Toddler Learning with Ms Rachel - Learn Zoo Animals - Kids Songs - Educational Videos for Toddlers

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hi friends I'm am so excited to learn about zoo animals and jungle animals with you today it's going to be so much fun can you do this rhyme with me a tweet a Roar and who's in the zoo playing peekaboo [Music] pikaboo it's an elephant good job wow it's an elephant can you act like an elephant with me H stop stop stop let's swing our trunks up and down up and down and side to side hoo that was so much fun stop stop stop we call a baby elephant a cat let's pretend that he can't find his [Music] mama uhoh can you say that uhoh the baby elephant can't find his mama can you help thank you let's call the mama's name m m [Music] m i see the mama I see the mama we need to walk through the top all grass to get to the mama can you help thank you walk with me walk qu qu we're walking through the Tall Grass walk walk walk walk walk walk we found her yay the calf is so happy to be with his mama [Music] again he says I love you I love you [Music] Mama I love you Mama Elephant drink so much water they drink so much water I like water too it's so good for [Music] us everybody clap everybody sing la la la la la bow to your and then you turn around hands in the air Rock by your bear bear now asleep sh sh Shar now [Music] asleep everybody clap everybody sing laow to your partner and then you turn [Music] around hands in the air Rock byar now asleep sh Shar now asleep sh Shar now asleep sh sh sh now asleep sh sh sh oh no oh oh no oh what what oh no oh what Loy he's fallen asleep uhoh Lock's falling asleep and we need him for the show can you help thank you how about on the count of three we say wake up Lucky ready 1 2 3 wake up luy thanks for wake me up everybody [Music] be let's play more more more Zoo peekaboo peekabo a twe a Roar and who's in the zoo playing pikaboo let's check pikao wow it's a [Music] gorilla wow baby gorillas are called infants how could we act like gorillas good idea gorilla we're gorillas be a gorilla with me walking around [Music] gorilla let's pretend that this gorilla can't find his dad can you help thank [Music] you h let's call his name d d d d d da d da I see the d d i see the d da he's up in the tree H he's up in the tree what should we do we could climb the tree okay let's climb the tree climb with me we're climbing the tree reach reach reach we're climbing a big tree we we did it we found the [Music] DAT the infant is so happy to be with his daddy gorilla again he's so happy to be with his daddy he loves his [Music] Daddy I love you Daddy Let's sing Row Row Row Your Boat together R rily merrily merrily merily life is but a dream this time let's pretend we see a crocodile r r r your boat gently down the stream if you see a crocodile don't forget to [Applause] scream it's so silly Miss Rachel do you know in Australia we have crocodiles wow what's your favorite animal ooh my favorite animal is a koala my favorite animal is a wonderful dingo oh well my favorite animal is AIA cat what's your favorite animal wow my favorite is a giraffe [Music] who is going to come out of the zoo next I don't know I don't know let's check we need to do our rhyme a tweet a Roar and O who's in the zoo playing peekaboo pika a boo wow friends wow it's a tiger family it's a tiger family wow let's count how many tigers there are [Music] one [Music] two three three tigers wow 1 2 3 a baby tiger is called a CB yeah the Cub is happy to be with her family this isect tigers can go so fast can you run fast like a tiger Ready Set let go running so fast like a tiger running so fast and stop running so fast like a tiger and stop running so fast like a tiger stop whoa that was awesome tigers are also really good at leaping can you leap like a tiger how would you do that show me wow I'm going to try leaping like a tiger too I can do it I can do it I can do it one two three we like a tiger peekaboo a tweet a Roar and who's in the zoo playing Pika boo peekaboo it's a lion can you say hi to the lion hello lion hello lion how can we act like a lion what do you think oh by roaring that's a good idea Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar as loud as you can roar did you know a lion's roar is so loud it can be heard from five miles away wow let's count to five 1 2 3 four five Lazy Lion la la Lazy Lion laying around all day Lazy Lion Lou and lazy lion doesn't even want to [Music] play sleeps in the Sun and under trees his kind of fun is catching some z's oh Lazy Lion lowkey lazy lion sleeping the day away Lions love to sleep they love to sleep they sleep 20 hours a day that's so many hours hey let's count to 20 together one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 