Starfield - Becoming A God - Part 1 - FPS Combat Progression Series

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greetings captains I am Wizard and welcome to part one of my Starfield combat progression series I got this idea from the footage you're about to see which was an encounter at one of my outposts I was just finishing up the interior tour of the Citadel and noticed that my Outpost was being assaulted by these ecliptic at the time of filming this my character was at level 50 and these are all fives they should be hilariously underpowered versus a level 50 player and so I set the goal to become a combat God in Starfield so that's what we're going to do in this series of videos starting at level 50 and going to whatever level we need to achieve we're going to obtain every one of the best combat skills the game has and along the way we're going to be greatly upgrading our gear level and quality and uh becoming much more effective in combat so I hope you enjoy this series I know it is a little bit different for my channel uh but hopefully doing something other than just ship builds uh will entertain you guys and hopefully you can learn something along the way as I do by the end of this video my character will be at level 60 and once we get there we're going to go get the Razor Leaf so here I am at level 50 with the same armor that I got in my uh starter Outpost guide the Venum mine build we really need to upgrade this it's been great but let's get something better now as far as skills go you can see I have nothing in the physical tree and there's some very good skills to get for combat in here uh so we definitely need to focus on that as we rank up through this series social there's not really anything directly uh related to combat in here and then we have the combat tree which speaks for itself so we obviously have nothing in this tree either we've been focused on ship builds and a little bit of outpost building so this is another tree that we really need to focus on through this series and then we have the science tree which I have put a few points into medicine and one rank of space suit design and weapon engineering and then the tech tree which really has the Boost pack uh skills that are very useful in combat too so we're going to be ranking these up as well and they should dramatically change how we can approach combat situations so I had a point available I went ahead and threw that into ballistics now as far as my starting gear goes everything is pretty run-of-the-mill uh mixed bag from uh the best stuff that I have have found up to this point which has mainly just been um running missions and one last look at the suit before we get into [Music] this the ship I'm going to fly for part one is the Citadel and if you haven't built this one yet I highly recommend it it's got every Hab in the game and all the Firepower you need and great cargo to start this progression journey I decided to go chase down some artifacts because sometimes those missions throw you into some good combat this never gets old lift off our first artifact hunt brings us to Mythos clear initi son I hear you've been making yourself pretty of [ __ ] so once you're off the ship all you need to do is find your mission marker so I'm just going to run over to that real quick and thanks to the help of editing I can save you some time and uh make this a little quicker gross can't tell what they're shooting at they're probably trying to kill one of those Xeno grubs too but either way let's do some scouting a little bit and get to it we may be [Music] nearby take much more you're not walking out of here there you are there you are oh you're going down nothing useful in this room just uh being a packrat and rumaging around for anything at all mainly just some ammo and med pack or too once you've finished off a group of enemies and your safe always remember to loot the area get into every nook and cranny pick up everything that's of value so you can sell or so you can use for yourself now in this case we know we still have some enemies to clear out they're on the interior cell because we have an artifact to go and locate down [Music] there gotcha one over here best not to leave anything useful [Music] behind down [Music] one down I ready you got hope to win [Music] for C just getting he kicking us off no [Music] it's gone Noone dying [Music] over [Music] all right starborne down let's pick up the artifact and have our bad trip now when I left mithos I got attacked and if you didn't know ship combat is one of the best ways to gain XP in the game uh that isn't some sort of an [Music] exploit we are not tolerated we C Shield are down we got you're in over your head easy peasy now we can land and get our second artifact and hopefully we find a fight assistance of foolishness okay enough time wasted on this let's go straight for the loot and go free form exploring [Music] time to cre the stones now occasionally when I spawn in space and orbit um I get Bounty hun spawns and that's from The Wanted trait Target grab Drive is down so so sorry folks should just line neutralize that sh got their grab drop free form exploration is one of the best ways to upgrade your gear and increase your power uh in Starfield so what you want to do is find a system out there that is roughly 10 levels above your character and I play on very hard mode and if I can get through this stuff on very hard you can too no doubt about it um just take your time and stay behind cover and you'll be just fine and that is part of the reason for showing all of this mundane combat footage um so that at the end of this road we'll be able to look back on this video and compare the two side by side I think that's going to be the most interesting part of this series is to really see uh the difference from start to finish so because my character is at level 50 I have chosen to go to the decaron system and we're going to go to decaron one which is a temperate planet and from what I have found and from what I've read uh you have good chances on a temperate planet in the habitable zone to find some some good loot along with that there is much more likely to be alien life that is also pretty decent for farming XP if you can find large enough herds of them so we're going to go ahead and land here um there's no planetary markers but when I'm doing this what I like to do is land the ship but don't exit right away if you want to be able to tell