- Welcome to the Unsleeping City. - You are what is known in Arcane Circles as a vox phantasmus. - I'm a voice for the dreams? - In the history of New
York there has never been a vox phantasmus and a vox
populi at the same time. - And a what?
- The vox populi. - You guys actually end up crossing through Bethesda Fountain. I'm the angel of the
waters, you can call me Em. - Did you happen to see
anything weird going on? - Don Confetti's daughter
is getting married. - We're just gonna run up in
the pixie mafia's wedding? - You feel the flask full of
water from Bethesda Fountain get burning hot in your pocket. - Something's going wrong with the angel of the Bethesda Fountain. - The statue of the angel
is gone from the fountain. The statue was somehow
removed from the fountain and dragged down into the sewers. - Can I see if there's any bugs? - You actually hear in the distance, the king has returned, the king, the king. - Oh is this the fucking Rat King? - Oh, you are too late, I am afraid. I have been gifted my bride. Try and stop me brigand. (mellow electronic music) (rumbling) Welcome back, one and all,
to the Unsleeping City. My name is Brennan Lee Mulligan, these are our Intrepid Heroes. Say hi, Intrepid Heroes.
- Hi, Intrepid Heroes. - We find them deep underground in the sewers of New York City. Grimy, filthy, smelling of shit and piss our heroes face The Rat King. Here, looking on this ancient cistern underneath the reservoir of New York, the aqueduct coming down into
the city in Central Park, this ancient cistern, The
Rat King's swarming, massive. So many hundreds and hundreds of rats with their tails all
tied together in a knot, wearing a golden crown. You have entered this
cistern and you see the door, boom, slam shut behind you and locks as The Rat King goes
and presses this little panel over here on the wall next to him. Well, my friends, it
seems that you have come to the court of The Rat King. And you, Kugrash,
pretender to the thrown-- - You're a dumbass. You got all your fucking tails
tied together, untangle 'em. - We are royalty and we do not
have our tails tied together. We have one tail to unite
all rat folk as one people. You know nothing usurper. - This dude sucks, he's a dumbass. - Oh my God, I just thought of something. We have to keep Kug away from The Rat King or Kug, you have a tail, right? - Your tail shall become
one with our tail. - I tied my tail--
- No way. - No, that's fucking
disgusting, you're disgusting. - We do not suck, in fact, we rule! And soon we shall rule all. - You seem like you suck. - Yeah, no, I think we're
all in agreement back here that you suck, dude. - I'm getting suck vibes. - This is disgusting, why am I here? - Well, it's not, I mean,
the sewers are nice. He's disgusting specifically.
- Okay, you know what? - You do not wish to be in
the court of The Rat King? Well, cry me a river. Beep. (blowing air) And water starts to course
in out of the pipes. - I knew it, I knew it. - Water starts to course in
out of the pipes into the room. (blowing air) (laughing) It's sink or swim in the
court of The Rat King. Come, my minions, and join
our glorious revolution, our new queen is here. You guys don't see Em, the
Angel of Bethesda anyway, as he says, our new queen is here. (dramatic music) Misty, you are first to act. - Ah, shit, how far away is he, far? He's far, right?
- He's very far away. - He's more than 120
feet away, yes, he is. Also it doesn't matter. - He is, that's 80. So from there it's another, he's, yeah, he's like
maybe like 130 feet away. - Now can you explain this
little platform situation in the middle here? How, do we, we would have to
do like an acrobatics check to jump to these platforms-- - So, any step that you
see that is not, like, normal human-sized step basically, you can either just use
movement to get past it, meaning it's like extra difficult terrain. So basically to go from
one step to the next step on these giant stone platforms, is gonna take about 15 feet
of your movement, right? One for the normal step and
then 10 to get up the vertical. - [Siobhan] Great. - You can also use acrobatics
or athletics to make that terrain a little bit
less difficult for yourself. - For now, I'm just gonna ready an action, but I am gonna look over
at young Ricky Matsui and say, Ricky? - Yeah? - Don't take this the wrong way, but you can really rock
a fireman's outfit. And I give you bardic inspiration. (laughing) - Thanks. - Awesome, what is the
action you're readying? - Do I have to say that? I am potentially readying
Crown of Madness, but that only works if there
are more fighters in play. And right now The Rat King
is the only one there. - So you're gonna, so to
express your ready action, if an enemy combatant comes
within range of the spell, you are going to cast
Crown of Madness on them? - Yes.
- Dope, awesome. Kingston, that's you. - I'd like to bless... I was about to call you Kristen. Pete, Ricky and Sofie Bikes. (Emily gasps)
(enchanting music) So I'll--
(object clatters) - Sofie, I feel like
you've been here before. - You're so drunk already. - That champagne was a wild ride. - Can you put that broken flute down? - Exactly, Sofie, you-- - I'm picking my teeth with it? (all laughing) - But I bless the three of them. And then, I guess I'll, the
water is starting to rise. Can I do an insight check to
see how much, or the rate, or can I do some kind of
guesstimation as to how long? - Give me a insight, give
me a perception check. - Perception, great. (dice clatters) It's gonna be 11. - It is a geyser of water coming in here. - Got it.
- And it's like four power, this is like water mains that have been fully
opened onto the space. - Great, I'll take, I'll
take like, I guess I'll go, one, two, three. That's what?
- 15 - 15, and then can I use 15 to get here? - Yup, you can use 15 to get
up right on there, absolutely. - We can't walk on the
water at this point, right, it's too deep? - Well, it's pretty viscous and murky. But you do see that this
is a drain right here, so you're guessing there's probably only three or four feet of water. So you could actually, if you wanted to, charge through the water, it would just be difficult terrain. It would halve your movement. Awesome. That's gonna be Pete. - I'd get kinda stranded out there if I try to do that water, 'cause I can't jump up. - You can't jump to that? - I mean, I can jump up to that, but if I try to do the water route and I get caught, like, right
here, these are too high. - Oh, I know what you're saying, right, if you go around, it'll
be harder to jump up-- - Yeah, if I'm trying to go around, yeah, I could get caught. - I feel like we just
gotta get to high ground. - Yeah. - Yeah, okay, I'm gonna do... The same movement as Kingston. Just go up, pop up next to
him and then I'm gonna cast, I'm gonna cast minor illusion as like just a, a stinky wet piece of cheese. (Emily and Lou laughing) Right here. - Oh, fuck. - I'm gonna need you to roll a deception check for me, with advantage 'cause
you're creating an illusion. - Cool, and deception, I have plus seven. - Cool, roll with advantage? (dice clatters) - Six. (dice clatters) 17. - 17 plus, plus--
- Plus seven, so 24. - You guys see the most
incredible wheel of-- (all laughing) The most incredible wheel of
some crazy, like, French cheese that's only made in one village. Pete, you feel yourself
reaching sort of in and you go into yourself for a second and it's like 1892 and it's
Ellis Island in New York. And you see that there
is a little French man getting off a boat who says, I shall open a cheese shop here and make the greatest
cheese there has ever been. (blowing air) And the cheese he is dreaming of, boom, appears at the end of your hand and appears right here, right on the pipe. The Rat King says, rats,
that cheese must be mine! (all laughing) You see that where the cheese appears, a bunch of rats that were set
out to come and attack you appear and attempt to get that cheese. - Ooh!
- Fuck yeah. - Amazing. Ricky, that's gonna be you. - Okay, this feels maybe
dumb but I'm going to cast, I get to cast divine sense. I can use it a couple times a day, so I wanna cast it to see
if I can tell where the, where the fountain person is. - Okay, quick rule check while I see the range of divine sense. - It's 60 feet, within 60.
- 60 feet? The celestial presence goes
deeper into the chamber, but you do not think within 60 feet of you that the angel is here. So you don't think that
she's under the water near you, for example. - Okay. I will... I'm gonna go over here. So one, that's 15 feet,
so that's 20 feet, 10. I can't hop over to here, right? - You can absolutely
jump over there, yeah. - All right I'm gonna do that.
- Cool. So that's your movement. - And I think divine sense is my action. - Let me see how long, does it say how long divine sense lasts? - Till the end of your next turn. - To the end of your next turn, cool. - So unless, if it's still working, yeah. - Rat, you jump up, that's going to be, you see that The Rat King
looks at you and says, will you not kneel to your king? - Real rats kneel to no Rat King, you fucking piece of shit. - Yeah, this is New York City,
we don't have kings here. - Yeah. - Kings, you do have, and what's more, their thick and beefy boys
that come from beneath, guards, seize these interlopers! The water moves. - Oh, the beefy boys, this is bad. - Albino alligators. - [Others] What? - That's awful.
- Those aren't rats. - Why, you are such majestic creatures, why would would you bow to such a lame one?
- They're huge. - [Brennan] Hold on one second. - Where's the cheese?
(suspenseful music) - Wow.
- This guy is going to... One, two, three, four, five, six-- - You couldn't have known.
