SCP-682 Indestructible Creature (SCP Animated)

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scp-682 begins thrashing violently emitting several roaring sounds and issuing profanity directed at testing staff finally 682 breaks containment attack against several agents staff and researchers resulting in 11 deaths and 86 injuries hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring new SCP foundation class object kita scp-682 scp-682 is one of the most popular and SCP foundation 682 is a large vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin famous for traits that are almost impossible to be destroyed it appears to be extremely intelligent and was observed to engage in complex communication with other scp-682 appears to have a hatred of all life which has been expressed in several interviews during containment 682 has always been observed to have extremely high strength speed and reflexes though exact levels vary with its form its physical body grows and changes very quickly growing or decreasing in size as it consumes or sheds material and can gains energy from anything in ingest organic or inorganic 682 s regenerative capabilities and resilience are staggering and it has been seen moving and speaking with its body 87% destroyed or rotted when being asked why it kills those innocent farmers it refused to answer at first but after forced to answer by a doctor 682 assault one of the personnel and answer they were disgusting due to the highly aggressive adaptive and intelligent nature of 682 termination testing has been ordered by foundation the only problem is the number of termination testing have been conducted close to hundred yet none of them have been success among the many execution records the most classic of which is the attempt to use scp-409 on 680 to 409 is a very dangerous quartz crystal any objects coming in contact with 409 will begin to crystallize after three hours after complete crystallization the object will bursting into thousands of fragments with great force upon exposure 682 s crystallization begins it shows signs of extreme pain and begins having seizures but the crystallization stops at 62% conversion with unknown reason its crystallized area explodes causing massive physical trauma to 682 one hour later 682 recovers from exposure despite the loss of limbs and organs it begins regeneration stating that it will attempt to kill and consume all staff involved in this event due to the failure of scp-409 major concerns raised about possible developed immunities and possible adaptations all future termination tests must first be carried out on tissue samples taken from 682 in another termination testing 682 quickly presses against the wall farthest from scp-173 staring at it the entire time scp-173 cannot move while within a direct line of sight but once the line of sight is broken it will move in high speed and attack by snapping the neck of the victim 682 continues to stare in 173 without pause for 6 hours realize this situation agents equipped with large caliber sniper rifles dispatched and shoot out the eyes of 682 after resuming observation in 682 is shown to be on the floor with several injuries around its head neck and legs it rapidly regenerates from damage and moves to a different wall developing several sets of eyes on various parts of its body many covered by thick clear caps of armored carapace 682 maintains observation of 173 for an additional 12 hours despite additional efforts of agents and foundation staff at the end foundation staff have no other way but to end this testing termination testing with scp-162 has once again proved the exceptional vitality and adaptability of 682 touching scp-162 will immediately result in several hooks becoming embedded in the subject skin subject will bleed profusely resulting in death after a prolonged period of time 682 exposed to 162 it begins thrashing violently emitting several roaring sounds an issue in profanity directed a testing staff after four minutes of continued exposure 682 lunges away from scp-162 severing its lower jaw and left hind limb and causing serious tissue damage to many areas of its body 682 breaks containment attack against several agents staff and researchers resulting in 11 deaths and 86 injuries so we know at this time no means available to SCP teams are capable of destroying scp-682 only able to cause massive physical damage 682 should be contained within chamber filled with hydrochloric acid until it is submerged and incapacitated I hope you enjoyed today's video have you ever heard or encountered any paranormal event let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to this channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 6,207,795
Rating: 4.9270525 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, SCP-682, SCP 682, SCP682, SCP, SCP foundation, animatic, keter, reptile, therubber, animated, animation
Id: 2dGt63SML_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 18sec (318 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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