SCP-2317 A Door to Another World (SCP Animation)

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procedure 220 Calabasas is a ritual to be performed each day as an effective means of maintaining containment of the entity failure at any point to properly perform this procedure may result in an XK class end of the world scenario hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you a SCP foundation keator class object scp-2319 before getting into the story of scp-2319 oh that 231 seven has multiple iterations and only the o-5 council knows the truth about it so in the first five iterations scp-2319 originally constructed as a basement door for a 19th century Massachusetts brownstone upon opening the door any person stepping through the door frame will be transported to a Salt desert dimension hereafter referred to as scp-2319 prime exploration of two three one seven prime is limited but the area directly accessible through two three one seven is a salt pan several kilometers in radius a circle of seven pillars scp-2319 a two scp-2319 G are positioned in a 10 meter diameter circle approximately 10 meters directly in front of two three-one-seven each pillar approximately one meter in diameter and 7 meters tall constructed of marble and engraved with a series of intricate vast reliefs the art style of the engravings does not correspond to that of any known modern historic or prehistoric civilization according to iteration 5 these seven pillars extend 200 meters below the surface of the sand and into scp-2319 231 7 H is a spherical space 100 kilometres in diameter located directly underneath the seven pillars lined with the same stone used to construct 231 7 a 2 2 3 1 7 G contained within 2 3 1 7 H is SCP 2 three-one-seven kay hereafter referred to as entity through seismic analysis ground-penetrating radar as well as direct observation the foundation's personnel found that the entity appears to be an obese human-like creature of immense proportion estimated height if fully erect is over 200 kilometers horns resembling tree branches sprout from its head which lacks a lower jaw entire body is covered in millions of overlapping plate like scales 7 heavy hooks are embedded in the entity's back each one attached to a heavy steel chain connected to the lower end of one of the seven pillars embedded in the ceiling of the chamber however six of the pillars and chains have been broken and only one pillar and chain remain intact in the final iteration to 3 1 7 k appeared to be a primeval entity known as devourer of worlds according to the Eric Esch Codex it was captured and imprisoned by Eric Keshan mystics circa 1894 BCE it is still not clear how in 19th century society discovered how to create a gate to universe Kappa Eric Kesh which is the prison of devourer nor their reasons for doing so scp-2319 was first discovered in 1922 but by the time bore of the chains binding the entity had been accidentally broken and the society had gone bankrupt multiple times trying to repair them after the dissolution of the society the founder of the foundation came into possession of the door then it was moved to contain the area 179 in 1982 2 3 1 7 is to be secured in a reinforced 3 by 3 by 3 meter containment chamber armed guards are to be in place at all times in order to prevent unauthorized access to the facility all personnel assigned to scp-2319 for one month of psychological counseling after two months on-site personnel assigned to 2 3 1 7 must undergo heavy psychological testing before being cleared to enter the site individuals must score at least 72 points on the Milgram obedience examination the unmarried have no offspring and expressed nothing less than total loyalty to the foundation while in the Foundation's care two of the remaining three chains broke the breaking of the fifth chain directly led to an event in the Foundation's world and after the sixth chain broke it was also coincident with a much more severe event eventually killing two million people procedure 220 Calabasas is a ritual to be performed at solar noon each day as an effective means of maintaining containment of the entity until an effective means of repairing or reattaching said chains can be discovered performing procedure two to zero Calabasas requires two armed foundation security personnel hereafter referred to as guards one foundation personnel will refer to as celebrant one Class D personnel as an assistant one live male chicken one blade one silver aspergillum and a spruce or IAM filled with holy water blessed by a priest of Abra Matic faith and finally 1 kiloton level nuclear device to be detonated in case of catastrophic containment failure the following is the steps of how to properly perform procedure two to zero Calabasas first celebrate' guards and assistant will open two three one seven step through and enter two three one seven prime assistant will enter first followed by guards followed by celebrant guards will at all times maintain situational awareness of assistant and should be prepared to prevent escape with deadly force then starting from the pillar closest to and in line with two three one seven which is two three one seven a celebrant circulates scp-2319 7g proceeding counterclockwise and an even and measured pace at every other step celebrant will scatter holy water using the aspergillum and a spur cerium in the direction of the circle Center upon completing one circumambulation of two three one seven A to G celebrant scatters holy water over the head of the assistant and recites the following phrase seven seals seven rings seven Thrones the scarlet King celebrant then moves to his safe distance away from assistant who will take the blade and use it to kill the chicken provided as sacrifice blood will be drained from the chicken and added to the espera Soria then stirred to mix with the holy water already contained within assistant then circumvallate stew three-one-seven a to G in a clockwise directions gathering the mixture of blood and holy water in the direction of the circles Center upon completing another circle Malaysian of two three one seven A to G assistant walked to the center of the circle of stones and pours the remaining mixture of blood and water onto the discolored patch of salt and sand in the center while reciting the following phrase blood for the old gods water for the new king upon completing the ritual all the personnel should gather up the materials secure the blade and return through scp-2319 at any point to properly perform procedure two to zero Calabasas may result in an XK class end of the world scenario should any mishap or failure occur all personnel are to return immediately through two three one seven closing the door behind them the containment chamber will be immediately locked down and a level 2 emergency declared and reported to the o-5 Council you are attempting to access a security level five domi l file you have been warned displaying scp-2319 sleve 'l oh five indications are that final containment failure will occur at some point within the next century as of the writing of scp-2319 which being calculated at around thirty years from now all efforts to repair or replace the chains have failed all efforts to rediscover the method for creating these chains and proven fruitless XK class end of the world scenario is an unavoidable event research is currently underway to determine an alternate containment plan but the possibility that anything can keep the Devourer from entering our universe is slim especially as the original material used to create the chains namely the bones and sinew of another devour entity are no longer in existence in order to maintain morale a Foss containment procedure dubbed procedure two to zero Calabasas was authored and implemented the purpose is to provide the fake appearance of active containment to allay anxiety among staff until a more permanent solution can be found in the meantime preparations will be made in order to ensure the survival of the human race following containment failure which is the break of the last chain before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art a big thank you to all of you you can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video check out our description below on how to submit I hope you enjoyed today's video which SCP do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye bye [Music]
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 4,737,757
Rating: 4.9329677 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP-2317, SCP 2317, SCP, SCP foundation, SCP animation, SCP animated, SCP2317
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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