house of god you have made it a responsibility to communicate benevolence to bring financial resources that meet the needs in the house of god without coercion not necessarily as a corporate demand as stated by a church by the grace of god almighty and i'm saying it only because i'm teaching this i have a list of mission agencies i have a list of many things that have to do with the kingdom and consistently some of them don't know me they don't know me from anywhere we will never meet till jesus comes and my kingdom responsibility did you know that giving to the house of the lord is not a favor you are doing god is part of the kingdom responsibility the challenges most times because of the way we harass men of god they are afraid to tell you is so so you don't think they are being manipulating you into providing resources non-christians know this they practice it i i you understand what i'm saying they know that it is part and parcel of your kingdom responsibility to provide financial resources for kingdom advance he gave them the gold in egypt because he would need it for the building of the tabernacle but satan quickly made them to build an image with it kingdom investments that you are in this church now and i'm saying it truthfully you you descend my heart and i'm glad i'm the one saying it not your pastor so you don't think that you're being manipulated you can sit down and say look i lord show me something that i need to provide in your house that a month a quarter a year should not come without a substantial amount of your giving committed with understanding and without coercion for the sake of the lord's house i will be responsible for providing these drinks let it be a personal commitment lord let it be my kingdom investment i don't care the committee just let me know how much i would do this because i love god sincerely you can do it out of compassion you can do it because you want to be known you have your blessing there and then that clap is your blessing the bible wants against the obsession to do things before men he didn't say you'll be rewarded he said whatever they do to you at that point for knowing what you have done is your reward kingdom investment number two i'm talking on giving i hope you understand the sequence do you understand so the law of giving and i'm giving you three number one is your kingdom investment number two prophet offering this one has brought a lot of problem in the body of christ and i submit to you that women of god have added in no small way to damaging the validity of this because prophet offering means the man of god and sometimes because that one comes directly to the man he will manipulate it with an extra passion you see the passion with which that one is communicated you will know that this passion is not just a regular desire to teach truth but a manipulative insistence to see that i extract something from your pocket but just because people have misused this truth does not mean it is not so let me tell you the truth one of the ways that the bowels of a man's grace is open towards you is by discerning and sowing into that grace with understanding many of you may wonder why you have not received from your pastor in all fairness i'm being truthful to you it is because you may see him as a pastor you know the day you discern that this man is not just my pastor he's not just a man of god i have seen the buffet of graces at work in him and i come with understanding sir i bring this to you as my prophet with understanding you will be surprised he may even laugh and say god bless you it doesn't matter prophet's offering the bible says listen to me it says he that gives a prophet a cup of water it doesn't mean a cup of water literally if you carry a cup of water to a prophet you are greedy are we together a cup of water is symbolic of any contribution to quenching his thirst there's no need the man is going to use the money so there's no need to be superstitious about what will happen with the money the prophet offering look at me listen listen listen can we in the name of honesty you remember i'm working on extra time five minutes don't laugh too much so i'll have the concentration to just finish it prophet's offering just because a man of god receives it doesn't mean it's going to vanish and go anywhere the prophet's offering is your discernment whatever he does with that money is none of your business yours is to know that you have engaged the lord that freely listen when it was time for isaac to bless his sons he said make me venison don't come and kneel down in front of me i'll tell you go away make me venison and why do i need venison because i need delight so that my grace can flow listen not because that there is an atmosphere that allows the release of grace make me venison let my soul find the light and in it i want to swear blessing upon you when it was time to go and see somewhere the challenge they had saul and the servants was that they did not have anything in their hand for the man of god and the servant said i have something i have some shakers let's go and when they met somewhere he blessed them and and and saul's life changed prophet offering has been abused but it is a is a weapon of mass destruction to poverty when you find a real grace with understanding i can tell you any man of god you see that has been genuinely blessed will tell you some may be honest to open up and tell you and others because of our propensity for this honor they will quietly shield their stories but let me tell you sincerely there will always be a time in a month remember everyone blesses according to his riches in glory praise the lord if this man is a billionaire and he's quickly looking for 1000 to give somebody begging and he says help me will you give him you will give him with speed because you know that he will not give you back one thousand this is a billionaire who can change your life and he said um i don't have one thousand you say ah daddy please because when he is giving you it becomes an insult for him for his name's sake he cannot give you back 1000. are we together when you give a man of god money and he gives you back money he cheated you