🔴LIVE: Let's Party with Bluey! | 1 HOUR+ | Bluey

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i b my meat okay here's the clipboard please take a seat the doctor won't be long honey have to hobble when you walk oh [Music] yes next patient please that's me Hubble what seems to be the matter she's F to KNE doctor oh you sure that's it yeah that's it okay we'll have that fixed in the Jiffy ah I need to see the doctor there's a crocodile on my head oh my this is a real pickle don't worry we'll fix that in a DIY Edna on my appointment oh I'm sorry dear please take a seat I'm sure the doctor won't belong this is going to take ages oh okay I'm just trying to the m this might stick then one day baracus woke up to discover that bumpy was very sick oh no Bumpy's sick lots of days and nights went by but bumpy wasn't getting better it's not fair barus wandered around looking for help but no one knew how to fix socks oh I mean bumpy shopkeeper please can you help bumpy sorry I only know how to sell carrots finally she asked the baker oh no muffin that's my good vas hi BL you want pancakes muffin the name is barus why you um why don't you try the wise old Wolfhound baracus why don't you try the wise old wolf hound Lou baracus I mean bar aiss oh yes of course thanks bake lady was that all right Dad go oh muffin we can edit that bit out right hello I'm the doctor oh hello doctor my name is ouch oh Brave boy what was that an needle now what seems to be the matter why did you give me a needle before asking me what's the matter because I'm very busy now what's up well my belly hurts have you got a baby in there no I don't think so no let's do an x-ray on the big blue guy please I think there's a baby in there yes doctor hang on I really don't think I have a ouch bye good grief she certainly likes those needles don't worry sweetie it's all to make you feel better now time for your ex-ray ready 3 2 1 x-ray x-ray will be ready in a jiffy oh good I'll just relax my back down blow it I mean doctor can that be the last injection please no here's the X-ray doctor oh thank you I'll just get this plaster off huh I'm a bit worried everything's going to be fine Indie I got wet flannel here it comes po hoay it's a boy no it's a girl I mean it's a girl hello I'm calling her Polly right okay who's next no blue because Paul's an early baby she needs to stay in the hospital for a long time cuz she's still very small oh oh okay we can take care of her I can use my wet flannel thanks but before you touch her you have to wash your hands with soap got it this is why you wash your hands everyone yeah but we need to put her in a it's like a fish tank with holes in it aha what about this yes I'll put Polly in you uh uh uh you need to wash your hands oh yeah I forgot there you go [Music] Polly I am Bluey and I stink like a monkey's butt I am Bluey and I stink like a monkey's butt well good that we can agree on that then time for my morning walk time for my morning walk I like to walk really far and I like to walk like this like those guys in the [Music] Olympics morning Wendy do you know I like to smack my bum as hard as I can where are you on that one where were you on that one stop copying me please go around the traffic card I said pleas go around the traffic card oh husband thank you so much for taking me to the ballet show no worries [Music] by wonderful I'm real bab Lou the seed is hatching muffin honey you can take off your cor now hoay thank you for Hing beautiful sunflower we love you bye bye see you next th almost at Bluey and bingo Muffy hooray hey Dad look at me hey one two make sure you aim for the deepend okay stay hi Dad that was fun ch ch ch ch hi Chloe hi chlo land this is a helicopter get in okay can I fly it no you're the passenger but you can tell me where you want me to take you oh can you take me to see the Great Barrier re um sure that's fine ch ch ch ch ch there it is the Great Barrier reach oh I'll take some photos look at that big whale I dropped my phone and it landed in the wh spout thing oh I'll get that back for you uh can you fly the helicopter for a second sure but just for a second I'm still the K okay okay give a f whale look out she's about to blow her whal Bel thing that's it that's it here I come working that's it pom pom keep going hey what's going on come here [Music] you that was close come on pom pom climb back up okay going almost rain a small but Hy Bree come on come on stop it you can do it P [Music] P I did it I don't like get up here take that you big meie this is our I demand you let me down this instant our okay will get off ready ready wait hang on get him ladies and gentlemen welcome to the circus our First Act today will be um what should our First Act be I've got an idea okay you say it our first act will be a lion jumping through the hoop woo jumpy jump lion let me get your treat no you're a mean lion T remember oh yeah I forgot jump Lazy Lion husband be kind to your lion I'm not your husband T yeah no treat for you Lou McKenzie doesn't want to