Scottish Shortbread

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this is my first time to go live by myself on youtube so bear with me i hope it works if it doesn't well i guess we'll try something else next time so um we are going to be uh making scottish shortbread today it's something that i've made for probably 30 35 years the recipe was given to me at a cookie swap and it was told at that time that it was a authentic scottish recipe i have made it every single year since i've gotten it it's a recipe that you can make ahead it stays fresh as long as it's in an airtight container for at least up to three months not because i think it does i've tried it i know it does so it's great to um like if you want to make this and send it to somebody it's great for that it's great for shipping and i know a lot of y'all have seen men marry over the last few months on here and um we wanted to do this recipe because we have not done it live i miss my sister today but the roads are frozen over and we're not we're from texas we're not from the from uh where there's this weather is uh uh they're used to it we're not used to it so we don't get out on the roads when it's like this um for the mo for the majority texans don't hide driving snow and ice and i certainly don't know how to drive in snow and ice and i don't want my sister getting out in it because it's just too risky to do it so i'm by myself today so bear with me um welcome to everybody we hope that if you have friends that haven't subscribed to our channel that you'll ask them to subscribe um doesn't cost anything so thank you again and we're going to get started i've got one pound of butter it's softened butter and i've already been beating it with the mixer just so i wouldn't have to beat it the whole time that i was on here um this has four ingredients in it's all it's got in it um a pound of butter softened for those of you who ask i use salted butter it is a store brand that's what i buy that's what i use um and i've got um i'm going to turn my mixer on again and let that start it's a cup and a half of sugar so for those of you who watch your sugar intake for whatever reason um these cookies have four grams of sugar per cookie which might sound like a lot but it's very low in sugar compared to most cookies that you buy or you make so i'm going to add a fourth a half a cup excuse me half a cup of sugar with my in with my butter and we're going to cream that i'm just gradually adding it anybody that cooks knows that there's noise in the kitchen when you're baking because you know especially if you're using the mixer you've got the noise from the mixer and then that's my cup that was my half a cup and i'm gonna do one more cup and for those who who wonder this recipe is in our cookbook um so i can't tell you the page because i may be looking at an old cookbook but it is in there and it's got a shortbread thunder cookies so i'm going to add my other cup we're going to get that cream i'm just kind of slowly adding it um i'm trying not to move this camera i know that y'all like to see what's going on but um mary's better with his camera than i am and i don't want the picture to be blurry so i'm not moving it i'm going to let it stay where it's at so we got our sugar in there a cup and a half and then we're going to get that cream before we start adding our eggs just kind of scrape down this side of the mixing bowl this paddle for this mixer does have a scraper on it but it doesn't always scrape down to the bottom so i like to keep the spatula handy um to do that so i'm going to just let that cream just a second and then i'm going to add my eggs one at a time this is three egg yolks these are extra large eggs that's all i buy unless i absolutely can't find them eggs are chickens are bigger but eggs are smaller and i don't know why but they are and um and i like a good size egg so i use extra large so this is three egg yolks i'm gonna add these one at a time just kind of get them i do not want to leave any in this in this measuring cup i want all of my stuff out and in the bowl i know i'm a little bit um particular about that but that's how i leave top in that's how i like to do it i like to make sure everything gets in there i was on just a minute ago on facebook talking about my giveaway and letting everybody know that i was going to be live on youtube in a few minutes and mike almost got caught in the camera he thought i was talking to mary and he's come running in here he had his pajamas on us you don't know how close you were to being on camera in your pajamas even got me too okay so we've got um we got our egg yolks in there so now i'm gonna add flour this is the fourth ingredient and it is four and a half cups of flour this is all-purpose flour and the reason why we tap this down like that because there's air pockets sometimes and we want to make sure that we get all the flour in there so i'm gonna start with a half a cup i'm gonna turn the mixer down just a pinch i don't want it flying all over me i have a flower guard for my big mixer but i don't for this little one so i have to be careful or even put a dish towel over so i'll just be a little bit careful with this [Music] now for those who wondered no baking soda no baking powder no salt no vanilla you've got four ingredients butter sugar eggs and flour that's