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take a look at this Jesus Christ that right there is the mail now let's talk about the mail can we talk about the mail please mark I'm dying to talk about the males with you all day okay this one's gonna sit in the front I hope he doesn't try to touch me don't touch me raping the robot you're gonna be rubbing the robot no he's not here and that's why I need you to do it for me please please oh Jesus just eat it with the skin I do not like it with the skin D I'm not allowed to eat it with the skin I'm not allowed moved into this neighborhood and I'm hoping that by raising awareness we can force him out of the neighborhood and away from our children yeah once and forever oh God that noise yes it's too loud can we can we just turn it down a touch Mrs Kelly yes why are you doing everything in threes oh so Charlie doesn't die check this thing out man it's like a weapon cool bro holy [ __ ] where did you learn how to play like that oh man keyboards just make sense to me man I get him you know nice to meet you boys what the hell was that all about just comes up and starts talking to us [Music] don't make that noise I don't like it all right don't you start making that noise but all right it's not funny when they do it it's definitely not funny [Music] dear you sick no I feel great oh I haven't had a chance to shower for a few days I've been gaming like a loon think there's no answer you're so stupid yeah of course we can't that's stupid why would we even yeah oh I have a rescue dog outside okay that was jarring there was no contact for that sorry sorry I'm just uh give it to me I'm trying to get it give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me give me how about your favorite food what would that be oh milk steak what milk stick no she won't know what it is Charlie nobody knows what that is you're not even listening to me no I heard you you said a bunch of words right look at this oh I don't know what you're saying dude is that a question I don't understand what's going on okay thank you don't touch no no I know I didn't mean that oh boom remember that oh Simon Simon dude this game was my favorite do you remember how challenging this was yeah but Charlie don't get lost in that okay just I got the first one bro oh it just threw me a curveball here did you catch that uh it went beep I know but I don't know what order which one was B which one lit up the yellow and blue both lit up well then press yeah I don't remember which order it happened oh okay yeah you got it you got lucky though okay now three happened and I have no idea which three don't don't look directly at them Jesus Christ you know glance around the room a little bit you know land on them plants around the room yeah too obvious how do you want me to look at them with your eyes just look with your eyes be subtle be small are we good man I just oh you bite that dude by a moving watch me bust out this sweet jackknife [Music] I feel like if I talk to him it's gonna kind of slip out well just don't let it slip out just I know but I kind of want to tell them oh my God look at this we wrap stuff [Music] electrics electrics that's what I'm thinking I think I think we should actually split up in teams and then when we find something we come we come back together and we put we use the collective brain power I'm sorry Frank that gum chewing is insane what the chewing of the gum that's happening it right in my ear it's ludicrous that that is the most irritating sound on Earth that doesn't make any sense it doesn't have to make sense you're right I'm gonna do it see what I got four grand right here oh my God that's crazy I just got five grand for my dad dudes that's perfect I just got 25 cents uh from the machine over there 25 cents not gonna get a [ __ ] man oh no I mean I just got it now I have more saved up well okay well how much do you have total from the machines and my paycheck and just like saving the corners and [ __ ] I've stayed with like Fifty seven thousand dollars okay hi hi can I help you can I help you help you okay I bet you wish you could win this pageant don't you my mom says I'm not pretty enough your mom doesn't know dick she's a dumb fat cow and your sister she is a stupid little [ __ ] mouth [ __ ] isn't she you just did a lot of bad words [Applause] yeah take your robe off yeah you got your clothes on you got to take your clothes off that's no way they're not getting naked in public is that table having a meal consisting only of loud noise screams and hollers I just made some big things happen big things baby the night man's badass dude he has the eyes of a cat and does karate across the stage yeah karate no I made that up D first you wanted to kill it and now you're bringing it back to the bar yeah I named him Peter Peter nickel eater because last night in the car he tried to eat a nickel it was the cutest thing I've ever seen [Laughter] hi my name is Walter Harris I'm with the Family Association for the protection of children okay ah you know I I'm I'm pretty much I'm in charge of this the chairs and setting up the chairs