Peppa Pig Full Episodes | Edmond Elephant's Birthday | Cartoons for Children

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[Music] mr. zebra the postman is delivering a letter to Peppa's house oh look someone's got a party invitation it must be for me it says to George pig from Edmund elephant please come to my party doesn't it say George and Peppa no just George hmm I didn't want to go to a silly baby party anyway hello oh it's for you pepper it's Emily elephant hello hello come to Edmonds party as my friend yes please my mummy wants to help with the little ones hell yes I can help Danny and Suzie uh help us too oh gee everyone is here for Edmund elephants party let's get this party started who wants to play musical statues [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] music stops Edmond has got a medal [Music] richard has got a medal George has got a medal oh dear George isn't passing the parcel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] really Hardy today is a special treat peppa and George are visiting daddy pig's office daddy what do you do at your office all day lots of fun things you'll see this is the building where daddy pig works yes hello it's daddy pig hello daddy pig of course yes it's me oh hello me come in my office is on the top floor we have to go up in the lift I think it's George's turn press the top button George the lift is taking pepper George and Daddy pig up to the very top floor top floor doors opening this is daddy pig's office hello everyone hello daddy pig hello daddy pig mr. rabbit and mrs. cat work with Daddy pig I've brought two very special visitors with me today Oh peppa and George what an honor let's begin the tour mr. rabbit can we start at your desk we certainly can mm-hmm my job is all about numbers I take very important pieces of paper I take a rubber stamp and I stamp the paper wow what a great job mr. rabbit has can I do some stamping of course I'll just find you some paper some blank next up is mrs. cats desk yeah hello peppa and George my job is all about drawing sheeps on the computer oh then I print the shapes out Wow and here's another copy thank you what a nice job mrs. cat has maybe it's George's turn now that's right George it's your turn to do some work George is making blue triangles this is daddy pig's desk my job is quite complicated I take big numbers transmute them and calculate their load bearing tangents daddy pig's job sounds very important [Music] but I do use coloring pens [Music] good idea peppa and George love drawing with coloring pens my goodness five o'clock already it is home time I say what a splendid picture of a house and what a fierce dinosaur George and I have been doing daddy stroked and they've been doing it very well I like doing mr. rabbit job and I like doing mrs. cats job but I like doing daddy's job [Music] Richard Richard made the toy basket into a volcano which it is using toy trees to make a jungle George has used the building blocks to make a river the bedroom into Dinosaur Land the good thing about rainy days is we get to what's important TV program George um Richard have made the bedroom and to Dinosaur Land and Dinosaur Land is very noisy George has his best friend here but I've got no one to play with you could ask Suzy sheep to come over Suzy sheep is Peppa's best friend let's ring her [Music] [Music] to my house now yes yes the bedroom is not dinosaur land anymore it is hospital [Applause] I agree doctor he is a very grainy ill color he must go to bed and this dinosaur looks a very purpley color Yes Doctor he must go into bed too quiet in the hospital the bedroom is not a hospital anymore now it is a railway station oh now the bedroom is fairy land only pretty things are allowed in fairy land what's all this crying about I see the rain outside but after it's been raining in the garden what you normally find [Music] [Music] pepper and her friends are going to the gym today let's check you've all got your gym kits on Pedro is wearing a superhero costume Pedro where is your gym kit it's at home I thought it was dressing up hey follow me children this is the gym where mummies and daddies come to exercise and enjoy themselves no gym teacher for today is Grampy rabbit are you ready to exercise do we have to do that no that's Ernie for big athletes like me an orphan it can explore us like you we not explore us I'll make explorers of you but you you look like a superhero attending right [Music] [Applause] start your adventure I want you to pretend that this room is a jungle look like a jungle where are the trees you have to imagine it the trees the rain the fast playing river at your feet your first adventure is to walk on this beam across the river that's easy ah but it's night time and it's windy that's how it was for me it was a dark and stormy night I was on an adventure it's not windy all night time you have to pretend everyone crosses the pretend river safely well done my little explorers your next adventure is to swing across this swamp full of crocodiles I can't see any crocodiles you've got to pretend that those crocodiles know who's boss go away you naughty pocket dials that's the spirit thank you as I swing across our Copa del Swamp of course I did Scott not too scared as they were of me [Music] ready don't forget to do the call everyone has crossed the pretend crocodile swamp safely this is a vault big athletes jump over it but you can pretend it's a dinosaur and crawl through its legs you crawl through a dinosaur's legs Grampy rabbit yes once I was walking in the jungle when I step foot into a lost world of dinosaurs you've made it to the jungle oh did you have a good