'Schitt's Creek' Cast: Kelly Clarkson Show Collection

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this is what I find interesting like so you were actually about to quit acting right before you got shit's creek right yes just before shit's creek things were quite Bleak um my house had just burnt down I had like three dollars in my bank account things were I hadn't worked in close to two years oh and I had just blown uh my very first screen test like blown it blown it blown it blown it and I was I found myself crying in the Pacific Ocean a very snotty cry and the universe was like don't do this anymore this is not for you and but then two days later I got the audition for shit's creek that is I I really I love that you tell this story though because a lot of people when until then I think it's really cool because B I do have friends that are actors and it's a very hard job it's either you're like really winning or you're just like really gone like you know it's kind of and same thing in music but it's it's just really cool that you're open about it like because everybody goes to those moments where you're like oh my gosh like is this or should I move on or should I do this and I love that you're open about it I also love that you're hilarious and one of my favorite shows of all time but um Annie after your audition you your hair color almost lost you the job correct yeah that's crazy since you know you can dye your hair you can yeah but um my sweet huge my sweet Eugene Levy um he had a hard time wrapping his head around that because in they did like an initial presentation pilot for the show yeah and in the pilot uh Abby Elliott who's Chris Elliott's daughter and he's amazing she played Alexis yeah um and she's very blonde and luckily she's like a very successful actor who was too busy to do the show so I owe her my job in my life um but yeah Eugene was so set in the in the blonde thing and was like ah wow like Dan caldman was like we found Alexis and Eugene was like but uh you know she's has a brown hair and they're impression and Dan was like Dad we can just dye her hair like it's not that big a deal and finally Dan went out and and I it was like a happy medium we've done like a this situation which Eugene could deal with yeah that's awesome and God is in the details I guess Eugene um so it is the show is ending did we all emotional like at the end because I imagine when you have a great cast like that it's like sucks when it ends yeah yeah it was I mean it was five of the best years of my life but um I kept my emotion to myself for the most part and like you know kept it in the realm of my shower at home but again uh whose show you know has been the show runner of the show uh at table reads like the last three table reads would start doing this thing that we started calling the noise which is like kind of like this and it was like his face was eating itself and it would just be him trying to keep his emotion in so so desperately um and we'd make fun of him for it of course totally as a friend does yeah um and he would get so angry that I was like more or less emotionless but then cut to our last day of work and my last day of shooting and I am just puddle oh the messiest gnarliest looking I know I wish I could like Rachel McAdams cry from The Notebook but it's just not in the card it's not reality it's not that's not real she is really good at that very good yeah it just looks like oh no are you surprised with how popular that's not my entire crew loves that song they want this song uh thank you um this song well because you wrote it I wrote it with two of my best buds yeah who are musicians so they did like the you know music yes um and I wrote the lyrics and we all secretly secretly we knew it had to be funny yeah but we all were like oh we want to write a banger so badly like it's it's have you ever heard this heard this we don't heard it today actually it was the first time likewise yeah I can't get out of my head and I'm very happy that I can't get out of there yeah yes it's so clever be careful when you're driving later it really gets it gets to you how did you come up with the dance moves because that's what makes it epic as well um I so I came up with the dance moves but shockingly by myself um in my trailer about 20 minutes before we shot and I called Sarah levian who plays Twila on the show and I was like Sarah watch this what do you think and she was like oh that's that's really really bad and I was like nice you're like [Music] okay well earlier I asked if you would sing a little bit of Alexis with me you want to do it [Applause] I hope I remember this oh God gotta get my arm oh you're awesome [Music] are you ready let's do it what's that I'm a Lamborghini I'm a Hollywood star I'm a little bit tipsy when I drive my car I'm expensive sushi I'm a kitchen shot I'm a little bit single even when I'm not I'm a little bit I'm a classic Bronco I'm a Texas time I'm a whole lot of tipsy when I drink fine wine I got like 20 jobs and I talk a lot I'm a whole lot married my man's so hot I'm a whole lot [Music] hide your diamonds [Applause] oh my God okay everybody knows this but your dad is Eugene Levy and y'all co-star together but I'm just wondering because he's quite the comedian like did he ever embarrass you as a kid 