The FASTEST Mage AoE XP in Phase 2 Season of Discovery | Camps - Runes - Talents

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hey everyone zigger here I think it's time to start talking about Phase 2 World of Warcraft season of Discovery it's around the corner here so I wanted to Showcase some of the locations that you can go ahead and AOE for experience to level from 25 to 40 for Phase 2 now there's a couple of ways to approach this fully World AOE or tag up with a spell cleave dungeon group RFK and a spell cleave group with like living bombs and whatnot is incredibly fast you can do the runs in about 9 10 minutes if you're pumping and know how to pull the middle channel the other option as you start to get a couple of levels is you could go into SM which I think a lot of people are going to be doing spell cleave groups in SM and uh Mages are quite suited for that starting at level 25 there is an option on Alliance side to do stockades now it is kind of a bit of a dry run it's not really too fancy you pull maybe about you know anywhere from 6 to 10 mobs and uh there's a bit of a pathing thing in front of the instance that you can kind of manipulate the mobs and you just load up on living bombs and uh living flame and you go to town and you rinse and repeat and you pull as much as you want for about 15 minutes and then you can go ahead and reset the dungeon and do that over and over now that in itself is going to be Bar None the fastest way to level um starting at level 25 if you want to challenge yourself and you're on Alliance that is an option but mostly we're going to Showcase where you could go World AOE if the competition isn't too steep on your server so talking about level 25 right at the rip my recommendation would be the uh red Ridge NES there's some pull examples here that we'll have that'll go over some of your options and you can kind of pull it depending on how comfortable things are for you there's about three pulls roughly that you can kind of um bang out here it's already pretty high contention on our servers for cloth and for leveling in that 20 range but if you can kind of get out ahead of the pack the next spot is going to treat you nice and one last thing when it comes to the red Ridge nles I would recommend doing this even if you're on a fresh Mage doing this anywhere between 22 levels 22 and 27 that's where I would recommend red Ridge NES to be once you get to about 27 uh it starts to roll off quite a bit and your option past that would be the duskwood wargin now the duskwood wargin I would recommend probably going there no earlier than level 28 if you go a little bit earlier than that you might run into some resistance issues as you can find some level 30s there but I would recommend and if you're going to go to the duskwood wargin I would recommend 28 to 32 for that zone there's a couple of areas um that you can kind of utilize again you can layer swap but make sure not to do it too often cuz not sure exactly how often you can swap layers but I think it's around four five times per like 20 minutes or or a half hour someone can correct me in the comments but uh there is a limitation to how many times that you can layer swap as some of you in the wild classic space may know that was something that was utilized quite heavily in the very first world 60 which was done by Joker layer swapping is absurd experience so there's this camp that we're at right now and then there's kind of another little area by some caves that you can uh go ahead and do some AOE pulls there one two pulls and you're kind of done and you can kind of bounce back between these two locations tree cover makes this annoying there are more pools that you can do but these are probably the two most common areas that you're going to go ahead and farm these duskwood wargin now you do get another option here in duskwood that a little bit lower than the wargin as well you can Farm These ghouls that are at the graveyards and whatnot it's a pretty hot spot for uh AOE as well and there's also a couple of quests in that area so depending on when you hit it you could double dip or just do it for the experience but you can have this as an option as well so wargin or these ghoul camps but again I would probably sit anywhere between you know 28 to 32 because at 32 something really good opens up and that is the arrai Highland orc goek Farm now the arrai area here is absurd you can start it at about 32 there are a couple of mobs that run around at about 34 and I think there's 135 every so often but it is doable just be safe I did this on Hardcore as well it's totally doable there's two camps and eventually you can do this All in three poles to and then you know there'll be a little bit of waiting but you can do it on a cycle with ice block you do one full camp on ice block you do the other camp on ice block and then you kind of have a filler pull that you're going to go ahead and do towards the end uh where the silos are you can kind of clean it all up and then every so often there will also be one of the quest Courier it's a group of five that will spawn and you can kind of pull them if they're available there as well to beef up one of the pools they're uh forsaken bodyguards also a quest item so you can kind of double dip there but for this location I would recommend that you could stay there um or start there rather at 32 I highly recommend that and you can even push this all the way to 40 if you choose to there is another location that we'll talk about here really quick the wrathy orc camps are amazing it's steady Freddy and especially as you get closer to that 38 it does roll off quite a bit that 37 38 it starts to really roll off cuz you get into the green mob status but uh if nobody if there's no contention I mean obviously you can just kind of keep banging it out and it's pretty chill throwing some tunes and you're good to go the other location that I recommend is something that you can start at 38 and that is going to be the dust swallow murlocs very popular 38 is where you can kind of start this and um on Hardcore this can be a little sketchy but if you're safe about it you should be okay there's a couple of patrols one that happens in this first area that we're uh highlighting kind of runs around the island and then there's another Patrol that runs up and down the beach so you just have to be mindful of it at some point you're going to run into this and you're going to see what I'm talking about and know what to look out for but starting at 38 you can go ahead and pull this