SCP-2746 - REDACTED is Dead (SCP Animation)

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You just had the night of your life in beautiful  Las Vegas, Nevada. You spent hours shooting craps,   dancing in clubs, and eating more than your  fill at the famous All You Can Eat Buffets. You’re staggering back to your hotel room, high on  life, in the early hours of the morning when you   notice something strange: A long, dark tunnel just  off the side of the strip. You didn’t notice it on   the way in, perhaps because you were distracted by  all the glitz, glamor, and hypnotic casino lights. You see the tunnel, and your over  stimulated mind feels drawn to it... You stumble in and start walking. During  your walk, you can feel your bones cracking.   They don’t shatter, like you’ve just  been hit by a train, they...shift.   You feel the entire shape of you  bending into something different.   But it doesn’t stop with your skeleton. Your  organs start to feel strange, and then your skin.  In the complete darkness of the tunnel, you have  no idea what’s going on, so you just keep walking. Eventually, you find your way into a  lush, green forest. It’s beautiful,   but it feels like it should be a million  miles away from the arid desert of Nevada.   You were only in the tunnel  for a few minutes. What gives? “Hello?” You call out. “Is anybody there?” No answer. You explore further into this empty forest. It’s  trees as far as the eye can see, but no animals.   That’s when you see something that catches your  eye: A puddle of crystal-clear water. But it’s not   the puddle itself that draws your attention, it’s  what reflects back at you when you stare into it. At first, you can hardly believe it,  but as you move your mouth in shock   and the reflection moves its mouth  too, it’s suddenly all too real. You’ve been turned into a fox.  An orange, bushy-tailed fox.  You scream, and bolt all the way back to the  tunnel that led you here. You sprint through,   as you feel your entire body changing once  more. When you finally hit the wall of dry   Vegas heat on the other side, you’re  human again. You breathe a sigh of relief,   and stumble back to your hotel room. The next  day, you only vaguely remember what happened,   and because you’re not crazy, you  assume it was all just a wild dream. What you just encountered is a Euclid Class SCP  known as SCP-2746 - a seemingly innocent tunnel   near the Vegas strip which holds  a portal to a fantastical world,   designated by the Foundation as SCP-2746-1. By the time the Foundation discovered  and secured the SCP-2746 tunnel,   and began sending their field agents and  researchers on fact-finding expeditions inside,   the place was already a ghost town.  A forested land mass approximately   111 kilometers in diameter, with no notable  signs of life. The Foundation discovered that   this place had a strange effect on people  and animals who came in from our world. Humans who entered assumed the forms of a random  animal, but retained their intelligence and   vocal cords, creating talking animals. Animals  brought into 2746-1 retained their animalistic   intelligence, but grew human-like vocal  chords, allowing them to repeat simple phrases.  Before the mass exodus or extinction event that  left 2746-1 barren, the Foundation figured out   this place was populated by a whole civilization  of intelligent animals - like something out of a   fairytale. These animals, through a mix  of brains and magic, were able to leave   written records and create impressive  architecture, like homes and places of worship. Foundation researchers became fascinated  with how exactly this society operated,   and what could have led to its sudden downfall.  Thanks to a mix of advanced archeology and   records left behind by the creatures,  this is what the Foundation determined: The society these talking, intelligent animals  lived in was a kind of religious oligarchy -   meaning power was consolidated by the few in the  top social class. Society was divided into three   segments - Crafters, Scholars, and Honorables  - with the Crafters being the most powerful   members of society and Honorables being the least  powerful. The state-sponsored churches acted in   worship of a being simply called “The Maker”,  who fills a similar role to the Abrahamic God. The Crafters, whose numbers totaled  13, were believed to be immortal,   and were responsible for building the majority  of the culture and architecture found in 2746-1.   The Scholars acted as their wise assistants, and  the Honorables were a mixed class of artists,   carpenters, and artisans. It seemed that  this culture had a pretty good thing   going. No system of currency was ever invented,  and the economy operated on a barter system. The Foundation believes that,  initially, the citizens of this   world didn’t need to eat to survive, and so  only needed to barter for material goods. Though it’s worth noting that these conditions of  immortality only apply to natives of the region.   People born on earth but assuming  animal forms while entering 2746-1   still need nutrition to survive. However, a great tragedy soon caused a fundamental  shift in the balance of life and society within   2746-1. The Maker decided it wanted to test  or punish its subjects with two major changes:   First, humans would be forbidden  from entering the domain. And second,   The Maker now made the consumption of food  necessary for continued survival and sanity. Nothing was ever the same. Because nobody had needed to eat prior  to this, food stores had never been made,   and the inhabitants had no agricultural knowledge  that would allow them to easily mass-produce more.   