Guru Padmasambhava - “Return of the Lotus-Born Master” Decrypting the Dakini Code

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wow. could you please crosspost to Tibetan Buddhism sub as well?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BuddhistFirst 📅︎︎ Apr 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so please skywalker skywalker skywalkers the bikinis are skywalkers the controls would have come often in their dreams the kidneys would come in your vision in the dreams and show signs and decode the hidden teachings [Music] durkini is a sanskrit word tibetan record handle skywalker skywalkers i guess where they live in the space internal space when we say skywalker or the work in the space means literally meaning i would say practicing the wisdom [Music] foreign [Music] before [Music] oh [Music] where are we yes what is this is your sword sword yeah what sword whose sword that's the sword of gorilla poche yeah yes before putting here is this so hand goes in and the hand goes into here and you take the sword out here from here yes and then they have the sword yeah this one's a sword this is the best food to the country so this is excalibur yes there was a prophecy he will return it will happen in the age of akali the era of degeneration and social chaos when greed shortsightedness and anger possess mankind when everything falls apart and the people lose hope he will return they said that he will come from the west there is a cave with a hidden source the excalibur of the himalayas the prophecy says whoever finds the sword will be him the lotus-born master the lotus king entrusted to herald a new era of camelot from his palace of zandra and lead the armies of shambhala in liberating our planet from the samsara of greed anger and ignorance there are secret teachings in hidden valleys guarded by the king or skywalkers feminine energy spirits that know no limit of time or space they have left encrypted messages that can only be deciphered by the enlightened ones who have the access codes to multi-dimensional realms only they can download these teachings from the universal cloud join us on this journey in search of the lotus-born master's secret teachings as we see wisdom from great llamas research of dedicated scholars and science from technology innovators and quantum physicists join us on this unprecedented expedition following footprints of the dikini to enter hidden realms that unlock parallel multi-dimensional universes where our world's knowledge is stored beyond time and space in the hard drive of the quantum hologram step through the looking glass to log on to the matrix of your mind the circuit board that will lead us to a future called shambhala as never seen before [Music] the lotus foremaster lived in the 8th century his life is shrouded in mystery and myth in 2018 shambhala studio launched an expedition to follow his footprints across the himalayas proving a legend to be true we discovered his eight manifestations often depicted in statues tankers and masked dances actually represent eight quantum energy fields now could the founder of adriana or tibetan buddhism actually be the father of quantum physics scientists should look deep into the the teachings and the manifestation of guru palma as a quantum mechanic theory padma sambala was the father of quantum physics guru butler was the father of quantum physics the eight manifestations could be a different field within panma zimbabwa's being so basically he manifests in different ways to connect with different energies in the universe and you know he he does that through intention he sets an intention to be in a specific manifestation to communicate with a specific energy field quantum physics is the very basis of all the modern technology today is related to the ancient traditions the ideas underneath the mathematics of quantum physics that have been known by ancient gurus for a long time pamasan baba had already found a way to know the universe and led to the modern theory of quantum mechanics that is a possibility the eight manifestations are different levels of possibility so whether we call these quantum quantum reality whether we call it infinite potentiality whether we call it um just the realm of pure pure possibility i think we can given our own contemporary language call that a quantum field the eight manifestations of guru rinpoche are eight constructed manifolds that are sequentially reproducible within the internal space that the person develops all of us have eight manifestations as long as we set the intention to access it it's ours so it is very important manifestation guru music is loaded valuable among all the manifestations there is one most important or the last manifestation which called dorjetul the riding on the tigress dorje drollo so when dorje drollo is manifesting in this very extraordinary way riding on the back of a pregnant tigress through infinite clouds of space and time and the kando tashi kidding the durkini concert of gurban masaba of bhutan manifested into tigress dorje drolo seems to be surfing on the back of you know his consort you know tashi trudeau and the tibetan consort who manifested as a tigress in order to transport him to uh to tiger's nest the tiger is the you know like the most powerful most fearsome there's nothing more unpredictable than a pregnant tigress it's the most dangerous play thing writing guru maharaja tiger means that guru rinpoche have conquered all the fears to be able to ride on the back of the of a tigris is essentially showing that your mastery of phenomena the phenomenal world and that means of the quantum dimension therefore quantum physics begin in bhutan [Music] is one of the many patients of the massabawa a pacific for kali yoga time in kali yoga time yes we humans negative emotions proud and jealousy and greedy that destroying self and others even that destroyed the world global i mean look at the world around