gym class children yes Madame gazelle they're real little explorers now we walked across a river and we swallowed a crocodile and we crawled under a dinosaur I love doing gym class meet Grampy rabbit [Music] it is the end of another day at Peppa's playgroup children to mow is talent day what is a talent a talent is something you'd like doing and you're good at I like to watch television and I'm good at it think of something we might like to see you do my talent is playing the guitar [Music] the parents have arrived to pick up the children don't forget to think of something to do for talent day tomorrow it is bedtime for peppa and George I can't go to bed yet I haven't got a talent to show tomorrow but you have lots of talents pepper you can decide tomorrow it is talent day my talents are skipping singing and dancing I practiced them all last night I was practicing watching television last night that's not a talent Madame gazelle that's fine what can I do then who would like to show us their talent first Danny dog I know that was lovely Bernie hey Pedro pony what is your talent magic tricks here is a glass of water it is wet and seafood oh now I make the water disappear please close your eyes open your eyes water has gone and what is your talent I Becca I could make a special noise it only works if I back on my tiptoes good yes but what can I do candy what is your talent skating I was going to do skipping but I can still do dancing and singing my talent is singing twinkle twinkle little star I can still keep dancing Suzy sheep what is your talent dancing oh dear dancing was peppers last Talent [Music] it is so nice that everyone has chosen a different talent to perform now who do we have left Peppa I was going to skip or sing or dance talent can be anything Peppa watching television think of something you really like to do I wonder what her friends are going to play the children each have their own hook today we have a new pupil Emily elephant emily is a bit shy who would like to show Emily where to hang her coat oh we just need one Peppa can you show Emily where to hang her coat yes we each have our own coat hooks this one is for you Emily Emily is hanging her coat on her very own coat hook now Emily what would you like to do today painting clay or building blocks hmm I don't know maybe building blocks and everyone else painting clay or building blocks building blocks are popular today everyone wants to sit next to Emily elephant it's better if you put them side-by-side no this way you know this is the right way Emily may know this you are all being very helpful but Emily how would you play with the blocks mm-hmm I'm not very sure I might don't like this Emily elephant is good at building blocks it is play time Emily would you like to play outside with the others yes please can someone show Emily where we play play time peppa and her friends play in the school garden okay that was quite loud now it is Zoe zebras turn now Suzy sheep now Danny dog well that was very loud Peppa is the loudest [Laughter] [Music] Emily you try and not too sure okay I'll try my goodness that was loud Emily would you like to play my favorite game what is your favorite game jumping in muddy puddle that's my favorite game to [Music] jumping up and down in muddy puddles Emily loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles this looks like fun Madame gazelle loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles have you enjoyed your first day at our playgroup yes Madame gazelle and I see you've made lots of new friends yes Emily elephant is my friend and Emily's my friend and my and mine are in mine Emily who do you like best um I like Susie and Aliens away and Rebecca and Pedro and pepper [Music] it is bedtime for peppa and George good night my little piggies granny and Grandpa pig have come for dinner hello we're a pepper and George they're asleep oh but I so wanted to see them can I take a peek okay granny pig but be very quiet my little darlings you should be asleep okay but only if you promise to go straight back to sleep go to sleep after the story all right once upon a time there was a little boy called oh yes now Pedro planted that bean and it is when an enormous bean store that went high into the sky that's right Petro climbed to the top of that Beanstalk and found a horrible big giant but I don't want that I want to princess oh yes there he found a beautiful princess Peppa and Sir George a brave knight [Music] let me Big Daddy pig and Grandpa pig Oh waiting to eat dinner I'll go and see what's keeping granny pig what's next in the story Norte granny pig you woke the little ones I'm good at ending stories granny pig you go downstairs I won't be long there's a boy a beanstalk [Music] well after they ate the lovely dinner everyone fell asleep granny pig mummy pig and Daddy pig are still waiting to eat dinner that bedtime story doesn't seem to be working I'm a expert at telling bedtime stories [Music] I'll finish this don't worry I'll be down in a minute very hungry King so they all had a big dinner and lived happily ever after the end right I think I'd like to sort this out they're almost asleep thank you I'll take over now mr. story mummy all right quickly now tell me what's happened once upon a time in olden days a long time ago mummy pig's been up there for a long time I can hear snoring laughs peppa and George are asleep George it looks like Princess pepper is the best at telling bedtime stories it is a school day for peppa and her friends Oh children today we will be learning all about numbers does anybody know what numbers are for numbers for counting yes Peppa who would like to do some