- Seven, eight. He's gonna make it all the way to there. This is guy is going to
make an athletics check to jump up and try to get Ricky. Does not, so this fucking horrifying fungus-covered albino alligator comes, (roaring) snap, right
near where your face is. The Rat King says, these
alligators were left flushed down toilets, forgotten by the
people in the realms above. They have joined my cause
as those of the sewers rise to take their vengeance
on the sunlit world above. The attacks they're going to make now, one of them takes an attack against Sofie. - He knows I have a higher AC now, right? - (Brennan chuckles) I
don't think he knows that. Misses Sofie. One is going to take an
attack against Kugrash and misses against Kugrash. That is now going to be Sofia's turn. - Okay, I feel like we
need to get to the panel. Am I right? I feel bad leaving you
two with the alligators-- - Get outta here. - Okay, then I am going to-- - Thank you, Misty. - I would like to use all of my movement to try to get towards the panel. - Dope. Are you, so you're gonna rush away from the threatened area
of two of those alligators? - That makes it sound like it's a-- - It's not a bad idea, but you
have abilities that allow you to disengage and do stuff like that-- - I know, but I wanna save, I wanna use my bonus
action to add to my speed so I can get to the panel sooner. - Make whatever call
you would like to make. Let me know what you're gonna do. - Okay, so do I need to tell you? Well, I kinda wanted to see how far I got and then take my dash. - So you're not taking
a disengage, correct? - Yeah, so two of them or
just one of them would get? - Two of them are gonna get their attacks opportunity on you. - I guess I will, yeah, okay. So I'll use, I'll use... I'll use Step of the
Wind to take a disengage. And then I'll move my full amount. - Cool, so that's gonna be 40. - That's gonna be 80.
- 80, right. Let me see, 'cause these cost
a lot extra, so I think we'd-- - But I'm also an acrobat, so I can-- - Oh, you can make an acrobatics check for the round if you want to ignore some of the, like,
for each of these gaps, you could, so there's
one, two, three gaps. You can give me three acrobatics checks to try to overcome that penalty. - Okay. (dice clatters) First one is gonna be 26. - Hell yeah, you make it. (dice clatters) - Next one is gonna be 11. - Okay, so you're gonna
have to use movement to get past that on, you
don't clear with acrobatics. - Last one's gonna be 26 again. - Cool, so we're gonna go five, 10, 15, 20, 25, and it's gonna be 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80. - Okay.
- Cool. You guys see Sofia just
woo, woo, woo, woo. - Fuck, that's so cool. - I think I'm doing like
front hand springs, too. - To, like, flip up there. Yeah, incredible, you make
it all the way to the top. Also, next round, just so you know, you're entering your next
round at a full sprint. So whatever things you do next round, you're doing with a full running start. - Yeah. - Hell yeah. - So can I, sorry, use my readied spell? - You can absolutely use ready spell, yes. - And would like to cast
Crown off Madness on this guy. - Awesome, Crown of Madness, bada boom. - So they have to take
a wisdom saving throw, or be charmed for the duration. So my spell save DC is 14. - What does Misty do to this fucking giant
crazy-looking alligator? - Oh, I see we're wearing crowns today, I say, to The Rat King, and then I waft my hand in a fun little circle around the alligator's head
and a iron disgusting crown. - (Brennan blows air) On the alligator. The alligator looks up at you with alligator tears in its
eyes and goes, me king, too? Me king, too. - Sure, everybody's a
goddamned king today. (all laughing) - Me king, too, thank you, lady. - Oh boy. - Great. Cool, so now it must use its action before moving on each of its turns. Make a melee attack against
a creature other than itself that you mentally choose. - I mentally choose, yes. - Incredible. You see The Rat King looks and says, no, no, fair alligator, she
is a pretender to the throne, remember your true allegiance. That's going to now be Kugrash. - All right, big pile of rat posers. You're not the only one with minions. And I use a bonus action to, I would like to call
upon the spirit totem, spirit of the juicy cockroach. Just the juiciest fucking
cockroach you've ever seen. One that ate a bunch of shit
in somebody's apartment. - Couldn't it just be a normal cockroach? - No, it's gotta be big and
juicy, one of the big ones. And it gives us, everybody within, so I can choose a spot within 60 feet and then it does a 30-foot aura. So I'll do, like, right around, I'll do like in the middle
here so it kinda gets our guys. - [Emily] That's a blessing. - [Brennan] Great. And it's gonna give
everybody temporary HP, five plus my druid level. So, nine.
(whizzing) So nine temp HP.
- Is that including me? - That's including you,
'cause you're in there. - Dope.
- I think so. Yeah, would you be 30 feet if it was here? - Yeah.
- Okay. And then that's a bonus action and we also get advantage
on strength checks and strength saving throws
while we're in the little thing. And then I'm gonna cast
mirror image of myself. - Woo. - So that there are two of me
and whenever people attack me, they have to roll to see if
they hit me or the fake one. - Cool. - You're not the only
pile of rats, fuck face, then I do my dance. - You guys see three
dancing Kugrashes in a row. The alligators start looking
around, very confused. Do not be confused by this druid's tricks. He is a mystic and a bringer of ill news. Incredible. (blowing air) The water continues to rush in. (water rushing) - Does he press anything
else on the panel? - I think it's just open.
- It's just open. - Okay.
(suspenseful music) - Oh, shit.
- Oh, wow. - I'm gonna need you guys to take Misty, Kugrash, and those alligators off the board real quick,
if you'd be so kind. - [Emily] Oh, they're so cute. - That's so cute. Look at these little alli-cuties. - You know what happens when you guys call your enemies cute, right? - They're so cute.
(suspenseful music) (water rushing) - Kugrash, you're almost fully in water. Misty, you're like up to your, I wanna say like, chest, yeah. These alligators are looking hungry. The Rat King turns to look at you. Give me a perception
check, if you'd be so kind. (dice clatters) - Seven.
- Cool. The Rat King looks at you and says, ha, an assassin, eh? Sent to kill my monarchy in its infancy. Well, you are under arrest. And all of these rats chatter. I'm gonna need you to make a wisdom saving throw,
if you'd be so kind. - Okay.
(dice rattling) I'm blessed, some say this is normal. - Oh you're blessed, that's right. - That's gonna be an 18. - Thanks to the blessing, thanks to the blessing
of my king, King-ston. - Oh, okay. - You see a spell (blows
air) hits you and you do feel that Kingston's blessing repels his spell. And he says, what, what trickery is this? My magic is second to none. That's going to be, Misty, that's you. - So Crown of Madness takes my action, but can I still do a movement?
- Mm-hmm. - Great, so then I would like to... so this guy has Crown of Madness. - He will not an attack of opportunity. - Can I go onto this platform up here? I'll risk what I can, I
don't wanna be in the water. - Okay, so that's gonna
be five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, you can make it that far. And that one's gonna get an
attack of opportunity on you. (dice clattering) - Bring it on. (Brennan sucks in air) Hang on a second. As I'm passing him I go, an albino alligator, you must be so ugly? (all laughing) And take away a-- - You must be so ugly. - Fuck, one from the roll
that you just did, goddamn it. - That should be your
thing for everything. You must be so ugly.
- You must be so ugly. Like you can't even see
them, you must be so ugly. - Okay, is Crown of Madness concentration? I believe so, yes?
- Yeah, it is. - You take 10, 12 points of damage. And as you get to this square right here, this guy whips around and restrains you. Grabs on to your leg (growls)
and is holding you in place. - Okay. So I have to beat a six or a 10? - You need to beat a 10. - Okay, great, and I
have advantage on that because I am war caster. - And you're blessed. - I'm not blessed, but I did get a 16. - Hell yeah, you hold onto
your spell's concentration but you are restrained in place and you did take 12 points of damage. The nasty fungal sewer awfulness in there seeps into your leg. That's going to be-- - I don't regret insulting you. (all laughing) - That is now going to be Kingston. - All right, can I cast a command on the alligator holding Misty? - You absolutely can. - So it has to make a-- - If you do that, your blessed will go. - No, it's a--
- Oh, it's not a-- - It's not a concentration spell. - It's a single round thing.
- It's suggesting, that's it. - Can I cast, yeah, it has
to make a wisdom saving throw against my spell, spell save, which is 15. - Got a 14. - Wow.
- What does Kingston say? - Drop it, drop it!
(Brennan growls) Drop!
(Brennan whimpers) Drop! - It backs off. - They're so cute, we need to keep one. - That's so cute.
- Into the water. You are not restrained
anymore, incredible. That's very good. - Can I still move? - Yeah, you still got movement. - Great, I'd like to try
and scramble up to here. - Cool, so that's gonna be one, two, three, four, yeah, cool. I'm actually gonna need you to, because you're going
through water for that, I'm gonna need an athletics check from you to see if you can make it up there. - Great, fantastic, and that's
not one of the ones we get with that big juicy
cockroach floating around? - That's just strength. (dice clatters) - Athletics?
- Oh, athletics is strength. - Athletics, yeah.