you all the hate uh activities that are happening all the deprivations of some societies in some countries and how the rest of other people are ready to inflict any kind of disasters the general public really don't have a say or the power to access and i think that is aspects of the kali yoga the negative emotion is the devil negative emotion is the demon negative emotion is destroyer self and others and gobbles but this is the degenerate age in spite of all the advancements we've made in technology in science the amount of information in particular is such that the force of negativity is unlike i think it's ever been you know silicon valley i think about silicon valley here are all of these tech companies with a huge role tremendous potential to lose that for good and there's also the same potential to use it in a negative way the greedy becomes million million million times more power because help of technology we have kind we have to serve to others the technology will help tremendously so technology is medicine technology is poison now there is people have not really like fully give up for dharma fully giving for the money name power it's like that degree anger and ignorance all this is all this is predicted and i feel this is coming coming true lord buddha has clearly prophesized the coming of guru rinpoche he will be born from a lotus in a from the ocean in odiana if you would come back and tell us specifically that this is the problem maybe people will sit up and listen and say that nobody is different from anybody everybody's action you know has the same negative in future there will come a time when the teachings of buddha would be all diluted it will not be there and at such a time the true teachings of buddha and guru rinpoche will come from the time it will all be stored here so it will be you know revealed and then the tissues will come back the age of shambhala begins in bhutan here in bhutan [Music] hmm [Music] my [Music] okay there was gordon bache and he said all that i have realized is going to be important in the centuries to come he encoded all of these various different practices and made it possible for people in the future to discover them to reveal them he hide the teachings for the future because he has a lot of energy then he hides through some teaching in earth in space in water and yeah many places the scripture which is hidden by guru mucha and later revealed by territories are called thermos termers are something that guru rinpoche is believed to have hidden to be rediscovered by people that he has chosen at a degenerate time and so the terrama are categorized generally in two forms one is they called the satter these are the earth treasures and the other is the gong tare these are the mine treasures that are described by tradition as having been implanted into the mindstream of his 25 disciples during his own lifetime so thermos can come in many different forms there are the physical ones you know which are basically artifacts that have been hidden by guru rinpoche and not just guru rinpoche i think the 8th century guru rinpoche also sought the help of all his disciples mainly the you know close 25 disciples and other 25 disciples they went to different places in tibet different places in entire himalayas so they have hidden important secret tissue in guru palma to various different places mountains rivers caves everywhere it's hidden in rocks it's hidden in lakes all kinds of water bodies it's hidden in a physical sense but it's also hidden in sort of the cloud you know more space uploading his wisdom realization of non-duality into the cosmic server you could call it uploading a certain um protocol the rituals basically would allow you to create coherent energy collection of coherent energy and be able to store it [Music] [Music] anything could be stored in the universal cloud including music including sound so that is fundamental and that is universal we used to call the unified field space time but that is not very accurate a better term for it is space memory that the cosmic server is located somewhere in time and space it literally is vibrational patterns imprinted in space at a geo coordinate well the most fundamental thing about the universe is wave and particle of course so everything has the frequency the universe is collecting everything that's analogous to what's called the akashic records and the akashic is an indian word it means sky so sky cloud akashic reckless akashic records is is a library of the vibrational signature of everything that exists anywhere in the universe and every thought that has ever happened everything in the whole universe that ever happened every thought that's made every intention that's intended is stored in the universal consciousness that's where collective unconsciousness comes from you know there is no way for us to have that collective unconsciousness unless there is a storage system in the universe that's beyond the individual's individual time and space the timeless aspect of this informational space there's no space and no time and information space because it's not described by space and time space and time come out of the transformations that you do to get from information space into space time for the biocomputer ie the brain the visible brain the eeg space in combination with the mind space which is not measurable up to now together constitute the biocomputer we have one thought that we hold information in our brains you know that our memories are our in our neurons and science scientists like have actually had a difficult time finding where we're storing these memories in the brain so the biocomputer is capable of entering the portal of reconfiguring into a form that can access for example what you are calling the record we're starting to to believe that the brain functions more like an oscillator so it's it's it's it's more like a radio receiver and a radio transmitter and our