SCP-015-IT The Boogeyman (SCP Animation)

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I will give him credit i do like how he tries to incorporate lesser known scps when most scp related channels dont even try.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Apex-the-woz 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 đź—«︎ replies

It's great seeing people know unknown scps from other countries

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TB-26 📅︎︎ Feb 04 2021 đź—«︎ replies
A young man is in the middle of one of his regular night jogs through the park. He loves running through this park at night. It’s dark, the air is cool, and the sounds of the city that surround the park disappear, offering peace, quiet, and a small reprieve from the busy world. He jogs along a path that winds through the park and starts upon a section that is surrounded on both sides by tall trees. He follows the path around a sharp bend and is stopped in his tracks. Standing there, in the middle of the track is a figure. It has its back to him and isn’t moving. He’s tall, and so uniformly black that he almost disappears into the night. Whoever or whatever this is, he’s scared of it. But the creature doesn’t move and neither does he. He’s frozen, unsure of what to do, when the creature suddenly turns his head towards him, revealing a pair of bright, glowing eyes. The runner is so terrified he can’t even scream. He falls and crawls backwards in the dirt, trying to get away from the creature. The creature turns its body towards him and begins stepping forward. The runner scrambles to his feet, and runs. He’s sprinting as hard and as fast as he can, adrenaline pumping, heart pounding, trying to put as much distance as he can between himself and that… that thing. His muscles burn, his lungs ache, but he can’t stop. Finally he’s back at his house. He bursts through the door, locking and bolting it behind him. His girlfriend is reading on the couch and doesn’t understand what’s going on. After struggling to catch his breath he tries to explain what he saw on the path, but his girlfriend just laughs. A giant man with glowing eyes? He was just seeing things in the dark. It was probably a dog. Nothing that would justify the panic he was now in. The next day, he’s left wondering if he really was mistaken. Those piercing, glowing eyes are burned into his mind though. Maybe his girlfriend was right and it really was just a dog. Yes, that must be it. His mind was just playing tricks on him in the dark. Even so, he’s going to stick to running inside, at least for a little while. Two weeks have passed since he saw something in the park. No one he brought it up to, not his friends, not his coworkers, have ever heard of such a thing, and no one seemed like they believed him either. At this point he is feeling sure that he really did imagine it. But he can’t get that image of whatever it was out of his head. He can’t keep running on a treadmill forever though. He misses his night runs. It’s time to get over his fear. He’s running through the park again, enjoying the silence and the light breeze on his skin. He continues down the path, acutely aware that he’s getting closer and closer to the spot where he saw that thing before. He can’t stop though. He has to prove to everyone that he’s not afraid. He has to prove it to himself. He reaches the part of the path that runs through the tall trees. Just like before, the sounds of the city melt away, the only sound coming from his steady, heavy breathing. He follows the winding path and feels his heart starting to race but he has to keep going. He rounds the same corner and… nothing is there. He slows to a stop. Of course nothing is here. Nothing ever was. He really did imagine it. Or did he? Buongiorno! Today’s file comes from the Italian branch of the SCP Foundation. SCP-015-IT also known as… The Boogeyman. SCP-015-IT is a humanoid entity that stands just under two meters tall. It’s body is devoid of any hair, and its dark, black skin absorbs 98% of all light, making it virtually invisible in low light. Its head lacks a nose or ears, but these missing features are hardly noticed, because if you see 015-IT, its eyes are what demand all of your attention. While the Boogeyman’s skin is completely black, its eyes contain light-producing organs on the irises, causing them to glow in the dark, like a deep sea predator. Its mouth contains eight pointed teeth on both the upper and lower jaws, and a long, 28 centimeter forked tongue. The two tips of its tongue each have a hollow needle-like organ that lead straight into its esophagus. More on what it does with that specialized biological feature soon. Physically, SCP-015-IT is rather slight, but it is surprisingly strong, and easily able to overpower an adult human. It’s skinny arms are much longer than an average human’s, and each of its four fingers ends in a razor sharp claw. It has also been shown to be quite resistant to physical injuries, and possesses the ability to heal wounds and damage to internal organs at a hyper accelerated rate. SCP-015-IT is primarily active at night, which is unsurprising given its skin's natural camouflage in the dark. The Boogeyman hunts mammals, with humans being its preferred prey, but it does not feed on flesh. Instead, SCP-015-IT draws its sustenance from the adrenaline and noradrenaline produced by its quarry. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are chemicals the body produces to increase heart rate, blood flow, and provide more energy to the muscles in moments of stress, or in the case of SCP-015-IT, extreme fear. And it has developed a hunting method to cause this exact reaction in humans. 