Sculpting in Blender with AI refining on the side and Artstation reviews

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okay I think we're ready to continue or to start so the idea here is that we will now as you can see we'll do some thing this is called CR CR is a software AI that can work with you which means that you can open Photoshop for example and uh work on some very basic shapes and this software on the side can make uh cities or humans or whatever we will try to do it uh with a real person I tried it today and with stylized meshes it doesn't work with realistic because it always aims for realism so yeah today we will do our Station reviews mostly this we will see just for a little while just for a few minutes I will try to make a female phas uh the last time I did the female face it was on the discour stream today and uh it didn't work quite well yeah because as always I will tell you the female faces are a little bit more difficult than the male ones and it was difficult and but this software or the AI made the the overall face pretty well by itself and you will see you will see how ugly the our 3D sculpts look compared to reality because it is kind of realistic it makes it it's thought on realism so it does realism it can't do too much anything else but realism but it's fine and yeah somebody asked should we use this AI I would say not too much because it will be visible that this is not your work this is AI the AI is absolutely visible it is because it's too realistic but you will see see now it looks like a male and even the AI thinks this is a male so we have to make sure this is a female at least we'll try to do so and we'll see what will happen as I told you this you will see how the AI is much better than us in terms of realism but it lacks some other areas in realism it's fine so yeah don't be fooled this is not a sculpting AI I'm sculpting in blender and I'm sharing my screen with k with this Ai and the AI is making just uh just images those are images it's not sculpt on the right that you see here is my sculpt this one and on the right the other one is the AI and you can see how oh it looks like me a little bit but a little bit okay yeah but I'm working without reference here and it will be awful so we'll see how it goes why you training AI giving them data to replace ctors that's funny that was the funniest thing yeah if you think about it you'll know that why why this is so funny all right yeah but if you not think about it you will say oh ni is uh teaching you know the AI to replace us how can he do this but of course yeah as I said and so probably some people haven't heard this is 2D AI this is something like M Journey or whatever but it takes some input which is images and it makes it enhance it so those are just enhanced images of my screen uh whatever I'm am drawing or sculpting in this case I'm sculpting but I could be drawing it's not a it's the same so now we will try to do some female because still it looks like a male as you can see it looks like a male a little little bit now but yeah people will always believe some things and that's that's okay I guess uh many people just want to get on something or uh to be mad at someone for something they don't care if it's right or wrong the idea is to be mad or to be uh frustrated or to be offended it's very important to be offended you know so yeah don't don't be afraid great just do it it's okay it's fine it's human it's human nature but if you start and think critical thinking a little bit it will be difficult but I guess yeah it's normal so what am I doing I'm trying still to make it a little bit more femish and I'm not succeeding for now but we'll see how it will go up to like uh we are 5 minutes in and uh we have more time so I will give this like half an hour probably a little bit less maybe and we'll see where where it goes and I just wanted to show you guys this I probably will not use it ever because this is only images we are doing 3D this cannot help you make a game character for example but it can help you on one thing you're making a sculpt then you see how far away you are from the real sculpt here you can see that you know you can see it how far away are you are so if you are making a sculpt this can give you an idea how your sculpt compares to the real person and it's in this terms I think it could be helpful as a educational tool why not as you can see even I with all my experience I cannot do a proper you know shape of a human very easy I just can't and the AI is doing it so now if I want this to be a female I would have to put here that's absolutely necessary we cannot do it without here but let's symmetrize it a little bit first by the way let me show you now the AI is like this let me show you what happens when we rotate the lightning okay like this we rotate the light I'm rotating it in in the program the the face stays the same but the light kind of is different very nice so uh in on the left I'm using blender and sculpting and rotating lights on the right the AI is just uh you know making some images and it's interesting this name is Ka is Kaa on the top left corner of your screen you can see you can open the the the tab I mean uh it's it's in Web format so you can open create a website and you can check it out and as I say this is could be a tool for uh teaching we as character artist 3D character artists will probably will not be able to use it for anything else because yes this will enhance enhance your uh scul but it will enhance it in such a way that your sculpt will not be your sculpt anymore and if you make a render pretending with CR that this is your render but it's K I mean not k k if you pretend that K is your render uh everybody will probably know because it's visible that this is not completely a render since it's too good to be true you know it's too good to be true so I think my sculpt is starting to look a little bit like a female but in order for the AI to no it's not maybe smaller Joe will be more appropriate and fix this neck okay and uh yeah so in order for the AI to take it as a female we need to color it a little bit but still it looks like a male okay good but if we put hair then it should do it you know this is the hair and let's do this but it's interesting right I find it pretty interesting and it's something that you can have fun with but I don't think it's good for production or whatever it could be by the way if you are making a game with kind realistic characters but only 2D and you can scul them or Draw them a little bit and then you can probably use this AI it could be useful for this you see now it says okay this is a female fine yeah good and as I say you do this and then you uh print screen the result and then you just uh work from it as as a reference it is a pretty cool reference I would say so uh with uh educational purposes could be useful since I'm a teacher I think I can I can use this to enhance my knowledge of human like face anatomy and everything to enhance my sculpt and also people can use it the uh the same way now I see that you know it's a very nice uh looking female face on the right on the left it's Abomination but on the right it's pretty cool why because the AI is better than me but again don't be uh you know don't be a Believers or something because this is 2D AI it's not a 3D Ai and I'm I'm not teaching it for anything it's just to thei and with my ugly sculpt I cannot teach it anything but bad things you know so that's has to be known can you change the prompt it says main face on the bottom The Prompt doesn't matter when you are using this The Prompt me matter when you generate things I'm not generating I'm enhancing when you're enhancing it doesn't matter the prompt before was uh some kind of jungle Castle or whatever and it was working the same so it doesn't matter the prompt doesn't matter oh never mind I see at the bottom right of your screen W AI make ni and all of us obsolete