memories are stored in the unified field [Music] [Music] secret teachings were encrypted by his consort dakini yeshi and stored in the waters mountains and clouds for future generations to discover the turtans are prophet revealers who can decrypt the codes but they can only do it with the vibrational frequency and help of a dikini so to search for the teachings we had to follow footprints of the takini tertians are the revealers discoverers of the dharmas the the hidden teachings and hidden treasures decoder is the titan you know we believe in the five great inner adaptants that change number one [Music] is very famous and the most famous thirteen is we can talk about dr pemalimpa who's closely associated with bhutan he's a bhutanese he was a bhutanese and the terms that he uncovered were also you know there were many forms but they were physical ones too he found the teaching in the membership membertso is actually located in tang valley and for buddhists who believe in the deafness the treasure discoveries it has great significance he was challenged by the then local leader leader saying that we hear that you're a treasure revealer then we want you to do a public revelation you prove that you are a treasure revealer was compelled to jump into this ravine went into the lake dived in and came out with butter lamb still in his hand and a statue this was really to prove that he was in fact a treasure destined treasury villa a manifestation or a reincarnation of guru patmasambawa [Music] foreign foreign boom tongue is also a very spiritual land in bhutan it's supposed to be more spiritual place when you've been to boomtown the permalink render the water water particularly when it's structured it holds information water it is again represents the wisdom for a long time thought about water as possibly being one medium for the akashic records it's possible that the water is a metaphor for the matrix and if the matrix shifts everything shifts with it because every single thing has an energetic signature associated with it every single thing has a geometry and if and that can then alter the medium within which it sits and the water then becomes like a supercomputer you know that's going to to register the the geometry that is imprinted within it thoughts can be imprinted in in the unified field can be imprinted in water very very easily [Music] [Music] deputins also relied quite a bit on the kidney principle characteristic of the takinis out there the wisdom holders so they are very important for realizing having realization of whatever wisdom there is to be had a country is entrusted with being the guardian of that treasure and so that the hume the country is very important to and unfeeling the treasure so you need the help of dakinis the must 13th taken me to find the dharma dharma tradition i think taking is key under the top of the chinese [Music] without wisdom nothing will work that's why i mean have to have only to the kilipower can thirteen find dharma their turns mostly have their concern because the men holder of the therma is diagnosed so tertian has to connect has to get help from the drakeness because that mostly the treasures are protected are taken care of by the darkness no or a guided guide of a kandama is a guide sort of without the kandama he the delton would not be able to find the dharma that needs the conduct to help receive the dharma feminine consort acts also as a tuning fork at a higher frequency so basically the female corn sword activates the female energy within um these people so that they could access the unconscious mind to access that information coming from the ancient greek mythology we had this idea of the muses which are female in the mythology and artists have through the centuries through through millennia in fact been referring to the need to have this female inspiration contact with the muses in order to create chandra is dakini is nothing like a culture country dicks are basically believed to be writings from that era when guru rinpoche was um sort of hiding his thermals many believe it's the writing of a khandro so the name khandro you know da is a sign yik is letter so that means like the sign you know so there's some kind of indication there it could be a one-page written book or written teaching of guru rinpoche but it will be written in dakini letters and dakini letters are that it's condensed whole teaching is condensed into in a few words or a single page so that's that that then has a special letter sign so not everyone can understand [Music] foreign triggers the mind of the treasure revealer and then things would come out even just one symbol of dakini script unlocks in the treasure revealer's mind the entire teaching that is contained within it and so that these are these are the passwords that allow the treasure revealer to download the entire treasure of wisdom [Music] so you have to when they the master the treasure revealer or thirteen when the time is ripe right and all the circumstances right and then he or she may decode kando daik or dakini script it's a letter it could be just a few sentences that will unravel or can be decoded into an entire volume of several volumes of text when you have the key you have access to the whole trove of information that underlies it that's what we understand with traditional encryption that there was one document script in tibet which was not revealed and they asked uh my grandfather whether he can reveal that and then kendrick looked at it and he said okay it's just one small page uh he said he will try and then he went to a shrine there was a very sacred shrine it's called stupa there so he went there and then he asked for uh one cup of alcohol nectar and he put some blessing pills in it and he put that a green script into the into the water and then he was doing his practice and time to time he would just peep in it it's covered with clothing time to tell me people and then when