Object removal in Davinci Resolve Fusion and solutions to common problems

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hi this is Brian with profitless media and post and today I wanted to talk about how we can remove objects in a moving camera using the planar tracker inside DaVinci Resolve using the fusion page and some of the common issues we may run into while doing object removal and solutions to those problems with our playhead over a clip let's go into the fusion page and let's rearrange this a little bit so we can see the clip a little bit better and let's go through our clip real quick just to see what we're going to do and so we have a decent amount of motion and what we want to do is we want to remove the sign that's above the exit sign and so even though this looks like it's a pretty easy shot we're gonna quickly find out that there's quite a few problems so the before we start doing the tracking the thing I usually like to do is find a nice frame that doesn't have much motion blur and we can use that for the pattern for the tracking and also for our paintwork so something like frame 205 is pretty nice so let's use 205 as our reference frame so with our media in selected hit shift spacebar and let's add a planar tracker and now let's go in and add our Bezier shape around the objects we want to track and we finished off our shape by clicking on the first point something like that once we have our shape done let's go over to the inspector and we want our operation mode should be track the reference time should be set to the current frame or the frame that you created the bezzie a on and the other thing I want to change is the tracker type from point two-hybrid point and I generally find the hybrid point area tracker to work well in these kind of situations so with those things set let's click on the track to beginning and if we go up to reference time and hit go we'll go back to our reference frame and then let's track to the end okay and now that we're done with our track let's just scrub through the timeline and make sure that our track is looking good okay it looks pretty good make sure we go back to the frame 2:05 and now that we have our planar track done let's set up our object removal workflow let's bring our planar tracker up and in this planar tracker we want to stabilize the footage so in this planar tracker let's go over to the inspector and in the operation mode let's change that to steady that's going to stabilize our clip based on whatever we set here so we want this set on frame 205 and now we can see that the entire frame is stabilized based on the position of frame 205 so our sign object is nice and Static throughout the shot I'm going to go back to frame 205 next we want to copy this planar tracker command C command V and paste the planner tracker and move it to the end of our workflow in the second planar tracker we want to reintroduce the animation so we come down here and we'll click on the invert steady transform and that I'll add our animation back so it'll match the original clip and now let's disconnect our planar tracker and we want the end of our workflow to come over the top of our original clip so if we bring our planar tracker over to the little white box on top of the media in and let go will create a merge you can see now that our planar tracker is in the foreground over the top of our original clip which is in the background and then we want to take that merge and bring it into the media out so now we want to do all of our paint work in between these two planar trackers so let's select our first planar tracker and let's click on the paint tool and before we start painting I want to point out that if we bring this planar tracker up the second planar tracker up you can take a look at the clip and what we're doing right now is we're bringing this entire frame over the top of our original image and we don't want to do that we want to just bring in just the patch we want to alter the original clip as little as possible so we want to add a mat to cut out just the paint area so let's go back to frame 205 and with the paint selected let's press a to add a mat control and we're going to add in a mat here to cut out where we're gonna paint so let's go up to the polygon mask at a polygon mask and let's zoom in here a little bit and let's add a shape around where we want to paint out and let's give ourselves a little bit of room that'll make it easier for us to blend in our patch at the end okay now if you had the mat control selected by default that's going to go into the effects mask and what we want is the polygon to go into the green error which is the foreground because we want to add this alpha to our paint workflow and then in the matte control to add in our alpha we want to come over to combine and change this to combine alpha and then come down to the bottom of the inspector and turn on post multiply image and that will multiply the alpha our gets our image and just give us this little patch and that's what we want for our final image okay so now that we have all that set we're ready to start doing our paint work so let's come over to the paint node once once we select the paint node we want to change from multi stroke to stroke and the reason we want to do that is that by default the stroke tool will add animation for all frames and if we come down to the stroke controls you can see that here says stroke animation all frames and that's what we want because we want to remove this object from the entire clip okay so now let's paint out our sign and we want to start by using the clone tool so let's click on the clone tool and the way the clone tool works is once we we hold down option and click and that will be the source that we'll use to paint out our object and then once we start to paint you can see that where you can remove our object so let's just paint this out and we can already start to see some issues here and that is that even though we're painting from right around the sign the colors are are definitely different even if we if we can zoom right in here close and you may not be able to see this that well with the compression of the video but even if we come really close to the edge those colors are just too different and we can really see that by using the game gamma sliders to get to the game gamma sliders or we come up to these three dots there's a menu and if we click on that we have the option for the game gamma sliders let's turn those on and these the game gamma sliders are great for compositing not just for paint work but just your overall compositing because you can push down the gamma to really see how well your effects are blending in with the image so no matter what kind of color correction happens after you do your effects that your effects won't fall apart so now we can get a better look at what's going on here and you can see even that's too dark that's a command Z and undo that but you can see that no matter where we grab from around this patch it's really not going to work out really well and that's too bad because if you can clone out an object from pixels right around it there's a real advantage because it will retain the color and also the grain throughout the clip but when it doesn't work we have to come up with out solutions so this is going to be our first problem we're gonna have to deal with the first approach I would take to this is I'm gonna try using this smear tool so let's go over and turn on the smear tool I'm gonna use the smear tool to try to blend these colors in from all around now you may have noticed that the polygon that we set up does not have a it's a nice sharp edge right now and that's okay we're gonna