- Athletics is a strength. - I think we're good, 15? - 15, you hop up there, no problem. You're, you know, you're
older than you were back in your hay day, but you know what, you still got it, man. - Hey, I'll tell you on
the worst day of my life where my house was ruined by pigeons and now I'm running
around in a dirty sewer. (laughing) It's nice to know I still got it. - That's going to be Pete. - All right, I'm gonna try to run up... So is that an athletics, also? - You can use movement for it or you can try to do an athletics to counteract some of that. - Oh, I think I'll try to do an athletics. - [Brennan] Yeah, go for it. - Three. - And then do we get advantage, 'cause it is strength checks? I was wrong, right? 'Cause if it's athletics-- - Oh, of it's athletics,
it's strength, yeah, so you would get advantage on that from the cockroach spirit. - You're also blessed. - You guys see the, yeah,
Kugrash has summoned this insane glowing, like, brown, glowing with like brown light being like, it's the cockroach, I'm doing it. You feel strong, feel strong. - He's so juicy. - Ew.
- Do it, do it, do it Come on jump, get up there. - You're also blessed. - Yeah.
- That's true. But you are blessed so you can, you do roll with advantage, that's right. - Roll and then I roll again with blessed? - Yup.
(dice clatters) - Two and three again, very cool. - So you're gonna have
to use your movement, so that's gonna be five, 10, 15, 20, 30, and you have one more, you can be like, or no, yeah, that's 25, 30. - Okay.
- Cool. - Can I see The Rat King from where I'm at or I have that big thing in front of me? - You can actually go to
this square and duck around. He'd have like partial cover, which would raise his AC a little bit, but you might be able to
catch like a glimpse of him, if you wanted to.
- Okay, yeah. I wanna cast Scorching Ray on him. - Hell yeah, go for it. Let me see here. Yeah, I think you've got a
pretty much straight line to this bozo, let me see. Just about, yeah, so we got a bonus AC. Go ahead and make your three
attacks with Scorching Ray. - All right. (dice clatters) With blessed? - With blessed, yeah. - Well, that's a 19
anyway, so that one hits. - [Brennan] Oh, hell yeah. (dice rattling) Seven and four is 11. - Plus your spell attack modifier, though. - Oh, yeah, yeah, with another seven. - 18, that hits. - [Emily] Ooh! (dice rattling) - 13, four, 17 plus seven. - Yeah, even with his raised armor class from having that cover. - Thank you. - Kingston's seven-year-old
nephew showed him how to dab. - 6D6 at The Rat King?
- 6D6 at The Rat King. - Thank you.
- Ooh. - One more D6, thank you. - Kingston can do a really quickie floss. (dice clattering) - No, only two sixes. Okay, 12, 20, no, sorry, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19. - 19 damage. - [Brian] Of course. - You see that The Rat King says, here in my sewer court, oh. (blowing air) And once again, your arm splits open and you realize that you're
channeling nightmares right now. All the people that have
ever burned to death in their sleep in new
York City are fucking-- - Jesus Christ. - Fire's, like, echoing,
you could hear, like, the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, every nightmare history thing
of like, run, (shouting). You guys see that Pete's
eyes go completely black and blood starts oozing out of his eyes as your arm splits open. The Rat King goes (screams) as like, about a quarter of the rats
in him are incinerated. More rats, we need more
rats up here, stat! And I'm going to need you
to make a perception check. - Okay.
- And a wild magic? - And wild magic. (dice clattering) - Perception is a seven plus-- - Do you add your blessing? - Seven, 14 and then this blessed, 17. - You see as you incinerate
a chunk of something solid juts out off part of The Rat King. - Oh, yeah, my girl's tangled up in there. - Now roll for wild magic surge. - And it's one or two now? - Now it's one, two, and three. - One, two, and three?
- Yeah. (dice clattering) (exclaims) - Oh no.
- Fuck. - I'm standing much too
close to Pete for me to be-- - You don't even add blessed to that? - Oh, yeah, does she have blessed? - Do not add blessed to that. - What'd you roll? - A three. - Why couldn't it just be one and two? - Whenever the dice hits something and that makes it stop,
it's never a good roll. - What is Pete feeling in this moment? - So scared from seeing
all of these fires. I'm starting to think
maybe I'm channeling evil when I do this. - You go, you see the, (growling) that there, a dog you remember
from your street up state that used to scare you
'cause he barked real loud, appears in front of you and says, (growls) remember me, you never
have to be afraid again. I can help you. You want me to fuck someone up? You're the bad dog now, woof, woof. Remember that time I stole
your sister's Halloween candy? I can do that again every time. (Ally breathing heavily) - Okay, cool. Get that Rat King. (Brennan growls) - And he disappears into moats of light that The Rat King, even your other friends that can see dream shit, don't appear to be able to see
this shit that you can see. It (blows air) turns into moats of sparks and begins to swirl around The Rat King. You don't know what that
wild magic surge just did, but it fucking did something. - I open up my med bracelet and take my anti-psychotics, my Adderall, my testosterone really quick. Remembering that I haven't
taken my meds today. (all laughing) - Hell yeah, that's going to be Ricky. - I'm going to cast... Fuck, I wish I used this earlier. I'm gonna use Sacred Weapon now, just because it will be helpful. And I'm going to use a bonus action to cast, what's it called? - Can you cast two spells in the same, or Sacred Weapon is not a spell? - No, it's not my, it's just an action. But then use the Shield of Faith on, I think I'm gonna use it on Misty. - Great.
- Great. - What does that give me? - You add two AC. - Great.
- And it's a concentration. And then I'm going to try to move. Can I, if I move through here will I be attacked by everybody, yeah? - You'll get one attack of opportunity from his dude right here. - All right, I'll go to here and just try to, like, be in the center of... - One, two, cool, you go here. That guy's gonna get an attack on you. (dice clattering) Misses. Cool, that's going to be the alligators. - So I'd like to turn to the
guy who has Crown of Madness and say, you see this guy just bit me, what are you gonna do about it? - He says, as king
alligator I will bite him. - Mm, yes, good idea. - He rushes over here to bite this dude. Let's see how that goes. - Kugrash, you're just, like, drowning. - Hop on his back. - You're just a wet rat bobbing. - Its fur is probably matted together. - He misses. This guy swims over here for Kugrash. This guy's gonna come over here for Ricky. - Luckily this isn't--
- Coming against Kugrash. - Do I get an attack of opportunity on the guy who ran by me to get Ricky? I mean, to get to Kugrash? - Where was he, oh, yes, you would get an attack of opportunity.
- Cool. (dice clattering) Plus blessed, right? - Yeah.
(dice clatters) - That was 11 plus two, I
knocked it over to a 20. That was 20. - 20 hits, which means
that you actually arrest his movement, he doesn't come for Kugrash. - Yeah!
- Yes. - Thanks, man. (dice clattering)
- And I did, ooh, that's 15. - You see that one alligator
looks at you and goes, (growling) and suddenly, wonk, it's
whole head disappears under the water with glowing ax blade in the meat of its shoulder - Stop it.
(all laughing) - Hey, he's a good kid, a good fireman. - I have a question about concentration. So I have concentration on this guy, but because I have war caster I have attack of
opportunity spell casting? - Yes. - Can I, 'cause that's
not an action, right, it's just a reaction? - It's a reaction, it doesn't
mess with your concentration. - So, can I then cast-- - No one's triggered an
attack of opportunity from you 'cause no one's left your threatened area. - Oh they didn't leave
the threatened area, they just came into the threatened area? - Yeah, absolutely.
- Okay, great, great. - So one's gonna go for Misty, missed. One is gonna go for Ricky. Miss, as well. Just (grunting). But I believe Crown of
Madness is every round, he gets another wisdom
saving throw, right? - He does, he gets a wisdom
saving throw every turn. - Cool. (dice clattering) Fails again, these guys are
not very wise, as it turns out. - Yeah, who'd have thunk? - Who'd have thunk?
- Who'd have thunk? - Great, that's going to be Sofia. - Okay. I sip the last drop of champagne from my broken champagne flute. - Oh, it's shattered. - This is so wrong.
- Your lips are bleeding. Are you okay? - And then I want to, how far can I jump? - With a running start, you go even farther if
you do Step of the Wind. - Well, yeah, so I
wanna use my whole turn, like I wanna use every
action I possibly can to try to get to that panel. - Hell yeah, what's your-- - Which I have Step of the
Wind if I need to use it. - What is your strength score? - My strength is only one, but I usually use acrobatics.
- Your total. - Oh my total strength is 13, but I usually use acrobatics first off. - Gotcha. So this is gonna be, this
is like such a long leap, but you're doing Step of the Wind. Bup-bup-bup, oh, Jesus Christ. Okay, also how tall are you? - How tall am I? I mean, what I wanna say right
now, is like seven-foot-five, but probably I'm probably
more like, five, 5'6, 5'10. - Good of you for being honest. - 5'5, 5'6. - Yeah, we don't really
talk about it, she's 7'8. (all laughing) - Your long jump, you automatically, if
you do Step of the Wind, is automatically 25 feet,
which is insanely far but I'll, if you burn the ki point I will let you roll an athletics check-- - Athletics or acrobatics? - Fuck, we'll go acrobatics.
