SCP-5514 - The Dragonslayer (SCP Animation)

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SCP-5514 ⁠- The Dragonslayer (+171) by J Dune, Ellie3, chiifu, stormbreath

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/The-Paranoid-Android 📅︎︎ Aug 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
From gigantic, indestructible, self-regenerating reptiles, to enormous, tentacled, telepathic organisms, it should come as no surprise that the SCP Foundation has gone head to head against a lot of large-scale aggressors - or LSAs - in its time. Naturally, a creature of heightened size and aggression can often prove challenging to contain, and the threat these LSAs pose is often far too big to ignore. But anyone familiar with the Foundation will tell you, they’re not above using any methods necessary to keep these creatures contained: huge vats of molecular acid, impenetrable cells, disposable, D-Class personnel, even other SCPs. But what other SCPs could possibly be big enough, and tough enough, to handle some of the Foundation’s biggest and baddest? Meet SCP-5514, otherwise known as “The Dragon Slayer.” While it might sound like something out of an anime, SCP-5514 is a massive robotic mech designed to take on the worst other SCPs can throw at it. For any who are unfamiliar with the term, a mech, or mecha, usually refers to an upright-standing machine or automaton controlled by a human pilot. What distinguishes a mech from a vehicle, is their often-humanoid shape, standing bipedally, and they are often hundreds of meters tall. All of this is true of SCP-5514, and in fact, given that it requires a trained member of Foundation staff to operate it, the mech itself requires very little in the way of containment. Only members of Mobile Task Force Eta-5 are trained and authorized to pilot SCP-5514. This is one of the SCP Foundation’s specialized units, specifically designed to deal with the threat of Large-Scale Aggressors, much like SCP-5514 itself. But SCP-5514 wasn’t discovered or captured by the Foundation to use for the containment of LSAs, nor was it stolen from a foreign military or found buried under the ground. Then, where did it come from? And who built it? Working with the Global Occult Coalition and the government of Hy-Brasil, an anomalous island off the west coast of Ireland, the Foundation themselves constructed SCP-5514, using various anomalous methods and techniques. In 1988, a Foundation site was destroyed by an unidentified LSA, highlighting the inadequacy of the current defenses against these larger, more damage-resistant creatures. The Foundation, the Coalition, and Hy-Brasil formed a joint operation, The KEY Project, and examined SCP-2406, an automaton ninety-three meters tall, thought to be created by ancient Mekhanites. Together, the KEY Project opted to create their own, similar machine, viewing it as the best way to defend against further incursions with Large-Scale Aggressors. The construction of SCP-5514 began in 1990. The intention of all parties involved in the KEY Project, including the Foundation, was that The Dragon Slayer would be deployed in the event of an attack by an LSA. It would arrive at cities under attack and immediately engage Large-Scale Aggressors in combat. Building of the mech continued at a consistent pace for eight years. However, it was the occurrence of SCP-5391, and subsequent intervention by the O5 Council, that accelerated the creation of The Dragon Slayer, by any means necessary. On June 30th 1998, a number of seismic disturbances were detected, including tsunamis, tremors, and volcanic activity both underwater and above-ground. What followed was the appearance of multiple Large-Scale Aggressors, which would soon become designated as SCP-5391. The exact kind of scenario that The Dragon Slayer was being built for had already arrived, and the mech was still far from completion. While the Foundation and its allies deployed forces to drive the enormous creatures back to the oceans, something needed to be done to bring SCP-5514 into the fight, and fast. The O5 Council authorized the use of anomalous materials in the continued construction of The Dragon Slayer, both to speed up the process and have it ready for deployment, but also to give the mech every advantage against the abundance of Large-Scale Aggressors from SCP-5391. As a result, SCP-5514 was designed to incorporate features and technology far beyond that of any conventional, military-grade weapons. The first hurdle: How do you power a machine the size of SCP-5514? Naturally, with the most gigantic nuclear furnace there is… the sun. More specifically, a perpetually-stable, miniaturized sun known as SCP-037. Even though it’s only got a diameter of two inches, this little sucker is better than premium fuel. The surface temperature of SCP-037 is around five thousand Kelvin, generating plenty of energy to power the SCP-5514 mech. Stored in The Dragon Slayer’s chest, this mini-sun is kept stable by sub-dimensional portals that vent excess energy off of this plane of reality, stopping the mech, its pilot, and anything around it from melting. In fact, SCP-037 produces so much juice that only one percent of its energy output is enough to fully power SCP-5514. Now, that’s the power source sorted. But how do you solve the weight problem? Given the sheer size of SCP-5514, it would be easy for it to be cumbersome, and potentially cause catastrophic collateral damage to its surrounding area. Well, the mech’s weight is a problem for somewhere else, a whole other dimension in fact. Much like the excess heat from its power source, various heavy portions of the SCP-5514 mech have had their weight shunted off to a tiny pocket dimension. It was ensured, during the creation of the mech, that this alteration was perfectly calculated so that SCP-5514 wouldn’t lose any mass or density, so it operates as if it were only a fraction of its actual weight. Of course, being weightless makes flight a whole lot easier. Oh did we forget to mention that? SCP-5514 can fly as well. This “feature” actually became a part of the mech completely by accident during the construction of SCP-5514, when an attempt to regulate the mech’s internal circulation of air led to it having its own gravity field. This allowed SCP-5514 to fly, without the aid of any turbines or other means. While this was an unintentional mistake, no attempt has ever been made to correct it, for fear that could lead to SCP-5514 being grounded