could be but if you're afraid of that of course you can go to another thing to do something else for example let me let me tell you jobs that soon will not be AI replaced maybe at some point but not soon uh people who build homes people who are uh you know installing Tiles at your bathroom for example people who are working with their hands usually it will be difficult to replace them I'm not saying that it will not happen I'm saying that it will be harder people who are working on the computer on the other hand most likely at some point if somebody has interest to do it they will do it now I see that turbo squid is making this kind of AI they're trying to make this AI they're riding the AI wave but I think they will crash because they don't have a complete database of 3D models they have a lot of 3D models don't get me wrong they have maybe the the biggest database of 3D models in the world but it's not enough images are far easier to find than 3DS and that's why it's much easier to learn to teach an AI how to make 2D than 3D 3D will be a little bit more difficult in my opinion but we'll see someday we probably will see nice so you see when when you have the skills you can do something like this on the right which I usually don't have and I'm doing this on the left and my daughter was watching me late uh earlier today when I was streaming in Discord the same things and she she asked but uh who is this sculptor that is making this on the right and he's following you he's very good and I say yeah he's amazing sculptor he's very f fast whatever I do he's doing it almost at the same time it's just amazing how he can do this this guy or girl you know we cannot assume that the sculpter is a guy you know it's sexist to assume that so don't do this don't be sexist now what I will do is enhance my image by yeah some people will say that my image is better than the AI which obviously is not true what okay here we'll make this then we'll make some eyebrows a little bit of okay let's see what happens here nice she doesn't have ice but on the on the AI she has ice which is great but CR AI is not CR I I always say k Why CR I think was something like Photoshop software for images this is Kaa K uh mine is starting to get uh nicer a little bit but it's still visible that it's made by a human and the one the right it's visible that human will have a difficult time make it making it it's too good there are people like this like young Pricks for example and other people but there are very few people who can make this on the Right In Trey and of course AI cannot make anything even close to that on the left in 3D so we are safe for now because this is 2D on the right a lot of people are watching now this I don't know why maybe people are uh curious about the AI which is fine you should be curious about it because it's probably the future but I don't know who am I to say we need more reddish tones here and there yeah and it can push you can push yourself when watching how the AI is doing it um because you will notice that yours is far far inferior than the AI although by itself my sculpt looks relatively fine but compared to the AI it uh cannot compare you know let's see how the nose will work on the ey okay we have to go here and fix this a little bit then probably we can put a little bit of black inside the nose because usually in the Tre when you don't have a render the nose is kind of bleeding light I don't know why the nostrils I mean so we can fix that we can add some eyebrow things and it's looking fine yeah very nice but the AI when you when you turn it it's it kind is the different picture it's not the same but it's similar and now it looks like a male now it looks more like female pretty much nice I can fix things here and there and the the lips we can fix the lips a little bit yes not so sharp I kind of like it how the AI is helping me uh to achieve a better result I'm just watching and learning from the AI yeah it's it's easier this way than to work from uh complete different concept or [Music] whatever she's looking cool if it's she but let's assume that it's a she and from the side view she looks like a she let's remove the hair by the way to see what will happen and now it's a male on the ai ai couldn't decide if this is a male or female if it doesn't have hair so yeah uh amazing AI is the best as we can see now it's a female no again it's a kind of a I I cannot decide what is this exactly but mine I think it's looking but it's not probably it's looking like a male also a little bit yeah yeah so my mistake probably AI is no knows what he's doing what it's doing I don't completely know maybe because of the prompt but I'm not sure the prompt should be U you know a stylized uh let's say woman but I don't think this will do anything no it doesn't but now it's a female I think there are some mistakes I'm sure I've made some mistakes and the ears are not correct but yeah for like 20 minutes it's fine it's not it's not fine for 20 minutes for nio but again what we're doing here is just a test just to see what this AI can do for us not if it can do our job because it can't but what it can do for us and it can do some things what if the AI strength was maxed so you see this slider here the I Strength if I maxed it it will do something completely different it will not even you know consider doing the things that I say to do so uh maxed is not a good idea usually about 0 0.10 0 12 could be the answer let's add a little bit more saturation but it's too much because of my material maybe this material would be a little bit better for a female character her lips look a little bit too inflated we have to be careful with that it's easy to get them to inflate to be to inflated it's pretty easy smaller nose not so hunched here and thinner probably di ice a little bit more out outward overall I am okay with the model but when I see what the AI is doing I'm frustrated because it's it's nothing like the AI you know it's it looks uh pretty much inferior to the to what the AI is doing but again it's it cannot be used in production or whatever easy because it will be visible that you have used some kind of AI and usually when you are making a 3D character it's for 3D purposes so you cannot use the render because this is just a render if you're making a super realistic render and you you you never show it from different angles probably you can use this program yes but other than that I guess it's not possible okay let's put the hair on and it's amazing how the AI has done it better than us why can't we be as good as dii I don't know funny from the side VI the tried to put ni hair on her because back of the head has Isn't painted yeah qu programma s everything is written uh in the in in your desktop you in the video you can see it it's fine but I don't see any useful things besides faking good sculpts exactly what happens if you put horns or fantasy stuff it will put horns I I tried it it will put something like horns on her for example we will do small horns for now oops okay okay let's let's do the horn I saw saw this in Facebook by the way it's uh some guy was making uh something in PlayStation 5 I don't know how but probably with the VR stuff in PlayStation 5 and he was using this to enhance it and it was looking relatively fine but it's again it's only for images it's not for 3D sculpts it just cannot work for 3D sculpts so this is one of the horns and we will have to color it a little bit differently and we have to put it on the other side with the mirror modifier and maybe color it yes a little bit more like a horn which will be a discolor and it could work I mean yeah they're C croissance now yes but if we put some things around like this so it's more visible that this is Ambit ambid it probably it could work I'm not sure it was working today relatively well for the horns now we'll see yeah sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't but it tries to to make