Scenes Too Funny For Always Sunny (Bloopers)

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where is your breath my mouth no no it starts in your chest we gotta focus on your diaphragm that was a diaphragm see me here they do putting our dynamism no wait Charlie really no that's all you know that's all you know about goes you ready for your breath yeah find your breath what the hell you talking about where's your breath it's in my mouth no it's not it's in your check you need to put it in your diaphragm imma what in your diaphragm a diaphragm that's like a girl it's a part of your body it's a girl's no no no you go monkey hole it's only a matter of time because cream always rises to the top duty you so much cream inside you and it's always getting up in Dennis's face set us hates my hates that's like it's all over you can smell it rise nuts yeah why you take that hot white cream that's inside you get all that hot white cream all right uh-huh all you gotta do is take those dance moves man that cream that hot white cream you're talking about that's right we got these it made me sick all you gotta do is take those dance moves you know that cream that you're talking about bring it to the top all you gotta do dude hey yeah okay bro I got a do bad bro Hey so for you for several years I've been in complete charge of pretty much everything in my life that's actually [Music] [Laughter] that's actually that's actually me I'm sort of I sort of have a grasp on what I'm doing on a day to day basis okay work history again it's just 2006 to 2007 liaisons in business we both treat our work as if it was the most important things in our lives okay 2005 to 2006 education odd jobs here and there okay and then we have 2005 to 2006 education no it was a very educational year and we did many odd jobs 2005 to 2006 education all year okay two years it just says odd jobs here and there okay you know what let's just go the last thing is education 2005 to 2006 odd jobs here and there here and there here and there but mostly here and there okay this is Gladys she's been playing the piano instead of me tonight yes and I would live through the Coolidge administration and I never thought that I would ever be at my 99 years of age being with such beautiful people okay I love that all right now she knows all the songs everything's fine why there's a little last-minute dinner that happens okay and so Gladys can you just get out there and get us started please I'll try yeah well don't try just do okay you've been snipping at me all morning and you've been told you told me the Coolidge story like a hundred times oh I've been through the Coolidge administration but I never thought at my 99 years of age I would be with such beautiful people okay we don't have time for like time don't sniff at me you've been sniffing at me you mean you pound around getting crazy and nuts and all sorts of things just like it was when you were a kid yeah we tan it's an a dividing line I did not enjoy number when I slept I remember everything snuggle bunnies remember snuggle bunny night I'm a bunny you're a bunny snuggle snuggle snuggle I survived my childhood but it's getting my teeth you know getting nothing I get nuts with you dude oh you boys boys boys boys will not be boys Uncle Jack men will be man and act like men now oh he can be men he rapes kids mom no he doesn't he just plays with them how do you find me I always find me oh we check all the sucked places and the biscuit joints and bath houses in the area we valued this luxury this this is not no this is not a suck joint this is an adult men's rehabilitation center an adult center that's the point we're dropping so dude you're missing this it's about showmanship dude the pageantry of it all yes it's all about showmanship the pageantry of it I'm missing this yes yeah I mean dude think about Coco beware right it's about showmanship you know pageantry yeah yeah you think about Coco beware right he dressed like a power kid junkyard dog he was like the slave is a dog all right we had a chain wrapped around his ass he was like a dog in a junkyard it wasn't there's no slave thing about it I guess I missed that whole thing slaves would have been better waiting on the master beyond the junkyards he was fighting for his freedom you know what we're talking about here Charlie nerds yeah but also huh we're talking about raising kids I don't know how we're talking about raising kids yeah we are you know maybe instead of running away from this baby oh my god let's run right out to baby I'm right out to be running over no I'm bashing a stupid nurse oh my God we're gonna be this kid's dad we're gonna run up this kid and then jam it yeah I'm gonna pick him up okay when we see this kid I'm gonna grab him I'm gonna pick him up and what's better than having no dad's having a dad you know what it is or something like yeah he bit my dick he tried to be tried to snap at me but it was fine trying to snap yeah my friends not gay and he was getting a [ __ ] from the guy he's like I'm are gay another guy go snapping at him I go out but the good news is sure yeah yeah I guess so yes of you know he got the worst that shook the guy off in time know who's only raping you see mark no just my friend here yeah he got it the worst I should guy off in time he never quite made it inside of me but yeah mmm he's only raping you no apparently yeah I didn't see but I guess he didn't I guess he never actually so he was only raping you yeah yeah I guess he never know yeah they didn't rape you mr. Kelly he want he he wanted me more he was only raping you yeah he didn't bite my dick my dick is fine is it he tried to bite it Yeah right he went for it but like he never he yeah he was snapping at it but he never quite got right I found it away son so please don't say that it got bitten when it didn't I'm so sorry okay tomorrow rape is a serious offense yeah so yeah he was only raping okay I'm good so he's only ripping you yeah no well see Martin so he was only raping you yeah yeah yeah did he not know my dick is fine he was only raping you yeah No what no hidden Dana I thought you I thought you got bit no you didn't bite my dick my dick is like I think I know how we can get revenge on for him doing that I'm asleep I'm gonna bang Tim Murphy's black wife oh [ __ ] a big old black booty you know so here's how we're gonna get revenge on yes I'm gonna sleep