all that's in here and trust me it is delicious you want to think that it needs a thing once you get these made okay so i got that mixed in now i'm gonna have four more cuts i'm gonna do a cup at a time my little handy leathers and some of y'all have have noticed that um i think we told you on one of our videos that you can actually order these as replacement parts because you only get one with your set of measuring spoons and i mean measuring cup and uh you can order them as replacements and i have them in all of my canisters they're just so easy to use i know you can grab case stop i know you can use uh any other kind of gadget but i just like the fact that you can just keep them in your canister you don't have to go to the drawers look for something they're just already in there so they're real handy okay this is my second cup this is gold medal gold medal flour that's what we use that's what i use majority of the time two cups this is a great great uh joke you'll see what i'm talking about when i get the rest of the flower mix in and i carry it over to the counter splattered a little bit of flour i want to make sure it's mixed up in the bottom of the bowl before i add anymore so okay this is my third cup and i'll put the recipe in the comments because i haven't figured out any other way to do this at the present so um the recipe will be in the comments after the video is over a few minutes after it's over i won't do it as soon as i get it um okay that's three we got one more cup and i'm gonna wait until this gets mixed up before i add this last cup you can feel my mixture slowing down just a bit okay last cup i'm gonna do this real slow because i don't want to fly everywhere this is a smaller kitchenaid mixer i use my big ones when i my big one when i do double batches or triple batches or quadruple batches i've done quadruple batches this is a recipe that you don't want to have it just doesn't do good halfing but you can double it if you've got a heavy duty mixture i would not double it in this mixer because it's uh it's not doesn't have a high enough horsepower but my big mixer i can't double it and i do double it lots of times when i bake them in my big mixer but not this one turning up this okay i'm going to wash my hands just for a second i got a little bit of dough here so just bear with me while i step away from the camera okay so i'm gonna pull this off of here and you'll see it's not sticky this dough is not sticky at all it's got lots of butter in it so i'm just going to pull this away from my beater make sure i get everything off here because i know exactly how many pieces this makes it i don't want to leave a half a piece or a whole piece on my beater because then my my pieces will come out wrong i imagine some of y'all say you know i do that twice as fast as she does and that's okay you can do it however you want to i just have my own way of doing things and i like doing things my way and i like things i've done this enough that i know that you know you want to do it at least i want to do it right i want to do it the way i want to do it so anyway those texans are a little bit hard-headed bunch we like to do things the way we like to do them okay so i'm going to take my bowl off of here and i'm going to show you this show you the dough you can tell that it's completely separated from the bowl and i'm going to move it over here to the counter and then i'll move the camera because we're going to put it in the pans over here just get this mess over here out of the way i do not like anything on my hands i probably wash my hands 12 or 14 times while i'm in the kitchen doing something i just i don't like anything on my hand so i'm very very particular now i've got to wash them again because i've touched that okay so i've got my oven preheated to 325 actually i've had it home for a few minutes and i'm going to dump this off on a parchment paper make sure that i get everything out of my bowl and i do a lot of weigh-in stuff i haven't actually weighed this dough how much it weighs but i know i'll show you how to do it in a second and that kind of determines um i use my little bench scraper to to um cut off sections to put in the pan so i just kind of form like a log here and this i've done it this way for years um let me wash my hands and see if i can get those comments off of there so you can actually see okay maybe i don't have to um okay so um somebody said something about cleanliness our mom and daddy both but our daddy oh my goodness you you better have that kitchen clean you better have that house clean he like clean stuff and my husband is just as bad he likes things done right and he does not like anything to be messy or dirty so we probably wash more clothes for two people than probably families are six or eight fours because we worse clothes constantly okay let me wash my hands again if any of you happen to see a cat walking around here or hearing a meal we do not have any inside animals or pets we we have had for years but we don't anymore we lost the last one that we had which all the last one did was sleep you never even knew the cat was here but this is an outside cat that might brought in from the cold and she's been in the house the last three days so she doesn't like being in but he just felt like she would make it outside so we pretty much just