be my husband McKenzie can you pretend to be Coco's husband but I don't want to sorry Coco he doesn't want to well can't you make him no yeah if he doesn't want to but we can't make him okay what's [Music] thiser oh and she climbed up into the whale's mouth almost [Music] there oh and she slid right down it roed into its belly to join the oven what rivy and what it is insiration to those of us out there trying to face our fears what's your idea missy we tickl him oh yeah jle jle tile he he really come on tickle harder come on Mr Blue Whale this is as hard as I can tickle there he goes being protecting Roman is a little bit boring maybe we should be invading Romans M maybe five sacks six sacks there you go Indy take them to the Terriers AK BL [Music] the no watches over all the people e it no you're going to step on my Village Terriers The Village needs [Music] protecting good one terious oh hi Terriers here's your chips sorry we're out of [Music] fish my star this is a real pickle don't worry we'll have you fixed in a jippy ow ow ow ow ow Edna pull my appointment ow ow ow ow but what about my knee just make it h well I'm sorry about the white honey my definitely the next patient blue you are definitely the next patient we need a the doctor oh my I was hanging out the washing and my hands fell off and I got bitten by seven scorpion oh my my a this looks like a real pickle it is I'm never going to see the doctor don't worry honey I promise you'll be the next patient really yes definitely yeah I need a doctor what's wrong Rusty I accidentally ate a hip forus wo [Music] woo ah so relaxing it's good of you to join us in our new Days bar you're our very first customer oh it's a delight do you like your nails blue dead oh I do they're amazing this m pack will make you very beautiful oh thanks copia there you go oh I'm out of mud oh I'll get some more I can feel my Paws [Music] opening Creek is beautiful here comes the airplane a baby don't like his dby duby a good boy hey ter you'll playing moms and dads with me oh okay I do have to do this one thing though make sure you give her some sun time all right are you ready to storm the castle uh I think so baby loves his walkies oh chiy baby Fe in your dummy ass don't hey run away baby finally I can get some work [Music] done I wonder what Paul is up [Music] [Music] to I don't understand what's so difficult about this ooh this is a good one you ready yep [Music] Ready Circle donut no the sun uh chicken no I'm a dancer FL what do you think socks chicken I know ballerina y oh never mind socks it's my turn Okay muffin your turn are you sure you know how to do it yes I know pick a card okay now take a look now act it out I don't want a frog card I want the Ballina card oh uh well muffin you have to do the one on the card but I want to do the ballerina oh okay now don't worry we're going to make you feel all oh good I'm actually a bit nervous at hospitals there's no need to be nervous hello I'm the doctor oh hello doctor my name is ouch oh Brave boy what was that an needle now what seems to be the matter why did you give me a needle before asking me what's the matter because I'm very busy now what's up well my belly hurts have you got a baby in there no I don't think so no let's do an x-ray on the big blue guy please I think there's a baby in there yes doctor hang on I really don't think I have a ouch bye good grief she certainly likes those needles don't worry sweetie it's all to make you feel better now time for your X-ray ready 3 2 1 x-ray x-ray will be ready in a jiffy ah good I'll just relax my back blow it I mean doctor can that be the last injection please no Dad we're playing keepy upy can you make it harder my newspaper dad Bingo help I can't I'm a newspaper well so and so is at it again yes yes look wow wa look at that Lou help I'll sign your bingo let her go oh you want to read the newspaper blue okay just don't do the suduku oh look lovely orange juice yes please I'll get it oh dear child you grow up so fast a dad let go Bingo get it don't let it touch the ground no h i can't do it by myself dear child embrace your father let's go what I'll get it this heat is oppressive I'll just turn on this fan what it's a solid plan Master M daddy robot is going to throw us in the wheelie bin oh no wait Mom we need the spr catch syntax error please press play on tape he's malfunctioning why was Daddy robot throwing you in the wheelie bin oh um well must tidy up come here vacuum cleaner I'm not a vacuum cleaner yeah Daddy robot she's not a vacuum cleaner oh yes my mistake this is not a vacuum clean up I told you it's a banjo that's my sister not a b what are you doing out of the laundry basket laundry basket yes you are laundry I folded you this morning come here ladies and gentlemen my Sparkles marry galaw today sock the wedding is [Music] started it's not working get them to say some things you may now say some things uh I'm not marrying him he stinks my heart is breaking I said horses can't talk oh I mean make them get married