that's terrible that was my Wild Card face all right what message are you trying to send with that really wasn't a good one so what if it's more like like um and you want them to think that you're gonna take a dump I just don't know what message you're trying oh man you're forcing it oh my God you're really forcing it I better look in America because what I'm doing and what it looks like for like two to four no Dennis can not eat cheese because cheese is poison hello Jack Kelly the pleasure is all mine it's a pleasure to meet you pleasures still why don't we just get started why don't we just get started you can't tell me what to do I didn't tell you what you're skipping a lie dude yeah ah you can't tell me he's getting the same line Jesus Christ uh hey guys what do you want Charlie we're busy I want to apologize about um snapping earlier today with words that you guys and then I came here to make an apology apology words I don't know I don't remember okay thank you well hang on hang on a second I got you guys a flower arrangement for you great oh you can't just have it there's a plan I have to come in and give it to you and put it down I want to put a tin can in the water though with a string you know because when I ate I just thought I'd be cool and put it in your ear you put in your mouth yeah I mean that's not cool but well it's classy yeah neither let's just find a hiding spot okay okay good I'm thinking if I get in the bed and I get real low and flat and maybe you're underneath me or on top of me you know they won't see us how does that work okay well see here's the problem if I get all balled up and small I get too high and you'll see that there's somewhere in the bed now the further and wider I go the flatter I become like a starfish you know but what in the hell are you talking about what's that what's that what's that that's another coat man oh can I have it no well you already got one Frank use your head this is the coat that's gonna protect my other coat you guys like me right [Music] I gotta have the bumper get ready for a rock in the eye bro damn it you guys I am a teacher now okay don't ever call me here again I don't have time for your [ __ ] you dumbass dick bags no yes no yes no yes no yes no okay but no just left no hey come here come here Charlie what are you what are you doing gotta kicked out of the gang what are you up to you want to hang out no Charlie I don't want to hang out I have a job I'm a teacher now so I gotta get back to inspiring some students yeah that's pretty sweet you want to talk some inspiration my way you know because the guys think Smitty's all that and like I'm no good okay Charlie how about this you are really good at cleaning [ __ ] out of toilets and taking trash and throwing it into dumpsters so why don't you get a new job somewhere else doing those kinds of things and make friends there okay great day so are you saying get a job here as the janitor and then you and I can be best friends that is absolutely not what I was saying I'm gonna talk to the principal see if I can get that job and then we'll work on the Friendship no don't do that Charlie don't do that that's impressive yeah do you inspire me she said you're an awesome janitor Charlie you can make this whole school slippery that's sure I'll give it my best shot then she's like let's be best friends and I was like sure I'll give that my best shot too so we're best friends now yeah that's that's quite a conversation you had with her isn't it I'm eating because I'm very uncomfortable well I you guys are making can you just get on the stage please and can we finish this rehearsal it was really loud I mean don't start technically that wasn't five minutes okay you know what you guys had me up to here okay I don't see any blue on this menu well hang on don't interrupt why do you want to eat blue the best foods are blue oh you know what dude maybe you are like from the McDonald family like like are you the Ronald McDonald like is the hamburger clown named after you can't tell if you're making fun of me right now oh nothing more unattractive than desperation yeah so no not him no talking about you no not him either yeah I am talking about you you know what never mind look at Charlie you're breaking his spirit I'm broken dude look I'm give me some more gum for Dennis no I don't trust you why not because you're just gonna put in your mouth and eat it again I won't I promise his neck is high makes me trust him why would you do that oh it's all happening so fast I'm here for Revenge okay sure Alan what's my character again you're the dawn man right and how many drinks have I had at this point you are you're not in the scenario I've had five okay I think you're in Charlie's bedroom it's where he goes to be alone and break bottles no you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna hang out the bathroom for a while you're gonna hang out in the bathroom yeah for a while why it's a gay thing stop it's true or a lot this game has gone on long enough [ __ ] are you doing an accident yeah he's doing a British it was a British accent that was British yeah I had it so