Season of Discovery: All 12 Runes For Horde Druid in SoD

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so the very first Rune that we are going to get is a quest it's called relics of the torn you'll get it at the Toren starting spot here um in mulgore and you're going to have to come to the Bramble blade Ravine now once you are here you just have to run um all the way to the back corner it's going to be a little little up here but I'm going to show you that path to run it and it will reward you with an amazing awesome Rune that um is really good for Druids it's Fury of storm rage which reduces the Mana cost of Wrath by 100% and each time you deal damage with wrath you have a 12% chance to for your next cast of healing touch to within 15 seconds to be instant it makes DDS so fun and so fast when you're fighting all these Ms Ms it's really something awesome and so we're almost here in this back area here to get the Rune and then I'll show you the location here um it's just right about back here if I had a m this would be a lot quicker I actually thought about just logging in the Wrath classic to show you guys the locations and stuff but I just wanted to show you sort of how to navigate to this back corner as well um the mobs here are level like three and four and some of them are five so just be careful if you're really really low because they will definitely you know kill you and that would suck and then so it is right up here this is where the loot cache is and I I've seen other classes come here to get it as well not just um Druids so you can come right here you loot this chest all righty guys that's it for this first Rune we will now show you where the sun fire Rune is so see when we get there all right guys so in order to get the next run Sunfire you're going to come right here just outside of the starting area before you get to blood ho Village there's a little ring right here and lunar shrines spawn they just look like rocks and you have to hit them with your Moonfire spell you will hit all three they'll be like right here here and here and then you come to this circle and you will loot a chest which will give you the Sunfire run and it is very very powerful so I would highly recommend that you pick this up on the way here uh there are the lunar Stones so you would shoot these with Moonfire all three of them and then you can get your chest right there so that's what you do in order to get the sun Von now next we are going to go get life balloon room which actually requires another person to do it so it would be really interesting so I'll see when we get there all righty guys so in order to get our third Rune you have to loot three of these Prairie flowers and then we have to get the Prairie crown and then we have to go over to this area right here for the wooden Effigy and use it on them I just want to show you what these Prairie flowers look like cuz they're all over the place and you just got to sort of get lucky and find them but anyway I will show you now the one FY and fighting the tree to get the seed of life rued so see when we get there voop all righty guys in order to get seed of life you have to come right here for this wooden Effigy after getting all three flowers and then you use this Prairie crown on the Effigy and it summons an elite tree that you have to fight and kill upon killing this tree you will get the Rune those prair flowers are pink and they are on the ground pretty easy to get and there it is Rune of natural potential you learn that and you get your seed uh living seed which is really good for healing but anyway guys that's it for this one the next one is going to be life Bloom so we're going to go over and do that one together so I will see when we get there all righty guys for the life Bloon Rune you're going to come to the Venture Co mine and you are going to go in and clear it out and get to the back of it I just sort of wanted to show you the area that you started at and then you have to clear pretty much the Entre ire way there cuz these mobs are level8 Nish um you can pair it with the quest to kill the Venture Co people um which ultimately ends in killing supervisors but just be careful it can hyperspawn I know it's not hardcore so it doesn't really matter if you die but we have to kill our way all the way back and you do need other Druids to do this it is a ritual and it takes uh only uh you need at least two people I believe to do it I'm doing it for the first time so I'll let you know about that and I just looted Idol of Earth sign's Rage that's really interesting so that's going to be another Rune to get as well so that's pretty cool um but anyway we're going to head back here and I will show you the ritual when we get there so we are at the point where we are talking to this spirit and then we have to click it and then it's just like a summon and then you loot the Rune very easy so you just need to Druids one person clicks that like a summon summons the spirit we all loot the spirit you get the Rune of life which is life Bloom and it actually goes on your pants so I can go ahead and enchant this use it and I now have life Bloom which is really awesome uh Idol of Earth sign's rage so once I'm 10 and I do my bear Quest I learn a new ability after keeping your rage in