the time was right he just opened that and then he asked them to bring a paper and those papers are not very common available in tibet so they had 40 sheets of paper ready to be printed ready to be written you know and cancer measure wrote exactly 40 page and he says you gave me 40 page i wrote 40 page so if there's more than 40 page i think there's more he could elaborate if there's less you could have done less so they gave him 40 he wrote 40. and then after that that paper all the writings on the script disappeared scripts um contain energy so every word that's written in writing form also includes that energy i think maybe the stream of consciousness is when he could access the form of the word and it basically activated the meaning and basically you know gets him into that stream of coherent energy so that is what we call the shakser dakini script and also another story was that when cancer visited one holy site in tibet dharmapala room the protector and his attendant they saw that something falling down falling down from the the sleep of the tamapala and they thought maybe some kind of mice or something pushed something but some kind of paper rolled down and kensington which he picked up and he looked it and based on that uh script taking a script cancer measure wrote down the whole circle of bhajakalaya practice one whole volume each death can have a different style i remember asking cancer emotion if it's all downloaded from mushroom butcher's mind how come is they have their own different style so kenzan answer was that when the moon reflects in the lake according to the cleanness of the lake that you will start seeing a different kind of reflection so likewise the different thirten their own style somehow they received the message and then when it come out it comes in their own kind of particular style i've seen writings that are considered to be country types or letters from the 8th century guru rinpoche's time this is dakini script that just recently was rewritten for a specific project that i'm working on which is the publication of the collected works of the great dakini sarah condro who lived at the turn of last century from 1892 to 1940 and she was a treasure revealer herself on top of that i think there's a duchenne script therma yes which is um written in a yellow piece of paper and it was written in such a way it's like a coat so you have to when they the master the treasury wheeler or their turn when the time is ripe right and all the circumstance is right and then he or she may decode the quote must have been a combination of letters that were available at that point think of a microchip all the information on your smartphone and computer is stored on a tiny chip no bigger than your fingernail it holds a vast amount of information now think for a moment is it possible that in the 8th century the encryption was already mastered by yogis and yoginis on maybe an even higher level it's only accessible to the turtan with the help of a dakini the takini kandro yeshi seogyo was the tibetan consort of the lotus-born master she was responsible for writing down his teachings and encrypting them into an undecipherable script that would be decoded by master turtans in the years and centuries that would follow is it possible that khandro yeshi sogil was the first cryptologist making her the mother of silicon valley as well as many of the hidden realms in bhutan today since it's hidden by each other there is the letter written by each soldier which is written in darkening secret court yeshe sergio's script it's written by ishitoki of course but there were also there were also other the other 24 court disciples who could have contributed to it so then she's a very very compassionate when uh korean people just speak out he's the right she's writing down for the future future very important she had her own code and her code is called the dakinis script a country apparently cannot be hacked into it just it is transferred that way through different times in space perhaps but it's not open to hacking where it's not hackable modern days it's called iphone phone you have to upgrade right every month the upgrading right same thing guru rinpoche he upgrade his teaching in like 8th century about the quantum field let me put it on this yeah hey how are you doing good to see you there uh what's this thing about what's the quantum physics explanation for this bikini code thing i don't understand if we form a relationship between the feminine energy and the quantum gravitational field as the field that is hosting all of space how information that is hosted by the quanta of these quantum fields is only accessible through interaction then in order to access this information one needs to be able to make those specific interactions with the quanta that are hosting the information and that require either requires special equipment or it requires a special skill to be able to access this [Music] information [Music] hmm this is garuda with the mandala that represents outer and inner and secret malala what's up foreign this is very important object for the karma with this tibetan buddhist ritual practice is powerful if you practice properly then of course this can be the main source of all the energies allows you to explore the limit really i think the vajrayana method is it's like a high-tech meditation this is a weapon what's its what's it used for yeah you could call it that paula zimbabwe's iphone and also transmitter is not just a receiver it's also a transmitter of his energy in the times of padres you're looking at the transmitters that were being used you know these these devices these daggers that were made out of metals gold silver copper right these are for that time the most technologically advanced conductive materials what are you destroying with this i think he uses his dagger not to hurt people but to transform energy from negative to positive positive tensions put