the unsleeping city out of context

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God bless it, look at it go *sighs* I love ya, clock Look, I just found out magic is real too, it's a real fucking, dick to the face if you know what I mean (All) - Dick to the face?? You are a sick son of a bitch! - Gonna kill that dog The dog's fine. We're all named Esteban! Juiciest fucking cockroach you've ever seen - Eugh, it's the cockroach, I'm doin it feel, feel strong Did you burn your house down? - I did. ...when it is time for you to fight. - Ok, I'll be waiting but not in an impatient, desperate way (Brennan) You see that the cat leaps up onto your shoulder and nuzzles your face - We'll leave, you can have a moment - What is happening? - You'll wait...for the cat? - Chinny rubs chinny rubs - ahhh *purring noises* Her tail goes- - Butt scratch butt scratch. - Oh her back- Aie! It feels almost *too* good Are you enjoying this? Are you having fun? - It is so wild to feel the energy that is normally at this table Put that tongue back in your fucking mouth By my life or death, I will- I'm gonna fuck you one day. - Perry, you know what, let's not mix business and pleasure I know we have strong feelings for each other but we have to work together through this deep, sexual tension (Brennan) You see that a maƮtre d' sort of walks over, this is like a restaurant and bar walks over and says, "hi ma'am, um I've never had to do this before... You have to understand how far it has gotten for me to say this Your baby is so hairy that it's upsetting other customers and I'm going to have to ask you to take your child out of the bar Your baby's covered in hair, and everyone's upset (Brennan) Say hi intrepid heroes! (Everyone) Hello intrepid heroessssss *devolves into just them making sounds* *some christmas carols in there* Wally I'm your dad! *emotional music* - Rat Jesus? - I'm, it's- - You're my dad? *just funky Brennan sounds* Oh! You're a dirty little rat! - I'm a dirty little rat! My sweet grandson Yagdash would never! (Emily) Oh my god mine got an 8 My kid got an 8 (Lou) What'd my kid do? (Zac) I got three 8's, plus 9... (Emily) I think it got an 8 (Lou) Nah, just a 3. I got to talk to my fucking kids about what they do when they leave my house. *Emily and Murph have a silent conversation while the others talk* *I don't know what they're talking about* *but it's cute* I take out my gun and I shoot Kingston's leg - What're you thinking? (Brennan) Oh you also, have you just been giving (Ally) No I'm kidding (Brennan) Oh that's very funny (Lou, who plays Kingston) HA HA HA HA *whispers* Make a perception check You sick fuck! (Lou) Somebody call Wizards of the Coast! This is- What weird, homebrew bullshit is this, you fuck? Fuckin- reddit's gonna eat your ass about this, you know that? (Siobhan) Your whole ass! (Ally) Yeah, and you're gonna love it! It's more of a quad, really, it's like an ATV -Yea - But instead of wheels it's arms!
Channel: romickey
Views: 85,553
Rating: 4.9828157 out of 5
Keywords: dimension 20, the unsleeping city
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 29sec (209 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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