bare form at 50 or higher for 60 seconds so that is the next next um Rune that we'll have so there's the five runes that I have found in bore all righty guys for our next runes here in the Barons you're going to come here and get at the Forgotten pools and get an abandoned egg from the abandoned stamp jaw egg and then you're are going to take it down to the pool with the turtles that gives you the uh that has the snapshot Turtles and you put the egg in the nest so I was just show you where to get the egg and then we're going to head over to the turtles and we'll put the egg in there to give you guys the lacerate Rune so I'll see when we get there all righty guys so after you got your egg from the first pool over here you come all the way to the Sant Oasis and there is an empty snap jaw Nest that you go ahead and you put this egg in and Bam you get that and you get the Rune of lacerate so nice bear ability if you're going bear tank just like that all righty I'll see you at the next Rune all righty guys so in order to get the fabled wild strikes Rune you're going to come here into ston toown mountains and you kill Grim totem Ruffians and Grim totem Sorcerers it pairs nicely with the quest avenge my Village as well you can probably come here level 14 to 16 whenever to kill these mobs and they will drop that rune for you it's really nice especially going in RFC it's that wind Fury you're going to use this Rune a ton so I'm going to kill these Ruffians I'll let you know how many it takes for me to get it and once I get it I will come back so I'll see you then all righty guys so we get the idol of the wild heal 10 different beasts then use this Idol to learn the ability so I'm not really sure what Beast you can necessarily heal but we'll uh I'll get back to you on that see if that healing that person helps heal myself no so it looks like I'll probably have to pair with a hunter or something CU I don't think uh or maybe if I'm in bare form we'll see if healing myself counts yeah so healing yourself in bare form counts so you can just go reju bam as you can see building inspiration it says oh different Beast so you only count as one so you need to find other Druids or um people in counter bear form and heal them to get it but that's it for that Idol and that is how you get wild strike so I will see you guys for the next Rune all righty guys so the last Rune we're going to be getting here is Savage Roar now it requires farming any centaurs here in the area they all have a chance to drop the kold car booty key and then you go to a few locations but this location is the easiest right here you come up here and you unlock this chest and get it as you can see someone else is doing it but it has no respawn so you can open this chest and you will then get your ferocious Idol now this Idol requires level 20 to unlock the Rune because you have to apply bleeding and as we can see here from this add-on you don't get a bleed until Level 20 which is Rip so just something to be aware of it's how you get that final Idol and that is the eighth Rune that we will have all righty guys for the Druid star surge Rune this is sort of the alliance Rune I think the horde one has yet to be discovered or it could be for both of us who knows um things are still yet to be discovered but we are over here in the wetlands we're in a little cave right here it's not necessarily cave but you talk to this dwarf and you say it sounds intriguing he gives you a marsh Rune which you eat at your own risk and if you're a horde player over here be very careful um these Raptors are 25 to 30 and they uh as you can see by my gear they did a lot of damage to me and then we are going to walk over here to a frog at about the cordinates uh right over here 3118 is what it says so the Frog should be right here on the Rock right here and then you eat the mushroom and you are able to talk to him um so there's a dead guy right here but yeah the Frog appears here and you should be able to talk to the Frog so I would just recommend waiting he should appear soon um but yeah he's just not at this stump right here so we'll wait here for him to appear eat the marro and and then we will talk to him so I will see you when we do that all righty guys so it turns out we actually had to eat the mushroom to see this guy and then you say give me your wisdom put it on to me thank you and we get the Rune of the Stars which we can go ahead and use and that will give us the star surge ability for the Druid so that's going to be it for Star surge on to the next one which these ones are quite a challenge so I'll do my best to show you guys see in the next one all guys so in order to get wild growth Rune you have to come to three uh owl statues that are hidden all throughout the world the first one is here in Northeast ashenvale at about 8743 right here in for song you will see this and then once you click on this and activate it you will have to fight through three waves of two level 25 enemies so it'll be pretty interesting I have my friend a coming to help us do this and we will blast this at level 22 hopefully we kill all the enemies and get the Rune so I'll see you when we start it all righty guys so we are going to click on this statue it is a cast and then we will have the Wisp summon and