you may now get married she said you now get married you have to say I do yeah but in Hy talk [Music] Sparkles back Sparkles you have to do it properly Okay click oh hello I am the TV today on the news a wild stor keep banging people's heads into the bed the now back to the we have [Music] thunder blue I want to be a crazy pillow no you're the news and lightning no I'm not playing you're bossing me around slobber dber come back with inant ah TV always people shouting at each other click all right kid I got to get back to making the bed no Dad wait don't stop we have to keep playing we're not finished hotels well you better sort it out with Bingo kiddo you have to let her make some decisions too you know okay don't start tidying one man went went to my how you going in there bingo I can feel my sausage is burning I started just doing a weed and now it's turned into a poop yeah two men went tomorrow went [Music] tomorrow looking at him he looking at me I got the he okay now you done gendy and I'll go get some more Chloe's almost finished the spell let's put this pine cone in too P it's ready now we can get intool the grind UPS I'm first okay okay Blue's mom get up and dance [Music] around no not Honey's mom I said Blue's Mom it's not working properly let me I'm going first maybe we need another pine [Music] cart ding ding ding you lose dad this isn't fair I am not Dad I am magic claw magic claw has no children his days are free and easy is getting lonely without me I'm trying to get her Bingo but this magic Claw is too [Music] hard now push the button congratulations you are a winner yes you did it oh Grand I missed you again okay let's play something different now oh what's this some sort of bonus prize oo what does it say on it it says two bottomless bowls of ice cream for the holder you spelled holder wrong bottomless or was it right I think it was right I'm not quite sure let's just see where this takes us chees and crackers we're completely lost almost there m oh wait I recognize that Kebab chop turn left here turn here okay yeah oh no this isn't right oh come on sorry oh W me quick get on this roundabout [Music] okay actually there is a really good dress shop around here s now Focus oh yes sorry turn left here now stop [Music] there you go I think the storm is stopping the Mountain's quiet come on let's go okay we don't want to disturb all my [Music] mountain you do not climb Mount M and dad by trying to race ahead on your own or by competing with your comrades you do it slowly and carefully by unselfish [Music] teamwork that is the Mountain Way oh and she climbed up into the whale's mouth almost [Music] there oh and she slid right down and thren into its belly to join the oven what bravery and what an inspiration to those of us out there trying to face our fears what's your idea missy we tickle him oh yeah tile tickle tickle he he really come on tickle harder come on Mr Blue Whale this is a as I can tickle There He Go spear spear it's okay fish ah I [Music] see carrot yeah you got it what what he can do fire uh grown up huh y my B fish yeah fish cook cook cook plate thanks have some beetro oh thanks banana H don't forget the salads oh wonderful salads oh The Greenery oh what a wonderful day at the beach a little bit lonely of course but wonderful it would be better if I had a true love to share it with perhaps one day I'll find her oh well now it's time to go back to my empty [Music] house I'll just turn around and pick up my towel just shake the sand off now off home oh where are you my true love won't you come to me ah home sweet l L home ah well time for a nap per chance I will dream of meeting my true love tickle tickle tickle tickle tick tickle what was that H I must have dreamt of being tickled oh we can't get over the thing don't [Music] worry hey what where's Mom there she is she must have moved a we took too long now she'll never get my letter why do you want to deliver this letter so much cuz if I don't mom and dad will be enemies forever what that's why I didn't want to play ground lava then why did you cuz you always cry when I don't play with you because you always promise to play with me and then you don't but I had a reason but you didn't tell me the reason cuz I didn't want to upset you oh no Bingo we're squab in I'm sorry blue I'm sorry too bengar hey that squabble felt good yes but how will we deliver the letter Bingo we can make an airplane yeah okay you asked for it lion that will teach you to show off go outside where'd they go there you are War now where are those Lions one Sunday morning as I went Walken by Brisbane Waters a chance to what was [Music] that is that you lucky oh well I guess it's enough oh Mrs H oh I don't know about this buny what you want to G get back in the house you two sorry luy Dad don't worries BL I shouldn't have let my guard down now don't worry we're going to make you feel all better oh good I'm actually a bit nervous at hospitals there's no need to be nervous hell I'm the doctor oh hello doctor my name is ouch