counting now okay one two three four Pedro has counted to four wait Don Pedro can anyone can't higher than four me me me Rebecca one two three four five six seven Rebecca has counted to seven excellent Rebecca yes candy my mum can count to ten Wow yes after seven five eight nine ten good it is like I like I like without stopping Wow I'm a bit tired I'll do the rest later I can do them my own special way Emily elephant is fooling with her play leapfrog George likes playing leapfrog [Music] playtime is very good but we need to be playing to do it of course red sharp Edmund blend the extra-long skipping log hello I've come to collect peppa and George oh not to lie you can join in our game oh okay is everybody ready counting to ten oh you look tired daddy pig I'm fine I could skip to a hundred good idea daddy pig to a hundred ah maybe to 20 okay to 20 [Music] bedtime it is almost bedtime peppa and George are just finishing their supper mmm oh sorry I'm a bit tired it's been a long day George and I aren't sleepy at all can we play in the garden but it's almost your bedtime can we play outside for just a tiny bit please mummy please daddy all right but you must come in when we call you for your bath I don't know where they get their energy from peppa and George are playing one last game outside before bedtime muddy puddles peppa and George are wearing their boots they are going to jump up and down in muddy puddles Peppa loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles George loves jumping up and down what a huge big puddle George bathtime biggest muddy puddle in the world I can see that quick into the bath no it's bath time are you in George feeling sleepy pepper and George might not be sleepy but I am me too bedtime peppa and George have their bath like splashing bath time is over now it's time to clean your teeth before going to bed peppa and George's brush their teeth okay that's enough brushing into your beds oh I think our teeth need a bit more cleaning when you're in bed daddy pig will read you a story peppa and George like stories when pepper goes to bed she always has her teddy tucked up with her when George goes to bed he always has mr. dinosaur tucked up with him are you feeling sleepy now no daddy we need lots and lots of stories daddy pig will read you one story now which book do you want okay I'll read you the red monkey book peppa and George like the red monkey book once upon a time oh sorry daddy pig once upon a time there was a red monkey and this red monkey had a bath and cleaned his teeth he got into his bennet and soon he fell fast asleep good night red monkey peppa and George are asleep good night peppa and George sleep well [Music] now peppa and George are asleep mummy pig daddy pig are going to watch some television now it's time for the amazing mr. potato I've been looking forward to watching this programme the amazing mr. potato is always ready for action he runs fast jumps high he never sleeps it is bedtime for peppa and George and it looks as if it is bedtime for mummy and daddy too pepper and George's cousins are coming to visit today not long now Peppa baby Alexander is coming too remember I'm sure baby Alexander will be that noisy what's that sound this is a car alarm system fire engine no it's baby Alexander [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you staying for a few days no this is metallic sander needs but just one day can't go anywhere without all these baby things how'd you know what he wants we guess it is lunch time for baby Alexander cousin Peppa is going to feed you today Alexander baby he keeps turning his head feeding baby Alexander is quite hard watch this likes it if you pretend the spoon is an airplane you have a go pepper can you say aeroplane I told you he can't talk he hasn't even said his first words yet pepper do you remember what your first word was no it was mummy I thought peppers first word was daddy no mummy what was George's first word I sure George's first word was dinosaur somebody looks like they had a good lunch what do you want to do now I think he wants to go for a walk he can't walk yet but in his buggy that's a yes five gears standard Alexander likes it when you talk pepper that's because I am very interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] it's my football shirt daddy's playing football this afternoon but first I have to go to work don't worry we'll just wash it it'll be washed in no time and daddy won't know it was ever muddy let's find some more things to put in the machine oh my dress is a bit muddy I'm a pig and Georgia found more things to wash very good George we put the clothes in here and then we switch it on washing machine is filling up with soapy water making the whole room shape where's your dress what oh yes pepper but look what it's done to everything else oh dear peppers red dress has made all the white clothes pink pink isn't a very good color for a football shirt daddy pig we've got a bit of a problem and tell me later mummy pig I've got to get ready for football now where's my football shirt that's one of mummys dresses it's pink no daddy it's your football shirt eat a bit muddy so we washed it and it all went a bit wrong sorry daddy but I can't wear a pink football shirt lovely colour what do you think George Oh George does not like pink Derrick daddy pig's friends mr. bull mr. rabbit mr. pony and mr. Zeigler Oh daddy pig coming out to play he'll just be a moment my team are in white I need a white shirt dirty you had the white shirt just take off your jacket [Music] fantastic Thank You pepper hello everyone like your shirt very smart thank you of course pepper football