SOD P3 How to Solo Princess Hunter Guide.

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up guys this dcky today I'm going to show you how to Sol a princess on a hunter I will show you guys the talents when I get there so this pack you can most likely skip it sometimes it will pull mainly if this guy's level 48 but we'll see if you do pull it you can f Frost trap it but don't put the frost trap where they're sitting because it'll just REO instantly we're going to come over here you want to scattershot this guy right here and then jump into the reset spot right here and then immediately faint death and then before we go ahead we're going to want to wait for our F death cool down and also wait for these Rock guys to pass by because you do not want to pull them that could cause you some issues I like to run aspect of the monkey whenever um not able to use cheetah so we're going to wait for those guys right there and our cool down here they come this next pack um you will pull it most definitely this guy's level 48 but we could Frost trap it all right let's go ahead and go Frost trap just SC to shot this guy just I'm going to faint death here just because I couldn't get away fast enough go ahead and eat up I don't know where that one pack is at oh c re because the F trap let's go not that big deal at all throw right there you can carry speed pots you don't need them but it's nice to get away for my fame death we're going to scatter shot this guy go ahead and the corner Fain death don't want to pull these guys we're going to wait till they come around the corner okay before we continue we're going to wait for our cool down again the rock guys can be a little bit of a pain if you aggro they could either stand still and throw a rock at you in which you could cheetah once the rock hits you or they could immediately come and melee you which isn't a big deal so we're going to wait for f I haven't had feain resist on these guys yet but we'll see let's go go yep he's coming at me we Fame it's unfortunate and we're going to wait for the rock pad to come by us it does take a second to get there but it's worth it I might just po a swiftness potion here because I might Agro those guys too I typically don't AG them when I run past here you want to run through here not through them between them swiftness pot make it easier all right then we're going to jump on this rock right here this is a reset spot you could either Fain death um or if that doesn't work which it should you can just log out in combat which is nice once you log out just wait two seconds and you should be good so for talents I am running Marksman talent tree but most importantly you want to go down to the Beast Mastery tree and get pathfinding for an extra 6% movement speed which is really nice and you must have minor speed increase on your boots I mean I guess if you're run cheetah you don't need to but it makes it a lot easier for Marx M talent tree I just for most importantly I use lethal shots aim shot the pull increase range of your weapons by six yards mortal shots you want scatter shot for the run here uh range weapon Specialists honestly you could you could do whatever build you want you just want path finding for sure scatter shot makes it easier to get here now that I'm here I'm going to show you if uh you have a buyer trying to buy a the ring or the dagger just have them wait down in this area I'm going to show you a little spot that you could have your buyers wait what your second account we're to wait for this Pat right here to go away this is my Mage I'm trying to get the dagger all right AFK right here for runes I'm using rapid killing explosive shot um can't use CA shot since she's an elemental it would just all your damage would just be immune so explosive shot expose weakness sniper training uh I mean Frost trap you won't Lone Wolf I tried hard at the line but the kill time was like an extra four minutes um so just Lone Wolf hit here make sure you got Master uh Master Loot on we're going to jump down here with as the pack on cheetah sorry we're going to cast aim shot and we're going to run run around this rock I like to place a trap here because it guarantees her she'll walk over it um I recommend Mana potions because using aspect of the Viper is hard to coordinate sometimes cuz if you m time it you she just can catch up to you or throw a rock at you and we just run in a circle you'll notice I have two weak ores right here I'll link them down in the description of the video pretty much uh I have it overlapping for some reason but the range Checker which if you're within 30 yards of her she can cast a boulder so when she C Boulder just make sure you're within 30 to 35 yards and you typically want to stop moving because there's a system in class called leeway which increases your hit box and if you're moving your hit box will be bigger than your actual character which she can still throw a rock at you so stop moving once you go 30 to 35 yards out and this other weor is tell me to run meaning she is able to cast a boulder on me and the we or will tell me safe when I'm out of range just like that now we're going to just finish the pull for for e for for another thing I forgot to mention she slower and i% she also more slower so like aspect and also if you are you have a buyer or you're trying to give your all item specific location you want to kill her at otherwise K so I'll show you I there so if she's G to die just hold off on killing her until gets location might take La twoo yesterday I over there my two power range to get thank God the drop but um yeah you want here wall I think from right here also should be okay for now I'm going to have to loop back around so I can kill her in the correct location but if you're just here solo and your Hunter just kill her whatever whenever you can there it is now let's see the loot hopefully dagger it's a lot of loot actually dagger's nice ring give me that a of Wilds like one gold worth anything now for the laga spot which I'm sure a lot of you already know I'll be over here just make sure you're swimming and go ahead and log out and for your Boosty just have them log out in the water where they come in at I've tried to Sol this on my Mage I just have a hard time I just find easier on Hunter to do go and jump in the water and log out this should take you back to the purple side portal instance so let go ahead and uh turn around run out and you right here you just reset instance but you also want to wait for your BC or your alt go ahead and log back in now let's say your Hunter doesn't have the scepter and you have a second account with a character with a scepter the smart thing to do is have your alt open the portal and have your alt wait outside just in case you die so your um your alt doesn't have to or buyer doesn't have to run out with the logout skip it'll just save you some time go ahead and reset instance and that should be everything thank you guys for watching and good luck on your farm
Channel: Daki
Views: 4,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow, world of warcraft, sod, SOD, wow sod, world of warcraft season of discovery, Princess solo, princess solo hunter, blade of eternal darkness, blackstone ring, Maradoun solo, mara solo, mara, classic wow, classic, classic sod, phase 3, phase 4, gold farm
Id: xc9Ab62PuRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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