oh Brave boy what was that a needle now what seems to be the matter why did you give me a needle before asking me what's the matter because I'm very busy now what's up well my belly hurts have you got a baby in there no I don't think so no let's do an x-ray on the big blue guy please I think there's a baby in there yes doctor hang on I really don't think I have a ouch bye good grief she certainly likes those needles don't worry sweetie it's all to make you feel better now time for your X-ray ready 3 2 1 x-ray x-ray will be ready in a JY ah good I'll just relax my back down I mean doctor can that be the last injection please NOP hurry up run your little sausage do legs I can't run any faster the crocodiles are [Music] coming we did it that was so much fun yeah that's why you can't change the rules because the rules make it fun oh [Music] yeah get and cupcakes eh a cupcake for each hand Snickers you got it made in the shade what's the time wolf 3:00 1 2 3 what's the time um maybe this one will be dinner time doesn't matter don't buy anything if you don't have money oh yeah that's true how about the round ones and money and the bumpy ones of kitten treats okay yie take these McKenzie these are the dollar box okay let's keep going ding hello wait you also need a kitten birthday cake but I'm going to say sorry we've run out and then you have to be sad birthday cake L I wanted to be that we do have a kitten birthday cake okay you do have a kitten birthday cake but you have to be sad cuz it's not the one you want I don't know what you're talking about let's just start D hello hello I'd like to buy a oh I don't think kittens should be able to talk really yes kittens definitely can't talk you just have to go like this when he wants something meow meow pony ride excuse me what's that Pony's name her name's biscuits a and what's that one's name buttermill a a I really really want to ride buttermilk definitely buttermilk can we ride buttermilk please okay honey you get okay Indy you can sit in front oh I'm sorry honey but you don't have enough money for two Riders oh I only want to go if Indie can come it's okay BL oh wait here H I think I'll change my mind well aren't you a good friend yes Pony Lady goodbye buttermilk you're so beautiful that was disgusting yeah now we can get the grind UPS I'm first okay Blue's mom get up and dance around woo no not Honey's mom I said Blue's Mom it's not working properly let me I'm going first maybe we need another pine C little bit more little bit more hey blue you need the toilet too no one's playing the game properly ah is this your spy game yeah my one's doing their jobs and when did this start happen happening H it started when Bingo stopped playing [Music] finished check this out we're dogs kid we all have a place in the pack now look what happens when I take the bottom one out does that make sense no okay just do your best kid okay Menzie go finally D hello wait we don't have anything for for money it doesn't matter can't buy anything if you don't have money oh yeah that's true how about the round ones of money and the bumpy one the kitten treats okie dokie take these McKenzie these are the dollar box okay let's keep going ding hello wait you also need a kitten birthday cake but I'm going to say sorry we've run out and then you have to be sad birthday cake Lou I want it to be that we do have a kitten birthday cake okay you do have have a kute birthday cake but you have to be sad cuz it's not the one you want I don't know what you're talking about let's just start D hello hello I'd like to buy a I don't think kitten should be able to talk really yes kittens definitely can't talk you just have to go like this when he want something meow meow meow [Music] meow we're here this is the farm where I grew up it will have lots of food for the kindly Queen's babies oh why it's all gone this was once full of fruit bushes what's happened the greeny Queen T it all the sand my dear princess Grandma fairy it's you yes it's me why did the greedy Queen turn all the fruit bushes into sand maybe she really likes sand someone has to stop it or there'll be no food what about you me I'm not brave enough you are too you have the heart of a hero my princess here take this treasure it's really magic it can help you beat the creedy queen I'm sorry I'm just too frightened I have to ride home at once honey horse where are you I'm the greedy Queen and I'm going to freeze you free ha Rusty let's play moms and dads okay here comes the airplane a this baby don't like his dby dby a good boy hey ter you're playing moms and dads with me oh okay I do have to do this one thing though make sure you give her some suming time all right are you ready to storm the castle uh I think so baby loves his walkies oh chicky baby iing your dummy ass don't worry hey run away baby finally I can get some work done tap tap I wonder what Paul's up to yeah I [Music] [Applause] I don't understand what's so difficult about this there it is I'll drop you on free one two make sure you aim for