SoD Phase 2 Shadow Priest Complete DPS Guide | Season of Discovery

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this is the ultimate Shadow priest guide for phase two of season of Discovery including runes talents rotation pre Biz and Biz gear consumables professions and everything else you need to know starting off here with our stat priority you may be thinking hm why don't we need spell hit well technically we will need like 1% which we're going to get from gear anyway but we are going to take some talents that are going to actually reduce the resistance enemies take from us by 4% sent anyway hence why I'm saying this is the stat priority hit is still really important of course so anyway at number one we're going to be focusing on spell crit then we're going to want Shadow damage or spell damage and equal ratio the reason for this is that some items will be available giving say 15 plus spell damage but there could be a shadow damage one that's like 20 so although it is equal a lot of the Shadow specific items will have more on and that's what we'll want to prioritize after that of course your generally going to want intellect and then after that we are going to want spirit and MP5 I do think it's quite contentious regarding the spirit and Mana regen in the rotation I'm going to show you I think we can be blasting and I'm really excited for this rotation but I am a tad concerned about Mana so I'm going to be covering all of the ways that you can get that Mana back to make sure we're pumping as much as possible and here's going to be one way now and that is with the new Shadow fiend skill book that drops from dungeons it creates a shadowy fiend to attack the Target and we're going to receive 5% Mana when the shadow fiend attacks and that lasts 15 seconds this is going to be fantastic for our Mana regen issues will it be enough I sure hope so the other one we've got is increased fortitude this is just a general quality of life to all priests decreasing the cost of power at fortitude by 50% but also increasing the duration by 50% which is just a big thumbs up from me and hopefully a thumbs up from you too let's dive straight in and go through the talents that we're going to be taking in phase two okay starting off five out of five into Spirit tap of course this is going to give us a 100% chance to gain a 100% bonus to our spirit after killing a Target you are using this in PvP please do be aware you need to get the killing blow for that duration your Mana is actually going to regenerate at a 50% rate while casting as well this is really really important the only downside to this one is that you know on bosses we haven't really killed anything until the boss is dead so we may not get this benefit unless there are ads going down onto the second row we're going to put free points into Shadow Affinity reducing the Fret we generate by a whopping 25% we can often generate quite a lot of fret and this is really fantastic in making sure that we don't take aggro if you are also looking at tanking by the way please do check out my channel because I'm covering everything I've been Fury crafting and testing these for literally weeks so that I can get these out for you on launch day and I am doing a lot of work for it next up then is improve shadowed pain pretty self-explanatory it's increasing the duration by 6 seconds two points into there what I mentioned regarding the resist and the hit is these two points we're putting into Shadow Focus reducing the target's chance to resist your Shadow spells by 4% hit and resist it's a very convoluted calculation and it isn't like 100% the same thing but it basically is I'm not going to go through the specifics of it in here because it's like doing a whole lesson on algebra um but just trust me getting these two points is going to be really really good for your hit going down then we're going to put three points into improve mind blast only three points not five this is going to reduce the cool down of your mind Blast by 1.5 seconds and when we go for the rotation this is going to make more sense why we're doing this many points specifically we're going to put five out of five into Shadow weaving where our shadow spells have a 100% chance to C the target become vulnerable to our shadow spells and that is actually shadow damage from everyone by the way so it will affect warlocks Etc as well the vulnerability increases the shadow damage dealt to your Target by 3% and lasts 15 seconds stacking up to five times we're then going to put two points into Shadow reach increasing the range of our shadow damage by 133% which is great and then putting one point into vampiric Embrace causing um the target to become Afflicted with Shadow energy sorry afflicting your target with Shadow energy bad wording there that causes all party members to be healed for 20% of any Shadow damage you deal for 1 minute and it's only on a 10-second cooldown but does cost 40 Mana this is a great way that you can support your healers when you are dealing damage anyway we're going to put another two points into improv vampiric Embrace increasing the percentage healed by vampiric Embrace by an additional 10% and then putting Five Points into darkness which simply increases your Shadow damage by 10% and now for the exciting one Shadow form assume a shadow form increasing your Shadow damage by 15% reducing physical damage done to you by 15% however you can't cast holy spells while in this form this is of course the pie of resistance that we are trying to get to that levels us out at 40 points now let's look at the runes we're going to be taking oh my God I'm so excited for phase two getting Shadow form Etc I had the best time ever in phase one did you guys let me know down below also please do join my Discord if you have any questions regarding the class runes talents rotation classic Raph retail add-ons UI anything at all we have a very knowledgeable Community very beginner friendly very just friendly overall to anyone really we will help you with absolutely anything and we all found that in Phase One like yeah it was fantastic but I feel like in phase two where we're getting to the bottom of that talent tree it's like we're getting the really you know the really juicy stuff now do you me like the really exciting talents and I think from phase two onwards this is where it's going to get like really exciting I'm so hyped but anyway enough of that let's continue with what runes we're going to take so we're going to take void plague on the chest this is a really good damage over time with the rotation to Shadow priest it's going to be quite simple dots and damage over times are going