Zbrush artist talks about sculpting in Blender

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so guys let's start with that that blender has a little bit of an advantage over zbrush because it's a little bit cheaper zbrush is around 9 900 900 or 800 dollars and blender is free so blender is a little bit cheaper and that's an advantage zbrush has an advantage that it supports a lot of polygons blender cannot support that many polygons the other thing i want to say in the beginning but first let me just delete those things everything here and just put some just a sphere go to the sculpting tab and i will start sculpting slowly because i'm not very fast in in blender so i will start sculpting slowly and we will see what will happen the other thing i want to say is that yeah zebras supports a lot of polygons which is great but blender by the way is not bad i mean it doesn't support like more than 10 million polynomials probably it will it will be difficult to work with 10 million polynomials in blender but it's kind of alright for stylized characters for stuff like this it could be fine so i was working with blender for a year now but i never sculpted in blender like i never tried to sculpt really in blender until the day before yesterday so now for three days i have sculpted in blender a little bit and i just wanted to see how it is and i may say that in the beginning it was hard but at the at some point it became kind of very similar to zebras it's yeah i know i know it's kind of kind of hard to to grasp this concept and i will probably my next video probably probably will be about how to sculpt in z brush how to start exactly in in blender yeah zebras blender i just kind of mix them but how to start sculpting in blender because there are some kind of issues especially with the tablet because i was using blender for uv mapping for some other hard surface stuff in the layout tab here but i haven't used the scope tab and i always used blender with mouse and now i'm trying to use blender with tablet and it's a little bit different and the navigation is different and it kind of you have to get used to this also the brushes that i use in zbrush they have their exact copies here most of them and it's great and but until i found them until i kind of found the shortcuts and everything it was a little bit hard for me for example now you can see i'm using mostly the standard brush which here is called drawbrush i i think and the grab yeah it's a draw brush sculpt roll and the grab brush so those two brushes are my main brushes in zbrush too so yeah we're using the same brushes here which is great the other brushes that i use i will show you are the damp standard brush in zbrush which here is called this second brush here is draw sharp is called and for this brush by the way what i want to do is uh change shortcut and press one i want it to be one and two i want it to be clay strips but it's already done so how to make a shortcut i will tell that in the next video but now just right click on the item you want to change the shortcut or make it and just put a shortcut on which is great and maybe three will be this one assigned shortcut three okay so hopefully i didn't miss anything but the idea here is that in the beginning it's very hard in any software but if you know your anatomy if you know your stuff you will be okay in blender as in zbrush it's not a problem at all it's just a matter of software so it just takes a few hours of practicing to kind of get it and of course i haven't found a nice video that explains uh step by step the process of starting sculpting in zbrush with the tablet and that's a problem maybe maybe there is such video but i haven't found it so it's okay but for me i had to kind of teach myself and i i'm starting to kind of do it so uh the brushes are working in a very similar way to zbrush there are some things that are not exactly the same for example dynamesh in zbrush is a very powerful tool and it's very easy to use to make your polygons more consistent here you have to use i use remesh some people use dyno dyno topo but i don't use it i use remesh and i just go manually here change the value and then ctrl r to apply it or just press remesh here but idea is that this is a little bit more not so intuitive not so fast as in zbrush especially for me because i'm used in zbrush of course i used i'm used to working in zbrush because i'm a zbrush artist or no i'm not a zebra artist by the way i'm a 3d artist and i had i have to know especially as i'm a teacher and yeah i have to know how things works so yeah masking is not as intuitive here as in zbrush in zbrush is very easy and very nice to make masks here you have to press m to go to the mask brush in zbrush you just press ctrl and mask and it's a little bit more a little bit easier but again it just takes a little bit time to get used to it so now yeah i will say it even now that blender is good enough for sculpting it's not a bad tool it has even some advantages over zbrush for example zbrush is not a real 3d program i know i will shock a lot of people but it's kind of a 2.5 d program that's why it supports so much polynomials in the viewport because it doesn't really support them it's a little bit kind of faking them that's why the lighting in zbrush is not realistic the lighting in zbrush is bad and it's uh but in blender since it's a real 3d program and it has very nice renders you can make a very nice lighting and it will be pretty cool so that's how blender is better in the as and especially the price but the sculpting itself the process of sculpting is not that different i mean it took me just a few hours to get used to this and to get used to mostly the the most the bigger problem in the beginning was not the rotation but the zoom in zoom out and pan because i have to press a key combination and then with the tablet to do it but most of the things are alright so now i what i'm doing is i'm trying to do a female yeah it's not very visible i'm trying to do a female hat