into these sound waves that travel out into the universe basically driving a positive intention into the energy field so that energy field is converted into a positive energy field so the purba could be also understood to be yes in the in the in the tibetan tradition the excalibur of the himalayas and so for example there's the story at uh the sword is the flaming sword of manjushri the bodhisattva of wisdom or is it the purba now this is also very key because it ties us right back to taksang the tiger's nest and the actual cave of dorje drollo at tiger's nest is opened only on one day a year in early july according to the lunar calendar they opened this gilded gate and when you enter into that cave which is where palma zimbabwe actually practiced and manifested as sources what you actually have is a mandala of corbus of ritual magical daggers of all shapes and sizes it's the most extraordinary place and there are poor buzz there encased in rock there and you're surrounded you're in a mandala cave you're in a woman there he is rolling rolling the ritual dagger right he's got it right there he's rolling it the poor bar just like this and although it's shown here as static the practitioner would take the purba out from [Music] the key thing so the mantra is like an encoded energetic vibration why are fantasy movies so popular lord of the rings all of the people people love fantasy so in some ways yeah why not fantasize about vajra goliath building the universe with this huge poor of a dagger and you can just like his whole body equivalent just rolling it back and forth you know just like getting ready i mean you can like really start and then when you understand that is smashing your belief in yourself as being true and all the all the clinging you have them to me and what's mine and what i like and what i don't like and what you know makes me uncomfortable here and you know what makes me feel anxious that you know the whole thing starts to collapse that that's vajra kalaya [Music] by the practicing of the bajriana we can see the world as a lock and the purpa as a key to unlocking it there's a key in that now introduce your mind natural that's the key any one individual has full power to shift the experience of one's reality and the treasury's inside because nothing does truly exist anything everything is possible to open the key once open the door you realize and that's your fully awakening and this is like the map and that is like the key [Music] on this shambhala expedition we came to bhutan in search of the term or secret teachings of the lotus born master that had been concealed in the universal hologram by his consort yeshi in the 8th century to be discovered in the future by the turtans or treasure revealers who can only decrypt the codes through the help of dakini who hold the passwords protectively these teachings are said to be locked in servers stored in hidden lands or multi-dimensional parallel universes to reveal the teachings we had to find the access codes to the hidden realms of bhutan by following footprints of the dakini [Music] which means he flew from here to thompson so these exact same handprints are within the tux and the tigers now yes this is the pen here and here and then yeah he flew from here so guru rinpoche [Music] yes this is the crystal door here it's the spiritual teachings representation the teachings are there it is in there and this door is made of there's a white crystal here one must have the power to go to not just one dimension but all other [Music] damages [Music] usually in the himalayan pla holy holy sites usually have these crystals and and many other precious gems which we refer to as norbu crystal is the key to open the dimensions gusta is clear so likewise mind is clear because crystal is pure primordial purity which was really in the dzogchen traditions of pablo zimbabwe the expression of emptiness was pure potentiality crystals have this characteristic on the one hand being pure and maybe also you can see through or it opens up to something like something beyond the surface that you're looking at if you shine the light again through a crystal then you could return it to white light again when the crystal hit by the sun sun and then the rays will come up so our thoughts will appear even uh clear you can see the rainbow patterns and so just it's that which is the metaphor for one's own mind and the true nature of mind and crystal doesn't have a color so if you put in the wild cloth it becomes white if you put on the blue cloth it becomes blue so likewise outer circumstances can change your state of your mind the geometry of the molecular arrangement dictates the shape of the crystal i guess you could call it a technology you could call it nature nature of crystal it's optical qualities is is unique you've got a highly organized molecular arrangement it can keep interference from outside off crystals are highly structured and they hold information breakthrough came in 2017 when china launched a satellite and the unified field is exquisitely structured and it holds information chinese scientists were able to send that satellite into space and created quantum communication over long distance so crystal um itself vibrates at over 32 000 hertz which is extremely high i believe that's part of the reasons why crystal is used a crystal will have a kind of a resonance with a particular dimension what is unique about quantum communication is that it is unhackable crystal allows us to access our inner mind in our subconscious mind that's why we offer crystal to the techniques so that's what the energy of dakinis is the energy of dakinis is to introduce you to the nature of your own mind so that you recognize it to be exactly what it is to introduce students to the nature of mind with the tiguani bore we can open the dimensions then i think you're open to the other dimension [Music] [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] in