when you sow a seed there must be something that is beyond the three-dimensional realm that is programmed upon your life i do not teach you error i teach you the truth of god's word the last for tonight let me close my bible it's called seed faith seed faith is not a word of faith concept seed faith is true from scripture seed faith is based on the power of resurrection please look at me let me explain to you the only thing that did what jesus did is a seed that you put a seed in the ground it dies yet it comes back to life unassisted look at this the life-giving component of every seed is in its death so when you sow you are burying the problem you are sowing and resurrecting the solution you need listen let me show you a deep mystery the bible says that it is only your seed that is able to carry another body so i saw grief and i say this pain that i have in my family i buried and i resurrect joy another body it's a mystery it's not just sowing it's not just tying what you want to a seed and sowing it no the principle of seed faith works i want corn is that true and then i take the seed frail as it is some even have holes there i saw it in tears but i don't live in tears because my seed is about to carry another body and the bible says there are different kinds of bodies there are some terrestrial there are some celestial i can sow money and reap correct children not just a child a child who is like a nation a seed brought that child i can sow money the reason why money is the most preferred is number one because of its portability two is usability and three it is the greatest reflection of your value and your sacrifice so i can sow money further in the name of jesus i'm tired of joblessness and i've been throwing money just because i saw other people giving but now i know that anything that is alive and i don't like it i can kill it by sowing it when i saw it i killed that problem listen anything that enters the ground is dead you can have a problem in your place of work and kill that problem with the seed this man hates me he wants to destroy me he has vowed that i will never rise carry that issue tie it with seed as the seed dies there is a mystery that kills that problem too nobody in my family rises carry that pattern tie it to a seed put it in the earth the same principle of resurrection and notice accepted corn of wheat dies it abides alone so when it resurrects the other version of what you want comes with multiplication many people have not been able to explain the mystery of seed faith a seed is powerful because it did what jesus did jesus died and rose again not with the body he died with when he rose again with that body there was no blood he was being sustained by another life listen you can kill any issue by sowing it to the earth this earth you see is not just a ground the earth is a mysterious that is a discussion for another day please hear what i'm telling you someone vows in his office and says on over my dead body for you to leave you can pray you can engage this truth carry that issue put it on your seed like a tree bring it to church that's why it is dangerous to steal money in church because you don't know what someone is trying to bury [Applause] listen you catch somebody who is a chief in church you are you are not supposed to quarrel the person you are supposed to find mercy for the person quickly because someone is carrying his pattern of divorce every year bringing it someone is carrying jam that he has failed 10 years and while as you pick it without letting it die you are carrying it on yourself listen these are spiritual truths i tell you the truth let's pray please stand light of the world you step down into darkness [Music] open my eyes let me see light of the world you step down into darkness open my eyes [Music] listen when you engage these spiritual laws the law of surrender the law of tithing the law of giving there are many kinds of givings but when you are tired of where you are these are the three dangerous weapons the house of god your prophet and the end there are three that bear witness do not forget the earth is a mystery of advantage listen to what i'm telling you you can pick a seed don't just throw you this is what our fathers used to say rap expectation you you know they just said it their way i'm telling you the african way wrap anything including trouble wrap it on that seed and say lord i am tired of this trouble in my family as he dies that accept the seed cannot die and the trouble remains no those who understand this have killed many issues without knowing why the issue died they are givers so god in his mercy tied one problem troubling them with one seed they are sowing and they just tied it that's it are you shifting already now listen to me we're going to pray there are three spiritual blessings that happen to you immediately you fulfill the spiritual laws let me list them quickly number one is favor the first proof that you have ordered this spiritual laws is favor what is favor loyalty of men towards you not money not opportunities the real proof of favor is the loyalty of the hearts of men because when you get their heart you get their resources you get the opportunities tied to them listen a life without favor can be traced as a life that has not honored the spiritual laws favor number two wisdom i'm discussing the return channels quickly with you now number one is favor and as i'll be showing you in this conference there are only two ways money comes to your hand if you ever put your hand in your pocket and you see money there there are only two ways it came favor and value that's it there's no other way again favor what is favor god lifting man to bless you money arrives by favor favor coming to you number two is wisdom and wisdom is very important that not wisdom cry he said by me king's reign and princes decree justice with mere riches wealth and honor yeah durable riches unrighteousness wisdom divine strategies divine direction coming at the instance of your honor to spiritual laws number three is the activation of the blessing the blessing so number one is favor number two is wisdom number three is the blessing i've told you the