Scythe - Starfield Razorleaf Light Fighter Redesign Fastest Engines THE BEST Mantis Ship Build Guide

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greetings captains I am Wizard and welcome to another Starfield ship build guide this is the scythe and it is by far the most powerful ship that I have built yet not only does it use the same weapons load out as the Basilisk but it also has the fastest engines in the game and I'm not just talking about using Class A engines uh these particular ones are unique and I will go into detail about those during the build the Scythe is a redesign of the Razor Leaf and as such I wanted it to fit with the lore of the Mantis because of the maximized combat efficiency this ship has I had to make sacrifices to the cargo capacity and the amenities inside of the ship I also had to keep it small so that it would fit on the mantis's Landing Pad uh so it is 40 m long long by 38 M wide the sides engines have a base top cruising speed of 180 and with the right skills and crew you can get that up to 280 it reaches a maximum boost speed of 1116 and despite the ship's performance and size I was still able to achieve over 1,000 cargo capacity after I built the Basilisk in my last playthrough and then the bristle back I realized that these were both level 60 ships which meant that they were endgame builds and that meant that I was leaving out a whole crowd of players so I started a new playthrough and redesigned the frontier first at level 14 this is the paragr if you're new to the game check this out then at level 30 I got the star eagle and redesigned it to create the atos then at level 43 I gave the atos an upgrade at level 49 I built the Citadel which is a redesign of the Kepler r to build the sidethe exactly as I do you'll need to reach level 60 costed 420,000 credits at Commerce rank four you also need piloting rank three as it is a b-class reactor Starship design rank four need to complete the mission grunt work for the Vanguard weapons and shield and if you want to start with the Razor Leaf as I do need to complete the Mantis Mission now if you don't have the Razor Leaf or you've already built something over the Razor Leaf uh this ship can easily be built over anything else just grab your ship of choice and follow along with the build step by step and you'll be just fine here's a quick look at the stat change before we get into the build and that is quite a significant increase in performance so grab your Razor Leaf or other starter ship and let's get to work we're starting this build in new Atlantis on gemson in the alpha centuri system I'm sure you're familiar with it so jump here and go into talk to the ship Tech once you're in the Builder go ahead and come to the back of the ship and delete the ballast shielded cargo we are still going to have shielded cargo on this but it's going to be a different module so go to your cargo Tab and apply one of these 20t holler cargo holds where the ballast was and we're done here our next location is the stoud Eckland stary yard in the narian system you are probably familiar with this location as well once you're in the Builder we're getting a couple things here number one is a new weapon Group which is not available at our Outpost Landing Pad so find the weapons tab [Music] and scroll down to the Exterminator 95 me auto helion beams put three of those on there as they are a max power of four and now we're going to get a warning saying that we can't use these weapons because of our reactor so go back into there and delete the old reactor and replace it with a 104 DS mag inertial go ahead and assign your weapon and we're done [Music] here next we need to make a quick stop at the Red Mile to get a scan Jammer I think I could do quite well on the Red Mile I think together the two of us could do very well well she might be on to something now let's run in here and see if lon's having a good day the hell out of my face patrons need to handle their own heat Leach removal so don't ask get into the Builder and go to the equipment tab in your menu get the multifrequency scan Jammer and we're done here [Music] one last Quick Stop to make is at neon on volley Alpha I guess I should have tested this but you may be able to go to the ship tech for this part um but I ran into the reuen tower and down to Teo Aston Nearing talk to Veronica get in here and for the Razor Leaf I just replaced that landing gear module with the Teo pinpoint 4G we just need one of these it's going to be our nose landing gear and we're [Music] done as usual we are going to complete this build from start to finish at an outpost Landing Pad we've gathered all the parts that we need from other locations so this is going to be where we complete this thing an important step for me in this build was to quickly copy the colors that the Razor Leaf uses so if you didn't know just go to each one click the Hue or or any option uh one space and then back to where it was for each of the three colors and then hit a and if you do that you'll be able to see those three colors that were chosen so we've got that color in here we can select our ship and delete it so starting with the landing Bay we're going to use