quickly whether or not this is a planet worth getting out and exploring on foot look around in third person view when you're still in the ship on the landing pad and go all the way around your ship until you find something like this which is simply a human built structure so if you see one of these go ahead and explore it's probably a good spot Captain do you require my assistance so once you're out of your ship of course you want to pull up your hand scanner and see what you see in the surrounding area what you're looking for ideally are structure markers if you see any number of those it's probably worth looking around uh but keep your eyes open because you may come across some hostile life forms there was no other way for you win threat neutralized once you are able to get to your intended destination get over there but approach cautiously what you are looking for is spacers because they carry the widest assortment of gear you need some cover [Music] some [Music] H I can't see take take more on SC back stop out reloading [Applause] die to get him now reload are you prepar to die anything get he you cannot beat [Music] me finally got you time to die your nobody power gra Take Your Best Shot [Music] you will hey [Music] bre you're going down I can take h you're not coming out of here all right fight's over with we got through it I didn't really pick up anything that notable but I was able to get a new space suit and helmet and pack uh which was one of the goals that I had I definitely still need to find some better guns uh to continue forward and by the end of the video I definitely have found some better weapons I visited a few other locations uh but while we're on this planet I definitely decided it would be a good idea to check out some more of these structure markers oh need a moment to walk that [Music] off come on seems we are clear my heart s [Music] hunting cockroaches are definitely not to be underestimated but now that these are dealt with we can move along and we come across this forgotten military base which sounds like a perfect location to loot let's get down to business and see what we can find [Music] sh ah you're bring I will have your ass [Music] back [Music] going to take you down [Applause] don't take I'm FG this heavy fire over here just getting [Music] started at you you [Music] okay taking fire you cannnot be spe [Music] you're opening fire yeah just give up dring it let's end [Music] this [Music] I cannot wait to a over out they AR taking enough for this [Music] again so after all this I had only hit Level 51 but I felt like I had a pretty good set of gear that I could work with and I wanted to speed this process up so it was time to take the Citadel out and pick some fights time to the Stars if you have seen any of my ship build videos you've seen me do this a bunch of times in my opinion this is the best way to get XP fast without using some form of exploit or uh monotonously spamming your craft button at an indust industrial workbench that just doesn't sound like fun to me so go to the serpent system and just jump from planet to planet and you will almost always get a ship [Music] spawn jumping out of here yes enemy drive out position J down so so sorry and with level 60 under our belts that means we have what we need for this episode let's move on and go get our skills that we want to start with so here we are at level 60 let's start with the science tree because I definitely want to research and do some more upgrades on my suits and my weapons so let's take uh SP suit design and weapon engineering rank two definitely want to get these boost pack ranks so boost pack training rank three and boost assault training rank two we're going to take now let's get rank two of ballistics since we opened that one up through combat and let's move over to the physical tree and we do want to take four ranks in this tree so we can unlock the next tier for for gymnastics um so first we're going to come back over to the combat tree and grab shotgun certification rank one very useful and then we want to come back over to the physical tree and grab rank two of Wellness we're going to do rank one of stealth just to unlock the ability we're going to take rank one of fitness that's four points in the physical tree so in our next episode we can unlock the first rank sorry the second tier of this skill tree we need to work on the combat tree some more we need one more point in the first tier to unlock the second tier and now since we have the ability to research more upgrades let's go do that but before we do that make sure you go to your Aid Tab and take some Nero Jack so the rest of the video is going to be breezing through uh these research projects and just a quick glossery of the weapons that I picked up uh through today's episode all the footage that I took uh I thank you all for being here I hope you enjoyed this content I want to make more uh installments of this series because I think it'll be a very interesting thing to see the complete progression of someone with virtually no combat skills to someone with all of the combat skills and how that affects a player's ability to approach a combat situation so have a look at um the things that I finish off here on our new weapons and get us prepped for the next episode and I will see you in the next one PS for those of you still watching um my next video is going to be getting the Razor Leaf which means we're going to be redesigning the Razor Leaf um because I felt I hadn't really done that yet the Basilisk is definitely a great ship that I built over the Razor Leaf um but it wasn't a redesign in any way so the next video since we reach level 60 it's going to be my first ingame build of this playthrough and it is a redesign of the Razor Leaf it will be called the SI and you guys are going to love some of the choices that I made it's definitely not like any of the other ships that I've built up to this point uh cheers thank you for watching to this point if you have and I look forward to seeing you in the next one
Channel: Wize Old Wizard
Views: 3,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, bethesda, xbox, pc, microsoft, FPS, combat, gameplay, skills, legendary, progression, becoming, god, guide, tutorial, character, build
Id: 8hjwMoSotAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 4sec (2644 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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