then we will have to kill some enemies so we'll see what this wisp does right here here it's probably going to go out there and start summoning some mobs but we have three level 25 three waves of two level 25 mobs so I have my friend aake here so we'll probably just uh split him so it looks like we got to defend the wasp and as Wisp and as you can see they are Level 20 uh 23 it's looking like very interesting I thought there' be a higher level but that's what my information said but nothing too hard nothing we can't handle we're two level 22 Druids doing this so there's time to drink in between them so that's good as well there are the 24 mobs so I'd imagine you want to make sure the Wisp does not die I think that is going to be the most important part of this because if the Wisp dies you probably fail so getting aggro of the mobs definitely way easier with two people and we can heal the whs up as well it does not oh okay so the whis health health does not go okay did did go back up but I could not heal it as you saw right there actually low on water so each of us taking one mob is our strategy so hopefully this goes pretty well but here are the last two and then this should be the last wave and we should get our Rune when we are done but yeah if you're soling this definitely be careful cuz these mobs hit pretty hard I would definitely wait till you're 25 if you're going to solo this part of the quest cuz these mobs definitely pretty hard to kill solo I don't think I could have done this so huge shout out to a for the help that was uh definitely much easier for that and I'd imagine the Wisp is going to go back or something I'm not sure that should be it oh oh there it is and now the gift of the Wisp is on the ground and we can each loot the symbol of the owl so oh it looks like we might have to do it again it looks like it is individual let me ask did you get it all is it solo okay he got it so we did it and the shrine was right there and he was able to pick it up so that's good to know all righty guys that's it for the first symbol of the owl we will head to the second one now all righty guys for the second statue of the owl you're going to head to dwood in the Twilight Grove and you are going to run back here to the moonwell area um luckily there are no green dragon spawn here or green dragon trash so we're pretty we locked out pretty well on that then you need to get eyes of the owl and you can see spirit beasts in dwood and then we are going to head out to the East here towards the Grove and look for the bore aegon to talk to so I will show you him when we get there all righty guys so after getting the shrine and sting all the way over here we have found Aon at about 6728 are my coordinates um we're around some other wolves so I'm just going to pull him and pull him back a little bit and then we do have to kill him but we should be pretty safe to do so and then is the putting his Spirit to rest he's just a normal level 25 not too hard to kill and then we kill them loot the Rune and then that is the second symbol of the owl so now we will go and get the third symbol and then we have to teleport to moonglade afterwards so I will see you guys when we do that all righty guys for part three of the wild growth Rune you have to come here in the in Southshore Hills bradf foot hills and you have to swim between these islands in 2 minutes and grab the twin owl statue now I everyone I've seen is started at this island so I want to be different and start at this island and give it a whirl so we are going to grab it and then we are going to go go go you got to have aquatic form to do this there's no other way that you are going to be able to do this in time without it um as far as dangers go I don't think there are many cuz you're too far off the coastline but just stay frosty be looking um you might be able to do this with swi swim potions if you don't have your aquatic form I haven't tested that but if you have aquatic you can make it in 2 minutes with ease um we're just going to be swimming here we're going to get that Rune um if you the only other way that I could think to do this is have some warlocks and Friends be at both islands and then summon you between the two too um that would be one way to do it you just start at one and get summoned to the other but you know that's a lot of effort that would take six other people to help you do this when you can simply just swim across so it won't take too long here now we are approaching the final Island we can get up here get this and we will get part three for the wild growth Rune and then we will have to take the all three parts go to moonglade and turn it in so these islands are a little tough to get up sometimes but you just keep that approach vector and you should be fine and there is the third symbol of the owl so we will do them all together and we will go to moonglade to get the final one so I'll see when we get there all righty guys so after successfully getting all three statues we come here to mlade you can just teleport as a druid talk to this guy get the trial of the owls have all three statues in your inventory turn it in and bam that is Rune of wild growth as well as it gives you 2,000 XP and 18 silver which is very very nice so bam we now have wild growth I