stylized and it's not going very well at least for now but i hope i'll be able to do it and as you can see i'm using only my grab brush which is the move brush and my standard brush for now i'm not using any other brushes yet i will definitely use more but for now in the beginning stages since i'm working super low and this is one thing that you should very carefully open your eyes now and ears open your ears and here that you have to work very low in the beginning you have to spend a lot of time in this stage where your model has not many polygons because if you go up and you're not ready you haven't still made your main forms it will be very difficult to make them and to change it's not impossible of course but it will make some problematic things happen so my advice for every artist out there is to keep your polygons low especially in the beginning of course at some point you have to lift them up you have to kind of work with more polygons but for in the beginning you have to work with very very low poly account and i hear i hear that from all kinds of um tutors and online educators and stuff people who are working with zbrush people who are sculptures they always say you have to keep it low when you are happy with your low uh thing then you can go up but for now i keep it low and i just keep working and by the way some people will say but isn't it a very slow process this one keep it low and then go higher and then go higher and some things you have to repeat some um some strokes you have to repeat them a couple of times yeah that's right but it's faster this way because otherwise you can get to a higher poly count and your model will look awful and it will be very difficult to fix it in that stage of your model so now i will try to make a mouth even with this polycount which will be a challenge probably and one other thing that i noticed in zbrush in zbrush when you have to kind of dig with the with the brush because most of the brushes are adding kind of adding or inflating if you have to dig you press alt and start doing it here you press ctrl that's a little bit of a you know funny difference but it's the same i mean they work the same way here without here with with control and in zbrush without so it's kind of fine i will pull them out or push it inward and it's starting to look like mouth which is good but it has a lot of work until it started to start to look good so for now 11 minutes into this video i will try for this video to not be that long because i will make another one where i will sculpt maybe this time i will sculpt a male character i'm not sure yet but i will explain everything i will explain the brushes i'm using i will explain how i make the shortcuts i will explain things that may happen like this for example uh to for your menus to disappear you see my menus are gone i don't have this menu here i don't have the upper menu here and it's wow what happened and these things i had to check in in the internet i had to go through all of this thing and but i will explain to you free of charge in my next video uh and hopefully i will kind of touch most of the things let's concentrate on this character now uh it she doesn't look super cool for a couple of reasons her nose looks super huge and big so we have to fix it and i'm doing it with with the normal brush with the with the standard brush as we say it's not standard brush here but i used to call it standard it's draw brush here and then from the side view we will do a little bit of chin back because you know for the girl to look kind of nice the lower lip has to go behind so you see we can do a very nice representation of sculpt in here we can sculpt and i've seen people that are sculpting even whole characters with with clothes with hair with everything here in zebras and basically i think that here in in blender since by the way i haven't tried it but whatever i seen from what i've seen it's better than zbrush zbrush's hair zbrush ah it doesn't have a good hair but yeah okay zbrush is the best program for sculpting that's uh inevitable but blender is good enough for most tasks so if you don't have torrents for example or if you don't want to to buy zbrush but you want to have a licensed software then you you can go with blender you just need some little bit of time to get used to it especially if you are new to sculpting but what i advise you to do is to to not start some big project or something just start practicing skill human skull for example and try to do it as fast as possible and not in the beginning in the beginning take your time because you need to get used to the interface you need get used to the brushes you have to watch of course my next video i will tell you how to do everything and it will be kind of very useful i think in blender for the for the people who wants to sculpt in blender so just go into the other video and stop watching this video anymore because this is boring this is starting to get pretty boring video so yeah but since for some people the other video will not be out yet because this one is new and the other one is not recorded yet maybe you can stick around and i will kind of speak a little bit more about those things so now the overall way of sculpting here it's not very different because i again tried to stay low on polycount in the beginning in zbrush i do the same i tried to make the overall forms i tried to for everything to look kind of nice before i go to the next level and of course going to the next level here means that we have to go here and just lower this value a little bit and then ctrl r and when we go to the next level it seem it looks like this i always do this i always smooth yeah there will be smoothing of some details and stuff but i don't need them because the main forms are here and i just need those and now you will see how easy the lips will uh came out so for now it seems like she has some kind of a wet cloth here on her face which seems a little bit odd but if i do this and then this and then i do this just sharpen