leave it like that while we're doing this part of it because if we can get this to blend in with a sharp edge then when we come into the polygon mask and kind of blur the edges we can really blend this in so you can't even tell that we took out the sign so I'm going to take this and try to push these colors around and it's going to take a little while okay so that's looking pretty good now while I was doing this and this is a problem with this version of DaVinci Resolve I noticed that my gain gamma sliders have disappeared while I was working here and that's probably gonna mean I'm going to crash so if I go my peer to the menu and turn off the gain gamma as soon as I do that I'm going to there's a good chance I'm going to crash so I'm gonna click Save right now before I turn this off just in the event that I may crash and I did so let's go back to where we were here I was working on this patch let's turn on our gain gamma again just so we can see so we've done our patch in here and that's looking pretty good I think we could spend a little bit more time but overall I think that looks pretty good okay I'm going to turn that off in another way that we can analyze how well our patch is doing is by using the split view now currently we are looking through the media out our final composite and that is in in the viewer a and if we come up to the split view and switch to view B we can load in our original clip and let's go to frame 205 which is our frame that we were using for our reference and let's click on the split view once we click on the split view we get this slider here we get this slider here and if we grab the box between the a and B we can slide back and forth to check our composite we can also grab the line anywhere else and rotate it to just double check to make sure that our patch is looking good and that looks really good that's blending in pretty nice okay so I'm going to turn that off and let's load up our viewer a and one other thing we can do to make our patch really blend in is if we go into the polygon let's load it up into the inspector and then if you just click outside of the polygon in the node view we can turn off the polygon but still have our inspector and let's just blend in these edges just to really make this nice and I'm gonna soften the edges a little bit and then I'm gonna use the border width just a little bit just to help blend this in so just a little bit and that's gonna help blend out in our patch so that's looking pretty good so now that we have our patch pretty good let's step through our sequence and make sure that it looks good for all of our frames yeah it's looking pretty good there I know that we're gonna run into some problems when he can't start cutting closer to the end you can already start to see it showing up and there we go now now as we get closer to the end the problem is that we did all our cloning and smearing the image around the sign and now the sign has gotten close to the edge so now we're actually pulling pixels from outside of the image which have no information so we're starting to get these black marks and if we look at our paint you can see that we have grabbed from outside of the image so using the stabilizing and cloning throughout the shot is not going to work for the entire image so we're gonna have to find a different solution and this is another approach to removing objects and that's to use a steel frame so let's go back to our frame 205 I'm gonna bring our merge up to the viewer and what we can do is if we're on frame 205 because we did all our paint work here we can just delete our stabilize so it will delete the first planar tracker and then we're going to add in a time stretcher node and we'll use this time stretcher node to make a still frame so holding down shift we can drag it over here and add it into our workflow and in the time stretcher let's just change that to frame 205 now let's go through our sequence and see how well our patch is holding up now we're looking really good all the way through okay great now that we're gonna use a steel frame one thing we're definitely gonna have to do to help blend this in if we look really close let's turn on the gain gamma again so we can really visualize this that's bringing us down you can see that the there's no grain on our patch now and a lot of that has to do well with a steel frame and also because we smeared all of the pixels around and blurred them we've gotten rid of all the grain so we're gonna have to add in some grain to really sell this let's go over to our planar tracker at the end of our workflow and let's add in a film grain let's add that in now the film grain could be a video all in itself to match it to our original clip and if you want to know how the the process of doing it is basically let's turn off this month on a Chrome if you really want to match this perfectly you would come in here to the channel and you would go through each channel and match each channel so I would go to red and then if I click inside the viewer and hit R that'll move it to the red channel so we're just looking at the red channel and we would adjust all these settings for the red channel and then we would inside the viewer hit G for green so it's just through the green Channel come in here and for the green Channel so it can be it takes a little bit of time but for this tutorial we're just going to use the master settings and get it really close and we can do a pretty good job just using the Masters so what I'm going to do is the first thing I'll do is bring down the color strength because I can see here that the color the strength of the color is not that strong and try to get that kind of close and then the size is definitely a little too big let's bring that down a little bit and then the master strength we can bring that down okay that's starting to blend in pretty nice maybe add a little bit of roughness so I'm just really looking at this area in this area to sort of analyze it and once we get it close you're gonna want to step through the frames and just see how the motion matches up with the other green it's actually a little bit too big bring it down so overall that's looking pretty good I still feel like you might want to come in here and alter this a little bit further just to really blend it in better another thing we can do actually is after this Matt control let's select the Matt control hit B for blur and let's try blurring our patch just a little bit and see if that helps really sell it okay I mean that's looking pretty good that's a pretty good patch let's turn off those Gangamma well let's bring our a/b back and let's just take a look at this again I'm going to come in here nice and close so that's a couple different approaches you can take to removing objects from your scene and a couple of the common issues you may run into when removing objects and some different solutions to how you can go about fixing them so I hope you've enjoyed this video and I look forward to seeing again in a future video
Channel: Prophetless
Views: 6,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16, resolve fusion, object removal, clone tool, fusion tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, Prophetless, davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve, davinci resolve fusion, resolve fusion object removal, davinci resolve fusion object removal, object removal davinci resolve 16, object removal davinci resolve, object removal davinci resolve 16 fusion, object removal fusion, object removal blackmagic fusion, davinci resolve tracking, davinci resolve уроки
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2020
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