- Okay, yeah. - But I'll say that every
five above 10 that you get is another five feet on the jump. So above 10, you're
adding whatever you rolled to the feet jumped. - So what do I need to do to get it? So what do I need to-- - So that's five, 10, 15,
20, 25, one, two, three. You'd only need to roll,
you would need to roll a 25. - A 25 on my acrobatics?
- On acrobatics. - What do you have on acrobatics? - A six.
- Plus nine. - But even if you fail, you
just fall in the water, right? - Yeah. Can I add, do I get to add this guy to it? - I'll let you add blessed to it. - Okay, cool, I'ma go for it.
- Fuck yeah. - So you're trying to beat, trying to beat a 25 on an
acrobatics check right now, and you're burning the ki
point for Step of the Wind. - Last time you flipped a
thing, now you're gonna jump. - [Siobhan] Oh, my God,
it's gonna be so sick. - Sofie remember, it is what
it is, whatever that means. (dice clattering) (groans) - Nine and two is 11. - 11, so I got 22. - 22, so close.
- Oh, it's so close. - Dang it. - Go ahead and make a
dexterity saving throw for me. - Okay. (dice clattering) That's gonna be 20. - Cool, oh, do you have slow fall? - Slow fall, mm-hmm. - So you take, you go (bows
air) leap, it is what it is. The Rat King goes, huh, no!
(wind whooshes) And throws a gust of
force from all the rats screaming at the same
time, buffets you back, and you scrape, holding a
hand and foot against the wall to land in the water down here, swimming. - [Ally] Wow, okay. - [Emily] Am I gonna be
able to get up that wall? - That's gonna be a pretty
fucking intense climb check. - I should've just got, I, (groans). - I think you're gonna be okay. - I should've, but I
should've gone over there. - So that's your movement,
you used a bonus action and yeah, you actually,
I think you actually still have an action left if you want it. Right, is movement bonus
action for Step of the Wind? - Mm-hmm.
- Yeah. Can I climb? - Yeah, you can try to
move, you can try to climb-- - Or can I, if I have another action, can I just use it to move
over and jump up here? - Yeah, for sure, so
it's difficult terrain 'cause you're swimming, so it's-- - Well, I have acrobat so I get to potentially
get less difficult. - Make a DC, if you
make a DC 20 acrobatics, we'll say it's not difficult terrain. - Okay, DC 20 acrobatics. (dice clattering) I did yeah, 23. - Cool, so that's gonna be
five, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, yeah, you can get up to this ledge here. - Okay, I'll take that, that'll be enough. - Dope, awesome. - Sorry guys, I'm trying
to get that panel. - That was still the
craziest thing I've ever seen - [Siobhan] It was very cool, very cool. - Very, very cool. - I think the water's gonna keep rising. - I know, that's why I
wanted to get that panel. - Kugrash, that's you. - That's gonna stop it from rising. - All right, I'm gonna climb
up on this nice alligator (Ally laughing) and get, I guess, as
far as I can over here. - [Zac] You can climb on me if you want. - [Brennan] Five, 10, 15. - Yeah, can I climb up on
my friend Ricky's back? - Yeah, go for it. - Is that okay, is it okay with you? - Of course, get on my back. - I hop onto Ricky's back. - Great.
- Wow, you got big lats, kid. - No days off, man.
(Brian laughs) - And then I wanna use a bonus
action to move the sphere, 'cause it was back here,
so it's not gonna affect some people in a little
bit as people move. So I can move it up to 60
feet, so maybe I'll move it, where do you guys think I
should move it if it's 30 feet? Maybe just like in the middle? - Yeah.
- Yeah. - I guess I'll do it like right around where Kingston is right now. - [Brennan] Mm-hmm. - You telling me there's gonna
be a big-ass juicy cockroach? - There's a big-ass juicy cockroach. - Kingston, don't worry, I got you, buddy. - I hate this. - Juicy cockroach, come down. - Kugrash is ruining your life. - Rats, cockroaches and
pigeons all in one day. - I hate this so much. And a clean life. - And then, so I'm there with Ricky. And then I still have an action, so I guess I'll create a flaming sphere. - Awesome, very cool. - Sweet, so I'll create a flaming sphere. So, you know what, I'll just start it right on this guy. - Hell yeah, and he has to roll a save? - I think he doesn't take
anything unless he gets hit by it or unless he ends his turn in it. It says any creature that
ends its turn within five feet of the sphere must make
a dexterity saving throw or takes 2d6 damage. As a bonus action, I can
move it to ram people and then they have to do it. So I think it's like appearing above him, but doesn't hurt him yet. - Gotcha.
- It hurts him on his turn. Kugrash is playing the long game. - Water continues to rise. (water rushing)
(ominous music) The rats go, sire the cheese. It's phantasmal to touch, I can't get it. (Emily laughing) Get this cheese at once. And that's going to be The Rat King, looks at you again. - Okay, bring it on. - And says, freeze, you
stand before royalty. And you wisdom save. (dice clattering) (Emily groans) - That's gonna be a 11. - I'm afraid--
- A robust 11. - I'm afraid that Sofia is frozen in place as chills go up your
spine, through your blood. (Emily sighs) - You're already in water. - Yeah, you're standing
about knee-deep in water and feeling it rise around you. (water trickling) Misty, that's gonna be you. - Get out here. - I mean, yeah, I'm gonna
get up as high as I can movement wise.
- Okay. - And then, I still have Crown of Madness, so that's what that is,
and then I'm gonna-- - Cool, those two are gonna get attacks of opportunity on you. - Fucking bring it on. - One, two, or one, two, three, four. - This guy was attacking this guy, right? - Yeah, this guy.
- Oh, he was, yeah. - [Ally] Wasn't one of
them being attacked? - Yeah, if you're here, he
was there, if you're here, so you can go, basically,
one, two, three, is 15, 20, with an athletics check you can get up to the next thing. - Great, and we have advantage
on that because of the-- - You do.
- Yup, the juicy cockroach. Just call to the
cockroach, he'll help you. - The juicy cockroach oozes. - He's a good dude. - I got a 15. - Oh, 15, 15 gets you up. - Great. - Cool, they're gonna
get some attacks on you. - You got that plus two AC this time. - Oh, yes, so my AC is 16 currently. (dice clattering) - Before you get up there-- - Ah, fuck.
- This one here restrains you. - [Siobhan] Goddamn! (growling) - Restrains you and is
gonna go ahead and deal (dice clattering) (suspenseful music) 24 points of damage. - Ooh.
- Fuck. - [Brennan] To Misty. - Did you crit?
- And he critted, yeah. And you are once again restrained. - [Siobhan] Well, I'm real sick, guys. I'm on... I have five, five hit points. - I'm sorry, I can't heal you,
I learned I'm not a healer. - I definitely wasn't talking
to you, but thank you. - That's your move, so then your movement, you are now restrained. - Okay. - But you can take actions. Oh, and you need a
check for concentration. - Well. (dice clattering) That's, what's--
- What's your concentration? - Concentration is 14. Beats it, yeah, right? 'Cause I have to just beat a 10. - Yeah, you beat it. - As my bonus action I'm
gonna look over to Sofia and be like, Sofia, that eye
shadow is a fabulous color. - Oh my God, thank you so much, it's from a drugstore,
if you can believe it. - No, I can't.
- Yeah. - It's great.
- I know. - We should go shopping. - Oh my God, yes, I mean,
again I get it from drugstores. We could go shopping there. - Kingston, that's you. - So you have bardic inspiration. - All right, can I climb
up to the next level? - You sure can. One, you can either use movement
or do an athletics check. - We get advantage.
- We have advantage. - Yeah, I'll do an athletics check then. My old ass running around, a nat 20. (all cheering)
- Fuck yeah. - And we see the juicy
cockroach flies him off. - No, I want nothing to do
with this juicy cockroach. - So I'm gonna say on a nat 20, we're not even gonna worry about vertical. You go one, two, three, four, five, six. You guys see, as Misty gets bitten, you look around, look
up and see The Rat King commanding these alligators
and you guys begin to, you guys see that Kingston's
coat flairs out behind him. The subway token he wears
around his neck begins to glow, and you hear a bunch of voices in so many different languages going, come on, come on, come on,
Kingston, come on, you got this. Get up there, come on, come on, come on. And you tear up the steps. - I'm really proud watching
him, I'm like, fuck yeah. - And that's, yeah, what do
you do when you get up there? - Can I turn around, as cool as that was, can I turn around and cast
a second level command to try and command these
two albino alligators? - Oh, you're gonna try to
hit two of them at once? - Yeah, I'll use it, it casts
as a second level spell. - Hell yeah, you can go for it. - So both of them have to make wisdom saving throws against 15. (dice clattering) - I'll say that blue one is
the one not holding Misty. Both of them, what is your
command, what's Kingston say? - Do I have to give the same
command to both of them? - Yes.
- Okay. If I... Okay, if I ask it, like, what
are the chances that if I, I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this. If I ask them to flee, what are the chances they
take Misty with them? - You're not, you are not sure. - Okay. - There's a chance that if flee, if this one wanted to, it
would just drag Misty away. - [Emily] Disengage. - All right, do that, I
like that so I'm gonna, yeah, can I be like, stop, just go, go. - Surrender.