some things just refine some areas just give them more detail and everything should start to work if it will we'll see but yeah the blender it has some kind of things like some brushes are stronger than in zebras but those things are very easily fixed because you have strengthening here you can change it you can customize your brushes in a lot of ways although i didn't i work with the default brushes and i'm kind of okay i can work with them and they are okay for me so probably for you they will be okay too yeah basically in some new software i would like to work with the with the default settings in a while just to see how it works and then probably if i see it fit i can customize them but since i am in sculpting for a long time i know what i need so i can easily customize here for example uh the shortcut for the grab brush which is the move brush here is g which is very convenient so i use it no problem the shortcut from the standard brush is x which is also very useful i use it but the shortcuts for some of the other brushes even though they are a little bit more easy than the default shortcuts of the brushes in zbrush which are three keys combination here is shift tab you say shift tab and then you see all the brushes here and they have their shortcuts they have the shortcut of x c and two and all this so but first for most brushes you have to press shift tab and then shift shift space bar shift space bar yeah i i had to put my i had to put the program that shows my short keys on but since this video is not about the technicalities this video is about how i feel with blender since i'm a zbrush artist and i'm used to work in zbrush it's not needed exactly so i'm saying few things but they are just to emphasize that it's not as different from zbrush even yeah so you don't have to be afraid of it i was afraid of sculpting in blender i would say okay if people are not sculpting in blender they are sculpting in zebra still most of the artists are sculpting in zbrush so why are they not sculpting in blender because blender probably is the inferior program and it's okay yes it is but it's not that inferior i mean it's pretty pretty good and yeah again considering the price um zbrush is a pretty good choice i'm not the brush not the brush blender is a pretty good choice yeah it will be difficult to follow my my thought because first i am not that fluent in blender and my thought process is get interrupted by searching for the brushes short keys because i don't have to they're not embedded in my mind like in zbrush in zbrush everything is for me is like super easy and fluent i don't have to think about almost anything which is very cool here since i have like 10 or less hours of sculpting experience in blender um it's a little bit more difficult for me see for the eyes i made this kind of a spheres and i can put easily a sphere here but i don't need that uh i i will not make a kind of a scope for game or something i will make more artistic skills so the ears will be the eyes will be inside and we will just scope them a little bit and now i'm using the dance standard brush which here is not a downstandard brush is draw sharp brush and if you want to see how the brush is called you can go here and you can see draw sharp skill draw it's very easy also here in this area easy pretty easy why am i here why i'm so up let's go down a little bit so uh this for 20 minutes it's kind of nice it's not super stylized i meant it for it to be a little bit more stylized but it's okay i mean i don't have any references so now so i'm just sculpting from my mind which is good for for that this is fine we have to fix here a little bit this arch and then the nose will go like this and it's starting to starting to look nice maybe the the the back part of the head is a little bit huge and how we can work on it of course we can uh we can zoom out and just adjust it with our big grab brush which is the move brush and zipper the idea here is that you have to first learn and get used to navigating the viewport so zooming and panning and rotating is easy because with the tablet you just press alt and rotate with the tablet with the mouse it's a little bit different let me see how it's with the mouth yeah with the mouse out and rotate with the mouse middle button and shift is for panning with a tablet panning is shift space oops no shift out yeah shift out and the dragon with the tablet is panning not panning but moving so it's a little bit more yeah control alt is zoom in and out here so it's a little bit different but it's just takes a little bit of use too so let's continue with the ear maybe we can get a little bit faster because we need to make also here and i will show you just a little bit of how you can make other meshes in in blender because you see most people are afraid to make other meshes they just start with one mesh and try to do everything with this mesh in blender is pretty easy to make other meshes of course you can always add a sphere or something but if you don't need to add a sphere you need to add here i will show you how to do it just a little bit you have to wait a little bit or just go through the video forward and you will see how i'm doing it but yeah for for a zebra artist like me for more than 10 years i have more than 10 years experience in zbrush blender is great blender is really great and you can really sculpting blender without any problems you don't have to worry about uh that it's inferior program to zebras or something not for sculpting purposes if you are if you have your skills it's uh it's kind of same i mean similar not same of course i maybe still prefer zebras but blender is something new for me something interesting so yeah expect more videos about blender from me and maybe a full course in the near future but let me tell you a little secret my new newest course that i will start probably in these days i was a little bit sick before uh one week before and i will start it these days it will be about zebras again it will be intermediate