Guru Padmasambhava - Searching for Lotus born Master - Part I

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Om ah hung vajra guru padma siddih hum 🕉

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/No-Inspection1986 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
guru-murthy could you [Music] [Music] he came to me in dreams he kept appearing every night I was not sure why until I heard his voice saying my eight manifestations represent eight quantum energy fields now go tell the world [Music] I awoke with a start determined to find out what these eight quantum energy fields are and how they relate to the eight manifestations of the Lotus foreign master from 2002 to 2015 I led a series of expeditions across the Ching hai Tibetan Plateau searching for the mythical legendary realm of shangri-la now in 2018 we reassembled the searching for shangri-la expedition team and began the search for the Lotus born master the Lotus born master was the father of Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism in different languages he is known by different names in Sanskrit Guru Padmasambhava in Tibetan the plural of which a in Chinese Leone washa washa he lived in the eighth century and travelled across many regions of the Himalayas where he appeared as different manifestations leaving a legacy of Legends and much images of his eight manifestations are often depicted in murals Tonka's statues and dances across the Himalayas each manifestation represents a different stage in his journey toward enlightenment and spreading Tibetan Buddhism across the Himalayas is it possible that behind each manifestation there may be a coded language revealing the laws of quantum physics the groom which is teaching is science of the combined sadness and father was in touch with the quantum reality he lived the quantum reality he manifested the quantum really you could call him the father of quantum physics for sure following his handprints footprints left across the Himalayas we launched expeditions in five countries crossing extreme climates covering over 20,000 kilometers within six months we sought the wisdom of great mamas the research of dedicated scholars and the science of technology innovators our expedition teams proved the legend to be true in order to retrace the footsteps of the Lotus born master we began our expedition in Bowdoin earth Katmandu where we sought out the expertise of the 11th chose a couch in rinpoche a specialist on the life and times of the Lotus borne master I think it is very auspicious that today our journey starts on the very very auspicious day which is the Guru Mutius birth day before entering into the room which is walled first we must know where to start like a dog so the Buddha stupa is like the door to enter into the room witches world [Music] we have to understand the cosmic power of guru mature the cosmic principle of Guru mature through knowing the principle of Guru which is cosmic power cosmic energy now we can understand the laws of quantum physics [Music] Padmasambhava means lotus worn according to legend he was born on a lotus on lake the noshka in what is today the Swat Valley of Pakistan what Valley has long been the place already described by Zhang zhung in the Tang Dynasty it's the sacred place of Buddhism it is a paradise you Deanna is Shambhala everybody is practicing la driana manifesting is benig elbow the lotus king the king of Oh Diana or Shambhala Tong dynasty records tell how people in OD Anna recited magic charms or spells holding a drum for calling Dakini or feminine energy and the mirror to divine the future the Lotus kings and magnetizing energy is expressed in chanting of mantra you mantras are the biggest part of our culture because for a common man to attend mantra to say and focus on that mantra so the thought rate will go down plus the vibrational level effect also he gets in ancient India people believe that time the frequency contains very specific energy when you say the mantra part of your body or party or mind is resonating with the frequency so they create an even bigger energy one of the fundamental ideas in quantum physics which is dual nature of things things are waves in a way the field and particles if we're talking about a mantra with sound that's generated by the human voice there are different frequencies in that sound for example like the sound own [Music] which is widely experienced and understood as a universal sound its first and foremost an energy everything in this world is energy so sound also is an energy [Music] [Music] even as you hear the sound as I was chanting it you could possibly feel that the sound began from a lower part of the body and then moved up and then became narrower and then ended kind of a hum which was not really here but in the head in the case of all it gets enforced in your head in your brain and and all your nerve endings become silent your whole nervous system becomes still the energy goes up and it concentrates in the agnya chakra and in the sahasrara chakra which is on top of the head the working of endocrine glands the enzyme the secretion of the hormones depend on this and then when in a negative person these mantras sound waves affect the brain it secretes serotonin which makes in peacefull which decrease adrenaline which makes him happy so automatically emotion create cyclic