made her come in so if y'all hear meow or c or that's gypsy and she's an outside cat so okay so i've got my dough here and i'm using my little bench scraper and i'm i'm just going to mark this into threes into thirds and i know this is something that's probably anybody that makes this may not do but i'll show you why i do it i'm just gonna i just start cutting it and putting a little bit in the pan this pan is not greased you do not need to grease it it needs to be a nonstick pan this is um i guess probably about a nine by 13 cookie sheet it has a lip on it so you i've never cooked these on just an open cookie sheet or a flat cookie sheet without lips but um without a lip but anyway i'm just i'm just going to start mashing this down in here and then i told y'all i was going well i said on facebook i was going to talk about myself um mama always said i think as she got older she she talked more she was more open to talk what was on her mind than she was in our younger years and i don't know if it was med she was on or what but it was kind of funny because um one day she always loved no matter what it was she loved us to tell us tell her about us but she always said charles and linda likes to talk about their sale and it's funny every time i think about it i laugh because we do we both do i think mary and edward probably defer more to talk about somebody else but charles and i like talking about herself so y'all have to bear with me but lots of people have asked um about us about our lives what we what um you know do we have any children of course everybody knows mary's got children grandchildren mike and i were not blessed with children it wasn't my choice but we were not blessed with children so we do not have any children of our own we love our nieces and nephews our great nieces and nephews and our great great nieces and nephews we have them in a lot of areas of texas we have some in ohio and we have some florida we love every one of them and um we we try to put our love our time and energy and invest in in them um and they love us they love us in return so there was a lot of times in my life that um it was a very touchy subject with me and it still um can be now but um just so everybody knows you know it wasn't by choice we just we just never were blessed with children so um but the good news is there's plenty of love and there's plenty of kids to go around so there's plenty of kids for us to love and we have some great kids that that love us and we we thank god for that so you'll see that um this recipe is going to make about two and a half of these pans so um i've used the first the first uh third of the dough and y'all can tell that this dough is not sticky you know i don't have any on my hands at all and then i'm going to just cut a little bit off the edges and i'm just going to fill in these holes until i get it pretty much all the same um thickness and i'll do the other pan and then what's left i'll do the partial pan and then i'll show you how i score them um shortbread after it's cooked after it's set up it firms up so it needs to be scored before it's baked and it needs to be cut as soon as you take it out of the oven now you can cut it after it sets but it's a whole lot harder to cut it after it's set so it's really uh important and easier if you'll cut it as soon as it comes out of the oven now sometimes if it looks like the corners don't have quite enough in them i'll i'll kind of put just a little bit more in them it doesn't have to be smooth i used to use a rolling pin trunks baby rolling pin trying to smooth this out but i don't even do that anymore because it's not necessary for it to be smooth and um we'll go ahead and get these done and then i'm going to show y'all how i cut it um so um let's see we're talking i was talking about myself so um i was 32 years old when i got married i was not young or at least i mean 32 is young now when i'm 72 and fixing to be 73 but uh first marriage for mike and i both neither one of us had ever been married and i worked for the church and the church my entire life and just figured that's what it would always be but then uh mr wright came along and that changed so um not that i still didn't work and couldn't work but um of course you your life changes when after you're married so um anyway we're um god has been good to us and um we never ever want to fail to thank him and i will tell you something if you know anything about mike if he's around you for five minutes he's going to be telling you about the lord he's going to be telling you something that the lord done for him he was not raised the way i was raised he come from a family that that had a church background his granddad was a nazarene he wasn't a minister but he was a i think he was a deacon in their church there in kentucky and uh so mike has a religious family background but his his um um because he lost his mother when he was a young boy uh with leukemia he wasn't raised the way that i was raised with um with the mother and and um i would never say anything bad the daltons are very good people uh very good people um they live a long time always tell them he'll outlive me because they live a long time he says he won't but i think he probably will but um and we've been up there to see him a few times um and his stepmother actually just had a birthday a