73 Questions With Dan Levy | Vogue

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[Music] hey Dad hi Hoke welcome let's do this let's do that you know why I'm here I'm gonna be asked some questions today I think 73 of them that's true how excited are you on a scale of 1 to 10 I'm at a solid 14 I enough hi come on all right let's begin this interview so what's the first thing you thought of this morning whatever is gonna eat for breakfast what's the first thing on your to-do list ordering what I was going to eat for breakfast what's the fourth thing on your to-do list figuring out where I was gonna go for lunch what's something that you feel like should be on your to-do list but it's not scheduling a workout for after the breakfast and lunch and what's your go-to breakfast blueberry ricotta pancakes from Little Dom's around the corner delicious mm-hmm all right lemon who's your favorite artist uh Chris Knight is a favorite I have a lot of his work he's also Canadian high and favorite cocktail Oh No cosmopolitan on the rocks can I say that in a 20-19 yeah you can it's okay it's a unique answer and uh what's your favorite scent anything like woody like a Burt would like a cedar or a pine something doodie okay who is this friendly little furry guy this is Redmond that was my dog and best friend how would remand describe himself if he could better than all of us how do you think he described you I don't want to know what's your favorite thing about your dog he is very calm and level-headed qualities that I strive for every day of my life okay Dan I'm a huge huge fan of shits Creek I love that show thank you and I'm just putting it out there did you have any idea when it started that you be here five seasons deep emmy-nominated next to the likes of all these shows right now absolutely not the past six years have been an absolute dream come true congratulations thank you and you acted produced wrote and show ran engines creeks mm-hmm how are you still standing oh you might want to ask my therapist I don't know I think when you do something that you're passionate about that you love it just comes quite easily which of those roles did you truly relish the most I loved doing them all at the same time there was something quite amazing about having an idea that only existed in my head and by the end of it seeing it come to life it was fantastic what we miss the most about it the people now your character David once famously said when it comes to fashion Oh durable and elegant usually don't go in hand is this really true I loved your ability in my clothing and I think this sweater is both durable and elegant so I'm gonna say I disagree with David Rose now as someone who is never not well dressed what you dial advice can you offer I think you have to feel comfortable in the clothes that you're wearing because if you were uncomfortable people can see and people can tell and that's not a good that's not a good look is there any trend you were uncomfortable trying hats but I've tried all those trends and they did not work out unfortunately what was the last thing that you purchased a house Congrats again thank you very much I don't think so Harden hmm I know I'm terrified and excited what's the most luxe thing that you've ever worn probably the Rick Owens leather jacket that I wear in the pilot episode of our show it was actually mine from my own closet I bought it with my first paycheck I went to the store in New York I swiped my credit card my hand was shaking and I worn it every day since and I'm so glad that it made it into the show you got to get your money's worth at the end of the day what is something you can never over invest in your relationships with your friends and family and loved ones wise words mmm what is your most prized possession my relationships and I mean this is gonna seem sort of boastful okay but why not I'm ready for it my MTV Movie Award I was gonna say that is an MTV Movie Award it is indeed I saw the popcorn uh and I'll tell you why it means so much to me I started my career at MTV as a television host so to win this for my role on shits Creek was like a full circle moment that's cool mm-hmm look at that it's also very healthy heavy so I use it work out yeah it's a good way to do exercise what is your favorite movie of all time Bridget Jones's Diary what is your favorite song of all time if pressed I would say I will always love you by Dolly Parton / Whitney Houston I will take either versions go combo mm-hmm now I heard a rumor that you're a huge Beyonce fan can you rank every Beyonce album first of all absolutely not that's why would I ever do that they're all masterpieces and second of all is someone not a Beyonce fan doesn't exist okay doesn't exist checking now if it's not Beyonce though can you rank every Mariah Carey album absolutely not why would you ask me that they're all masterpieces okay I get it I can hear now if you were seated at a dinner table with Beyonce and Mariah Carey how would you kick off the conversation well first of all I would have passed out when I got the invitation to that dinner so I would be unconscious for the dinner people would have to like marionette my body into making it look like I was enjoying myself I will say this Mariah Carey once tweeted about our show and I had a full panic attack big deal it is a big deal I got on the airplane and I cried thanks I don't know why I just told you that I cried that's okay I guess we're getting pretty intimate what'd you get these are blueberry ricotta pancakes from little done ah that sounds good mm-hmm now let's talk about your creative process oh that sounds intellectual it is let the time get hits huh when is the best time for your writing I feel like every CEO says in the mornings but for me it's very very late at night and where do you get your inspiration writing in my little writer snook that I'll show you right now nicely what's the most important thing for you when writing oh boy um probably to just make sure that anything I'm writing feels honest and grounded and and real yeah do you remember the first thing you ever wrote yes it was a short story about a young girl that got kidnapped and taken to rush at the turn of the century what inspired that I don't know I've never been to Russia and I know nothing about the turn of the century so I remember my grandmother crying at the story though but that could be because it was so bad ah ha ha what age did you feel confident in your voice as a writer I would like you to re asked me that question in a decade okay how do you beat writer's block on the best of days I would walk around the block on the worst of days I would plan a trip somewhere who's writing do you read or hear and feel utterly blown away by I would say Joan Didion or nowadays Phoebe Waller bed Judy wall brash fellow 73 questioner she is incredible dan would you consider yourself to be a routine person uh no I am NOT a routine person no routines so you don't have a morning or evening skincare beauty routine I would say in that case I am a routine person I have a regimented I knew it skincare routine that I don't care to share with all of you I knew it I knew it so