to be the kind of foundation of that rotation um void plague afflicts the target of a disease oh God how awful um causing damage over 18 seconds on the leg Rune we're going to go for Haman Shuli someone did explain to me how to pronounce this like a few months ago one of my videos and I've forgotten so please excuse me if I just said it completely wrong on and oh sorry what this actually does if you're not aware is you get three little mini mes that just attack the Target and make them Etc it's really cool on the hand Rune then we're going for shadow word death um a word a word of dark binding that inflicts tons of damage to the Target if they're not killed by it you can't you can take 50% of the damage um inflicted so do be careful with this make sure not low Health on the new hand and boot runes then first up we're taking mind spike a lot of people don't like this I don't hate it I actually am really quite looking forward to this rotation that I've been simming um blasts the target for shadow Frost damage and increases the crit strike of your next mind blast on the Target by 30% it Stacks up to three times so just to recall on that then it blasts the target to Shadow Frost damage and increases the crit strike of your mind blast on the Target by 30 stacking three times so then remember I said we're only putting three into improved mind blast which reduces it by 1.5 seconds this means that we can get a m blast out every like eight or so seconds and regarding the cool down on on that we should be able to get out free mind spikes within that window so basically we're going to use our mind blast we're then going to get all of our dots up then we're going to use three mind spikes and then use mind blast and that's how we're going to do that it should work pretty much perfectly I've been simming this for quite a few days and testing it with the different points in here Etc and that is the best outcome I have come to on the foot Rune then it's going to be a lovely um defensive for us which is dispersion you go into a cloud of Shadow basically reducing all damage taken by 90% can't attack or cast any spells but you do regenerate 6% Mana every 1 second for 6 seconds dispersion can be used while stunned Etc so again there's some extra Mana we're going to get from there remember we get Shadow fiend from the skill book which you really do need to pick up before you go into the raid it's be really really useful for you um and let's just recap on what we've got then so like I've just said the rotation is basically going oh my gosh I think I've been afflicted by some shadowy disease um so the rotation is going to be over opener use your mind blast and get it onto rotation onto onto cooldown sorry and then get out your Void plague and Shadow word pain on the target get those two dots out while that mind blast is on cool down get free mind spikes out and then you should have the free stacks for the super duper crit and then you should be able to get another mind blast out keep those dots up on the target at all time if you have something like devouring plague because you're an undead then use that dot as well because remember priests do get race specific spells um so yeah mind blast get your dots up and keep them up use free mind spikes and then use mind blast and just keep rotating that that is going to be it for the rotation it's going to be really really fun and very simple to follow looking at our gear then and what we're going to get before we go into the raid here are some options I'm going to Rattle through these quite quickly there's going to be options for if you have already been raiding BFD or haven't been and there's going to be options here from both PVP Etc one thing I want to clarify when I'm saying pre- Biz what I really mean is what you can get before you go into the raid of course most of these items are available outside of the raid for pre- Biz generally but there are going to be a few things like PVP items that are actually available um you know from PDP however they are still bids if that makes sense so on the head then we've got the Luna coron of Shadow Raph this can to have up to 27 Shadow damage on it if you've been raiding get romar's tattered tattered titty cat titty cap thinking cap um from from from there um on the shoulders again there's the Roy mist of Shadow ra again it's similar at Shadow damage or there's The Inquisitor Shaw from Scarlet Monastery on the chest don't forget to enchant this with greater Mana by the way we've got the Regal armor of Shadow Raph basically go to the auction house and just search for shadow rff um and you're going to get a lot of these there is a Rob of the mve world drop could be extremely expensive however or there's the shadow weave tailoring chest that you can get as well on the hands then dream weave gloves from tailoring these are really really really good and pretty much Biz anyway or there's the shadow weave blue ones from Tailoring on the legs if you've been already raiding you probably already have these Soul Le pants however there's the shadow weave pants as well from tailoring tailoring if you can't tell already is going to be really good for shadow priests in phase two of sod rings I would just keep whatever you have from phase one whether that's the Seal of Ren the Seal of Sylvanas the PVP Rings Etc just keep what you've got they're pretty much going to be great and for the weapons then if you have the rod of the ancient Sleepwalker this was a very very low drop rate from Kris so you probably don't have it but maybe if you're lucky you do then keep this otherwise there's this dagger and there's a few well drops Etc Shadow r as get as well of course um being you know the the go-to here and then on the ones there's another one from Scarlet monster Scarlet monster is going to have a load of gear for us it's really good for leveling Etc as well so that's pretty much where you're going to be going to trinkets same as Rings keep whatever you had from phase one it's going to be fine extra plain our spider silk boots if you took tailoring in phase one which you probably did are going to be pre- Biz these are fantastic keep them on your feet there's the defilers cloth gu from a rafy basin honored that you can get from PvP on the Belt if you don't want to do that star belt from tailoring is really good wrists is going to be exalted from Warson Gulch oh gosh I don't want to do that I'm not going to do it I'm too lazy so again just search Shadow ref on the auction house and the same on the cloak and then the neck just keep what ever you had from BFD if you haven't been doing BFD but still want to it's still a really good time to