Season of Discovery Phase 2 Is Unbelievable

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so sit down with World of Warcraft classic team designers all everybody if you're standing sit down if you're laying uh stand up and then sit down uh if you're sitting down remain seated uh to explore more of what season of Discovery Phase 2 has in store for you we will take you through new raid information dungeons run abilities PVP profession updates and more hell yeah with this preview you want to take a moment to get ahead of the PTR like the classic PTR the content for S phase 2 will not actually be available to play okay right cool that's good so doesn't get spoiled we will also want to uh help assu assuage any incorrect assumptions from a data mining that has occurred as the PTR also holds some of the data that could be misleading as experimentals meant for to phas or even items that did not make it out please know these are all examples our work in progress and may not reflect final stats oh we actually have a video oh great join the wow classic development team members okay cool let's watch the vid I didn't know that 32 minutes Phase 2 preview oh my gosh let's go boys this will be good we get a deep dive into the season of Discovery oh is it a power hi I'm Linny cook savine and I'm a producer on Wow classic okay it's a power we had the absolute pleasure of finally sharing season of Discovery with you all and we've loved watching all of the new challenges you've overcome the meta you've created and the adventures you've all had in phase one and now we'd like to chat with you about phase two okay today we're going to do a brief overview of some of the new adventures in store for you sweet our topics today include information about our new 10-player raid neron dungeon updates Rune ability updates PVP updates profession updates oh sweet and more we have a lot of cont we should help answer some of the questions we've gotten around our previous phase and where we're going with the new one we're going to pop through our slides pretty fast fast so you may want to pause or watch back through the recording if you want to catch everything on the slides sounds good we're also going to put the buildup on the PTR soon we're doing something similar to phase one where we only make the era and hardcore content available not the season itself it is likely there will be some data mining but beware not everything you see data mined will actually be in the patch this build will contain some experimental things stuff for later phases and things that maybe didn't work quite how we wanted them to cool we're going to start off talking about our new raid nomon our assistant lead designer Tim Jones will be walking us through it take it away Tim hey Tim hello there uh thank you Lenny for that introduction I'm Tim Jones the assistant lead game designer on World of Warcraft classic and it's my pleasure to talk to you more and give you a sneak peek at nagon the second level up raid in season of Discovery um and the The Raid content that you'll be participating in at level 40 in phase two let's get into it so much like black faom deeps uh num gun will be a 10 player raid there will be six bosses they're originally a lot of people seem to be upset about the 10 player raid size I'm a fan of it the reason I'm a fan of it is cu I don't think in the short term of how fun it would be if there was 25 players I think in the long term of in 6 months from now when players are leveling and the level cap is 60 or 50 or whatever how are you going to get 25 players leveling at level 40 to do noon it's going to be really hard so 10 players makes more sense for the leveling raids in my opinion for the longevity of the raids in later phases only five bosses in neron if you didn't count the dark iron Ambassador so there's one more new boss that no one's ever fought before oh cool and of course redesigns from the ground up on all of the other bosses so brand new experience overall uh ton of new rewards and items more epics than we had in blackf fathom deeps with more sources um different bosses than just the last two bosses dropping those uh new item sets for classes to pursue the quests and rewards have been brought up to level 40 and there's a brand new profession Quest chain that leads into to a pretty deep opportunity for people to find materials and and craft a lot of really cool and Powerful items wait guys there's two epics in and and in BFD three * two is six oh is there three epics oh there's actually okay there's three EP I thought there was two and I was like okay they would have said four if it was if it was uh more than that so it's probably seven epics there's actually three epics okay yeah the staff the crossbow and the okay okay yeah okay Josh will get into that more you guys are right I'm WR okay but uh some of the play spaces have had some changes for people who aren't familiar with the grubas and Chomper encounter you might notice that there are some uh radiation vents that weren't here those will perhaps play a part in this encounter Crow pummeler uh is now in a different part of the instance I wonder what kind of mechanic something that punches you uh really hard might to do with being on a platform above a pit of death who knows pretty cool that's pretty cool and there's a lot of excited onlookers uh ready for you to take on this this robot and cmop plug last B of the instance may have added some additional uh mechanical suits with different properties to his Arsenal and you'll have to face off against those as well getting into a preview of the all right let's pause here so we have hands with Fist and mace uh increase we have a trinket with uh a domesticated attack chicken wow okay it's like a a b better battle chicken mechano strier Muffler uh one-handed maze with 16 attack power I'm trying to think is that even that good like 30 DPS one-handed maze I mean it's like pretty decent I guess because the attack power and the stamina but it's not like that much better than like vanquisher sword or something right uh we have gear mener cve uh 20 healing spells on a mace I mean it's pretty good is is it that much better than the Scarlet Monastery mace yeah I guess it is uh we have Wall's Harden core which is a trinket gives you dodge armor thousand armor movement speed okay that's pretty insane we have a two-handed mace here which I'll move my camera up so you can see um 69 attack power and C Bear and dire bear that's nice giving Ferell some love and uh held an off hand 14 spell damage okay what I actually like about this is the gear isn't it's it's better than Scarlet Monastery stuff but it's not like twice as good it's not like aund times better it's like what 20% like 10% better than Scarlet Monastery stuff the the mace is yeah the mace is like very unique there's nothing like this um for for ferals because it's uh automatic crowd pumer they wanted