Scuba Diving Reveals a Gun: Could This Be a Murder Weapon?

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what's up guys Jake here today we're back in the river scuba diving to see what we can find if you're new to the channel we find all types of things in the river but let's find out what's down there today [Music] so the first thing I found is a beer bottle let's go ahead and put that in my bag and we'll throw that away later and right around the corner we got lucky and found our very first fishing lure this place is a great spot to fish so how many fishing lures do you think I'm gonna find today take a guess in the comments below my personal guess is going to be over 40 fish and lures so let me know in the comments and we'll see who's right if you've noticed I don't have any fins on my feet and when I'm diving in the river I actually rarely use them I love walking around at the bottom of the river because it makes me feel like an astronaut and it is just so much fun it also helps me collect all the stuff that I find because I can wedge my feet in a rock and grab the treasure and put it in the jar of the bag but today it's low flow but they will be turning on that Dam later in a day so we have to be careful foreign so I'm using two ways to collect and store the items I find underwater we've got a jar that I made specifically for fishing lures so they don't poke me when I'm diving I can't tell you guys how many times I've been hooked by a fishing hook so these jars are amazing and then we have this bag for pretty much anything else hopefully today we'll be throwing a bunch of great stuff in there like phones and rings and guns but you never know what you're gonna find while you're diving that's why it's so much fun so let's keep looking and see what else we can find I'm also using two ways to cut fishing line or rope that we may come across I have a dive knife on my forearm and a fishing line ring cutter on my right hand on my middle finger when diving it's always nice to make sure you have at least one cutting tool but two is great this water is coming down from Atlanta so you're gonna find all types of trash no matter if I clean it up 100 today there will be trash in it tomorrow it's just endless but it's always nice to get all this trash every day out of the water because you don't want any animals getting caught in it or trying to eat it it's just very sad I can't tell you how many dead fish or dead turtles I've seen and you don't want to see that all this is pretty much preventable and I try my best every day to pick up all the trash I see so no animals or people can get hurt while they're swimming around foreign [Music] if you're enjoying this diving video I would really appreciate if you guys left a like on this video help me make this video go viral so I can make more diving videos to pick up more trash and return things back to the owners but I'm having so much fun diving today we've already found so much but let's see what else we can find this looks like a little piece to a gun I'm not too sure it looks real but that's still a great find and I'm very excited about it [Music] and I'm also Fanning right here just to make sure that the weapon is actually not buried underneath the ground don't want to leave it uh you know you want to find everything so this is a great method to use but it's not here so let's keep swimming around and hopefully find something better foreign so this is a medium flathead catfish it is just hanging out so cool the water is actually pretty clear today and I didn't want to bother it too much and I just found another Rattle Trap it's hooked up on this rope so I'm going to use the dive knife on my forearm just give me a little trouble I need to sharpen it but we're gonna get this thing I always collect the hard bait fishing lures because you could definitely reuse all these but like I said anything I find I try to throw it away at the very least I'm gonna go ahead and put that fish lure in the jar foreign because I don't want to leave it you know a fish a bird or something can get tangled and that is not good so we're gonna try our best to throw all this away I like to call my black bag the Santa bag because it looks like I could put everything in there and it never gets full and I make it look like this on purpose y'all but I do have another bag on the surface that I put all the trash and everything else that I find so it may look a bit empty time to time but I promise you guys I'm collecting everything I find [Music] what in the heck was that right [Music] scuba diving in the river is so dangerous because there's fish in line literally everywhere and it's not your typical fishing line that that right there was braided fishing line if that got wrapped around you and you didn't have a knife or a ring cutter you're definitely gonna struggle and it can be very dangerous so it's always important to have a dive knife some scissors or maybe a ring cutter like me when you're diving make sure to always bring something that you can cut fishing line or rope with just in case you get entangled it's very crucial having a source of protection like that plus there's some crazy animals down here you never know you might have to defend yourself foreign I just found this bag and it feels like there's something inside you don't want to leave anything unopened while you're at the river especially if you're a treasure hunter so you know you want to look for the worst or the worst or the best of the best and in this case I think we just found a bag of socks I'll be sure to give this one the Brandon maybe let me know if I should mail these to them all the way to Florida that would honestly be so funny I'm just double checking here you know making sure there's nothing else but sure enough it's just some nasty old socks so this is definitely a weird find I thought it looked like a rope maybe to a noose or something it just looks really weird I wasn't too sure about it it definitely kind of freaks me out but let me know what you think this is in the comment section foreign shorts I wonder that person who lost these shorts if they walked out butt naked could you imagine losing your shorts oh my gosh walking out of their butt naked would suck I personally think I'd just have to own it and try to get to the house as fast as possible before anyone takes photos and also you know the water's getting pretty chilly so let's be the best look so we're checking on this Turtle right here it has a chip on the top of the shell I wasn't gonna bother it but I was worried about it so I was like kind of moving it making sure it's you know it's healthy I'm gonna touch its back so it kind of swims away here I was like yeah what's going on with this thing and then sure enough it just kicks off and I'm like okay it's good you know it's definitely been healing and right here look he hits his head don't make sure these animals are safe if it wasn't I would have took it out of the water and maybe helped