hormones and hormones create emotions it is a cycle and sound and mantra exactly enter at a proper time at a proper this thing and change a negative person to a positive or a bad in a good way or a demon enough godless but mantra with the strong intention moves faster because intention means against your emotions and you know how emotions travel through this electromagnetic field faster than the sound waves as an energy field mantra contains vibrational frequency moreover within the sound of each mantra is an encrypted code that represents a knowledge repository the seat syllable means a encrypted or coded message the shortened the simplest form of a huge paragraph of a huge Sutra so frequency analysis was developed and perfected around around 1,200 years ago by LGD a famous Arabic mathematician where he would apply the analysis of the letters and the substitutions to to find weaknesses in the Cyprus sowhat's encrypted in it is basically that intention that comes from you're saying that mantra if you think about encryption is it's basically when you think about text messages for example I'm sending you a message from my phone you could be anywhere else in the world and that information is sent from my mobile device and it's encrypted and it's encrypted and sent out via radio waves encryption is contained within this vibration your phone has to have the key to unlock that engine even to receive frequency you need some sort of like connection then you know the frequency is able to travel efficiently and able to pass all the blessing without any hindrances the energy you caught the energy we caught that blessing as think is is somebody similar [Laughter] would the guy out this is the most center place for the older Buddhism Buddhist followers for Buddhist all over the world both Gaia is the most sacred spot because that's where you find the sacred bodhi tree under which Lord Buddha received his enlightenment so both Gaia has special significance for the religion of Buddhism and it is much venerated in India and across the world so it's a magnet that draws pilgrims from all over Buddhist Asia as it were to be harm that is where both gaya is located Bihar in India right next to what guys to cry is a cremation ground and it's amazing because you have this very spiritual beautiful stupa and right there there is a cremation ground where one of the crucial moments happen for them assemble like the Buddha before him he decided to leave the palace and become a wandering yogi traveling to the eight carnal grounds of India in the cremation grounds Yogi's meditated on the question of impermanence they were communicating with spiritual energies in various stages of transition practicing in the place of the tunnel ground is there to communicate with the demonic spirit subdue the negative energy so when we talk about the NEEMO were sir Nemo was there is something that the manifestation of a very wild yogi the namabhasa is like a fearless one so he lived with all these cops we live with all these zombies skeletons goes hungry animals there are many different kinds of meaning and the purpose of coming to tunnel ground when you see the dead body you are supposed to understood the impermanence of this life in Buddhism the cremation ground is often a reminder of once of the impermanence of life it was not uncommon to go to the cremation ground it's a place where you reminded of death the death of material goods and material things as well some energy feels there and there must be a transformation which is happening there and there may be channels where the spirits or the spirit energy is then dissolved in what we call just Gaia part of the wall is like pickle an intermediate intermediate world you know it's like between this life and next life this is a like a corridor before you enter the house manifesting is Nemo or Tsar legend says the Lord is born master stopped the Sun which means concepts of time and space as we understand them do not exist he holds the Trident a symbol of Yogi's meditating in the carnal ground added her three heads representing the past present and future where Einstein believed that tie might be curved rather than straight the Yogi's of the past understood that time and folds upon itself it is multi-dimensional and entangled allowing for the existence of parallel universes and quantum communication between them that's where practitioners would go to connect to different universe appear along universe well there's a lot of theory about parallel universes it might have been considered frivolous decades ago that the idea of multiple instances of what we would deem reality is becoming more and more incredible especially amongst meta physicist and theoretical physicists parallel universes yes so Stephen Hawking right before he died just released and papers of course being debated now his parent firry is one that can be tested and used to test the possibility of the multiverse possible universes all existing coexisting at the same time as you and I are sitting here today just next to us on another level so there could be that we have different instances of what we deem as reality that are coexisting and whether there can be this again gets in the realm of theoretical physics ways of channeling between the one of the is also a matter of considerable discussion the concept is basically we're living