Season of Discovery: SoD Phase 2 Class Tier List

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good morning evening or afternoon everybody it's kago coming at you with another video so today I'm going to be ranking all the classes in a tier list similar to what I did at the beginning of launch for Phase 2 rankings um a quick disclaimer is this is not based off what I think is going to be the highest image dealer that for the most part is always going to be Rogue Warrior and feral D because of their how melee DPS work they're always going to be at the top this is derived from what I truly enjoyed playing what classes feel the most fulfilling and I really liked their rotation so some of these rankings might surprise you if you're just a mid Max or peer DPS player who wants to see big numbers but I just wanted to be clear with that and give you guys what I believe is a very honest ranking that is derived from fulfillment enjoyment and fun with the game as well as doing some good damage too but before we get into the video be sure to like comment and subscribe everything you guys do helps my channel grow helps me get discovered and helps me help as many people as possible which is the entire point of my channel so without further Ado let's get into the video so as you can see here here's my character list for horde Crusader strike I have every single class at level 25 and I have done BFD on every single one of them gotten decent amount of gear on every single one of them I have enjoyed pretty much every aspect of sod and got every Rune on every single character and have done nearly every spec on every character at least the viable ones some of them are completely troll so I didn't really play them like Shadow priest pretty troll to be playing that right now because it just doesn't have what it needs to be a viable spec in my opinion but anyway let's let's head over to the um tier list all righty so we are here at the tier list and we're just going to go ahead and get into it and I'll explain why I enjoy each and every class so the first one we're going to do is Rogue I believe Rogue is going to be S tier I truly enjoy dpsing as a rogue um The Deadly Brew with poisons wind Fury and how it all sort of interacted it felt like Rogue got to play it class at a very fun enjoyable level us utilizing all aspects of it and it just was something that really wasn't there in classic as well as it also will have a tank spec that I think will be fully fulfilled when we get to phase 2 and level 40 um I really had never played too much of a rogue in classic originally so playing it in Saw and really enjoying it was probably my greatest surprise and that's why I have it ranked at s tier next I want to do Mage so Mage I'm going to put at a tier um I originally ranked it at C tier at the launch because I didn't think anything was going to be too special I didn't think the healing would have worked the way it worked like it didn't feel like a Healer it just kind of felt like just a DPS that heals also which is pretty much what it was but what I was very wrong about was the living flame and sort of allowing Mages to AOE farm and heal themselves I completely missed that from reading it I don't really know how I definitely should have seen it with how much I've played Mage but I rank Mage at eight tier because I think it'll be really really good with AOE especially in Phase 2 and you know furthering that Mage fantasy I think it has a lot of potential to do really really well next warlock so I ranked warlock at St originally just cuz of reading it I felt like it'd be really good but I'm putting it at B tier I did not enjoy leveling Warlock and sod it just felt like I was life tapping and dotting the entire time with just and like I almost felt like I was using more HP to do things than mana and it just felt really clunky and then raiding just didn't feel there yet I think a big problem with warlock right now is dots do not crit so like the Affliction builds the dotting builds they're all there but they just simply don't crit and it just really sucks in the classic system to try to play that spec um Affliction just kind of was very disappointing tanking they don't really hold AOE threat very well so demo form just kind of yeah it looks sick and they can tank single Target bosses but like when it comes to AOE and trash and going it just feels really really bad in my opinion so that's why I put warlock at B tier has some redeeming qualities which will be pretty awesome and then this is probably the biggest shock to you guys I'm putting Warrior at s tier now it is the best damage it does the most and I played my warrior a lot I did BFD he's almost full B um he just really needs the Epic sword and like a few more pieces but I just did not enjoy it like you sit there and you stare at your rage bar and you keep it between 80 and 100 to do the most damage and it just felt really boring and it didn't feel fulfilling like I want to see blad storm I want to see Colossus I just want to see something big visual just a really awesome button that you can hit to just do damage and it just really felt like luster with its runes it felt like cluster in the sense of there's nothing really awesome it does other than raging blow and that was just pretty obnoxious to just sit there and St your rage bar I don't know I could be biased since I play a lot of casters but I just didn't enjoy it and it's pretty funny cuz I love my rogue right like it's not like I don't think it's a melee DPS thing I just did not enjoy Warrior that much at all and I gave it a real shot I got tons of we Wars to track everything I was able to play the way you're supposed to I I just really did not like it at all hopefully at 40 it'll get a lot better and obviously I do know Warriors get better as they go along but it just felt really bad for me here in sod and I was kind of expecting more next we have Druid I put drw it at a tier originally but I'm putting it at s tier I think it only gets better they have really done a great job of making it a jack of all trades and making it even better at that aspect as well as Feral DPS will always always have a spot cuz that wind Fury is amazing it gives ferals a place in the raid for sure um I think balance DW and boomkin is going to be really good in phase two with the runes they get and so on I I just I don't know what they have obviously but I have a high high hopes for it um I would really love to be a balance Druid in phase two so hopefully that can be really good I think Resto is really good as well the the biggest disappointment is feral tank and being a bear I think it just needs something that is either no rage High threat or low rage High threat or just something to give it tons of Rage because the biggest problem is when it gets more gear it uh has trouble getting rage because the more gear it has the more Dodge it has and then if things aren't hitting you you're not getting rage and if you don't have rage you can't get through it so it's just really really sad when you're playing it because you're like oh yeah I got this gear I can hit harder but you get no