to actually give feral some love which I like but like gear mener Grace isn't like that much better this isn't like that it it's better but it's what like 10 or 20% better or something so that's pretty good exciting loot I like that uh there's some nods to Old items I think the one people will notice is the automatic crowd pummeler no longer will you have to get individual manual crowd pummels you'll be able to pick up one and then use it over and over again with the cool down that's ni hopefully that's a great quality of life so for clarity the old one guys had three charges if you guys didn't play classic wow it had three charges ever right and then there was no more charges so what ferals would do is they'd Farm neron they would hope for this drop I think it's like a one and three they would get the manual crowd pummeler and they can only use it three times so they needed another and another they would Farm like five or 10 of these to have in their bags or more for a raid because the on use was so good because it gave you attack speed that people farmed a bunch to have in their bags that's wild yeah they they literally had a bunch of them and blissard kind of knew this but you know it was classic wow so they didn't change anything cuz it's hashtag no changes it's classic wow but in season of Discovery they decided to KN on it just give it a cool down so ferals don't have to infinitely Farm them Improvement there's also some fun items that you can pick up the trog transfigured 3000 little um orb of deception style transforming into a trog cool a ragar Whimsical world warper um play around with it see where it takes you in the world and uh some fun cosmetic items as well oh sick I like that here's a look at our set items you can see that some set items actually have specific set bonuses for some classes this chest and we also have tokens now that will drop instead of having a gigantic loot list um that contains all of the set pieces and you're getting frustrated if the same set piece drops uh for a different class every week we've introduced setpiece tokens that can be used by everyone um for a specific piece of your armor so you can pick if whoever loots the boot token will be able to turn that into a vender to redeem it for their setpiece boots I don't mind set pieces withon there's a couple updates that we're making to dungeons okay the first of which are the addition of quality of life skill books these are skill books that have a chance to drop off of certain creatures in fiveman Dungeons and they add significant quality of life spells to Your Arsenal that don't take up a rune slot so we're excited for people to get their hands on these and hopefully these solve some problems that players have been facing such this is really big so one of the problems um like we were talking about the other week when I was leveling Shaman was like okay it would be cool to be able to get rid of your totems or to be able to move them um right because when you're in a dungeon the totems down and it pulls more mobs than you wipe and it's annoying in classic you can't get rid of them unless you like place a new one continually but that's also annoying so then someone's like oh just add a rune slot to be able to get rid of your totems or to move your totems the problem with that is you now have an entire rune slot devoted to quality of life and it's like now my character's weak just to gain quality of life that sucks like it would never be worth taking deleting your totems instead of like weigh the Earth or something right um or with Pali like enhanced blessings I'm assuming it's just instead of a five minute buff it's like a 30 minute buff or 15 or something um it would never be worth it to take it over like uh Crusader strike or whatever I haven't played Paladin yet in sod but you know what I'm saying you you don't want the power down just to gain quality of life but with this this it's a skill book so you can gain the quality of life without sacrificing runes and I love that that is so cool yeah I really really really like that man um so they added something new to G give quality of life without Rune slots massive win uh short Aura durations with uh Paladin blessings totem control as Shaman Rogues being able to uh have a spell that allows them to manip ulate what Target their combo points are on as well as many many others that we excited for players to find when they jump into phase two and I'd like to pass off the presentation to Nora to talk more about run abilities thank you very much deep deepe hey my name is Nora Veta and I'm a lead software engineer on wild classic the team is very excited for you to head out and find those new Rune abilities coming soon in Phase 2 of season of Discovery I'm here to give you a sneak peek at some of those abilities so let's dive in okay paladins sheath of light will cause damage dealt with your melee weapon to also increase your spell power it'll also cause your critical heals to apply an additional heal over time on the target okay guarded by the Light will cause your melee weapon hits to restore Mana Over time however the amount healed by flash of light Holy Light and holy shock will be reduced by half interesting so it's kind of like in Wrath of the Lich King pales have the Mana back called was it Divine plea or something I can't remember the name of it um so you can like get more Mana at the cost of your heels I kind of like that and then dealing damage uh 30% of the spell power for one minute addition your critical heal so it gives like a little hot too it's really nice melee specialist is a passive ability which will reduce the cool down of raptor strike cause it to trigger instantly and each usage of raptor strike has a chance not to trigger its cool down melee Hunter melee specialist will also remove the cool down of mongoose bite trap launcher allows you to place traps at any location within 40 yards and allows you to place your traps while in combat additionally your Firebase and frost based traps have separate shared cool Downs whoa for PVP that's rally and cry is a defensive ability which can be activated to increase the health of all party and raid members within 40 yards blood search gives some of your abilities a chance to make your neck slam instant and cost no rage roges use shurk at your enemy to your and up to additional nearby TS master of subtlety causes attacks made while stealth and for a short time After exiting stealth to cause additional damage I don't know if I like giving Rogues AOE in classic I I I don't know if I like that overall like you don't need to make Rogues AOE base like they are in in in retail or something um oh it's for rogue tanks oh oh like an Avenger Shield okay okay okay okay I spoke too soon okay if it's for rogue tanks and it's more just to gain threat that makes sense because they need a way to actually build threat okay okay I thought I was thinking