Family Singing

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hi i'm linda i'm mary thank you miles kitchen we're not in the kitchen today though we're doing a little sing-along with our brother and his wife and his son um this is charles it's our oldest brother and this is lanelle his first wife she's like her sister nell's been in our family longer than anybody besides us that's right and then mark is their oldest son blue and behind the camera and um we want to say that we miss edward and debbie and edward and debbie's family today uh they weren't able to come because of all this bad stuff that's been going on uh the virus but um hopefully everything will be back to normal so hi y'all hi catherine logan missy josh michael and carla and carla carla's sick and she wasn't even to be with us today so and uh the rest of mary's family so we have a very small gathering here today but we're not yeah they couldn't make it and all of lenelle and charles's family that aren't able smallest group we've ever had the day after christmas [Music] kids used to sing really well we used to sing all over but um we don't uh get together that often and when we do we just sit around and sing and have a good time so this is not professional it's not perfect lanelle actually has her oldest brother actually did sing professional in a quartet for years and junior mclean and so lynnell comes from singing family we come from singing families but we still have fun and we still enjoy it and that's what it's all about so welcome we hope y'all enjoy our little music that we're going to do for y'all today [Music] is [Music] [Applause] all the time [Music] now [Music] y'all we used to practice we knew we knew each other's moves a little better we do now charles what you tell us about um um gloria okay when i was in high school i was a porter at the buick company in nacogdoches texas it was called wedgeworth buick it was owned by mr wedgeworth and a man named jimmy grimes well mr grimes he's in charles he said i need i know that you're familiar with son i was taking texas he said i need you to go over to a little town called glory land and to repo a car and how old were you well i was about probably 15 maybe 16 and unfortunately i was very familiar with glory land because it was called glory land by all the church people that the other side of the road was called no man's land and there were some people that lived down there that was uh unsavory characters so we're going down there and i'm riding with him in this old 52 chevrolet pickup because he didn't know if he was going to be able to drive the car back or pull it back and i told him all the way down there i said mr grimes i said the people in this neighborhood down there they are pretty bad people some of them are they were some motorcycles that was coming through there at two o'clock in the morning and waking everybody up and they were informed not to do that well they did it again they stretched barbed wire across but that was like that was the no man's land side of it but if you lived on the good side of the town then you were from glory land and that's kind of the way of our lives it depends on which side of the road that you live on whether you live in glory later or whether you live in new mexico and that was the same church that our daddy went to as a young man dinner all day dinners on the ground and mary's husband um and her kids uh daddy actually broke that church yeah i'll be birthday so it has a lot of history in our family and it's called glory land so um we're gonna sing just over in the glory [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] i just don't know all the words don't like i used to it's kind of funny because when you're young you know everything has to be perfect your clothes have to have be iron no wrinkles in them i mean we would go to church every night that we didn't have church if we couldn't go every night we did charleston always take us but without fail almost always we were at church right now in certain years because if we wasn't having church at our church on friday night we found somewhere in that church i remember one time charles and i we went to an asthma in church in nacogdoches and revival remember that yes absolutely both of us goes it was a little baptist church across from our house and we went to it sometimes and we were raised pentecostal we are pentecostal but um we went to first pentecostal church on um douglas highway and this morning um i wouldn't give any names but um when i was on my way to mary's i talked to this um catholic bishop that watches our program and he's actually in the hospital and so we want to say hello to him and so happy to talk to you we love all of our followers and we're so glad that you're following us and watching us and loving us as always um and this next song is an old song charles i'm gonna let you take it because you you know more about this story than i do so i'm gonna let you tell this okay he said i gotta mention is that yeah go ahead this missionary was in south america and he was traveling and he came down in this valley this small valley they come up on this small village and the village was just grass huts uh opened fire outs on the outside that they were doing the cooking on and everyone that was in it was uh [Music] you could tell they didn't have very little just barely enough clothes to go over their bodies and some of the kids no clothes at all and so he started talking to him and i suppose that he may have been talking down to them because this man stood up and he said sir he said you have the wrong opinion of us he said we are not poor we are very happy we have everything that we need and he said you see on the other side of that mountain over there he said every morning we see the sun coming up and it's shining off of the gold our lord and savior is making a city for us to live in so they they have the hope of another life after this lap he said so don't look down upon us he said we are not poor the man went home and he wrote this song [Music] i [Music] we'll [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] we'll never [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] used is we have a practice is we used to we would practice for and sing for hours and we would know we can look at one another and know what to do next just then i knew that second verse but lynelle looked at me and my mind went blank i thought oh no i lost it and then then before i got back around to it i remembered it and we look at one another and we almost know the other word