what is the opposite of big yes the opposite of big is small what is the opposite of loud yes the opposite of loud is quiet sh what is the opposite of full yes the opposite of full is empty good job the next animal is the tallest animal in the world do you know what it [Music] is peekaboo what was that peekaboo did you see that H peekaboo what was it oh you're right it's a giraffe wow the giraffe is the tallest animal in the [Music] world how could we pretend to be a giraffe good idea let me see you do it wow I'm going to try being a giraffe too reaching up so high so tall giraffes are the tallest animal in the world wow I'm a giraffe eating leaves can you eat leaves like a giraffe yummy leaves we're really tall [Music] giraffes everybody grab your ticket follow me come inside the zoo there's so much to see look at how the elephants are stomping their feet look at that giraffe had having leaves to eat walking at the zoo walking at the zoo me and you walking at the zoo walking at the zoo do do I can see an A and her egg and a pink flamingo standing on one leg I can see a peacock prancing around and a lazy lion laying on the ground walking at the zoo walking at the zoo me and you walking at the zoo walking at the zoo do dooo swinging around like a monkey in a tree swimming around like the Penguins 1 2 three look at how the sloth moves really slow cheetah are fast they go go go now let's wait goodbye to the big baboon bye-bye Zoo we'll see you soon walking at the zoo walking at the zoo me and you walking at the zoo walking at zoo a tweet a Roar and o o o who's in the zoo playing Pika boo you did it boo boo Pika boo [Music] wow I'm okay what is that friends yes yes that's right yes it's a penguin it's a penguin how do penguins walk can you show me wow you're right they waddle around waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle waddle we're pengin water water water water water water water [Music] uh oh can you say that uh oh the penguin needs to eat we have to feed the penguin the penguin needs to eat the penguin needs to eat H I know we need to crawl through the ice tunnel and feed the penguin a fish can you help the penguin is so hungry the penguin is so hungry let's crawl together let's [Music] go we made it through the the tunnel get out your fish here's the fish penguin oh the Penguin's eating the fish thank you so so much friends we did it we fed the penguin of fish say I did it I did it I did it I'm proud of [Music] myself do you know what this is it's an egg it's an egg from my refrigerator so that means a chicken laid it but I'm pretending that it's a penguin egg penguins lay eggs and they protect them and keep them warm can you pretend to keep an egg really warm like a penguin they have to keep it warm from the really cold weather keep your egg warm how could we keep it so warm keep it so warm warm warm up your egg yeah penguins lay [Music] eggs come on let's jump come on let's jump it's fun to do it's fun to do like a kangaroo like a kangaroo come on let's sleep come on let's sleep la la la la la la la la like a coala like a coala come on let's jump come on let's jump it's fun to do it's fun to that's like a kangaroo like a kangaroo nice hopping Herby how many zebras are there let's count them 1 2 3 4 five there are five zebras great job a tweet a Roar and who's in the zoo playing Pika oh you did it pika boo Pika boo Hi zebra it's a zebra can you say hi to the zebra hi zebra hi zebra did you know that every zebra has different Stripes no to zebras are the same just like us we're all unique and we all have something special to give the world yeah you have something unique and special to give the [Music] world can you Gallop like a zebra with me Galloping like a zebra Galloping like a zebra Galloping fast and Galloping slow Galloping fast and Galloping slow Galloping fast Galloping slow Galloping fast Galloping slow Galloping fast Galloping slow and taking a ding ding ding ding ding ding ding it's time to get up and do zebra things Anthony what kind of animals do you have in Australia oh Herby great question we have koalas they're very cuddly animals and they like to sleep in the trees oh like lucky exactly like lucky although he falls asleep in cars and on stage yeah I suppose he might fall asleep in a tree as well yeah you know what else we have kangaroos and they're big bouncy animals yeah I know those they hop like this hop hop hop hop that's exactly how they hop well done Herby do you know what they have baby kangaroos and they're called joy and they live in the mother's pouches oh so if I was a baby kangaroo I would be Herby the Joey exactly you would be a very cute kangaroo and you would be Herby the Joey what do you call a lazy kangaroo I don't