general whole bhutan is supposed to be a peyul and then within bhutan we have special bail a rail behaviors so there are many such behaviors in bhutan the berul is like a hidden land and it is protected so that the evil force will not interfere taking is to help protect help spread the dharma and then also the protects from the in the wrong hands being falling into the wrong hands so these are the main taking this kind of job or responsible it is a hidden valley because no one can get access to that valley so hidden land from my understanding of the tradition these were places that promo zimbabwe designated on a physical level as places that one through extraordinary difficulty could actually reach that place usually is very foggy and then you go into the the fork and then certainly you can reach a beautiful place and then next time you will not find that problems above is hidden lands as being kind of parallel dimensions multiple universes happening simultaneously looks like some kind of parallel universe i think that the possibility of many parallel universes and realities is just as feasible as saying um you know that out this window their rice paddies we could access the other worlds the hidden realms if you will using our subconscious mind and not our physical senses [Music] one way the hidden lands are described within the tibetan tradition as places where the physical world and the spiritual world intersect so when we look at what that actually means in terms of our experience it's a place that we can enter and still see the trees the rocks the waters as we would experience in ordinary life but there's this interpenetration of that by a kind of energy field which is why it often happens that we're in what's designated as a hidden land where things start to happen there's an increased synchronicity for example auspicious coincidence things start to happen in ways that wouldn't seem to be ordinarily predictable at any point in which the person steps outside of their usual mind box epiphenomena happened or at least there is an openness to epiphenol so chumbuk is an extraordinary hidden lamb but what's extraordinary is making the pilgrimage into this hidden land of pablo zimbabwe you pass through a portal between stones the whole way up you're passing extraordinary markings within the landscape which sometimes the eye of a bikini sometimes it's a place where pablo zimbabwe's horse had been tied in the past you have waterfalls street that are representing streaming of the central channel so all these momentic devices within an extraordinary subtropical environment that are invoking the potentiality that we have within us to transform the way we see ordinary reality so when we look at this the same narrative of the once and future king as it applies to palma zimbabwe we see the hidden land of in bhutan for example where there's this story of a sword in a stone which is also central to the story of king artha and there's the same idea that only the one who will be able to lead our current kind of chaotic civilization only the one who draws out the sword will be the one who opens the gateways as it were to shambhala the whole practice of shambhala can be understood as one way of reaching the buddhahood enlightenment through the inner practice which might look like when you read it it looks like a place isn't it but then there also some explanation that shambhala is a place and then like you say when the time comes the king jigden will wonder when the whole world our world is conquered by the barbarians when the time is right and the rhythm will come with the iron wheel and he will lead the army of shambhala in order to see shambhala it's not necessary to go away to to walk from where you are if you have the merit to see sambala then somebody straight in from your eyes so it's not that there's any place other than right here right now where we need to go to find dacas and dakinis and the entire mandala of wisdom phenomena in some sense a gateway into the quantum reality because to enter into a quantum reality to experience it even the if you will the the tentacles of it means going beyond leaving the rational mind behind opens the door of perception that we didn't have before that what we are experiencing is just one possibility of numerous possibilities that are unfolding so these hidden lands are kind of radiant fields that are portals into another dimension of experience wormholes is uh when time space collided there they're a singularity point where time and space do not work as einstein's theory of relativity applies because in that singularity laws of physics doesn't apply just as alice in wonderland also is a is a narrative that has analogies to quantum physics and one of the great iconic rock songs i would say of the 1960s and 70s was was jefferson starship's white rabbit white rabbit invokes alice's adventures in wonderland and even it's it's one of the great classics of psychedelic rock but if i recall some of the lyrics off hand it's you know when logic and proportion um have abandoned you you have entered into the it's all and the rhythmic pulse almost the pulsation of the way that that song actually begins to play is about being able to take alice as a guide as it were into a parallel reality a whole that alice goes through can be seen as an analogy to a wormhole in in space or even into a different mode of consciousness my understanding of a wormhole is is an extreme distortion in space-time that allows one to traverse from one region of the universe to another distant region of the universe [Music] so you can you can ignore the normal physics rules for example about time and space and travel to another space time that's that's a theory in quantum physics is that scientists have also observed that articles actually travels back in time so so there are some interesting things going on here splits of universe and traveling forward and back in