good in my head uh I was doing a really good British accent it doesn't matter anyway you look like a GI Joe action okay loosen up and huh that's way stiffer that's pretty good right there Charlie you look so awkward Dennis is acting weird and I don't like it now I know he's got something planned but he's not indicating so I don't know what it is right I get that I guess yes yes exactly Charlie so here's the plan we need to outsmart him before he can have us murdered do you need a glass of water or something no I'm good what's happening I'm I'm being Arch oh we're doing a thing together so you know yeah no I know just because you're telling me okay fine oh God beer got sufficient in how it updates you know what I mean like one little chirp it can warn a whole group of like an eagle or whatever it doesn't need to like chirp over and over and over again yeah I'm sorry are you schooling me on meerkat knowledge seems like I have to oh oh is that right well first of all smartypants they don't chirp they cheer up oh yeah you think you know it's not about the meerkat well did you know that the alpha pair will send Mark to subordinate to show that it's the leader if they find the week when they start pissing all over it yes of course I know that Charlie we watch the same documentary [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] kissing's gross how is kissing gross we know we just don't like it we're not into it you know is it sticky oh yeah Charlie open up we got a dick hole in the bar I need you to come fill it in okay I gotta have a pillar dick hole bro [Music] I can't do this the only way that my dad is not going to kill us is if he thinks we're already dead oh great I was hoping you'd say that great let's kill ourselves let's do it no no you didn't let me finish that's no problem dude I'm totally on board okay I'm gonna grab a knife I'm gonna jab it into your neck oh yank it out okay then your blood's gonna start going nobody you'll die in five or ten minutes depending on the horrific that looks I'll probably do it myself too we don't care it's fine no to the left not to the left you say didn't say that don't talk out loud to me Roger that who's Roger who's Roger just thinking about legally changing my name to Roger what's wrong with your ear dude spider crawled up in my ear living there right sends its thoughts to me I have an announcement to make all right thank you for gathering for me I'm wearing a mess shirt it's totally sweet because Charlie was a little bit of a psychopath he had this thing when he got excited his face would turn purple and he just started biting things I don't think Mary would have put his dick anywhere near save the dog save the dong save the dog I agree oh for God's sakes this is why you don't include women don't you see that there was a rhythm like a cinematic rhythm bye and thundergun I am thundergun I am thundergun I am Thunder God damn it dude how did you not feel that I was next and then you I've never failed to it and then it's like we're trying to give the woman the final thing and she can't do it okay start it over you want me to serve the squash and the beef so we're literally serving squash and beef you said we're squashing beef I thought it would be part of the ceremony to have squash and beef yeah it's all about the ceremony that's why I got this bucket of dirt and Hatchet so we can have ceremonial burying of the Hatchery right and after we do that we're going to wipe the Slate clean go and go and go and go go and go and go go go crazy in the brain for a second my eyes were all like uh I couldn't think straight shirt is ruined I know dude give me your shirt what give me it's a totally different shirt yeah laughs yeah nope we got it we got we need yeah no no okay uh no then pass them okay then you associate with Charlie Chaplin um okay name a foreign country whose films are popular in America France [Music] little mustache yeah read it dear Chase oh [ __ ] they're stickers oh my god oh they gotta Jazz it up yeah you sure do you want to make it you sure do it's too hard too fast foreign still a little bit too hard simple do you know what I'm saying dude I think it was a centaur okay look after you one two three no it's fine your license plate says scamming uh uh no what do you mean no yes what's your favorite hobby uh magnets okay making magnets collecting magnets playing with magnets just magnets upset because I'm not saying right guys I want a dog funeral you really like driving this home and It's upsetting because like now I'm getting the neck thing I feel I feel I'm getting upset yeah you're getting that yeah you're absolutely not do you stop dancing you need our help we need your help let's work something out here I don't know which stance Stop Standing like me I was gonna invite you guys all to a rave to hang out but now I don't want to hang out with you anymore oh my God do you guys want to go I have glow sticks dude what was the last time you drove don't worry about it man I can drive I'll remember how what happened dude what happened I forgot how to drive I forgot how to drive oh God I'm Gonna Be Alone okay