it work of course if you make a render like this it's kind of not easy but you can easily fix it in Photoshop or whatever and make your amazing render but you know I advise you never say that this is a render from your work in uh in 3D because usually people will ask you for wireframes for other views and it just will not be possible so yeah you can try it you can test it but don't pretend that it's your artwork or whatever because people will laugh at you at at the least they will laugh at you I think this is just for learning purposes just to put it on uh put your sculpt and then try to replicate what the AI is doing just to look at it as a reference while you're sculpting it can give you some ideas but as I say it's always aiming for realism so if you're doing something stylized it will just mess you up it's not good it's not going to be nice only realistic sculpts if you are doing one most of the time though when we're sculpting we are not doing realism we are doing game realism which is not complete realism at all or we are doing absolute stz stylization game realism is something between realism and stylization it's not uh Ultra real but it's not completely stylized so it's couple of things H it kind of looks like okay okay finish this will be our uh thing we will end it now and we will continue with our Station reviews let me read some hello this is my first time joining a live stream I've been watching all over this I missed it but I will go a little bit more up I've been watching all the other live videos I just started sculpting and making a bold mail head from reference yeah but it's difficult the male heads are easier than the female heads though as you can see but niiko left side character is likeness is more like your feminine versions exactly still The Prompt can affect the result I'm not sure exactly in this case you need to specify in the prompt that the AI image will be guided better I don't know is it free it's absolutely free for for now but no AI will be free forever all the new AIS are kind of free then they start to get not so free and it's not going to be free forever believe me nothing is going to be free forever uh on the AI s and you will ask why because AI is uh resource um eating it's eating resources it's eating um you know there are this huge video cards they're not huge but they are video cards from Nvidia that's why Nvidia now is leading the AI race they're big video cards they're not so big physically but they are very expensive uh tens of thousands of dollars for one video card and if you can buy it okay but one video card is not enough usually so usually people are are renting uh this render Farms but for AI so you are paying like couple of money an hour like couple of hundred dollar even an hour and you can do your a AI stuff if you are doing AI stuff of course because not everybody is doing that for example I'm not doing that but I have a friend who is a programmer he's a hacker he's doing AI stuff so he is using sometimes those kind of farms and they have tens of those uh video cards we may say AI cards let's say them and they're like all the farm is costing something close to a million dollars probably and he's renting that for an hour for a couple hundred bucks so yeah it's resource intensive the AI so it will never be free completely or it will be very slow if it's free at some point in the development of the AI it will be if it's free it will be slow if it's fast it will be paid and this CA AI that I'm showing you right now that I showed you is uh free for now but how long it will be free I don't know I don't know uh yes you have to add the horns in the prompt I don't think so but you have you can try it you know please select CGI cartoon or concept option Okay cartoon CGI okay CGI let's see if it will change oh it's changing it's it's making it uh more uh stylized let's see cartoon oh nice so yeah I couldn't see that options by the way and it's uh it's looking pretty great I would say but again let's see if it will make it the same no it's completely different uh different image so if you pretend that uh uh I'm look guys I made this sculpt and you posting the image on the right let's uh move it a little bit so it's become becomes better because it's not okay if you post it and say this is my work everybody will laugh at you this this is not your work this is just Ai and yes it can be nice but you know concept option let's try it but concept option usually is just a normal thing so I like the most the cartoon option because it's more stylized and it can lead my model to be more stylized and better looking if I'm doing a Stylz model and I usually am so I think this could be useful even for me but only as a reference nothing else but again as a reference it it looks like a good tool if it's free you are the product it's something like this yeah I saw a science video no no now in the beginning all the AIS have to be free so they can gather audience so people can test them and see oh this is useful for me and then they will become paid at some point or or Easy by easy they will start getting paid some features will start getting paid and you will get paid be you will get behind the pay wall at some point so yeah yeah AI is not art and it will not take our works it's something like this yeah you if you are an artist real artist probably you don't have to be afraid from of the AI with some photoshop touchups it will look great exactly yes I tried it with Lobo face and it always tries to close his big mouth exactly it I'm working now on the best case scenario when you are working on a real human face especially female it's doing great male also doing great white only or Asian but I tried to make a black girl face uh once just once and it didn't do it so uh yeah okay for people who not care about art just just want to watch it works it's our customers AI topology please yeah I'm waiting for the AI topology by the way for a long time AI can be good for some things though yeah it can be it can be definitely uh so yeah let's see window capture okay now we are on the Discord server we are seeing this from the last week challenge it looks pretty good I would say this guy made it or girl I'm not sure gem Arc 08 nobody knows if it's a girl or maybe he knows or she but I don't know so where are we now here this is 1210 okay let's go oh no where are we ah okay okay okay okay this okay now we will open the portfolio of a person named how it's named ruget parab ruget up has made this which look awesome of course it's not as good as it should be but it looks relatively fine this one is pretty cool this is a show of how he can do low poly materials textures and uh nice clothes that's a good thing that's a good thing let's see his last work which is this one and yeah show off of materials and uh modeling skill is pretty pretty nice but I would suggest this one it's not looking good enough not the render the render is not good and the model itself when you look at it up close it's like n so yeah probably remove it this video is private very cool okay nice nice let's see this Krishna K Krishna K is doing this Krishna Kumar from India definitely this is from the male anatomy course the superum anatomy course this is from the female anatomy course not a bad result not a bad result at all the the eyes I would make them a little bit not so white because it looks creepy so when you're making again I'm saying when you're making something to put in your R station portfolio make sure it's good enough make sure it's nice quality uh take your time to present it well take your time to light it well and to kind of make sure it looks fine at the end uh those speed sculpts and something that you have done just for a quick couple of hours they will not do you any good in our station in the art Station reviews hello Nik sir I want to be a character so I bought your superhero Anatomy C ended up replicating it good I think yes please review it