SCP-076 ABLE (SCP Animation)

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scp-076-2 will enter a trance state and seek out the nearest human being upon coming into contact with living humans he will enter a rage state in which it attempts to engage and kill all human beings encountered to date only his death has been shown to be effective in ending these rampages hello everybody i'm the rubber today we bring you a scp foundation heater class object scp-076 scp-076 consists of two components a stone cube scp-076-1 and a humanoid entity contained within scp-076-2 also known as able 076-1 is a three-meter cube made of black speckled metamorphic stone all surfaces outside and within 076-1 are covered in deeply engraved patterns corresponding to no known civilizations radioisotope analysis indicates that the object is approximately 10 000 years old a door is located on one side sealed with a lock 0.5 meters in width surrounded by 20 smaller locks in a circular pattern as of yet none of the keys have been found making the door impossible to lock once closed interior temperature is approximately negative 180 degrees celsius and cannot be altered by any means internal or external directly in the center of the room is a 2.13 meter tall stone coffin held in place and sealed shut by several chains of unknown make and substance which are attached to the inner corners of 076-1 [Music] scp-076-2 resembles a lean semitic human male in his late 20s hair is black and eyes are gray skin tone olive he is 1.96 meters in height and 81.65 kilograms in weight numerous tattoos depicting arcane and occult iconography are present all over the body mostly in the form of leering demonic faces and ranges from subtle to openly ostentatious when encased in size 076-1 he is technically dead however occasionally 076-2 will awaken effectively reanimating complete with all vital processes needed to sustain a living human being he will then attempt to leave 076-1 if successful he will enter a trance state and seek out the nearest human being ignoring all other living things in the process upon coming into contact with living humans 076-2 will enter a rage state in which it attempts to engage and kill all human beings encountered to date only his death has been shown to be effective when ending these rampages scp-076 was found in mongolia in the 19th century by archaeologists from england all members of the expedition were subsequently killed on the return voyage home 0.76 was recovered from the ship of an unknown organization and placed on display in their inner sanctum 076 remained in storage for years until 076-2 became active and escaped on his own the reason for scp-076's activation is currently unknown but it was at this point that the keys to the outer shell were lost a massive manhunt lasting over three years took place until 076-2 was incapacitated killed and reformed inside scp-076-1 by then retrieved and secured by agents of the scp foundation 076-2 was in custody for three more years under constant supervision and was terminated whenever it became active although it occasionally was able to escape for short periods of time often due to security breaches caused by attacks from other organizations scp-076-2 either possesses a mind constructed much differently than our own or is completely insane 076-2 has shown that he is completely disinterested in sex barely differentiating between genders except as a form of visual identification also 076-2 is a perfect sociopath that enjoys the act of killing but causing pain either emotionally or physically holds no attraction to it intelligence tests have been wildly inconclusive when applied to 076-2 and no accurate result has yet been obtained this is due to the fact that no communication is possible with 076-2 when he is in his rage state however 076-2 displays knowledge of several languages including english but most notable is its knowledge of several dialects of ancient sumerian which seemed to be its preferred language considering scp-076-2's proficient use of the sumerian language researchers have asked him to translate several documents while he originally replied with disinterest he has translated some of the documents it found worthy of its attention most of the documents chosen by 076-2 were regarding battles or legendary heroes one of his favorites being the epic of gilgamesh however one researcher presented 076-2 with the symbol from scp-073 upon sight of this 076-2 became highly enraged killing several of the researchers before its kill switch could be activated when questioned about this 076-2 responded aggressively and that line of questioning was immediately dropped it is recommended anything pertaining to scp-073 never be brought to the attention of scp-076-2 and that the two are never to be in the same facility terminating 076-2 is often problematic due to its significant physical abilities 076-2 has superhuman strength and speed and although not invulnerable he has shown a remarkable ability to ignore pain and shock pressing on despite what would be debilitating wounds in normal humans prior encounters have shown that scp-076-2 has the ability to rip through a reinforced steel security door over the course of four minutes of sustained assault he could take multiple 50 caliber bmg rounds to the head and survive for several minutes to continue killing despite severe damage to the cerebellum he could also swat handgun and assault rifle caliber bullets out of the air with a length of steel rebar foundation's personnel have also seen him cleared over 64 meters of distance in under three seconds and survived for over one hour deprived of oxygen before finally affixiating scp-076-2's most unusual ability however is his ability to apparently materialize bladed weapons out of nowhere slow motion video footage reveals that the blades in question are actually pulled from a miniature dimensional rift described as a small hole in space where this portal led is unknown as is how 076-2 can generate said rifts footage of the blades in question shows them to be made out of a completely