shirts are meant to be muddy [Music] [Music] grandpa pig is looking after pepper and George today know what a slide is pepper I used to play on one myself when I was a little piggy we had swings and climbing frames and roundabouts but my favorite was the slide everyone takes it in turns to have a go on the slide [Music] Northy Richard you know you have to wait your turn Richard rabbit finds it hard to wait his turn it's not easy being small is it Richard because Richard is little I don't think you should have to wait I wouldn't change the rose if I were you grandpa peg nonsense the children understand don't you so he shouldn't have to wait either Oh Richard and George are taking all the turns on the slide don't worry Peppa they won't be on it for long here is petrol pony on the swing I just want to swing a bit small but you've been on the swing for ages grandpa pig can you push me a little bit's please I think it is someone else's turn now Pedro but I have to go home soon oh I see that's different let me push you then everyone wants to get on the random too many children around about everybody off grandpa pig I was actually here first ah then you can get back on the roundabout I need to get on - why is that Rebecca because it's my birthday sing now is everybody ready I'm having glasses trichome please the children are making up their own rules I need to get them because I like carrots now are you all ready to go no we have to get on because I can do this here is mummy pig how are you getting on grandpa pig yeah I'm confused these playground rules are too complicated there is only one rule grandpa pig and that is everyone waits their turn what even the little ones even the little ones Oh even the very old ones like grandpa at the playground everyone has their turn pepper and Georgia going to the seaside with granny and Grandpa pig peppa and George love the seaside [Music] there isn't any sand on this Beach pepper no sound but we wanted to make sandcastles peppa and George love making sandcastles there are not exciting things to do on this rocky beach like what when the sea goes out it leaves little pools of water in amongst the rocks they're called rock pools and in every rock pool there's something special that the sea is left behind mmm I can see something glittering maybe it's a pirate's treasure let's make a collection of all the things we find yes in George's bucket what surprise is waiting in this pool oh there's nothing special in this one oh there's always something Peppa look closer there is something yes it's a ah the crab is pinching grandpa pig's finger Oh George is pretending to be happy Peppa wants to be a crab too there are two naughty crabs trying to pinch me pinch pinch Zuzu you naughty crabs go back to your little rock pools yes what can you see a seashell can you hear the sea in it what do you mean if you put a shell to your ear you can hear the sea [Music] Wow I can hear the sea I loved my seashell George can you find a seashell - that's not a shell Oh peppers right that's not a shell George has found a fossil what a fossil is the remains of an animal that lived long ago when there were dinosaurs yes they're fun for us but not for this little fish a fish poor little fish she's trapped oh the little fish says she wants to go back to the sea maybe you could use your bucket to rescue her yes Peppa is rescuing the little fish in a bucket don't worry mrs. fish you'll soon be back with your friends bye bye mrs. fish [Music] [Music] has come to play with Suzy sheep mask on your face so people don't know it's me I'm in a secret Club who can I be in your secret Club Shh it's not easy to get into you have to say the secret word double double right your friend Johnny dog has come too late [Music] I'm a secret Club Pedro pony candy cat and Rebecca rabbit have come to play Suzie and Peppa I'm in a secret Club can we join your secret Club it's very hard to get into you have to say the secret word shall I'm a kooky that's not the word I said it changes all the time keep it secret Oh are we in the secret Club now you're in what do we do we do see cut things in secret and secret go on secret missions what you're talking about show us how you do a secret mission yes Peppa can do it you've got the mask on Susie okay my secret mission is to get biscuits watch this Susie sheep is trying not to be seen can I have some biscuits my friends please of course here you are mummy Susie sheep has returned with the biscuits did anyone see you no Wow only a grown-up look out would you like some juice to go with your biscuits its biscuits the biscuits I just gave you for your friends oh can I be in your secret club please please I've always wanted to be in a secret Club which is pick a needle noodle pick a needle noodle that's it what happens now ah there you are mummy sheep what's new I always wanted to be in a secret Club can I join please my mummy is grown-up well which is done papa dude what do I do now look out it's mummy pig follow mommy in secrets daddy pig ah hello mummy pig what are you doing in that Bush secret cup oh I've always wanted to be in a secret club we can't have everyone in the secret club it wouldn't be a secret oh I suppose it doesn't have to be a secret secret club it can be see everybody secret club and everybody can be in it oh goody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peppa Pig Asia
Views: 29,771,134
Rating: 3.7231297 out of 5
Keywords: Peppa pig, peppa, kids, cartoon for babies
Id: EhhiAJ4Z2EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 57sec (3837 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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