the deep end okay hi Dad that was fun ch ch ch ch hi chlo hi CH land this is a helicopter get in okay can I fly it no you're the passenger but you can tell me where you want me to take you oh can you take me see the Great Barrier Reef um sure that's fine ch ch ch ch ch there it is the Great Barrier oh I'll take some photos look at that big whale I dropped my phone and it landed in the wh spout thing oh I'll get that back for you uh can you fly the helicopter for a second sure but just for a second I'm still the okay okay give me a f whale look out she's about to blow her whal Bel [Music] thing maybe there's some back here yeah there usually is oh Lily pillies let's pick some for our buddies okay what's your favorite fruit uh L cheese what's yours I like [Music] mangoes are you going to go back to your fairy Garden um no it's not as much fun without my buddy yeah same do you want to play Bary boats with me ooh okay we can race our buddies ready 1 2 3 go are you nervous about starting High School a little me too at least we'll be there together go Captain our buddies no Mia won no she didn't Captain won no he didn't yes he did you take her home and put her in the car okay where do I live here comes the airplane a this baby don't like his dby dby a good boy hey ter you're playing moms and dads with me oh okay I do have to do this one one thing though make sure you give her some sing time all right are you ready to storm the castle uh I think so baby loves his walkies oh chicky baby get in your dummy out don't worry hey run away baby finally I can get some work done tap tap I wonder what Paul's up to yeah [Music] [Applause] I don't understand what's so difficult about this is it ready for noring to come and live here of course it is look at it B protecting Roman is a little bit boring maybe we should be invading Romans maybe five sacks six sacks there you go Indy take them to the Terriers AK [Music] play the no watches over all the people e no you're going to step on my Village Terriers The Village needs protecting T formation good one Terriers oh hi terus here's your chips sorry we're out of [Music] fish I'll see you tomorrow my name's blue Sal BL see the r [Music] l [Music] Lou are you ready to play we have to catch that W Pig today or we'll have no food for the [Music] winter I'll scare get when he runs awayy pig that wasn't the plan Luke you're supposed to cut him off dinner [Music] time we here this is the farm where I grew up it will have lots of food for the kindly Queen's babies why it's all gone this was once full of fruit bushes what happened the greedy queen turned it to the sand my dear princess Grandma fairy it's you yes it's me why did the greedy Queen turn all the fruit bushes into sand maybe she really likes sand someone has to stop it or there'll be no food what about you me I'm not brave enough you are too you have the heart of a hero my princess here take this treasure it's really magic it can help you beat the creedy queen I'm sorry I'm just too frightened I have to ride home at once honey horse where are you I'm the greedy Queen and I'm going to freeze you free oh no and then I craw it off for the sky and be on the bottom my St this is a real pickle don't worry we'll have you fixed in a jippy ow ow ow ow ow Edna hold my appointments ow ow ow ow but what about my knee just make it h well I'm sorry about the white honey am I definitely the next patient blue you are definitely the next patient we need to see the doctor oh my I was hanging out the washing and my arms fell off and I got bitten by seven scorpions oh my m a this looks like a real pickle it is I'm never going to see the doctor don't worry honey I promise you'll be the next patient really yes definitely yeah I need a doctor what's wrong Rusty I accidentally ate a hippopotamus even [Music] later no Bingo do what I do ah Sheila look the police lady's coming follow me you want to catch us police lady Lou I'm going to catch you I to hear Sheila okay buoy they'll never find you here thanks buoy now stay quiet I'll check if the is [Music] clear good work blue morning boy I'm so tired maybe you should go to bed earlier yeah probably muffin blue yes muffin why is there a flamingo in my sleeping bed man it's a long story no jo no look at this mess this isn't going well kids I say we just turn around and go home no I can do this Sean that is not acceptable behavior do you understand he listened good boy Sean that's more like hey Bandit how you going get off me go Li oh no he's Ching the chicken oh come back no he's heading for the prickle Bush it'll get prickles please make him stop blou okay calm and control th stop he stopped please let me win this [Music] time it's me ah Bingo look a bubbleshooter wow I love Lucky Star w y what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Leela is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing [Music] ooh this is a good one you ready yep [Music] Ready Circle donut no the sun squirrel uh chicken no um a dancer flors what do you think socks h yeah