and make thanks for sharing your precious knowledge it was relatively fine but of course uh there are always issues even with my sculpt even with my uh but it's good enough mine is good enough yours has a little bit more to be wanted but it's also fine for some things it could be fine how many I join your Discord how may I join your Discord is asking a guy Link in the description usually of this video hopefully it's working but it's usually working because after streams I usually have a lot of inflow of people to the Discord server so yeah niik do you learn karate karate no I haven't uh Nico what are your op uh opinion about Nvidia and turbo squid they are currently collaborating to develop an AI power 3D modeling generate generative tool I uh know I talked about about it couple of minutes ago thanks for your life sculpting videos learn a lot thank you it's pretty good I would say yes it's a very demoralizing development for a student student who just started sculpting it's a little bit demoralizing yes I would say it's true but still the treaty hasn't talken taken over the AI hasn't been taken over the 3D world uh and they haven't been taken over the 2D world even with those amazing images that they are creating because still you can't do exactly what you want from the AI except if you are amazing prompt artist with a lot of experience and even then probably it will need a lot of retouch after so usually it can be done for uh early concepting for some characters the AI but the the serious companies they are using real artists and that's it at least for now we'll see Discord is down right now sadly mine is not I don't know it's kind of Hit and Miss for a lot of web services today probably Facebook and Instagram down really Discord is down too H interesting there's a paint page named Kum in your bookmark Kum means sparring in Japanese Kum in my bookmarks let me see ah Kum it's not Kum it's K but it doesn't matter K is not the same as Kum but whatever uh K is um oven an oven let's see it this oven uh kumel it's a Turkish oven and I'm trying to find it somewhere to buy it it's not the best because uh but whatever why why am I talking about okay this is this is nice by the way Michael Le lean is doing relatively nice models but he is doing only monsters and we cannot see exactly the anatomy and also what we see the anatomy looks a little bit off like U too chaotic in some areas like for example here it's looking a little bit too off and the clavicle is strange those muscles and here it's it's pretty strange so yeah more work on Anatomy always is a good thing and I would advise it so yeah I I would say translate your questions in English it will be better so do I have to create my hero until I'm uh uh doing the course or do I have to make it after the finish of the course I would suggest for everybody when they when they're doing the courses my courses or any courses for character creation to create your character with the instructor so watch the video and do it watch it and do it watch the video and while watching it do your think do what in the instructor is doing this way you will learn if you are trying to watch the whole course like 20 hours and after that you will understand probably around 10% of the things and after that you start to do your own sculpt it will be impossible so this question actually is not difficult at all just do it with the instructor 3D has more Dimensions or views in which an AI cannot predict it we'll see but yeah we'll see brother your room light is more prominent than usual yeah because uh yeah I have lights here I will turn them on by off by the way it's good too this is better now now it's more uh contrasty the face because my other light was on how you think about draw tablets with display about 13 in for sculpting I say if it works for you it's fine I really hope sometimes you use the brush that probably will never happen but we'll see I go for welome medium size now but I don't know if with display or not if you have money to spend spend them on courses not on the display tablet in my opinion but of course everybody can spend their money as they like okay I think we have seen this guy before and he is it's fine it's looking good this one very nice I like this this one yeah not bad I would say Not a Bad Thing This is not AI as you can see uh cool render cool cool presentation let's see this one yeah the face has issues but other than that it's interesting materials though yeah and the feet are too tiny I mean yeah you say okay this is a female I have to make the feet too tiny but when she can hide her feet in her Palm then something is wrong you know usually you cannot do that but we see very nice things and this guy knows how to sculpt obviously he's pretty good at you know nice monsters he can do uh different materials and stuff but Anatomy wise and especially female faces are difficult so he is not obviously good at that but I other things he can do pretty well so good and I like the thumbnails and uh the presentations are cool and that's what I'm talking about presentations are very important when you have nice presentations you will be fine we see here this is from I see a lot of people doing this this is from uh some course I think of flip normal scores probably yeah it looks interesting this one is a Cuban it's from a a certain concept it looks fine I mean it looks good looks good the idea is that U when you put and you project your concept onto your model it's a little bit of a cheating I would say because this is what happened here let's see this this is from my dragon and horse course or Dragon Knight yeah Dragon Knight I hope you like it thanks to Nikolai course concept here yes so good no no bad at all he has night things but he has to remove this is not very good this is from uh the Assassin or Warrior woman or I don't know course and it's not on a good level it has to be gone this is from another course from next to education I think this is from another course this guy loves to do his cses but at some point you have to start doing your own things and start to remove the cses from your portfolio this is my point of it you share more blender cses on Udi I don't have more blender cses on Udi the all the cses that I have they are shared in Udi so yeah should I buy a pen tablet for sculpting I'm not a professional I just started sculpting by watching your videos and others on YouTube right now I use a mouse I think you should buy and get used to a pen tablet because this is the way you sculpt this is the way everybody sculpts and uh as I say every time my tablet that I'm using on a daily basis I'm using only this tablet it's one by welcom it's super cheap and you can find it secondhand for less than $50 most likely so buy this tablet it's amazing and it's Wacom one of the best Brands it it is the best brand probably but there are other brands like xpen now that you can buy some cheap XP pen for even cheaper probably so it's not very expensive to buy a graphic tablet these days back in the days when I was younger it was pretty much difficult thanks for the reply except I've already watched the head part good hello Nico I've learned a lot from your videos and in terms of portfolio review I learned learn much more but I have to decide to leave it as to leave it as it to have a clear and more objective review good you're the best master I have ever met uh you haven't met the best Masters yet in your life I am just a normal guy you know trying to be funny the elephant looks pretty cool the elephant good oh so yeah course course course course all the works from crues and presentation wise those are kind of well lit bright nice looking I like them but uh it's only only from courses mostly from courses so be careful with that at some point you have to become your own man you know most likely yes so as a Russian you don't understand any other Slavic languages which is fine you haven't learned at school for example