Potato Soup

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hi i'm linda with pinky balls hi i'm mary my sister's in the kitchen and so what we're doing today is we're making some homemade potato soup and we have got two pounds of small um yukon potatoes uh peeled and cut in about inch cubes we sometimes i cook them whole sometimes i cut them up but we want them to cook basically we're cutting them up so we've got probably oh a quarter more of uh boiling water over here it's already boiling in the water i've got a teaspoon of salt probably about a half an eighth of a teaspoon of black pepper and i'll add more to mine later don't worry so so if this is just water and salt you know teaspoon of baking soda okay okay so we're going to put the potatoes in it and we're going to start these boiling and um we will let them cook and while they're cooking we're going to get some um cream of chicken mixed up um whisk we'll get those going and we're going to whisk a can of cream of chicken with just a little bit of water and y'all know i use the 98 fat free cream of chicken i don't like the store brand the cream of chicken i like candles and some store brands i don't mind but on the chickens i like the candles so i'm just going to get everything out of here and then i'm going to add probably about a half can of water to it and we're going to whisk it and get it smooth everything is christmas now and i i start thinking of christmas probably a long time before now but i was thinking this morning on the way over here what what's some of your favorite christmas times with your kids when your kids were little me um well uh i have a lot of fond memories uh the most recent that i can think of when it's not recent my goodness um nolan how does nolan that's right no one is he four or five i think he's five yeah i think he's gonna told him yeah okay um he was a baby just a baby and i had bought all the grandkids uh matching pajamas and and nathan and braden and i remember they were pretty good what nine ten years old maybe but to them you know they didn't sure they wanted to be in a picture with the genres off but that is the cutest picture that in fact i think i'll just show it okay it's um i don't know when this became a trend for um families to wear matches pajamas but i love it i think it is so sweet i think it's um i think it's just something that you look back on years to come linda my youngest daughter gave me a a calendar that year and uh she put this on the front of the calendar can you see it is it about your clothes uh that's all the at that time now i've got some more grandkids what um probably what is it is colton and bradley and then the little foster child um so i've got three more since this picture was taken but that's my grandkids and they were so sweet uh we tried to take more pictures than that but that was the only one we could get them to sit still and um that's one of my fondest memories uh this recent uh every year there's something that's different you know that uh for the grandkids since they've been little um you got an early christmas present in 1979 oh yes sorry about that little linda i was i had my youngest child i was in my 30s and it was a little um uh unexpected but that's okay she's been a joy and a blessing to me i was supposed to had my youngest child around thanksgiving but because i had had surgery uh while i was pregnant uh she was delayed some so she was born december the second precious little girl we thought was gonna have a little boy that's what they told us she was born i did not know till she was born that she was going to be a little girl but um and she's our camera lady so so we're really getting a double blessing but her birthday's december the 2nd so she has a december birthday so and everyone else's son he was born in december the first i was trying aaron but i i went to the hospital no it was the day after because i'm hospital about six or seven o'clock that morning i had her at six o'clock at night so i um i was trying to have her the day before but didn't work out but anyway i got a birthday christmas present yes and then edward our youngest brother his birthday is december the 30th and mama had i remember her talking about she had been pregnant i guess two years in a row at christmas and she wanted so bad out of edward before christmas but he didn't show up so he was born december the 30th and he has the same birthday as our uncle james which is daddy shawn of one of daddy's younger brothers yeah and ain't lucy did you did you read on facebook that ain't lucy had pneumonia no i didn't yes i keep forgetting to tell you linda i'm sorry uh she's got pneumonia and uh i texted uh our cousin this morning and i haven't heard back from her to see how she do it she's 89 and she's supposed to spend thanksgiving with her daughter even and she took pneumonia the night before we were sitting that's so bad we love lucy and we love our cousins um when we were kids christmas was so different back then um we they i think we've mentioned this before but they didn't wrap our gifts they no no they put them we each had a place in the living room and we kept our living room closed off it was a really big room and we kept it closed off and that living room was for company it was for when we were in there either praying or singing yeah that was our room to sing in playing um just kind of a you know i guess it was a court if yeah one record it wasn't a formal room but it was just a room that we wouldn't play in all the time and so we each had a spot that um we had that they knew that to put our toys and stuff out we put our shoes and they fill it with fruit fruit and orange and apple and some nuts and um and then we whoever woke up the earliest whoever woke up first or not the earliest but whoever woke up first would run in there and see and we knew who we knew who santa claus was but we'd run in there and see if santa claus had come yet and uh then we'd wait wake up wake everybody else up yeah and no matter what time it was it was usually either me or edward one we're back with molly um back when we go to her house and we were small that's when they lived in the old house not the one that's there now right but the one that was there before then and uh santa claus always come to our window and it was in old timey windows you know with the four panes you know eraser no screen no screens and after some time after we had our dinner well um we would uh everybody would say he said santa claus is here santa claus here and we would run to the to the window and it was