rage and it just feels really really bad that's the only complaint about Druid I hope they can do something to it but I think it'll be one of the most fun classes that we will see the next Shaman I have Shaman at s tier I think Shaman tank was one of is the best of the newest roles they gave us you know they gave us warlock tank they gave us Mage healers they really made Paladin tanks really good too um but I think all in all Shaman tank is the best new thing because they were almost there already um the only complaint with Shaman tank is just a little Mana problems then enhancement I think will be really good at 40 because it'll start to come to fruition but more importantly I think elemental shaman is going to blast I think it'll be the best Caster I think it'll be really fun in PvP as well for you people that enjoy PVP um I think I have really high hopes for elemental shaman um obviously runes are a big factor and we don't know any runes coming into it we just know just the base kit stuff and the runes we have so obviously these are all subject to that uh matter of change but I think Shaman has been an absolute blast it was a real surprise for me as like similar to Rogue and how much I've enjoyed my rogue Shaman has been up there too for what I enjoyed quite a lot um it was a real awesome pleasant surprise so they did a fantastic job with Shaman I think it'll be great for all of its specs next we have Hunter Hunter I have been debating whether put it at A or B tier but I'm going with a tier just because it has had such so many Nerfs that I really think impacted the class A lot um that's the biggest thing with it like it just sucked that one we were forced Hunters were all forced to play BM um and so that just kind of like it it sucks only playing one way and then that one way being nerfed nearly every week just really I feel bad for those Hunter Mains out there because this was like their one time that they've the best class to shine they've always been decent and really great at solo contents but in raids and just everything this was like the one time I can think of where Hunters have been at the tippy tippy top and they just kind of got their parade rained on um by blizzard week after week after week but I think Hunter will be fun at 40 hopefully Marksman or survival or the melee build just any of those can sort of come to fruition you see aspects of those that are put in the game but I would really love to see them become better and good enough to where you're not just sitting there as a beast Mastery Hunter you have legitimate options and choices that you can go after I think it'll be really cool but that's why I put Hunter at a tier next we are going to put priest at beer uh priest healers are great obviously but it just didn't feel it's like it just feels like a WRA of L King priest healer they got pendant they got prayer mending two amazing runes and that's pretty much all you need to heal they heal so much that you can pretty much just palm and Penance on cool down and you'll be able to heal heal the entire raid um it's really interesting for as far as healer priests they did a great job it just I don't know it just doesn't feel I don't even know what I'm looking for with priests to be amazing it just sort of feels like a Wrath of Lich King priest and nothing too new or crazy or exciting um hongi Li was a really huge success but you're just forced to run it and it kind of sucks as A Healer to want to manage that I don't like doing it but I know it's beneficial to the raid having huni be as great as sunders so I mean it is better than Sund so huni brings a lot of raid stuff to it but it also just feels a little weird having to run that over prayer mending as a Healer priest but I think once we hit 40 and Shadow priest becomes a thing um I think it'll be really good but Shadow priest just lacks the Mana to really be great and the Damage right now they really need shad attle form and so I think if they get something to manage their Mana here in classic I think uh Shadow Prest could be really good next phase I just am not confident enough to say that yet then finally Paladin while I have started leveling my Paladin I've not gotten to 25 since I'm a hard player um Paladin does feel pretty fun and I do think they did a lot of great stuff with it so I'm putting in an a tier for right now maybe if I got it to 25 and tried all the specs I might have it higher than that at s tier but Paladin just they did a really good job of making red Paladin become a thing they did a phenomenal job of prop palad becoming a thing when I sort of have mentioned paladins at all and you guys have commented you've said the biggest thing that you want is for them to have 30 minute Buffs instead of five minute Buffs which is I think if that's your biggest complaint about a class I think it is a very very good class but anyway I don't have much to say about Paladin because I don't have the experience so I wouldn't really say feel comfortable doing that for you guys but anyway that is it for my tier list for going into phase 2 the classes I enjoyed playing in Phase One and having sort of a future to go to I know a lot of you guys love Warriors it's just not for me I guess I just I don't know what I was looking for really I just felt it just felt bad that's why I have it at CTI still I know it's the top damage um but damage isn't the only thing that I used for my judgment in these I likeed fun fulfilling uh classes that really sort of hit that class fantasy as well as enjoyed to play so anyway guys definitely let me know what you think if you agree disagree just keep it respectful you know if you're going to start insulting and stuff I'm definitely just going to delete those comments because I don't want to see them there's no place for that but if you have respectful opinions and you convey those very nicely I love reading those and I hope you know you guys can do that but anyway I hope you have a great day and until next time I'll see you later bye-bye if you made it to the end of this video thank you so so much for watching it truly means a lot to me if you happen to find anyone that you know would also benefit from watching this video please please please share it with them it helps me out a ton and allows me to keep doing what I love every single day and that is gaming and sort of helping people any way that I can so finally thank you so much and I hope you have a fantastic day goodbye
Channel: KaghoeGaming
Views: 24,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow classic, season of discovery, classic wow, season of discovery wow, wow classic season of discovery, season of discovery class picking guide, season of discovery class tier list, season of discovery changes, world of warcraft classic, season of discovery tier list, classic season of discovery tier list, season of discovery class tier, wow season of discovery class tier list, sod class changes, best dps season of discovery, kaghoe, sod kagho, Sod Phase 2, Phase 2 tier list
Id: H57nuZSw2qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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