they're going to uh stack uh attack power whatever and use it for like AOE rotations you know it just feels weird like that priests okay cast mind Spike to blast your target with Shadow Frost damage and apply a debuff which increases the Critical Strike chance of your next mind blast on that Target TG this debuff can stack up to three times damn and Fan Favorite from future expansion pain supression can be cast on a friendly Target to significantly reduce their damage taken and increase their resistance I'm going to have to do a freeze warlocks invocation when you refresh some of your damage over time effects while they have less than 6 seconds remaining instant damage will be dealt to your target equal to one tick of that spells periodic damage so you no longer have to worry about refreshing your dots at the exact perfect moment Dance of the wicked will trigger a buff which increases you and your pet's Dodge chance anytime either of you deal a Critical Strike to an enemy wait wouldn't it still be better to put your dot up at the like to save mana and more efficiency to wait till like the the last second anyway like am I missing something I mean it's it gives you like a double reason to do it but for efficiency you still want to right you'll also both gain 2% of your maximum Mana when that happens Mages missile barrage gives your Arcane blast Fireball and frostbolt spells a chance to reduce the channel duration of your next Arcane missile spell by half reduce its Mana cost to zero and cause missiles to fire every point5 seconds feel like a big missile choatic preservation is a really cool new spell that allows you to store some of your Arcane fire and frost energy for later use you can only hold this energy for a short time before it combusts and expires but you can unleash it to heal a friendly Target Shaman mom weapon causes I I don't know man so missile barrage is going to help Arcane PVE fine like sure that's great cool Chrono static preservation seems like a healing Talent okay deep freeze I don't know man we'll see seem okay but Shaman mstom weapon causes damage dealt with melee attacks to have a chance to reduce the cast time of your next lightning bolt chain lightning lesser healing wave healing wave chain heal or lava burst spell by 20% the cast time reduction can stack up to five times Spirit of the alpha is a 30-minute buff that can be cast on a friendly Target to increase the threat generated by that Target you can kind of think of it like the opposite of blessing of Salvation while some shamans choose to battle with one weapon in each hand others prefer to dish out devastating blows with a two-handed weapon that's right if that sounds like you then we have two-handed Mastery oh each time you strike an enemy with a two-handed weapon you gain 30% attack speed with two-handed weapons for 10 seconds my gosh that seems crazy any it's time for me to pass things over to Anna rendes who will be sharing with you some updates on our new PVP event take it away Anna that's huge that's huge can't wait for everyone to discover those NE runes they'll look amazing thank you Nora hello I am Anna sendes and I will talk to you about PVP in this new level band we are bringing a new PVP experience to you you might have seen a little hint on our social media channels about this so our new PVP event called the blood moon the blood moon the Blood Moon Rises and strangle turn bail bringing with it absolute Mayhem when Ashen Bol was created we talked about how cool it would be for the event to be triggered by player activity in the area after going through feedback and seeing how Ashen bille played in this event we wanted to take a different approach I like the timer and make it more predictable so you know when the battle will take place I like the timer yeah so the blood moon event will happen every 3 hours and we have a duration of 30 minutes believe me you will be able to tell when the event is happening the blood moon will shine its effect during this time and bring in a mysterious red fog to the area that's so sick during this time the whole song will become a freefor all PVP meaning allies and enemies alike will be viable targets for your blood R everyone that is in the zone during this time will become a Target during the event killing other players will allow you to earn a currency wait so you can as an alliance you can kill other Alliance okay this reminds me of in midst of Pandaria on one of those islands you could be like non-action what was it like with a with one of those tokens and you could kill yeah the Timeless aisle you guys remember that and you could be like you could turn into that red dude and you could kill anyone you wanted horde or Alliance blood coins Yeah so basically if you're in stranglethorn Veil during the event you can just kill anyone which I actually like the reason I like it or one of the reasons I like it is because it solves faction balance right away it's not like you're on hordes so you're just on the losing side because hord's a bunch of noobs no no um hord doesn't have that excuse anymore uh CU they are a bunch of noobs but that's F anyway the point is with free-for-all even if there's 90% Alliance representation Alliance can kill other Alliance um so it makes it instantly balanced like that the downside is yeah you probably do want to be in larger groups but still man imagine you're in a fiveman group and you're just like kind of maneuvering around the map and picking people off and kiting it out for days like this this this seems like it's going to be a lot of fun which can be traded for be we'll talk about the rewards in a little bit you can still group up but be waren the blood moon does not smile to those that battle in raid groups and will punish you for doing so what oh my gosh it's the biggest W ever small scale PVP has always been King so if you're in a large raid group maybe you get like a debuff or something oh this is brilliant this is so good I never thought of that I always talked about on stream how raid group PVP always kills the vibe like fiveman skirmishes are great three man great One VX is great but like once you're in like a 20 30 Man Group it just sucks every time this is so cool man those of course who refus to give in The Thirst of the blood if it's peace where you sick you can opt out of the event at any time by talking to the selari Emissary oh interesting you will not be able to earn any rewards if you opt out and remember that General realm PVP own rules will still apply another big difference from Ashen is that there won't be any PVE objectives that said not only should you be wary of both enemies and allies alike you should also keep an eye out for the chosen of the blood laa who will absolutely destroy you oh this is soer ring a bell so you might be wondering how do I get my hands on that sweet Rewards there will be a merchant inside of gurashi Arena that would assist