- Cool. Yeah, so you yell, stop,
and you see that they, do you think Kingston more wants them to let go of Misty or wants them to move? - More to let go of Misty. - You see that both, that
one of them lets go of Misty and they both slink back into the water. - [Emily] Ooh. - Like further back out of that spot, or they're still in those? - They're still in those
spots, they have not left, but they have let go of Misty. And it looks like that
they are fully stopping. So on their turn, the
way the command works is on their turn they're
going to do that action. - Great. - That's going, hell yeah, that's huge. Pete, that's gonna be you. - Okay, I am going to try to run and jump. I'm going to try to use my
action and like a dash action to get as close forward as I can. - Okay, go ahead and give
me an athletics check. - Cool. Advantage, right, for strength? (dice clattering) Nat 20! - Yeah.
- Ooh. - Great.
- Holy shit. - Fuck yes, thank you, cockroach. - Well, somebody likes the cockroach. - One, two, three, four, five, six. And you're just leaping as far as you can? That's a fucking nat 20. Go ahead and give me wild
magic surge real quick. - Oh, great. What is it up to, four?
- Now, just one, it resets. - Three.
- Three, okay, cool. So yeah, I'm gonna say on a nat 20 that you insanely, you see
that your boots split open and flame shoots out of
them like rocket boots. (blowing air) You land and reach on to the
edge of the panel right here. So you don't land all the way on it but you, huh, bam, and land there. The Rat King goes, huh, dirty scoundrel. - And I don't get any like,
duck, movement or anything left? I probably used everything. - You used your full action, movement, everything on that insane
athletics check to get over there. - Get a tetanus shot when we're done. - Yeah, yeah. - Rad, that's going to be, bu-bu-bum, that's now, insane-- - Yeah, that was wild. - You like, you're jets are like going, you can't like get your
legs together in unison, so you kind of like wave
your hands in the air and rocket over and grab on to the edge. Ricky, that's gonna be you. - Okay, I, so these, it seems
like these two have stopped. - [Brennan] Mm-Hmm. That one's still
controlled by Misty, yeah. - You're on my back, right?
- Yeah. - I want to grab them and
go as far forward as I can. Can I grab both of them and move? - That's gonna be an
intense athletics check to, I mean, Misty's very small. Misty's like 4'10.
- Yeah. - Give me, also, I'll call
it a DC 20 athletics check to try and scoop them both up. - And I have advantage on
athletics checks right now. And I'm blessed and I
have bardic inspiration. - Hell yeah, dude. Hell yes.
- All right. - Don't use the bardic
inspiration unless you have to. - Okay, I'm with that. (dice clattering) - Good call. - That's already beat it. - Fuck yeah.
- So that's like 21-- - You fired it, fucking
New York's bravest, over one shoulder you got Kugrash. You pick Misty up and you can go. This guy's gonna get an
attack of opportunity on you as you leave the space. (dice clattering) Hits.
- Okay. Do I do, can I do anything? - You're carrying them both, no sweat. But this guy hits you
for 17 points of damage. - Shit.
- Okay. - And you're also
restrained, you cannot move. - Okay.
- Oh fuck. - Okay, and so I'm still carrying them? - You're carrying them,
you haven't used an action, but in your attempt to move away, this guy didn't get an
attack on anyone else since the alligators last went, did he? - No 'cause he got sentinel. - He got sentinel, right. - All right, I will-- - Can you throw them? - Yeah you're, he's fully got you, not only are you restrained. So you get thrown off your balance, one of your legs is in his mouth. - Gotcha. Would it be crazy to throw them onto this? - Hell yes.
- Yeah. - Make another athletics check for me. - Just tossing a pixie and a rat. - I'm gonna say another DC 20. - Okay. Okay, that's... (dice clattering) So that's 10, 16, plus-- - Bardic.
- Bardic inspiration. 17. - Fuck. - These two guys get over here. - All right.
- Okay. - That's something.
- And that's my turn, right? - That's your turn, yeah. That's going to be the alligators. This guy's gonna come for Ricky again. Now rolling with advantage 'cause he's already got you in his jaws. - Oh, really, 49. I'm at 32.
- Okay, okay. It's more than I start with. - Hang on, before you
say anything out loud. I'm gonna look at the alligator
that just attacked Ricky and say, you're ugly,
too, you're all ugly. and I take away five points
from whatever roll you just did. - You just saved Ricky's life. - Oh! - You see that this thing has your leg and it goes to wrench you
into the water, down deep. And Misty turns around. As you whip around, you guys
see that a shade of poison moves around the edge of
Misty's lips and tongue and a dart of spectral fae energy hits the alligator on the side of the head and it goes, (crying) no, me beautiful. - You'll never make it in this
city, you'll never make it. (Brennan screams) - You see it looks over to the wall where there's a small poster of an alligator in a Broadway musical. He goes (crying). Ricky, you are not hit
for any extra damage. - It would have been over 30? - It would have, yeah,
it would have been a-- - Dragged him under? - It would've dragged him under, yeah. Or it would have been so bad-- - Am I hit for anything? - You're not hit for any damage. These two--
- Fuck yeah. - These two alligators each
take a little step back, scared of Kingston. What does the Crown of
Madness alligator do? - I mean, he's gonna continue to, it has to be a melee attack
within somebody within range of him, so he's gonna continue to-- - He can't move, okay. - He can move, but like, I
don't, that movement is not gonna be enough to get The Rat King. - Or what about the one eating me? - Oh, yeah, oh, yeah,
can he attack the one that continues to eat Ricky? - [Brennan] Yeah, he can
swim over here and do that. - Great, yeah, so I'll have him do that. - He actually rushes over, hits that dude, and grabs that guy and
pulls him under the water. - Hell yeah. - We're really running these alligators. - Yeah. - Am I still grabbed by it? - It, well now, that's interesting, 'cause you're restrained by an alligator who is also restrained. So, yes, you are still in
the jaws of that alligator, but that alligator is in the
jaws of another alligator. You're like on your butt with your legs going into the water, like... The situation is bad.
- Terrifying. - And the water's still rising. - Ah! - That's gonna be Sofia. - Okay, so I'm frozen. What does that mean? - It means at the end of your, the water is rising around you. I'm gonna need you to make
another wisdom saving throw. - Another wisdom saving throw. - You have bardic inspiration. - Yeah, I know.
- And you are blessed. - Okay. (dice clattering) Oh my fucking God. - What was it?
- All threes. - All threes, threes across the board. - Everything was a three.
- 12? - I got a 12. - You got a 12?
- Mm-hmm. - That's exactly the DC. (Emily exclaims) - Wow.
- Thanks. - So you feel water rising. (blowing air) You look, see Ricky surrounded by gators as the water's rising
up above his platform. It gets to here and you hear
a voice in your head say, hey. - Hey.
- Whatcha gonna do? What are you going to do? The water gets here and (shouts)
you snap out of the spell. - I'm gonna fuck up that panel. (Brennan laughing) - Hell yeah. - And then do I get actions still? - No, that's the end of your turn. So it's your full action
to get out of the spell. - Gotcha, okay. - So that's gonna be Kugrash. - Cool, I actually realize,
so is this guy, like, fully under the water
or does he have Ricky and he's kinda like-- - His back half is being dragged under by the other alligator. - Got it, but his mouth is still up. He at the end of his turn,
has to do a dex saving throw or take 2d6 fire damage
from the flaming sphere. - Oh, 'cause he's restrained 'cause the flaming sphere is on him. So he's gotta make a dex saving throw. - And if he's restrained--
- He fails. - Dope, so he takes six
damage on that turn. And then, I, okay, so then-- - I'm gonna, sorry, roll of wisdom save for the Crown of Madness one, real quick. - Oh, yes, please. - Fails again.
- Great. - Okay, then I'm going to-- - You look great in that crown. Keep wearing it.
- Thank you, thank you. - Then I'm gonna hop up here - [Brennan] So that's gonna
be five, 10, 15, cool. - Cool. Then, this is a little bit of
a funky use of this cantrip, but thorn whip allows you to, if you hit, to pull something 10 feet closer to you. I'm trying to use to
essentially get, like, around its mouth to open
it up so Ricky can get his foot out, like, to pull him. - Oh, you want to use it to pull his, to move his jaw--
- To, like, free him. Free him from his restraint. - And what's that, it's
normally an attack roll. Is there any opposed element? - It's a spell attack roll. - Spell attack, I'm gonna
have to do a spell attack to hit and to do this alternate use. It's gonna be his strength
versus your wisdom - Okay.
- Cool. Go ahead and roll to hit first of all. - Okay. (dice clattering) So much. Duh-duh-duh, 25. - Hell yeah, you definitely hit. You've gotta beat a (dice clattering)
10. - Okay.
- With a wisdom check. - Come on, plus five. - Do you have blessed or no? - No, he's not blessed. - I got a goddamn eight. - But you still do the damage for-- - I do, I do, just 1d6, though. (dice clatters) Three damage.