015-IT will usually hide in dark spots, trying to keep out of sight as much as possible, as it stalks its next victim. If it has been able to remain unseen, it will wait for a moment when its prey has become distracted so it can silently approach them. Once close enough, it will leap towards its unaware victim, grab them, and quickly bite them on the side of the torso near where the adrenal gland is located. It uses its large teeth to anchor its mouth in place as it uses the needles on its forked tongue to probe into their body. With one needle, it pierces directly into the adrenal gland and begins draining the blood that is now rich with fear induced adrenaline. At the exact same time, the other needle releases a mild sedative, allowing 015-IT to feed and then depart without risk as the victim remains immobile. Another anomalous effect occurs when someone is unlucky enough to actually see The Boogeyman. Roughly two weeks after observing the creature, the person who saw it will begin experiencing various detrimental mental effects including hallucinations and panic attacks. Some will also begin to experience physical issues, most often damage to the cardiovascular system. It is unknown why exactly these mental and physical effects occur, but it is theorized that SCP-015-IT may use it as a way to weaken certain prey that it considers too strong or potentially dangerous. In 2011, the Boogeyman was actually contained, but not by the SCP Foundation. The Brotherhood of Saint George’s Knights is a secret order in the Catholic Church that was created by the pope in the year 453 to either contain or eliminate all anomalies, and it was this group that first captured SCP-015-IT, which they designated as Dia-212 inline with their own classification system. While it was in their containment, they made a number of discoveries about the creature that they labeled as a “Shadow Demon.” First, they found that while it feeds on the fear of its victims by ingesting their blood, it doesn’t actually require this to survive. Dia-212 as they call it is an unstable entity, and feeding allows it to maintain its physical shape in our reality. In addition to its impressive physical strength, the Boogeyman is also quite intelligent as seen by its ability to successfully hunt, attack, and escape from humans. Strangely it also appears to be resistant to weapons which have been blessed, causing only a fraction of the physical damage that they should when compared to a similar non-holy version. During the course of research into the creature, Father Ilardi, a member of the Brotherhood of Saint George’s Knights, wrote that despite the creature being “repugnant beyond every limit,” he believed that it had a “gentle soul” and that “its screams are similar to a pained cry.” He postulated that SCP-015-IT may have even once been a human before some dark force transformed it into the monster that it had become. He decided that it was his mission to find a way to communicate with the creature, and one day, bring it back into the light and love of his god. Father Ilardi was making good progress with the creature, and it seemed like it was even growing fond of him and his disciples. But his advances were halted when they were attacked by a group of soldiers from the Fascist Council of the Occult, a terrorist group that seeks to use anomalies as weapons in their quest to disrupt the social order. In the attack, several of the Brotherhood were killed and in the commotion, SCP-015-IT escaped. Following this, reports soon began to come from the province of Caserta that described what sounded like “vampire attacks.” A Mobile Task Force was sent to the area and while 015-IT was initially able to make use of its various physical abilities to evade and escape capture, it was eventually shot with a transmitter that allowed it to be tracked. The Italian Mobile Task Force was able to surround the creature, but fearing being contained again, it responded with a level of violence that it had not been thought capable of. Several members of the task force were killed in the line of duty before the Boogeyman could finally be subdued. Today, SCP-015-IT is contained at Site Vittoria in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy. Since this anomaly is both sentient and highly unpredictable in its behavior, it has been classified as Euclid. It is kept in a standard humanoid entity containment cell and is monitored by video cameras and infrared sensors at all times. Due to the light absorbing properties of its skin, its cell and the adjacent corridors are painted white and are to be kept well lit at all times. Twice a day, SCP-015-IT is given a normal, domestic pig that is allowed to feed on. Any personnel assigned to 015-IT duty must undergo a psychological assessment on a weekly basis and, regardless of the results, must be cycled out after three months of exposure to The Boogeyman. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, and be sure to subscribe as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives. Ciao!
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,181,794
Rating: 4.9432168 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-015, scp 015, scp015, scp-015-it, scp 015 it, scp015it, scp boogeyman, scp boogey man, boogeyman, boogey man, scp italian, scp italy, scp eyes, scp glowing eyes, glowing eyes monster
Id: w9inPs7_xss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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