again the damos 120 LD in a rear orientation aft orientation I should start using ship terms and then grab the pinpoint 4G that we got from Teo and put it right in front now I changed the hab uh choices from the original Razor Leaf a little bit I like having crew so I went with a control station from damos and an all-in-one birth from damos they are arranged the same and I also used the same damos Phobos cockpit just the 20.3 version of it so same Hab layout uh works pretty well for the design moving on let's put our cargo hold in place that's the one that we got from new Atlantis and let's get our reactor and our grav Drive where they need to go quick note on the grav Drive uh you're just going to need something that has 27 grab jump thrust uh if you're you know really all about a fish you can choose the lightest weight one and I didn't end up going with this Aurora um but really you just need to make sure it has 27 uh jump thrust our next two Landers I should say our last two Landers are going to be the stoud aulander 11s on each side underneath the reactor and the graph Drive damos Docker on top it's the slim Docker and then we can go ahead and put our shield on going with the Vanguard bull workk Shield this time because of the way it attaches there aren't many attachment options left once we get to the end now moving on let's put on a couple of damos wing A's down here on either side of the Teo pinpoint and then we can build up the outside of our wings while we're here so grab the Nova cing 2L and uh you're going to need one one of each of the variants moving on to our shielded cargo I go with the 200 CM ballast here nice place to put it and then we can put our fuel tank on the opposite side of that shielded cargo like the h30 atlas for its size and capacity it's very efficient module now while we're thinking about it let's put our scan Jammer down here and now on to the engines so I flipped through these to show you the speed rating of these engines if you look in the bottom right all the a class engines have a speed of 150 except for these the white dwarf 315 has a speed of 180 compared to 150 and then we know the bclass engines are 140 and the C-Class are 130 and those are all like that but this engine for some reason has a speed of 180 it does require Starship design rank four um so maybe this is an intentional um performance statistic for these and it's not a bug either way we're going to put four of these on here just like [Music] this and move on to finishing the shape of this ship so to do that we need two stoud cap A's one for port and one for starboard starting to look like something now we just need a damos cing in the four position right here so there's a little bit of Razor Leaf still in here um but I feel like I took it up a notch especially with the weapons and the engines this thing is a monster in combat uh we're going to grab two skeg A's from damos and put them underneath of the engines then on the rear of the ship I like to do this using the attachment method so it's just easier to flip through what works but the Hope Tech knows bees look great back here to kind of unify the uh the shape of the ship in the rear so now all we have left left is our weapons and let's go ahead and get started with those we need 13 attachment points so we need four Horizon weapon mounts we're going to put those on these um forward facing features that we added structural items like so then we're going to grab two damos Wing EAS a really love these I think I've used them with almost every ship build uh one here and one here and then we just need to attach our weapons so let's start with the exterminators that we got at stoud one in the bottom attachment point of the cockpit and one on each of those damos wings that we just put on and we're going to move on our next weapon group is going to be the PB 175 autos and these are the highest DPS particle beams the game has to offer I like arranging them so that even when you're only firing one weapon group you can still see each beam so now we've got our six attachment points left for the Vanguard obliterator Auto projectors let's fill up those attachment points and the build will be complete so now real quick I'm just going to make a grav Drive swap to one that saves Five Points of Mass to me that's worth it um this one's totally up to you though just as long as you get your 30 light your jump range and we're done building it's time to give this thing a paint job and I wanted to use the same colors that the Razor Leaf has so that is the reason for saving the razor Leaf's colors before we deleted the rest of the ship cuz otherwise this nice yellow wouldn't be in our pallet right now once you're done with that assign your weapons [Music] and then you can give your ship a name now for this one before we do the combat I'm just going to do a quick Showcase of the speed that these engines allow this ship to have and um I mean this is as fast as a ship can be if you could make it lighter uh I know the engines will reach 1,120 but we're still sitting at 1,116 with this as you'll see we also have a very respectable cargo capacity of over a th000 and that's with no points in payloads now this