you with this what about the Rewards maing well there are thousand of new class specific item rewards here are some example of the new rewards that come with the event additionally there are new quests that will help with your arra basing reputation Journey do you want to see more about the cool rewards what about a new car oh that M car but yes you're seeing correctly two new faction agnostic mounts that you will be able to acquire related to this event these level 40 mounts have an appearance that is completely new to the game I hope to see you in the battlef I like the Sabertooth a lot up next Josh will join us and he will talk to you about profession updates I'm Blown Away by the PVP update man that is sick my name is Josh Greenfield senior game producer on wild classic let's Dive Right In and talk about what we're going to be doing with professions in phase two I want to start by saying that we've been really thrilled with the reception to our professions editions in phase one it was really exciting watching people sort of discover and unlock how to how to create your awesome you know void touch leather gloves and your extra planer spider silk boots and all those things uh and you know we're going to go ahead and expand on this quite a bit for phase two there will be around 20 new recipes across all non- Gathering professions this also includes not just leather working tailoring and box mything but also Alchemy enchanting and engineering as well so we're we want to spread the love around here we want to make sure everything everyone gets something really cool this time so that's what we're going to do um just like in Phase One there will be an Epic Quest chain to unlock this and we won't spoil anything about that today uh you're going to have to get in the game you're have to kind of go through that yourself but if you liked what we did in phase one you'll probably like this too next I kind of want to talk a little bit about just some of the the recipes here I'm not going to go into super great detail about what uh each of these are and all the stats and everything like that as you can see they're very powerful but one thing I do want to kind of call out is that you'll notice that a few of the materials required are are brand new materials to the game and a lot of them are used across different professions uh some of these similar new materials uh there's definitely going to be a trading and kind of economy aspect to this new these new professions recipes and just like everything with season of Discovery we're most excited to see how players share resources and information to make these things that's all we're gonna say right now but we think it's going to be a a pretty fun thing to uh participate in in the next phase uh few other things we kind of want to talk about is alchemy and and uh enchanting in particular um you know when we were looking at what we wanted to do here we could obviously add more consumables and we can add more um enchants for enchanters and and to a degree we did we have there are new enchanting material uh recipes other than what you see here but one of the things about these professions is that in a lot of cases they don't do a whole lot for your personal throughput if you're if you're one of these professions a lot of times you you know you can make things and a lot of times you can make a lot of gold off of having these professions but in terms of your actual like damage output or healing output they they don't really bring anything that that you can't have someone else craft for you and bring uh so that's what we wanted to try here in particular if you'll notice on the left side there's this uh new Enchanted sigil Innovation and what this basically is is that this is kind of like a whirl buff that you can carry around in your bag and give to yourself and essentially if you it has a it has a 30 minute duration but also a 30-minute cool down so if you die early you will lose this for at least a SE some period of time before you can put it back on um same thing with Alchemists here they have the ability to make this essentially damage and healing consumable or damage and attack power consumable uh and uh that also restores a little bit of health and a little bit of Mana um so that's just something that's a little unique for them this time and uh we hope that you like these things we're looking for feedback on this sort of stuff for future phases love it love it love it I I think adding reasons to do professions in World of Warcraft especially classic World of Warcraft makes a lot of sense and in the past it's always just oh engineering is a must if you want to PVP so you have to do that or um you know tailoring is a must for PVE if you're a mage so you have to do that now it seems like you can kind of play the profession that you want to play and every profession will get something kind of unique so if you actually want to just be an enchanter because you wanted to be an enchanter you get something I love it I love it it's good it's really good so now that we've kind of gone through an overview uh phase two and and some of the things that are coming in it uh we do want to kind of I guess hit a few of like the frequently asked questions that we've gotten recently about things in phase one and and some of the issues that that have popped up and and how we're addressing those as well as just some Curiosities about what else is coming in phase two and how specific things will work um so we're going to dive into a few of these kind of FAQ items and try and burn through as many of them as possible uh to give you a better idea of of kind of what what's going on and what our thought process on some of the stuff is so uh let's just go ahead and hop right in we will start today talking about raid schedule um you know we thought we'd start here because this is a pretty hot debate in the community right now we've seen a lot of great feedback on this and have weighed a great many perspectives um about you know kind of when we should release the rid should we have it available from day one or should we wait maybe a week or some other amount of time to unlock it globally at the same time while it's impossible we feel to do something that will make every single person happy we do think we can strike a bit of a compromise here uh we understand that you know the server or world first race is not just about who can Zone in first uh if the you know say if the rate unlocks at arbitrary Global time um and for a large group of players that it's also about who can get in the fastest after leveling and it's very exciting for them to see what they can do when they're undergeared or maybe without their full toolkit of R and other like pre-raid items and so you know that is one uh argument we heard in favor of not delaying it and we think it's a very compelling one it is very exciting to participate in that and to watch