SMITE Settings You Should Use!

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today we become Legends so for some reason this video has been really highly requested over the years and there are a few settings that I think are really useful in Smite to have on and I decided to finally pull the trigger and make a quick video on all the settings I use in Smite and what's different from the default why I use them and what they do for you so let's jump in so first up on one of the most simple changes you can make that will help you a lot in certain matchups is turning off restricted camera pitch in the video settings this is on by default and basically limits your vertical camera movement I highly recommend turning this off especially if you're on PC as it allows you to look up and down much more freely this is mainly applicable for skybound ultimates like Thor Thanatos ratatoska Etc with this setting on you can't really look far enough up to see these Gods when they're in the sky turning this off allows free camera movement and can be a lifesaver against certain Gods Thor is a great example as there's actually a clear visual cue when he starts doing his dunk down from the ultimate that if you're looking up you can react to and prepare beads Aegis or jump or whatever another quick but extremely useful option I have on is show Mana usage in the user interface settings it actually boggles my mind that this is not on by default as it's incredibly useful to have it simply puts the Mana cost of your abilities on top of their icons on your UI this allows you to know precisely how much Mana you'll need to cast off which is infinitely useful if you're um and you can't cast you can check how quickly you'll regen enough to cast a certain ability just divide your MP5 number by five and that's how much you get per second this setting is also useful for knowing if you have enough Mana to cast an entire rotation or combo from your kit for example if your one cost 60 your 2 cost 80 and you're all costs 100 and you know you want to use all of those it's very useful to know if you have the 240 Mana required to do that before you engage no one wants to jump in cast their one and two then realize they don't have enough for their old and die again no idea why this setting is off by default it's insanely useful to have on and unlike some of these tips which are just personal recommendations I highly suggest everyone turns this on if you haven't already moving on though to a more complex issue that isn't necessarily cut and dry and that's casting modes I'm gonna give you what I personally use but do be aware that others might prefer different settings so first my default cast mode is quickcast there are three modes normal where pressing the ability key brings up the targeter and you have to confirm with left click to fire the ability quickcast where pressing the key brings up the targeter and releasing the key cast the ability and instant cast where pressing the key instantly fires the ability with no other action required I play on quakecast by default despite instant cast being a hair faster in most cases because I find that most abilities aren't really impacted by the one or two frames of speed increase their instant cast offers on quickcast you can still hold down the key before firing to aim if needed it's sort of a hybrid between normal and instant cast as I mentioned some people swear by instant cast on all abilities but for me I prefer to sacrifice a tiny bit of speed for the Precision of being able to aim and C range Etc before firing this is really up to you and if you prefer instant cast then go for that one but one thing I will say is get off normal cast if you possibly can and go with either quick or instant it makes the game Flow so much easier and your abilities come out a lot faster with less chance of being interrupted or missing the ability because of the delay between pressing the key and clicking that said there are a few gods or abilities that are strictly better on instant casts like susanos one and three all his entire kit Achilles 3 among others so I do play with a handful of abilities on instant cast specifically to help with cancels but I feel for the majority of abilities in the game quickcast is just fine for a balance between speed and precision take hook 2 for example you really don't want this on instant cast as being able to aim for that pull is much more important I think more abilities in the game are like hook too than I like susanal one so I play on quickcast by default and just change a few abilities or guards too instant as needed next up my UI layout the fair warning my UI designs are considered a war crime by some people so I'm not saying copy mine entirely but I have had a lot of people comment on videos and in twitch chat that they liked it and wanted to recreate something similar for their Hood so here it is the main thing I do that polarizes a lot of people is enlarge my mini-map drop the opacity quite a bit and move it much closer to the center of the screen I get that this can cause visibility issues for people that aren't used to it but I've been playing with my map like this for most of my 10 years playing this game and I literally don't even notice it when I'm fighting from a combination of familiarity and low opacity I can just look past it and see exactly what's going on in front of me at low opacities the geometry of the map sort of Fades out but the