SCP-966 Sleep Killer (SCP Animation)

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a young man tosses and turns in bed he adjusts his pillow and tries sleeping on his back his side his stomach but nothing works he rolls over to check the time 3 am this is the third night in a row he hasn't been able to fall asleep he feels tired he wants to sleep but every time he closes his eyes and sleep starts to creep in something happens and suddenly he's wide awake again it's as if someone keeps flipping a switch in his brain to awake and there's nothing he can do to stop it it's affecting everything in his life he can't concentrate in class his work performance goes down the drain even his hobbies become completely unenjoyable all he wants to do is sleep his friends and family can tell something is wrong it's as if he has become a different person and they urge him to go see a doctor but the doctors tell him there's nothing they can do for him he's perfectly healthy otherwise he should try some natural remedies like valerian root and get more exercise he has no idea how many days he's been awake now four five maybe more at this point the lack of sleep isn't even the worst part it's the hallucinations sometimes they're just a shadow dancing outside of his vision but others are incredibly vivid feeling more real than his now dreary life does he had to stop going to work in class entirely since he can't concentrate for more than a couple of seconds at a time his friends don't want anything to do with him and who can blame them he has uncontrollable mood swings and lashes out for no reason he's tried every sleep remedy there is he took the doctor's advice and exercised as hard as he ever has but with never being able to sleep he has no energy left he's becoming a living zombie he gets up out of bed but loses his balance and collapses to the floor he tries to get up but he can't he'll just lie there for a while he starts to drift away and he readies himself for the jolt that always wakes him back up but this time it doesn't come the wave of sleep that starts to wash over him feels different this time though it's heavier more peaceful and more permanent hi i'm dr bob and this is scp-966 also known as sleep killer scp-966 is the designation that the scp foundation has given to a creature that belongs to a group of anomalous predatory beasts standing 1.4 to 1.6 meters tall and weighing roughly 30 kilograms these hairless humanoids have an elongated face a mouth full of pointed needle-like teeth and each of their hands has five razor-sharp claws that can be up to 20 centimeters in length though unlike humans and apes they are digitagrade meaning that they walk using only their toes but you won't be able to see the horrible visage of scp-966 under normal circumstances as they are only visible under very specific lighting conditions they can only be viewed under light that has a wavelength between roughly 700 and 900 nanometers which is just at the edge of the light spectrum that's visible to humans stretching into what's known as infrared light the only exception to this is if their skin muscles or organs have suffered from second or third degree burns in which case the affected areas of their body will show up under a greater spectrum of wavelengths that are visible to the human eye though frightening to look at scp-966 are actually quite weak physically with very low muscular density their bones are hollow similar to birds and while their claws may be incredibly sharp they are also easily broken making them unsuited for use in combat additionally they do not rest through sleep but will at seemingly random times stop all movement and fall into a rest period that lasts roughly three to five minutes after which they are able to resume their normal behavior with all of these physical shortcomings how did scp-966 gain a reputation as such a fearsome hunter the secret lies in their ability to emit bursts of a previously unknown type of wave hunting either alone or in pairs scp-966 uses this wave to inhibit its prey's ability to enter any of the restful sleep stages and also stops the ability to micro-sleep these waves have been observed to be effective at up to 20 meters though tests have shown that they can be blocked by post-transition metals of which lead appears to be especially effective scp-966 hunts and feeds on medium to large-sized animals which includes humans and once their quarry has been targeted by the sleep inhibiting waves the effect is permanent with no method having yet been discovered that will allow them to regain the ability to sleep experiments have shown that unconsciousness can be induced in other ways such as with the use of general anesthesia though these methods have ultimately proven to be ineffective since although the victim is unconscious they are still not receiving any of the restful benefits of sleep while in that state the effects of sleep deprivation on humans both mentally and physically are devastating symptoms can begin setting in after just 24 hours that can include mood swings memory issues and sensory impairment after two to three days the body's hormones become deregulated and bodily functions like hunger thirst and temperature fluctuate wildly as cognitive abilities start to dramatically decline hallucinations paranoia and fits of rage are common and the risk of death from sleep deprivation increases with each day that passes without sleep and this is exactly what scp-966 wants after surreptitiously sending a burst of sleep deprivation waves at their victim they will then stalk their prey until lack of sleep finally leads to total incapacitation at which point scp-966 consumes them scp-966 have proven to be both extremely quiet and agile when hunting however they have actually been observed intentionally making threatening noises around their prey presumably to further increase their already elevated stress levels and potentially hastening their mental degradation on rare occasions they will even physically assault their victim to further degenerate their mental and physical health some of scp-966's prey will experience especially intense hallucinations and bouts of rage which is theorized to be caused by prolonged exposure to multiple instances of their sleep-stopping waves why some victims are exposed to multiple waves when a single instance has been shown to be 100 effective is unknown and it's hypothesized that they may only engage in this behavior when especially hungry to try and speed up the process though others have put forth the theory that scp-966 may take some perverse form of joy in seeing its victims suffer prior to expiring wild instances of scp-966 have been found across the globe and while the scp foundation has been successful in thinning their numbers they still exist in high enough numbers to pose a serious threat to humanity for these reasons they have been assigned the classification euclid mobile task forces iota 1 and iota 2 codenamed the dream hunters and air chasers respectively are continually monitoring for any reports of sudden or violent deaths related to sleep deprivation in order to identify and neutralize the remaining instances of wild scp-966 four scp-966 specimens three males and one female have been acquired by the foundation and they are currently contained in a 10 by 10 meter room that is lined with lead and equipped with infrared security cameras each specimen is fed 20 kilograms of meat each month and in the event that the female specimen gives birth the new specimen is to be taken for observation and study before being disposed of prior to reaching maturity now go and watch another entry from the files of dr bob and be sure to subscribe as we delve further and further into the scp foundation's classified archives
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 388,080
Rating: 4.9421911 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp-966, scp 966, sleep, sleep killer, killer, insomnia, can't sleep, cant sleep, sleep monster, euclid
Id: 0Yl6uIJZm4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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