with this big-ass black wife let's sleep with Tim Murphy's [Music] I'm gonna sleep with this it's late so here's how we're gonna get revenge on yeah I'm gonna sleep with this big ass so here's how we're gonna get revenge on I'm not making a movie about time travel those are the best ones I'm not making a movie about time trouble don't leave the best one so they're not name one thing one build tents that's the only one same name more than back in the future and going fast name our movies name another Deerhunter deer hunters about time travel yeah cuz then it just simply takes place their lives that planet for driving do not do drugs when it was Dennis's day did I complain about tying slip knots until my hands were bloody no I mean what did he need all that rope for I don't know I didn't ask because it was his day teaching you guys a valuable skill those were shoddy knots by the way they almost ruined everything shoddy not so you guys were tying they almost ruined everything I sorted it out though see that sounds sinister see that sounds bad see that sounds bad yeah I feel like he's a little bit yes we blew up his car don't bring that off the mall oh it was you guys you owe me a car okay okay um let's select yeah I know that's already doing yeah the flag mr. black what I'm gonna do don't tell them we're deflecting that's black homework I think you use the kids what's going on with your kids man [Laughter] talk a bunch of lat it's me I'll fake it wouldn't you think it you don't know your lighten anymore my a fake most of Italy gotta fake it like don't trust me no one will even got me on the streets you gotta fake you know what I mean if you're orgasming you fake it you know the guys that don't fake I can sell anything you know you how many times I fake on the streets the orgasm steve-o's you know you have to thank the guys that don't fake they're the ones that get at the worst those are guys who don't survive so I think you think you faked I guess most people maybe are you thinking are cast mute so that the raped lasts a shorter my talking sometimes you don't fake it well sometimes well sometimes you don't fake it because so well sometimes you don't fake it and it just ends okay [Laughter] yeah Michelangelo was told to draw babies with the dicks out flying around the Sistine Chapel he did just do it didn't make a certain if you didn't hit your quarter of baby you could draw all kinds of [ __ ] but then you also had to make sure you drew like you know ten times as many well the priests of the Pope's they needed to see that otherwise they couldn't get off they got into the Catholic Church the babies were flying it just was the babies were flying he just made it more exciting yeah that was their version of a summer blockbuster they didn't have movies back then so they would line up yeah yeah everyone crowds into the big church music oh I took a quick dip in what semen but what well no it was it was a sweaty club I just trying to make my way through and maybe a couple of it was a crazy cause it was a lot going on it was the crazy clubs it was a lot going on and yeah okay maybe on the way out maybe on the way out I got hit in the face with a couple of days that's not the point okay yes okay man yes um would it be okay if we went with the tall very mass yeah we still know that but like a woman all that sure actually we're gonna split you guys up alright only about 10 minutes left there charlie how you holding up what only what not pay you holding up um I'm not holding up how do you hold up what is that I can't hold up what is that what do you yeah can't hold up it's a gas right it's again the air actually cool you make enough for everybody mm-hmm yeah also I know it just makes me [ __ ] cool cool you could enjoy hey mumble I know you know I did you know that I'm actually a twin like not just with the hats but like I have a twin sister yeah yeah she farts a [ __ ] ton of that Charlie if you're gonna tell me that was your finger gonna kick your ass no that was definitely big yeah she's real aggressive with those fingers personally I'm not into it European thing for sure because it feels like it has the darkness of the Cold War Eastern Europeans and fleas are like batbox and then they've brought something else you can see some [ __ ] here think about all the plastic army men that you buying this in the hole and the fun stores yeah the fun story I'd like the the rubber snakes no you're always scared exactly yeah I know all the little rubber bouncy balls oh they got so high yeah man that's up now I think I'm losing because they bounce in outer space or some [ __ ] you know what you eat them I eat some of them do you have any left you ate them all yeah how many you got left yeah can you wait a mall I tested the model and it's well tested in your mouth and swallowed it that's eating yeah you lose them sometimes man but you eat them yeah yeah I've seen you put them in your mouth I've just tested them you test them just see cuz you never know if they're flavoured ones right they're not flavor because they're not you're not supposed to eat them yeah well there is a flavor that's kind of like of course I'm ready as a flavor factory kind of thing right yeah yeah well don't eat oh well no like I said I'm just testing them and you know a testament sometimes I'm testing them in my stomach to see how they pass well that's eating once it goes from your mouth to your stomach that's eating yeah but I'm not seeing it that way you know what I mean like when I'm doing it does not my intention mmm-hmm in the game a long time you've been here forever yeah ever since laser technology was made available to the general public in the mid 1980s that's how long we've been playing floor play the game 2005 [Music] we don't want you to lukewarm milk Liam stop breaking bricks wet nips we don't want your warm milk Liam breaking bricks wet nips huh Mike she's still expecting a call well she's not gonna get one right your father okay dude Jesus I'll go I'm not gonna call her all right well she's not gonna get you what's going on okay I thought you were alone you brother Ryan right now what's Ryan think about all this Ryan's dead oh really to me he's dead [Laughter]
Channel: blashco
Views: 2,132,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rm4mKh9O7J4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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