Traditional Scottish Shortbread Recipe & Cook with me!

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hey guys and a very warm welcome back to forts 40 now I just thought I'd pop on and quickly show you my recipe for shortbread because a few of you have actually asked for it and I just realized that I've never actually done it before so I said okay poppin and show you how it's done it's so quick and so easy it's just a basic butter biscuit but I mean it's so popular in Scotland and it's so traditional I mean everybody knows what shortbread as lover heat it everyone knows what as I mean this is just the plain recipe I'm showing you guys but I mean you can add whatever you like you can go nuts you can add things like chocolate chips or flavoring I actually know some did it uses almond extract and our shortbread but this is just the basic recipe guys so you can add about you like so this is what you're going to need if you went together ago you'll need 125 grams of room-temperature butter 55 grams of caster sugar and 180 grams of plain all-purpose flour and that's that guy's as as simple as that so yeah so let's move on and we'll see what we do next so first thing you want to do guys is get a large bowl I'm just years done glass bowl because it's easy you know it's easy for me to show you what's happened and rather than a plastic bowl that you can't see through so you want to get your sugar into the bottom of the bowl followed by your butter now it's quite important that's room temperature to that's going to make it a lot easier to work with and you just want to work the sugar into the butter until you've got a smooth paste you can do this for the machine but I just recommend doing it behind me it doesn't take that long five minutes may be maximum and you'll end up with this lovely peel yellow sort of smooth paste and to that you want to just slowly add in your flour bit by bit and just again work that into your mixture so just keep studying and unstirred an unjustly but by we bet you don't want to put it all on the one time it's just couldn't fly everywhere again it doesn't take video long guys it just requires will be better patience and a beaver available grease and you'll get there so once you've added all your floating gays you just want to sort of get your hands in there and squish it all together until you get us at a phatom door now all just come together and form a kind of ball again that's a little take a few minutes you'll feel it all coming together and forming a ball in your hand just like that says that I mean it's happening quite quickly I've obviously sped this up but it did only take about not even five minutes of gaze and that's what you're looking for just like that don't ask me why I just punched the top of that I've no idea reggae so you went to go over to your chopping board and spread some flour on top of that and then set your door on top of that and you just want to get your rolling pin put you better float on your rolling pin so it doesn't stick and just gently roll out you want it all about a quarter of an inch thick I don't what if it starts sort of breaking up at there the edges you can just patch that and that doesn't matter at all again this alone will take a few minutes case like I see you want a bit of quarter of an inch that can this'll make about ten biscuits maybe and it's up to you ability what size you do them I mean this is just a small cookie cutter they're traditional we would be to do them and fingers well show you some fingers as well that's the most traditional we just they're dirt and fingers and just sort of prick it that the top will fork and then sprinkle it with um a bit of a castor sugar I will show you that in a second because you'll see no a second you'll have some left over door so what I've done I've just sort of remoulded that back into Bowl and that's what I've used to do my fingers it's just so that none of it gets wasted we don't like waste if we can prevent it so just gathered all your rebates up guys so that showed Rodin's done so you can set them aside and I'm just going to go ahead legacy and ship my the door that I've got left and to assert a long ship and I'm going to use that to do my fingers so there's absolutely no waste endless at all just chop it into e fingers like that and then go along your fingers and just click the top with a fork and again this is just sort reduction oh this is the way you'll find it you know in most shops that you go to to buy it and that's you guys if you just want to pop and cheat of and I'll be sorry sprinkle the top with castor sugar I'm getting ahead of myself yeah so you want to go ahead and pop it into a baking tree you went to Pitt and to preheated oven gas mark 5 for 15 to 20 minutes now that's mine ready guys means only took 15 minutes cuz that's great small but the beggar you meet them the longer they'll take and it's just perfect with a wee cup of tea so that's just I like my tea quite strong OB - no milk no sugar and a couple of wee shortbread biscuits at the side perfect it's 9 o'clock at night guys and this is perfect at lest emanate delicious so thank you again guys for popping over and seen what's going on like I keep seeing but it's so true appreciate every single one of you and it means so much that you do come back and I see your name and your comments poppin up though I'm starting to get re regular so a group of people that I'm recognizing they're coming back time and time again so you know who you are and they're yeah it all fantastic I love reading your comments so I hope to see in the next one guys so until then take care and bye for now bye now
Channel: What's For Tea?
Views: 61,453
Rating: 4.9628968 out of 5
Keywords: shortbread, traditional shortbread, scottish shortbread, traditional scottish shortbread, shortbread recipe, scottish shortbread recipe, traditional shortbread recipe, scottish biscuit, scottish biscuits, scottish biscuit recipe
Id: SPA50b_iyvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 15sec (375 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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