SCP-3008 The Infinite IKEA (SCP Animation)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shotgun2478 📅︎︎ Oct 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
during the night scp-303 the CP 3 0 0 8 1 they will run towards other life-forms like a chicken with its head cut off whenever it is nighttime scp-303 hands while calmly and politely vocalize phrases in English that are typically variations of hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a SCP foundation Euclid class object scp-303 zero zero eight also known as a perfectly normal regular old IKEA is a large retail unit previously owned by and branded as IKEA a popular furniture retail chain scp-303 sibling the inside of an ikea furniture store extending far beyond the limits of what could physically be contained within the dimensions of the retail unit current measurements indicate an area of at least ten square kilometers with no visible external terminators detected in any direction inconclusive results from the use of laser rangefinders has led to the speculation that the space may be infinite a person entering scp-303 the main entrance and then passing out of sight of the doors will find themselves translocated to scp-303 go unnoticed as no change will occur from the perspective of the victim they will generally not become aware until they try to return to the entrance the entrance of scp-303 0:08 outside of testing as permitted by the senior researcher scp-303 into containment gathered data suggests they have formed a rudimentary civilization with an SCP three zero zero eight one including building a giant wall and an entire town built out of shelves and beds and tables for the purpose of defending against SC p300 8 - although there is no detailed description of scp-303 2 in the document however the foundation personnel had found a man's diary and in the diary it has records of his experience in scp-303 and meeting with scp-303 0:08 two are humanoid entities that exist within scp-303 yellow shirt and blue trousers consistent with the IKEA employee uniform they are 7 feet tall monsters with long arms and short legs have no facial features with no eyes or ears and have hands that were big enough to crush a watermelon but it is strange that they go down as easy as a regular human being once you start stabbing or cutting them open however they don't seem to bleed and their corpses would not rot let alone the stench of the rotting corpses sa p300 ate one has a rudimentary day/night cycle determined by the overhead lighting within the space activating and deactivating at times consistent with the opening and closing times of the original retail store during the night scp-303 the SCP three-zero-zero 8 1 they will run towards other life-forms like a chicken with its head cut off whenever it is nighttime scp-303 with bare hands while calmly and politely vocalize phrases in English that are typically variations of usual hence everyone is prepared for it knives from the restaurants lawn mower blades made into hatchets of fire axe in one incident they discovered a hole on the giant wall and ever since then they would stab scp-303 the hole if they ever come smashing the wall at night apparently the dead ones will attract more during the night so that people had to get the bodies away from the town they loaded them up on a trolley and took them over to the pickup area as they were curious about how scp-303 p300 ate to only have skin or something that looks like skin but no muscles bones or organs once day begins scp-303 and begin moving throughout scp-303 at random they are unresponsive to questioning or other verbal cues in this state though will react violently if at at so during the day people go out to find food water and whatever else they need apparently there are restaurants and shops around that randomly get restocked but no one knows who did it scp-303 the making it difficult to leave scp-303 the structure or breaking through the walls of the retail unit leads into the non-anomalous interior of the original store since containment began 14 individuals have managed to exit scp-303 scp-303 prior to the administration of amnestic dependent upon the duration of their stay in scp-303 may need to be generated prior to their release according to the man's diary foundation personnel has attempted to send a drone into SC p300 8:1 although analysis of footage shows a small town labeled as exchange and returns but unfortunately it failed when trying to find the settlement again and according to the records in the diary we seem to be able to speculate that the people trapped inside may come from different places or dimensions because the people in there have some seriously odd gaps in their knowledge some of them have never heard of the International Space Station and some come from places where there is no Declaration of Independence and no one has ever tried large-scale searching for these people who were trapped inside of scp-303 hence it did not cause a huge panic of missing people 10 seconds after the owner of the diary exited scp-303 0:08 2 followed from behind it caught and killed the man before itself being terminated by armed response personnel I hope you enjoyed today's video have you ever heard or encountered any paranormal event let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to this channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 6,656,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, SCP, SCP Animation, SCP-3008, SCP 3008, SCP3008, Infinite IKEA, SCP Foundation, SCP Illustrated, SCP Animated
Id: NcC-A3lG7yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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