couple of days ago so joyce if you're watching i hope that you had a happy birthday and i hope you're staying warm and all that cold weather in ohio i know y'all are used to it but we're not down here so um we've been back in texas a long time we did live two or three places mississippi and kentucky and albuquerque our first years of marriage but um we've been in texas a long time and i always tell mike you won't get me to leave now since i got home so i think he pretty much knows that and um so my my thing that i did my entire life my first love was music i loved music i i mother said one time that i started singing before i started talking which um i'm sure she probably she knew she was there so i just always loved to sing i've always loved music and my pinky mom had um an old upright piano with uh that round cushion the round stool that swivels around and that's what i that's what i learned to play the piano with hurled up right and just picking out keys just picking out something by um sound by ear and i started playing piano in church when i was i guess i was about 12. and mary and i started singing in church when we were three and four years old we couldn't even see over the pulpit and we would stand to the side of it so we could see until they could see us that um we grew up in church that was what was important to us and that's that was the biggest part of our life with school family and uh and church that's that's what we did and and we were and we loved it we we didn't know anything else and we were very happy that we had the life that we had um so we were some people would say we were sheltered we never really looked at it that way but there were things that we were not exposed to that a lot of other people even some of our neighbor kids were exposed to we were not exposed to it so i thank god for our upbringing and for our parents and for the way we were raised but um then um after after our dad died when we moved to mississippi we moved we went just to go for this summer and we wound up staying i wound up staying oh i don't know close to 20 years and i worked in the church there and done everything from the young people's leader choir director played the piano played the organ worked in the youth center hours and hours and every week i mean we we were working church most all that know what pentecostals do we work we we love to work we love to make money and we love to eat so we were right there in the middle of all of it working and helping raise money for the church and the young people for the young people's trips and to keep everything going things are a lot different now than they were then because for one thing things caused a lot more you know young people's um camp meeting back then was ten or twenty dollars and everybody thought that was a lot of money now it's probably two or three hundred dollars just for a kid to go to youth camp but um but they they still raise money for that um for the so the kids can go and go to conferences in different places and you know not just in their home district but in different places and also want to mention about alabama next week we'll be going to alabama um and uh we hope to see some of y'all there and i hope i'm not bored y'all i feel like i i feel like i'm just talking because i'm i'm used to having somebody here with me so i feel like i'm probably getting pretty boring right now but um i've got this done y'all see i've got two and a half pans so um i'm going to score it and then i'm gonna get this in the oven so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna just kind of basically i'm guesstimating it i'm doing half a half and then i'm doing half again so you got you've got four if you can see that four lines and then i'm going to do five down so and i've done this so many times i pretty much know one two three four five and i'm gonna go all the way over here and um instead of going back and forth this is our little my little cookie deals and i just put pm on it for pinkie malls so i just do a um stamp of pee i can do these both at one time but just because i'm on camera i'll mess it up so i'm just gonna do them one at a time so i've got a little pm on it so that one didn't work very good so you'll see you may not can see the pm's but that's um um let's see how many pieces is that for there's 20 pieces in this pan i know that makes 48 two paint with two full pans and one half a pan so i'm gonna do this other one i've got the oven set on 325 and we're going to bake these for 20 to 22 minutes i used to just do it 20 minutes but i got to where i cooked them just a tad longer because i i have all three pans in the oven if you don't have but one pan in the oven you can cook them for 20 minutes and that'll be fine but if you're cooking all three pans i'd add a couple of minutes to it to cook and once it comes out once your timer's up and it comes out set them out to cool but just don't forget to cut them cut them on where where you're scored at you you'll just cut down the down the lines across and down so this is going to be a half so i'm just going to have this uh well actually scratch that i'm not going to do i'm going to do this three i don't want these pieces to be tiny tiny so you're going to get 12 pieces out of this 4 8 12 and just to even this up i'm going to just kind of score that out like that just