time loop quantum gravity theory has poses the idea that space and time might be granular the importance of this is that once we shift our mind from one mode of conceptualizing space of time to another mode of conceptualizing space and time marvelous things may may happen in buddhism we use sometimes the to some teammate present future and then beyond time and i think even with the modern science they can they're not the time really don't exist according to i think einstein's theory isn't it so all the perception i think is not really as real it seems to us [Music] but the real meaning of this temple is the place where all the dakinis gather to unlock the encryption of dragon's secret court the kinnis in the kingdom of bhutan then there are many sacred caves around entire bhutan there are many caves but one of the most important cave is above this mountain there's called one hundred thousand decades gathered to receive teaching from guru maharaja and they make create a mandala offering to the guru of so they're called hundred thousand dhakini cave above the tigerness and gurupamusamba will give the most highest supreme teaching to all the hundred thousand dukkinis really will you take me there yes we are going we will go there now [Music] [Music] so it's called boom meaning hundred thousand drunk meaning the place that the cliff so hundred thousand deckiness used to stay there used to meet there so that place is very sacred and then there is a temple on the uh cliff and it had used to have uh the handprints of hundred thousand turkeys so boom drag uh which is up on the crest of the mountain on which the tiger's nest is located so one goes beyond the um there's a trail that goes up above tiger's nest that very few people take called the nal zorlam the yogi's path you say the hidden land that taksang in a certain sense is just the portal into and this is extraordinary because you take what's called the yogi's path you're actually entering into the feminine principle which is really at the heart of tantric buddhism because hidden lands are also described as as as jones they are the creative they are the womb that womb space which is to me that darkness where you have if you have a black hole or complete nothing then um something comes to suddenly manifest everything and that can happen both entering into the physical landscape of the hidden land but it also happens by with the right consort we are suddenly transformed our own ego itself is dissolved into this field of pure potentiality which is the vibratory energy of the divine feminine which can be encountered through the sexual yogas to the karma mudra practice in buddhism the highest practice of vajrayana is the female practice that is the kidney practice this female energy and then there is the female and on a very humane mundane level there's also the female concerts of a lot of the buddhist teachers who also known as khandro dagini is the one who holds like the key to enter into the therma uh teaching of guru mahatma the treasures of the death they have a concept in order to reveal that i think it has something to do with what we call tap and share the method and wisdom a male and a female they are a symbol of wisdom and method car is the spaciousness emptiness and then dough is the skillful means khandu itself is a union there's a principle that is represented by the male skillful me there's a principle that is represented by the wiz the woman which is wisdom space emptiness the project of haramita right the perfection of wisdom the great empty nature of all that appears and exists and so if you as a sole individual practitioner can realize the non-duality of those two you don't need a consort but relying upon a consort is one way of realizing the the union of polarities well we know of einstein's most profound uh contribution was his theory of special relativity e equals m c squared pronounced in 1905 where that energy and matter actually are equated and again they're they're expressed very differently like the white and the and the black the the feminine and the masculine but they give each other shape and meaning and in fact there isn't one without the other ones even like if you look in all the computer the methods all based on both positive negative positive negative isn't it so there is always some kind of what aspect has to be there um [Music] foreign [Music] all information on any machine is read and written in order of zero and once every letter translates to a number but then every number even 59 can be broken down into zeros and ones to positive and negative and that is how information is stored into memory chips there's also quantum computing which has all the in-between possible positions beyond one and zero and this is why the future quantum computers could be so powerful we're not talking about just zero one when we have quantum computing duality is just our interpretation of the world because we tend to look at things as black or white you know one or zero or i think some people they use like indian energy yin and yang is the basis of human potential expansion female energy male energy will have this yin-yang combustion energy that will be explosive the combination of female and male and energy causes the activated energy level that elevates the energy so that it could revibrate at a higher frequency the sexual experience when it's approached from a tantric perspective it is the blending of masculine and feminine energies and a reaching of a much higher vibrational state than you can achieve on your own consort practice and the concert practice is not just a man finding a woman who's receptive and doing the practice it's a union it's the practice of the union of the male and the female in the bliss state while actualizing the state of emptiness bring the masculine and the feminine energies together and when you bring them together and they combine they create a non-duality and that non-duality