Superhero Wannabe | SCP-2241 Cameron The Crusader (SCP Animation)

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viewer discretion is advised in a long-range surprise attack by robotic mortar 2241 became enraged and caught a mortar bomb before throwing it back to the launcher at approximately 1.4 times the speed of sound hello everybody i'm the rubber today we bring you scp foundation euclid class object scp-2241 scp-2241 also known as cameron the crusader is a seven-year-old brown-haired boy who possesses minor telekinetic abilities additionally he is also showing signs of a latent reality bending ability two two four one is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell so that the scp foundation can learn to understand his powers and use them to develop more superheroes to be specific 2241 is able to manipulate objects he can see and those that are within approximately six meters of him in addition to this manipulated objects may teleport or become slightly altered implying a more general reality bending ability to the foundation 2241 is considered a good candidate for long-term or intensive research into telekinesis reality bending specifically and anomalous humanoids generally in his containment cell 2241 is to be allowed access to television and comic books but may be denied access to said items as punishment if required as his cooperation is considered essential to long-term containment personnel are to call 2241 by his given name cameron currently the leading theory among foundation researchers is that 2241 will develop stronger or additional anomalous abilities as he ages as such it is considered essential to long-term containment and research that 2241 believes he is working with the foundation and that the foundation is a safe place for him below is a video log documenting the events while researcher valdez was trying to gain 2241's trust cameron can you tell me what was happening when the fire team found you fire team you mean the soldier guys that's right i was trying to help that lady why were you helping her she looked scared the bad guy had a gun she was trying to run away someone had to help her but why did you have to help her why not run and call the police superheroes have to help people i can move things without touching them and other people can't so i should use that to help them that's very good of you cameron have you helped anyone else like this no i've only ever practiced like in the woods and stuff has anyone ever caught you practicing i don't think so i tried to keep it secret but sometimes people go for walks in the woods and they might have seen me but i don't think so okay that's good what kinds of things can you do i can move stuff without touching it but not if it's too far away or if it's too big only like a cup across a room or a person's arm or something sometimes it can kind of change as well what do you mean by change cameron sometimes when i'm moving something it changes into something i want like one time when i was moving a stone it turned into a toy that i lost but it changed back after a while before i even got home have you ever changed something on purpose not really sometimes when i hear my parents yelling i wish they'd stop and get distracted for a little bit but they usually go back to arguing do your parents fight often no not really they don't mean to be angry do they ever get angry at you sometimes daddy says it's my fault i should just try harder mommy gets mad when my room is messy but i try to keep it clean i don't want her to be mad it's okay cameron you you're okay here thank thank you you know ordinary people wouldn't understand these powers and some other people with powers might try to hurt you yeah heroes have to have a secret identity did you have a superhero name to protect your identity i'm cameron the crew crusader that's a cool name cameron because of this danger you're going to be staying here with the scp foundation for a while do you have any questions what does scp mean mr it means secure contain protect so it fights bad guys like shield and the vengers that's right cameron like the avengers 2241 appears to trust researcher valdez and believes that the foundation is attempting to help him as much as possible 2-2-4-1 may have experienced abuse at the hands of his parents leading to the possibility of developing into a full-scale reality bender following several recent rounds of o5 approved rapid-fire testing with innocent bystanders and 2241's personal belongings 2241 has developed many further abilities consistent with reports of late stage telekinetic reality benders 2241 can now consistently teleport itself along with other matter additionally it can act upon information received from several seconds in the future and move or transform matter within 12 meters without directly viewing it hitherto unrecorded abilities such as self-duplication are also present in a test 2241 appeared to absorb the energy of a bomb at the time of detonation this mechanism is not well understood but is believed to be a transformation of kinetic energy to some form of equivalent potential energy furthermore the foundation had also discovered a bomb within 2241's personal belongings after the discovery 2241 became enraged and teleported the bomb a great distance into the sky before it detonated he took some time to calm down repeatedly exclaiming no one can take my things it's not fair i'm strong i'm the crusader one time two two four one was found stealing a box from the foundation modified bank vault two two four one managed to teleport in take the box and slow down the foundation sensors after tripping them before they could transmit emotion detection this was only discovered upon later analysis for this clear violation of causality 2241 expressed no concern about his activities of dubious morality a clear change from the day he spoke with researcher valdez in a long-range surprise attack by robotic mortar 2241 became enraged and caught a mortar bomb before throwing it back to the launcher at approximately 1.4 times the speed of sound 2241 is clearly less precise in his abilities and more violent when angry i hate them i'm a foundation venger and i hate the bad guys and i'm gonna fight them all in another test two civilians were held hostage in rooms connected with a bulletproof glass window by enemies with guns 2241 was informed of these impenetrable windows and that the hostages could not be teleported without physical contact to rescue the two hostages he duplicated himself and teleported both hostages to the foundation command post simultaneously before returning to capture both enemies 2241 reported nausea afterward but no other ill effects for the final test researcher valdez wished to implant a monitoring chip into 2241 in order to control his abilities and manipulate him into helping the foundation however the ethics committee and a few 05 councils disagreed with the action implanting a monitoring chip into a child this young cannot be done without significant developmental damage in later years this will cause catastrophic problems for both the child and long-term containment given his well-developed capabilities additionally deploying a child in combat even under testing conditions violates all moral norms these tests are more important than one scp regardless of whether it looks like a child we now know which parts of the brain deal with certain anomalous abilities with more detail we can see how we may even learn how to induce these abilities and we will definitely learn how to neutralize them i believe the results will justify both the risks and the means we are closer than ever to understanding the mechanism by which human brains interact with extra normal phenomena in addition due to the new modification of the monitoring hardware 2241 can be neutralized quickly should it become a threat at any time after the surgery testing reinstated by majority overseer vote following emergency council meeting researcher valdez exonerated testing will go ahead assuming no complications remember to check out my new animation channel the rubber talks where i share my life story thoughts and opinions just click on the link in the description to enter the rubbers world before we end this video we are proud to present these incredibly sweet pieces of fan art a big thank you to all of you you can now send us your fan art and we will be more than happy to show off your best art piece in our next video check out our description below on how to submit i hope you enjoyed today's video which scp do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 1,249,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, SCP-2241, Cameron The Crusader
Id: QcDd9rNP6gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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