any other Slavic languages we in Bulgaria have learned Russian my myself I have learned one year in fifth grade so even one year is giving you some perspective and you're starting to understand things so if I go to school again and learn for one year let's say polish or Slovak or uh Serbian even Serbian is pretty much close to Bulgarian so it will be much easier so yeah it will be pretty easy for me and uh yeah oh this one is this is the remix from nik's character and fly cat that's interesting yeah the hair is from the demon huness course and the face probably so yeah interesting interesting artistic kind of a mixing but I see a lot of things that are you know like this fox here I don't know it's pretty simple and when we or this thing here what is this or environments which are not good enough I would say this is a long portfolio of all the things that this guy has made Mahmud from Turkey it's cool but you have to decide and I would say remove half of them immediately you have to decide which ones so the worst for example this one remove this one remove this one too dark and nothing remove this one also remove this one also remove this one remove this one remove this one also remove so more more than half has to has to go uh yeah this is for this guy and why because I always say and I will say it again quantity is not good quality is good so we have seen I think this guy it's amazing Phil Rosario he's just a 3D artist and he has done some props and then he's doing some characters his character works are very good I would say on a pretty much professional level uh even better than many people I know as professional character artists so yeah good work on some characters so no what can we say uh if you want uh for people to look at you and say okay I will hire this guy to make guns then leave only the guns here if you want the people to hire you to make characters remove the guns the guns are not needed yeah you can make guns you can make props you are character artist you have to be able to make it so uh you don't need to show it or make characters and put the guns into the hands of the characters this will be more appropriate because you will show the whole stuff guns characters props everything so yeah this guy is good I like it I'm a little bit jealous even so yeah but sometimes uh let's see a lot of people are writing for me uh the Ukrainian language is different than Russian yeah I cannot understand that quite well I will catch a word here and there but I cannot understand it I understand Russian pretty well ukra Ukrainian not so much try to SCP yourselfself in the next uh live video with no beard I don't know about that you know so happy you started teaching blender as as that is why I have been using for years have you tried sculpting on iPad with NAD sculpt no I've sculpt with in my um Android phone which Galaxy s23 Ultra I sculpt with it with the pen because it has a pen and it works pretty well so yeah that's that you know amazing stuff I know I'm using Spen tablet and it works great yes it works this screen share AI is crazy it's like Outsourcing imagination and project projecting it on screen on the model it looks nice but uh it's not it's useless kind of for me except for the you know teaching purposes I was thinking of picking up clay sculpting do you think it will improve my sculpting digitally definitely it will it's sculpting again it's a different media but it's sculpting so it should improve if you are trying hard I think courses are only good for learning new workflows tips in general advice if you already know how to do all that then watching them is a waste of time it's not exactly a waste of time because the instructor I'm referring at me can give you some knowledge not about uh the tools not only about the workflow but about the where thinking sometimes which is can be fine of course if you are taking a course and then only 10% of this course is useful for you then it's not quite worth it the time probably but if the toast 10% will improve your sculpting and your working your works like a lot then probably it's worth it but you know you can never know how do you use a tablet in Mouse mode or pen mode in pen mode usually I want to be a 3D generalist I'm practic on it but your streams make me more practice on character sculpting brother thanks uh it's not thanks because if you want to be a generalist you have to practice also the other things uh rigging animation and uh rendering many things R apologizing hey ni what is the most efficient way to learn about baking and do character artists rig themselves we really usually don't rig ourselves no when when is a character considered game ready for production the game ready for production game ready is when it's riged animated scripted and then it's probably game ready after the character artist it has to be rigged by the rigger or animator and then animated by the animator because sometimes in some studios smaller Studios the animator is also a rigger he's rigging the models and then animating them so yeah I like hand painted mid poly style what do you think I think it's fine try to sculpt yourself in the next live video with no beard try to not say the same thing that much time uh Nico do you draw on paper and if yes can you show some Recons that's a good idea I will show you some things that I just drove for my for my my uh daughter I just draw on the paper just a little bit and it's not very visible it's difficult with this this is this is her doing a rabbit and the other ones are mine let's see if there's something else yeah I'm not uh trying too hard but still a little bit of oh a little bit of anatomy let me grab it here and there can we see it yes we can yes we can no we can't it's difficult because the uh Nvidia broadcast is trying to to hide everything which yeah and this was some interesting thing let's no you cannot see it ah okay it's it's a little bit visible I'm doing some characters you know just drawing them because I used to draw when I was younger have your kid ever tried sculpting yes she tried but she is five and a half years old so it's she's not technically good enough to do this maybe couple of years uh yes good good lighting and Anatomy do you draw Nik I come here from time to time and always enjoy watching you and listen to your advices just wanted to say something nice keep on the good work thank you 85 reading chat 15% reviewing something like that yeah yes okay let's do this let's check out this guy again this is uh some kind of a Cru because many people are doing this oh this is the same guy okay he has posted it couple of times okay Maxim zuku I think we have seen this Maxim but I'm not sure he likes to do muscle male characters which by the way was my favorite thing to do now I still like it but I'm okay with other things too because I try to improve this one is looking relatively fine let's see okay the lighting is a little bit awkward the eyes are a little bit awkward they are awkward things so obviously need improving improving but the thumbnail is looking fine it's looking good the overall shape of the character and the anatomy looks nice but when we go in then on the face we see like and this thumbnail is not good this also is not good those thumbnails are cutting the head the head is one of the most important things that you want to show and yeah this guy is not as good with the heads obviously but you have to show the head otherwise the thumbnail is not good enough for me at least I don't like thumbnails without heads you have a head on your character show it if you don't have a head on your character usually don't show the character because it's useless we have seen this I think and yeah we shouldn't we shouldn't waste time on on things that we have already seen this is interesting this is kind of a nice presentation it it rotates a little bit too quick and it has a lot of things going on on his suit so it's a little bit strange this suit