- Cool. - This alligator is looking fucked up. You get a whip around its mouth and it's also being pulled
by this other alligator, but it's not letting go of Ricky's leg. - So we've not killed
a single goddamed thing in this fight yet.
- No. I'm look, I-- - Ah!
- Shit, goddamn it. Constantly under water. (water rushing) (suspenseful music) (dice rattling) - Jesus Christ. The Rat King goes, very well, you wish to test the metal
of the rodent monarch, ha. And a wave of rats descends on you. And as it goes to you, you see that (blows air)
this weird sense of, like, a purring cat energy surrounds you. And the rats all (squeaks)
squeak off, doesn't hit you. But you do see, as the rats part, you see the face of the
Angel of Bethesda Fountain within the rats for a second.
- Em, Emma? - Em.
- Em. - That's going to now be, so
The Rat King attacks, misses. That's going to be Misty. - Well, I'm gonna get up as high as I can. And I'm actually gonna
break my Crown of Madness so that I can cast a second
level cure wounds on myself. - Okay. - Ricky.
- One, two, three. So that's 15 movement right there. You gonna make an athletics check? - Yeah, I'll do an athletics check. - [Brennan] Cool. (dice clattering) - Two 17s, yeah.
- Hell yeah. You, whoop, hop up here on this tall one. Next to your fae (blows
air) lightness of foot, you are standing there next to Kingston on top of that tall platform. - Great. - You've cured wounds, cool. - Second, sorry, I'll just... Great, I'll make it.
(harmonic music) - So you break the Crown of Madness, that's now going to be, bup-bup-bup. Kingston, that's you. - Ricky, what are you at?
- 32. - But he has two on him. - It's, they're getting dragged. - Yeah, they have to--
- I'll just drown. - Are you still restrained? - Yeah. - Can I see this one? - Yeah.
- Okay, great. I'd like to command, again, let's just keep
the command train going. (laughing) - You're bossy today. - Oh, yeah. I'm telling a lot of
alligators what to do today. (laughing) - What do you say to this alligator? - Let it go, let go! - Slinks back into the water. Ricky, you are, your
head comes out of water. - Ah. (laughing) - That's gonna be Pete.
- Okay. - Unless, Kingston, are
you doing anything else? - Get him, Pete. (laughing) - Okay, I am going to reach in past the squirming disgusting rats and grab Em. If I use shocking grasp
to electrocute her metal, am I hurting her at all or
am I just burning the rats that are formed on the
outside of the metal? - I will allow you to make a... Just roll a charisma check to
see if you can use that spell in that way and feel free
to add blessed to it. - Cool. (dice clattering) 17, one, and then I have plus five, yeah. - You start thinking, like, what are the limitation of my magic. I fucking, I'm what, I'm the vox phantasm. I've, what is this fucking and then you here a voice saying, dreams are anything you make them. (electricity crackling) - Cool, yeah, I reach in and
I just, like, electrocute Em trying to hurt this rat thing. Maybe I, like, hoist myself in first. - You can actually, if you
wanna grab and try to use the statue to hoist yourself in-- - Cool, yeah, yeah. - Let's do this, roll
me an athletics check, we'll say that to beat a 10 means that you hoist yourself up. To beat a 15, means
you're, like, yanking the, yanking the statue, able
to yank the statue out, but you'll damage, either
way, through shocking grasp. - Okay, cool. Come on.
(dice clatters) Ah, six. - Okay, but you roll blessed with that? - I mean, yeah. Two, eight. - Eight, cool, you grab onto the statue, you're still hanging
off of it over the side. Go ahead and roll your damage for-- - So D8, I think?
- Shocking grasp, yes. - All right.
(dice clatters) One, no! Fuck.
- Wait a minute. I forgot, your wild magic surge-- - That dog?
- Yeah, my dog. - Your dog, roll that
athletics check one more time. - Okay. I'm gonna use the good dice. 15?
- 15. - Oh, with a blessed, yeah.
- With a blessed. - One, 16.
- 16. You see that you don't do that much damage with shocking grasp but
the rats (blows air) let go just enough and
you plunge into the water (blows air) with a beautiful angel. - Yes.
(water splashing) - You are under the angel
statue, it is so heavy. - Fuck.
- And fucking, woo. You go deep in the water with the angel. - What, no, not yes. - Oh, no. - You're under water, my good
man, with the angel statue. But you see, The Rat King
goes, my bride, my bride-to-be, and screams in horror. You have successfully wrested
the angel out of The Rat King. That's going to be, oh, that's so cool. And you see that your
dog begins to disappear. (growls) Got the rat, kid. But one day I'll kill ya, one
day I'll kill ya for sure. - What?
- Bad dog. - Do your wild magic surge
first, shocking grasp. - Oh yeah, roll a wild magic
surge for shocking grasp. - It's up to what? Now it's back to two?
- Back to two. - Six, nine.
- Cool. - What a world.
- That's going to be-- - What a world?
- What a world. That's going to be Ricky. - Okay, I'm all free now? - All free. - Ricky's kind of, this is maybe, Ricky's gonna
go as far forward as possible. - And I believe you're
still, no you got commanded, now you're allowed to go, yeah, you're not restrained anymore, mm-hmm. - So to here.
- Cool. - And then-- - Give me, just for, because that's a lot of difficult terrain you're going through, just give me the athletics to
make sure that you can do it. - He can do advantage.
- Yeah. - That was--
- You're rolling advantage. - What do I need? - 15.
- Oh, that was a seven, yeah. Yes, I eventually got it.
- Cool, dope. You hop up there. - And then I'm gonna look at The Rat King and command while pointing at
the panel, and say, reverse. - Awesome. This is for sure going
to be a box of doom roll. Let's get that box of doom.
(Ally thumping table) The Rat King is gonna save
against a suggestion cast from-- - Command. - Yeah, oh sorry, a command
from the questing blade of our paladin, Ricky Matsui. The DC's 13. The Rat King gets a plus two. On an 11 or higher,
this The Rat King saves. On a 10 or lower, it fails. (suspenseful music) (dice clatters) Six!
- Oh! - Fuck yeah. - Gleaming light of civic responsibility echoes from your ax, what does
Ricky say to The Rat King? - Reverse. - So he says, (gasps), my
God, those rippling abs. Those silky pectorals. We must reverse the water's flow. And begins to turn towards the panel. That is going to be the alligators. - Kugrash.
- Kug. - No Crown of Madness. No--
- He's been commanded? - I commanded him to let go. - To let go, which he did. These two guys are back in it. (water sloshing) - I still got mirror image up. - [Ally] Oh yeah. - Okay.
- I am cursed-- - [Brennan] So that just,
is that just an even, what they got, that's 33%? - So I roll and if I get,
if I have three guys, then if I get six or higher,
then they attack that dude. - That dude, okay. (dice clatters) - Got a 14, so-- - So one of them bites--
- One of them gets attacked. And they have an AC of
10 plus my dex modifier, so they have 14, if they
get hit, then they're gone. - First one of your
mirror images vanishes. - Cool, poof, Naruto style. - Yeah.
- Substitution jutsu. Then I roll again, eight or
higher, they hit the second one. - Okay, eight higher, the second one. - 17.
- Nice. - Fuck yeah.
- Want to see if gets-- - Cursed no more.
- And their AC is 14, right? - [Brian] Yeah. - Misses.
- Yes. - Cool. - Roll again.
- Doing my dance twist. Two of us.
(dice clatters) 16. - Let's see. Successfully hits it. He's gone.
- He's gone. - Last one's just making an
attack against the real Kugrash. - Still doing the dance by myself. I feel like I need to continue with this. - Everybody do the Kugrash.
- And misses you. (all exclaiming)
Hell yeah. - You guys look out and see this little fucking rat
shaman on this little thing. All four alligators come out
(growling) and fucking... Oh, yeah, you're doing some, like, real 80s moon dance kinda stuff,
real thriller, incredible. - He's nasty, but he's good. (all laughing) - Yeah, I attach to a guy, do a wave, and he pops as he gets bent. - That's amazing, Sofia,
it's gonna be you. - Okay, so The Rat King's
gonna reverse the panel, but he hasn't pressed it yet, or anything? - Hasn't pressed it yet, no. - But I don't wanna attack
him, 'cause then that would, if I attack him, that's gonna stop him from pressing the panel, right? - This guy takes 2d6. Fire sphere.
- That's right, yup. (dice clattering) - Five.
- Cool. That one's looking extremely fucked up. Yeah, what's Sofia gonna do? (suspenseful chime music) - I don't know, I feel, I think that I don't want him
to stop doing the panel thing, but I don't really have
anything else to do. - You can go for the panel, too. - No but I, he'll know how
to it better than I can. I guess I'll just swim down and try to drag Pete and the angel up. I don't really have good strength, though. I don't really know what to do here. - You gotta make the call. You could also get to that
platform and ready an action. - Okay, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna try and hop up onto that thing and then leap across. - [Brennan] So you're gonna
get up here, just move it-- - I wanna leap across and ready an action for as soon as he presses
reverse, then I attack him. - Let me just get my little
jump calculator out here. - Jump calculator, by Texas Instruments. (all laughing) - You know, you're not always
gonna have a jump calculator in your pocket.