100 yeah that's the tricky thing about having a dad who is who is funny is you know when you get in fights with your parents growing up usually you can just sort of buffer that because your dad isn't doing weird voices and characters back to you to try and get you to break the anger um which is what was happening with me so he would sort of push it time and time again and do like either a voice or a character when things got really rough and I would crack and be so mad that I laughed because I was really upset that I was grounded or something we just had Annie on here actually too and I mean she is so much fun but she said you threw a good brunch I can't make anything but breakfast foods I only love breakfast great but I mean what did she bring to your brother so I would when we were shooting the show I would host these brunches so Annie shows up one time because she felt bad that she was coming empty-handed um and stopped by a KFC on the way to my brunch showed up with a bucket of chicken I had been slaving away since 7 30 in the morning I had baking to do and she shows up with this bucket of KFC my food was still on the table the bucket was empty everybody it was like people were just about to try my pancakes and then saw the chicken and were like no I'm going for this and that's how it went my own brunch she stole your thunder I know can I just talk about the fact that a little bit of Lexus is my favorite it was my musical director's idea he's the one that got me at her show and I it was my favorite thing I've literally ever done in my life basically watched I've done a lot of cool things but that is my favorite the clip hit the internet I watched it I let out a scream that could be heard across the ocean it was the single greatest piece of Television I think I've ever seen I and that's including us talking right now so that's really generous of me I love it you know what on the bounce the bounce is a crisis ever it was really hard though to like for a person that's you know I'm supposed to have rhythm so it was really hard I kept she kept laughing at me because she was like can you look more Awkward I'm like I'm really trying I was like I was I was really trying but anyway you make me laugh and now you're quitting and whatever so I'm just kidding I'm just kidding so um is it a hard thing that it's ending though for real oh God I mean I can't I can't truly Express how devastating it was to say goodbye to these people I mean we are such a close-knit family I love the show so deeply you literally our family though in many cases We are family um and I think I've just given my whole heart and soul to the show so knowing that it was ending I was a mess and I'm like a crier generally speaking me too and Annie speaking of didn't cry at all table reads the last table read of our entire episode dry as a bone is she dead and I'm thinking to myself is she dead inside what's going on the last scene we shot of our entire show she loses it yeah and cannot stop crying through the entire rehearsal to the point where I'm like we have a show to make yeah now is not the time of all the time to start crying now is the worst one um but it was very funny because I'm like will she ever break and then she broke big time oh I love it I miss shit's creek do you miss it because it was such a great cast I actually do I do I do miss it I miss I miss doing it you know when we actually rap the series I I said to myself what are we doing this this could be going on but it was the right decision yeah I mean maybe it was such a I was so obsessed well you never want to take a chance that you're going to go into another season then it's just not going to be quite as good you know and I get it but at the same time mad whatever um Andy do you ever watch old episodes like when they come on well now that the show is in syndication you know when you're kind of Channel flipping I will sometimes see the show on the air and to be honest I can watch it now as if I wasn't really in it wow you know I mean I can actually watch it as a television episode just to see how everything holds up you know yeah because when you're doing a show you have a tendency sometimes to maybe only look at yourself when you're looking at the show I don't know if you ever kind of go through that at all but you find yourself focused on yourself quite a bit just to see how am I doing how am I you know how do I look in the scene well that's great I mean this is great I'm holding up my end of the scene and then the more you kind of you know see it during the editing process and everything else the more you're looking at an episode then you you kind of notice everything else right but it's the it's an actor's thing I think I don't honestly know if it's possible for an actor to look at himself in a scene and look at the scene without looking at himself I mean I was going to say that yeah what well it is amazing though to point out though editors are amazing because after doing the voice like it's one of those things where you you're in it so you like you said you're in it you're doing your thing but then you watch it back and how they edit it together these people are so gifted at what they do they make you look funnier yeah they make you like they make the show better I'm just like wait that's not how it