permanently. Naturally, going up against creatures so large that they require their own sub-category means that SCP-5514 needs an equally-formidable arsenal. So, let’s move on to talk weaponry. Mounted on the mech’s shoulder is a Beowulf-Sigurd Railgun, an anomalous weapon that also doesn’t obey the laws of physics at all. The Beowulf-Sigurd uses altered gravity to affect the weight of its targets, causing projectiles to impact with higher velocity. Even the thickest-skinned LSAs wouldn’t want to be staring down the barrel end of one of those. Big guns aside, the SCP-5514 mech also wields a Cold Iron Sword. Over sixty-five feet long, this weapon was contributed to The Dragon Slayer by the Hy-Brasil Royal Court, members of the collaborative KEY Project that created the mech. Sure, a Large-Scale Aggressor with thicker hide might take a few extra swings to draw blood, but it will feel those swings for a long time after, since any wounds inflicted by the Cold Iron Sword will not regenerate. Serving as less of an offensive weapon, the SCP-5514 mech also features a unique armament known as the Thousand Word Arrows. As pretentious as it might sound, within the mech are seven poets. Their role is to write and recite poems that detail the slaying of monsters, and these recitals are then broadcast from The Dragon Slayer. On the surface, this seems to have no practical applications during a fight with LSAs, however, the goal of the Thousand Word Arrows is a form of psychological warfare. The recital of poems telling of the mech’s victory and the defeat of Large-Scale Aggressors is intended to have the effect of demoralizing SCP-5514’s adversaries, while encouraging the pilot during combat. Additionally, worn atop the head of the SCP-5514 mech, almost like a hat, is a discus with plasma-coated edges. If The Dragon Slayer needs to deal damage at range, then it can hurl this disc and recall it immediately thanks to built-in electromagnets. In emergency scenarios, if the Cold Iron Sword is damaged or dropped and irretrievable, SCP-5514 is also equipped with an additional melee weapon. Stored in the right arm of the mech is a Holdout Plasma Wristblade. This superheated blade is strong enough to cut through almost anything. However, this blade is strictly to be used as a backup weapon. Finally, should all else fail, one of SCP-5514’s greatest strengths can also be used as a deadly weapon. The Emergency Sun Vent allows a fraction of the excessive power from SCP-037 to be released, at the risk of causing massive damage, not only to LSAs, but also any civilians or structures nearby. It is because of the destructive risk involved, that this weapon is only authorized to be used as a final resort. And luckily, SCP-5514 is currently undefeated. Since the arrival of multiple Large-Scale Aggressors as a result of SCP-5391, the SCP-5514 mech has managed to successfully eliminate twelve of these LSA creatures, either by terminating or otherwise incapacitating them. Given that its completion was fast-tracked through the use of anomalous elements, SCP-5514’s first combat deployments also served as field tests of the mech’s operation and its various weapons and features. Arriving in Tokyo overseen by the Foundation’s own Captain Rosales and Dr. Kaori, SCP-5514’s first target was a creature designated LSA-Wake-02, as well as several other unidentified large creatures. As the LSA was about to attack Tokyo Harbor, SCP-5514 was dispatched, its arrival heralded by the Thousand Word Arrows. “Champion! Champion! Exalt in the glory of the Dragon Slayer!” the poets recited. Surprisingly, the poetry worked. Hearing it had a noticeable effect on LSA-Wake-02, causing the creature to back away shrieking. With a single throw of the Rounded Recoiling Plasma, SCP-5514 immediately beheaded Wake-02, damaging a number of the other nearby LSAs as it retrieved the disk via its electromagnets. Once again, the Thousand Word Arrows cheered on the mech and its pilot, reciting “The vicious beast’s slain! Gone to those which were once bane!” After dispatching several of the minor LSAs with its Cold Iron Sword, SCP-5514 became aware that Wake-02 was not fully down for the count. A second head had protruded from the mouth of the creature’s first, issuing some sort of retreat call to the remaining LSAs in Tokyo Harbor. This second head then shot towards SCP-5514, narrowly missing its leg, but allowing another LSA to close the distance and prepare an attack. Luckily, the SCP-5514 mech’s sword cleaved the beast in two. The mech began firing on the remains of Wake-02 with its Beowulf-Sigurd Railgun, launching itself into the air and flying towards the target while bringing its Cold Iron Sword down through the air. With a single motion, SCP-5514 brought the blade all the way down the LSAs body, from the creature’s head to its caudal fin, gutting the Large-Scale Aggressor and splitting its entire body in two. After one final squirm, both halves were finally still. SCP-5514 had passed its first field test. The mech functioned exactly as designed, all its various weapons and features working in tandem to defeat a creature far too large and powerful for any conventional force to handle. “And thus, the deed was done! Exalt! Exalt! In the glory of the Dragon Slayer!” the Thousand Word Arrows called out as the other LSAs retreated. One can’t help but feel cautiously optimistic about our chances of survival knowing that the Foundation has SCP-5514 as the first line of defence against huge, monstrous beings that threaten humanity. As the situation with SCP-5391 continues, the SCP-5514 mech remains on the front line, standing between innocent human beings and the looming shapes of multiple Large-Scale Aggressors. With creatures that pose such a large-scale threat, it certainly is lucky that disparate groups were able to put aside their differences and work together to build a large-scale mech, and because they did, now we have The Dragon Slayer on our side. Now check out “SCP-5545 - Mysterious Tunnels In Antarctica - Abnormality” and “SCP Chaos Insurgency Explained” for more incredible stories from the SCP Foundation!
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 1,057,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-5514, scp 5514, scp5514, scp dragonslayer, dragonslayer, scp mech, scp mecha, mech, mecha, scp godzilla, scp robot
Id: GPm_sSdtpQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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