in one dimension there are many of us living in different dimensions and therefore if we emanate the right frequency to cross dimension we could communicate with different astral bodies or communicate with other people through time and space our world is just in time is just a frame that we conceptualize in deeper term there's no there's no time frame it means other universes it's possible that time and gravity and in the way which we observe everything in our universe doesn't act the same way now once talking about time it has encompasses the present it encompasses the future so we don't have this linear division of time where time actual real time is only the present act the time is encompassing all kind coexists all those differences coexist in that field so time and space is our only physical constraint in this dimension there are no time and space constraints in other dimensions [Music] [Applause] [Music] manifesting is Lordan chalk say for wisdom holder the Lord is born master learned from the Dakini the power of non-attachment in converting negative energy to positive in one hand he holds the drum for summoning to kini or feminine energy in the other he holds the skullcap symbolizing on attachment the emptiness factor allowing the mind to manage energy so if we talk about Loden choice a I think first we have to understand about the principle of Nemo was here because Nima was said is the one who are Fairless he don't care about much about the all the humans you know because he was dealing with the zombies and ghosts after the sub doomed the demonic spirit then he knew that he need to also interact with the human beings then the Loden Choksey came Lord in music his emanation of mentally sharp mind and he can learn tantric Sutra Tantra everything and the Lord interest came and he learned in different arts than what he learned the most interesting education while he was as Lauren Tosi is the communication or the court ward of the Keenan language they're Keeney's in tibetan Kandra in chinese functional means Skywalker these are feminine shakti energy forces that can move seamlessly through time and space in astrophysics they may be equated with dark matter they are energy forces that can be called upon for good and to change circumstances from negative to positive Dakini there was lucky one and she was the key really she's the one who taught Amazon Bella when you go to a cremation ground you can overcome negative energy with positive energy particularly representing the emptiness wisdom is when you're concentrating on your consciousness towards something you're not changing the world you're selecting the reality in which you want to get it it's a way how you think you know in my training jealousy or anger anger that arises in you it is just a poison and it has all the negative consequences but when this moment if you can apply the technique for Suntory on a teaching so now you have totally transformed your negative energy into positive energy [Music] now though they're not idea normal another I never gave out on intention is really a language to talk to them when we have a certain intention basically it's a really focused energy creating coherent resonance with the topic that we send the attention to but it's actually pushing the energy towards it and making the whole environment coherent and therefore changing it as as like you have you change about the tuning fork so one tuning fork resonating at the same frequency hold a second to import with it third to network basically makes all the tuning fork by vibrate at the same speed [Music] [Laughter] the greediest very powerful air is polluted waters polluted earth is flooded and we talking a lot about science and condoms and PCs this and death and going to moon and maybe going to add another planet making some means summing the different ever powerful a machine sent and one hand we can say we are very civilized 21 century several high school in other hands he not really we're about value of inner goodness like kindness and the inner develop of wisdom and kindness I think world will face terrible problems when you talk about tetanus Imbaba then it relieves a connected in Tibetan Buddhism how that muscle power delete in Tibet those of local deity Marisa it we have full of anger and hate it we are Mara and you know us if we have full of kind helping others serving others you are you are both Asato living brother shuttle upon becoming the wisdom holder he decided to complete the matrix of Buddhism studies entering Nalanda University he became among a scholar and a panditah manifesting as Padma Sam bhava however not for long suni had a vision of princess mando Hara in the kingdom of suhoor meditating in the mountains beside a sacred lake he went to find the princess [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a good purchase body print backside specialist one mandarin cave is inside this is inside entrance to the main cave yeah annulus is the caretaker of the mandarava cave a court only who's honoring I mean that this is the first cave woman at all this the main cave here I meditated and achieve the rainbow body manda whare was the princess of the kingdom of zahar the King had no Sun and no air so all the other kingdoms around wanted to marry her to take over Sephora in order to avoid conquest the princess decided to become a nun