know what do you call a lazy kangaroo a pouch potato pouch potato pouch potato yes pouch potato pouch [Music] potato [Music] pika boo you did it look who came out the little monkey came out because you said boo you did it what a cute monkey what does a monkey say [Music] yeah squirrel monkeys like to eat plants and fruit let's pretend that we're squirrel monkeys looking for some plants and fruit to eat come on do you see any up there oh wow what are those bananas yummy let's pick a banana reach your arm up and pick the banana let's peel it peel the banana and now we can eat the banana we can eat the [Music] banana is yours yummy mine is so yummy pretending to eat the fruit [Music] that was fun yum oops can you pretend to be a banana with me go like this and pretend you're a banana wow okay are you ready bananas Unite peel bananas peel peel bananas peel bananas peel peel bananas chop bananas Chop Chop bananas chop bananas Chop Chop bananas Mash bananas Mash mash bananas Mash bananas Mash mash bananas eat bananas eat eat bananas eat bananas eat eat bananas go bananas [Music] yes that was so fun great [Music] job say the rhyme nice and Loud a tweet a Roar and O oo o who's in the zoo playing pikoo yay can you clap Pika [Music] boo wow friends how many animals do we [Music] have one two two animals we have a hippo and a polar bear H how are these animals [Music] different yeah they're different colors the hippo is gray and the polar bear is White H how else are they different ooh I know so what kind of weather does the polar bear like the polar bear likes when it's cold and the hippo likes warm weather yeah the polar bear likes cold and the hippo likes hot weather hot and cold are opposites how are these two animals the same H I'll give you some hints they both like to do something in the water they both like to do something that looks like this what is it can you guess they both like to swim good job they both like to [Music] swim last let pretend to be polar bears and hippos swimming what would that look like yeah which one are you pretending to be I'm pretending to be a polar bear in the cold weather polar bear's front paws help them swim now I'm pretending to be a hippo in the warm weather I'm a hippo I'm pretending to be a [Music] hippo remember to never swim or go in the water unless you're with a grownup which elephant is the biggest yes this one great job if you should meet an elephant Upon a summer's day what would you do and what would you say say good morning elephant how do you do lovely morning elephant now may I dance with you [Music] [Music] gorillas make a new nest every day let's help the gorillas make their new Nest today what can we use around the house to make a for 10 gorilla [Music] Nest wow I'm going to use pillows and blankets to make the nest I'll pretend that the pillows and blankets are sticks and leaves making a gorilla Nest what's your nest like making a gorilla Nest it looks so cozy I'm getting in my [Music] Nest I'm so sleepy sleepy can you pretend to sleep in your gorilla [Music] Nest wake up I'm tired again I need more sleep I need more sleep good night sweet dreams [Music] gorillas wake up we're so silly we need to wake up and learn about more animals can you point to your nose point to your nose you did it pointing to our nose pointing to our nose gorillas have different noses just like we have different fingerprints that's so cool let's see how many animals we can put on the base elephant on Lion on tiger on Wow giraffe on gorilla on whoa whoa parrot on it's getting higher zebra on oh it fell down I think I'll try [Music] again I feel frustrated I think I need to take a deep breath it's okay to be [Music] frustrated I'll try again now gorilla on zebra on Bird on oh it fell over that's okay sometimes when we build things they fall over but it's okay it's fun to build which animal is taller the giraffe or the zebra yes the giraffe giraffes are the tallest animals in the world what's that it's a flamingo yeah what color is it pink that's my favorite color what's your favorite color oh wow let's see if we can stand on one leg like a flamingo do you think we could do it it's pretty hard but you can do hard things I can do hard things wo wo wo I fell down but that's okay I can always get back up again what's that yes yes you got it right yes it's a snake how could we act like a snake yeah maybe slithering on the ground can you make a snake sound [Music] that's also the sound of the letter yes good job how could we act like a snake good idea you have great ideas I'm going to try that too slithering like a snake slithering like a snake [Music] we're slithering like snakes what's that it's a tan how could we act like a tan what do you think how would you act like