non-reflective black material appearing as a black void in space as the blades rapidly vanish after leaving the subject's possession no structural analysis is possible at this time however having superhuman ability doesn't make him indestructible 076-2 has effectively been killed several times in various manners such as sustained fire from multiple heavy caliber machine guns asphyxiation crushed beneath a 13.6 metric ton piece of elevator equipment and cremation through the use of a thermate th3 grenade placed directly inside scp-076-2's open chest cavity upon death 076-2 remains will putrefy rapidly until reduced to dust 076-1 and the coffin within will then slam shut with great force and the lock will rotate sealing it shut 076-2 will then reform within the coffin this process takes anywhere from 6 hours to 25 years 076-2 has nothing but contempt for human beings with one exception he seems to hold a weary respect for those it acknowledges as it's superior this was discovered when a foundation's agent who had previously had a large amount of experience with 076-2 did not appear once it escaped 076-2 seemed distressed asking several personnel where the agent was hiding when he knew that the agent was killed as collateral damage in an airstrike intended to halt the advance of another scp entity scp-076-2 stopped its rampage and allowed itself to be escorted and restrained when asked about the sudden drastic changes in his behavior 076-2 replied because unlike you he was a challenge a real enemy he managed to shoot me in the head over several times a man like that deserves to die in combat not in some destruction ordered by cowardly kings and princes safe in their palaces the rest of you you disgust me i don't even have the urge to strike you down this indicates a possible psychological inlet into scp-076-2's mind and a possible control mechanism due to his high intelligence and physical abilities he was put into an elite unit set up by the scp foundation named mobile task force mtf omega-7 nicknamed pandora's box tasked with containing supernatural alien and other mysterious phenomena 076-2 was the leader of this task force and members of the team personally selected from elite field agents by 076-2 himself in order to maintain a smooth relationship between the artifact and the mundane elements of the task force 076-2 must wear a device attached to the neck that if triggered or tampered with will immediately detonate terminating 076-2 by way of complete destruction of the spinal cord trachea and all major blood vessels in the neck a tracking device also has been attached to 076-2 it was to refrain from killing unless ordered to do so and to avoid causing damage to the organization's facilities team members must be armed and equipped in accordance with mtf doctrine as 076-2 has shown no inclination to use firearms or in fact no understanding of their use or tactical implications he was instead to be armed with one or more edged melee weapons of his choice in a project omega 7s report scp-105 had been accepted into mobile task force omega 7 having beaten 076-2 in a contest to see which of the two could activate several devices each spaced over a mile away from each other and the starting point scp-105 managed to score significantly higher than 076-2 by using her inherent abilities to her advantage 076-2 seeded defeat and allowed her entry into the group despite the foundation's effort in keeping 0.76-2 busy with trainings and tasks he was still not satisfied he's a perfect killing machine and that's all he wants to do the problem is foundation can't seem to turn him off he started to lash out at the other team members he then disabled the explosive collar fail-safe and gone out of control containment area 25 was forced to detonate its on-site warhead as a last attempt to contain scp-076-2 this resulted in destruction of the site and all on-site personnel scp-076-2 is now kept in containment area 25b located 200 meters below sea level tunneled out of solid bedrock and a seismologically stable area sole access to the containment facility is to be through a vertical elevator shaft separated every 50 meters with a reinforced blast door constructed of 20 centimeter thick material shielding elevator shaft shall be flooded with sea water when not in use containment area 25 b is to be constructed with an outer security perimeter against outside threats staffed by security personnel trained in close quarters battle and counter intrusion tactics a primary containment zone is to be designed to be flooded and drained as needed and should remain filled with sea water unless access to contents is required also a 150 meter killing corridor which is to be the sole access to the primary containment zone a security station located at the entrance to the killing corridor is to be staffed with no fewer than three armed security personnel on watch at any one point in time in the event of a full breach all on-site staff are to proceed immediately to the closest security station for weapons and armor distribution staff will remain at alert condition 1 until scp-076-2 is confirmed neutralized should 90 minutes pass after declaration of full breach without a stand down order being given by level 4 or higher personnel final contingency measures will be activated flooding the entire facility in sea water and sealing off the access shaft for a minimum of 24 hours before retrieval is attempted this will by necessity result in the deaths of all on-site staff before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art a big thank you to all of you you can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video check out our description below on how to submit i hope you enjoyed today's video which scp do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 4,933,463
Rating: 4.9390631 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP-076, SCP 076, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP Animated, SCP Able
Id: No1JomgrTHI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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