that on the otherand though if you're one of those players the many players who really like to take their time leveling we realize that that three-day lockout puts you in a position where you may miss several lockouts before you hit 40 and while it's pretty unlikely to actually matter all that much in the long run as you will have plenty of lockouts this phase uh it does still feel kind of bad and one of the things we wanted to avoid with this season was too much feeling of fomo um so by way of a compromise what we're looking at doing this time is we're we will not delay the opening of The Raid but we will be putting the first two lockouts on kind of a normal weekly lockout timer so that means that would reset on like Tuesday America uh Wednesday in Europe and and so on and so forth whatever your Regional unlock time or reset time is so this means that the first lock so players can get ahead but they can't get too far ahead okay okay okay I I I really must say I appreciate Josh's analysis and his breakdown of the thought process behind the decision making the devs are actually making instead of just saying this is what we're doing it's like okay we've heard the feedback we've heard the two sides and these are the two arguments and based on that we're coming to a conclusion I really appreciate that as a player it really helps um me understand the decision-making process will occur on February 13th again in North America in the morning with maintenance and then the second will occur the following Tuesday on February 20th again in North America in the morning with maintenance so each region you can offset for your Regional maintenance time uh what this allows us to do is you know if enable folks who really want to push day one to get in as fast as possible and get that first like world first or server first clear or just the bragging rights of saying you did it first that's something that we don't want to take away from from you um but this also reduces the number of lockouts that are possible in that time period so that PE players who are leveling leveling a little bit more casually or a little slower Pace may not feel like they missed out on as much cool um it's not a perfect solution and that's one thing we really want to stress is that when you deal with a game like World of Warcraft and and on this scale there's no objectively correct answers there are every every decision we make there's going to be people who like it and there's going to be people who would prefer something else but we feel that this acknowledges both major perspectives uh Without Really depriving either group of something special so uh we really hope that uh that you like it and we're going to keep looking at feedback on this if this is something that that that works out well we may carry this forward into future phases and if not we may just go back to the drawing board and try something else but we really really really appreciate the ton of feedback we've gotten from the community on this we've been watching social media we've been watching forums we've really been watching a lot of the commentary on this and we couldn't have uh we nothing we do uh we do without looking and listening to what you guys are saying so thank you you so much for that uh next thing we want to talk about a little bit is uh PVP matchmaking um you know we realize that it can be frustrating to get MCH a match against a full pre queing solo uh however we do still have significant concerns about completely bifurcating PVP qes into a separate PVP or small group que what this means essentially is if you're in a group of five or less you'll have a dramatically higher chance to also get matched against groups of five or less and if you're in a group of six or more same deal you'll have a higher chance to get match against larger groups or full groups if the cues are long or the Matchmaker can't find how is Blizzard getting so many W's lately what is going on what is going on these are all intelligent solutions that aren't necessarily immediately obvious that when you think about the more make a lot of sense but it actually required some level of thought some level of critical thinking for them to sit down and be like okay this is a problem what should we do to fix it okay let's try this I'm really impressed so yeah this is an issue and like Josh said if you completely just say okay if you're in a group of five or less you queue into five or less and six or more six or more kind of like wrath and the cues get so long then you never get a pop that's not a good solution right it's good in the short term maybe but as the game U matures it's a terrible solution because you never can queue any Battleground because the quees won't pop and the game's dead and then whatever um this is this is smart this is really smart a good group that fits Within These parameters after a certain amount of time it AB these rules and go ahead and match you with the first available so you can at least play a game um but by and large we feel that this will help the situation a lot for those who just kind of want to queue up Solo or just with a few friends and not feel like they're always going against premade we do want to stress again though that we firmly believe that activities like PVP Battlegrounds are just more fun and less stressful when players group up and coordinate uh we can understand that if you you know just want to PVP and you don't want to join a group for it it you know it can be a little bit more frustrating than you feel it needs to be but ultimately coordination within your team whether it's a pre-made or not is going to be the key to success in any activity like like organized PVP when you're playing against other players even when queuing solo we encourage you to be as positive team members and coordinate with your groups to have the best time possible so next another common question uh is that when what the leveling buff will look like we mentioned this at BlizzCon that whenever you the level cap increases we will put in a level uh an XP buff for the previous level band yeah and uh so what you can expect you know uh uh for that also we've gotten a lot of questions about what you can expect if you say you've done all the quests available to you at level 25 and what what do you do for leveling it you know from like 25 to 30 if you've done all those quests um so for the first uh question we'll be providing a flat 50% XP buff from the 1 through 25 range so that if you do start a new character a new Al that's joining you should be able to get caught up uh to level 25 fairly quickly with that buff um the other thing that we're doing in order to help the second situation where you may feel like you've you've done all the quests you can and you're not sure how best to level we are going to make the black fom deeps raid give a very significant amount of experience when cleared in phase two when