I know ballerina y hoay l oh never mind socks it's my turn Okay muffin your turn are you sure you know how to do it yes I know pick a card okay now take a look now act it out I don't want a frog card I want the ballerina card oh uh well muffin you have to do the one on the card but I want to do the Ballina oh okay they're not racing yeah we're happy just having fun when it gets sheret sh [Music] Wait I'm going to plug [Music] you yes dad wins okay well done thanks now I might go and get my sheret a yeah you do that I think we've had enough dad for one morning okay let's go back to having fun that was fun yeah what I'm want another race can you help me be Dad yeah I want sheret okay he won't let you win though that's true there's only one thing you can do cheat yeah yeah wait no I meant practice you kids sure are ke to get whooped again oh yes we are all we can do is try harder this time that's the way see Mom losing doesn't stop these kids oh good morning everybody say good morning everyone what up party people Dad we're playing K upy can you make it harder my newspaper dad Bingo help I can't I'm a newspaper oh so and so is at it again yes yes look wow waa look at that Lou help I'll your bingo let her go oh you want to read the newspaper blue okay just don't do the suduku oh look lovely orange juice yes please no no no I'll get it go oh dear child you grow up so fast a dad go Bingo get it don't let it touch the ground L help I can't do it by myself dear child embrace your father ready okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to the circus our First Act today will be um what should our First Act be I've got an idea okay you say it our first act will be a lion jumping through this hoop woo jumpy jump lion coming get your treat no you're a mean lion tamer remember oh yeah I forgot jump Lazy Lion husband be kind to your lion I'm not your husband yeah no treat for [Music] you Lou McKenzie doesn't want to be my husband Mackenzie can you pretend to be Coco's husband but I don't want to sorry Coco he doesn't want to well can't you make make him no yeah if he doesn't want to BL can't make him [Music] okay ding ding ding ding you lose dad this isn't fair I am not dead I am magic claw magic claw has no children his days are free and easy is getting lonely without me I'm try to get her Bingo but this magic Claw is too [Music] hard now push the [Music] button congratulations you are a winner yes you did it oh great I missed you again okay let's play something different now oh what's this some sort of bonus prize oo what is it say on it it says two bottomless bowls of ice cream for the holder you spelled holder wrong bottomless you're definitely writing something but not a book it's not what you're writing it's what you're writing with pen yeah good one now what about you see I thought it was a chicken or some sort of pheasant maybe a partridge there pen Partridge sh oh yes sorry you've got wings like a bird but they're big wings come on Alfie you have to be helpful oh you're sarking no no that's not sarking that's breathing fire pen Dragon we got you start so did you I did it I be you Rockstar hey M are you his boss yes well he's a [Applause] legend is there any more things about octopuses well yeah look when an octopus is scared and wants to escape it can shoot out a cloud of ink wow ooh what's that an electric eel it's an eel that can make its own electricity WoW animals don't like being hurt so they do all sorts of things to avoid it oh what else is there well see this it's a flying fish a fish that can fly yeah just small distances but still that's [Music] clever hey BL hey Chloe do you want to play octopus with us oh okay okay this time we're ears got it I'll be a South Mara octopus oh no that's a poisonous one you have to freeze for 4 seconds if he touches you o okay let's go he got you 1 2 three don't worry I'm an electric eel my Stars this is a real pickle don't worry we'll have you fixed in a jiffy ow ow ow ow ow Edna P my appointments ow ow ow ow but what about my knee we just make it h well I'm sorry about the weight honey I definitely the next patient Bluey you are definitely the next patient we need to see the doctor oh my I was hanging out the washing and my hands fell off and I got bitten by seven scorpions oh my my a this looks like a real pickle it is I'm never going to see the doctor don't worry honey I promise you'll be the next patient really yes definitely yeah I need a doctor what's wrong Rusty I accidentally ate a hippopotamus we're here this is the farm where I grew up it will have lots of food for the kindly Queen's babies oh my it's all gone this was one full of fruit bushes what happened the greedy queen turned it all the sand dear princess Grandma fairy it's you yes it's me why did the greedy Queen turn all the fruit bushes into sand maybe she really likes sand someone has to stop it or there'll be no food what about you me I'm not brave enough you are too you have the heart of a hero my princess here take this treasure it's really