besides the MTV Movie Award what is your exercise regimen mmm I take a lot of walks around the block like a 92 year old grandmother in Florida I have bad knees what three staples should everyone have in their closet without fail I would say a great pair of dress shoes a great pair of dress pants and a crisp white t-shirt whose fashion advice do you worship Paul Newman and I wish I could ask him about it what's something you learn from the gap that still holds true whew how to perfectly fold a turtleneck sweater if you could distill your personality and a one item of clothing what would it be and why I guess sweater yep for lack of a better idea I don't know they're versatile they can be expensive and cheap and they pretty much I guess look good on everybody does that even make sense it does okay I'll go with your word on total eco here all right you source costumes for your show which is the hardest to find season two of shits Creek I wanted this Helmut Lang mohawked hoodie that I had longed for for quite some time it took me six months to find I finally found it on eBay and we purchased it we wore it and I now have it in my closet who's her favorite designer right now Driss Van Noten who's the most fashionable character in any rom-com ever Bridget Jones favorite fashion moment any rom-com ever probably this dress is an Alaia when cher Horowitz was held at gunpoint in clueless that's a good one mm-hmm now you were born in Canada I was born in Canada proudly what does Toronto have over LA uh I would say the seasons and nice people what's the most Canadian thing about you I say sorry Elan sorry is it's sorry here I don't know I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry sorry now you said growing up that you are an introvert has a kid uh-huh still say that you are immature yes which is why a one-take 73 questions situation is not necessarily in my comfort zone well you're doing fine mm-hmm and we have some family over here oh is this a photo of you and your dad this is a photo of my family and a photo of me and my dad my dad actually gave me this little framed photo on the last day of shooting our show was it sound up um it says Daniel it was an honor being your partner son dad XO oh no I don't want to cry for you folk but I just might you're so lucky to have a father like him he is a lovely lovely sweet generous man now when you were growing up did you have any idea that he was famous not until I was around 15 when American Pie came out and then everyone started asking me if the movie was based on my life and unfortunately I have not made love to a pie you wrote his part on shits Creek I did how similar is that persona with his real life one I would say there's a lot of similarities he does not like getting his hair wet so obviously in the first season of our show I wrote a scene where his hair gets wet it's what you do dad family man yeah now everyone in the show is individually so funny indeed who was often the first to crack up I would say me and then I built it into my character I feel like David laughs a lot at people and that's just my way of blurring the lines between my unprofessionalism and his eccentricities now you must describe his creek as being a celebration of love and rather than just a comedy a drama with comedic elements that is you have to research Wow yeah would you change that uh no I think that is the most accurate description I have heard so far what's something you learned recently that really impressed you or blew your mind uh how cashews are made they're not made they're actually grown on trees anyway google it it's okay what are you currently excited about a life right now figuring out what my next show is going to be and also I have a little I've been working on something and I guess Vogue is the place to show it to I save it for both oh I'm nervous what's your favorite book it's a long-form poem called autobiography of read write what's your favorite pizza pepperoni double cheese dip any regrets Dan I feel like regrets are a waste of time what was the last thing that made you cry shooting the last episode of our entire series what was the last thing that made you cry from laughing shooting the last episode of our entire series and what was the last time that you were surprised when we got our Emmy nominations what do you want to be remembered for I guess having done some good Wow take a look at that uh-oh oh no I don't know what these are those look cool don't look too closely they're just samples but it's a little project I've been working on well I want to pair those mm-hmm now you've been lauded for how you present queer stories hmm how does it make you feel very grateful to have been given the opportunity to do that what's been the most surprising response from telling those stories probably the letters that we've received from people who have told us that the show has changed their relationships with their family and friends for the better and has made them more competent people it's incredible it's amazing you are someone who has proclaimed they love Japan yeah so this is correct verified that in fact now what do you love most about Japan as a country in culture I feel like when you're there you feel like you're trapped between the past the present and the future and that's pretty magical and what's something you always without fail have to buy when you're there glasses which is why I want to are you I'm gonna try to see which one works best see how I look for you we might have to do this fitting a little later but I would go with a sunglass I yeah I were to do anything yeah well that's my but if I had 24 hours of spend in Japan what one store bar restaurant should I have to hit okay store I would pick up something from capital with a K it's very special bar jbs which is a little record bar and bar trench which is sort of feels like Sweeney Todd England or something and restaurant there's a little dumpling place in Harajuku if you just look up best dumplings in Harajuku you will find that place but it is extraordinary and they have the most amazing cucumber salad I have every now I just brought you to a place to the last question telling him on food because the last question I have for you Dan has been great can I have some of those pancakes cuz I haven't eaten all day first of all we are not eating on camera for Vogue and second of all that is an order for one sir so no you cannot oh I'm very grateful you were here though sorry fine I'll take it all right thanks so much man thank you then really cool bye bye
Channel: Vogue
Views: 7,627,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 73 qs, 73 questions, 73qs, celebrity, dan levy, homes, style, dan levy 73 questions, dan levy interview, dan levy 73 questions interview, dan levy vogue, dan levy vogue 73 questions, dan levy 73, 73 questions with dan levy, dan levy 73 vogue, dan levy schitts creek, dan levy on schitts creek, schitts creek dan levy, schitts creek 73, 73 questions interview, 73 questions vogue interview, dan levy vogue 73, 73 questions with dan, vogue
Id: m_UGLf9mUg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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