you're over level 25 it's keeping the lockout it has now a three-day lockout to encourage players not to just do it every single day other activities but it will be very lucrative and worth doing the reason I like that is because if you don't make BFD really sexy or exciting to to do um in six months from now people will just skip it people will just skip BFD all together no one will be forming groups which means no one will be looking for groups because no one will be doing it people will skip BFD all together they'll just level right past it cuz the XP is super quick and BFD will be long and forgotten but if it's a very resizable amount of XP people will actually take the time to form the group run BFD get some good loot along the way and get a ton of XP on that three-day lockout so people will continually do BFD raids as a leveling experience and I I yeah I think that's brilliant as long as it continues to give experience which will probably be sometime into the mid or late 30s lastly uh way Lade supplies are also seeing some adjustments we're not quite ready to talk about the full Suite of adjustments coming here because some of them are still undergoing tuning uh but we are going to significantly increase the XP rewards for it particularly in the ones from the 25 to 40 range uh there will be new we l supplies turn-ins and we want to make sure that they're very rewarding and there's something that you want to do and we're also looking at removing some of the frustrations from this again not quite ready to talk about the full details there but um you know if you've if you've had had concerns with some of the frustrating aspects of them then then we're hoping to address some of those in the next phase as well so stay tuned for a little bit more opt uh a little bit more information about that and uh we'll have more uh you know as we get really close to patch yeah right now it's not even worth turning them in so that's few adjustments to Ashen Vil are coming uh there will be a fewer people in Ashville specifically when the level cap increases so we're going to go ahead and uh move the event to a rigid three-hour timer I like that similar to what we what Anna talked about with the uh stranglethorn Veil event this will be basically be every three hours on the on the mark uh and uh it will happen without player intervention uh do note though we don't want to make you choose between doing an ashen Veil battle and a stranglethorn veil battle so the Ashen Veil timer will be offset by one hour from stranglethorn so stranglethorn starts at noon this will start at 1 pm and they should never overlap wow so if there's another world PVP event next um level ban then you could potentially World PVP in Ashen Veil then in stranglethorn Veil and then say the next ones in like you know wherever uh tenis or something I don't know um then you could constantly potentially just bounce between zones and find constant World PVP throughout the day uh maybe not constant but there should be like stuff for pvpers to engage in throughout the day that's pretty cool yeah so we're we're pretty excited about that uh and we hope that uh the Ashen Veil battles uh continue uh one other thing that is kind of a a common question and topic is what are we going to do with the world Buffs in the next phase um simply put we're going to go ahead and cap them uh the ashonil weekly cuss World buff is going to be capped at level 39 and the black fathom deep World Buff's also going to be capped at 39 so you can enjoy those while you're leveling but once you have 40 you'll no longer B basically be able to gain the benefit of those really good um please also note that the stranglethorn veil PVP event will not actually have a world buff this time but noer gon will our goal is really to keep each phase as World Buffs fun and exciting but we don't want to add too much overhead to the evolving endgame and we don't want it to be a slog to have to go all over the world to get all of these World Buffs and especially once we hit 60 we don't want you to have to slug through going all of the world and getting every World buff um so that was one of my major concerns right away when they added in the BFD World bu I'm like oh so level 60s are going to have to clear BFD to that's bad so we uh weeks ago were chatting about potential Solutions and this is one of the things like you just can't get it as you level up and I think I think that's great so where we landed on that we're obviously open to feedback on any of this so uh please uh let us know what you think uh profession specializations this is another really Hot Topic in the community just like with phase one when we capped professions at 150 with phase two we will be capping them at 225 and additionally we've decided that profession specializations will also not be available until phase three so that's when the level cap goes to 50 we feel that profession specializations outside of engineering and a few other exceptions are kind of lackluster in original wow and we really want to do something fun and cool here and we really want to take our time to do it right so for SP Co professional specializations are going to have a a large focus and uh you know obviously we're not going to talk about it now but do stay tuned for more information on profession specializations as we move closer to phase three thank you another common question that we get that is somewhat frustrating to answer simply because kind of the more we talk about it the faster Bad actors can work around our eorts but it's Bing and exploitative accounts uh in general Bing is sort of a colloquial term that includes a lot of things including just exploitative gameplay that that that players engage in um and uh it has a negative impact on the game it really does it's something we don't like it's something we we actually hate we spend a lot of time and a lot of effort trying to combat um and while we can't really talk about the specifics of what we're doing we do want to talk about really exciting new tech that's coming with Phase 2 we've had this in limited testing on live both in classic of its various flavors and modern for quite some time and we've seen some very positive results from it and so we we want to set expectations that you know there's never going to be a time where where World of Warcraft or really any online game is going to be completely free of Bad actors and malicious accounts but uh we are very positive about the results we've seen from this new tech and we're really excited to see another big paradoxically as well kind of the more effective we are at some of these things the the the more outwardly visible uh the Bad actors can become uh a lot of times following many of our band waves you may actually see increased bot activity uh as bot Farms essentially Spa spin up new accounts and start over oh true yeah but there's been a few instances of of this