kind of making the right size pieces so this makes a very nice batch of shortbread and i'm gonna pop in the oven and so there you've got the part of the pan so give me just a second here and i'll get this in the oven and we showed these before but um i keep these oven liners in my oven and you it looks like i need to take it out and wash it but this is a lifesaver uh on your oven when you probably can't see it it's down here on the bottom um it's just so nice to not have to worry about anything running over you just it does you just take it out and um wash it and that's it especially after it dries all you do is just basically just knock it off now you'll notice that i'm putting the partial one on the top shelf um i don't normally cook stuff on the bottom shelf but i've got the partial and this on the top and then that one on the bottom i'm gonna set my timer for for 22 minutes okay and um i'm probably not gonna stay on long enough for that to cook but i will post a picture well i say i'll post a picture i may have to go back on and do a live video to just show what it looks like but um because it takes 22 minutes i'm going to come over here to the piano and just play a couple of songs wipe my hands off again now y'all probably gonna see some stuff in my living room here that's blankets or robes or something on here um i didn't move anything so if you see something over there that's what it is and i'm just going to play a couple of songs here um i'm i guess what you would call a has been because i don't do this except for my own entertainment or for goodness that looks horrible over there where i got all that stuff piled up i got my robe and my pajama top there and laying on the couch cause i take it off and put it on two or three times during the day these last two or three days but um there's a lot of people that can play and sing um so much better than i can i just don't um i just don't do it much anymore except for when our family gets together but there's a couple people that i've been telling i was going to sing a song for and um this is going to be for everybody there are so many people that are hurting but uh especially for the lady that i told you i was going to sing a song for you and i hope that you'll be able to watch this if you don't watch it on youtube they're going to share it on facebook so you should be able to see see it on that so anybody that knows me knows that i love dottie rambo she was one of my all-time favorite singers and songwriters she's gone on to meet the lord several years ago from a bus accident but um it's still her songs are still as real to me today as they were back in the 70s when me and paul and pam used to sing them in church all the time so till the storm passes by [Music] in the dark of the midnight have i wanted [Music] there was no hiding place in the crash of the thunder precious till the storm passes over to the thunder go forever till the storm passes by many times satan whispers there's just no need there's no [Music] till the storms [Music] to the clouds [Music] up your hands [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's kind of funny because in my little tiny song book that i used years ago in the 60s and 70s i have b flat on that i played that in g so that shows you how your voice changes as you get older i used to hit high and low notes but um your voice is not strong or at least mine's not strong like it used to be but anyway um it's um um it's something about music that suits the soul it's always minister to me a lot of people will not listen to preaching or they've got something negative to say about it and that does not take away from the word of god we all know it we know that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god but um it's sometimes that a song will touch someone when a sermon will not and so it's kind of like your life your life example sometimes does more than somebody sitting on um and listening to a sermon so for that reason it's music has always been very close to me because i know that it does touch people it reaches down into their soul and stirs their heart um [Music] soon and very soon [Music] oh okay y'all i messed up sorry about this [Music] so [Music] okay let's see um i think i'll just play something just how i feel i'll just play a little bit of something and then we're gonna probably go ahead and get off here and then i'll come back on uh real quick and show y'all the finished product so y'all remember i'm 70 almost 73 so i mess up i mess up it don't mean that i still can't play and it don't mean that i still won't play [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i hope that you all enjoyed that i'm sorry that i messed up i'm i'm not even going to apologize because it's music is in my soul and i feel like no matter whether or not i mess up or not i do need to play more because that's when you're a little bit more aware of what you're playing let's just start playing one song start playing another one but anyway i hope that you all enjoyed it and uh and i'll try to do better next time so i'm going over back over here to the kitchen i'm smelling the shortbread and i'll tell y'all how much time i've got left i've got about six minutes left and i'm not going to open the door because you'll see my mess here i haven't got it cleaned up yet but um um let me just