am going to head to the next Rune to talk about in Ratchet so I'll see when we get there all righty guys so for the next Rune it is going to be survival of the fittest which is the druid tanking Rune now this Rune is takes a lot of steps because you have to unlock the secret Rune shop which is here in Ratchet we go to the southern part of Ratchet in the inn and then we have this Goblin here named grisbee now in order to talk to grisbee firsthand you have to have five gold in your inventory and then you have a little RP dialogue then you back up and talk to him again and then you have to complete these three quests in order to um have access to his shop to buy this Rune so fish oil is just 24 fish oil um this is going to be best farmed by The Horde in Wetlands unfortunately right around here there are murlocs that are level 25 to 27 that drop it quite frequently I found this to be the best place to farm it unfortunately is a little far out there but if you're going to get your star swords Rune you can also Farm the fish oil at the same time all the other ones are in the 30s that really dropped quite frequently so it can be a little scary to do then the next one is going to be dark iron ordinance um another place to farm these is also going to be Wetlands around here and then there are some 19 and 20 ones uh further south but those are heavily camped by the alliance so get a group here to do a least and then I'm unsure of it at this moment but I plan to go down here and check if these balun dark iron dwarfs dro the orance so I'll definitely put that in the comment section whether or not this works to farm them because they are dark iron dorfs and that'll be really nice for The Horde in order to get them then the final quest is the shredder turbo chargers now in order to get these you have to have an engineer go into the deadmines dungeon get the recipe drop from the shredder boss and then they have to have 135 engineering they learn it and then they make those so you're going to need to then get 16 of those things the mats to make Mar too much but unfortunately at this time on my server it is way too expensive the recipe was 15 gold for it and someone was selling five of them for six gold apop so right now it's a little too expensive for me to be able to unlock the shop fully but that is the process for and how you get the survival of the fittest run so I wanted to fully explain that so you guys understand and that is going to be it for the Rune and then the Rune costs five gold to buy it and then this shop is for all classes as well so if you have another alt or something one of your runes will be at this shop but anyway we're going to go to our last Rune which is also rep gated so I'll see when we get there all righty guys for the 12th and final Druid Rune skull bash the one that has been elusive elusive to everyone was finally discovered today and that Rune requires you to go to the durar supply in logistics people now in order to get rep from these people you've gotten like these crates that drop and say put 20 peace Bloom 20 copper ore 20 bruise weed those are just examples or some crafted items put them in a crate and deliver these crate for various amounts of reputation so upon doing that you get rep with them I'm only 1,800 out of 3K upon hitting friendly you can buy 10 slot bags for 45 silver and upon hitting honored for four gold and 50 silver you can get the skull bash room very similar to the secret shop every single uh player has a rune that is going to be behind this so every player every class so make sure you are turning in those Logistics packages and even if it is one that you can't do you can turn it in empty and still get reputation so you can definitely always be getting them and if you even fill up if you say one drops and you have 20 piece Bloom you fill up that package another one is able to drop and you can essentially have two you can have as many filled packag on you as you can hold so that's something important to mention when you're talking about this rep but yeah just make sure you're doing those crates you can even buy them off the auction house tournament it'll help you out a ton if you made it to the end of this video thank you so so much for watching it truly means a lot to me if you happen to find anyone that you know would also benefit from watching this video please please please share it with them it helps me out a ton and allows me to keep doing what I love every single day and that is gaming and sort of helping people any way that I can so finally thank you so much and I hope you have a fantastic day goodbye
Channel: KaghoeGaming
Views: 86,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow classic, season of discovery, classic wow, season of discovery wow, wow classic season of discovery, world of warcraft classic, sod class changes, kaghoe, sod kagho, Fury of Stormrage, druid runes sod, sod druid runes, season of discovery druid runes, Sunfire Rune, Living Seed rune, mangle, idol of ursine rage, Starsurge Rune, Savage Roar Rune, Wild Strikes Rune, Lifebloom Rune, Wild Growth Rune, Lacerate Rune, Skull Bash Rune, Survival of the Fittest Rune, horde druid
Id: vxInGAFdeQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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