is too much I would say for me this will not work too much Miguel from the spiderverse movie I made to work on more improving my timing topology poly count and baking that's cool but I don't completely approve it it's it's a difficult thing to pull off and the render is not amazing this rotational thing look looks cool but it's too quick and we cannot judge the character that much also when we're watching characters it's nice to see faces it's nice to see faces oh we see something like animation the anatomy is a little bit too much off but uh yeah with some effects It looks interesting and let's see this the thumbnail looks promising although a little bit dark oh this is from it looks like this guy from uh from Fallout 4 the Android which is a detective but it's not exactly him but again too much bright things and uh a little bit strange looking and too much detail which makes the ey doesn't know where to look you know usually when we're making Concepts or 3D we like we have to put detail on certain areas and certain areas to live them without detail so the eye can have somewhere to rest those are General princip of design and uh here we have only detail especially on this guy and it looks awkward and uh you know many people will say oh so much detail so nice it's not it there is a thing like uh too much detail there is too much detail there is a thing that's too much I'm grateful to see that your draw brother love it thank you if I had a child would make 2D animations from from her him drawings probably can I see my work in Discord General you can see it go to Discord General and you can see it hello I'm a junior and my English is not good it's very difficult for me to find a job in this field I don't know if I should dedicate myself to something else or what but you should dedicate yourself on learning English probably English is not the worst langage language of course if you are an Asian from those countries who are using hieroglyphs or what whatever they called like not exactly Latin letters then I'm sure that it's English is pretty difficult I will I would assume that it's almost like for me to learn Chinese for example it would be probably very hard but some people have have done it not too many though how do you feel about an Animan Studio I don't know it hello yes I'm from Argentina that's good uh have you had to deal with perfectionism no I have have never had to deal with perfectionism I know people who have had to deal with it and it's not pretty it's take them uh too much time to finish anything oh this is uh Mel kakis from Canada kakis I would say from Greece but he's from Canada he's uh doing pretty nice renders you see all those thumbnails are looking very nice they're like clickable you see this and you say oh I want to click on it but I guess he has so many things so many Arts so many works and he probably post them all at once and this is not the way you do it when you post this 100 artworks all at once it will not give you any anything because they will get lost in the recent section of uh our station and you will not get any likes and he hasn't he has only 500 uh followers with this quality of artwork I would guess he needs to have at least yeah the faults on the jacket are a little bit off but the thumbnails are looking very nice he he can do thumbnails at least so yeah the characters they're fine they are uh sharp contrasty good renders the problem is with too much details some in some places and we see this kind of additional rip here which is huge it's not completely nice and there are some things that doesn't look quite well but as a thumbnail it looks pretty pretty cool they're sharp and crispy this one looks interesting yes good I would say uh something like a turntable also would be nice let's see this one this one looks very cool I would say very nice and this one and when you have this kind of a huge library of things choose like 20 of them the best 20 remove some of them which are not good enough and uh delay delete like all of your portfolio except for three things and then start to upload once like every two days start to upload things in your portfolio and uh don't upload them all at once it will not do you any good detective Valentine exactly what's up first time I caught your live stream I've been watching your videos thank you can you see my work in Discord General I can see it later is there any way to sculpt with symmetry on a character that's already post that was the question that I that you asked in the Discord server and I told you that probably there is a way but you have to think about it before you make the post I think I've I've watched some video that the guy was telling how to do this before before you pose it you have to do some things then you pose it and then you will regain the Symmetry will be there I'm not sure exactly how this could be done but of course if you want to do it probably you have to search the internet for it YouTube I'm sure has the answer oh he's a teacher some people are teachers yes sir I'm a great fan of yours actually I want to know what all steps I should take to become a concept artist for games currently I'm a concept artist for architect architectural firm basically doing Interiors so uh in order to become a character artist you need to learn how to make characters that's the first thing and the second you need to wait at least two years because now it's very difficult to enter the industry it's people are getting laid off uh and uh even now one friend of mine yes I will Pro probably a little bit dis dishearten you with this but I will tell you one friend of mine he's one of the best 3D artist in Bulgaria character artist he has been laid off also from the company he was working for Switzerland company I'm not sure uh for some foreign company from Bulgaria and they laid him off because now it's difficult the times are difficult for the 3D for all the AI industry not AI all the it industry like game industry and everything so it's difficult now after 2 years I guess it could be better so 200 uh 20026 most likely the things will start going back to normal and you have this time to get better that's cool let's see this girl by the way it's she looks a little bit strange it's a low poly it has some hair with hair cards which is great but he has some issues she has some issues the pose is a little bit strange and she's falling back as you can see which you never want your character you spent some so much time on the character and suddenly you are showing her how she falls back she will just fall back which is not a good thing ever and there are some other weird things this one remove and the others remove maybe leave this girl but you know in order to make a nice portfolio you have to have nice things in your portfolio and that's difficult brother as a te generalist how to develop portfolio can I post the overall scene with all props or can I post them individually I don't know about the 3D generalist I would suggest find other 3D generalists in art station look at their portfolios analyze them and make something similar as the best of them that's a good advice I would say how old are you I'm like 42 so I have two years of practice I have more uh yeah nice can you share links for this Ai No the AI was clearly visible in on the screen so you can find it pretty easy you can achieve a lot in two years yes if you're working a lot Nico is 60 at least so I understand that Nik is 90 years old no nik is obviously 120 years old why can't you understand that 60 90 no of course not niik is older than that in order to achieve this level of professionalism and practice he cannot be uh younger than like 105 just can't let's see here we have Andre valano from Romania of course and he has a good portfolio he's a obviously professional artist I would say those things cannot be uh beginner things or he is the best beginner I've seen yeah very very very nice very nice meet our newest