won't take very long obviously because we have a very small ship but let's do a quick interior walk through and then I'm going to fly to stad Eckland to do a quick performance showcase and then we'll be on to the combat section I find the interior the interior of the side is pretty Spartan we have two Hab modules this is the damos control Station 2 by one and upstairs we have the damos allinone birth the ship the Razor Leaf uh comes with an Armory and a Captain's Quarters which if if you want to stick with that for your own role playing purposes that's totally fine um obviously go with what you like uh but in my case I like having crew on my ship even though it is quite small uh but they can really help with your ship stats now for the combat in this one um I fell in love with this ship right away so instead of just doing one run of serpentis I did several in order to level up from 60 to 6 4 and acquire the max rank of the particle beam weapon system [Music] skill if you watch the Basilisk optimization video you might remember the hairbrained uh experiment that I came up with to test the effect of weight on that ship so I decided why not do that again but with sidethe just to see what happens so I'm going to boost at 2,000 M and break at 1,000 m pretty nice pretty nice indeed was a little bit worried that we were going to crash into it again but no problem now let's see the top boost speed as we Buzz this Tower and it just hits 1,116 even though I boosted a little before Max Cruise speed the reason that I call this the most powerful ship that I've built yet is because it has the same uh ability to devastate targets as the Basilisk but in a much smaller and much faster package and the last really unique thing about this is the spacer encounters that you get when you're flying in a ship built based on the Razor Leaf here wrong play wrong abandon sa it right scanning I up the wrong place wrong time it's the Mantis mantis right now before we get into the combat let me just show you my character I'm at level 60 currently and you can see I'm pretty close to hitting level 61 and I've got rank four of aneutronic fusion rank four of as sorry rank three of astrodynamics and then in the tech tree I've got rank four of piloting you only need rank three for this ship rank one of targeting Control Systems rank three of Shield systems I have nothing in payloads I have ranked three of Engine Systems and then down here I've got rank four of Starship design I need Starship engineering but what we're going for in this footage is the particle beam weapon system skill so my crew that I have currently same as several of my previous videos Barrett Sam Co Sarah Morgan and Basco and I'm still on very hard difficulty now you can watch me jump to serpentis and farm the zealots for XP takes me about 45 minutes and I cut it down down to roughly seven and right after this we're going to take on the key and both of the Legendary Ships that I've found you have met your D Mission ah an offering for the Great Serpent that was a pretty shot are you prepared to face judgment I jump down we close the Eng you are something more This ship's engine seems to be having trouble too bad go there in Target didn't need that their Shields are gone go [Music] there to f judgement they didn't need that grab Drive sting there grab drive now vaporized can't keep the system time War You're such great enemy Shield surprise yes attack eny boss on target of the wall Target now nice they enem SP ground tra ground trru we're taking fire target jump system down enemy Shield Sy drives down you took as I am for you system down Eng time that c Target's grab you shall be judged enemy SP is grab TR nice they just lost their truck level 64 achieved now we can move on to the Legendary Ships and the key and see if the Pirates have anything to say about us being the Mantis oh great successful too they're not jumping out of here you're from behind oh that just took out their Shields disabled was time nice and the CB Drive is C out bring all weapons online there's one unknown ship do you copy against my Hing don't find next [Music] B shield down en Shield position yes R out position don't shoot attack the dad have you tried what was it like not terrible terrible it was terrible they fixed their engine if you have stayed on this video for this whole thing thank you so much uh please enjoy this footage of Starfield being Starfield thank you so much for watching I sincerely really appreciate all of your support and your likes and your comments the engagement keeps me going the helon is next it is also a fighter build but it has significantly better cargo capacity than the sizethe I'm going to get that one out soon and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Wize Old Wizard
Views: 25,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, ship, starship, build, guide, tutorial, razorleaf, mantis, basilisk, custom, space, bethesda, xbox, pc, spaceship, design, vanilla, full, complete, DPS, damage, combat, Fighter, Light, Most, Powerful, fastest, class a, class b, redesign
Id: jWuFwsBMRmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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