high yes and and santa claus would be dressed up and i often wonder how in the world like rehearsal got that suit we learned years later that it was uncommercial right but he had a second call he had a santa claus suit and that's when we were very young and um and he gave every one of us even apple or an orange everybody come to the window we got that and um and you know how kids imagination is they had a front porch you remember that on the front porch and we were all running whenever he closed the window he was gone we all around front porch and i'm telling you i really thought that i could see santa claus in his reindeer i've never tried to do that i'm trying to see him but i've never gone our imagination our imagination we just knew we saw him and we'd all be waving by to him and that old house is um back then they had they didn't have a living room but they had what they called a front row yeah and had a bed and all front rooms had beds in them because houses weren't you know very big and you made use of what space you had so was it one man in that front room or two it was one of those well later on they did put another a twin bed in there okay when i think it's when uncle um snowy no he came to live with them they they put another little twin bed in there but it was just one big one right before you went into the kitchen okay and i can't remember the other rooms the house i remember the windows and i remember the front room and the in the front porch i remember that and then the bathroom the back room then also had a door leading out onto the pool i don't really yeah i do it it was a door going out from the other bedroom in the back i don't remember how many beds was back there but i know there was a door going out on the porch so there's two front doors going out onto the porch i remember that and then uh when paulie he wanted to build mall in new hampshire so um he went to the bank and he he um to get a loan and they told him that because the land was close to the uh toyah river in the reservoir that because it was in a flood zone that they would not loan him money it wouldn't have anything to do with paulie his payment history or anything like that but because of that so what they did is they went and found the house and they tore down him and probably daddy and all the men they tore it down and they brought the lumber back and they built that i remember him building it and they lived in the little red house and i'm fixing to add some um i'm going to add the pretty chicken to it in just a minute but um i just didn't know if you wanted to boil that racket and boil the juice out i i wanted it to start boiling because i didn't want it to take a long time it's not going to take this long you know they're about to happen i'm going to use the corporate i had left from sunday so i'm gonna pour this cream of chicken in there and we definitely don't want it boiling on high because it'll boil over i'm gonna put some cornbread that i had left for my dressing in the microwave so we can have some i'm using um trying to use the same bowl to keep from dirty extra dishes so i'm gonna just give this a quick rinse and i'm gonna mix up just a little bit of cornstarch you can put some more black pepper in that aren't you i am i'm gonna put some i knew it wasn't dark enough for you her stuff is black with pepper i'm gonna get a little bit of water um somebody uh said the other day um because i made the potato soup at the house the other day and i posted a picture of it and um they were talking about somebody said something about it being yellow and there's there's usually white it's yellow for two reasons for one reason because we use yukon gold potatoes and the other reason is because we'll put cream of chicken and chicken you don't use cream of chicken in a lot of things that's why it's a different color yeah now i realize that everybody's got their own way of making stuff sometimes if mike makes potato soup he's gonna put dice up carrots he's gonna put onions and celery and that's okay i eat it and i like it but sometimes i just want plain old potatoes you know that's what molly's and mother too used to feed us when we were sick yes just plain potato soup not even the granny they didn't put cream of chicken they didn't cream it plain potato soup and uh they said that that the broth the off of those potatoes is like a healing feeling and uh and they use it and they have that too but i love taking my love potato sticks of cornbread and i like it with crackers so i'm gonna mix up just a little bit of cornstarch i'm just gonna get a spoon i'm gonna mix up a little bit i've got starch and um probably about two tablespoons of starch okay and um a third a cup and we'll show you that we'll show you the potato sink whenever she gets it completed so you know what it means you can use flour instead of cornstarch but i will tell you if you use flour you're going to have to strain it absolutely you'll have that i will have lots of flour what do you need whisk i just need this and your well that's my one here and i need your measurement which one uh either one's fine i'm going to put about a third so i can i can eyeball it so i'm just going to use about a third a cup of water when you're mixing cornstarch um i know we've saved this before but always make sure that you use cold water do you need the sector you need that little symptom are you talking about the straining yes i don't think i'll need it since but you won't always mix up cornstarch with um cold water and i don't mean ice water but yeah it can't it can't be hot because it'll it'll harden like a rock one lady told me that she made that chocolate pie and made that feeling that the meringue and i showed her how to do the uh it's called meringue it's corn starch and water but if you cook that too long it will get hard as a rock poor lady bless her heart she um she called and told me she said i made that and it was so hard i couldn't even use it i said you you have to constantly stir it and you don't cook it but just a few i mean like a minute or two okay so i put just a tiny bit more cornstarch in it and that wasn't an actual measuring spoon that i was using so two tablespoons of cornstarch in about a third cup of water is what you need make sure your soup is boiling when you put it in here and looks delicious it's um i don't i don't necessarily like it real thick i just like it to be i like it to have a little bit of thickness so you can make it as quick as you want but um i'm going to turn it back up just hair and the only other thing i'm going