icons for God's jungle camps and towers and stuff like that still stay pretty opaque so the map is still perfectly readable it probably helps that I know the actual geometry of the map like the back of my hand but I find that this layout makes it a lot easier to form a habit of checking them out frequently as your eyes don't have to move across your entire screen to the top right to see your map it's just there right in front of you I also have a larger than average monitor so this helps with that too in terms of the rest of my UI layout it doesn't matter anywhere near as much as the map in my opinion but I basically condense all the info I need into this small rectangle at the bottom Health Mana portions relics level abilities boss and debuffs are all here so basically when I'm in game I only need to look at two places the map and below my character and then I have all the info I need for Nano media info like build gold KDA stats kills Etc they're all just on the left like normal I rarely look there so it doesn't matter that it's far away whereas for my map or cooldowns they need to be a lot closer as I check them many times a minute also just a quick note as I get a lot of questions on this the reason I have blue and yellow health bars instead of green and red is because I play with colorblind mode on I'm not actually colorblind I just turned this setting on many years ago and preferred the contrast of the colors not suggesting you do this but a lot of people ask so there you go if you want health bars like mine just turn on colorblind mode a quick note on sensitivity as I know some people will ask but I can't really give recommendations for sense as it's very different for everyone depending on what you like and what the DPI of your mouse is just experiment with a sense until you find something you like I would say try and find the highest sensitivity you're comfortable with though as higher is generally better than lower but of course don't overdo it to the point where you 720 no scoping every time you flick your wrist another thing I get a lot of questions about on stream and in videos is the ruler I have in front of my character this can be turned on in the targeting settings and I think is off by default this is another thing kind of like my mini map where I just completely zoned the thing out when I'm fighting and don't even notice it's there but it can be very useful when learning the game as it has specific ranges listed on it 30 units 55 units and 70 units 55 is the ranged basic attack range which can be quite useful for getting a feel for your effective range on a hunter and I just find having these ranges listed really helps with learning the game honestly at this point I could probably turn it off and not even notice a difference but I keep it on since as I mentioned I just Zone it out completely in thighs but yeah I got a lot of questions about the ruler so there you go and finally a larger but much more complex and personal topic key bindings I will start here by saying that sort of like sensitivity keybindings are very personal preference and anyone on Console will get zero benefit here since I'm talking about PC binds but this video is about my setup personally so here's what I use I rebuy my abilities from one two three four to qer and space this is purely because these buttons aren't used in regular Smite for anything useful and I'm much closer to wasd than one two three four is I find it annoying to constantly reach upwards to the numbers on my keyboard as I'm casting abilities and it's easier to reach QE and R while continuing movement via wasd my Ultron space is even simpler I just always have my thumb resting on the spacebar the entire time I play so I can have instant access to my all whenever needed this is Jump by default which has no gameplay implications whatsoever well aside from a handful box that sometimes crop up like jumping off of merkels and stuff like that but they usually get patched out fairly quickly if you're curious I have my jump bound to left shift relics and consumables I think our default uh FNG for relics and c and Z for consumables there are probably better ways of doing this as reaching for FNG can be kind of cumbersome in a life or death situation where you need your relics quickly but I've been playing on these binds for so long and I think it would affect my gameplay a lot to change and get used to new ones and finally I have Auto walk bound number my side Mouse buttons but before I got a mouse with them I had it on X Auto walk isn't exactly useful in gameplay but it's nice to have quick access to for walking back to Lane while being toxic to your teammates so I like it but that's all I've got for my keybindings UI setup and other settings that I find useful to have in Smite as mentioned this video was quite highly requested and while I'm not suggesting that you copy every setting I have on there are a few in here that I believe everyone should have on and a few that are more personal preference and you might want to try mine see if you like it and then make a decision but yeah hopefully this helped catch you guys in another one later on have a great day and peace out your nerds [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Inters3ct
Views: 29,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smite
Id: KXA0cl9a60M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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