a toucan oh wow I like that I'm going to try it we have a big beak what's that yeah it's a kangaroo how could we act like kangaroos I like that idea hop hop hop we're kangaroos hop hop hop let's put our kangaroo baby in our pouch put the kangaroo baby in the pouch hop hop hop it's fun being a kangaroo Let's Pretend We're seals on the rocks can you clap your flippers like a seal clap clap clap clap clap clap we're clapping our flippers like a seal that was [Music] fun do you have any blocks at home ask a grownup to get out some blocks let's build a pretend Zoo together I'm so excited I love building I made a sign for the zoo it says Miss Rachel's Zoo you can make a sign too for your zoo H how can we use these blocks to make a [Music] zoo I'm going to use the blocks to keep the animals in the zoo yeah we want to keep the animals in the zoo right here we go building a [Music] zoo I like like building things that I imagine you have such a wonderful imagination what are you imagining for your zoo what other things could we use to make a zoo that's a good idea you have great [Music] ideas I covered these blocks with white paper so they can be ice for the Penguins you can also use tin foil I'm so happy to have some ice put the Penguin on the ice he likes it he likes it what color is this it's blue you can cut some blue paper to make water for the animals which animal really likes the cold weather and the cold water yeah the polar bear let's put him in the water put him in put him in put him in he's happy I love the water I love the water let's put the elephants in their area put them in put them in put them in the elephants are in their area they love it what do monkeys like to climb Yes trees how could we make the monkey a tree let's get a tall block oh it's a little tree for the monkey he likes it thanks for my tree I'm going to put the giraff in this area put her in put her in put her in the zoo she really likes this area I'm going to take keep my sign onto the block so we can make the [Music] entrance putting the tape [Music] on I did it making the entrance to the zoo now everyone will know who comes that this is Miss Rachel's Zoo [Music] wow thank you so much for building a zoo with me it was so much fun I like making things making things makes me happy do you like making things great awesome the animals love their zoo I love love this s thank you so [Music] [Applause] much one little blueish swimming in the water one little blueish swimming in the water one little blueish swiming in the water Buble Buble Buble Buble let's get out two little red fish two little red fish swimming in in the water two little red fish swimming in the water two little red fish swimming in the water bubble bubble bubble bubble pop can you get out three yellow fish three little yellow fish swimming in the water three little yellowfish swimming in the water three little yellowfish swimming in the water bubble bubble bubble bubble pop let's get out four greenfish four little greenfish swimming in the water four little greenfish swimming in the water four little green fish swimming in the water bubble bubble bubble bubble pop can you pretend to be a crab nice job let's pretend to be starfish can you dive like a dolphin let's pretend to [Music] swim how about five little Rainbow Fish five little Rainbow Fish swiming in the five little Rainbow Fish swiming in the water five little rainbow fish swimming in the water bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble [Music] bubble what color is this little house yeah it's white what number yes the number one say open and it will open oh open wow it's a little panda bear it's a little panda bear hi panda bear bye-bye panda bear see you later what color is this house yeah it's blue what number number two say oh open and it will open open wellow friends it's a hippo it's a blue hippo bye-bye hippo see you later what color is this orange good job and what number three you did it say open open oh my goodness it's a lion hi lion the Lion's so cute bye-bye lion I'll see you later what color is this one it's brown what number the number four say open open oh wow it's a bear it's a brown bear hi brown bear hello byebye brown bear go back in your home good night brown bear good [Music] night can you get out a teddy bear or a stuffed animal yeah let's pretend our stuffed animals need to go to sleep they're so [Music] tired let's lay our stuffed animals down and if you've got a scarf or a towel you could make a pillow a yeah and a little blanket good job he's all tucked in now we say good night good night Teddy good night teddy bear I love you let's all go to sleep what color is this house purple yeah it's purple purple with the number five stay open and we'll see what surprise