happening we do a large bandwave and then everyone you know I see videos posted online of streams of bots going from one part of the world to the other but when you see that stuff and when you report it it actually helps us clamp down on that new method as well and it gets it gets into it gets the the bot Farms into a position where it they are constantly kind of two steps forward and like two steps backwards so that is really helpful and as much as it's frustrating to see we really want to encourage you to just to continue to help us by reporting things and we're going to continue to do exhaustive work on our side for this issue always frustrating thing never easy to talk about but we really appreciate your patience with this so the last topic uh that we really want to talk about and this is kind of a big one here we go uh is just jumping right into it starting with phase two of season of Discovery we're we're going to be experimenting with a new policy change gdkp will no longer be permitted in season of Discovery Realms and to kind of recap uh for anyone who does not know what gdkp or gold bid uh raids or dungeons are it's essentially a raid or a dungeon run where the loot rules uh uh is that all loot that is uh distributed is essentially purchased with gold so items the twitch chat is just full of W's and one guy goes L like dude an item will drop it's then put up for bid uh by the loot master or whoever's doing the loot uh and interested B parties then bid gold for the item and the highest bid wins and when the gold is received it's split within the participants of the raid this is something we've been discussing for a very long time on wild classic and it's not a decision we've arrived at LLY it's fair to say that GD KP has some benefits to individuals who don't want to be tied to a traditional Guild or set raise schedule and gkps are while largely transactional another social activity in the game and we're always hesitant to discourage anything that gets people in groups and playing together however we do remain concerned that gdkp erodes traditional Guild and social structures that are in many cases the basis of our most fond memories of original World of Warcraft and it's undeniable that gdkp contributes to and drives a lot of malicious accounts elicit activity rmt botting all of the things we just talked about season of Discovery is highly experimental in its nature and we're gonna we take chances and this is another chance we're taking uh we want to give an honest try to a version of World of Warcraft without gdkp present and this is our best opportunity for that so as of the launch of phase 2 on February 8th gdkp will no longer be permitted in season of Discovery uh we're going to release uh additional Communications with a little another FAQ to kind of go with this FAQ talking about this and you know once we do we'll have that posted on forums and stuff we'd really like to hear uh what you think um and we're going to really monitor feedback closely on this this ultimately this is a test and ultimately this decision came as a result of your feedback and so uh you know we want to hear more of what you think of this we want to hear how it goes as we move through this next phase and if it doesn't work out we'll revisit this policy for future phases we really appreciate everyone who has expressed that feedback and concerns on this topic thank you okay I have a lot of questions the first and most obvious question to me is how do you enforce this if GD KPS are banned are people going to call it something slightly different and mail the gold after right like how are you going to enforce this that's like my number one question uh the second thing I want to mention is I like this last bullet we want to give it a try let's see what happens right A lot of people have been asking for this for a very long time maybe we're all wrong but let's try it and see the outcome I love it I love I love the uh humility there instead of Blizzard just being like this is what we're doing and you're going to like it it's like here here player base this is what you've been asking for let's try it and see how it does in practice cuz in theory maybe it's good but in practice maybe it sucks ass so here try it out have some fun oh this sucks let's remove it I love that versus this is what we're doing and that's it cuz we said so you know like this is cool I like that all right so why do I think gdkp ban is a w well the most obvious reason is because you can buy gold on websites and people do it all the time and when people buy gold then you uh collect a lot of a lot of gold go into a gdkp and you're essentially buying items with real life money and that becomes transactional and that becomes trash right it ruins it it it ruins and undermines the entire gaming experience of why we play wow it uh it sucks right for for lack of a better term it sucks gkps when you buy gold suck now let me also say this in a perfect world if no gold buying ever took place I actually love gkps I think they're very unique I think they're a very smart system and when I first heard about them I'm like that's brilliant you can either make gold or you can bid gold on items like it's it's really at its core fundamental um aspect of gkps are awesome I'm a huge fan but that's not the world we live in that's not reality reality is people buy gold they're incentivized to buy gold and gold buying continues to happen gold sellers continue to profit off of it and then people undermine the entire social aspect of wow join a gkp get full gear and then end up quitting or whatever anyway and that sucks that's a massive L for the game so we have two different conversations going here what GD KPS could be if gold selling didn't exist but since gold selling does exist the conversation I think is more productive to have is since gold selling does exist and you can't ever fully get rid of it removing an incentive to buy gold is probably a good thing to combat Bots to combat gold buying and to combat gold selling and to restore fundamental social aspects of the game so that is why I think gdkp bands are a massively Big W from blizzard I still have the questions of how do you what's the accountability here what are you going to do just permanently ban accounts you are giving them temp banss are you making it like how are you actually going to police this thing because I don't know how it's going to be possible realistically I don't I don't actually know um but yeah that I think that I think that pretty much explains now we do have a follow-up blue post so before I even talk about this too much there is a brand new blue post that just came out nine minutes ago gkps in season of Discovery okay starting with phase two of sod we're going to experiment with the policy change okay yeah no more we will no longer support or allow gdkp gold beds yeah what's the gdkp why is it being restricted we we