blessing works like a charm i'm sorry to have to use that but that's the only way i'll help you understand a charm programmed upon your life by the wisdom of the spirit it works like a magnet this is how it works it is territorial in context when you step into a territory what happens is that the blessing starts calling everybody who has what you need look at how it works look at me have you ever passed a strong magnet on sand when there are nails it's laborious to pick them one by one just pass the magnet and if that magnet is you that's how all kinds of things follow you watch this because you carry the blessing you step into a city and god can postpone a man's travel because he must meet you that's how it works they walk like coincidences but we know they are manipulated there is a name god is called when it comes to releasing the blessing he's called the father of spirits because it's a ways to worry about bodies everybody is only hosting a spirit so god can touch the spirit that can bless you you see that i came into your city let me tell you sincerely and respectfully i stepped into this city and see if you listen to what i'm telling you you will go on a retreat if there is a single 24 hour without favor coming on you i hope you know that favor is not breakthrough if it happens only once it's not favor the proof of favor is consistency regardless of territory and regardless of the men who are used to act it out i submit to you and forgive me if i sound like pride if in a single 24-hour favor does not come i will go on a retreat something is wrong he daily loads us it is not a proverb someone while you are standing here god is going to be speaking to you for some of you this thing i said about seed faith may just i'm not saying you should sow but it will stick to your heart and stop you from sleep this night and say this is it if you want your life to become like 2019 2018 and then people will see all kinds of things that's how god wants it that's not how god wants it it says there remain at a rest for the people of god any day you choose to make it becomes your today every day remains today every day remains today the day you are angry and say lord i want to bury this face of my life and resurrect another face that becomes your today hallelujah the blessing i have seen this work in my life the blessing the blessing attracting people attracting resources attracting circumstances every good thing that is about to happen god makes it wait until you are there because of what is on you that's why i told you it works like a charm someone is having an urge to bless is your face you will see in the dream there are people today who bless me who saw my account numbers in dreams exact account number you get up and sow the seed i submit to you i'm teach i don't want to lie to you we're rounding up but i will tell you just one testimony a group of business people met me one time and they said sir we want to make you a non-executive board member in our company you are not going to do anything we just want your grace connected to this business i said what does this mean he said whatever it is we have agreed this is it have these documents and i went back and i said what is this it's called the blessing in your city here one time a group of real estate people met me and said apostle we covenanted with god that everywhere we build an estate on earth we will build a space for you there listen don't think that this man talking to you is just talking nonsense i was in nairobi a few months ago and a real estate company uh in partnership with some leaders that had worked with us government gave me five houses one two three four five i said what will i do with it i'm in nigeria and i love my country you have it if you do whatever you want to do when blessings refuse to leave you the blessing is on you forgive me if i sound proud this is not my it's not my character but i need to challenge you because sometimes until you know that this thing is reachable it's attainable hallelujah where you will lay up gold as dust they are not proverbs and yet we have not finished our discussion we are going to pray listen to me now let me while we are praying if god touches your heart and you feel like coming to connect with any seed is it all right if you can use the altar praise the lord i i'm not saying you should do it out of any question no i just felt in my heart that somebody should connect you have to connect a seed to your prayers the bible says listen he told he told um he told cornelius he says your prayer and your giving not just your prayer alone i fear god i serve the god of heaven i will not come here and deceive you you call it a mega shift that's why you brought me that means if you don't shift i failed hallelujah we're going to pray and while you pray whatever it is you can have the agreement you and your wife you and your family please do not be under pressure but let this alter serve us on earth that you can say lord this can't be it god is so much bigger than this lift your voice everybody and begin to pray this can't beat my god is so much bigger than this he's calling you deeper deeper deeper deeper he's calling you deeper i'm not just saying to come out we are praying remember deeper deeper now where you are lift your voice and begin to pray please don't do anything emotional and don't be under any kind of pressure please do not act emotionally we're serious this is serious business please give me volume and let's pray someone lift your voice here at the transforming church begin to pray lord it's time to shift me thou shall arise help me tired for the time to favor her [Applause] [Music] the seed of the woman shall bruise the head of the serpent these can't be it god is so much bigger than this hallelujah listen two prayer points and were done tonight number one father this dimension and this realm of my life i buried this night this night this realm of luck
Channel: Victor Omebije
Views: 20,787
Rating: 4.939394 out of 5
Id: wT3F2nCL_bg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 25sec (3865 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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