animal is inside open oh wow friends it's a little owl it's an owl bye-bye owl bye-bye what color is this house yes yes it's yellow yellow house little yellow house and what number six good job say open open wow it's a giraffe hi giraffe bye-bye giraffe see you next time what color is this [Music] friends green wow and the number seven let's open this house say open oh hop hop hop hop hop hop what is this a frog hop hop hop hop hop hop hop bye-bye frog I'll see you next [Music] time it's Miss Rachel's favorite color it's my favorite color what color is it pink yeah and what number eight you did it you are so smart say open open wow what is that what is that yeah it's an elephant Pink Elephant bye elephant I'll see you later what color is this gray what number nine grayhouse number nine [Music] open wow it's a little dog wooof woof it's a little dog dog what color is that red and what number number 10 let's open it open wo it's a little fox hi Fox how are you today let's wave to the fox hi Fox hi Fox bye-bye fox go back to the forest [Music] bye-bye [Music] red orange yellow green blue indigo Viet red orange yellow green blue indigo violet I love a rainbow I love a rainbow I love a rainbow red orange yellow green blue indigo violet I love a rainbow I love a rainbow I love a [Music] rainbow I love a rainbow I love a rainbow I love a [Music] rainbow let's go on a pretend trip to the zoo say go with me and jump and we'll magically be at the pretend Zoo Ready set go wow we're at the pretend Zoo first we need to buy a ticket the sign says that the tickets are $5 can you reach into your pocket and get out a pretend $5 bill $5 yeah now we give the money to the cashier give the money and we get our ticket now we have a ticket to get into the zoo good job let's walk into the zoo together walk with me walk walk walk walk walk walk do you see any animals get your binoculars and look for animals do you see any animals friends you see an elephant wow where is the elephant oh under the tree wow I see it too I see the elephant how many elephants are there yeah just one one elephant let's pretend to be elephants together and stomp around stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp elephants have a long trunk good job can you make a long trunk wow what is this real elephant doing yeah she's walking the elephant is [Music] walking that was so much fun now let's keep walking through the zoo and looking for more animals get your binoculars and look for Animals looking looking do you see any you see giraffes wow how many giraffes do you see two oh yeah one two there are two giraffes giraffes are so tall what is this real giraffe doing yeah he's eating leaves H why is he eating because he's hungry we eat when we're hungry giraffes have a really long neck neck they can reach really high leaves let's pretend to be giraffes with a really long neck eating leaves yummy leaves I like pretending to be a giraffe with you it's fun let's keep walking through the zoo and seeing if we can find any more animals oh wow what's that sound what's that [Music] sound oh it's Birds I hear birds let's keep walking to get to the birds oh wow how many birds do you see 1 2 3 4 there are four Birds what color are the birds yeah they're yellow wow look at these are real birds wow these birds are called parrots what colors do do you see on the parrots I see red green and blue feathers oh what are those monkeys wow let's count and see how many monkeys there are 1 2 3 4 five there are five [Music] [Applause] monkeys wow I see real monkeys where are these real monkeys yeah they're in a tree the monkeys are in a tree let's keep walking through the zoo walk walk walk walk have you ever been to a real zoo wow I love going to the zoo we're walking through the zoo we're walking through the zoo oh wow it's a sign it says this way to see the lion do you want to see the lion okay let's go this way and see the lion h i see a cave where's the lion oh maybe the lion is in the cave do you think he'll come out he's coming out wow the lion is coming out of the cave what is this real lion doing yeah he's sleeping why do we sleep because we're tired we need sleep when we're tired can you pretend to sleep like this lion ding ding ding that's our alarm clock we have to wake up go to sleep wake up go to sleep wake up that's so silly animals sleep and eat just like we do when do we go to sleep H yeah at night and sometimes during the day for a nap oh wow this lion is awake this lion is awake why did the lion go to sleep H because he was tired the lion went to sleep because he was oh so tired let's keep walking walking through the zoo we're walking through the zoo oh what's that it's an ice cream stand should we buy a pretend ice cream yeah okay