course about cartoon character creation in zebras it will be nice the character is pretty nice what i've selected and i think it will be pretty useful for many people but when i'm doing cartoon characters or stylized characters the main brush or not the members but the brush that i'm depending on very much is this brush scrape brush here it's called scrape brush uh or scrape peaks whatever but it's in z brushes high polish brush so i use this brush to just give the forms a little bit sharpness more definition and stuff like this and now this girl is looking like a boy like a man maybe because of the huge jaw or i'm not sure exactly why but we can fix some things and she can start look a little bit better maybe the nose is a bit too wide we can fix that and there are a lot of things we can fix but we don't have time yeah if we have time of course i can spend like two hours refining it refining the girl and making her better but i don't have especially the time because i don't want to kind of make this video super long i was planning to make it like an hour but i think it could be shorter than that because i'm not talking super useful stuff yet no next video probably will be longer and we'll talk about more things i just need to make her look a bit more kind of interesting and a bit better because in the presentation image you know it has to look good i will make her eyes bigger and more cat like because i want her to look a little bit more stylized and animation style stuff the nose i will take it down i don't like it too much i mean it's not super bad but still needs a lot of work to become a decent piece of art for example yeah sometimes this happens especially in a program that you are not super well familiar with this could be an issue but since i'm working here no i cannot get the excuse that i'm working in this program for this long or this long since i'm a digital sculpture i know my stuff i know my craft so whatever i do it should be good in no matter the software but the the thing is that i'm slower here in uh in blender still i'm slower than zbrush it's it's inevitable so that's why it's a little bit so let me put some eyebrows just thick eyebrows it's not bad to put thick eyebrows on a girl if they look good it's fine there are a lot of super pretty girls with thick eyebrows that's why it's not an issue for us to put the eyebrows hmm maybe the head is a bit a little bit too huge again yeah i'm trying to figure out why she looks not as good as i want her to look i like her to look better maybe i should make the mouth smaller yeah the smaller mouth could be better the chin a little bit and we have to be careful in this area here to not make it like this because yeah it doesn't look very feminine it should have some kind of a fat a bit in here and it will look nicer we may say okay we have the cheekbones they are pretty big alright and yeah maybe it's time for us to say goodbye no it's not we will not say goodbye we'll be here forever by the way i saw a girl who was streaming a zebra i think her name was ashley and she's famous i think she was in zebra summit like [Music] yeah people know her but um yeah this live streaming i think is um kind of difficult it's it's not that it's difficult but it kind of works like a drug so people can look on drugs when they're live streaming i'm not like streaming so i don't know exactly how it works although i'm teaching an academy here in my country so it's kind of like like streaming and it's very it's very nice to to talk to people in in person and many people many of you are saying that i should do some live streams and i will probably yeah i probably will but still i have to find some time and i have to find why to do them i mean yeah this they could be useful i think i i hope but i don't know why i should do them yet they should be kind of making some sense yeah from here i will push the chin a little bit back push this here it doesn't look also nice from the side view and from the side view is very important it's important from all views for your model to look good it's not just one view and it's okay no although we will use mostly the front and three quarters view for this character just to render her probably but you need every view and i will cough now so it's okay yeah you have to be aware of what's happening and coughing is something these days is seems like very dangerous thing to do you know if you go to the supermarket and for example get a knife in your hand you will not be considered as dangerous as the guy who is coughing yeah the guy who is coughing will be like oh this guy very dangerous let's stay away from him let's stay away of him you know but if you take a knife out people will say okay this guy wants to cut some salami or some something it's okay no problem it's it's fine but coughing now don't do this ever so yeah let's say it's kind of nice let's work a little bit more on the eyes like this okay but yeah many of you will say that she looks fine and they will be right she looks fine but it's she's not good enough for me i mean not she but her anatomy and her appearance needs to be better i just need more work and this shows you that you need to have what you need to have something to watch for i mean i forgot the word reference you need a reference you need some reference image otherwise you will get a little bit lost at some point especially if you're not as experienced as me even i can get lost and some points but since i'm a pretty experienced the thing that i'm doing will be kind of okay it's okay it's fine it's not the best but it's not the worst but if you are not as experienced you need your always to use your references but reference what what do i mean by reference in this case just an image just something to work from for example let me show you an example of this for example this you can just find an image that you like and start working and start trying to replicate this form and yesterday i was trying to do this girl it's pretty pretty difficult so uh but it was a good