creation so our newest creation H why ours isn't he doing it himself maybe he's doing it with the team of artists okay yeah better explanation on the Arts will be appropriate because our New Creation it seems a little bit strange introducing our last Creation The Delectable 3D rendition of man's best friend a Stylez dog this probably is ntf art or whatever I'm not sure NF ntf whatever this looks nice I mean the the face the skin and everything so yeah I would say this guy is kind of professional we cannot judge professionals that much if uh somebody's skill is kind of close to mine how can I judge him you know it's stupid and if somebody's skill is worse than mine usually he is not exactly in the position to judge me and that's the idea when you are at certain level in certain field you can judge people around your level but not too much High lower of course you can but higher not so much so when I see a guy who is I think at my level or higher I say he's very good so yeah but here we have some things that need to be immediately deleted from this all the things backwards from this also this doesn't have a nice render this is very you know bright and doesn't show anything the Yoda and many things by the way here are looking like works in progress or just speed sculpts avoid this avoid putting speed sculpts or uh Works in progress in your art station just put nice rendered artworks if possible put them with low poly and texturing and UVS and everything okay yeah I would say I rarely say that but push the like button I don't know why but everybody say push it like like button is amazing no it's not it's just a button and it's even ugly it's like this but push it and uh what else you should do subscribe maybe why not I would say subscribe is a normal thing to do although although I watched a guy yesterday making this kind of amazing wooden desk with uh he was burning it in some places with a blowtorch then he was putting some um something on top like a glass and then he was uh smoothing it it was super cool and he said people if you like this video subscribe and I didn't subscribe because you see I don't care about those things I like to watch them from time to time but I really don't want them to be all over my uh YouTube but if you like sculpting character art uh character 3D creation and sculpting and Anatomy you probably want my face all over your YouTube you know so subscribe will be nice but as I say I rarely subscribe I subscribe to some people with which I watch often very often like Mr who's the boss or mbhd or M MK MBH I don't know this guy from England uh who is black and he has this amazing quality of videos about tech things and of course his car videos are also very nice this this is looking very nice I I will have to show you guys this is looking pretty cool I like it a lot I don't like the black background but it doesn't bother me that much overall it looks nice the thumbnail is also cool with a little bit more lighter background for example this guys like in a rock concert with a few lights beaming uh behind him for example uh not symmetrical a little bit like this for example something it could look much better of course the lights and the background has to be blurred kind of so it doesn't take from the character but overall nice nice things this also looks cool the anatomy is looking relatively pretty great I would say yes could be a little bit better but mine also has a way to improve uh yeah good good but uh again one thing to improve other than that everything is fine but one thing backgrounds black backgrounds H not work quite well here in this top image I don't think this is exactly what your top image needs to be it's uh clay sculpt it's it doesn't look finished and it's like your like your uh your main image is this and when somebody enters your portfolio they will see this and immediately subconsciously they would say okay this guy is UNF finisher he is posting his best work which is unfinished which is work in progress as the the main image so yeah this is this has to change immediately this is the biggest problem with this portfolio wow this looks nice those things on the top here they look sharp crisp relatively nicely made so let's see this girl very cool very cool but is he looking working with something else okay blender only substance painter Marvel's designer oh substance painter is not here zebrra blender and Marvel's designer Marvel's designer is for the jacket it's too inflated I guess uh the the jacket the jacket is too inflated also her burst obviously is a little bit uh inflated but it's not too inflated it's fine and she looks pretty nice I don't know if this guy is that good probably his judging by this is the dog from uh from the course and the guns but he didn't make the girl this is from girl and the dog course and his works on the on the guns is better than mine I would guess my guns didn't have this texture of wood as long as I remember on the handles and also he has made more interesting the guns the dog is also nice I like it but where is the girl and the gun is probably better than mine in the course this is another girl he likes to do interesting girls with Marvel's designer with clothes pretty cool I would say but again presentation wise it needs to be a little bit better I think let's see this this is very nice this is super nice but where has okay she even has bottoms of the legs pretty cool I would say pretty cool but again uh the thumbnail this thumbnail I would say it has to be cut up to up to here so it has to be U bigger head with shoulders and a little bit of chest showing and that's for the thumbnail it would be better in my opinion this looks unfinished uh other than that it's looking fine this one needs to be removed I think because it's uh just a clay scope maybe if he finished it and make it as all other than that the anatomy is on point it's pretty cool I would say very cool but it doesn't stand with the other things you know colorful things we like to see and this from from Star wield I don't completely approve those models but whatever this guy has skills though I like to to see this kind of skill regarding sculpt while post with symmetry there's a trick in blender for before merging everything I believe it would be helpful to know I tried looking on YouTube but there is no videos apart from someone changing the origin point but he only did it for the and it seems like a long process yeah but niik don't you have a new course to prepare so many lives it smells like laziness it is pretty huge laziness I would say Nikolai time to learn a new word superb which means very good okay very good is also very good so amazing superb is not very good superb is above that so superb is usually I don't say that wor too much arms course when I'm asking the same question every night when I lay down and I say when you will make the arm screes my friend and there is no answer nobody is answering me because it's just me you know this background is killing me the background is killing background Nico do you think sculpting the muscles with no skin for practice will help with Anatomy like one arm leg at a time or just regular characters everything helps so just practice can you recommend a good pack of facial details to buy like pores imperfections I don't do that so I cannot recommend but they I think they're good ones but where were they from I'm not sure uh if you watch the video of my colleague he made this guy who made blender he made his face a little bit more cartoon style uh so he's man mentioning in this video where he's making the face of the blender Creator he's mentioning this texture pack that he's using and he's using it in blender I think so you can check out his video you have to find it uh you have to learn the name of the blender Creator I don't remember it it's a little bit strange and then write it in YouTube and after that play sculpt or something and you will find it hey Nico can your