House of Human Puppets SCP-1098-RU (SCP Animation)

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Two teenagers cautiously approach an old, decrepit house. The house looks like it was built hundreds of years ago and from the outside, it appears to be in a serious state of disrepair. The walls are cracked and weathered, the roof looks to have holes in it, and one of the decorative columns has completely collapsed. The teenagers have heard rumors about this dilapidated home though, and they have heard there are riches still to be found inside. One of the teens starts walking up the stairs onto the porch, but his friend seems reluctant to follow. Is he sure that no one lives here? The braver of the teens tells his friend that he’s been watching the house for days and hasn’t seen anyone come in or out. The only signs of life have been a very faint light visible between the cracks of the house’s boarded up windows. And he’s not even sure if he actually saw any lights or not. If there is anyone in there, it’s just some crazy old person. They can easily scare them off and loot the house at their leisure. His friend still doesn’t look sure, but the other teen proceeds to take out a lockpick. He tells his friend to keep a lookout while he works on the door. He doesn’t need to keep watch for long though, since the lock almost immediately opens with a loud click. He opens the door carefully, but it still squeaks loudly. Through the crack he can’t see much of anything inside, it looks very dark. “Come on,” he tells his friend, as he slips inside. His friend looks nervous as he watches his friend disappear into the house. Suddenly there’s a loud crash! “Oh no, we’ve been caught!” he thinks as he spins around. But he doesn’t see a police officer coming to arrest them or a nosy passerby, instead he watches as a cat chases a rat into some trash cans, knocking more of them over. He breathes a sigh of relief as he watches the cat come out of the pile of trash, holding its prey limply by the tail. He turns to follow his friend into the house but is stopped when the door snaps shut in his face. He tries the doorknob, but it’s locked. He taps quietly on the door. No response. He taps a little louder, whispering “Hey, what’s going on?” but still no response. What is going on? Inside, his friend is also pulling on the doorknob but it’s no use, the door won’t budge and the lock won’t turn. He also tries tapping lightly on the door but there’s no signs from outside that anyone has heard him. He’s trapped. He looks around the darkened room. Just like the outside, the interior looks like it hasn’t been updated in hundreds of years. Dust and cobwebs are everywhere, like no one has set foot inside in decades, and yet, on several small tables and shelves around the room, are lit candles. With no other option, he decides to move deeper into the house. He creeps into the next room, which is in much the same condition as the first, dusty and old but with several candles placed around that give off just the faintest amount of flickering yellow light. Not only does someone still live here, but they’ve lit these candles recently. He takes a folding knife out of his pocket and opens it, holding the blade out in front of him. Just then he hears something. A noise like footsteps, and it sounds like it’s coming from upstairs in the room right above him. They might be coming down to look for him. He needs a place to hide. He spots a sofa near the corner and tries to get down behind it as much as possible. As he grips the edge of the sofa with one hand, he suddenly drops his knife to the floor and uses his now free hand to stifle a scream. He looks at the hand that was just gripping the sofa and sees a long sewing needle plunged deep into his hand. Was this stuck into the couch? He pulls the needle out of his hand, it nearly went all the way through, and holds the bloody wound up to his mouth, trying to stop the flow of blood as he waits and listens. The sound of footsteps finally stop. Whoever is walking around, it doesn’t sound like they’re coming down the stairs to find him. He has to get out of this house though, there must be another way out. He picks up his knife and quietly moves to the next room. Once again, it’s in the same condition as the last. But wait, what’s that in the corner? Is that a person lying there? Outside the house, his friend is looking through the same trash that he saw the cat hunting in. Ahah! Just what he was looking for, an old wire hanger. He runs back to the old house, untwists it, and inserts the thin wire into the lock. Inside, the trespassing teen gets closer and closer to the thing in the corner. It’s so dim though, with the only light coming from the candles that he still can’t make out what it is, but he feels strangely compelled to find out. He picks up one of the candles off of a nearby table. Outside he still can’t get the lock open, but he’s got to keep trying, he can’t leave his friend trapped inside. He’s standing right over the thing in the corner now. He kneels down and brings the candle close to see what it is… and screams. His friend throws down the hangar in frustration before sitting down on the porch. He can’t figure out why his friend was able to open the lock so easily and now it won’t move. Did something in the mechanism break? He doesn’t know what he’s going to do though, should he call for help? The police will arrest them both if he does. How long should he wait though? It feels like his friend has been stuck for a long time and he hasn’t heard anything from inside. What could possibly be happening in there? Should he just leave and hope that his friend is able to escape on his own? Just as he is wondering what to do he hears a click behind him. He turns around and tries the door handle but it’s still locked. He looks down and sees the wire hanger. Maybe he’ll give it one more try. He sticks the hanger into the lock and hears the lock pop open almost instantly. He tries the door handle and this time, the door swings open. He stands there looking through the cracked door into the dark house. He’s terrified at the thought of going inside, but he can’t leave his friend in there. If he’s in trouble then he has to save him. Gathering up all of his courage, he enters the house and sees the same thing his friend did, a dusty old room. He takes a step into the candlelit room and freezes, there’s something in the middle of the room. It’s a chair that’s turned away from him, but he can see that someone is sitting in it. But wait, is that his friend? “Hey” he calls in a loud whisper, but his friend doesn’t respond. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” Still no response. He starts walking towards his friend, but stops when he hears what sounds like footsteps coming from the room above him. He’s got to get his friend and get out of this house. He checks over his shoulder to make sure the door is still open before starting to quietly move towards his friend again. He’s close enough that he can reach out and shake his shoulder, but his friend doesn’t react. He walks around to the front of the chair and sees his friend. Except it’s no longer his friend. Staring back at him are two empty eye sockets. His mouth has been pulled back by stitches of thread into a horrifying permanent grin. But worst of all is what he hears. It’s the sound of the front door… slamming shut. Privet! Today’s file is a special one and comes from the Russian branch of the SCP Foundation. It’s SCP-1098-RU also known as… The Theater of Living Puppets. SCP-1098-RU is a two story house located in a small Russian city which appears to have been constructed in the Baroque style, which was popular in the 17th and 18th centuries and is characterized by its exuberant details. The house is likely several hundred years old and is in an advanced state of disrepair. The local government administration has marked the house for demolition multiple times, but for reasons that remain unknown, these plans are always scrapped or indefinitely delayed. All of the doors that lead into SCP-1098-RU are locked, and the windows are all boarded up. Anyone who attempts to damage the house, even just by removing the boards from the windows, will experience an odd anomalous effect that compels them to instead protect the structure and cause it no harm. This effect only wears off when the subject moves at least fifty meters away from the house. The only way to enter SCP-1098-RU is through the front door, which even though it is locked, is easily able to be picked open which causes no harm to the house and prevents the anomalous effect from overcoming the subject trying to gain entrance. Once someone has entered the house, they will find that the door closes behind him and locks itself. The lock can not then be picked open again for one hour. The interior of the house matches the exterior stylistically, also appearing to have been designed in the Baroque style and in a poor condition. The house is quite dark since there are no electric lights present and all of the windows are boarded up, blocking any outside light. The only illumination comes from the lit candles that are placed around the house, which appear to be constantly replaced and lit again when they burn out. The sound of slow footsteps can be heard inside the house though the room they are coming from seems to change. The entity producing the sounds has been classified as SCP-1098-RU-1, and it is thought that it is also responsible for the placing and re-lighting of candles around the house, as well as several other anomalous effects. The Russian branch of the SCP Foundation first became aware of potential anomalous activity related to SCP-1098-RU after the disappearance of multiple teenagers was linked to the location. In interviews, many of their friends and family reported that their last known locations were near the site of the old Baroque style home, and several had expressed a desire to investigate the house before they disappeared. Local police investigated the house, which only led to them disappearing as well. After learning of the strange activity connected to the house, the Foundation took over the investigation, planting a cover story that “Totalitarian Sects” were responsible for the disappearances, while class A amnestics were administered to all relatives of the missing teens. The Foundation immediately began investigating the house, but carefully, since they had already seen how easily people could go missing inside. In the first excursion into the house, a remotely controlled robot fitted with a camera was sent inside. Just like when a person enters, the door closed and locked behind the robot, but its camera feed continued to broadcast images to the researchers outside. As the robot explored the run-down house’s rooms it found something much more disturbing than just lit candles. In several of the rooms, corpses were discovered which were later identified as being some of the missing teenagers. All of the bodies found had their eyeballs removed and thick threads had been sewn into their arms and legs, as if they had been turned into giant living puppets. Some of them also had stitches in their chest and face areas. The face stitches appear to have been made to force the face to have a certain expression, while the chest stitches may indicate that organs had been removed. No signs of decomposition were present though, despite some of the bodies likely being many months old. Several objects were also found next to the bodies including surgical knives, needles, thread, and at least one artificial eye. Exactly one hour after the robot entered the house the camera ceased broadcasting images and all contact was lost. For the second excursion into the house, the Foundation decided that a human being would be more effective at gathering information than a robot. A Class-D personnel was given a flashlight, a camera, and a radio and sent on a mission to attempt to remove objects from the house and to locate the robot from the first research mission. The D-Class entered the