by looking at each other it's just something that comes back to you after all these years and we used to say not only a funeral but we're saying a lot of va uh functions yes vfw where uh if there was anything going on fundraising we were selling little bricks or whatever poppies and whatever they were selling but we were we were always the pinks and kids were always doing something with the dog and this is one that we i don't know linda um [Music] song and i was thinking about it the other day when i was on my way home from mary uh i think that edward and i [Music] so this is just a fun little song it is but it's got so much truth in it it's a real catchy little tune as you air the sunshine in the right [Music] my [Music] comes around [Music] foreign like the air in the [Music] when sun landlord comes around [Music] um we would just like to um say that we'd like to for people to think about all the people that has had loved ones this past year that they've lost in their friend or relative or something cohen has just been just a monster this year and and then and some of our friends and relatives has gone on to meet the lord uh they didn't have coverage but we'd like to dedicate this next song to all followers that have known someone or had a family member or friend that they've lost this past year because you know we all um we all got to meet our maker so um we just thank the lord he's been so good to our minion family he's just been excellent to our family and we thank the lord we're gonna dedicate this to all your fathers is shall come no more clouds in the sky no more tears [Music] what a day a glorious day that will be what a day that will be when my i shall see when i look upon his face he takes me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day a glorious day that will be no sickness with the one who died for me what a day the glorious day that will be what a day that will be i shall see his face [Music] what a day a glorious [Music] jesus i shall see when i look upon his [Music] when he face me by the hand and leads me through the promised land what a day a glorious [Music] what mary was saying well ago is we've been singing these songs since we were kids and in my case that's been quite a while ago well you know you learned the songs you know the songs so we was at a nursing home doing a program for the for the people in the residence there at the nursing home and a lot of the young people from the church had joined us that date and you would be surprised how many young people actually like these old songs right i believe so we was there and i had brought books the little condensed version that sometimes they are in church they give you the old books and it's the convinced version it's not the great big thick one so we were saying this world is not my home and at that time i could play the guitar before my hands went crazy and i was up there singing and i was playing it just saying as loud as i could and i looked around and nobody else was saying and and i said what is it they said there's only two verses i said well everybody knows this world is not my homie got three verses to it well they didn't they only had two of them so they cut it down on the older side some of the old songs [Music] when we were kids we had what it's called the penny marks and that's when they would all the kids would bring up a pity and drop it in a jar and they would give it to different ones and drop the penny into the jar and they were saying it and you would be surprised this would mound up and they would you know give it to different ones if they were missionaries or if it was needing classroom books for something for one of the classes but anyway that's how they done it is just bringing drop a penny in a jar and everybody would march around and when it when it got pulled you know they would have some money to donate to these charities yeah and sister owens was our sunday school teacher i still remember that scripture that she uh had us to quote every sunday before we start our lessons let the meditation somebody had to give up and give a report when we come back out into the main church which you know was a lot different it was today it was a small church but somebody in the sunny school class would stand up in each class and tell what we studied y'all remember how many was in the class and what we learned that day it was it was a lot of happy memories when i travel and i travel with my work for almost 10 years and so i would go to church wherever i could on sunday morning i had been trying to get this particular interview and um so i went out there to this little tiny i mean it was sherina looked like a city compared to this place it was just a stop in the in the road and it was um pastors uh uh one of the pastors kids that i was trying to get the interview for so i decided well that's why i'm gonna go to church sunday so i went out there to their little church it was a little apostolic church and uh they had a quarter march and i thought it was so cool stepped up a little bit they had somebody had built a tube that was the size of the quarters and every time and they had the different levels how much it would be and it brought back so many memories and what they did is every time it got full they knew they had so much money in it and that's how they sent their their their youth their kids to um youth camp everyday and i thought that was really cute and um i guess um does anyone else have anything else to say we're gonna end with this little course i guess we need to sing when we were in sunday school right yeah we're just we're just saying so we want to say thank you again for joining us of course charles it's a pleasure to be here today and we love our sisters they've been just like this since they were kids 90 [Music] [Laughter] when i started going with my wife some 60 years ago she said i have never heard and talking so so much and i've never heard anybody we still like getting we don't know we're not we talked y'all are going to hear plenty for us so this is what song we used to sing in sunday school and we're going to we're going to play and sing and we'll play a little bit um and then that's gonna be our last song so thank you all for joining us this is my little course called give me oil in my lamp [Applause] [Music] [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] again
Channel: PinkyMa's Kitchen
Views: 9,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nrXiJ04Qdi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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