exercise for me and since i did like two or three similar portraits we may say now i'm i felt ready that i can do it in camera without looking at some reference but obviously i was wrong so so i'm sorry and i will do uh probably harakiri later live on for example on facebook why not live on facebook her kitty is fine but yeah we'll see so now let's say she's looking nice although the chin is not yet good it has to be a little bit more defined we have to have more definition on the chin and also the chin should be higher so let's make it higher here it should have more definition yeah the chin is a big issue here and of course your issue could be the nose your issue could be the mouth your issue could be everything which is in most cases is the case but i will go to my mask brush and start making the hair so i'm not super special since i told you i'm sculpting here in in blender for two days now or three i'm not sure so i have less than 10 hours of experience but yeah mask mass extract okay and we wait uh yeah in zbrush things you have to in zebras you have to wait a little bit more for things we apply this because it's kind of a modifier it was kind of a modifier then we go to sculpt mode alt m to remove the mask and then yeah and don't think that i'm saying these things for you to understand what what's happening here no i'm saying them just because i have to say something but the idea here is that we will not do this i mean i will not teach you how to sculpt in in zbrush in a blender i will teach you in the next video this video was just to show you how i feel with blender for the time being for the time that i have used it and i have told you i used it for less than 10 hours for sculpting with a tablet and it feels kind of nice it feels useful i mean you can definitely i can recommend blender for sculpting it's absolutely normal and i will definitely do videos about blender i will do definitely videos about sculpting in blender mostly because the other things you know there are a lot of little but for sculpting particularly there are some videos of course they are not exactly i think perfect and they are not showing you especially how to start how to start in the beginning with just few options to with which options to click in the beginning why and the how to kind of get it started so if you are planning to get started with blender for sculpting you may wanna watch some videos of course and you can do it yourself or you can just wait for my next video which will be these days so it's okay and of course if you're watching this a long time after i released this one probably the other one is already out there and you can go ahead and watch it right away which will be your best bet let me just go to edit lock objects disable and i will tell you why this is a good thing to to do and some other shortcuts also by the way i'm planning to also release a shortcut list with the most used shortcuts which i think will be great because there is no such thing i mean uh for sculpting the most shortcuts for sculpting maybe there is i haven't checked by the way most used shortcuts for sculpting in blender this could be a thing or it could not be who knows but i definitely am planning to do it uh as you can see you see so zooming moving rotating brushes unmask all invert mask masking very important thing also hide show the menus uh some random stuff and open the side menu to change your focal length because in the beginning blender has awful focus length super big perspective which is very bad for sculpting especially portraits for if you sculpt a whole character it's kind of okay but still it will be distorted and in some points you will see it very distorted and it will distort your perception of your character which i think is not good yeah it's probably not the best so for 40 minutes we did this and with speaking which it's i'm not exactly perfectly fine with it but we don't have anything else so it's fine for us and i will just do what i will do few lights so i will add a light everything by the way here in zbrush is in blender is with with shortcuts everything we do is with shortcuts and it's nice i mean i like it it's a little bit kind of getting used to but it's fine so you see i added light now i'm in render view and uh this light is super slow super low so i'll go ahead and make it 200 and it's now it's better and now we'll move it so it can lighten our face better so in zbrush you cannot do exactly that i mean it's very difficult in zbrush to lighten your model well here it's pretty easy you just do this then we can go to here and make it a little bit darker it will be better then i can duplicate my light and put it in the back so we can have some kind of a rim light probably why don't we yeah some kind of rim light will be fine and i can select it with gi move it and then i can even duplicate this one and make a fill light in here which could be a little bit bigger probably one meter and it could be with very much lower density like 30 for example yeah you see if i remove it it's very dark if i put it here a little bit you see it started to have some effect on our model although our model is not the best ever still it looks kind of fine with all those things with all the the things we can of course look at it like this and of course if you can make good materials and good lighting in in blender you can do nice things so but i will just leave it as as it is like like now because this view still the model is not finished it's not very nice so this view is not doing very good things for the model maybe if we move this light a little bit yeah not yet not good yeah so let's leave this and this will be for now i hope you like this video of course next video will be better about how to start sculpting in blender and yeah thank you and goodbye for now
Channel: SpeedChar
Views: 81,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qvoymj8bpKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 03 2021
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