SCP-093 Red Sea Object - Part 1 (SCP Animation)

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behind him a crowd of 37 countable strange figures stood there silently features were unidentifiable panic broke out and control again they requested subject to speed up and return following the cable path few seconds later screams were caught on the audio with panic from subject 5 shots fired a subject named pistol at something massive hello everybody I'm the rubber today we bring you an SCP foundation Euclid class object scp-093 scp-093 is a primarily red disk carved from a stone composite resembling cinnabar with circular engravings and unknown symbols carved at 0.5 centimeters depth around the entire object zero nine three will change hue when held by a living individual the colors taken by zero nine three are still being researched to establish a link current belief holds that the changes depend upon regrets carried by the holder if zero nine three is removed from a mirror and not held by a person it will seek out the nearest mirror like surface zero nine three has been observed to travel in the largest possible circle while rolling building a phenomenal speed the mechanism of this acceleration is currently unknown if an obstacle is between zero ninety three and the nearest mirror like surface it will use this momentum to punch through the obstacle and continue on its course at the speed it will only stop when a mirror-like surface is contacted despite tremendous impact velocities no damage will be dealt to zero nine three or at the mirror a test procedure was initiated to establish why mirrors must be used to contain it the results lead to the discovery of any living beings holding scp-093 and placing it against a mirror will in fact move into the mirror a series of testing on human interaction with mirrors while holding zero nine three have been authorized to ascertain the destination reached through this travel records below details the first testing mirror tests one color blue the test subjects codename d20 three eight four male 34 years old stocky with a record of murder and attempted suicide the subject was cooperative in this instructions for the entire test he was required to wear a buckle harness strapped to the chest and attached to a tension pulley system for emergency retrieve subject was also attached to a video system with a camera mounted on its head he was also loaded with technical equipment that would facilitate his mission of exploration such as wrist mounted light source filled kit bag standard-issue beretta 9-millimeter firearm loaded with 24 rounds of ammunition and recording equipment he entered the provided mirror while holding scp-093 which emitted a blue color outside technicians observed that the mirror retained a true reflection until the subject had completely passed into it at which time the view changed to an outdoor landscape heavily tinged in blue the camera activates flickers to view the scene was composed of an open field with strong blue tones similar to the entrance object as a reference the blue tones were absorbing most of the lightness in the picture despite this subject indicates that the landscape shows no difference to that of a normal state no discernible landmarks visible as subject pans view left to right only grass weeds and a breeze moving the taller grass no trees no living beings were visible subject moves forward as instructed traveling for approximately 500 steps before something becomes visible a patch of the land up ahead is barren and grass can be seen dying as the subject approaches it approximately 300 steps forward subject was standing before a hole in the ground such a hole shows signs of man architecture but with unknown tools it seems that it was not made by forces of nature subject was instructed to enter the hole despite protests from the subject he agreed to use a pulley system and the camera suffers a light shudder about a hundred meters of cable was used before reaching the bottom the light source provided and filled kit activated 50 meters down when outside sources became unreliable sweeping gestures of the light reveal nothing more than dirt even at the bottom of the hole the control station commented about the ongoing blue in the recordings but subject clarifies that it must be the connectivity problem subject prepared his firearm for personal safety and moved forward with the assistance of the light source the tunnel turned from bare dirt to a concrete enclosure subject complaints of a stench the light source was revealed to be ceiling light fixtures a series of which with less than a quarter broken while the others function a series of six doors three two aside span before the camera view with a seventh door visible at the end of the corridor that has been blocked by what looked like generic metal shelving debris debris shows signs of rusting and was typical of retail store unit suggesting other human presences subject requested to try doors in whatever order he chooses subject tried the first door on the right the door was locked could not open the second door could not open either the third door had the same results as the first the door in front of the third door does open fully and the light was bright in the room the portable light was switched off at this time as the subject pans the camera to inspect the room the room was empty the only remarkable thing was the dirty walls according to the subject the material on the walls looks similar to a melted plastic but was brown in color rather than black the next door has no handle does not move when push none of the doors can show internal elements through the spy holes the door next to the entrance has a keyhole with the key still on it but the back of the key was missing with effort the subject manipulates the key he managed to open the door and immediately begin comping the complaining of a stench maybe it was because of the natural air convinced in such an abandoned place the stench made the subject feel sick with control asked if he could continue the subject agreed and described the odor as sulfur the walls of the last room were as bright as the floor the ceiling resembles the brown molten plastic like material in the fourth room there was what it seemed to be some makeshift cot made from aged blankets with a pillow a wooden crate containing open boxes of what appeared to have been foodstuffs and second crate in the room contains what appears to be empty water bottles that have dried out it has been proved that the cave has a human origin one of the boxes with the word cereal confirmed the theory a book laid next to the cot closed no title or identifying marks walls were covered by old clipped articles with language that could not be read subject was asked to remove clippings for retrieval all articles but one crumble at the touch due to age the intact article was put in a field sample container and seems the most recent compared to the others audio on the tape went strange and a high-pitched screeching noise like grinding metal dominated all communication for three and a half seconds when the noise stopped the subject asked control to repeat request but control made no requests during that time as headsets were removed subject advised to leave room and stated that the door has begun closing slowly on its own and if left alone will closed subject was advised to leave the room a careful review of the following ten seconds of the tape showed that as the camera pans a figure was visible at the end of the tunnel where the seventh door was the door was open only enough for a face to be seen through a crack just before the door silently closes no details can be seen seeing nowhere else to explore subject requested to return as subject returned back down the tunnel his camera feed does not change or show anomaly but control reports a sudden surge in cable movement pulling an additional 100 meters of cable through before going slack again and then tightening finally video feed showed subject ascending tunnel slowly while control attempted to verify the integrity of the pulley system subject stated that he was not climbing the rope was pulling him up panic said scent on both sides and subject informed - ready firearm upon reaching the top of the hole nothing was visible on camera and subject reported that nothing has changed in the landscape then subject began a return trip following the path of the cable the subject slowly panned the camera in full circle on film behind subject a crowd of 37 countable strange figures stood there silently features were unidentifiable and the blue hue that dominates the landscape panic broken control again but subjects only noticed that the cable at an angled pat control requested subject to speed up and returned following the cable path just seconds later screams were caught on the audio with panic from subject five shots fired a subject aimed pistol at something massive control saw massive human being crawling on the ground easily fifty times the size of a normal person with no facial features and a noticeably short arm reach pulling itself toward the subject proximity fine details could not be made out but at least one observer noted that the being appeared to have been shot from the marks and the otherwise smooth featureless face the communication was cut off and the pulley system continued to pull in once the rope was fully retracted by control station there was no trace of the subject the only thing recovered was the field kit bag containing the newspaper article an scp-093 I hope you enjoyed today's video which SCP do you want to see in the next video and why it is interesting let us know in the comment below we will draw your story and share it with the world don't forget to click like subscribe to the channel and hit the bell please share it to your friends if you like this video thank you so much for watching and we will see you in the next video bye bye
Channel: TheRubber
Views: 3,727,217
Rating: 4.9361844 out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animatic, animation, animated, SCP, SCP-093, SCP Foundation, SCP 093, SCP093
Id: JcCiV6XAnuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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