- Give me an acrobatics check. - You gotta figure out
how to do it on your own. - That's what they told me in high school. - Okay, that's gonna be a 22. - Nice. Leap. And you'd have to spend your
movement and your action, getting up out of the
water, leaping across. 'Cause let me see. We have movement of 40 right? - Yeah movement of 40.
- So you're swimming. So you go, five, 10, 15, and-- - I also have, if I have a DC 15, things aren't difficult terrain for me. - Oh, that's right, yes, yes, yes. So that's actually, one, two. Yeah, you fully, make it across and you can ready your action. - [Sofia] Okay, so I'm gonna attack him as soon as he presses the button. - Cool, and readying your
action means you won't get your bonus action, just as an FYI. - Okay, well, that's my fate. - Such is life. - Such is life, it is what
it is, is what I've learned. (all laughing) - That's going to be, yeah, Pete, you go all
the rest of the way down, and this angel has pinned
you to the bottom underneath all the water. I'm gonna need you to, I know
it's not your turn right now, but make a constitution
saving throw for me. - Okay. (dice clatters)
Five. - You can try to add blessed
to that, if you want. You gotta beat a 10.
(dice clatters) - Eight. - Wait you have plus two, plus two. - Oh cool, 10.
- Oh! - 10, cool. So you do not begin to drown. It pins you, and you move your
stomach at the last second. But you are, like, trapped
under this giant angel statue in this, like, shit, piss,
horrible sewer water. That's going to be
Kugrash, that's you, baby. - All right, later gators. Missy step, outta here. I'm gonna go 30 feet, as
close as I can get to, where, I guess, I heard
or saw Pete fall off. And then I would like to... - [Brennan] So that's 30 feet. - Okay, and then I would like
to, that's a bonus action, so I'd like to wild shape
into a reef shark in the air. - Sick.
- Yeah. - [Siobhan] Oh my God. - [Brennan] Hell yeah. - This is salt water?
- That is a disgusting shark. - Yeah, yeah, of course.
- It's a sewer shark. And then I want to, they have speed of 40. So since I've already used an action, so it's just the one movement. So just 40 feet to try to get down to-- - Awesome, you get down
all the way to Pete. You, like, get your jaws
on the side of the-- - I'm like, (screams). - And I'm winking, I'm trying
to give a Kugrash wink. You know, I do my dance. - Oh no.
(all laughing) - But you don't fucking know,
you just saw a shark show up. - That famous shark wink. (all laughing) - Just a real dead shark eye. - A shark that winks at you-- - You guys see the water rises till this is the least point here. The gators start swimming towards you. And The Rat King goes, quickly. (humming) (beeping) And as the gators are about to pounce, the water level recedes. And drops them back down. Yeah, so the water went up and comes back down to this level. - Okay, and Sofia Bikes comes in and fucking takes a hit at this dude. - Go for it. - Plus what?
- Well, 20's gonna hit, right? - 20 definitely hits, go
ahead and roll damage. - All right. - These rats are wearing full plate and, like, plus-one shields. - It's gonna be 10.
- Jesus. You see, The Rat King says, very well to reverse
for that wonderful man. Wham, and you're just, shin, knee, foot, you get your whole left leg right in the meat of this
Rat King, and you can-- - I've practiced a little Muay Thai. I got thick shins. - And you can feel the tails split, its one tail start to split a little bit under you kicking it, and
he goes, ah, the royal tail! And that's going to-- - I'm freeing all you little bitches. - Fuck, don't become his new bride. - Oh, I don't know, I've
been rejected by pigeons. (all laughing) If someone showed me a little bit of love, I might go for it.
- It's gonna be Misty. - He's, The Rat King is less than 60 feet away from me, right? - Mm-hmm.
- Great. So I would like to cast
Phantasmal Force on him. He has to do an intelligence saving throw. And then on a failed save, I create a phantasmal object, creature, or other visible phenomenon. - [Brennan] Mm-hmm. - So let me know if he succeeds. - He does not succeed. - Great, so I would like to conjure a real scary-looking rat catcher. (Brennan] laughing) And a creature that I create, they do 1d6 psychic damage to the target if it's in the phantom's area. - Go ahead an roll 1d6 - Great. (dice clatters) Six. - Fuck yeah.
- Nice. - Fuck yeah.
- Yeah. - You see that you hit it
and you see across from you, a shining beautiful man in a rat, in clearly a
rat catcher's costume with perfect white teeth and a big pole, with, like, a rat-catching
thing on the end of it. - Is that Ricky?
- He goes, ♪ Gotta catch, gotta catch ♪ And (grunts) slams, blood goes everywhere. - Darling, you're selling
it, I believe every word. (all laughing) - I actually went and got
coffee with a cousin of mine who's a real rat catcher and
he told me all about the part. - Yes, yes, do that work. - Do that work.
- Acting is work. Acting is work. (all laughing) - That's going to be Kingston. - Great, I'm gonna cast
Guiding Bolt on The Rat King. - Hell yeah, what does that do? - I make a ranged spell
attack and if it hits, I cast, I make 46 radiant damage and
the next attack roll made against the target has advantage. - Wow.
- Oh, awesome. - Great, let's see how this goes. (dice clatters)
Oh, 19. - 19 hits.
- Great. - Ooh. (dice clatters)
Six, six, one - It's gonna happen.
- One. - What a ride.
- An exactly average roll. How much damage is that? - Oh so, wow, 14-- - Fucking average, dude. - Average as hell. So 14 damage and then the next attack roll made against him has advantage. - Ooh!
- Jesus, hell yeah. - He can't be looking good. We got him with Scorching Ray earlier. You got all that in. - Get ready. - Cool, Pete, that's you. So you're partially drowning,
you're under this angel. You see that the shark doesn't
appear to be attacking you, but you're just under water. What does Pete do?
- So much winking. - And you're also,
you're like face-to-face with angel statue right now, by the way. - God, fuck. - It's face is like, it's a beautiful, it's like, crazy, you're
like trapped under this thing because it's, like, a beautiful statue. Although you see that she is now frozen in the pose of someone, like, weeping. - Okay, I feel like this
has just been, like, so shocking and scary. I'm gonna, in like a haze,
even though I should, like, get out and save myself, cast Detect Thoughts on her. (mysterious piano music) - You cast Detect Thoughts. In this insane moment
of danger for yourself, you reach into this place of empathy and you're suddenly for a moment floating in the dream realm again. And you see a little smiling orphan child with gray skin and black eyes
look up at you and smile. And as creepy as this fucking
kid is, and it's a creepy kid, it just looks so serene and pleased. And you see it says, everyone that ever came here had a dream. And it looks, and you see the
Bethesda Fountain being built. And the angel being placed
there for the first time. And you see it says,
the Angel of the Waters, the fountain of purification and healing, where all things can be born
anew, that's what dreams are. They're the one thing
that connects us all. I'm glad that you wanted
to know her dreams. And you (gasps) breathe in some water and suddenly are blinded by
two shining white lights. And just as soon as the
water entered your lungs, it (blows air) exits, as a metal hand touches
your shoulder and chest. And you see that the two
blinding white lights are the eyes of the angel glowing white. And you see even under the water, you are detecting her thoughts
and thus, can hear her. And she say, I'm the angel
of the frigging water, kid, I would never let this shit hurt you. Let's get outta here.
- Ooh! Yeah Em.
- Cool. - And begins to, so
you, in the shark form, feel the angel start to move. Your desire to understand
the thoughts of this being have awoken it from
whatever was binding it. - Fuck yeah, cool. - And you see that that's
Pete, Ricky, that's you. - I'm going to just ready action to attack any alligators that come near. - Hell yeah. So you ready an action. Ricky, the alligators do. (growling)
(water sloshing) Cool. You get a free attack on one 'cause you have an action readied. - And none of them came into my sentinel? - None, no they're, like, jumping, so they're out of your reach
by the time they get there. (dice clatters) - Yeah, that's like a 23. - Go ahead, the beefy boy
that you've been doing the flaming sphere damage to, you hit him. - Great.
(dice clatters) I hit him for 10. - 10, yeah, he is looking so fucking hurt. - Oh my God, we haven't
even killed him yet? - But he's gonna jump
up and make an attack. He's gonna make it with
disadvantage 'cause he's jumping up. That's a miss. Jumping up to hit Kingston, that's a miss. Two of them are jumping after Misty. (dice clatters)
Oops. - Damn, they really like you.