come back over here to the counter and see if i can i hate not to take this out and cut it and let y'all see what i'm doing because everybody wants to see the finished product but um um so um this out of the way looks like i'm totally a mess here with my just by myself in here but um so mary and i um and charles and edward we all grew up in nacogdoches we're from nacogdoches texas uh for those that wonder where we're from we are east texans it's uh if you're thinking it's piney woods it's uh oh i don't know probably 140 miles north of houston if you're thinking about houston it's it's north of houston and if you're thinking about dallas it would be uh southeast of dallas and probably further to dallas from nacogdoches than it is to houston i know there's a sign 138 miles to houston right outside of nacogdoches so i know how far it is to houston but um we hope that um our goal when we started this was to get people in the kitchen uh get them cooking we've baked and we do and i do bake for locals i don't bake very much in fact it's probably uh not to sound like i'm patting my own back and that's exactly what it sounds like but it's it's more and more rare that um that i'm baking for someone because we're so busy with everything else and we're um wanting to get started on our new cookbooks that we're going to be doing so um we hope that you'll continue following us we hope that you will um that you will uh tell your friends about us um we always want to give god the glory and we want to praise him for all of our blessings mary and i um you might look at us and think we've had it made in life we have not had it made in life we've worked very hard but i will tell you that we were raised to do what you needed to do to make a living as long as it's honest it's honorable work and um so we have worked one two and three jobs before we all heard us talk about that but um we are at a place in our life that we both are trying to do what we love to do and that's visit uh talk about the lord and uh cook and uh and talk about our childhood in our old times uh growing up when old times it was old times it was a long time ago but um i know that um uh it we already at least we hope that it brings back happy memories for you and to be able to get in the kitchen with your kids and grandkids and great grandkids and to make memories for them because we will not always be around we know that we want to create something for the kids to look back on and say my memo did that my aunt linda did that we need to do it too we need to to keep this tradition going to make sure that we don't lose touch with things that are important in our life it's not things it's not money it's it's it's people that we love that's what's important um in our family so i'm still about two minutes away from the time but they have cooked 20 minutes so i'm going to get a pothole over here and i'm going to take a pan out and i'm going to cut them and i'm going to show you now you can't take them out of the pan but you do need to cut them so you need to let them rest in the pan until they're completely cool and then you'll take a spatula and gently uh once you get one up the others will come up real easy but i'm gonna move them uh i'm not moving the camera i'm gonna get a pan and show you how they are i'm going to do the half pan because um it cooks a little bit faster than any other so what we do is just let me move this over here so it doesn't have to be a sharp knife but i use a sharp knife because i'm going to cut down to it so you're just going to cut along the line that you scored that you marked and it's very soft right now it's very soft you'll wonder how it's going to firm up but it will firm up after it gets cold it won't be stuck to the pan because um these are non-stick pans and again you don't want to butter it you don't need to butter it because this has got lots of butter in it so you don't need to butter it so i have them cut and you can use um [Music] probably shouldn't use one that's this is a metal one i probably shouldn't use that but you can use one of these and um not going to tape it up because if i do it'll cut it but this is the little piece that was on the end here i love these little pieces these are my little snack pieces when i cut some off of the of the cookies these are my snack pieces so we hope that you'll try these and um let us know if you did let us know if you like it and uh we see all kinds of comments and some of them are kind of funny um about those two old ladies and we are oh we know we're old that's no offense to us we are that um that means we've lived a long time which thank the lord for that and it also means that we've um we've learned a lot along the way a lot of them are lessons that were hard learned a lot of them are lessons that we learned in our childhood that have stayed with us through our entire life so um god bless you we love you um hope to be together soon with my sister once this weather goes back to normal and um thank you for bearing with me and please don't laugh too much at my piano playing today love y'all bye um
Channel: PinkyMa's Kitchen
Views: 95,024
Rating: 4.9381552 out of 5
Id: zzb0uHJfTSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 25sec (3205 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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