house, and researchers noted that from what they could see on the video feed, that the layout of the house hadn’t changed. Candles were still present around the room, though it was clear that they had been replaced by fresh ones. As the D-Class explored the first floor of the house, he reported that he could hear footsteps coming from different parts of the house, and on one occasion that they sounded like they were coming from a room he had just left, but when he returned to that room no one was present. He wasn’t able to locate the missing robot, but did find the same corpses that the robot had. He was ordered by the researchers to pick up one of the surgical knives and try bringing it out of the house, but the moment he picked it up, all contact was lost. A third mission into the house was then tried, this time with another remotely controlled robot, though this one was more advanced and equipped with a thermal imager and audio recording equipment. This robot was also better suited for exploration and was capable of climbing stairs so that the Foundation could finally find out what was on the second floor of this strange house. The robot entered the home and ascended to the second floor. As it explored the rooms, it found one particularly strange one that appeared to be operating as a kind of sewing workshop, with huge amounts of thread, needles, and other sewing supplies spread across multiple tables. Dark red stains covered many of the tables, but no bodies were discovered in the sewing room. The robot continued to explore the second floor though, and soon discovered many more corpses, accounting for nearly all of the missing teenagers, the police that had vanished, as well as the missing D-Class personnel. All of them had been dressed in 18th century style clothing and their eyes had been removed and replaced with artificial ones, giving them a perpetual glassy eyed stare. Long, thick threads had been sewn into their arms and legs as well. The sound recording equipment on the robot captured the same sounds of footsteps that the D-Class had reported, but the thermal imager didn’t locate any signs of life. The researchers decided to call an end to the experiment and began guiding the robot back out of the house, but just as it reached the front door the connection was lost, and the robot has never been located. One final expedition into the home was approved, this time using another Class-D personnel, whose mission was to explore the entire house including the second floor, before attempting to leave the home. The D-Class entered the home as normal, but immediately reported feeling a strange feeling that the other D-Class hadn’t mentioned. He told the researchers listening that he was experiencing an intense headache and pressure in his ears, and that he could hear what sounded like someone crying in another room. None of the equipment picked up the crying sounds and the D-Class was ordered to investigate further. He approached the room that he claimed the sound was coming from, but still nothing was detected on the audio recording equipment. He was ordered to enter the room, and though he seemed scared and reluctant, eventually he did so. Once inside, he reported seeing a young girl wearing an 18th century style dress. The girl was dancing, but crying as she did so. Just like on the corpses that had previously been found inside the house, threads were connected to her arms and legs, but these ones were pulled tight and stretched up towards the ceiling. The D-Class followed their path up but they disappeared into the darkness, reporting that it looked like there was no ceiling at all, just an inky black void where something was manipulating the strings attached to the girl, forcing her to dance. None of these visuals reported by the class D could be seen on the video feeds the researchers were watching. As far as they could see, he was staring into an empty room. The D-Class was ordered to continue watching this strange recital though, and after five minutes, all of the communication devices ceased working. The video feed was lost too but the audio continued to record for a few more seconds, during which time a sharp clap noise was heard. The D-class began screaming as a deep male voice spoke a phrase in Latin. “Et perficiendi sit pretium”... The performance must be paid for. No further signs of the D-Class were ever found. SCP-1098-RU has since been fenced off to prevent the general public from being able to enter it. A patrol team of four security guards is always on site and anyone who attempts to gain entry to the house is to be detained, interrogated, and administered class B amnestics. Additional research into SCP-1098-RU is ongoing, but requires approval from at least two members of the O5 Council and to date, no further expeditions inside this anomaly which has been given the object class Euclid have been authorized. It is still unknown who, or what exactly the entity inside of SCP-1098-RU is, but it has been designated as SCP-1098-RU and some in the Foundation have taken to calling it by a nickname… The Master of Puppets. Now go and watch another entry from the files of Dr. Bob, like SCP-026 After School Retention, for another terrifying anomalous location. And make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications, so you don’t miss a single anomaly, as we delve further and further into the SCP Foundation’s classified archives.
Channel: Dr Bob
Views: 1,864,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rubber, therubber, animation, animated, SCP, SCP Foundation, SCP Animation, DrBob, Dr Bob, anomaly, anomalies, SCPs, anom, anoms, scp wiki, scp animated, scp explained, scp-1098, scp 1098, scp1098, scp-1098-ru, scp 1098 ru, scp1098ru, scp puppet, scp puppets, scp theater of living puppets, theater of living puppets, scp russian, scp russia, scp ru, scp international, scp puppet master, living puppet, puppet master
Id: 1EQbHGypu7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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