- I know. - Look, what can I tell you, I'm a star. - She's a cute little pixie,
she's like a snack to them. - Yeah, they all are leaping
up, but you're a little bit too high out of the water
and you're staying away from the edge as they
chomp, chomp, chomp, chomp. - Shoo, shoo, get outta here, shoo! - You guys see that (blows air) Pete explodes
(water gushing) out of the water. (blows air) This angel flies, drops
you on the platform next to The Rat King. Circles around, lands
on the platform here. And is going to... (dice clattering) Heals Ricky Matsui for 17 hit points. - Oh, wow, I'm, okay, I'm back at 49. (Brennan blows air) - The angel looks around and says, hi, it's real nice of you guys. And she looks over and
says, hey there, Sofie. - Hi Em, I'm glad to
see you're doing well. - Well I'm covered in
shit and toilet paper, but other than that,
I'm feeling all right. - You still look good, you wear it well. - Oh, thank you. That's going to be Kugrash. - Wait, isn't it Sofie,
don't I have a turn? - Oh, sorry, yes, you do
have a turn , yes, yes, yes. - So I essentially want to take out my, I want to take out my little comb, my little hair styling comb,
and start going at these tails, trying to get the tangles out. (all laughing) - So good at styling rats. - Go for it, roll me some attacks. - Okay. (dice clatters) Oh, but I'm blessed. - And doesn't it have disadvantage? - That was a 14 hit. - You have advantage on
the first attack roll. - Ooh, okay, good, I'm gonna need that. Okay, that was a 17 hit. - 17 hits. - Okay. 10. - 10 damage, roll, any other
attacks that your doing? - Yeah, I'm gonna... (dice clatters) So that is 18, gonna hit, right? - 18 hits. - That's gonna be eight. And then, fuck it, burn another
ki point, slap 'em again. That's gonna hit. So then for a seven. - You see that as Em waves over you, you see Sofia reaches to
the little pack on her belt, whips out a detangler, like a nail file. A spray. The Rat King he says,
what, what are you doing? What devilry is this? - If it's your wedding,
you gotta look good. - What, no, no! And you see her just muscling in there, Sofie Bikes, (grunting) the
tails, grime all over your arm. Ha, our tail, our tail, our
tail, our tail, our tail! (rats chattering) Our tails, our tails. And the rats scatter, their tail untangled as the crown falls to
the ground before you. - I barf. I'm right there and I
throw up a bunch of water that I had swallowed. - Sewer water.
- Full barf. - Can I grab the crown
just to hold on to it? - Yes, absolutely, you can grab the crown. - I'm sorry I just barfed on it. - It's honestly fine.
- Kugrash, that's you, baby. - Sweet. Okay, I'm a shark right now. (all laughing) - Maybe we should put
the crown on the shark. - I would like, wait, okay. So there's still four dudes there. Are they, can I poke
my little shark head up out of the water and see if
these guys still look aggressive now that the rat isn't? - They don't look as
focused as they did before. - Okay. Can I do... I guess I'll try to snap out of, I'm gonna snap out of wild shape and I'm gonna try to, I guess,
like, reverse the spell. Try to use, like, animal
handling or something. - Cool.
- Or actually, you know what? Let me, can I shark, try to jump up there and tell Sofie, put, or just tell, can you throw the crown to me? - Yeah, if you just swim under
me, I can drop it onto you. - Cool.
- Cool. You swim, give me a little athletics check to pop up there. And I think you're also
a swimming a creature, so do with advantage.
- Okay. (dice clatters) - Heavy athletics with the shark. - He's only, he doesn't have that much. (dice clatters) 11. - Okay, you slump partially over the side. You're too big for the platform and Pete has to, like,
jump out of the way. But you're like kind of
hanging over the side. But Sofie does drop this
giant crown on your head. - Sweet, I turn back into Kugrash so that I'm now a rat king and then I say, my children, you have a new
fucking non-douche bag king now. Stop attacking your fellow
friends of the shit. - Go ahead and roll animal
handling with advantage. - Yeah, come on. (dice clatters) 25. 25. - So you see that, yeah,
the shark flops over, turns into a rat, you have
this giant crown on your head. The fucking king of New York, baby. You turn to them and say that, and you see all the alligators go... (groaning) And you see they all look so hungry, but they obey and begin to swim down. You see that one of them, three of them just submerge
as the water gets sucked out. This giant sewer grate here, you see that one of them pops it up as it, you see them whirl pooling
and you see that all the alligators are just very
content but a little sad and are flushed down this drain together. And you see the last one goes, (whining). - I'm so sorry fucking sorry, this sucks. - We could've used that grate. - Is that rat still going
after the phantom cheese? - You see that there are mostly a pile of drowned rats there, but
you see that there is one rat, this little cheese there, that is crawling over the
dead bodies of his companions. You see he says,
(gentle music) you must brave on, soldier,
your king's orders. Cheese for the crown, long you have come, long you have tarried here. - Oh my God--
- Let your hand be the hand. And you see he reaches a hand up. Pete, you feel your spell, it is just a minor illusion of cheese. You could pump a little
bit more juice into it to make it a little bit
realer, if you wanted to. - I do that. - His hand touches a little
piece of solid cheese, and he goes, a life spent
in service to a cause is the life I have chosen. My king, the cheese is yours. And collapses on the other rats. - I'm watching rapt so that I can use this in my next performance.
(all laughing) - I move the flaming
sphere on over to them. A viking funeral for my brothers. It just smells like shit instantly. - Y'all gotta get me the fuck outta here. (all laughing) I am done with this sewer,
we were at a nice party. - Kugrash, Kugrash is weeping. They were tricked. (laughing) - It's not safe to be down
here in an enclosed space with burning rats. - You have any antibiotics on you? - No. - I wish I had that nip of Smirnoff now. - And then I'm gonna put the
toasted rats down the drain so that the crocs can eat them. - Toasted rats? - Yeah, a bunch of toasted
rats go down the drain. You hear some hungry alligators go, mmm, thank you. - Hey, least I could do. - The Rat King is defeated. And you see that the control panel, as Pete and Sofie jiggle
the control panel, opens both the door that
you guys came through and this upper door here. - Cool. - Wow. - Wild.
- Wild. - What were we doing, the wedding. (all laughing) - Oh, right.
- What about Perry? - Should we go back to the
wedding just covered on shit? - We should talk to the statue. - You see Em looks
around and says, (sighs) first of all, I'm so sorry. I didn't, you guys came
here from a wedding? That is so thoughtful. - Yeah, well, I mean this was
also supposed to be a wedding. - I mean honestly, also
like, we give it three years, you know what I'm saying,
it's one of those weddings. Like you go as formality. - I know you wanna like
leave a note and be like, if this ends within a year,
can I get the gift back? - [Siobhan] Right, I really
could use that blender. - What is the lifespan of a pigeon, right? - Oh, yeah, that's true, let's not, oh-- - Oh, that's true, the pigeon might die. - Oh, is it for money,
was it for pigeon money? - You see she says, she says, look, I gotta get back to
the fountain, all right. Something came and tore me off. The Rat King was there and
he dragged me away but-- - But it wasn't The Rat King--
- Something else did it? - No, nothing else, to tear
me off of that fountain you would need powerful magic. - Do you think it was infernal? - Did it feel infernal, yeah? - Could be. Yeah, it coulda been infernal,
but maybe something else. Listen, I gotta get back to my fountain. You guys know your way out of the sewers? - Yeah.
- I'm sure Kug can. - Come talk to me at
the fountain any time. You're all sweethearts. - Oh, babes, since
you're a angel of water, you can clean us up a
little bit, could you? - What am I, just some two-bit cherub? No I'm the Angel of the
Waters of Healing, blessed. (blowing air) And fire hose blasts you guys. You are clean as daisies,
you even smell kinda nice. Sort of like the park in spring, a little bit of flowers on the air. You are fully drenched, it is
water, it is not, not water. - Can I roll to see how much of that $1,000 worth of blow was ruined? (all laughing) - Oh, yeah, roll me a D20. - And then it wasn't ruined? - You want high, not low. - What's a-- - You want a high roll
here, not a low roll. - I look at you and say,
this backpack situation, you really make it work, and I give you-- - Oh, thank you.
- Bardic inspiration. - Bardic inspiration.
- That six? - Yeah.
- All right. (dice clatters) - 16, 20.
- 20! (all cheering) Not nat, but 20. - You look, the plastic
cling wrap is still there. (Ally sighs) - Okay, cool. - Come talk to me at the
fountain any time, dears. I owe you one. And don't think that I would be mad if you called in that favor, know that. (smooches)
Kisses. - [Brian] Appreciate you. - Spreads her wings and
flies out of the sewers. The Rat King defeated, you
hold his crown in your hands. And somewhere the wedding of Angela Confetti and
Ronald Pigeon continues. Tune in next time for
another exciting episode of the Unsleeping City. - Angela, you're making a huge mistake. - Ronald Pigeon. Can we get out of this dirty-ass sewer? - Is it appropriate of
your various cultures to say hi at a wedding,
leave for the entire ceremony and then come back to enjoy
the free food and drink? - Darling, the show must go on. - It's not too much longer,
all you need is another year. You're gonna get it out of this. - This feeling of confidence
that you have right now, enjoy it while it lasts. - What was it again? - Jeffery. - Wouldn't wanna say your real name or bubbles would come
out of my mouth, huh? You see Alejandro and Astor, they did not sleep last night. You may have found something. Silence, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. All of the glassware in
your bedroom shatters.