I'm really happy with what blizz have done where they're making it super duper big experience meaning that it's still really worthwhile going and I'm going tonight actually where you can see me doing it on Twitch check that down below in my description Co what a good chance I had to pop that in there moving then swiftly on onto um actual proper proper Biz um the actual bis gear we're going to go for the neural link arcano filament monocle on the headpiece which is going to increase your healing and Damage Done restoring some more MP5 thank goodness cuz it's a very Mana intensive rotation I've showed you and also when we use it we're going to reduce the Mana cost of all our spells by 50% and increase the damage and healing done by 50 for 12 seconds on 10minute coold down voila piece of resistance chef's kiss for that one Piston pendon from nomun on the neck Luna manle is going to give a ton of Shadow damage if you can get it it's a Bo it's a Boe blood woven cloak again another Boe with a ton of Shadow damage the best enchant for this really is 30 armor radiated on the chest piece this is a set on the chest legs and feet this is going to give um it's it's quite interesting it's going to take off strength and stamina but it's going to give us um a 1% crit chance it's going to give us a of healing and damage and it's going to increase our crit strike um Again by 1% and that again is on the chest legs and boots and that's from nomigan the wrist for Biz is going to be the exalted with warsong out Riders I know well maybe you love that maybe you love doing it maybe maybe I'm just being you know negative about it um glimmering Giza blade um on the dagger and the umbrell Crystal from offhand which is increasing damage from Shadow specifically by 17 both from no n the EM crystal is from nomun isn't it sorry no that's a well drop that's a well drop that one there's the necro nagon um you could get if you only want to do nomun green weave bloves like I said from tailoring for the hands volatile concoction belt these are interesting this improves your chance to crit um sorry hit by 1% this is the 1% that we do need paired with our resist on our talents this is perfect and increases our healing and Magic damage done again like I said set pieces here blood moon PVP event in strangle for Veil is where you're going to get the sanguine Shadow band increasing again Damage Done by sh Shadow spells by 14 and restoring MP5 there are items from this event for every single spec in class and I am doing guides for all of them by the way I've literally spent the last two weeks just testing lit literally 8:00 a.m. to midnight that's all I've been doing all day like I'm not joking um so I have done all of the classes check my channel these are going to be really really good for every single class they will have you their own unique ones which I think is a really good plus speaking of unique gear then the ring you can get from nomun is this one um there's actually one again dependent on what spec you're playing for shadow priest it's configuration we want and it gives intellect nature damage nature resistance sorry Arcane resistance increasing Damage Done by 11 and restoring some more MP5 as well the other um going on trinkets then is the miniaturized combustion chamber when you use this it is on a 40 uh sorry 30 minute cool down it's going to channel between 1 to 150 Health into 1 to 150 Mana which is really good and increases again your intellect fire resist and healing and damage done the other one is still going to be the invoker void pile from phase one if you don't know how to get this it drops off acum and starts a quest line that you hand in and then you choose which one you want if say in Phase One you chose the healing one and now you want to become a shadow priest then you can trade this in in bie Bay for 75 gold it's a big gold dump that blizzard have introduced the maos tried to gear shifter then is going to be the wand and voila you're best in slot baby moving on then to Shadow priest consumables and professions here are some of the items you're going to want the greater Mana potion of course Alchemy is going to be the best Mana potion we can get if you want to increase some little spell damage the Lesser Arcane Elixir is going to increase that by 14 for 30 minutes this is the best one we can get for that in regards to actual food Buffs then the sage fish delight is going to be really good restoring six Mana every 5 Seconds you could also get the blood I keep calling it blood sausage spider sausage which is from well you can get it the auction house obviously that's 12 stamina and spirit and you can Farm These in the Northwest area of dust wallow Marsh they're about level 36 37 and white spider meat drops off like every two or three spiders so if you're low on gold it's very easy farmable regarding What professions to take of course we're taking tailoring for that best-in slot um monol on the headpiece but also you on your second one I think the good thing for us casters is that you know tailoring doesn't need a gathering profession so we can take something like enchanting here for this sigil increasing your damage with spells by 20 for 30 minutes or if you want you could take Alchemy but of course that's going to get quite expensive um but then buying it all in the auction house for the potions is anyway you can get the Marly radiated Rejuvenation potion increasing mana and health also increasing spell damage by 35 for 15 seconds so it's really up to you but tailoring is definitely going to be the best I hope you guys enjoyed this guide again if you need anything at all please do join my Discord we're going be leveling dungeoning and raiding together as well um and if you do want to go that extra mile where I can go the extra mile for you is by joining as a member with the join button below or joining my patreon what do you get with that well it's not just to support me you can actually import my entire lvi profile you open a secret channel in Discord where you get loads of extra resources including VIP tickets in the Discord where I can help you analyze and review your Logs with simming or also actually setting up your UI and add-ons I'll take the time on a onetoone basis to do that with you thanks for watching guys and I can't wait to see you in phase two of season of discovery
Channel: Javier
Views: 25,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, Paladin, druid, hunter, priest, warlock, warrior, raid, m+, classic wow, shadow priest, phase 2, mind spike, runes, sod
Id: Fqtc0YWfO0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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