know exactly what gkps are you buy with gold um yep it's fair to say gkps has some benefit F individuals who wanted to be tied to a guild or set raid SC be raids are well mostly transactional nature and other social activity in the game or hesitant to discourage anything yeah so we've pretty much heard all of this right um it creates this arms raise people uh incentivizes rmt and Bing it's just yeah it's just not good in the world that we live in we've seen a lot of feedback and request from players for us to try putting restrictions on the system and since sod is highly experimental in its nature this seems like a good opportunity to try to support a version of wow without jkp great yeah cool all right so what EX constitutes a gold bid we're defining gdkp as a Raider dungeon where items are rewarded in exchange for gold please not we have multiple detection methods for gdkp that are effective both in and outside of dungeons okay so they detective methods I'm really curious can you not trade gold for items people will just do it after I I'm I'm really curious how this actually going to work what are the penalties okay great question account actions up to and including suspension and permanent account closure whoa who whoa I was not expecting that I was I I I is that a d yeah I mean is is there a better is there an alternative way I I mean I wouldn't want to see someone get banned for accidentally doing this or like trying to think is there a better way another way you could do it more systematically is to remove Master looting but then that would suck too or like remove the 2hour trade window or something or make the trade window like 10 minute no you could just do it after every boss I don't know I'm trying to think of like a way that you just make it so it's physically impossible to do in the game versus Banning people I don't know I don't know personal loot yeah I don't know okay so you're they're literally I'd have to think about that more but yeah they're literally just going to ban people okay um that's all right when exactly does the policy go into effect will act the policy alongside to release of P2 um on February 8th at 1 p.m. all right guys no more buying gold all right if you buy gold just get out of here man all right no more buying gold no more gkps none of that trash all right we're playing video games okay does this policy change affect wow era classic hardcore wrath or any other version no so I actually am like okay I I agree with this but if this change is successful I would love to see it go through other versions but we'll see we'll see if people end up liking it um or if or if people end up not liking it i I mean I I can't see it as anything but a w but hey um if it is a w rolling it out to the other version so Wow might be a really cool idea I don't know um yeah like well time will tell time will tell um have there been any changes to policies around what is allowed to be advertised in Trad or looking for group chat yes to go along with the updated policy it's no longer permitted to adver gold B to get P runs wow so that's the update right there that's the update man that's wild I I can't believe I can't believe they're doing it I can't believe they're doing it now Mitch can't play the game Mitch didn't even do GD GPS did he so it'll all be done in a Discord instead of in game I'm that that's that's my point I'm curious about detection methods and how they're going to actually police this thing yes he did he did a few of them but he didn't do them like that consistently right I mean it's just here and there it's not like he needs them someone was like oh Mitch is over Discord sh get appear going to get suspended then cry about it being found out in suspended yeah we'll see we'll see if they uh if they actually we'll see how good they are at finding the people that do gkps and actually Banning them if if GD KPS are actually over I don't know like I said man in a perfect world I wish gkps could exist because I think they're brilliant I think I I like them a lot in a perfect world but we don't live in a perfect world we live in a flawed world where people just buy gold and undermine the entire social aspect of the entire game and they buy the gold they join they you know you want to know why I'm more personally affected by this like I I'm just going to give you guys one example of something that's happened to me I've joined at gdkp and I'll I'll keep these players Anonymous I won't say their names to buy the Turning tide on Wrath of the Lich King cuz I was going for rank one deadly Gladiator and I wanted that turning tide season five Wrath of the Lich King baby we get into The Raid we're farming knacks and the Turning tide drops and I'm over here I farmed out like 30k gold or something it like I farmed out like a lot of gold turning tide drops and a known gold buyer who by the way was invited into the gdkp mid run because he's a known shark meaning p people that run the gdkp want him in the run because they know he's going to bid on every item that drops over bid it so they make more money so he joins midun because he's a known shark known gold buyer has infinite Pockets the Turning tide drops and he puts up a 100K gold instantly no one else has no anywhere near 100K gold and I don't get the Turning tide after having more gold than anyone else besides the gold buyer in the in the group and it completely ruined my excitement for wrath the Lich King rating completely yed from a gold buyer now why is this relevant it's relevant because these gold buyers will always be there there's no way to get rid of them completely there is no way for that situation to not occur besides Banning gkps from the system that's just how it goes right um you either buy the gold or you don't get the or you don't get the loot I mean yeah iig guess TTV thanks for the prime Zona thanks for the twitch Prime Kazar thanks for the prime smash the keys thanks for the prime Apex thanks for the prime if I miss you guys thank you for the subs from the bottom of my heart I'm a little uh I'm lagging on the primes today [Music] man massive W's all around yeah W decision fgd KPS tones thanks for the prime can we get can we get W's or L's in the chat for this change just W's or L's W's or L's all around GameStop stock in the background oops okay let's one wwwwwwwwwwwww ww W there's an L here there there is one L there is an L www L there's two L's wwwwww okay okay I just wanted to make sure okay so yeah most people are very excited now we'll see how it plays out in practice you know what I'm saying we'll see what happens
Channel: Xaryu
Views: 121,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Classic WoW, Xaryu, Hardcore Classic, World of Warcraft Hardcore
Id: xB94gSUTZkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 42sec (3342 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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