so right now we are at one of the highest place in the Himachal Pradesh in tibetan we call it so Pema this is a place where Mandar awha realized that everything she was very beautiful she was a princess these are working them to be very beautiful Kingdom so everybody's really like to take that Kingdom the King has only princess on a daughter so that's the one reason she also choose to become nun many Prince came to us are to marry but she defused and then of course King was must be very sad also then she said okay then if you want to do Dharma practice then you have to go up to the cave this is the place where actually the sajo king and built the nunnery for the mandarava and 500 other nuns when guru Rinpoche appeared here and then like what you call shepherds they had dead man's voice you can see the hole about the cave where the cow herded the Guru me giving teaching to mandarava so this is the hole so then the rumour started from there and then slowly the news spread to the ministers and then they told to the king you know and then King was very very angry he sent the ministers and then told them you go and check and then they found of course much it there and then he took mandarava to Mundi where you went and she put in the dead prison after the poor King found that pomazan Bawa was giving teaching to Princess mandarava and five hundred nuns in the reversal Mountain so then that was against the kingdoms kind of law so then the punishment has to be there for the princess and pomazan Bawa they put here as a jail all the ministers they brought him Buddha's Meucci here and they burnt him alive King wen and C and then he found that Palmisano was sitting on the Lotus and all the fire all the small actually turned into water as a lake quantum physicists believe he was able to survive the fire by altering material particles through his mind control over a light frequency in creating monsters you basically we talked about mantras being sounder energy and basically the song energy coming together in a very coherent from frequency so laser beams are the same thing you have light energy basically bouncing off each other creating a giant coherent light beam and shooting out and becoming a reasonable heat or the the energy of that intensity that is created by mantra can can separate that cluster and make it non visible so that is the science of it and all our issues knew how to do it King of the South Hall came he saw and then he was really astonished he suddenly had a great of course devotion and then he went to guru Rinpoche and then he said or what I did I'm very very sorry and then he want to become of course his disciple and also the subjects all the people we can do this and then of course he invited in guru Rinpoche to that to his king down and then from Bayliss he took out all this now what inclusion which is wearing like his head clothes he offered to him you know the king of the suhoor offered her to murder in which a this is the cave where mandarava continued her practice and also it says that this is the where mandarava was enlightened [Music] together with princess manda whare and through the practice of consort yoga they achieved what is called rainbow body enlightenment the rainbow body means like our body is made of five skandhas or five aggregates you know and when our body is because this is made of all four all the poisons and then through the practice when these five aggregates are gradually purified and then all this will transform into the body of wisdoms rainbow light is basically the full imagination of the light frequency that we could see within that rainbow light we could feel basically a whole body because it addresses every single we can see in the spectrum light carries information as well right and that's if you look at about 99% of the data that's being transferred around the world today is via cables underwater right and those cables are sending light beams with encoded information in the light beams part of the meditational practice is that you have to envision that light fills you up and that you have this this light coming from inside and surrounding you you take the plant you take any animal you take any person that human being all of these creatures like all these living beings are emitting visible spectrum right if you look at quantum physics the reason why light is so commonly used in in say the double slit experiment and such things is that light is relatively easy to demonstrate that it has is dual nature like our mind it's not really it doesn't have a physical form like we say that all the body of deities it's called many-fold luminosity luminosity actually it's the light yes he's rightly said yeah it's like at that moment he heard the seven-line prayer first uttered by monks in Bodhgaya calling him back to save them from black magic [Music] even in Patna Samba was time there was constant questioning of what was going on and obviously Hinduism was very prevalent than two so there were a lot of people who would question what Thomason was teaching there was a lot of debate between non-buddhists and Buddhist scholars the most serious debate happens in Bodhgaya 500 non Buddhist scholars came to debate with the Buddhist scholars these non-buddhist just skaaland they have not just the knowledge but they also have some kind of psychic powers black magic and supernatural