As a result, while the Crafters and Scholars were  able to feed on fruits from luxurious private   gardens, the Honorables were forced to resort to  eating each other, or other inhabitants of 2746-1. This began a bloody rift that split society  from the top down. One half, led by the powerful   Crafters Sari and Suwaird, wanted to preserve  society as it was and continue to worship The   Maker. Sari took the form of a Flemish giant  rabbit, and Suwaird appeared as a house cat. The opposition, led by Former Crafters  Fredrick and Agathos - with the reluctant   help of a scholar named Clovis - wanted to  get revenge on The Maker for all he’d done,   and kill him, completely altering society. Don’t be fooled by their appearances though.   Many of the inhabitants of 2746-1  wree fiercely intelligent sorcerers,   and the apocalyptic civil war they sparked came  to be known to the Foundation as Event Nachash. Like many wars, there would be no real winners   here - only survivors. And  even then, not for long. It was a bloody and horrific war. All  attempts at finding a diplomatic solution   failed. Fredrick and Agathos would not stop  until they had The Maker’s blood on their paws.   In the end, though, they were defeated,  and for their traitorous crimes they were   to be punished by Sari and Suwaird in  horrific ways to make examples of them.   Since neither could die, they were  given fates worse than death instead. Fredrick was up first. Before the war, he’d been  a leader prized for his courage and ingenuity.   He’d created something known as the “great fire”,  which had provided the kingdom with light. For his   so-called “Atrocities against the maker”, he was  given the punishment of “permanent crucifixion”   and relocation to a place known as the “under  plane.” His snout was cut off his face,   and he was set permanently ablaze, in a manner  that would leave him forever suffering, and would   make him appear to look like a monster to all. Next went Agathos. She was Fredrick’s sister,   and was seen as the mastermind of many  of their schemes. She would be forever   encased in white clay, and bled through  her eyes until the sin drains from her.   She’s now a living, crying statue, existing in a  state of permanent imprisonment for her part in   the crimes against The Maker. Clovis, because  her involvement in the coup was unwilling,   was given a more minor punishment - One of  her eyes was removed, and she was permanently   placed in a broken human body, effectively  banishing her from her home in 2746 - 1 forever.  Though they may have won, things didn’t end much  better for Sari and Suwaird. The civil war had   fractured their world, and in the aftermath, the  survivors chose to leave in hopes of finding a   better life elsewhere. Sari and Suwaird though,  felt partly responsible for everything that had   happened, and so they decided to remain in their  dying world. Before they themselves died - or   perhaps moved on to different forms, leaving their  animal bodies behind - they left a final note.   It was from this note that the Foundation  learned much of the story of SCP-2746. This may seem like a pretty open and shut case.  Another magical realm destroyed by tragedy and   civil war, much like the land of Fantasy in  SCP-1762. But what’s really bizarre here is   that this is only the tip of the iceberg when it  comes to the stories of some of these key figures   in the Event Nachash. First, what became  of the two rebels, Agathos and Fredrick? Today, they’re two parts of the feared and  deadly SCP-1913. Fredrick, now going by Freddie,   is a nightmarish, faceless fire-demon in  the form of a dog, slavishly devoted to   the protection of his sister - Agathos, now  known as Agatha. Still trapped in white clay,   her leaking blood now deadly to the touch. Clovis is still believed to be in league   with Agathos and Fredrick, and may now be  related to the sinister SCP-1903 - a one-eyed,   rabbit-like human.But strangest of all is the  possible truth behind Sari and Suwaird, the   two devotees to The Maker who remained in 2746-1  until their very last breath. In all likelihood,   these two were once agents of the SCP  Foundation‘s infamous Las Vegas branch.   They took on these more animalistic  forms after their deaths. Sari may have once been Agent Sarah Crowley,  a Japanese-American woman who died in the line   of duty in 1960. Suwaird was once Dr.  Stuart Hayward, Crowley’s partner - his   new name acting as a kind of fusion of  the first and last name he had in life. This is only the beginning of the animal-themed  weirdness occurring around Site 45,   the Foundation’s Vegas branch, but this  series of anomalies - collected under   the term “Pitch Haven” - will  have to wait for another video. After all, you know what they say:  What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Now check out “SCP-001 - The Scarlet  King” and “SCP-2317 - The Devourer   Of Worlds / A Door To Another World” for more  mind-blowing accounts from the SCP Foundation.
Channel: SCP Explained - Story & Animation
Views: 282,059
Rating: 4.9644108 out of 5
Keywords: scp, scp foundation, animation, animated, secure contain protect, anomaly, anomalies, anom, the rubber, therubber, tale, tales, containment breach, scp animated, scp wiki, scp explained, wiki, scp the rubber, scp therubber, scpwiki, anoms, scp-2746, scp2746, scp 2746, scp tunnel, scp las vegas, scp vegas, las vegas tunnel, vegas tunnel, secret tunnel, scp transform, scp transformation, turn into animal, transform animal
Id: OYwSAoFecew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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