to put in it when it gets done is i'm going to put just a tiny bit of butter probably about a teaspoon of butter if it needs any more pepper i know i'll add some peppermint it's probably probably needs a tad bit more salt in it okay do you want to sit and see i'll taste it i try to be particular about the salt because i i don't i tend to like the sauce says chuck my son got over to me for salt and stuff too much and mike is really particular about salt too but i like salt no i don't you think it needs to be it's not rotten meat but now like i said i don't use it i want to add it i'll add it and if anybody wants to add it they can add it to them it's all right for me but like i said i don't put much salt in my food anymore okay we're almost ready to fix and put this in here and what do you want to do i'm going to add this thickener to it yeah because once you add that thicker it the potatoes have to be done when you put that in there because uh once it thickened you don't want to cook it too long because it'll get too thick then we're going to cook potatoes another probably another three minutes it's not raw but they're still not quite done okay so um what we would do on uh christmas eve we usually went to malls on christmas yeah we did yes we did christmas eve and now this was when we were little as we got older that changed right but uh when we were little that was what we did but we didn't spend the night now we always went home all the way home we would be looking out the windows trying to see if we could see santa claus because we knew he's coming at night and uh in fact the only picture that i'm aware of that we have of all six of us was made at paul and paulie's christmas exactly now we had pictures but when our house burned up we lost our pictures and this is the only way only one that i know and there may be some that some of our um aunts and uncles have that we are not aware of but this one is the only one that i know of that we have and you know what back then his kids that living room looked so big and we were down there not very long ago this same house and that living room is so small it is we got lots of people in it we i know we had six kids yeah i think they had one um herschel had six and laverne had four well she didn't have a long album hers was spread out too two of them um uncle jesse had uh two well they lost one yeah and then there was four of us and uh shelby hadn't won and sally had won so who else am i missing you saved mom and daddy we had four yeah okay um that's it that's all of us and then all the adults and yeah and uncle noah and ain't selling so it was um i don't even remember if we drew names or not but the kids always had a gift mommy always gave everybody a gift and i remember after she got on up in years uh she started giving some of her old coins you remember that yeah was it a quarter or a dime she started out with she started out with the quarter it could have been she started out giving all the kids a quarter and uh and then it went down to a dime matter of fact i think my daughter she gave her a silver dime and she's still little as she's still got one of his and i think it's either a four bit piece yeah that's about a four piece she might have started out before b p four bit pieces that's fifty cents for those of you that don't know that's the fifty cents that's fifty six going and i thought they didn't make it anymore did they the fifty-six no i don't know if i'm going to get down to that or not but i am going to start co you know tapering off on my christmas i'll um we may do a short short video and show you what our chris but you know what our christmas is not going to be the same as normal because there's a lot of people that's not going to be able to come christmas because of coding but normally normal christmas half of her living room is full of christmas presents you can't even for the kids i mean they're stacked up all the way up the wall and way out and it takes us what how many hours it takes us just to give them out and they get so excited they get so excited they get so excited but you know what the kids grandkids they're you know we don't have too many little ones anymore but i love it but i go through i always prepare ahead of time i i go by in july i go buy extra container a box from sands of trash bags of garbage kid bags because before we open presents i pace it round to every one of the kids and they put their wrappings in it because if you don't there's wrappings all over the floor you can't even walk they get their toys mixed up so i go and i pass out trash bags and oh we have so much trash paper at christmas because of all the wrappings it's a it's a fun time for the kids it is i'm gonna put it what do you do quite a teaspoon of butter in it okay because that butter makes everything good now um if you want to add bacon bits if you want to add chopped chives or onions cheese sour cream i don't eat sour cream unless it's baked in something but a lot of people just use cheese on your potato if you buy it in salt grass or outback or something you'll get it you'll get the toppings all those yeah but um i have a very simple palette and this is the way i like it so okay i guess we're going to take up the word show the camera your potato soup so um plate right there and i'll have enough cornbread can you um can you see it the way i've got it smoking here let's get us some spoons so on the evening or on an afternoon or on a day when you don't want to cook a big meal or maybe you want something simple for lunch it takes what 20 minutes to make this and you can eat with crackers you can eat it plain you can eat it cornbread however you want to eat it but it's delicious it's a very good little um bowl food so oh i want cornbread mine and this cornbread has got onions in it this is some of my dressings so i'm going to use this plate until i get another one okay that's where i had left from my making my cornbread yeah then you've my dress cornbread in your soup do you put your cornbread uh some of it i do some of it i some of it i did in there and then put some on the side to eat so you've got a bowl of potato soup and yeah it's a good corn mary's good cornbread go with it that's the cornbread all right so we hope you enjoy it we hope you get in the kitchen with your kids and grandkids thank you for joining us we love y'all be sure to tell your friends about us bye have a good day bye
Channel: PinkyMa's Kitchen
Views: 14,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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