power to destroy the Buddhist monks and Buddhist community in this very place those Buddhist scholar was almost losing their debate at that moment all the Buddhist monks they have prayed to the padmasama WA to come and save them this is actually this belief that right now the most famous guru padmasambhava prayer which we call the seven-line prayer and group immersive our heard that and then he came here there Massimo did the debate he was the ultimate debater in some ways because he was able to defeat everyone just with his arguments he had an answer but there are some non-believers they are like very powerful there's try to use some kind of psychic power if you are God Buddha you are Shakyamuni you have to today demonstrate that you have the highest power so then that is where guru Padmasambhava manifest himself as the guru single which in English we say the Lions raw is sometimes in he need to provide or defeat some the evil things that's why he showed the wrathful forms [Music] here intent is driven by negative motivations you will cause a lot of trouble because you have as much black magic with power if you want to call it that as you do white magical power but you know you really want to deal with something tough Laurita strong powerful face or wrathful face green picture meditate himself nice lion head forgive me there is the advantage of these gurus or master gurus as possible summed over walls that he had this ultimate cities where he could actually demonstrate they are hidden powers in us and we can convert these powers into a positive aura around us lionfish bikini is one of the very powerful among the deities many gurus have practice even myself I practice lionfish Tacony it has such a positive and strong energy it's like whatever that you know you face all this bad energy you know if somebody sends you bad energy you are able to reflect all the bad energy is a kind of reflection according to the second law of thermodynamics everything all information all difference in the universe must cancel out there is a gradual disappearance is one of these fundamental laws of nature that we have discovered the way I interpret this function of Buddhist Aikido is without actually not necessarily intentionally to harm others but actually you are just protecting yourself or protecting others to send back unwanted give and therefore he could bring the power of the universal energy into his body and be able counter it and converted into universal energy that materialism is not everything see that human mind is meant for something greater something greater and Padma Samoas manifestation on that [Music] [Music] when we're talking about guru padmasambhava eight manifestation there is one manifestation called shark a single suggesting Gill they're called shakyas of buddha shakyamuni and similarly here's peerless piercing keys we call lion lion superiors of the older animals he's a king the line of the Shakya lineage the most important the like the second buddha as Sharky sangai he manifested as the buddha himself his hand holds the dorje or Bhadra the symbol of Vajrayana Buddhism it is not just about becoming enlightened for oneself but using that enlightenment for action to help others and transform negative situations into positive it is said that the place where he achieved enlightenment is the younger xocai in far ping Nepal following the footsteps of the Lotus born master we went to Patong in ancient kingdom in the kathmandu valley which was the center of buddhist tantric practice at the time it still is today even today Monson where we are right now to the west you've got the Persian Empire back then North epoch China South you've got India this was the center for the Silk Road in many ways they were merchants kings they were Sultanate at port cities they were Tibetan Buddhist monasteries that financed caravan trade people could not really say which came first which the pilgrimage came first or the trade came first because it blended in such a way connecting the communities geographies languages religions across the Himalayas not just with silk and spices but there was a lot of exchange of ideas wherever we see historically along with trade culture travels there is something happening in this valley which is a spiritual high castle and connected to points of the world and the universe driving from Pathan to the surrounding mountains of the kathmandu valley we came to Yangzhou the cave with a lotus born master achieved enlightenment this is one of the oldest Raja Yoga in the temple in fact this is one of the most important what you yogini temple there was a lot of Shakti worship female energy female power bikinis goddesses so why did he go to part being well Shakti Devi she was a princess from patan when her mother died the new queen mother effectively kicked her out from patan she had nowhere to go so she ended up going to popping but Muslim both came here and then the massamba had the region of water yogini and received in a direct initiation from Raja yogini there was a time that three years there was not raining in Nepal people are sick and people are like going through a lot of suffering and he discovered that the draw came from the spell of the Naga a powerful Naga Nagas in many ways according to the mythology is they are a world unto themselves that shares the same material existence