the sign says we need $3 let's get out $3 from our pocket one 2 three $3 what kind of ice cream are you going to get yummy I'm going to get chocolate ice cream with a rainbow sprinkles on a plain cone M chocolate is my favorite ice cream let's give our money to the ice cream man here you go and now we get our ice cream so much fun to have an ice cream let's say thank you for our ice cream thank you thank you so much guess what it's time for our Magic movie let's look at more real animals what kind of animal is that yeah it's a tiger look a panda what's the panda doing yeah the panda is eating why is he eating because he's hungry oh a rhinoceros or Rhino for short the rhinoceros is eating grass why is he eating he's hungry too oh I see a kangaroo hop hop hop hop Huff Huff what's that in the water what animal is in the water oh it's a crocodile I see a hippopotamus or a hippo for short oh I see a cbra what color is a zebra yeah it's black with white stripes a zebra is two colors black and white get out your turtle I had a little turtle his name was Tiny Tim I put him in the bathtub to see if he could swim he drank up all the water g g g he ate up all the soap and now he's home sick in bed with bubbles in his throat bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble pop bubble bubble bubble bubble bubble [Music] pop let's say beep beep and maybe a zoo truck will come out beep beep beep beep we need to do it louder beep beep beep beep it's the zoo truck let's see what animals are inside say out say out say out wow do you remember what this one was called yeah zebra good job say out say out say ow you did it oh wow what's this one yeah a rhinoceros you remembered say out say out say out what's this animal called yeah a lion say out say out say out you did it you said out and an elephant came out say out what was this one [Music] called uhhuh a giraffe good job say out say out say out oh wow this is a hippopotamus or a hippo for sure now let's put the animals back in in the truck bye-bye giraffe going in the truck say in in bye-bye animals in in the truck I have two more to put in say in in now they're all back in the truck bye-bye animals bye-bye beep beep vroom vroom vroom see you next time vroom vroom vroom vroom this song has one of my favorite animals in it can you guess what it is I'll give you a clue quack quack that's right it's a duck okay let's try it together ready put your hands up high put your hands down low put your hands in the middle and wiggle just so put your elbows in the front put your elbows in the back put your elbows at your side and quack quack quack qu qu qu qu that was so good let's try it again ready put your hands up high put your hands down low put your hands in the middle and wiggle just so put your elbows in the front put your elbows in the back put your elbows at your side and quack quack quack qu okay give me your biggest quack quack quack quack quack quack quack good job that was awesome okay bye paboo look who it is it's a duck duck quack quack the duck is quacking can you quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack good job the duck is clapping because you quacked the duck is clapping for you the duck is [Music] Happy qu quack quack quack quack [Music] quack can you feed the duck put out your hand put out your hand the duck is eating the food the duck likes to eat the [Music] food so cute get out your five little ducks good job five little ducks when out one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack quack but only four little ducks came back 1 2 3 4 four little ducks went out one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack quack but only three little ducks came back one 2 three three little ducks went out one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack quack but only two little ducks came back one two two little ducks went out one day over the hill and far away other duck said quack quack quack quack but only one little duck came back can you show me one just one one finger one little duck went out one day over the hill and Far Away mother duck said quack quack quack quack but none of the five little ducks came back mother duck is feeling very sad sad mother duck went out one day over the hill and far mother duck said quack quack quack quack and all of the five little ducks came back yay the duck found it [Music] Mama hello who is in the tree who's in the [Music] tree let's see let's take them out take it out take it out take make it out oh wow look it's a little bird aw tweet tweet can you tweet like a bird tweet tweet Fly Like a Bird can you fly around oh I'm Flying Like a Bird tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet we're pretending to be birds fly around [Music] flying who's