magic it can help you beat the creedy queen I'm sorry I'm just too frightened I have to ride home at once honey horse where are you I'm the greedy Queen and I'm going to freeze you [Music] fre no Bingo do what I do ah Sheila look the police lady's coming follow me you want to catch us police lady Lou I'm going to catch you I got hear Sheila okay buoy they'll never find you here thanks buoy now stay quiet I'll check if the coast is [Music] clear good boy BL morning boy I'm so tired maybe you should go to bed earlier yeah probably muffin blue yes muffin why is there a flamingo in my sleeping bag it's a long story now what do I do you take her home and put her in the cut okay where do I live here comes the airplane a this baby not like his dby a good boy hey ter you're playing moms and dads with me oh okay I do have to do this one thing though make sure you give her some sunming time all right are you ready to storm the castle uh I think so baby loves his walkies oh cheky baby get in your dummy out don't worry hey run away baby finally I can get some work done tap tap I wonder what Paul's up [Music] to I don't understand what's so difficult about this is it ready for aing to come and live here of course it is look at it B protecting Roman is a little bit boring maybe we should be invading Romans M maybe five sacks six sacks there you go Indy take them to the Terriers okay [Music] by the no watch is over all the people e it no you're going to step on my Village ter is the village needs protecting tation yeah good one terus oh hi terus here's your chips sorry we're out of [Music] fish I'll see you tomorrow my name is blue Sal BL [Music] see are you ready to play we have to catch that W today or we have no food for the [Music] winter I'll scare get him when he runs away no KY pig that wasn't the plan joh Luke you're supposed to cut him off oh a blue dog look at this mess this isn't going well kids I say we just turn around and go home no I can do this Sean that is not acceptable behavior do you understand he listened good boy Sean that's more like it hey Bandit how you going [Music] get get go limp go Lim oh no he's Ching the again come no he's heading for the prickle Bush he get prickles please make him stop Lou okay calm and control St stop [Music] he stopped I'll drop you on free one two make sure you aim for the defense okay hi Dad that was fun ch ch ch ch hey Chloe hi BL land this is a helicopter get in okay can I fly it no you're the passenger but you can tell me where you want me to take you oh can you take me to see the Great barri Reef um sure that's fine ch ch ch ch ch ch ch there it is the Great Barrier reach oh I'll take some photos look at that big whale I shot my phone and it landed in the whale spout thing oh I'll get that back for you uh can you fly the helicopter for a second sure but just for a second I'm still the pilot okay okay give that F whale look out she's a about to blow her wh Bel [Music] thing maybe there's some back here yeah it usually is O Lily pillies let's pick some for our buddies okay what's your favorite fruit uh L cheese what's yours I like [Music] mangoes are you going to go back to your fairy garden um no it's not as much fun without my buddy yeah same do you want to play Bary boats with me ooh okay we can race our buddies ready 1 2 3 go are you nervous about starting High School a little me too at least we'll be there together go Captain our buddies no Mia won no she didn't Captain won no he didn't yes he did ready okay ladies and gentlemen welcome to the circus our First Act today will be um what should our First Act be I've got an idea okay you say it our first act will be a lion jumping through this hoop woo jumpy jump lion come and get your treat no you're a mean lion Tam remember oh yeah I forgot jump Lazy Lion husband be kind to your lying I'm not your husband T yeah no treat for [Music] you Lou McKenzie doesn't want to be my husband McKenzie can you pretend to be Coco's husband but I don't want to sorry Coco he doesn't want to well can't you make him no yeah if he doesn't want to L can't make him okay w a can you watch me again oh you bet I will thanks n almost [Music] almost where did it go got the microwave the FR man cook a man thanks [Music] mate thanks guys a long time everyone outside the cakes [Music] ready that'll do how are they almost right happy birthday Bingo oh wait biger B this is a good one you ready yep [Music] Ready Circle donut no the sun squel uhuh chicken no um a dancer FL but what do you think socks H chicken I our ballerina yeah hoay up l oh never mind socks it's my turn Okay muffin your turn are you sure you know how to do it yes I know pick a card okay now take a look now act it out I don't want a frog card I want the Ballina card oh uh well my then you have to do the one on the card but I want to do the ballerina oh okay now don't worry we're going to make you feel all better oh good I'm actually a bit nervous at hospitals there's no need to be nervous hello I'm the doctor oh hello doctor my name is