female anatomy course is Everything to learn female body proportions and also Anatomy uh I hope so yes which is better zbrush or blender sculpt and why zbrush because it uh it can hold on much more polygons and the sculpting is a little bit more smooth in the brush but again it doesn't matter I mean blender can sculpt also and if you looking for a soft which will improve your skills it will not happen so if you are good in sculpting you can sculpt with blender you can sculpt with zbrush you will not find too much difference if you're not good with sculpting you will also not will not be good in blender or in zbrush so it doesn't matter that much also but Niko I think you could do SQL to head course one with some care about hair and details in your style of course probably but it's not going to be a course I guess probably a YouTube video post most likely Nico greetings from Colombia I have worked on analog sculpture and I think in late good foration yes it good foundation if you have learned analog sculpture have you done some analog to no 3D Max or blender blender definitely that's not the debatable at all I hope blender stuff stop changing hot Keys when update the program I hope so too but it's free so we cannot complain too much I heard 3D Max has no quick hot case like blender it has but you have to set them up yourself mostly and it's uh a lot of work to set up to make 3D Max work fast blender is working fast from the getg go so I think it's better let's see what is this I don't think so we can see it probably somebody said that our station is down or some other services is down down this probably means that our station is not working we ah we see it okay it's working now so this is kind of decent I wouldn't say it's very good or superb but it's decent the render is cool because everything is visible except for the legs by the way they're losing a little bit but you see legs are not as important so they can be a little bit darker color usually they are with character because the more important things are here in the top so it this has to be lighter Oran is most likely what our station is sabotaging the our Station reviews sabotaging sabotaging sabotaging sabotaging it's a sabotage our station doesn't work as to doesn't want us to make our Station reviews orhan okay we can can see your hand what he's doing so game of four character is here uh there are some characters in the bottom which are bad face wise this has short uh short arms some of those are old and pretty bad like The Witcher for example it looks awful and why the Witcher looks awful by the way let's look at it the Witcher looks awful because the face features are too small for the overall head he has to increase the size SI of the mouth the nose and uh the forehead needs to go a little bit shorter and everything has to shrink a little bit or increase the size of the facial triangle here the facial triangle is between the eyes and the mouth everything here is this triangle if you kind of increase the triangle and fix few things probably this character will be okay but again most people will doesn't want to retouch old characters me included I don't like to retouch old characters I like to do them from scratch this portfolio we have revealed recently so we will not go through it again we don't need that let's go through this one how much time has passed o 1 hour and 23 minutes good okay this one is not going great again it's not going great our station is sabotaging us so guys let's see again the uh thing that the AI did from my sculpt and this is just image so for those of you who haven't been here in the beginning of this video uh on the left is my sculpt I did the sculpt in blender and on the right we have ai image Creator which generates in this case enhancing although it it says enhance here but it generates from my sculpt from the current position of the sculpt it generates an image and if we turn on cartoon which I like the most we can see it it's looking pretty nice I would say very cool and we can of course make the horns different shape and it will change the AI the shape in the AI so you can easily we may say make uh some interesting illustration not but concept based on your scul and you can customize it pretty easy H I thought that it will not do it but it did it let's see with a very small nose huh it's doing it kind of let's see with a very wide nose ah it's kind of doing it again okay I like it the AI can work for I don't know what exactly but as as I said if you want to concept yourself if you are a 3D artist but you want to do your own Concepts you can basically throw some 3D sketch and the AI will kind of make it work for you this Ai and which is this AI you will ask uh the name is here it's this one so yeah the name is here on the top so you can see it it's easy don't ask me because you see it it's there that that's like Instagram filter of people exactly that's almost the same thing but you can rotate rotate I have to try it with the male this cartoon version because I've tried the default and it was not working quite well with uh yeah this one is the portrait so this is more realistic and I don't think this yeah this could be for um for a preview this one for example if we increase the size of the nose it will not do too much it will not increase the size of the nose too much yeah you see it's it's kind of stick sticking to realism a little bit uh of course the AI straight also matter so be careful with the strength of the AI I mean the slider on the top here the AI strength if we increase it it will start looking completely different it will if we decrease it a lot it will kind of make it very much closer to our model so yeah it's fine but I like the [Applause] cartoon and I see that my chin is a little bit too big too long we can fix that ah looking pretty much closer now uh to the to the sculpt I would say okay good good I just wanted to show you guys because this is interesting and the r Station reviews were nice let's just uh end it here let's try this one again but our station was uh okay we can see it now that's cool that's amazing but I have to put it on my other screen thank you and this guy has interesting sculpt here but it's very slow you see how it's slow we cannot see it let's Okay this looks nice it has a nice render doesn't have black points although it doesn't have too much Shadows also I would say a little bit of Shadow will help but this is a nice thing and this seems like a nicer topology too on the face and the mouth so this is for production it looks cool this guy has some skills but can we see some Anatomy skills yeah our station kill us so we are ending up here we will mark this as unre and that will be it for now this is the sculpt I did only in blender without the AI interrupting us but the AI definitely is helping to uh to see let's see thei again helping us to see how we can improve our sculpt in order for it to look like better more stylized or whatever we want that's the only use in my opinion for the AI and people I would say goodbye thank you for watching and uh subscribe like share whatever you want uh don't share don't subscribe don't like dislike whatever you want that's absolutely your choice not that I don't care but uh you know I hate people when they say what uh they want me to do you know and now hit the Subscribe button I would never do that if the guy told me to to hit the subscribe button I will never hit it I would say [ __ ] you you cannot tell me what what I can do you know that's why I'm not telling you good bye guys you're not a dictator no I'm not remove my microphone and see you in the next stream tomorrow we'll see but uh yeah goodbye for now
Channel: Speedchar live
Views: 21,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Bjfs5YiMrrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 24sec (5424 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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