is transmuted into pure creative force a sudden insight that comes or sudden wisdom that you receive whatever that energy is it feels like you pull down from the ethers is what i think of as the takini energy hinduism amongst all the religion we're discussing is the oldest and they had the kidneys and within their context shakti and you know others it is an energy that was considered very powerful positive energy a protective energy these female characters in the hindu tradition they they belong to khali khali representing this ultimate destruction depth of perhaps what we in physics could call it the black hole where everything just disintegrates and destroys hi well feminine energy is is very strong and these quanta of space uh are describing gravity and and the and the the powerful forces of the universe forces in fact that can be so powerful they form entities such as a black hole where space-time or the quanta of the gravitational field are so curved and so distorted not even light can escape their force if we think of uh malcolm as analogous to the black hole and the diacones as being peripheral to that jumping back to quantum physics one of the most recent fields of quantum physics looks into gravity it looks on gravity and not as a force but as part of the space-time fabric which can be quantized information of a black hole imprinted on its surface the event horizon so this can also be described as the holographic principle it seems to be some kind of compression algorithm of all of this information collected in a in a highly distorted region of space-time which is composed of the quanta of the gravitational field once we start to move away from that ultimate black hole i'm talking as an analogy here and gravity starts to appear in its more normal states it achieves that granularity so so analogously we can think of these diacones as the sort of guardians around the black hole where the granularity of gravity starts to appear in other words as as as the beginning of where the structure of space and the structure of time and with that the structuring of knowledge starts to appear from the current edges of physics today time and space is just one level and beyond that we have the amplitude hedron the amplitude which has as its as its physical visual manifestation looks exactly like the core of this mandala it's the center with the four quadrants of four circles around it infinitely like the jewel net of injury infinitely uh expanding into an infinite and unending universe so this is this is the cloud this is the states in which information is endless its past present future in one we've gone beyond the kind of uh linear time we're going back not even just into circular time we've transcended time itself because with the taking the power we can connect to the quantum field and everything appears from the spaciousness everything else appears from the the emptiness so we can say we are yeah we are living in the chemical [Music] some of the hollywood movies very much correspond with the buddhist philosophy so sometimes it can from one one point of view you can look at like a matrix called mirror effect inception [Music] everything in this world i think is uh quantum physics is beyond physics i think even quantum also not enough for the greatest practitioner because we are called you know going beyond all the ideas and understand through the non-genealogical mind then we understand emptiness quantum physics and sunita should neta and content pictures how they explain about content pieces and in buddhism how we explain shouldn't it i think it no choice not become more more close generally when we speak of science at least as as i understand it we're speaking about a methodology we're speaking of a way of trying to understand the nature of reality then we talk of quantum mechanics we're talking about a level of operation of functionality of the universe that actually goes beyond all of our current uh categories of scientific thought and what we're confronted by is is this with this irrationality uh we're looking at intersecting probabilities we're looking at the ways in which consciousness is affecting outcomes of particular phenomena that are otherwise beyond predictability scientific study is a form of inquiry that we've come up with initially to explain the physical world so it's one of many tools in the toe box that we have it's just and we've used it because it was useful to answer some of the easier questions in a way because those are observable phenomenon we haven't been able to answer a lot of questions around non-observable phenomenon like what is consciousness and what is imagination these are very important questions that science hasn't answered yet it's difficult to put everything in science actually because i think the the problem with the scientists is that they have their own barrier they don't want to cross that anything they and this is where probably zimbabwe guides us into this sort of quantum field as it were of our unrealized potential because if we don't realize it then what we will manifest in the world could destroy us but if we do manifest it then what we manifest within our own being can save not just ourselves but the planet from an imminent dissolution you know if you listen to the earth and respect give her the respect that she deserves maybe the weather wouldn't be so unpredictable because the earth is female [Music] um very much about history within us right now with us every day guru which is everywhere already here today yes place where guru rinpoche is gonna come back if it is to happen it will happen from because in the himalayan world i think we all considered um foreign
Channel: Shambhala Film Studios
Views: 56,110
Rating: 4.8931522 out of 5
Id: -1qND1eAhp0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 24sec (5124 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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