island and then there's also a little spot that's up towards the ramp here that kind of has some tree cover and a couple of camps there that's the easier of the two pole um depending on who you ask but either way you can utilize your ice blocks however you want and eventually you're going to have ice barrier which makes this uh tremendously easy in comparison to not having ice barrier ice barrier is massive especially when your ice blocks are down taking that damage as you're trying to get the pull alt together but some really good experience here I recommend starting no earlier than 38 for most you can game it but 38 is a comfortable level and technically you can do this up to 43 which later on will we'll cover some other AOE stuff in phase three for the 40 to 50 range some of the locations that you can do and uh shred it up now like I said earlier the fastest way to level is going to be especially on the Alliance side stockades if you can kind of get in there and just grind it out you could probably do that up until about 31 very very comfortably and you can almost blend that right into going into say a wrathy goek farm or you can just finish out the dwood uh wargin and then kind of blend over there at 32 cuz I do recommend 32 for it you're going to have SM group options spell cleave options you're going to have RFK options for uh at least you know a chunk of six levels seven levels and then you can even do more of the instance uh as you guys get stronger but there's kind of a middle Channel there in RFK uh with all the bores that is really really lucrative and you can go all the way to the end and kill some of the humanoids as well it's great experience and uh you can do that in about 9 to 10 minutes so it can kind of scale as you want if you're doing a group the other option too is you can do uh RFD which is right across the street from RFK RFD has um some options and some really good gear in there too depending on your class so not a bad option and again it's always going to be good in SM I think a lot of people on The Horde side they'll probably get a group together with their friends and just honestly live in SM for pretty much all the way up to 40 if they wanted to Armory is insane for experience same with Cathedral even graveyard is really really good um for an entry you can kind of slingshot from graveyard into Armory you just basically have to run library for the the key and then you're good to go so you can do pretty much any option there World AOE is always an option but each server is going to be a little bit different in terms of contention and whether or not you can kind of get that space But try changing layers right on ours Lone Wolf about 10 layers uh always going if not more so just see what makes most sense for you now talking about runes and specs without taking anything into account from P2 but we're going to talk about what's available to us now so probably recommend everybody run this that is living bomb living flame and regenerate that Trio right there is something that I recommended for 1 to 25 when it came to leveling and it's honestly just really really strong putting a regen Rune on yourself or others and then comboing that up with living flame is absurd healing it scales with however many targets it hits and uh if it goes untouched without like a Target cap I can see mag is just doing crazy stuff in Phase 2 for now those are the three that I recommend because they can be comboed very very well now talking about the talent calculator for Mages I would recommend and a couple of options though option one looks something like this this is probably what I would do pre-level 40 pre ice barrier access you get ice barrier technically at level 40 because you get enough points to throw into the frost tree you would have two into Arcane cability three in Arcane focus and then you would get your full Arcane concentration cuz CLE casting is absurdly strong especially when you're dealing with limited Mana pools however some people are going to be pretty stacked with gear they're you know they're going to have high Mana pools so it might not be that big of a thing so it could be a lower priority and then over on the frost side I am a big fan of Elemental Precision because that also helps for blizzard resists and uh all of that sort of fun stuff then the Frost warding goes a long way for the extra armor and then you're going to want to go 22 uh Frost Nova and then 33 into permafrost it combos well with anything blizzard wise you're going to have the one into piercing ice you're going to have three into improved blizzard and one into the gold snap that gives you the next tier here which then two goes into Arctic reach three in Frost channeling and then that last 21st point is going to go into ice block cuz ice block pairs really well with large pulls and you can also cold snap and then Force another ice block or your second pull just to keep the frequency up now I recommend this build be uh even with the runes that we were talking about um because I do think that when you go to pull a big mob or a big uh group of mobs you can go ahead with an ice block or getting that Nova down and as you're kind of getting your distance from them you can kind of tap a regen Rune on you and then throw the living flame out and then go in to your improved blizzard and when that all kind of comes together it's going to be absurd damage and uh your uptime for PS are going to be huge as long as the mobs are there or the layer swaps complement you as well and that's even much the same when it comes to dungeon cleave as well I I recommend that as well because again that living flame Cleaves on as many targets are in the fire and that it's going to combo nice with your improved blizzard now in terms of priority like what do you go first what do you go second again personal preference for most but what I do is I would do frost up to at least improve Pro blizzard ASAP because that's uh incredibly valuable or the slow more damage goes out mobs are slower Etc I would probably focus on clear casting last and I would fill out this tree on the frost side up until what you see and then I would start over on the Arcane side yes Arcane uh concentration is good for Clear casting but honestly this toolkit right here is the cookie cutter when it comes to AE for the Mage side now at level 40 it's kind of whatever you'd like you can pretty much go any spec so if I was going AOE only this is probably what I would um prioritize if I wanted ice barrier for P2 this just gives me a lot of strength in