that we humans live in and they are supposed to be certain life animals half human half serpents what about my Samba discovered that then he find a solution he practiced the water Kalia which he alder did realize which polity perfected in the Asura cave perform the ritual so the Nagas came from all the different direction the snakes this entire valley was a full of the snack and then from Assam overthrew the magic dagger he subdued the Naga Verma in white this one of these Dharma object from Buddha gaya there was one washer Kalia magic dagger this is how it exactly look like my father was an expert in making purpose actually and I remember him one saying Papa tremolo means that has copper iron and gold externally when you look at it it looks like a new weapon but if you go really in detail it's many think that you can understand through this representing three phases in different form it has different meaning but in a modern term it seems like it's like a antenna or aura or a transmitter so absolutely if you're thinking that a copper dagger as the means to not just receive but transfer information the the electrons that vibrate along that metal and that's how information can be sent immersing metal like color have their own frequency a lot of times they compliment their frequency of the colors in every metal has its own on what do you call it power to evoke certain energy or attract certain energy or to transmit certain energy any sharp edge the more sharp it is it is accumulating the energy that is going by the surface and then it's like shooting it in the direction where the edges is that right word transmitter yeah of course I mean only individually as a purple instrument problem that I don't know how much it works but together with a practitioner who has it and his mind and his practice of understanding and practice and realization and his accomplishment in his practice makes the Papa active or not active ready for he's able to do the transmission transmitting depends on the origin practice this is the Naga temple so after permissible subduing the Nagas so from there Nagas took the oath under Burma Samoa to protect the sentient beings so then the people around there they also start to keep the river clean keep the mountain environment clean so that the Nagas will not be disappointed again so from there they did some kind of temple here from there - until now actually the Nagas were here before we here when we come to place and we try to build something we try to dig out we try to change the environment so sometimes they get very disappointed this so then some of the Nagas they are very powerful they can change whole environment they can create war so then this is how this is maybe now Naga is talking so I think promise number one knew how to do it you know how to communicate with another he knew the communication between the human and some formless being and we humans we think that we control this world we conquered this world when in reality perhaps we are no more than just part of the ornamentation in this world and there are other creatures in other realm's perhaps the the naga world sharing in this world and so for Puma some Baba he in his meditation he had to perhaps tame take on these deities semi deities because human makes Nagas angry then they gets very frustrated they get very very angry so then they create the obstacle like a drawed feminine maybe earthquake you know maybe tsunami then there's all this national disaster the problem with the humans is memory we always forget we forget what we did we forget what we supposed to do so we do a lot of mistakes so Naga never forgets [Music] while meditating in the caves of Nepal the Lord is born master received the delegation from King trypsin detsen of Tibet who wanted to spread Buddhism across the land of snow to do so he invited Chantelle rakshita the abbot of Nalanda University in India to come and build a grand monastery at some yeah when that time Padma is quite well known you've created quite a name for himself so he was invited by the King to Tibet at that time Buddhism was already in Tibet but the bond culture the bond belief system was also very prevalent the black bond religion they have a kind of very strong and all history were ancient a very spiritualist and then we're powerful they can like do magic black magic white magic all these sort of Magic's that they can perform Sunday - hello you can say is hello intransigent Church in a decision also very patient 120 young man Kalyan emergency team you know they dot also wondering why not baba when the kohonen vinyasa or to the city michigan city Gomorrah take Jamie head robust any man she's an the sunniest a chilly d'Ivoire she only go for toss illegally Harlem isn't true lady try Obama most people would not go there because you go through the first Mandarin then you are in endless jungles and then it gets higher and higher and higher you have to cross passes between five and six thousand meters it's an enormous adventure now he had the willingness the force the guts to do and interact and mediate [Music] [Music] with you more these anomalies for you according to legend when the Lord is born master arrived in Tibet he tamed the demons and turned them into protectors of Buddhism allow for the Samia monastery to finally be built according to historians and scholars his