it out found some goggles there looks like someone's been trying to find some treasure all right foreign looks like we found another piece to a phone an old phone I think Susan's calling me right now I'm gonna hang up on him put that in the bag can't talk to her right now I've been making a season joke for the longest time and if you don't know what I'm talking about every time I find a phone underwater I act like Susan from YouTube actually gives me a call I don't know if she actually knows about this joke but one day I hope she finds out [Music] [Music] so we found some great things so far a bunch of lures and some other knickknacks but I'm about to find the best thing of the day so far check it out boom look at that an Apple Watch that one's been down there for a while there's actually a snail on it I'm gonna flick it off so yeah you don't want to bring it up and kill it so I'm going to put it back right down here I'm gonna hold on to that Apple watch and every other Apple watch I find just in case we find the owner so we can give these back to those people for free I'm gonna put my Apple watch in the fishing jar we don't want to lose that one so let's keep looking around this area it's a cliff jumping spot so there's often a lot of good things to find it's not every day that you find a GoPro on the water and this one looks like it's been down there for a long time look at all that slime on it another snail is on there as well but I actually know who this belongs to and we're going to give them a call surprise him and give it back to that person completely for free finding things on the water is so much fun but giving back these valuables to the owners for free is my passion I just love their reactions and it makes my day because you know when you lose something in the river you think it's gone forever and look at that another Apple watch so that makes two for the day so far this one looks a little bit newer but if you tell right there in the middle there's some Rust and that's a series four I was pointing out trying to turn it on and see if there's any battery but let's go ahead and put that in the jar make sure it's safe along with my other GoPro and Apple watch and it looks crazy money look at that found a diamond earring right on the ground this is an amazing spot usually produces so much stuff these sunglasses are pretty wild some Oakleys you got another snail I'm gonna flick that off so I don't kill it those are actually pretty cool I'm gonna wear those later if you see me wearing these in public just know I found them in the river this jar is getting kind of full but I'm gonna continue filling it up all right we got a bunch of flukes and paddle tail swim baits here most of these lures aren't going to be reusable but we're going to take them out of the water so a fish doesn't bite them thinking it's food [Music] foreign [Music] dive knife I'm pretty sure this is a potential murder weapon I'm sure it says a potential murder weapons let me know if you would buy a t-shirt that says potential murder weapon and something funny on it from you know one of my Dives I think it would be a blast I would love to see that happen I went back out later in the day and the water got murky on me but check it out I found a pistol and it's actually underneath this rock it's been down there for a very long time I'm kind of freaking out a pistol when you're diving is honestly the Holy Grail it's always so much fun finding him because you never know the story behind it it could be tied to something really bad and you can help solve some kind of crime maybe bring closure to a family member this one however looks to be like a pellet gun and I found one of these before and it's so disappointing but nevertheless we did find a gun underwater and I think that's really cool just not exactly what I'm looking for I don't think we're gonna need to call the police on this one some little kid probably shot a kid's eye or something he's like I'm throwing it in the water can't get in trouble gotta get rid of my DNA I have another video going up Sunday make sure to check it out it's going to be a good one it's going to be just like this so if you're enjoying this video so far make sure to keep a look out for that one I'm so excited because it is a banger we found some amazing things underwater that day so don't miss it's going to be uploaded this Sunday in the morning we just got done diving we're back at the house and my good friend Ian who's a raft guy at the river gave me information of the person who lost a GoPro now that person has no clue that I found it nor that I'm gonna give it back to him but today we're going to give him a call surprise them and hopefully we have an amazing reaction hello uh hey is this Tyler hey man uh this is Jake I'm a scuba diver in the Chattahoochee River uh let's call and hey bud I was calling to see if you lost a GoPro by any chance I did lose It Go Pro oh yeah uh was it the hero8 well I found your GoPro bud and I'd love to give it back to you uh no I wasn't my buddy Ian was actually your tour guide he gave me your information and then I told him that I'd give you a call if I found it and we got lucky and found it the other day and it looked like it's been down there for a while how long has it been down under water for a few weeks it was um it was a week before Labor Day wow that's crazy I think it still works too but don't get mad at me if it doesn't do you live in Columbus Georgia no I live in Panama City well if you give me your address I'll mail it out to you and I'll do all this for free so it's just on me dude no I'll pay for it all no no no I got you I got you this is what I do man this is this is my passion when you get a chance send me your address and then I'll put it in a box and mail it out to you I'll also put insurance on it so if the mailing company loses it you know you'll be able to claim that money dude you're amazing that was so cool so if you enjoyed the video drop a thumbs up subscribe if you guys are new and if you can please share this video with a friend I would really appreciate your support but remember I will be uploading a video this Sunday morning make sure to check it out it's gonna be just like this one and I'd love for you guys to watch it but till then I'll see you guys on our next adventure
Channel: DALLMYD
Views: 2,755,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: river treasure, found gun, found gun underwater, found gun in river, found gun while scuba diving, dallmyd, scuba diving, scuba diving videos, diving for treasure, found knife underwater, found money underwater, found phone underwater, found gopro underwater, found gopro in the river, returned to owner, possible murder weapon, treasure hunting, best river treasure finds, river finds, searching for river treasure, unbelievable finds, underwater, searching, collecting
Id: N72wU49cdiY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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