ouch oh Brave boy what was that an needle now what seems to be the matter why did you give me a needle before asking me what's the matter because I'm very very busy now what's up well my belly hurts have you got a baby in there no I don't think so no let's do an x-ray on the big blue guy please I think there's a baby in there yes doctor hang on I really don't think I have a ouch bye good grief she certainly likes those needles don't worry sweetie it's all to make you feel better now time for your X-ray ready 3 2 1 x-ray X be ready in a jiffy ah good I'll just relax my back I mean doctor can that be the last injection please nope Dad we're playing KY upy can you make it harder my newspaper dad Bingo help I can't I'm a newspaper oh so and so is at it again yes yes look wow waa look at that Lou help I'll save you Bingo let her go oh you want to read the newspaper BL okay just don't do the suduku oh look lovely orange juice yes please no no no I'll get it Bingo oh dear child you grow up so fast ah dad let go Bingo get it don't let it touch the ground no help I can't do it by myself dear child embrace your father let's go what I'll get it this heat is oppressive I'll just turn on this fan what it's a solid clan master M daddy robot is going to throw us in the whe B oh no wait Mom we need the spr catch syntax error please press play on tape he's malfunctioning why was Daddy robot throwing you in the wheelie bin oh um well must tidy up come here vacuum cleaner I'm not a vacuum cleaner yeah Daddy robot she's not a vacuum cleaner oh yes my mistake this is not a vacuum cleaner I told you it's a banjo he that's my sister not a banjo what are you doing out of the laundry basket laundry basket yes you are laundry I folded you this morning come here ladies and gentlemen my Sparkles marry galop today socks the wedding is started it's not working get them to say some things you may now say some things uh I'm not marrying him he stinks my heart is breaking I said hores can't talk oh I mean make them get married you may now get married no she said you now get m you have to say I do yeah but in Hy [Music] talk fact Sparkles you have to do it [Music] properly Okay click oh hello I am the T today on the news a while don't keep B people's heads into the bed now back to the news we have [Music] thunder blue I want to be a crazy pillow no you're the news and lightning no I'm not playing you're bossing me around slobber dber come back with instant ah TV always people shouting at each other click all right kid I got to get back to making the bed no Dad wait don't stop you have to keep playing we not finished hotels well you better sort it out with Bingo kiddo you have to let her make some decisions too you know okay don't start tidying one man went tomorrow [Music] how you going in there bingo I can feel my sausage is burning I started just doing a weed and now it's turned into a poo two men went [Music] toor I got the he okay now you st in G McKenzie and I'll go get some more chlo's almost fin finish the spell let's put this pine cone in too it's ready now we can get into all the grups I'm first okay Blue's mom get up and dance [Music] around no not Honey's mom I said Blue's Mom it's not working properly let me I'm going first maybe we need another pine [Music] C ding ding ding ding you lose dad this isn't fair I am not Dad I am magic claw magic claw has no children his days are free and easy is getting lonely without me I'm try to get her Bingo but this magic Claw is too [Music] hard now push the [Music] button congratulations you are a winner yeah you did it oh great I missed you again okay let's play something different now oh what's this some sort of bonus prize oo what does it say on it it says two bottomless bowls of ice cream for the holder you spelled holder wrong bottomless or was it right I think it was right I'm not quite sure let's just see where this takes us chees and crackers we're completely lost almost there Mist oh wait I recognize that Kebab chop turn left here turn here okay yeah oh no this isn't right come on sorry oh SI quick get on this roundabout [Music] okay actually there is a really good dress shop around here satav Focus oh yes sorry turn left here now [Music] stop there go I think the storm is stopping the Mountain's quiet come on let's go okay sh I don't want to disturb all my [Music] Mountain you do not climb Mount M and dad by trying to race ahead on your own or by competing with your comrades you do it slowly and carefully by unselfish [Music] teamwork that is the Mountain Way
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 883,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, Live Stream, bluey live stream, bluey livestream, bluey live, bluey english, bingo and bluey, bluey party, bluey full episodes party games, party games for kids, fun and games, live streams
Id: L0eWmi4dS-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 1sec (4621 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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