sheer charisma influenced the one court where he was able to invite local deities to become Buddhist protectors but he was able to come in and not say hey you have to convert and this is Buddhism he was able to assimilate absorb what was there and make it part of this new belief system of Buddhism that he was introducing to the region especially dear guru Mooji is he is very good at transforming bad energy into good energy because a syncretic nature of Buddhism and that's why it's so different the Buddhism you have India is so different from the one you have in China because they had this way of just assimilating whatever was already there tolerance is the key to all of this [Music] I'll tell ya jingle today now is young women know as the king was a had done before him King trypsin detsen of Tibet was so over awed by the power of the Guru that he offered his entire kingdom to the Lotus born master with the Lotus born master didn't aspire to rule American demolished a master the management of energy frequencies on a quantum scale in order to do this he required another princess as partner to help bring consort practice to an even higher level [Music] upon arriving in Tibet the Lotus born master reached the epitome of his career in metaphysics manifesting as Padma jeongae he together with his consort a shiso Gill perfected the highest form of tantric yoga combusting light and dark energies into an aura of aggregated force allowing complete matrix access to the universal hologram Korean Buddhist teaching on light you know the meditation on you know to have a union Oh will you call it these days you know sex is probably the highest form of meditation is how do you transform the negative energy in you in the positive energy the lust into spiritual energy but if sex is very reactive it's very I would say graphing on your desire you will must have a sense of enjoyment desire if you do not have a joy a sense of enjoyment Lisa you would not be able to get a touch of emptiness but when you know your desire is actually emptiness and you will not be attacking so in tantrayana when the student reaches a level way there's a very I mean there's no desire when you engage in such conduct there is no sexual desire with such act you know we are able to give rise to the wisdom of realization sexual energy that we have from birth so in certain situations they get activated and they basically break through from the base of your spine and go up your the back of your spine you know go through all of the seven chakras and basically burst through your crown chakra and then in that instant you're actually this like you one party can talk about tantric things and about you really like this sex they're an interaction between human beings male and female different kind of energy is interacting with each other and if they establish some kind of resonance between each other that it has not attitude but no multiplying effect so it means when you get ten and ten when they're interacting and establishing resonance this is my interpretation of this tantric sex it is basically because a phase shift in the process of intensive extensive difference and that changes the whole system around so to create a different reality we're synchronized you're wave-like aspect and my wavelet aspect are literally entangled were one system we're like two dancers who were completely moving and the same way I like very much the the dancing Shiva image because of with his death Shiva created the universe with our dance we create the universe with his Tibetan consort Ichi so via the Lotus born master began to leave his teachings in caves across the Himalayas and encrypting them into the universal cloud so then he rental jehoon area the valley of Dedham you can find there many caves stories can be told in Dedham area the one of the most important case call Kitty young Jean during his stay in Dedham he was searching the places around Himalayas to find where is the best place to hidden those spiritual treasure this is where Bama Samoa hide the spiritual treasure thermo with his consort assuming a form of a tiger he would fly across the mountains of the Himalayas storing his teachings for future generations in the manifestation of dorje dollar the digitally is the most thoughtful the appearance is very odd for but in 10 Oh his mind is the full of combustion to helping other peoples [Music] the Lotus born master appeared in caves across the Himalayas hiding the teachings to be revealed later the most famous cave was in Bhutan called toxin or Tigers nest [Music] in Tantra and now the the the Ricola texture for thermos they keep secretly hidden for the future generations many different methods certain things are like the tackiness script which we call shots in the yellow paper turkey nice crease like coat so when the time is right and like this hitting statues so my personal experience much intelligence of the cloud it's not a physical cloud of course it's mostly a hologram so basically he is encrypting and intention and a message and information into that hologram and because it's a hologram somebody else in a different space and time could retrieve it easily because it's there's no physical limit what's this idea this memory is not situated in the brain or in the body but rather memory is a capacity to situate ourselves at a different time we are constantly