in the tree oh look it's a bunny say out take it out take it out take it out we took it out of the tree can you say hi to the little bunny Hi bunny hello hi bunny can you hop like a bunny bunny hop hop hop and stop let's do more hopping hop hop hop and stop good job wow you did it who else is in the tree say out say out say out say out oh wow it's a little owl hi owl what does an owl say can you pretend to be an owl we're owls who's in the tree H I don't know let's check say out take it out take it out take it out we took it out it's another owl how many owls do we have let's count one two Two Little Owls hooo say out say out say out a it's a little fox can you say fox fox fox begins with an f f Fox good job take it out take it out take it out wow it's a little raccoon hi raccoon can you say hi to the raccoon hi raccoon bye-bye raccoon take it out take it out take it out wow it's our last one this one is a little squirrel so cute can you pretend to be a squirrel eating nuts I'm a little squirrel I'm eating my nuts that's so [Music] fun let's put them back in and count how many friends we have one [Music] two three [Music] 4 5 six seven we have seven friends in the ch tree good job I'm proud of [Music] you three hungry Ants Marching In A Line they come upon a picnic where they can dine they March into the salad they March into the cake they March into the pepper uh-oh that's a mistake two hungry Ants Marching In A Line they come upon a picnic where they can dine they March into the salad they March into the cake they March into the pepper uh-oh that's a mistake one hungry ant marching in a line he comes upon a picnic where he can dine he marches to the salad he marches to the cake he marches to the pepper uhoh that's a [Music] mistake look friends it's a monkey game Let's Play it together your turn banana out my turn banana out your turn pull banana out my turn banana out your turn banana out my turn out [Music] your turn out when is the monkey going to pop up I don't [Music] know my turn it's your turn my turn your [Music] turn the monkey popped out that was funny the monkey popped out who takes care of animals at the zoo the zookeeper who takes care of animals when they're sick a veterinarian who's that oh it's the ice cream man ice scream you scream we all scream for ice cream can you say that ice cream you scream we all scream for ice cream what's your favorite kind of ice cream wow I love cookie dough o that's good I like sherbet oh wow that's orange yummy the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the Itsy Bitsy Spider went up this bout again let's do more let's do that again the itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout down came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain and the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again great job with your spider see the bunny sleeping till it's nearly shall we wake them with a merry tun they're so still are they ill wake up soon this is the loud part wake up little bunnies hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop hop hop and stop now we're going to be quiet again see the bunny sleeping till it's near the shall we wake them with a mer tune they so still are they wake up soon ding ding ding ding ding that's the alarm clock wake up little bunnies skip skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip little bunny Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip Skip and should we hop again let's do it are you ready time to hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop little bunnies hop hop hop hop hop hop and stop yay yay great [Music] job a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y and z now I know my abc next time won't you sing with me it was so much fun learning about zoo animals and jungle animals with you today I'll see you later alligator in a wild crocodile bye bye friends bye bye friends bye bye friends we'll see you you again real soon byebye great job [Music] today
Channel: Ms Rachel - Toddler Learning Videos
Views: 18,553,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toddler learning video, ms rachel, blippi, cocomelon, animal sounds, learn animals, kids songs, toddler learning, toddler learning video animals, cocomelon nursery rhymes, videos for kids, animal learning for toddlers, nursery rhymes, kids songs to dance to, mrs Rachel, learn to talk, the wiggles, toddler shows, Blippi Learns Jungle Animals, Animals For Kids, educational videos for toddlers, blippi learns about jungle animals for kids, animals dance, zoo, kids, for children
Id: _Z0ZQT0FttM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 43sec (5143 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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