the AOE space with the improved blizzard the permafrost the extra Frost warding Again by this point with the gear that we're seeing in sod the Mana pools are starting to spike so concentration kind of goes down lower on my priority I put full into piercing ice because that's 6% and that also works towards your blizzard as well the one point in improved Kona cold is kind of nice too because it's 15% versus the second and third is's only 10% per and then that goes into ice bear uh I don't recommend Winter's chill and I don't even recommend it for PVE it's something that the math might be a little off it's been a long time but when I first started playing wild classic I think you need something like seven Mages with one running Winter's chill to be a net plus can't remember the exact math behind there but wouldn't worry about Winter's chill almost in any case now this is just for AOE all right so for PVP this is kind of what it would look like there's a couple of sub of changes depending on how you want to flow this but I would get five out of five on improved Frost bolt because that is something that I'm going to be um Casting frequently whether it's a Max rank or a rank one now for PVP you need a uh for spellcasters anyways you need 3% to be capped for hit in PvP so if your gear has 3% you can go ahead and just drop this Elemental precision and you can change it over into say Frost channeling you know you could go one point into Pro Blizzard or whatever you want that's kind of a free Point even impr cor of cold cuz that's big damage as well it gives you 2% so most may be able to get that 1% elsewhere but something to keep in mind you do want 3% so I would recommend at least putting one point into LED Precision until you can have some shifting power there permafrost is something that you could shift out but the biggest benefit for PvP with frost is going to be the slow ability so konold gives a really nice slow ability and compounded with permafrost that allows you to be a little bit more Elusive and get your space do what you need to do so again you can be shimmying things around you could put one in there something like that if you really wanted to but honestly I would recommend it looking something again just like what you see here so five five and improve Frost bolt one into L Precision depending on your hit and then you're going to get everything in this row right here ice shards frostbite proof Frost Nova and permafrost can't tell you how many times frostbite procs although it only says 15% some people would argue that it's higher but it is great when it goes off now the biggest combo Wombo is going to be ice shards with uh shatter it's called your shatter combo this increases your crit strike from frost spells by 100% And shatter gives you a 50% increase on that against Frozen targets so when frostbite procs that is a frozen Target if Frost Nova goes out that is a frozen Target so it's very good together col naap is always a bread and butter with ice block it just gives you options also refreshes your Frost Nova Arctic reaches incredibly good especially for K of cold hits it allows you to almost keep that sweet spot that dead zone if you think about a hunter that dead zone between range and melee this is kind of what helps you get your dead zone against people as well another thing that I recommend too is jumping so there's a whole other conversation here that we could have about leeway but the quick tldr of leeway is depending on how you're running so if you're running holding W your hit box is the largest if you're side strafing it becomes a little smaller and if you're backpedaling it is the smallest also jumping changes your leeway so on that compounding uh with arctic reach when you jump and you say hit Nova or you hit con of cold your range actually increases so it's incredibly important to kind of weave that into your gameplay try to jump when you're trying to get that extra little bit of range and you'll notice a bit of a difference now again Frost channeling is something that you can drop out and shift over a couple of points if you don't really care for the reduced Mana cost it is something that is not overly needed for PVP you could drop another Point put it into improve con of cold only run one point in there or you could even drop both points and drop it into Elemental Precision giving you 4% and that PDP hit cap that is an option too and like I said a little bit earlier we're going to see a lot higher Mana pools going into phase 2 so I do think that that is something that you could look at or consider as an option so once you get that roll with the Arctic reach and frost channeling however you want to do it again you're going to make sure that you get five out of five shatter you got your ice block and then that goes into ice bear so this right here is what I'm most likely going to run uh chances are if I don't have the correct hit like I said I'm going to drop another point point out of frost channeling and go into Elemental precision and I'm still undecided if I'm going to keep one point in there I'll see how my Mana pool is in certain fights and make a decision there but that 15% on Kona cold is massive and super strong against melee so this is what my PVP build would look like in P2 now I think that covers most things for P2 I do plan on doing a video for P3 and P4 just talking about different things AOE different things PVP if you guys like the content feel free to hit the like And subscribe we are live every day except for Wednesdays on Twitch and kick and we get a lot of offline content different highlights and whatnot on YouTube we also have a wonderful Discord Community if you guys want to uh join on up or look for new homies to play games with we are on Lone Wolf Alliance to run a community Guild here and everybody is welcome so have fun in Phase 2 I know I'm looking forward to it and uh Happy Hunting if you have any questions let us know
Channel: Zeegers
Views: 64,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zeegers, guide, warcraft, world of warcraft, wow, wow classic, classic wow, wow classic plus, classic wow plus, blizzcon 2023, season of discovery, world of warcraft classic, the last titan, wow season of discovery, season of discovery wow, mage guide, aoe guide, mage aoe, aoe experience, aoe xp, wow xp guide, wow exp guide, season of discovery mage, phase 2, p2, stockade, rfk, sm, scarlet monastery, one pull
Id: 74TKdDZy63Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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