interacting with that quantum reality that is information field that has everything that's what from what from what we started everything is there everything that was is all of this brought together whole topology has been referred to as a duck loud essentially its think of it as massive distributed network access to and storage of information back to the server that system work but that one server is sort of the hub of all the information that gets sent through space and down low no matter where you are in the world well when scientists start to find out about the effect of quantum mechanics about how the add-on works many of these scientists they operated right secretly in their own laboratories but this knowledge seemed to pop up more or less at the same time in different isolated laboratories around the world also in the history of mathematics we can see examples of how a bad mathematical breakthroughs such as Riemann's idea of the manifold for instance this new knowledge usually pops up independently in in not in exactly the same way but in very similar forms in different places so there is something curious going on here about how knowledge suddenly at certain historical phases start to just appear independently in different places now is this from the cloud well we can only speculate because we don't have a way of measuring this with our current scientific knowledge so if you think the universe what we call the universe it's basically a universal repository full of all the thoughts that humans or animals or any sentient being has ever thought thoughts are energy so basically every time you think of something it's somewhere at this point so the energy has to be so it it all goes through radio waves and frequencies right this could be images this can be videos this can be texts this can be voice it can travel infinitely for as long as it goes until it's absorbed all right the way to think about how radio waves are sent is they're over long distances for example within the earth they it's they're reflected off of the ionosphere and so it's sent up into the sky and this type fairly pretty much acts as a mirror and bounces this information back and that information can keep being bounced back until it is absorbed in the case of in a vacuum this these messages can travel forever they're never lost until they are absorbed by a person for advice interesting about thermal is that these the hidden treasures are still hidden they're still classified which means Groupama sambar was legacies are still there among the term azerty keys encrypted by the Lotus porn master in the universal hologram or cloud as a prophecy that our times would be called the degenerate age when greed anger and shortsightedness lead to unnecessary Wars and destruction of our environment among the social distortions the Lotus porn master foresaw in his own words men will be ruled by anger women by jealousy and youth will be forever distracted and unable to focus as part of chaos theory when social order breaks down everything falls apart The Forgotten kingdom of OD Anna from which the Lotus for master King will be remembered as Shambhala a parallel universe a future of peace kindness and respect of our planet and environment yet to come the Lotus for master left us with the following prophecy I the Lotus born master will bear the name Roderick chakram the ferocious holder of The Wheel of Time the future king of Shambhala who is courted by my 25 disciples subjects and army will subdue the demons of greed anger and ignorance guess what he's coming back [Music] could very well be the father of what we regard is today as modern quantum physics I think we can Secours was just father everything I think he represent everything you know he represent everything hope and he will present joy happiness everything his father or mother or everything quantum physics is probably one of the the peripheral important events of perception which are happening around us or right now so we have not invented it it will be our time might just be ripe enough that we can understand it that it was understood before it is very likely that again it may be a wave of understanding and not understanding and comes and goes so I think now we are very positive way you have brilliant people on this planet you can see feel perceive speculate about all those things without without being persecuted let's use Padma Shambhala is a symbol of progress but moving forward of traditional ideas of modern ideas to really meet climates and challenges of water crisis but I think the biggest challenge is working together having cultures that appreciate each other developing new ideas and definitely we can look to Padma and others inspiration anyone need a little room with you to g7 when you consider motor room which in Panama true Java today and got payment in the denim girls room watching got changes in tangora hamachi with Roberto no moral conduct Ottoman government changing Turnitin it and got changing even larger at Mount Ida to be atoned be a pollutant essential Taj initiators a key indicator on bail [Music]
Channel: Shambhala Film Studios
Views: 184,545
Rating: 4.9146643 out of 5
Id: imsNlk446NU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 37sec (4417 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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