happened what I was like yeah they make us look way better because there's too many moments you can remember as being kind of bad moments that I wish I could take back yeah and yet you don't see it they're good when it's in the final product right because they've they have snipped it out yeah good I no I know I God bless them um so why why did you like really um why did you want to write a book on the show you know our fans are when it comes to shit's creek knowledge they are they are the most intelligent they're like Mensa they're they they know every single thing about the show so we wanted to give them a book that they would find interesting and things in the book that they actually would find interesting and and and not necessarily you know know everything about yeah right and and on social media over the years when we were doing our show a lot of great stuff would come out in social media the you know people would be Dr painting you know things and caricatures and settings and scenes yeah and we used a lot of that fan art in the uh in the book as as an acknowledgment to the people who actually went Above and Beyond in in helping to you know promote the show that they loved and it's the actors talking about their characters and talking about their favorite scenes in the show and um oh God everything you wanted to know about moira's wigs and it's I mean they're it's all it's all in there and we're we're hoping that um that the fans really really love it I imagine that be so proud to it's so cool of you to involve them like you know to have them be a part of it as well that's so cool well they were such a big part of of the success of our show because they they you know social media when people take to what you do and they're so passionate about it it can turn things around it can really turn things around they can't stop talking about it and it became infectious it really it really helped spread the word so this was like a Little Love Letter too to our fans um well speaking of wigs you brought it up um the book has this picture of you which is fantastic so what's going on here and how many drugs were you on well that that was uh take I mean it was taken on our after we wrapped the series after our very last scene doing the show which was outside at the uh Rosebud Motel and we we finished we popped some champagne yeah and I was feeling rather Merry and well one of moira's wigs was being kind of passed around one of the trailers at that point and we were all kind of you know in there together telling stories and congratulating each other and crying and saying goodbye and somebody put the wig on me and I I it felt so good I do feel like you should have an English accent and you should be stoned I think it would be a really great character for something um well Dan wrote some things on the show just to tease you right what was one I heard how to do something maybe with your hair yeah well yeah there was one I love this episode that's that's the one okay I'm a little picky about my hair uh and and it's not you know it's not vanity it's it's not vanity it's just really tough hair to do you know for me I mean I mean I'm looking at it now and it's like it's got a little curl in the front I can't do anything about it so I I'm I'm kind of touchy about you know just getting my hair it takes a while to get my hair to look the way I think it should yes he wrote an episode called the drip where I'm lying in bed and all night a drip has been dripping on my head and I wake up soaked and I you know when I read the scene I said oh Dad really like it can't drip anywhere else except on my hair I mean yeah okay okay I'll do it we should we we were shooting the scene and I take a break and I look in that little hand mirrors how can I borrow a little mirror and I checked the mirror and I'm going uh okay it's it's all right I think I can live with this and then I hear a voice saying I think it should be more wet that was dead which is Daniel that was Daniel uh and I said really he said yeah I don't think it's going to play unless it it's really got to look like it's wet this is for not getting him something at Christmas yeah this is it's from something and I could I could never to this day track exactly what it was but uh we did the scene and he got such a kick out of it honestly I mean I got as much fun watching him watching me being as miserable as I was doing the scene uh but it all worked for the scene and I got it and I knew why the hair had to be wet so I went ahead and did it he leaned in I leaned that's a real man yeah [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: The Kelly Clarkson Show
Views: 121,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Schitt's Creek, Dan Levy, Eugene Levy, Kelly Clarkson, Annie Murphy, The Kelly Clarkson Show, NBC, talk show, American Idol, The Voice, singer, musician, NBC TV, Television, Funny, comedic, humor, jokes, funny video, interview, variety, talent, celebrities, video, clip, highlight, songs, Annie Murphy interview, Eugene Levy interview, Catherine O’Hara interview, David Rose, Alexis Rose, Johnny Rose, Moira Rose, Stevie Budd, Emily Hampshire, David and Patrick, Alexis and Ted
Id: hlUMvGYblR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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