you you blow it up I mean Lexus I'm going to the crevice Charlie don't go in the crevice uh come on man oh my God hey smack he wants to go rage I don't care I'm in the crevice he's in the crevice [ __ ] no not milkshakes Gatorade and it's gonna be my favorite flavor blue what the hell is this it's a peace treaty we need you to sign that I thought I was getting an eye and an eye why would you think that you kept making comments you're hinting About Eyes anyway what's up well don't look at me excuse me look up oh okay is this good that's fine probably the weirdest guy in the universe you know probably even weirder than someone from Saturn why do you think you're weird it's weird I guess too much I feel too much what is going on up here I never know man the world is our oyster don't say oysters say clam the world is our clam yeah I like clams better like clams well that doesn't sound very good they're both shellfish so it's kind of the same yeah one's disgusting and one's delicious you know we wash our Fish Secret potential clams your bait claim she's right pop a rubber band around them stuff them full of bread ball them shits for an hour there's a million ways you can prepare a clam make the world your clan this sounds better I'm I missed out on the whole thing to be honest with you I was confused by it I'm very confused by the I was very confused by the whole thing to be if I'm being honest [Music] [Music] who's this guy well [Music] what's he doing just shut up and let him work [Music] what are your dislikes people's needs oh come on you know what we'll just make it all up we'll make the whole thing up we'll talk in the picture we'll make it up cover your knees up if you're going to be walking around everywhere ah plus she didn't even feel a thing what what that's the punchline to Mack banging our mom she didn't she didn't even notice oh D Jesus Christ your timing is so bad yeah I'm well adjusted you know because of my lack of traditions I'll adjust to that you like you're mirroring my words but you're not exactly understanding that now I'd ask you guys to leave but I'm just too damn happy we don't know each other how are you nice to meet you it looks like he may commit suicide suicide is badass no no no Rudy's not trying to kill himself we don't know I need to jump I guess yeah yeah yeah right Mac is the one who's the badass I don't remember that I'll tell you what Charlie go put on those little short shorts what are you talking about well you said that we're all in the same outfit right so I'm trying to figure like who goes where same as in matching not same as in jammed into the same set of clothing okay not sure that's as good because shut up some people say it's better than busting a nut excuse me bust in a nut it's like uh you know blowing your load oh he said it was a funny joke uh hold on yeah it's like coming all over you no it's light it's playful yeah well no see listen to it I can't tell you he's listening he's not understanding yeah he doesn't even like get us man it's we're talking about you ah okay let's move on from it what do you think is happening right now guys it doesn't matter it's good you know Mr Tibbs oh is that it is that Mr tip is that what they call you they call you Mr Tibbs what do they call you now whatever and I don't care I love the guy all right he's family you know I mean we've been through a lot together Okay so you know is it wrong for me to love him I don't know if I have to listen to you talk about this stupid goddamn stuffed elephant anymore I'm going to punch you hey hey everybody's moving so fast all of a sudden it freaks me out flushing things gives me control it's a thing that's not a thing that's not a thing I've never heard of that thing all right I have to piss out of my penis right hey nobody Minds if I do a little dancing right now dude nobody cares if you're dancing Charlie bone in my foot putting that football really good all right it's not working all right I gotta use your head okay yes yes hold me sideways and use my hands like a battery around all right pick me up off the ground okay I love the dark I love slippery things I love being naked uh in the sewer bleach smells good it tastes good you know but it's just like oh stop talking about hair please it's very annoying to me you're welcome kind of don't know what else to say say I will have dinner with you and thank you for this and thank you tastes like sand like sand I want my 35 cents back Charlie give him the pair again I just ate it the whole thing yeah it was pretty gross the stem and then in the core you didn't tell me not to eat the stem dude did you eat the stickers that are all over it yeah it was gross of course it's gross it's a sticker probably stickers all the time dude okay Andrew bake no no no no is he just gonna talk at me I'm gonna lose my [ __ ] not like Max ever had an orgasm holy [ __ ] you're late she was late go back in your life
Channel: desert grape
Views: 1,485,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OO8qMLeEsiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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